Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2004 by Tobias Buchloh. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if * you aren't using an obsolete version: * */ package de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.widgets.BasicTextField; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.widgets.BasicUrlField; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.widgets.PasswordElement; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.BankAccount; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.CreditCard; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.GenericAccount; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.ModelNode; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.NetAccount; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.model.SecuredFile; import de.tbuchloh.kiskis.util.DateUtils; import de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentChangedEvent; import de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener; import de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListenerList; import de.tbuchloh.util.swing.SpringUtilities; import de.tbuchloh.util.swing.widgets.LinkLabel; import de.tbuchloh.util.swing.widgets.ObservableTextArea; import de.tbuchloh.util.swing.widgets.ObservableTextField; import de.wannawork.jcalendar.JCalendarComboBox; /** * <b>AbstractAccountDetailView</b>: * * @author gandalf * @version $Id:,v 1.10 2007/02/18 14:37:48 tbuchloh Exp * $ */ public abstract class AbstractAccountDetailView extends SpecialView implements SpecialActions, ContentListener { protected static final class DateField implements TypedField, ChangeListener { private final JCalendarComboBox _comp; private final ContentListenerList _listener; /** * creates a new DateField */ public DateField() { super(); _comp = new JCalendarComboBox(); _comp.addChangeListener(this); _listener = new ContentListenerList(); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#addContentListener(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener) */ @Override public void addContentListener(final ContentListener l) { _listener.addListener(l); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getComponent() */ @Override public Component getComponent() { return _comp; } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { return _comp.getCalendar(); } /** * Overridden! * * @param obj * has to be a Calendar * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#setValue(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void setValue(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { obj = DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(); } _comp.setCalendar((Calendar) obj); } /** * Overridden! * * @see javax.swing.event.ChangeListener#stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) */ @Override public void stateChanged(final ChangeEvent e) { _listener.fireEvent(new ContentChangedEvent(this)); } } protected static final class PasswordField implements TypedField, ContentChangedListener { private final PasswordElement _comp; private final ContentListenerList _listener; /** * creates a new PasswordField */ public PasswordField() { _comp = new PasswordElement(new char[0]); _comp.addContentChangedListener(this); _comp.setShowQualityLabel(false); _listener = new ContentListenerList(); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#addContentListener(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener) */ @Override public void addContentListener(final ContentListener l) { _listener.addListener(l); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.ContentChangedListener#contentChanged(boolean) */ @Override public void contentChanged(final boolean changed) { _listener.fireEvent(new ContentChangedEvent(this)); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getComponent() */ @Override public Component getComponent() { return _comp; } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { return String.valueOf(_comp.getPwd()); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#setValue(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void setValue(Object obj) { char[] pwd; if (obj == null) { pwd = new char[0]; } else if (obj instanceof String) { pwd = ((String) obj).toCharArray(); } else if (obj instanceof char[]) { pwd = (char[]) obj; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(obj.getClass().getName()); } _comp.setPassword(pwd); } } protected static final class StringField implements TypedField { private final ObservableTextField _comp; public StringField() { _comp = new BasicTextField(); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#addContentListener(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener) */ @Override public void addContentListener(final ContentListener l) { _comp.addContentListener(l); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getComponent() */ @Override public Component getComponent() { return _comp; } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { return _comp.getText(); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#setValue(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void setValue(final Object obj) { _comp.setText((String) obj); } } protected static final class TextField implements TypedField { private final ObservableTextArea _comp; /** * creates a new TextField */ public TextField() { super(); _comp = new ObservableTextArea(); _comp.setRows(5); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#addContentListener(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener) */ @Override public void addContentListener(final ContentListener l) { _comp.addContentListener(l); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getComponent() */ @Override public Component getComponent() { final JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(_comp); return sp; } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { return _comp.getText(); } /** * Overridden! * * @param obj * has to be a String. * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#setValue(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void setValue(final Object obj) { _comp.setText((String) obj); _comp.setCaretPosition(0); } } protected static interface TypedField { public void addContentListener(ContentListener l); public Component getComponent(); public Object getValue(); public void setValue(Object obj); } protected static final class UrlField implements TypedField, ContentListener { private final BasicUrlField _comp; /** * creates a new UrlField */ public UrlField() { super(); _comp = new BasicUrlField(); _comp.addContentListener(this); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#addContentListener(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener) */ @Override public void addContentListener(final ContentListener l) { _comp.addContentListener(l); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener#contentChanged(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentChangedEvent) */ @Override public void contentChanged(final ContentChangedEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == _comp) { _comp.getOpenURLAction().setEnabled(_comp.getText().length() > 0); } } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getComponent() */ @Override public Component getComponent() { final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(10, 0)); panel.add(_comp); panel.add(new LinkLabel(_comp.getOpenURLAction()), BorderLayout.EAST); return panel; } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#getValue() */ @Override public Object getValue() { return _comp.getText(); } /** * Overridden! * * @param obj * has to be a String. * @see de.tbuchloh.kiskis.gui.GenericAccountView.TypedField#setValue(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void setValue(final Object obj) { _comp.setText((String) obj); } } protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractAccountDetailView.class); private static final Hashtable<Class, Class> NODE_MAP = initNodeMap(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static AbstractAccountDetailView create(final ModelNode node) { final Class<?> c = NODE_MAP.get(node.getClass()); try { final Constructor<?> builder = c.getConstructor(new Class[] { ModelNode.class }); return (AbstractAccountDetailView) builder.newInstance(new Object[] { node }); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new Error("should never happen!", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * initializes the map which stores (Class, Class)-pairs. The key is the * model class, the value is the view class. * * @return the map */ private static Hashtable<Class, Class> initNodeMap() { final Hashtable<Class, Class> map = new Hashtable<Class, Class>(); map.put(BankAccount.class, BankAccountView.class); map.put(CreditCard.class, CreditCardView.class); map.put(GenericAccount.class, GenericAccountView.class); map.put(NetAccount.class, NetAccountView.class); map.put(SecuredFile.class, SecuredFileView.class); return map; } /** * creates a new AbstractAccountDetailView * */ public AbstractAccountDetailView() { super(); } protected void addRow(final JPanel panel, final String labelText, final Component comp) { final JLabel label = new JLabel(labelText, SwingConstants.TRAILING); panel.add(label); label.setLabelFor(comp); panel.add(comp); } /** * Overridden! * * @see de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentListener#contentChanged(de.tbuchloh.util.event.ContentChangedEvent) */ @Override public final void contentChanged(final ContentChangedEvent e) { fireContentChangedEvent(true); } /** * @return the title of this detailed view. */ public abstract String getTitle(); /** * @return true if the {@link AbstractAccountDetailView} should be hidden, false if * it should be visible */ public boolean isHidden() { return false; } protected void makeGrid(final JPanel panel, final int rows) { SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(panel, rows, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10); } }