Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * SORMAS - Surveillance Outbreak Response Management & Analysis System * Copyright 2016-2018 Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Infektionsforschung GmbH (HZI) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package de.symeda.sormas.ui.dashboard.contacts; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.vaadin.hene.popupbutton.PopupButton; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.OptionGroup; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import de.symeda.sormas.api.FacadeProvider; import; import; import; import; import de.symeda.sormas.api.i18n.Captions; import de.symeda.sormas.api.i18n.I18nProperties; import de.symeda.sormas.api.utils.DateHelper; import de.symeda.sormas.ui.UserProvider; import de.symeda.sormas.ui.dashboard.DashboardDataProvider; import de.symeda.sormas.ui.dashboard.diagram.AbstractEpiCurveComponent; import de.symeda.sormas.ui.dashboard.diagram.EpiCurveGrouping; import de.symeda.sormas.ui.utils.CssStyles; public class ContactsEpiCurveComponent extends AbstractEpiCurveComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6582975657305031105L; private ContactsEpiCurveMode epiCurveContactsMode; public ContactsEpiCurveComponent(DashboardDataProvider dashboardDataProvider) { super(dashboardDataProvider); } @Override protected PopupButton createEpiCurveModeSelector() { if (epiCurveContactsMode == null) { epiCurveContactsMode = ContactsEpiCurveMode.FOLLOW_UP_STATUS; epiCurveLabel.setValue(epiCurveContactsMode.toString() + " Chart"); } PopupButton dataDropdown = new PopupButton(I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardData));, CssStyles.BUTTON_SUBTLE); VerticalLayout groupingLayout = new VerticalLayout(); groupingLayout.setMargin(true); groupingLayout.setSizeUndefined(); dataDropdown.setContent(groupingLayout); OptionGroup dataSelect = new OptionGroup(); dataSelect.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE); dataSelect.addItems((Object[]) ContactsEpiCurveMode.values()); dataSelect.setValue(epiCurveContactsMode);; dataSelect.addValueChangeListener(e -> { epiCurveContactsMode = (ContactsEpiCurveMode) e.getProperty().getValue(); epiCurveLabel.setValue(epiCurveContactsMode.toString() + " Chart"); clearAndFillEpiCurveChart(); }); groupingLayout.addComponent(dataSelect); return dataDropdown; } @Override public void clearAndFillEpiCurveChart() { StringBuilder hcjs = new StringBuilder(); hcjs.append("var options = {" + "chart:{ " + " type: 'column', " + " backgroundColor: 'transparent' " + "}," + "credits:{ enabled: false }," + "exporting:{ " + " enabled: true," + " buttons:{ contextButton:{ theme:{ fill: 'transparent' } } }" + "}," + "title:{ text: '' },"); // Creates and sets the labels for each day on the x-axis List<Date> datesGroupedBy = buildListOfFilteredDates(); // When grouped by week/month, these mark the start of the week/month List<String> newLabels = new ArrayList<>(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); for (Date date : datesGroupedBy) { if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.DAY) { String label = DateHelper.formatLocalShortDate(date); newLabels.add(label); } else if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.WEEK) { calendar.setTime(date); String label = DateHelper.getEpiWeek(date).toShortString(); newLabels.add(label); } else { String label = DateHelper.formatDateWithMonthAbbreviation(date); newLabels.add(label); } } hcjs.append("xAxis: { categories: ["); for (String s : newLabels) { if (newLabels.indexOf(s) == newLabels.size() - 1) { hcjs.append("'" + s + "']},"); } else { hcjs.append("'" + s + "', "); } } hcjs.append("yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardNumberOfContacts) + "' }, allowDecimals: false, softMax: 10, " + "stackLabels: { enabled: true, " + "style: {fontWeight: 'normal', textOutline: '0', gridLineColor: '#000000', color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'gray' } } }," + "legend: { verticalAlign: 'top', backgroundColor: 'transparent', align: 'left', " + "borderWidth: 0, shadow: false, margin: 30, padding: 0 }," + "tooltip: { headerFormat: '<b>{point.x}</b><br/>', pointFormat: '{}: {point.y}<br/>" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardTotal) + ": {point.stackTotal}'}," + "plotOptions: { column: { borderWidth: 0, stacking: 'normal', groupPadding: 0, pointPadding: 0, dataLabels: {" + "enabled: true, formatter: function() { if (this.y > 0) return this.y; }," + "color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.dataLabelsColor) || 'white' } } },"); if (epiCurveContactsMode == ContactsEpiCurveMode.CONTACT_CLASSIFICATION) { int[] unconfirmedNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; int[] confirmedNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < datesGroupedBy.size(); i++) { Date date = datesGroupedBy.get(i); ContactCriteria contactCriteria = new ContactCriteria() .caseDisease(dashboardDataProvider.getDisease()) .caseRegion(dashboardDataProvider.getRegion()) .caseDistrict(dashboardDataProvider.getDistrict()); if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.DAY) { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfDay(date), DateHelper.getEndOfDay(date)); } else if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.WEEK) { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfWeek(date), DateHelper.getEndOfWeek(date)); } else { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfMonth(date), DateHelper.getEndOfMonth(date)); } Map<ContactClassification, Long> contactCounts = FacadeProvider.getContactFacade() .getNewContactCountPerClassification(contactCriteria, UserProvider.getCurrent().getUuid()); Long unconfirmedCount = contactCounts.get(ContactClassification.UNCONFIRMED); Long confirmedCount = contactCounts.get(ContactClassification.CONFIRMED); unconfirmedNumbers[i] = unconfirmedCount != null ? unconfirmedCount.intValue() : 0; confirmedNumbers[i] = confirmedCount != null ? confirmedCount.intValue() : 0; } hcjs.append("series: ["); hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardUnconfirmed) + "', color: '#808080', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < unconfirmedNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == unconfirmedNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(unconfirmedNumbers[i] + "]},"); } else { hcjs.append(unconfirmedNumbers[i] + ", "); } } hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardConfirmed) + "', color: '#005A9C', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < confirmedNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == confirmedNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(confirmedNumbers[i] + "]}]};"); } else { hcjs.append(confirmedNumbers[i] + ", "); } } } else if (epiCurveContactsMode == ContactsEpiCurveMode.FOLLOW_UP_STATUS) { int[] underFollowUpNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; int[] lostToFollowUpNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; int[] completedFollowUpNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; int[] canceledFollowUpNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; int[] convertedNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < datesGroupedBy.size(); i++) { Date date = datesGroupedBy.get(i); ContactCriteria contactCriteria = new ContactCriteria() .caseDisease(dashboardDataProvider.getDisease()) .caseRegion(dashboardDataProvider.getRegion()) .caseDistrict(dashboardDataProvider.getDistrict()); if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.DAY) { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfDay(date), DateHelper.getEndOfDay(date)); } else if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.WEEK) { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfWeek(date), DateHelper.getEndOfWeek(date)); } else { contactCriteria.reportDateBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfMonth(date), DateHelper.getEndOfMonth(date)); } Map<FollowUpStatus, Long> contactCounts = FacadeProvider.getContactFacade() .getNewContactCountPerFollowUpStatus(contactCriteria, UserProvider.getCurrent().getUuid()); Map<ContactStatus, Long> contactStatusCounts = FacadeProvider.getContactFacade() .getNewContactCountPerStatus(contactCriteria, UserProvider.getCurrent().getUuid()); Long underFollowUpCount = contactCounts.get(FollowUpStatus.FOLLOW_UP); Long lostToFollowUpCount = contactCounts.get(FollowUpStatus.LOST); Long completedFollowUpCount = contactCounts.get(FollowUpStatus.COMPLETED); Long canceledFollowUpCount = contactCounts.get(FollowUpStatus.CANCELED); Long convertedCount = contactStatusCounts.get(ContactStatus.CONVERTED); underFollowUpNumbers[i] = underFollowUpCount != null ? underFollowUpCount.intValue() : 0; lostToFollowUpNumbers[i] = lostToFollowUpCount != null ? lostToFollowUpCount.intValue() : 0; completedFollowUpNumbers[i] = completedFollowUpCount != null ? completedFollowUpCount.intValue() : 0; canceledFollowUpNumbers[i] = canceledFollowUpCount != null ? canceledFollowUpCount.intValue() : 0; convertedNumbers[i] = convertedCount != null ? convertedCount.intValue() : 0; } hcjs.append("series: ["); hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardUnderFollowUpShort) + "', color: '#005A9C', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < underFollowUpNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == underFollowUpNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(underFollowUpNumbers[i] + "]},"); } else { hcjs.append(underFollowUpNumbers[i] + ", "); } } hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardLostToFollowUpShort) + "', color: '#FF0000', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < lostToFollowUpNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == lostToFollowUpNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(lostToFollowUpNumbers[i] + "]},"); } else { hcjs.append(lostToFollowUpNumbers[i] + ", "); } } hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardCompletedFollowUpShort) + "', color: '#32CD32', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < completedFollowUpNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == completedFollowUpNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(completedFollowUpNumbers[i] + "]},"); } else { hcjs.append(completedFollowUpNumbers[i] + ", "); } } hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardCanceledFollowUpShort) + "', color: '#FF8C00', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < canceledFollowUpNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == canceledFollowUpNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(canceledFollowUpNumbers[i] + "]},"); } else { hcjs.append(canceledFollowUpNumbers[i] + ", "); } } hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardConvertedToCase) + "', color: '#00BFFF', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < convertedNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == convertedNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(convertedNumbers[i] + "]}]};"); } else { hcjs.append(convertedNumbers[i] + ", "); } } } else if (epiCurveContactsMode == ContactsEpiCurveMode.FOLLOW_UP_UNTIL) { int[] followUpUntilNumbers = new int[newLabels.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < datesGroupedBy.size(); i++) { Date date = datesGroupedBy.get(i); ContactCriteria contactCriteria = new ContactCriteria() .caseDisease(dashboardDataProvider.getDisease()) .caseRegion(dashboardDataProvider.getRegion()) .caseDistrict(dashboardDataProvider.getDistrict()); if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.DAY) { contactCriteria.followUpUntilBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfDay(date), DateHelper.getEndOfDay(date)); } else if (epiCurveGrouping == EpiCurveGrouping.WEEK) { contactCriteria.followUpUntilBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfWeek(date), DateHelper.getEndOfWeek(date)); } else { contactCriteria.followUpUntilBetween(DateHelper.getStartOfMonth(date), DateHelper.getEndOfMonth(date)); } followUpUntilNumbers[i] = FacadeProvider.getContactFacade().getFollowUpUntilCount(contactCriteria, UserProvider.getCurrent().getUuid()); } hcjs.append("series: ["); hcjs.append("{ name: '" + I18nProperties.getCaption(Captions.dashboardFollowUpUntilShort) + "', color: '#00BFFF', dataLabels: { allowOverlap: false }, data: ["); for (int i = 0; i < followUpUntilNumbers.length; i++) { if (i == followUpUntilNumbers.length - 1) { hcjs.append(followUpUntilNumbers[i] + "]}]};"); } else { hcjs.append(followUpUntilNumbers[i] + ", "); } } } epiCurveChart.setHcjs(hcjs.toString()); } }