Java tutorial
/* * SWAMP Workflow Administration and Management Platform * * Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Schmidt ( * Copyright (c) 2006 Novell Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin * St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, Novell Inc. gives permission to link the * code of this program with the following applications: * * - All applications of the Apache Software Foundation * * and distribute such linked combinations. */ package de.suse.swamp.core.api; import java.beans.*; import java.util.*; import*; import de.suse.swamp.core.container.*; import de.suse.swamp.core.container.SecurityManager; import*; import de.suse.swamp.core.filter.*; import*; import de.suse.swamp.core.util.*; import de.suse.swamp.core.util.SecurityException; import de.suse.swamp.core.workflow.*; import de.suse.swamp.util.*; /** * @author Thomas Schmidt <> */ public class WorkflowAPI { public LRUMap doGetWorkflowCache(String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException, StorageException { if (!SecurityManager.isGroupMember(SecurityManager.getUser(username), "swampadmins")) { throw new SecurityException("No permission to read Workflowcache!"); } return WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowCache(); } public Workflow getWorkflow(int wfid, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { Workflow wf = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflow(wfid); if (wf == null) { throw new UnknownElementException("Workflow #" + wfid + " not found"); } else if (!wf.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.USER)) { throw new SecurityException( "No permission to read Workflow #" + wfid + " for " + username + ". (Not in role USER)"); } return wf; } public Workflow getWorkflowForWriting(int wfid, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { Workflow wf = this.getWorkflow(wfid, username); if (!wf.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.ADMIN) && !wf.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.OWNER)) { throw new SecurityException("No permission to write to Workflow #" + wfid + " for " + username); } return wf; } public boolean hasWorkflowTemplate(String template, String username) { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowTemplate(template); boolean hasWf = true; if (wftemp == null || !wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.USER) && !wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.STARTER)) { hasWf = false; } return hasWf; } public WorkflowTemplate getWorkflowTemplate(String template, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowTemplate(template); if (wftemp == null) { throw new UnknownElementException("Template: " + template + " not found"); } else if (!wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.USER) && !wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.STARTER)) { throw new SecurityException("No permission to read template: " + template + " for " + username); } return wftemp; } public WorkflowTemplate getWorkflowTemplate(String template, String version, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowTemplate(template, version); if (wftemp == null) { throw new UnknownElementException("Template: " + template + " not found"); } else if (!wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.USER) && !wftemp.hasRole(username, WorkflowRole.STARTER)) { throw new SecurityException("No permission to read template: " + template + " for " + username); } return wftemp; } public Collection getWorkflowRoles(String template, String version, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = this.getWorkflowTemplate(template, version, username); return wftemp.getRoles(); } /** * Returns only those template names the user is permitted to see * (is in role "users") */ public ArrayList getWorkflowTemplateNames(String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); for (Iterator it = wfman.getWorkflowTemplateNames().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String name = (String); WorkflowTemplate t = wfman.getWorkflowTemplate(name); if (t != null && (t.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.USER) || t.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.STARTER))) { names.add(name); } } return names; } /** * Returns all template names */ public ArrayList getAllWorkflowTemplateNames(String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); return wfman.getWorkflowTemplateNames(); } /** * Convenience method which evaluates recursively which templates are subworkflows of the given template * @return - List of templateNames */ public List getSubworkflowTemplateNames(String wfTempName, String uname) { // no check, only returns names... return WorkflowManager.getInstance().getSubwfTypes(wfTempName, new ArrayList()); } /** * Returns only those templates the user is permitted to see * (is in role "users") * @returns: * a HashMap of valid workflow templates. * key: name of WfTemplate, * value: TreeMap with key: VersionString, value: WorkflowTemplate-Object */ public HashMap getWorkflowTemplates(String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { HashMap templates = new HashMap(); WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); for (Iterator it = wfman.getWorkflowTemplates().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String name = (String); WorkflowTemplate t = wfman.getWorkflowTemplate(name); if (t != null && (t.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.USER) || t.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.STARTER))) { templates.put(name, wfman.getWorkflowTemplates().get(name)); } } return templates; } public List getWorkflowIds(List filterList, DatabaseFilter order, String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { // FIXME: cannot check permissions for plain id-list List idList = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowIds(filterList, order); return idList; } public List getWorkflowIds(Map filterStringMap, DatabaseFilter order, String uname) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException { // FIXME: cannot check permissions for plain id-list List filterList = new MapToFilterlist().getFilters(filterStringMap); List idList = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowIds(filterList, order); return idList; } public List getWorkflows(Map filterStringMap, DatabaseFilter order, String uname) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, UnknownElementException { List filterList = new MapToFilterlist().getFilters(filterStringMap); List idList = getWorkflows(filterList, order, uname); return idList; } public List getWorkflowIds(DatabaseFilter filter, DatabaseFilter order, String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { // FIXME: cannot check permissions for plain id-list List idList = WorkflowManager.getInstance().getWorkflowIds(filter, order); return idList; } public List getWorkflows(List filterList, DatabaseFilter order, String username) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { List idList = this.getWorkflowIds(filterList, order, username); List wfList = new ArrayList(); int size = idList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { try { Workflow wf = this.getWorkflow(((Integer) idList.get(i)).intValue(), username); wfList.add(wf); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR(e.getMessage()); } } return wfList; } public List getWorkflows(DatabaseFilter filter, DatabaseFilter order, String uname) throws SecurityException, UnknownElementException { ArrayList filterList = new ArrayList(); filterList.add(filter); return this.getWorkflows(filterList, order, uname); } public Workflow createWorkflow(String name, String userName, int parentWfId, List dsets, String version, boolean started, ResultList hist) throws StorageException, SecurityException, UnknownElementException, Exception { WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); // check for role "starter" WorkflowTemplate wftemp = wfman.getWorkflowTemplate(name); Workflow wf = null; if (wftemp.hasRole(userName, WorkflowRole.STARTER)) { wf = wfman.createWorkflow(name, userName, parentWfId, dsets, version, started, hist); if (wf == null) { throw new StorageException("Could not create Wf for Template: " + name + ", version: " + version); } } else { throw new SecurityException("No permission to start instance of Workflow: " + name + version); } return wf; } public int createWorkflowId(String name, String userName, int parentWfId, List dsets, String version, boolean started, ResultList hist) throws StorageException, SecurityException, UnknownElementException, Exception { return createWorkflow(name, userName, parentWfId, dsets, version, started, hist).getId(); } public void storeWorkflow(Workflow wf, String uname) throws StorageException, SecurityException { if (!wf.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.USER)) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to store Workflow: " + wf.getName()); } WorkflowManager.storeWorkflow(wf); } public List reloadAllWorkflowDefinitions(String uname) throws StorageException, SecurityException, Exception { if (!SecurityManager.isGroupMember(SecurityManager.getUser(uname), "swampadmins")) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to reload the Workflow definitions."); } return WorkflowManager.getInstance().reloadAllWorkflowDefinitions(); } /** * Reload all versions of the workflow */ public List reloadWorkflowDefinitions(String uname, String templateName) throws StorageException, SecurityException, Exception { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = getWorkflowTemplate(templateName, uname); // check if we are admin of the latest version. if (!wftemp.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.ADMIN)) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to reload the Workflow definition."); } return WorkflowManager.getInstance().reloadWorkflowDefinitions(templateName); } public List reloadWorkflowDefinitions(String uname, String templateName, String version) throws StorageException, SecurityException, Exception { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = getWorkflowTemplate(templateName, version, uname); WorkflowTemplate wftempLatest = getWorkflowTemplate(templateName, uname); // can reload if admin of this template or the latest template if (!wftemp.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.ADMIN) && !wftempLatest.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.ADMIN)) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to reload the Workflow definition."); } return WorkflowManager.getInstance().reloadWorkflowDefinition(templateName, version); } /** * Removes a workflow and all objects referencing it from the system * Cannot be undone! */ public void removeWorkflow(String uname, int wfId) throws StorageException, SecurityException, Exception { WorkflowManager wfMan = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); Workflow wf = wfMan.getWorkflow(wfId); WorkflowTemplate wfTmp = wfMan.getWorkflowTemplate(wf.getTemplateName()); // can delete if admin of this wf if (!wf.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.ADMIN) && !wfTmp.hasRole(uname, WorkflowRole.ADMIN)) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to remove workflow. Must be in role admin."); } wfMan.removeWorkflow(wf, uname); } public long doFullgc(String uname) throws StorageException, SecurityException, UnknownElementException { if (!SecurityManager.isGroupMember(SecurityManager.getUser(uname), "swampadmins")) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to do a full GC()."); } Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); Introspector.flushCaches(); long freeMem2 = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 1024l / 1024l; return freeMem2; } public void doEmptywfcache(String uname) throws StorageException, SecurityException, UnknownElementException { if (!SecurityManager.isGroupMember(SecurityManager.getUser(uname), "swampadmins")) { throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to truncate Caches."); } WorkflowManager wfm = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); LRUMap cache = wfm.getWorkflowCache(); cache.clear(); } /** * Returns a HashMap with * key: path, value: DatabitTemplate * of all DatabitTemplates */ public HashMap getAllDatabitTemplates(String wftemplate, String username) throws StorageException, SecurityException, UnknownElementException { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = this.getWorkflowTemplate(wftemplate, username); HashMap bits = new HashMap(); ArrayList paths = wftemp.getAllDatabitPaths(); for (Iterator it = paths.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // FIXME: add security checks for the databits here String path = (String); DatabitTemplate bit = wftemp.getDatabitTemplate(path); bits.put(path, bit); } return bits; } /** * Change the parent workflow */ public boolean changeParentId(int wfId, int newParentId, String uname) throws UnknownElementException, SecurityException, StorageException { Workflow wf = new WorkflowAPI().getWorkflowForWriting(wfId, uname); return wf.changeParentId(newParentId, uname); } }