Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.static_interface.sinklibrary; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.annotation.Unstable; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.command.SinkCommand; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.command.SinkTabCompleter; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.exception.NotInitializedException; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.exception.UserNotFoundException; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.sender.FakeSender; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.sender.IrcCommandSender; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.user.SinkUser; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.api.user.SinkUserProvider; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.command.SinkDebugCommand; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.command.SinkReloadCommand; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.command.SinkVersionCommand; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.configuration.IngameUserConfiguration; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.configuration.LanguageConfiguration; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.configuration.Settings; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.listener.DisplayNameListener; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.listener.IngameUserListener; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.listener.IrcCommandListener; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.listener.IrcLinkListener; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.ConsoleUser; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.ConsoleUserProvider; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.FakeUserProvider; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.IngameUser; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.IngameUserProvider; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.IrcUser; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.user.IrcUserProvider; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.util.BukkitUtil; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.util.Debug; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.util.SinkIrcReflection; import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.util.StringUtil; import; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy; import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider; import; import org.pircbotx.User; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodNameMustStartWithQuestion") public class SinkLibrary extends JavaPlugin { public static final int API_VERSION = 2; public static File LIB_FOLDER; private static SinkLibrary instance; private TpsTimer timer; private Economy econ; private Permission perm; private Chat chat; private boolean economyAvailable = true; private boolean permissionsAvailable = true; private boolean chatAvailable = true; private boolean vaultAvailable = false; private Map<String, SinkCommand> commandAliases; private Map<String, SinkCommand> commands; private Map<Class<?>, SinkUserProvider> userImplementations; private SinkTabCompleter defaultCompleter; private List<String> loadedLibs; private Settings settings; private Logger logger; private File customDataFolder; private ConsoleUserProvider consoleUserProvider; private IngameUserProvider ingameUserProvider; private IrcUserProvider ircUserProvider; private boolean ircExceptionOccured = false; /** * Get the instance of this plugin * @return instance * @throws NotInitializedException if SinkLibrary did not initialize */ public static SinkLibrary getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = (SinkLibrary) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SinkLibrary"); //throw new NotInitializedException("SinkLibrary is not initalized"); } return instance; } public boolean validateApiVersion(int compileVersion, Plugin plugin) { if (compileVersion < getApiVersion()) { getLogger().warning("Plugin: " + plugin.getName() + " is not up-to-date! (API version mismatch)"); getLogger().warning( "Please update " + plugin.getName() + " to the latest version or ask the author to update it"); Debug.log( plugin.getName() + " API Version: " + compileVersion + ", current version: " + getApiVersion()); Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(plugin); return false; } return true; } @Override public void onEnable() { getLogger().info("Loading..."); commands = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); commandAliases = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); loadedLibs = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); ingameUserProvider = new IngameUserProvider(); consoleUserProvider = new ConsoleUserProvider(); ircUserProvider = new IrcUserProvider(); registerUserImplementation(ConsoleCommandSender.class, consoleUserProvider); registerUserImplementation(User.class, ircUserProvider); registerUserImplementation(Player.class, ingameUserProvider); registerUserImplementation(FakeSender.class, new FakeUserProvider()); LIB_FOLDER = new File(getCustomDataFolder(), "libs"); if ((!LIB_FOLDER.exists() && !LIB_FOLDER.mkdirs())) { getLogger().warning("Coudln't create lib directory"); } LanguageConfiguration languageConfiguration = new LanguageConfiguration(); languageConfiguration.init(); // Check optional dependencies if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) { getLogger().warning("Vault Plugin not found. Disabling economy and some permission features."); permissionsAvailable = false; economyAvailable = false; chatAvailable = false; vaultAvailable = false; } else { vaultAvailable = true; if (!setupChat()) { getLogger().warning("Chat providing plugin not found. Disabling chat features."); chatAvailable = false; } if (!setupEcononmy()) { getLogger().warning("Economy Plugin not found. Disabling economy features."); economyAvailable = false; } if (!setupPermissions()) { getLogger().warning("Permissions Plugin not found. Disabling permissions features."); permissionsAvailable = false; } } if (!getCustomDataFolder().exists()) { try { boolean success = getCustomDataFolder().mkdirs(); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Couldn't create directories!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't create Data Folder!", e); // Log via Bukkits Logger, because Log File doesnt exists } } if (chatAvailable && economyAvailable && permissionsAvailable) { getLogger().info("Successfully hooked into permissions, economy and chat."); } // Register Listeners and Commands registerListeners(); registerCommands(); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, getSinkTimer(), 1000, 50); // Check for updates update(); // Init players (reload etc) for (Player p : BukkitUtil.getOnlinePlayers()) { onRefreshDisplayName(p); } Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new IrcCommandListener(), this); if (!isSinkChatAvailable()) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new IrcLinkListener(), this); } loadLibs(getConsoleUser()); } public SinkTabCompleter getDefaultTabCompleter() { if (defaultCompleter == null) { defaultCompleter = new SinkTabCompleter(); } return defaultCompleter; } public ClassLoader getClazzLoader() { return getClassLoader(); } public void loadLibs() { loadLibs(null); } public void loadLibs(@Nullable SinkUser user) { if (user == null) { user = getConsoleUser(); } File[] files = LIB_FOLDER.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { try { boolean loaded = true; String path = file.getCanonicalPath(); // Don't load the same libs again (e.g. when using /sreload) if (loadedLibs.contains(path)) { continue; } if (file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { user.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Loading jar library: " + file.getName()); addJarToClasspath(file.toURI().toURL()); } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".class")) { addClassToClasspath(path); user.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Loading class file: " + file.getName()); } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".so") || file.getName().endsWith(".dll")) { user.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Loading native library: " + file.getName()); System.load(path); } else { user.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Warning! Skipped unknown file: " + file.getName()); loaded = false; } if (loaded) { loadedLibs.add(path); } } catch (Throwable thr) { user.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.RED + "An exception occurred while loading file: " + file.getName()); } } } if (loadedLibs.size() > 0) { getLogger().info("Loaded " + loadedLibs.size() + " Libraries"); } } @Unstable public void addClassToClasspath(String path) throws Exception { getClassLoader().loadClass(path); } public void addJarToClasspath(URL url) throws Exception { URLClassLoader classLoader = (URLClassLoader) getClassLoader(); Class<URLClassLoader> clazz = URLClassLoader.class; // Use reflection to access protected "addURL" method Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", new Class[] { URL.class }); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(classLoader, url); } public int getApiVersion() { return API_VERSION; } @Override public void onDisable() { getLogger().info("Saving players..."); for (Player p : BukkitUtil.getOnlinePlayers()) { IngameUser user = getIngameUser(p); if (user.getConfiguration().exists()) { user.getConfiguration().save(); } } try { if (SinkLibrary.getInstance().getSettings().isLogEnabled()) { Debug.getDebugLogFileWriter().close(); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } instance = null; getLogger().info("Disabled."); } public Map<String, SinkCommand> getCommands() { return commands; } public boolean isIrcAvailable() { if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SinkIRC") == null || ircExceptionOccured) { return false; } try { SinkIrcReflection.getMainChannel(); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.log(e); ircExceptionOccured = true; return false; } return true; } /** * @return True if chat is available */ public boolean isChatAvailable() { return chatAvailable; } /** * @return True if economy is available */ public boolean isEconomyAvailable() { return economyAvailable; } /** * @return True if permissions are available */ public boolean isPermissionsAvailable() { return permissionsAvailable; } /** * @return True if Vault available */ public boolean isVaultAvailable() { return vaultAvailable; } /** * Get SinkTimer * * @return SinkTimer */ public TpsTimer getSinkTimer() { if (timer == null) { timer = new TpsTimer(); } return timer; } /** * Get Chat instance * * @return Chat instance * @see Chat */ public Chat getChat() { return chat; } /** * Get Economy instance from Vault * * @return Economy instace * @see Economy */ public Economy getEconomy() { return econ; } /** * Get Permissions instance * * @return Permissions * @see Permission */ public Permission getPermissions() { return perm; } /** * Get custom data folder * * @return Data Folder of Sink Plugins (.../plugins/SinkPlugins/) */ public File getCustomDataFolder() { String pluginName = getPluginName(); if (customDataFolder == null) { customDataFolder = new File(getDataFolder().getAbsolutePath().replace(pluginName, "SinkPlugins")); } return customDataFolder; } /** * Send Message to IRC via SinkIRC Plugin to the default channel. * * @param message Message to send */ public void sendIrcMessage(@Nonnull String message) { sendIrcMessage(message, SinkIrcReflection.getMainChannel().getName()); } /** * Send Message to IRC via SinkIRC Plugin. * * @param message Message to send * @param target Target user/channel, use null for default channel * @return true if successfully sended, false if event got cancelled or irc is not available */ public void sendIrcMessage(@Nonnull String message, @Nonnull String target) { if (!isIrcAvailable()) { return; } try { SinkIrcReflection.addToQueue(message, target); } catch (Throwable tr) { tr.printStackTrace(); ircExceptionOccured = true; } } /** * Get SinkPlugins Settings. * * @return Settings */ public Settings getSettings() { if (settings == null) { settings = new Settings(); } return settings; } /** * @param player Player * @return {@link IngameUser} instance of the player */ @Nonnull public IngameUser getIngameUser(Player player) { return (IngameUser) getUser(player); } /** * @param partialPlayerName Partial name of the player * @return {@link IngameUser} instance of the player * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found */ @Nonnull public IngameUser getIngameUser(String partialPlayerName) { return getIngameUser(partialPlayerName, true); } /** * @param partialPlayerName Partial name of the player * @param throwExceptionIfNotFound If true, throw an exception if user was not found (never joined the server) * @return {@link IngameUser} instance of the player * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found and throwExceptionIfNotFound equals true */ @Nonnull public IngameUser getIngameUser(String partialPlayerName, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound) { throwExceptionIfNotFound = false; for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { IngameUser onlineUser = getIngameUser(p); if (p.getName().startsWith(partialPlayerName) || onlineUser.getName().startsWith(partialPlayerName) || ChatColor.stripColor(onlineUser.getDisplayName()).startsWith(partialPlayerName)) { return onlineUser; } } IngameUser user = getIngameUser(BukkitUtil.getUniqueIdByName(partialPlayerName)); if (throwExceptionIfNotFound && !user.hasPlayedBefore()) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } return user; } /** * @param playerName Exact name of the player * @return User instance * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found */ public IngameUser getIngameUserExact(String playerName) { return getIngameUserExact(playerName, true); } /** * @param playerName Exact name of the player * @param throwExceptionIfNotFound If true, throw an exception if user was not found (never joined the server) * @return {@link IngameUser} instance of the player * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found and throwExceptionIfNotFound equals true */ @Nonnull public IngameUser getIngameUserExact(String playerName, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound) { throwExceptionIfNotFound = false; Player p = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(playerName); if (p != null) { return getIngameUser(p); } IngameUser user = getIngameUser(BukkitUtil.getUniqueIdByName(playerName)); if (throwExceptionIfNotFound && !user.hasPlayedBefore()) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } return user; } /** * @param partialName Name of the target user (e.g. use <name>_IRC suffix to target irc users) * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the target */ public SinkUser getUser(String partialName) { return getUser(partialName, true); } /** * @param partialName Name of the target user (e.g. use <name>_IRC suffix to target irc users) * @param throwExceptionIfNotFound If true, throw an exception if user was not found (never joined the server) * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the target * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found and throwExceptionIfNotFound equals true */ public SinkUser getUser(String partialName, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound) { boolean hasSuffix = false; throwExceptionIfNotFound = false; if (partialName.equalsIgnoreCase("console")) { return getConsoleUser(); } //Search for suffixes for (SinkUserProvider provider : getUserImplementations().values()) { String suffix = provider.getTabCompleterSuffix(); if (suffix == null || suffix.equals("")) { continue; } if (partialName.endsWith(suffix)) { hasSuffix = true; } for (IrcUser user : getOnlineIrcUsers()) { if (user.getName().startsWith(partialName.replaceFirst(StringUtil.stripRegex(suffix), "")) && hasSuffix) { return user; } } } //No user found with that suffix if (hasSuffix) { if (throwExceptionIfNotFound) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } return null; } if (partialName.equalsIgnoreCase("console")) { return getConsoleUser(); } return getIngameUser(partialName, throwExceptionIfNotFound); } /** * @param name Exact name of the target (e.g. use <name>_IRC prefix to target irc users) * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the target */ public SinkUser getUserExact(String name) { return getUserExact(name, true); } /** * @param name Exact name of the target (e.g. use <name>_IRC prefix to target irc users) * @param throwExceptionIfNotFound If true, throw an exception if user was not found (never joined the server) * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the target * @throws UserNotFoundException If user not found and throwExceptionIfNotFound equals true */ public SinkUser getUserExact(String name, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound) { for (SinkUserProvider provider : getUserImplementations().values()) { String suffix = provider.getTabCompleterSuffix(); if (suffix.equals("")) { continue; } if (name.endsWith(suffix)) { name = name.replaceFirst(StringUtil.stripRegex(suffix), ""); return provider.getUserInstance(name); } } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("console")) { return getConsoleUser(); } return getIngameUserExact(name, throwExceptionIfNotFound); } /** * @param uuid UUID of the player * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the target */ public IngameUser getIngameUser(UUID uuid) { return getIngameUserProvider().getUserInstance(uuid); } /** * @param sender Sender of the User * @deprecated Use {@link SinkLibrary#getUser(Object) instead} * @return {@link SinkUser} instance of the sender */ @Deprecated public SinkUser getUser(CommandSender sender) { return getUser((Object) sender); } /** * @param base Base of the User * @return IUser instance of sender, e.g. if sender is {@link ConsoleCommandSender}, it will return {@link ConsoleUser}. * <br/> May return null if there is no default implementation */ @Nullable public SinkUser getUser(Object base) { if (base instanceof IrcCommandSender) { base = ((IrcCommandSender) base).getUser().getBase(); } for (Class<?> implClass : getUserImplementations().keySet()) { if (implClass.isInstance(base)) { SinkUserProvider provider = getUserImplementations().get(implClass); if (provider instanceof IrcUserProvider) { return ((IrcUserProvider) provider).getUserInstance(((User) base).getNick()); } return getUserImplementations().get(implClass).getUserInstance(base); } } //Todo: add default implementation for not supported bases/CommandSenders return null; } /** * Register an own implementation of {@link SinkUser} for a {@link CommandSender} */ public void registerUserImplementation(Class<?> base, SinkUserProvider provider) { Validate.notNull(base); Validate.notNull(provider); Debug.log("Registering user provider for base: " + base.getName() + ": " + provider.getClass().getName()); getUserImplementations().put(base, provider); } private Map<Class<?>, SinkUserProvider> getUserImplementations() { if (userImplementations == null) { userImplementations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } return userImplementations; } /** * Get Version of SinkLibrary * * @return Version */ public String getVersion() { return getInstance().getDescription().getVersion(); } /** * Refresh a player's DisplayName * * @param player Player that needs to refresh DisplayName */ public void onRefreshDisplayName(Player player) { if (!getSettings().isDisplayNamesEnabled()) { return; } IngameUser user = getIngameUser(player); IngameUserConfiguration config = user.getConfiguration(); if (!config.exists()) { return; } String displayName = user.getDisplayName(); if (displayName == null || (displayName.equals(user.getDefaultDisplayName()) && config.getHasDisplayName()) || displayName.equals("null") || displayName.isEmpty() || !config.getHasDisplayName()) { displayName = user.getDefaultDisplayName(); config.setDisplayName(displayName); config.setHasDisplayName(false); } player.setCustomName(displayName); config.setDisplayName(displayName); if (displayName.length() > 16) { displayName = displayName.substring(0, 16); } player.setPlayerListName(displayName); } @Nullable public IrcUser getIrcUser(String nick) { return getIrcUserProvider().getUserInstance(nick); } public IrcUser getIrcUser(User user, String source) { return getIrcUserProvider().getUserInstance(user, source); } public void loadIrcUser(User user, String source) { getIrcUserProvider().loadUser(user, source); } public void unloadIrcUser(User user) { getIrcUserProvider().unloadUser(user); } /** * Unload an User * INTERNAL METHOD * Do not call this, its handled internally * * @param p Player instance of the user who needs to be loaded */ public void loadUser(Player p) { // If user is already loaded or offline, return if (p == null || !p.isOnline()) { return; } ingameUserProvider.loadUser(p); } /** * Unload an User * Do not call this, its handled internally * * @param uuid UUID of the User who needs to be unloaded */ public void unloadUser(UUID uuid) { IngameUser user = getIngameUserProvider().getUserInstance(uuid); if (user == null) { return; } user.getConfiguration().save(); getIngameUserProvider().unloadUser(user); } /** * Get the name of this plugin * * @return the name of this plugin */ public String getPluginName() { return getInstance().getDescription().getName(); } /** * @return Online players as Users */ @Unstable public Collection<IngameUser> getOnlineUsers() { Set<IngameUser> users = new HashSet<>(); for (SinkUser user : getIngameUserProvider().getUserInstances()) { users.add((IngameUser) user); } return users; } /** * @return Online IRC users as Users */ @Unstable public Collection<IrcUser> getOnlineIrcUsers() { Set<IrcUser> users = new HashSet<>(); for (SinkUser user : getIrcUserProvider().getUserInstances()) { users.add((IrcUser) user); } return users; } @Deprecated public Logger getCustomLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = new Logger(); } return logger; } public void registerCommand(String name, SinkCommand command) { name = name.toLowerCase(); Debug.logMethodCall(name, command); PluginCommand cmd = Bukkit.getPluginCommand(name); if (cmd != null && !command.getCommandOptions().isIrcOnly()) { Debug.log("Bukkit Command instance found: " + cmd.toString()); cmd.setExecutor(command); cmd.setTabCompleter(getDefaultTabCompleter()); for (String alias : cmd.getAliases()) // Register alias commands { alias = alias.toLowerCase(); if (alias.equals(name)) { continue; } commandAliases.put(alias, command); } command.setUsage(cmd.getUsage()); command.setPermission(cmd.getPermission()); command.setPlugin(cmd.getPlugin()); } else { Debug.log("Command is ircOnly. Skipping search for Bukkit Command instance"); } if (!commandAliases.containsKey(name)) { commandAliases.put(name, command); } if (!commands.containsKey(name)) { commands.put(name, command); } } public SinkCommand getCustomCommand(String name) { SinkCommand cmd; cmd = commands.get(name.toLowerCase()); if (cmd == null) { cmd = commandAliases.get(name.toLowerCase()); } return cmd; } private void update() { Updater updater = new Updater(getSettings().getUpdateType()); String permission = "sinklibrary.updatenotification"; String versionType = ' ' + updater.getLatestGameVersion() + ' '; if (versionType.equalsIgnoreCase("release")) { versionType = " "; } if (updater.getResult() == Updater.UpdateResult.UPDATE_AVAILABLE) { BukkitUtil.broadcast(Updater.CONSOLEPREFIX + "A new" + versionType + "update is available: " + updater.getLatestName(), permission, false); } else if (updater.getResult() == Updater.UpdateResult.NO_UPDATE) { getLogger().info(Updater.CONSOLEPREFIX + "No new updates found..."); } else if (updater.getResult() == Updater.UpdateResult.SUCCESS) { getLogger().info(Updater.CONSOLEPREFIX + "Updates downloaded, please restart or reload the server to take effect..."); } } private boolean setupChat() { RegisteredServiceProvider<Chat> chatProvider = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Chat.class); if (chatProvider != null) { chat = chatProvider.getProvider(); } return (chat != null); } private boolean setupEcononmy() { RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class); if (rsp == null) { return false; } econ = rsp.getProvider(); return econ != null; } private boolean setupPermissions() { RegisteredServiceProvider<Permission> permissionProvider = getServer().getServicesManager() .getRegistration(Permission.class); if (permissionProvider != null) { perm = permissionProvider.getProvider(); } return (perm != null); } private void registerListeners() { Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new IngameUserListener(), this); Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new DisplayNameListener(), this); } private void registerCommands() { registerCommand("sdebug", new SinkDebugCommand(this)); registerCommand("sinkreload", new SinkReloadCommand(this)); registerCommand("sinkversion", new SinkVersionCommand(this)); } public boolean isSinkChatAvailable() { return Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SinkChat") != null; } public ConsoleUser getConsoleUser() { return getConsoleUserProvider().getUserInstance(Bukkit.getConsoleSender()); } private ConsoleUserProvider getConsoleUserProvider() { return consoleUserProvider; } private IngameUserProvider getIngameUserProvider() { return ingameUserProvider; } private IrcUserProvider getIrcUserProvider() { return ircUserProvider; } }