Java tutorial
/* A tool to extract transition information from JIRA for analyzis (jan). * * Copyright (C) 2016 Sascha Kohlmann * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.speexx.jira.jan.command.issuequery; import de.speexx.jira.jan.JiraAnalyzeException; import de.speexx.jira.jan.service.issue.FieldName; import de.speexx.jira.jan.service.issue.FieldNamePath; import de.speexx.jira.jan.service.issue.IssueData; import de.speexx.jira.jan.service.issue.IssueData.HistoricalDataEntry; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static de.speexx.jira.jan.command.issuequery.TemporalChangeOutput.BOTH; import static de.speexx.jira.jan.command.issuequery.TemporalChangeOutput.NONE; import static de.speexx.jira.jan.command.issuequery.TemporalChangeOutput.TIME; import static de.speexx.jira.jan.command.issuequery.TemporalChangeOutput.DURATION; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.Collections; import static org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat.RFC4180; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; class CsvCreator { static final String EMPTY = ""; static final String HOSTORICAL_TO_PREFIX = "to_"; static final String HOSTORICAL_CHANGE_DATETIME_PREFIX = "at_"; static final String HOSTORICAL_FROM_PREFIX = "from_"; static final String HOSTORICAL_DURATION_PREFIX = "duration_"; static final String FIELDNAMEPATH_DELIMITER_REPALCEMENT = "_"; static final int MILLIS = 1000; public void printIssueData(final IssueData issueData, final List<FieldName> historyFieldNames, final List<FieldNamePath> currentFieldNames, final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput, final AtomicBoolean header) { checkParameter(issueData, historyFieldNames, currentFieldNames, temporalOutput, header); if (header.get()) { printHeader(currentFieldNames, historyFieldNames, temporalOutput); header.set(false); } printIssueData(issueData, currentFieldNames, historyFieldNames, temporalOutput); } void checkParameter(final IssueData issueData, final List<FieldName> historyFieldNames, final List<FieldNamePath> currentFieldNames, final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput, final AtomicBoolean header) { Objects.requireNonNull(issueData, "issueData is null"); Objects.requireNonNull(historyFieldNames, "historyFieldNames is null"); Objects.requireNonNull(currentFieldNames, "currentFieldNames is null"); Objects.requireNonNull(temporalOutput, "temporalOutput is null"); Objects.requireNonNull(header, "header is null"); } int calculateHistoricalFieldSize(final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput) { assert temporalOutput != null; switch (temporalOutput) { case DURATION: return 2 + 1; case TIME: return 2 + 1; case NONE: return 2; case BOTH: return 2 + 2; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported TemporalChangeOutput: " + temporalOutput); } } void printIssueData(final IssueData issueData, final List<FieldNamePath> currentFieldNames, final List<FieldName> historyFieldNames, final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput) { assert !Objects.isNull(issueData); assert !Objects.isNull(currentFieldNames); assert !Objects.isNull(historyFieldNames); assert !Objects.isNull(temporalOutput); final List<String> currentFieldEntries = fetchCurrentFieldEntries(issueData, currentFieldNames); try { final CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), RFC4180); if (issueData.getHistoricalCount() == 0) { final int fieldsPerChangeEntry = calculateHistoricalFieldSize(temporalOutput); final int max = historyFieldNames.size() * fieldsPerChangeEntry; final List<String> out = new ArrayList(currentFieldEntries); addEmptyChangeData(out, max); csvPrinter.printRecord(out); } else { final int fieldsPerChangeEntry = calculateHistoricalFieldSize(temporalOutput); final int historyFieldNamesSize = historyFieldNames.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < historyFieldNamesSize; idx++) { final FieldName fieldName = historyFieldNames.get(idx); final List<HistoricalDataEntry> historicalData = issueData.getHistoricalIssueData(fieldName); LocalDateTime lastChangeDate = issueData.getCreatedDate() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No createdDate available")); for (final HistoricalDataEntry entry : historicalData) { final List<String> out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < historyFieldNamesSize; i++) { if (i != idx) { addEmptyChangeData(out, fieldsPerChangeEntry); } else { lastChangeDate = addChangeData(out, entry, temporalOutput, lastChangeDate); } } final List<String> outList = new ArrayList<>(currentFieldEntries); outList.addAll(out); csvPrinter.printRecord(outList.toArray()); } } } csvPrinter.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new JiraAnalyzeException(e); } } LocalDateTime addChangeData(final List<String> out, final HistoricalDataEntry entry, final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput, final LocalDateTime lastChangeDate) { out.add(entry.getFrom()); final LocalDateTime changeDate = entry.getChangeDate(); if (temporalOutput == TIME || temporalOutput == BOTH) { out.add(localDateTimeToString(entry.getChangeDate())); } if (temporalOutput == DURATION || temporalOutput == BOTH) { final Duration duration = Duration.between(lastChangeDate, changeDate); final String dur = String.valueOf(duration.toMillis() /*/ MILLIS*/); out.add(dur); } out.add(entry.getTo()); return changeDate; } void addEmptyChangeData(final List<String> out, final int fieldsPerChangeEntry) { assert fieldsPerChangeEntry >= 0; assert out != null; for (int c = 0; c < fieldsPerChangeEntry; c++) { out.add(EMPTY); } } List<String> fetchCurrentFieldEntries(final IssueData issueData, final List<FieldNamePath> currentFieldNames) { assert !Objects.isNull(issueData); assert !Objects.isNull(currentFieldNames); final List<String> retval = new ArrayList<>(); -> issueData.getCurrentIssueData(path)).forEach(value -> { retval.add(objectToString(value)); }); return Collections.unmodifiableList(retval); } String objectToString(final Object o) { if (o == null) { return EMPTY; } else if (o instanceof Double || o instanceof Float) { return String.format("#.########", o); } else if (o instanceof LocalDateTime) { return localDateTimeToString((LocalDateTime) o); } return String.valueOf(o); } String localDateTimeToString(final LocalDateTime dt) { assert dt != null; return DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format(dt); } void printHeader(final List<FieldNamePath> currentFieldNames, final List<FieldName> historyFieldNames, final TemporalChangeOutput temporalOutput) { assert !Objects.isNull(currentFieldNames); assert !Objects.isNull(historyFieldNames); assert !Objects.isNull(temporalOutput); final List<String> headerNames = new ArrayList<>(); .map(name -> name.replaceAll(FieldNamePath.DELIMITER, FIELDNAMEPATH_DELIMITER_REPALCEMENT)) .forEach(name -> headerNames.add(name)); -> { headerNames.add(HOSTORICAL_FROM_PREFIX + name); if (temporalOutput != NONE) { if (temporalOutput == BOTH || temporalOutput == TIME) { headerNames.add(HOSTORICAL_CHANGE_DATETIME_PREFIX + name); } if (temporalOutput == BOTH || temporalOutput == DURATION) { headerNames.add(HOSTORICAL_DURATION_PREFIX + name); } } headerNames.add(HOSTORICAL_TO_PREFIX + name); }); try { final CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), RFC4180); csvPrinter.printRecord(headerNames.toArray()); csvPrinter.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new JiraAnalyzeException(e); } } }