Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2001-2011 the original author or authors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Andreas Schildbach */ public class ChessRules extends ChessLikeRules { public enum Variant { SUICIDE, ANTIKING } private static final String DEFAULT_INITIAL_BOARD = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"; private static final String ANTIKING_INITIAL_BOARD = "2prbkqA/2p1nnbr/2pppppp/8/8/PPPPPP2/RBNN1P2/aQKBRP2"; private static final PieceEntry[] DEFAULT_PIECES = { new PieceEntry('P', 'B', Pawn.class), // new PieceEntry('R', 'T', Rook.class), // new PieceEntry('N', 'S', Knight.class), // new PieceEntry('B', 'L', Bishop.class), // new PieceEntry('Q', 'D', Queen.class), // new PieceEntry('K', 'K', King.class) // }; private static final PieceEntry[] ANTIKING_PIECES = { new PieceEntry('P', 'B', BerolinaPawn.class), // new PieceEntry('R', 'T', Rook.class), // new PieceEntry('N', 'S', Knight.class), // new PieceEntry('B', 'L', Bishop.class), // new PieceEntry('Q', 'D', Queen.class), // new PieceEntry('K', 'K', King.class), // new PieceEntry('A', 'A', AntiKing.class) // }; private static final ColorEntry[] COLORS = { new ColorEntry(0, "white", 'w'), // new ColorEntry(1, "black", 'b') // }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final Class<Piece>[] DEFAULT_PROMOTION_OPTIONS = new Class[] { Queen.class, Rook.class, Bishop.class, Knight.class }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final Class<Piece>[] SUICIDE_PROMOTION_OPTIONS = new Class[] { Queen.class, King.class, Rook.class, Bishop.class, Knight.class }; private boolean mustCaptureRule = false; private boolean promotionRule = true; private Class<Piece>[] promotionOptions = DEFAULT_PROMOTION_OPTIONS; private boolean castlingRule = true; private boolean antiKingCastlingRule = false; private boolean advanceTwoSquaresRule = true; private boolean enPassantRule = true; public ChessRules(Variant variant) { super(ChessBoardGeometry.instance(), new GenericPieceSet(variant == Variant.ANTIKING ? ANTIKING_PIECES : DEFAULT_PIECES, COLORS)); if (variant == null) { setCheckVulnerablePiece(King.class); } else if (variant == Variant.SUICIDE) { setCheckVulnerablePiece(null); mustCaptureRule = true; promotionOptions = SUICIDE_PROMOTION_OPTIONS; castlingRule = false; enPassantRule = false; } else if (variant == Variant.ANTIKING) { setCheckVulnerablePiece(King.class); setAntiCheckVulnerablePiece(AntiKing.class); castlingRule = false; antiKingCastlingRule = true; advanceTwoSquaresRule = false; enPassantRule = false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown variant: " + variant); } } @Override public GamePosition initialPositionFromBoard(Board initialBoard) { if (initialBoard == null) { initialBoard = getBoardGeometry().newBoard(); if (antiKingCastlingRule) parseBoard(initialBoard, ANTIKING_INITIAL_BOARD); else parseBoard(initialBoard, DEFAULT_INITIAL_BOARD); } if (castlingRule) { ChessPosition position = new ChessPosition(initialBoard); position.setActivePlayerIndex(0); position.setFullmoveNumber(1); position.setHalfmoveClock(0); position.setCastlingAvailable(0, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE, castlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(0, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE, castlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(1, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE, castlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(1, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE, castlingRule); return position; } else if (antiKingCastlingRule) { AntiKingChessPosition position = new AntiKingChessPosition(initialBoard); position.setActivePlayerIndex(0); position.setFullmoveNumber(1); position.setHalfmoveClock(0); position.setCastlingAvailable(0, King.class, antiKingCastlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(0, AntiKing.class, antiKingCastlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(1, King.class, antiKingCastlingRule); position.setCastlingAvailable(1, AntiKing.class, antiKingCastlingRule); return position; } else { ChessLikePosition position = new ChessLikePosition(initialBoard); position.setActivePlayerIndex(0); position.setFullmoveNumber(1); return position; } } private static final Pattern SIMPLE_MOVE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([a-z])(\\d)-([a-z]\\d)(?:=([A-Z]))?$"); private static final Pattern ACN_MOVE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^(?:([A-Z]?)([a-z])??(\\d)??(x?)([a-z]\\d)(?:=([A-Z]))?|(O-O(?:-O)?|0-0(?:-0)?))(\\+\\+?|#)?$"); @Override public GameMove parseMove(String moveString, Locale locale, GamePosition position, Board initialBoard) throws ParseException { Collection<? extends ChessLikeMove> allowedMoves = allowedMoves(position, initialBoard); Matcher m = ACN_MOVE_PATTERN.matcher(moveString); if (m.matches()) { return parseMove(moveString, locale, position,,,,,,,,, allowedMoves); } m = SIMPLE_MOVE_PATTERN.matcher(moveString); if (m.matches()) { return parseMove(moveString, locale, position, null,,, null,,, null, null, allowedMoves); } throw new ParseException(moveString, "unknown format"); } private ChessLikeMove parseMove(String moveString, Locale locale, GamePosition position, String pretendedPiece, String pretendedSourceFile, String pretendedSourceRank, String pretendedCapture, String pretendedTarget, String pretendedPromotionPiece, String flag, String castling, Collection<? extends ChessLikeMove> potentialMoves) throws ParseException { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); PieceSet pieceSet = getPieceSet(); Board board = position.getBoard(); for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> i = potentialMoves.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ChessMove move = (ChessMove); Coordinate source = move.getSource(); if (castling != null) { if (!looksLikeCastlingMove(move, board)) i.remove(); else if ((castling.equals("O-O") || castling.equals("0-0")) != geometry.isKingSide(source, move.getTarget())) i.remove(); } else { Piece piece = board.getPiece(source); String sourceNotation = source.getNotation(); char sourceFile = sourceNotation.charAt(0); char sourceRank = sourceNotation.charAt(1); boolean pawn = piece instanceof Pawn || piece instanceof BerolinaPawn; if (pretendedPiece != null && pretendedPiece.length() > 0 && pieceSet.getCharRepresentation(piece.getClass(), locale) != pretendedPiece.charAt(0)) i.remove(); else if (pretendedPiece != null && pretendedPiece.length() == 0 && !pawn) i.remove(); else if (pretendedSourceFile != null && sourceFile != pretendedSourceFile.charAt(0)) i.remove(); else if (pretendedSourceRank != null && sourceRank != pretendedSourceRank.charAt(0)) i.remove(); else if ((pretendedCapture != null) && (pretendedCapture.equals("x") != looksLikeCapture(move, board))) i.remove(); else if (!pretendedTarget.equals(move.getTarget().getNotation())) i.remove(); else if ((pretendedPromotionPiece != null) && pieceSet.getCharRepresentation(move.getPromotionPiece(), locale) != pretendedPromotionPiece.charAt(0)) i.remove(); } } if (potentialMoves.size() == 1) return potentialMoves.iterator().next(); else if (potentialMoves.size() > 1) throw new ParseException(moveString, "ambiguous move"); else throw new ParseException(moveString, "no move"); } private static final Pattern UNMARSHAL_MOVE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([a-z]\\d)-([a-z]\\d)(?:=([A-Z]))?$"); @Override protected GameMove unmarshalMove(String notation) throws ParseException { Matcher m = UNMARSHAL_MOVE_PATTERN.matcher(notation); if (m.matches()) { BoardGeometry geometry = getBoardGeometry(); Coordinate source = geometry.locateCoordinate(; Coordinate target = geometry.locateCoordinate(; if ( == null) { return new ChessMove(source, target); } else { Class<? extends Piece> promotionPiece = getPieceSet().getPiece(, 0).getClass(); return new ChessMove(source, target, promotionPiece); } } else { throw new ParseException(notation, "unknown format"); } } @Override public String formatMove(GameMove move) { ChessMove chessMove = (ChessMove) move; Class<? extends Piece> promotionPiece = chessMove.getPromotionPiece(); return chessMove.getSource().getNotation() + "-" + chessMove.getTarget().getNotation() + (promotionPiece != null ? "=" + getPieceSet().getCharRepresentation(promotionPiece) : ""); } @Override public Set<String> clickables(GameMove move) { ChessMove chessMove = (ChessMove) move; Class<? extends Piece> promotionPiece = chessMove.getPromotionPiece(); Set<String> clickables = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); clickables.add(chessMove.getSource().getNotation()); clickables.add(chessMove.getTarget().getNotation()); if (promotionPiece != null) clickables.add("=" + getPieceSet().getCharRepresentation(promotionPiece)); return clickables; } @Override protected String[] basicFormatGameArray(Game game, Locale locale) { int size = game.getSize(); String[] array = new String[size]; ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); ChessLikePosition position = (ChessLikePosition) game.getInitialPosition().clone(); Board board = position.getBoard(); Board initialBoard = game.getInitialPosition().getBoard(); PieceSet pieceSet = getPieceSet(); StringBuilder notation = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { ChessMove move = (ChessMove) game.getMove(index); Coordinate source = move.getSource(); Coordinate target = move.getTarget(); Piece piece = board.getPiece(source); String sourceNotation = source.getNotation(); char sourceFile = sourceNotation.charAt(0); char sourceRank = sourceNotation.charAt(1); notation.setLength(0); if (looksLikeCastlingMove(move, board)) { if (geometry.isKingSide(source, target)) notation.append("O-O"); else notation.append("O-O-O"); } else { Collection<? extends ChessLikeMove> potentialMoves = allowedMoves(position, initialBoard); // narrow by target for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed.hasNext();) { if (! iAllowed.remove(); } notation.append(target.getNotation()); boolean pawn = piece instanceof Pawn || piece instanceof BerolinaPawn; // narrow by capture boolean capture = looksLikePlainCapture(move, board) || looksLikeEnPassantCapture(move, board); if (capture) { for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed .hasNext();) { if (!looksLikeCapture(, board)) iAllowed.remove(); } notation.insert(0, 'x'); if (pawn) { // narrow to source file for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed .hasNext();) { if (!geometry.sameFile(, source)) iAllowed.remove(); } notation.insert(0, sourceFile); } } // narrow by piece for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed.hasNext();) { if (!board.getPiece( iAllowed.remove(); } // narrow by promotion for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed.hasNext();) { if (!ObjectUtils.equals(((ChessMove), move.getPromotionPiece())) iAllowed.remove(); } if (move.getPromotionPiece() != null) notation.append("=" + pieceSet.getCharRepresentation(move.getPromotionPiece(), locale)); if (potentialMoves.size() > 1) { boolean sameRank = false; boolean sameFile = false; for (ChessLikeMove potentialMove : potentialMoves) { Coordinate potentialSource = potentialMove.getSource(); if (!potentialSource.equals(source)) { if (geometry.sameFile(potentialSource, source)) sameFile = true; if (geometry.sameRank(potentialSource, source)) sameRank = true; } } if (sameRank && sameFile) { // narrow to source for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed .hasNext();) { if (! iAllowed.remove(); } notation.insert(0, sourceNotation); } else if (!sameFile) { // narrow to source file for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed .hasNext();) { if (!geometry.sameFile(, source)) iAllowed.remove(); } notation.insert(0, sourceFile); } else { // narrow to source rank for (Iterator<? extends ChessLikeMove> iAllowed = potentialMoves.iterator(); iAllowed .hasNext();) { if (!geometry.sameRank(, source)) iAllowed.remove(); } notation.insert(0, sourceRank); } } // piece character if (!pawn) notation.insert(0, pieceSet.getCharRepresentation(piece.getClass(), locale)); // sanity check if (potentialMoves.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException(potentialMoves.toString()); } // execute move List<MicroOperation> ops = disassembleMove(move, position, game.getInitialPosition().getBoard()); doOperations(ops, position); // check CheckState checkState = checkState(position, game.getInitialPosition().getBoard()); if (checkState == CheckState.CHECKMATE) { notation.append("#"); } else if (checkState == CheckState.CHECK) { notation.append("+"); } array[index] = notation.toString(); } return array; } @Override protected final Set<ChessLikeMove> potentialMovesForSource(Coordinate source, CapturingGamePosition position, final Board initialBoard) { Board board = position.getBoard(); ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); ChessLikePiece piece = (ChessLikePiece) board.getPiece(source); int pieceColor = piece.getColor(); // calculate potential moves from pieces Set<ChessLikeMove> potentialMoves = new HashSet<ChessLikeMove>(); for (Coordinate target : piece.getPotentialTargets(geometry, board, source)) potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, target)); // add castling moves if (castlingRule && piece instanceof King) { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(pieceColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE)) { Coordinate rookCoordinate = castle(board, source, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE, initialBoard); if (rookCoordinate != null) potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, rookCoordinate)); } if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(pieceColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE)) { Coordinate rookCoordinate = castle(board, source, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE, initialBoard); if (rookCoordinate != null) potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, rookCoordinate)); } } // add antiking castling moves if (antiKingCastlingRule && (piece instanceof King || piece instanceof AntiKing)) { if (((AntiKingChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(pieceColor, piece.getClass())) { for (int[] vector : geometry.knightVectors2D()) { Coordinate target = geometry.vectorAdd(source, vector, 1); if (target != null && board.getPiece(target) == null) { potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, target)); } } } } // add en passant capture if (enPassantRule) { Coordinate enPassantTargetSquare = ((ChessPosition) position).getEnPassantTargetSquare(); if (enPassantTargetSquare != null && piece instanceof Pawn && ((Pawn) piece).isThreateningSquare(geometry, board, source, enPassantTargetSquare)) { potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, enPassantTargetSquare)); } } // advance two squares rule if (advanceTwoSquaresRule && piece instanceof Pawn && isInHomeArea(initialBoard, source, piece)) { int[] forward = geometry.forwardDir(piece.getColor()); Coordinate target = geometry.vectorAdd(source, forward, 1); if (target != null && board.getPiece(target) == null) { target = geometry.vectorAdd(source, forward, 2); if (target != null && board.getPiece(target) == null) potentialMoves.add(new ChessMove(source, target)); } } // replace promotion moves if (promotionRule) { List<ChessMove> promotionMoves = new LinkedList<ChessMove>(); for (Iterator<ChessLikeMove> iMoves = potentialMoves.iterator(); iMoves.hasNext();) { ChessMove move = (ChessMove); if (looksLikePromotionMove(move, board)) { iMoves.remove(); for (Class<Piece> option : promotionOptions) promotionMoves.add(new ChessMove(move.getSource(), move.getTarget(), option)); } } potentialMoves.addAll(promotionMoves); } return potentialMoves; } private Coordinate castle(final Board board, final Coordinate kingCoordinate, CastlingSide side, final Board initialBoard) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); final int pieceColor = board.getPiece(kingCoordinate).getColor(); char rank = kingCoordinate.getNotation().charAt(1); // search for castling rook (on starting position for unambiguousness) final Coordinate rookCoordinate = lookForCastlingRook(kingCoordinate, side, initialBoard, pieceColor); // sanity check if (!board.getPiece(rookCoordinate).equals(getPieceSet().getPiece(Rook.class, pieceColor))) throw new IllegalStateException(); // check for empty and unthreatened fields along path of king final boolean checkRule = getCheckVulnerablePiece() != null; Coordinate kingTargetCoordinate = geometry .locateCoordinate((side == CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE ? "c" : "g") + rank); if (geometry.walk(kingCoordinate, kingTargetCoordinate, geometry.isKingSide(kingCoordinate, kingTargetCoordinate) ? geometry.kingSideDir() : geometry.queenSideDir(), new OrthogonalBoardGeometry.CoordinateHook() { public boolean doNode(Coordinate coordinate) { if (!coordinate.equals(rookCoordinate) && !coordinate.equals(kingCoordinate) && board.getPiece(coordinate) != null) return false; if (checkRule && isCoordinateThreatened(board, coordinate, pieceColor)) return false; return true; } }) != null) return null; // check for empty fields along path of rook Coordinate rookTargetCoordinate = geometry .locateCoordinate((side == CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE ? "d" : "f") + rank); if (geometry.walk(rookCoordinate, rookTargetCoordinate, geometry.isKingSide(rookCoordinate, rookTargetCoordinate) ? geometry.kingSideDir() : geometry.queenSideDir(), new OrthogonalBoardGeometry.CoordinateHook() { public boolean doNode(Coordinate coordinate) { if (!coordinate.equals(rookCoordinate) && !coordinate.equals(kingCoordinate) && board.getPiece(coordinate) != null) return false; return true; } }) != null) return null; return rookCoordinate; } private Coordinate lookForCastlingRook(Coordinate kingCoordinate, CastlingSide side, final Board board, int color) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); final Piece rook = getPieceSet().getPiece(Rook.class, color); char rank = kingCoordinate.getNotation().charAt(1); // shortcut for standard chess position Coordinate shortcutCoordinate = geometry .locateCoordinate((side == CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE ? "a" : "h") + rank); if (rook.equals(board.getPiece(shortcutCoordinate))) return shortcutCoordinate; // look Coordinate rookCoordinate = geometry.walk(kingCoordinate, side == CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE ? geometry.queenSideDir() : geometry.kingSideDir(), new OrthogonalBoardGeometry.CoordinateHook() { public boolean doNode(Coordinate coordinate) { Piece piece = board.getPiece(coordinate); if (rook.equals(piece)) return false; return true; } }); // sanity checks if (rookCoordinate == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); return rookCoordinate; } @Override protected void vetoPotentialMoves(Set<ChessLikeMove> potentialMoves, CapturingGamePosition position, Board initialBoard) { Board board = position.getBoard(); // enforce check rule removeKingInCheckPositions(potentialMoves, position, initialBoard); // enforce must capture rule if (mustCaptureRule) { boolean capturing = false; for (ChessLikeMove move : potentialMoves) { if (looksLikeCapture(move, board)) { capturing = true; break; } } if (capturing) { for (Iterator<ChessLikeMove> iMoves = potentialMoves.iterator(); iMoves.hasNext();) { ChessLikeMove move =; if (!looksLikeCapture(move, board)) iMoves.remove(); } } } } @Override public String formatPosition(GamePosition position) { return ChessPositionFormat.format((OrthogonalBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(), getPieceSet(), (ChessLikePosition) position); } @Override public GamePosition parsePosition(String notation) { ChessLikePosition position = (ChessLikePosition) initialPositionFromBoard(null); ChessPositionFormat.parse(position, (OrthogonalBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(), getPieceSet(), notation); return position; } /** * determines if the current active player can claim remis */ @Override public boolean canDrawBeClaimed(Game game) { return ((ChessLikePosition) game.getActualPosition()).getHalfmoveClock() >= 50 || super.canDrawBeClaimed(game); } @Override public List<MicroOperation> disassembleMove(GameMove move, GamePosition position, Board initialBoard) throws IllegalMoveException { ChessMove chessMove = (ChessMove) move; Coordinate source = chessMove.getSource(); Coordinate target = chessMove.getTarget(); Piece piece = position.getBoard().getPiece(source); PieceSet pieceSet = getPieceSet(); final ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); final Board board = position.getBoard(); final int activeColor = position.getActivePlayerIndex(); // is there a piece on source square? assert board.getPiece(source) != null : "source square cannot be vacant: " + formatMove(move); assert board.getPiece(source).equals(piece) : "source square does not contain piece: " + formatMove(move); // is it of the right color? assert ((ChessLikePiece) board.getPiece(source)) .getColor() == activeColor : "can only move your own pieces: " + formatMove(move); List<MicroOperation> ops = new LinkedList<MicroOperation>(); boolean looksLikePlainCapture = looksLikePlainCapture(chessMove, board); boolean looksLikeEnPassantCapture = looksLikeEnPassantCapture(chessMove, board); // capture if (looksLikePlainCapture || looksLikeEnPassantCapture) { Coordinate capturedCoordinate; if (looksLikePlainCapture) { capturedCoordinate = target; } else // if (looksLikeEnPassantCapture) { // is en passant option available? assert target.equals( ((ChessPosition) position).getEnPassantTargetSquare()) : "no en passant option available: " + formatMove(chessMove); // valid pawn capture move? assert ((ChessLikePiece) piece).isThreateningSquare(geometry, board, source, target) : "not a valid pawn capture move: " + formatMove(chessMove); // promotion attribute null? assert chessMove.getPromotionPiece() == null : "no promotion available: " + formatMove(chessMove); // captured piece capturedCoordinate = geometry.vectorAdd(target, geometry.backwardDir(piece.getColor()), 1); // asserts ChessLikePiece capturedPiece = (ChessLikePiece) board.getPiece(capturedCoordinate); assert capturedPiece != null; assert capturedPiece instanceof Pawn; assert !capturedPiece.sameColor(piece); } ChessLikePiece capturedPiece = (ChessLikePiece) board.getPiece(capturedCoordinate); int capturedPieceColor = capturedPiece.getColor(); // capture ops.add(new CapturePieceOperation(capturedCoordinate)); if (castlingRule) { // forfeit opponent castling if king is captured (for games with check rule) if (capturedPiece instanceof King && isInHomeArea(initialBoard, target, capturedPiece)) { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE)); if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE)); } // forfeit opponent castling if rook is captured if (capturedPiece instanceof Rook && isInHomeArea(initialBoard, target, capturedPiece)) { Coordinate kingCoords = initialBoard .locatePiece(pieceSet.getPiece(King.class, capturedPieceColor)); if (geometry.isKingSide(kingCoords, capturedCoordinate)) { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE)); } else { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(capturedPieceColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE)); } } } } // move piece(s) if (!looksLikeCastlingMove(chessMove, board)) { // normal move ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(source, target)); } else { // castling move char rank = source.getNotation().charAt(1); Coordinate kingTarget, rookTarget; if (geometry.isKingSide(source, target)) { kingTarget = geometry.locateCoordinate("g" + rank); rookTarget = geometry.locateCoordinate("f" + rank); } else { kingTarget = geometry.locateCoordinate("c" + rank); rookTarget = geometry.locateCoordinate("d" + rank); } // move king and rook if (source.equals(rookTarget) && target.equals(kingTarget)) { // exchange ops.add(new ExchangePieceOperation(source, target)); } else if (source.equals(kingTarget)) { // move rook only ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(target, rookTarget)); } else if (target.equals(rookTarget)) { // move king only ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(source, kingTarget)); } else if (kingTarget.equals(target)) { // move rook first ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(target, rookTarget)); ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(source, kingTarget)); } else { // move king first ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(source, kingTarget)); ops.add(new MovePieceOperation(target, rookTarget)); } } // promotion if (chessMove.getPromotionPiece() != null) // is promotion move { assert promotionRule : "there is no promotion in this rule"; assert looksLikePromotionMove(chessMove, board) : "is not eligable for promotion: " + formatMove(chessMove); // promote pawn ops.add(new SwapOutPieceOperation(target, pieceSet.getPiece(chessMove.getPromotionPiece(), activeColor))); } else { assert !promotionRule || !looksLikePromotionMove(chessMove, board) : "is eligable for promotion, but promotion piece missing: " + formatMove(chessMove); } // adjust half move clock if (looksLikePlainCapture || looksLikeEnPassantCapture || piece instanceof Pawn) ops.add(new ResetHalfmoveClockOperation()); else ops.add(IncrementHalfmoveClockOperation.instance()); if (castlingRule) { // forfeit all castling if the king is moving if (piece instanceof King) { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(activeColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(activeColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE)); if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(activeColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(activeColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE)); } // forfeit castling if a rook is moving from its initial position if (piece instanceof Rook && isInHomeArea(initialBoard, source, piece)) { Coordinate kingCoords = initialBoard.locatePiece(pieceSet.getPiece(King.class, activeColor)); if (geometry.isKingSide(kingCoords, source)) { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(activeColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(activeColor, CastlingSide.KINGSIDE)); } else { if (((ChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(activeColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitCastlingOperation(activeColor, CastlingSide.QUEENSIDE)); } } } if (antiKingCastlingRule) { // forfeit castling if king or antiking is moving if (piece instanceof King || piece instanceof AntiKing) { if (((AntiKingChessPosition) position).getCastlingAvailable(activeColor, piece.getClass()) == true) ops.add(new ForfeitAntiKingCastlingOperation(activeColor, piece.getClass())); } } // adjust en passant option if (enPassantRule) { if (looksLikeEnPassantMove(chessMove, board)) ops.add(new SetEnPassantTargetSquareOperation( geometry.vectorAdd(source, geometry.forwardDir(piece.getColor()), 1))); else if (((ChessPosition) position).getEnPassantTargetSquare() != null) ops.add(new SetEnPassantTargetSquareOperation(null)); } // next player ops.add(NextPlayerOperation.instance()); return ops; } @Override protected final boolean looksLikePlainCapture(ChessLikeMove move, Board board) { if (looksLikeCastlingMove(move, board)) return false; return super.looksLikePlainCapture(move, board); } @Override protected final boolean looksLikeCapture(ChessLikeMove move, Board board) { return looksLikePlainCapture(move, board) || (enPassantRule && looksLikeEnPassantCapture(move, board)); } protected boolean looksLikeEnPassantCapture(ChessLikeMove move, Board board) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); Coordinate source = move.getSource(); Coordinate target = move.getTarget(); Piece piece = board.getPiece(source); // piece is a pawn? if (!(piece instanceof Pawn)) return false; // pawn changing file? if (geometry.sameFile(source, target)) return false; // does not look like plain capture? if (looksLikePlainCapture(move, board)) return false; return true; } /** * Determines if this move is a casteling move by the nature of the chessMove.getPiece() and target squares. It does * not check if any of the casteling conditions are fulfilled. */ protected boolean looksLikeCastlingMove(ChessLikeMove move, Board board) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); // source is a king? Coordinate source = move.getSource(); Piece sourcePiece = board.getPiece(source); if (!(sourcePiece instanceof King)) return false; // target on same rank? Coordinate target = move.getTarget(); if (!geometry.sameRank(source, target)) return false; // target is a rook of same color Piece targetPiece = board.getPiece(target); if (!(targetPiece instanceof Rook)) return false; if (!targetPiece.sameColor(sourcePiece)) return false; return true; } /** * Determines if the move is opening the option of en passant */ protected boolean looksLikeEnPassantMove(ChessMove move, Board board) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); Coordinate source = move.getSource(); Coordinate target = move.getTarget(); Piece piece = board.getPiece(source); // piece is pawn? if (!(piece instanceof Pawn)) return false; // same file? if (!geometry.sameFile(source, target)) return false; // distance 2 squares? if (geometry.distance(source, target) != 2) return false; return true; } /** * Determines if the move on the given board leads to a pawn promotion. */ protected boolean looksLikePromotionMove(ChessMove move, Board board) { ChessBoardGeometry geometry = (ChessBoardGeometry) getBoardGeometry(); Coordinate source = move.getSource(); Coordinate target = move.getTarget(); Piece piece = board.getPiece(source); // piece is pawn? if (!(piece instanceof Pawn)) return false; // is arriving at target rank? if (!geometry.isInTargetArea(target, piece.getColor())) return false; return true; } /** * Determines if the piece is in its home area. */ private boolean isInHomeArea(Board initialBoard, Coordinate coordinate, Piece piece) { return piece.equals(initialBoard.getPiece(coordinate)); } }