Java tutorial
/* * jidgen, developed as a part of the IDMOne project at RRZE. * Copyright 2008, RRZE, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. This * product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation * * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.cli.IdGenOptions; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.filter.BlacklistFilter; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.filter.FilterChain; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.filter.PasswdFilter; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.filter.ShellCmdFilter; import de.rrze.idmone.utils.jidgen.template.Template; /** * class IdGenerator * * * * * <p> * <b>Used external packages</b> * <br /> * For further infos about the cli package see <a href=""> * org.apache.commons.cli</a>. * <br /> * For further infos about the logging package see * <a href=""> * org.apache.commons.logging</a> * </p> * * @author unrza249 * @author unrz205 */ public class IdGenerator { /** * The class logger */ private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(IdGenerator.class); /** * The options manager for IdGen */ private IdGenOptions options; /** * The option string before parsing */ private String[] cliArgs; /** * Flag that indicates whether or not an update of the * options object is needed. * <b>Only used internally!</b> */ private boolean updateOptions = true; /** * A filter chain for the IdGenerator<br /> * This chain contains all filters that should be applied to * the generated ids. */ private FilterChain filterChain; /** * Default constructor of the IdGenerator */ public IdGenerator() { logger.trace("Invoked default constructor."); /* // uncomment this for using an internally pre-defined configuration // together with the log4j logging system try { // configure the log4j logging system from a external configuration file PropertyConfigurator.configure(this.getClass().getResource("/")); } catch (Exception e) { // if that doesn't work use this default configuration Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("log4j.rootLogger", "WARN, A1"); props.put("log4j.appender.A1", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"); props.put("log4j.appender.A1.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"); props.put("log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern", "%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n"); PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); } */ // create options definition for CLI/external library usage this.options = buildOptions(); // create an empty filter chain this.filterChain = new FilterChain(); } public IdGenerator(String[] args) { this(); this.setCLIArgs(args); this.init(); } public IdGenerator(String args) { this(); this.setCLIArgs(args); this.init(); } /** * Entry point of the program (CLI) * * @param args * the program arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) {"IdGenerator.WELCOME")); // create an instance of the IdGenerator and start the generation process IdGenerator generator = new IdGenerator(); // pass on the CLI options array generator.setCLIArgs(args); // initialize the generator options manually // so we can print the usage on error if (!generator.init()) { generator.printUsage(); System.exit(150); } /* * PROCESS CLI ONLY OPTIONS */ // check for -h option or call with no options at all if (generator.options.hasOptionValue("h") || generator.options.getNum() == 0) { generator.printUsage(); System.exit(0); } // check for -hh option if (generator.options.hasOptionValue("hh")) { generator.printHelp(); System.exit(0); } // set number of ids if (generator.options.hasOptionValue("N")) { Globals.NUM_IDs = Integer.parseInt(generator.options.getOptionValue("N")); logger.trace("Set number of ids to generate to " + Globals.NUM_IDs + "."); } // enable column output if (generator.options.hasOptionValue("C")) { Globals.ENABLE_COLUMN_OUTPUT = true; logger.trace("Enable column output..."); } // set terminal width if (generator.options.hasOptionValue("W")) { Globals.TERM_WIDTH = Integer.parseInt(generator.options.getOptionValue("W")); logger.trace("Set terminal width to " + Globals.TERM_WIDTH + "."); } /* * START WORKING */ // generate ids List<String> ids = generator.generateIDs(Globals.NUM_IDs); // output the generated ids if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {"IdGenerator.ID")); if (Globals.ENABLE_COLUMN_OUTPUT) { generator.printColumns(ids); } else { generator.print(ids); } } } /** * Init the IdGenerator object<br /> * This got a seperate method, so that it can * be called more flexibly and also from the main * method for CLI usage. * * @return true if no errors occurred, false otherwise */ private boolean init() { logger.trace("Init called."); // at first: update the options data if needed if (this.updateOptions) { this.updateOptions = false; if (!this.parseOptions(this.cliArgs)) { logger.error(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.ERROR_OPTIONS_UPDATE") + " " + Arrays.toString(this.cliArgs)); return false; } } logger.trace("Processing CLI arguments..."); /* * FLAGS */ /* * DATA */ /* * FILTERS */ // blacklist filter if (this.options.hasOptionValue("B")) { logger.trace("Enable blacklist filter..."); BlacklistFilter bl = new BlacklistFilter(); if (this.options.hasOptionValue("Bf")) { Globals.BLACKLIST_FILE = this.options.getOptionValue("Bf"); logger.trace("Using ALTERNATE blacklist file (" + Globals.BLACKLIST_FILE + ")."); } else { logger.trace("Using DEFAULT blacklist file (" + Globals.BLACKLIST_FILE + ")."); } // read blacklist from file File file = new File(Globals.BLACKLIST_FILE); while (bl.addToBlacklist(file.getLine())) { // just loop } file.close(); this.filterChain.addFilter(bl); } // passwd filter if (this.options.hasOptionValue("P")) { logger.trace("Enable passwd filter..."); PasswdFilter passwd = new PasswdFilter(); if (this.options.hasOptionValue("Pf")) { Globals.PASSWD_FILE = this.options.getOptionValue("Pf"); logger.trace("Using ALTERNATE passwd file (" + Globals.PASSWD_FILE + ")."); } else { logger.trace("Using DEFAULT passwd file (" + Globals.PASSWD_FILE + ")."); } passwd.setFile(Globals.PASSWD_FILE); this.filterChain.addFilter(passwd); } // shellcmd filter if (this.options.hasOptionValue("S")) { logger.trace("Enable shellcmd filter..."); ShellCmdFilter shellCmd = new ShellCmdFilter(); if (this.options.hasOptionValue("Sf")) { Globals.SHELLCMD = this.options.getOptionValue("Sf"); logger.trace("Using shell command (" + Globals.SHELLCMD + ")."); } else { logger.trace("Using DEFAULT shell command (" + Globals.SHELLCMD + ")."); } shellCmd.setCmd(Globals.SHELLCMD); this.filterChain.addFilter(shellCmd); } return true; } /** * Converts the given string into an array * and calls parseOptions(String[]). * * @param args * argument string * @return true on success, false otherwise */ private boolean parseOptions(String args) { String[] argsArr = args.split(" "); return this.parseOptions(argsArr); } /** * Fills the data array inside the options object * with the arguments specified in the array. * * @param args * the argument array * @return true on success, false otherwise */ private boolean parseOptions(String[] args) { // parse the command line options and // fill the data array try { logger.trace("Parsing cliArgs..."); this.options.parse(args); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.debug(e.toString()); return false; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.debug(e.toString()); return false; } return true; } /** * Converts the given string into an array * and calls setCLIArgs(String[]). * * @param args * the argument string */ public void setCLIArgs(String args) { logger.trace("Converting argument string to array..."); String[] argsArr = args.split(" "); this.setCLIArgs(argsArr); } /** * Sets the stored argument array for * later parsing.<br /> * An update of the data array can be * done explicitly by calling the * updateOptions() method or automatically * on the next call to generateIds(int). * * @param args * the new argument array */ public void setCLIArgs(String[] args) { this.updateOptions = true; this.cliArgs = args; logger.trace("Set cliArgs to " + Arrays.toString(this.cliArgs)); } /** * Updates everything that needs to be updated * to be up-to-date again. * <em>This also includes re-reading the blacklist * file.</em> * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ public boolean update() { this.filterChain.clear(); return this.init(); } /** * This method tries to generate the given number of ids. * The method returns an empty list if it does * not manage to create any suitable id within the <em>MAX_ATTEMPTS</em> * or null if an error occurs. * * @param num * target number of ids to generate * @return a suitable id list, an empty list if such could not be * generated or null on error */ public List<String> generateIDs(int num) { if (this.updateOptions) { this.update(); } ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();"IdGenerator.START_GENERATION") + num); Template template = new Template(this.options.getData()); int i = 0; while (template.hasAlternatives() && (ids.size() < num)) { if (i++ == Globals.MAX_ATTEMPTS) { logger.fatal( Messages.getString("IdGenerator.MAX_ATTEMPTS_REACHED") + " (" + Globals.MAX_ATTEMPTS + ")"); System.exit(152); } String idCandidate = null; idCandidate = template.buildString(); logger.trace(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.TRACE_ID_CANDIDATE") + " " + idCandidate); // apply the filter chain to the generated id // add to list if we got a valid, unique id if ((this.filterChain.apply(idCandidate) != null) && (!ids.contains(idCandidate))) { ids.add(idCandidate); } else { // log some info about the failed attempt logger.trace(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.TRACE_ATTEMPT_GENERATE") + " " + idCandidate); } } logger.debug(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS") + i); if (ids.size() < num) { logger.warn(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.FAILED_TO_REACH_TARGET_NUM") + ids.size()); } if (ids.size() == 0) { logger.fatal(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.NO_ALTERNATIVES_LEFT")); } return ids; } /** * Prints ids into columns with a predefined terminal width(to * System.out). The number of columns is calculated from the terminal width. * * @param ids * a list of ids to be printed */ public void printColumns(List<String> ids) { int idLength = ids.get(0).length(); int numberOfColumns = Globals.TERM_WIDTH / (idLength + 1); if (numberOfColumns == 0) numberOfColumns = 1; logger.debug(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.N_SEPARATOR")); int i; int column = 0; for (i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { column++; String id = (String) ids.get(i); if (((column % numberOfColumns) == 0)) { System.out.print(id + Messages.getString("IdGenerator.NEW_LINE")); } else { System.out.print(id + ' '); } } if ((column % numberOfColumns) != 0) { System.out.print(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.NEW_LINE")); } logger.debug(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.N_SEPARATOR")); } /** * Prints a list of ids to a terminal(System.out) * * @param ids * a list of ids to be printed */ public void print(List<String> ids) { logger.debug(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.N_SEPARATOR")); for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { String id = (String) ids.get(i); System.out.print(id + Messages.getString("IdGenerator.NEW_LINE")); } logger.debug(Messages.getString("IdGenerator.N_SEPARATOR")); } /** * Prints the usage info * and the available CLI options */ public void printUsage() { System.out.println(options.getHelp(false)); } /** * Prints a very verbose help page * with more detailed info */ public void printHelp() { System.out.println(options.getHelp(true)); } // TODO find are more elegant way to specify options globally /** * Initializes the CLI (Command Line Interface) options of the IdGenerator. * * @return the CLI options */ private IdGenOptions buildOptions() { IdGenOptions opts = new IdGenOptions(); logger.trace("Building CLI options..."); // number of ids opts.add("W", "terminal-width", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_TERMINAL_WIDTH_DESC") + " (Default: " + Globals.DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH + ")", 1, "number", ' '); // number of ids opts.add("N", "number-ids", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_NUMBER_IDS_DESC"), 1, "number", ' '); // print in columns flag opts.add("C", "print-in-columns", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_PRINT_IN_COLUMNS_DESC")); // shellcmd filter command opts.add("Sf", "shellcmd-command", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_SHELLCMD_COMMAND_DESC"), 1, "command", ' '); // shellcmd filter opts.add("S", "enable-shellcmd-filter", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_SHELLCMD_DESC") + " (Default: " + Globals.DEFAULT_SHELLCMD + ")"); // passwd filter file opts.add("Pf", "passwd-file", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_PASSWD_FILE_DESC"), 1, "file", ' '); // passwd filter opts.add("P", "enable-passwd-filter", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_PASSWD_DESC") + " (Default: " + Globals.DEFAULT_PASSWD_FILE + ")"); // blacklist filter file opts.add("Bf", "blacklist-file", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_BLACKLIST_FILE_DESC"), 1, "file", ' '); // blacklist filter opts.add("B", "enable-blacklist-filter", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_BLACKLIST_DESC") + " (Default: " + Globals.DEFAULT_BLACKLIST_FILE + ")"); // create all "T[a-z]" options as invisible and a dummy option for them for (char currentChar = 'a'; currentChar < 'z'; currentChar++) { opts.addInvisible("T" + currentChar, "template-variable-" + currentChar, 1, "data", ' '); } opts.addDummy("T[a-z]", "template-variable-[a-z]", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_DESC"), 1, "data"); // id template string opts.add("T", "template", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_TEMPLATE_DESC"), 1, "template", ' '); // display usage (short help) opts.add("h", "help", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_HELP")); // display help page (long help) opts.add("hh", "help-page", Messages.getString("IIdGenCommandLineOptions.CL_HELP_PAGE")); return opts; } /** * Set an option with it's value * * @param opt * the short option parameter to be set * @param value * the value to be associated with the parameter */ public void setOption(String opt, String value) { updateOptions = false; this.options.setOptionValue(opt, value); } }