Java tutorial
/* * Relaunch64 - A Java cross-development IDE for C64 machine language coding. * Copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Daniel Ldecke ( * * Homepage: * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie knnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU * General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation verffentlicht, weitergeben * und/oder modifizieren, entweder gem Version 3 der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie mchten) * jeder spteren Version. * * Die Verffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, da es Ihnen von Nutzen sein * wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder * der VERWENDBARKEIT FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der * GNU General Public License. * * Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm * erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <>. */ package de.relaunch64.popelganda.database; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.Editor.ColorSchemes; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.Editor.EditorPanes; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.util.ConstantsR64; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.util.FileTools; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.assemblers.Assembler; import de.relaunch64.popelganda.assemblers.Assemblers; import java.awt.Font; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.AntiAlias; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.Gutter; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; /** * * @author Daniel Luedecke */ public class Settings { /** * Amount of stored recent documents */ private static final int recentDocCount = 10; private static final String SETTING_RECENT_DOC = "recentDoc"; private static final String SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH = "lastusedpath"; private static final String SETTING_PREF_ASM = "preferredCompiler"; private static final String SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT = "sidebarsort"; private static final String SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME = "syntaxscheme"; private static final String SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT = "lastUserScript"; private static final String SETTING_CODE_FOLDING = "codefolding"; private static final String SETTING_CF_MANUAL = "codefolding_manual"; private static final String SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES = "codefolding_directive"; private static final String SETTING_CF_STRUCTS = "codefolding_structural"; private static final String SETTING_CF_SECTIONS = "codefolding_sections"; private static final String SETTING_CF_BRACES = "codefolding_braces"; private static final String SETTING_CF_LABELS = "codefolding_labels"; private static final String SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE = "alternativeAssemblyMode"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT = "showlinehighlight"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE = "showbuffersize"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB = "showfileextintab"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON = "showclosebutton"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR = "showtoolbar"; private static final String SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT = "showtoolbartext"; private static final String SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE = "suggestioncasesort"; private static final String SETTING_ANTIALIAS = "antialias"; private static final String SETTING_SCALE_FONT = "scalefont"; private static final String REC_DOC_ASSEMBLER = "compiler"; private static final String REC_DOC_SCRIPT = "script"; private static final String SETTING_MAINFONT = "editorfont"; private static final String SETTING_CHECKUPDATES = "checkupdates"; private static final String SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS = "findfieldfocus"; private static final String SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE = "saveoncompile"; private static final String SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX = "nimbusonosx"; private static final String SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS = "usescrolltabs"; private static final String SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT = "logsplitlayout"; private static final String SETTING_TABWIDTH = "tabwidth"; private static final String SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX = "listgotoindex"; private static final String SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT = "linenumberalignment"; private static final String SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP = "rofstartup"; private static final String SETTING_REOPEN_FILES = "reopenfiles"; private static final String SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_CHILD = "rof"; private static final String SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION = "dividerlocation"; private static final String SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN = "dividerishidden"; private static final String SETTING_USE_NOTABS = "usenotabs"; private static final String SETTING_FINDBYTYPE = "findbytype"; private static final String SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS = "waitforprocess"; private static final String ATTR_ASM = "compiler"; private static final String ATTR_SCRIPT = "script"; private final File filepath; public static final int FONTNAME = 1; public static final int FONTSIZE = 2; public static final int SORT_ORDER = 0; public static final int SORT_CASE = 1; public static final int SORT_NONCASE = 2; /** * XML-Document that stores the settings-information */ private Document settingsFile; private Element root; public Settings() { // first of all, create the empty documents settingsFile = new Document(new Element("settings")); // create file path to settings file filepath = FileTools.createFilePath("relaunch64-settings.xml"); // now fill the initoal elements fillElements(); } /** * Loads the settings file */ public void loadSettings() { // if file exists, go on... if (filepath != null && filepath.exists()) { try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); settingsFile =; } catch (JDOMException | IOException ex) { ConstantsR64.r64logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } fillElements(); } /** * Loads the settings file */ public void saveSettings() { // if file exists, go on... if (filepath != null) { OutputStream dest = null; try { XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); dest = new FileOutputStream(filepath); out.output(settingsFile, dest); } catch (IOException ex) { ConstantsR64.r64logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { if (dest != null) { try { dest.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ConstantsR64.r64logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } } /** * This method creates all the settings-child-elements, but only, if they don't * already exist. We do this because when loading older settings-xml-document-structures, * we might have new elements that would not be initialised. but now we can call this * method after loading the xml-document, and create elements and default values for all * new elements. This ensures compatibility to older/news settings-file-versions. */ private void fillElements() { root = settingsFile.getRootElement(); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < recentDocCount; cnt++) { // create field-identifier String fi = SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(cnt + 1); // retrieve content if (null == root.getChild(fi)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(fi); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES); root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_MAINFONT); root.addContent(el); el.setText(Font.MONOSPACED); el.setAttribute("size", "12"); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_ANTIALIAS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ANTIALIAS); el.setText(AntiAlias.SUBPIXEL); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_USE_NOTABS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USE_NOTABS); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_FINDBYTYPE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_FINDBYTYPE); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CODE_FOLDING)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CODE_FOLDING); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_BRACES)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_BRACES); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_LABELS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_LABELS); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_MANUAL)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_MANUAL); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_STRUCTS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_STRUCTS); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CF_SECTIONS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CF_SECTIONS); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SCALE_FONT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SCALE_FONT); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_CHECKUPDATES)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CHECKUPDATES); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_PREF_ASM)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_PREF_ASM); el.setText(String.valueOf(Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER.getID())); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT); el.setText(String.valueOf(SORT_CASE)); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME); el.setText(String.valueOf(ColorSchemes.SCHEME_DEFAULT)); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT); el.setText(String.valueOf(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT)); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_TABWIDTH)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABWIDTH); el.setText("4"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX); el.setText("-1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION); el.setText("-1"); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } if (null == root.getChild(SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT); el.setText(String.valueOf(Gutter.RIGHT)); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } } /** * Retrieves the recent document at the position {@code nr}. Returns {@code null} if recent document * does not exist or is empty * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}. * @return the recent document (the file path) as string, or {@code null} if no such element or path exists. */ public File getRecentDoc(int nr) { // checl for valid parameter if (nr < 0) return null; // retrieve element Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if we have any valid document if (el != null) { // check whether its value is empty String retval = el.getText(); // and if not, return in if (!retval.isEmpty()) { return new File(retval); } } // else return null return null; } public int findRecentDoc(File f) { if (null == f) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < recentDocCount; i++) { File rf = getRecentDoc(i); if (rf != null && f.equals(rf)) return i; } return -1; } /** * * @param nr * @return */ public Assembler getRecentDocAssembler(int nr) { // checl for valid parameter if (nr < 0) return Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; // retrieve element Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if we have any valid document if (el != null) { // retrieve compiler attribute Attribute comp = el.getAttribute(REC_DOC_ASSEMBLER); // if we have any valid attribute if (comp != null) { try { return Assemblers.byID(Integer.parseInt(comp.getValue())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; } } } // else return null return Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; } /** * * @param nr * @return */ public int getRecentDocScript(int nr) { // checl for valid parameter if (nr < 0) return 0; // retrieve element Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if we have any valid document if (el != null) { // retrieve compiler attribute Attribute comp = el.getAttribute(REC_DOC_SCRIPT); // if we have any valid attribute if (comp != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(comp.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return 0; } } } // else return null return 0; } /** * * @param doc * @return */ public int findRecentDoc(String doc) { if (null == doc || doc.isEmpty()) return -1; // iterate all current recent documents for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= recentDocCount; cnt++) { if (getRecentDoc(cnt).getPath().equals(doc)) return cnt; } return -1; } /** * Retrieves the recent document at the position {@code nr}. Returns {@code null} if recent document * does not exist or is empty * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}. * @return the recent document (the file path) as string, or {@code null} if no such element or path exists. */ private String getRecentDocAsString(int nr) { // retrieve element File rd = getRecentDoc(nr); // check for valid value if (rd != null) { return rd.toString(); } // else return null return null; } /** * This method adds the file from the filepath {@code fp} to the list of recent * documents and rotates that list, if necessary. * @param fp the filepath to the document that should be added to the list of recent documents * @param assembler * @param userScript */ public void addToRecentDocs(String fp, Assembler assembler, int userScript) { // check for valid parameter if (null == fp || fp.isEmpty()) { return; } // check whether file exists File dummy = new File(fp); if (!dummy.exists()) { return; } // create linked list LinkedList<String> recdocs = new LinkedList<>(); // linked list for assemblers LinkedList<Assembler> recasms = new LinkedList<>(); // linked list for scripts LinkedList<Integer> recscripts = new LinkedList<>(); // add new filepath to linked list recdocs.add(fp); recasms.add(assembler); recscripts.add(userScript); // iterate all current recent documents for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= recentDocCount; cnt++) { // retrieve recent document String recentDoc = getRecentDocAsString(cnt); Assembler asm = getRecentDocAssembler(cnt); int script = getRecentDocScript(cnt); // check whether the linked list already contains such a document if (recentDoc != null && !recentDoc.isEmpty()) { // check for existing file dummy = new File(recentDoc); // if not, add it to the list if (dummy.exists() && !recdocs.contains(recentDoc)) { recasms.add(asm); recscripts.add(script); recdocs.add(recentDoc); } } } // iterate all current recent documents again for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= recentDocCount; cnt++) { // check for valid bounds of linked list if (recdocs.size() >= cnt) { // and set recent document setRecentDoc(cnt, recdocs.get(cnt - 1), recasms.get(cnt - 1), recscripts.get(cnt - 1)); } // else fill remaining recent documents with empty strings else { setRecentDoc(cnt, "", Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER, -1); } } } /** * Add a new recent document to the position {@code nr} in the list of recent documents. * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}. * @param fp the filepath to the recently used document as string * @param assembler * @param userScript */ public void setRecentDoc(int nr, String fp, Assembler assembler, int userScript) { // check for valid parameter if (null == fp || -1 == nr) { return; } // retrieve element Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if element does not exist, create new... if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // and add it to the document root.addContent(el); } // add filepath el.setText(fp); el.setAttribute(REC_DOC_ASSEMBLER, String.valueOf(assembler.getID())); el.setAttribute(REC_DOC_SCRIPT, String.valueOf(userScript)); } public File getLastUsedPath() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH); // changed to Yoda condition return new File((null == el) ? "" : el.getText()); } public void setLastUsedPath(File f) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LAST_USED_PATH); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(f.getAbsolutePath()); } public String getAntiAlias() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_ANTIALIAS); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return AntiAlias.SUBPIXEL; } public void setAntiAlias(String aa) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_ANTIALIAS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ANTIALIAS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(aa); } public boolean getScaleFont() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SCALE_FONT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setScaleFont(boolean scale) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SCALE_FONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SCALE_FONT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(scale == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getSidebarIsHidden() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setSidebarIsHidden(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SIDEBAR_ISHIDDEN); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getUseNoTabs() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_USE_NOTABS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setUseNoTabs(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_USE_NOTABS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_USE_NOTABS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getFindByType() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_FINDBYTYPE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setFindByType(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_FINDBYTYPE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_FINDBYTYPE); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getWaitForProcess() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setWaitForProcess(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_WAITFORPROCESS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getCodeFolding() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CODE_FOLDING); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setCodeFolding(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CODE_FOLDING); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CODE_FOLDING); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public int getCodeFoldingTokens() { int foldtokens = 0; Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_MANUAL); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_MANUAL : 0); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_BRACES); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_BRACES : 0); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_LABELS); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_LABELS : 0); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_DIRECTIVES : 0); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_STRUCTS); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_STRUCTS : 0); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_SECTIONS); if (el != null) foldtokens = foldtokens + (el.getText().equals("1") ? Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_SECTIONS : 0); return foldtokens; } public void setCodeFoldingTokens(int tokens) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_MANUAL); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_MANUAL); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_MANUAL) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_BRACES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_BRACES); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_BRACES) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_LABELS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_LABELS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_LABELS) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_DIRECTIVES); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_DIRECTIVES) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_STRUCTS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_STRUCTS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_STRUCTS) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); el = root.getChild(SETTING_CF_SECTIONS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CF_SECTIONS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(((tokens & Assemblers.CF_TOKEN_SECTIONS) != 0) ? "1" : "0"); } public Assembler getPreferredAssembler() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_PREF_ASM); try { if (el != null) return Assemblers.byID(Integer.parseInt(el.getText())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } return Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; } public void setPreferredAssembler(Assembler assembler) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_PREF_ASM); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_PREF_ASM); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(assembler.getID())); } public int getSidebarSort() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT); try { if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } return SORT_CASE; } public void setSidebarSort(int sortstyle) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SIDEBAR_SORT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(sortstyle)); } public int getColorScheme() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME); try { if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } return ColorSchemes.SCHEME_DEFAULT; } public void setColorScheme(int scheme) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SYNTAX_SCHEME); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(scheme)); } public boolean getCheckForUpdates() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CHECKUPDATES); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setCheckForUpdates(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_CHECKUPDATES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CHECKUPDATES); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getFindFieldFocus() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setFindFieldFocus(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_FINDFIELDFOCUS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getAlternativeAssemblyMode() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setAlternativeAssemblyMode(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ALT_ASM_MODE); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowLineHightlight() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowLineHightlight(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_LINEHIGLIGHT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowBufferSize() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowBufferSize(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_BUFFERSIZE); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowExtensionInTab() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowExtensionInTab(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_EXT_IN_TAB); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowCloseButton() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowCloseButton(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_CLOSEBUTTON); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowToolbar() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowToolbar(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowToolbarText() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowToolbarText(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBARTEXT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getSuggestionSortIgnoresCase() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setSuggestionSortIgnoresCase(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SUGGEST_SORT_CASE); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getSaveOnCompile() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setSaveOnCompile(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SAVEONCOMPILE); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getNimbusOnOSX() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setNimbusOnOSX(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_NIMBUS_ON_OSX); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getUseScrollTabs() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setUseScrollTabs(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_USE_SCROLL_TABS); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getReopenOnStartup() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return true; } public void setReopenOnStartup(boolean val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_ON_STARTUP); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(val == Boolean.TRUE ? "1" : "0"); } public int getTabWidth() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_TABWIDTH); if (el != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return 4; } } return 4; } public void setTabWidth(int tabwidth) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_TABWIDTH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABWIDTH); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(tabwidth)); } public int getListGotoIndex() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX); if (el != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return -1; } } return -1; } public void setListGotoIndex(int tabwidth) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LISTGOTOINDEX); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(tabwidth)); } public int getDividerLocation() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION); if (el != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return -1; } } return 4; } public void setDividerLocation(int pos) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DIVIDER_LOCATION); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(pos)); } public int getLastUserScript() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT); try { if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } return 0; } public void setLastUserScript(int index) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LAST_SCRIPT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(index)); } /** * Retrieves settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getMainFont(int what) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the main font as font-object. * @return the main-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getMainFont() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT); int fsize = Integer.parseInt(el.getAttributeValue("size")); return new Font(el.getText(), Font.PLAIN, fsize); } public void setMainFont(Font f) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MAINFONT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(f.getName()); el.setAttribute("size", String.valueOf(f.getSize())); } public int getLogSplitLayout() { // get attribute which stores last used desktop number Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT); // check for valid value if (el != null) { try { // retrieve value return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT; } } return JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT; } public void setLogSplitLayout(int val) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LOGSPLITLAYOUT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } public int getLineNumerAlignment() { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT); if (el != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return Gutter.RIGHT; } } return Gutter.RIGHT; } public void setLineNumerAlignment(int align) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LINE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT); root.addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(align)); } public ArrayList<Object[]> getReopenFiles() { // get reopen files Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES); // check if we have any if (null == el) return null; // create return value ArrayList<Object[]> rofiles = new ArrayList<>(); // retrieve all children, each element representing one // file that should be re-opened List<Element> children = el.getChildren(); // iterate all children for (Element e : children) { // get file path File f = new File(e.getText()); // check if exists if (f.exists()) { // get compiler value String attr_c = e.getAttributeValue(ATTR_ASM); String attr_s = e.getAttributeValue(ATTR_SCRIPT); // init defaults Assembler assembler = Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; int script = -1; // check if we have compiler value try { if (attr_c != null) assembler = Assemblers.byID(Integer.parseInt(attr_c)); if (attr_s != null) script = Integer.parseInt(attr_s); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { assembler = Assemblers.ASM_KICKASSEMBLER; script = -1; } // add compiler and filepath to return value rofiles.add(new Object[] { f, assembler, script }); } } return rofiles; } public void setReopenFiles(EditorPanes ep) { Element el = root.getChild(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES); root.addContent(el); } // remove existing content el.removeContent(); // iterate all editorpanes and store file pathes for (int i = 0; i < ep.getCount(); i++) { // get file path and compiler settings of each file File fp = ep.getFilePath(i); int c = ep.getAssembler(i).getID(); int s = ep.getScript(i); // save if exists if (fp != null && fp.exists()) { // create new child element Element child = new Element(SETTING_REOPEN_FILES_CHILD); // add path and compiler child.setText(fp.getAbsolutePath()); child.setAttribute(ATTR_ASM, String.valueOf(c)); child.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRIPT, String.valueOf(s)); // add to database el.addContent(child); } } } }