Java tutorial
package de.raion.xmppbot.command; /* * #%L * XmppBot Commands * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Bernd Kiefer <> * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.LoggingFilter; import de.raion.xmppbot.XmppContext; @CLICommand(name = "trello", description = "configures the trello plugin") public class TrelloCommand extends de.raion.xmppbot.command.core.AbstractXmppCommand { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrelloCommand.class); @Parameter(names = { "-k", "--application-key" }, description = "sets the application key used for authorization") String applicationKey; @Parameter(names = { "-t", "--access-token" }, description = "sets the acess token to use") String accessToken; @Parameter(names = { "-d", "--default" }, description = "sets the default board to use: -d <boardid>") String defaultBoard; @Parameter(names = { "-v", "--validate" }, description = "validates the given configuration") Boolean validate = false; @Parameter(names = { "-a", "--auth" }, description = "starts the authorization process") Boolean authorize = false; @Parameter(names = { "-f", "--force" }, description = "BETA!: starts the authorization process") Boolean force = false; @Parameter(names = { "-u", "--update" }, description = "update boards and cards") Boolean update = false; @Parameter(names = { "-i", "--info" }, description = "shows information") Boolean list = false; @Override public void executeCommand(XmppContext context) { TrelloConfig config = context.loadConfig(TrelloConfig.class); if (applicationKey != null) { config.setApplicationKey(applicationKey); if (context.isMultiUserChatBound()) println("application key set to xxxxxxxx"); else println("application key set to '" + applicationKey + "'"); } if (accessToken != null) { config.setAccessToken(accessToken); println("access-token set"); } if (validate) { validateConfiguration(context, config); } if (authorize) { doAuthorize(context, config, force); } if (list) { showInformation(context, config); } if (defaultBoard != null) setDefaultBoard(defaultBoard, context, config); saveConfig(config, context); } private void setDefaultBoard(String boardId, XmppContext context, TrelloConfig config) { if (config.getBoards().containsKey(boardId)) { config.setDefaultBoardId(boardId); println("default board set to " + boardId + " - " + config.getBoards().get(boardId)); } else { println("unknown boardid. please run trello --update for updating the boardinfos or trello --info for showing available boards"); } } private void showInformation(XmppContext context, TrelloConfig config) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Trello configuration:"); builder.append("\n---------------------\n"); if (config.getApplicationKey() != null) builder.append("- application key available\n"); else builder.append("- application key not available\n"); if (config.getAccessToken() != null) builder.append("- access token available\n"); else builder.append("- access token not available\n\n"); builder.append("Boards:\n-------\n"); Set<Entry<String, String>> boardSet = config.getBoards().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : boardSet) { builder.append("- ").append(entry.getValue()).append(" - "); builder.append(entry.getKey()).append("\n"); } if (config.getDefaultBoardId() != null) { builder.append("Default Board:\n--------------\n"); builder.append(config.getBoards().get(config.getDefaultBoardId())).append(" - ") .append(config.getDefaultBoardId()); } println(builder.toString()); } private void doAuthorize(XmppContext context, TrelloConfig config, Boolean force) { println(createAccessTokenRequestLink(config.getAuthorizeUrl(), config.getApplicationKey())); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append( "following this link will ask you to allow me read-only access forever to your organizations and boards"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append( "please use following command afterwards: trello -v -t The64CharTokenProvidedFromTheTrelloPage"); builder.append("\n"); builder.append("or: trello --validate --acces-token The64CharactersTokenProvidedFromTheTrelloPage"); println(builder.toString()); } private String createAccessTokenRequestLink(String authorizeUrl, String appKey) { // key=ed2fc62db0f1351c8126ca06a7c94cb8&name=Enbot+Botson& // StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(authorizeUrl); builder.append("?").append("key=").append(appKey); // TODO retrieve name from context/config .... builder.append("&").append("name=").append("Enbot+Botson"); builder.append("&").append("expiration=never"); builder.append("&").append("response_type=token"); return builder.toString(); } private void validateConfiguration(final XmppContext context, TrelloConfig config) { println("starting validation"); if (isConfigProper(config)) { // Client client = Client.create(); client.addFilter(new LoggingFilter()); WebResource resource = client .resource(",shortUrl") .queryParam("key", config.getApplicationKey()).queryParam("token", config.getAccessToken()); println("trying to access board informations"); ClientResponse response = resource.get(ClientResponse.class); if (response.getClientResponseStatus() == Status.OK) { println("reading board infos"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readValue(response.getEntityInputStream(), JsonNode.class); int size = rootNode.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JsonNode boardNode = rootNode.get(i); String id = boardNode.path("id").asText(); String name = boardNode.path("name").asText(); String url = boardNode.path("shortUrl").asText(); boolean closed = Boolean.parseBoolean(boardNode.path("closed").asText()); if (!closed) { println(name + " - " + url); config.addBoard(id, name); config.addBoardUrl(id, url); } } println("validation done"); Set<String> boardIdSet = config.getBoards().keySet(); for (String id : boardIdSet) { config = addCardInformations(id, config, client, mapper); } saveConfig(config, context); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private TrelloConfig addCardInformations(String id, TrelloConfig config, Client client, ObjectMapper mapper) { WebResource boardResource = client.resource(config.getBoardBaseUrl()).path(id) .queryParam("key", config.getApplicationKey()).queryParam("token", config.getAccessToken()) .queryParam("cards", "all"); ClientResponse response = boardResource.get(ClientResponse.class); if (response.getClientResponseStatus() == Status.OK) { try { JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readValue(response.getEntityInputStream(), JsonNode.class); JsonNode cardsNode = rootNode.path("cards"); HashMap<String, TrelloConfig.TrelloCard> map = new HashMap<String, TrelloConfig.TrelloCard>(); int size = cardsNode.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JsonNode json = cardsNode.get(i); TrelloConfig.TrelloCard card = new TrelloConfig.TrelloCard(); card.setShortId(json.path("idShort").asText()); card.setShortUrl(json.path("shortUrl").asText()); card.setName(json.path("name").asText()); map.put(card.getShortId(), card); } config.addCards(id, map); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { log.warn("couldn't GET card informations for board {}, status={}", id, response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode()); } return config; } private boolean isConfigProper(TrelloConfig config) { boolean isConfigProper = true; if (config.getApplicationKey() != null) println("application-key available"); else { println("application-key missing, see"); isConfigProper = false; } if (config.getAccessToken() != null) { println("access-token available"); } else { println("acess-token missing, try: 'trello -a' or 'trello -auth'. type trello --help for more infos"); isConfigProper = false; } return isConfigProper; } private void saveConfig(TrelloConfig config, XmppContext context) { try { context.saveConfig(config); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("error occured when trying to save trelloconfig.json, message = {}", e.getMessage()); } } }