Java tutorial
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Copyright 2012 Technische Universitaet Muenchen and | | Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Experimentelles Software Engineering (IESE) | | | | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | | You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | | | | | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | | limitations under the License. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id: 4974 2012-02-17 09:34:10Z lochmann $ | | | Copyright 2005-2010 Technische Universitaet Muenchen | | | | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | | You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | | | | | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | | limitations under the License. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package de.quamoco.qm.editor.export; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import de.quamoco.qm.Effect; import de.quamoco.qm.Evaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.Factor; import de.quamoco.qm.FactorAggregation; import de.quamoco.qm.FactorRanking; import de.quamoco.qm.FactorRefinement; import de.quamoco.qm.Function; import de.quamoco.qm.Impact; import de.quamoco.qm.LinearFunction; import de.quamoco.qm.Measure; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasureRanking; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasureRankingEvaluationResult; import de.quamoco.qm.MultiMeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.QmPackage; import de.quamoco.qm.QualityModel; import de.quamoco.qm.QualityModelResult; import de.quamoco.qm.SingleMeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.SingleMeasureEvaluationResult; import de.quamoco.qm.WeightedSumFactorAggregation; import de.quamoco.qm.WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.util.QmModelUtils; import edu.tum.cs.emf.commons.resources.UUIDUtils; /** * Helper class to export calibration data to an Excel file. * * @author herrmama * @author $Author: lochmann $ * @version $Rev: 4974 $ * @ConQAT.Rating YELLOW Hash: 44F3D2989284192F41CBC16210A73C00 */ public class ResultCalibrationExporter { /** The resource set with the quality model and the results. */ private final ResourceSet resourceSet; /** The results that should be exported. */ private List<QualityModelResult> results; /** The quality models that are currently loaded. */ private List<QualityModel> qualityModels; /** The list of all loaded {@link MeasureEvaluation}s. */ private List<MeasureEvaluation> measureEvaluations; /** The list of all loaded {@link WeightedSumFactorAggregation}s. */ private List<WeightedSumFactorAggregation> factorAggregations; /** The list of all loaded {@link WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation}. */ private List<WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation> multiMeasureEvaluations; /** The list of all loaded {@link Factor}s. */ private List<Factor> factors; /** The list of all loaded {@link Measure}. */ private List<Measure> measures; /** Constructor. */ public ResultCalibrationExporter(ResourceSet resourceSet) { this.resourceSet = resourceSet; } /** Export the calibration data to an Excel file with a certain name. */ public void export(String fileName, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { init(); monitor.beginTask("Export " + fileName, measureEvaluations.size() + 3 * factorAggregations.size() + 3 * multiMeasureEvaluations.size()); Workbook workbook = fileName.endsWith("." + EExcelVersion.EXCEL_2007.getExtension()) ? new XSSFWorkbook() : new HSSFWorkbook(); createMeasureEvaluationSheet(workbook, monitor); createFactorAggregationSheet(workbook, QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getRanking_Weight(), "AggregationWeight", monitor); createFactorAggregationSheet(workbook, QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getRanking_Rank(), "AggregationRank", monitor); createFactorImpactSheet(workbook, monitor); FileOutputStream fileOut = null; try { fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fileName); workbook.write(fileOut); } finally { if (fileOut != null) { fileOut.close(); } monitor.done(); } } /** Initialize the data that is needed for the export. */ private void init() { results = QmModelUtils.getRootElementsOfType(resourceSet, QualityModelResult.class); qualityModels = QmModelUtils.getQualityModels(resourceSet); measureEvaluations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, MeasureEvaluation.class); factorAggregations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, WeightedSumFactorAggregation.class); multiMeasureEvaluations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation.class); factors = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, Factor.class); measures = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, Measure.class); } /** Create the sheet to display the {@link MeasureEvaluation}s. */ private void createMeasureEvaluationSheet(Workbook workbook, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { checkNumberOfColumns(workbook, measureEvaluations.size() + 1); Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Measures"); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(30); int header = createMeasureEvaluationSheetHeader(sheet); createMeasureEvaluationSheetBody(sheet, header, monitor); autoSizeColumns(sheet); } /** * Create the header of the sheet to display the {@link MeasureEvaluation}s. * The header is shown in the first column. */ private int createMeasureEvaluationSheetHeader(Sheet sheet) { String[] names = new String[] { "Factor Name", "Measure Name", "Evaluation Function", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Evaluation ID" }; for (int row = 0; row < names.length; row++) { sheet.createRow(row).createCell(0).setCellValue(names[row]); } int row = names.length; for (QualityModelResult result : results) { sheet.createRow(row).createCell(0).setCellValue(result.getSystem()); row++; } return names.length; } /** * Create the body of the sheet to display the {@link MeasureEvaluation}. * There is a column for each {@link MeasureEvaluation}. */ private void createMeasureEvaluationSheetBody(Sheet sheet, int header, IProgressMonitor monitor) { int column = 1; for (MeasureEvaluation measureEvaluation : measureEvaluations) { Evaluation evaluation = null; if (measureEvaluation instanceof SingleMeasureEvaluation) { evaluation = (SingleMeasureEvaluation) measureEvaluation; } else { evaluation = (MultiMeasureEvaluation) measureEvaluation.eContainer(); } sheet.getRow(0).createCell(column).setCellValue(evaluation.getEvaluates().getQualifiedName()); sheet.getRow(1).createCell(column).setCellValue(measureEvaluation.getMeasure().getQualifiedName()); Function function = measureEvaluation.getFunction(); sheet.getRow(2).createCell(column).setCellValue(function.eClass().getName()); LinearFunction linearFunction = (LinearFunction) function; sheet.getRow(3).createCell(column).setCellValue(linearFunction.getLowerBound()); sheet.getRow(4).createCell(column).setCellValue(linearFunction.getUpperBound()); sheet.getRow(5).createCell(column).setCellValue(UUIDUtils.getId(evaluation)); if (measureEvaluation instanceof SingleMeasureEvaluation) { SingleMeasureEvaluation singleMeasureEvaluation = (SingleMeasureEvaluation) measureEvaluation; exportSingleMeasureEvaluation(sheet, singleMeasureEvaluation, header, column); } else { MeasureRanking measureRanking = (MeasureRanking) measureEvaluation; exportMeasureRanking(sheet, measureRanking, header, column); } monitor.worked(1); column++; } } /** Export a {@link SingleMeasureEvaluation}. */ private void exportSingleMeasureEvaluation(Sheet sheet, SingleMeasureEvaluation singleMeasureEvaluation, int header, int column) { int row = header; List<SingleMeasureEvaluationResult> evaluationResults = QmModelUtils.getInverse( QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getEvaluationResult_ResultsFrom(), singleMeasureEvaluation, SingleMeasureEvaluationResult.class); for (QualityModelResult result : results) { SingleMeasureEvaluationResult evaluationResult = getSingleMeasureEvaluationResult(evaluationResults, result); sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue(evaluationResult.getRatioAffected()); row++; } } /** * Get the {@link SingleMeasureEvaluationResult} that is in a certain * {@link QualityModelResult}. */ private SingleMeasureEvaluationResult getSingleMeasureEvaluationResult( List<SingleMeasureEvaluationResult> evaluationResults, QualityModelResult result) { for (SingleMeasureEvaluationResult evaluationResult : evaluationResults) { if (QmModelUtils.isContainedBy(evaluationResult, result)) { return evaluationResult; } } return null; } /** Export a {@link MeasureRanking}. */ private void exportMeasureRanking(Sheet sheet, MeasureRanking measureRanking, int header, int column) { int row = header; List<MeasureRankingEvaluationResult> evaluationResults = QmModelUtils.getInverse( QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getMeasureRankingEvaluationResult_ResultsFrom(), measureRanking, MeasureRankingEvaluationResult.class); for (QualityModelResult result : results) { MeasureRankingEvaluationResult evaluationResult = getMeasureRankingEvaluationResult(evaluationResults, result); if (evaluationResult != null) { sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue(evaluationResult.getRatioAffected()); } row++; } } /** * Get the {@link MeasureRankingEvaluationResult} that is in a certain * {@link QualityModelResult}. */ private MeasureRankingEvaluationResult getMeasureRankingEvaluationResult( List<MeasureRankingEvaluationResult> evaluationResults, QualityModelResult result) { for (MeasureRankingEvaluationResult evaluationResult : evaluationResults) { if (QmModelUtils.isContainedBy(evaluationResult, result)) { return evaluationResult; } } return null; } /** Create the sheet to display the {@link FactorAggregation}s. */ private void createFactorAggregationSheet(Workbook workbook, EAttribute attribute, String title, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(title); int header = createFactorAggregationSheetHeader(sheet); createFactorAggregationSheetBody(sheet, attribute, header, monitor); autoSizeColumns(sheet); } /** Helper method to automatically set the width of all columns. */ private void autoSizeColumns(Sheet sheet) { for (Iterator<Cell> i = sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Cell cell =; sheet.autoSizeColumn(cell.getColumnIndex()); } } /** * Create the header of the sheet to display the {@link FactorAggregation}s. * The header is shown in the first column. */ private int createFactorAggregationSheetHeader(Sheet sheet) { String[] names = new String[] { "Evaluation ID", "Factor Name" }; int header = names.length; for (int row = 0; row < header; row++) { sheet.createRow(row).createCell(0).setCellValue(names[row]); } int row = header; for (Factor factor : factors) { sheet.createRow(row).createCell(0).setCellValue(factor.getQualifiedName()); row++; } for (Measure measure : measures) { sheet.createRow(row).createCell(0).setCellValue(measure.getQualifiedName()); row++; } return header; } /** * Create the body of the sheet to display the {@link FactorAggregation}s. * There is a column for each {@link FactorAggregation}. */ private void createFactorAggregationSheetBody(Sheet sheet, EAttribute attribute, int header, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { checkNumberOfColumns(sheet.getWorkbook(), multiMeasureEvaluations.size() + factorAggregations.size() + 1); int column = 1; for (WeightedSumFactorAggregation aggregation : factorAggregations) { sheet.getRow(0).createCell(column).setCellValue(UUIDUtils.getId(aggregation)); sheet.getRow(1).createCell(column).setCellValue(aggregation.getEvaluates().getQualifiedName()); for (FactorRanking ranking : aggregation.getRankings()) { int row = factors.indexOf(ranking.getFactor()) + header; Object value = ranking.eGet(attribute); double doubleValue = 0.0; if (value instanceof Integer) { doubleValue = (Integer) value; } else { doubleValue = (Double) value; } sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue(doubleValue); } column++; monitor.worked(1); } for (WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation aggregation : multiMeasureEvaluations) { sheet.getRow(0).createCell(column).setCellValue(UUIDUtils.getId(aggregation)); sheet.getRow(1).createCell(column).setCellValue(aggregation.getEvaluates().getQualifiedName()); for (MeasureRanking ranking : aggregation.getRankings()) { int row = factors.size() + measures.indexOf(ranking.getMeasure()) + header; Object value = ranking.eGet(attribute); double doubleValue = 0.0; if (value instanceof Integer) { doubleValue = (Integer) value; } else { doubleValue = (Double) value; } sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue(doubleValue); } column++; monitor.worked(1); } } /** * Check whether the number of columns is supported by the chosen Excel * version. */ private void checkNumberOfColumns(Workbook workbook, int number) throws IOException { if (workbook instanceof HSSFWorkbook && number > 256) { throw new IOException(EExcelVersion.EXCEL_2003.getText() + " only supports 256 columns. Please export to " + EExcelVersion.EXCEL_2007.getText() + " (." + EExcelVersion.EXCEL_2007.getExtension() + ")."); } } /** * Create the sheet to display {@link Impact}s and {@link FactorRefinement}s * to {@link FactorAggregation}s. */ private void createFactorImpactSheet(Workbook workbook, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Impact"); int header = createFactorAggregationSheetHeader(sheet); createFactorImpactSheetBody(sheet, header, monitor); autoSizeColumns(sheet); } /** * Create the body of the sheet to display {@link Impact}s and * {@link FactorRefinement}s to {@link FactorAggregation}s. There is a * column for each {@link FactorAggregation}. */ private void createFactorImpactSheetBody(Sheet sheet, int header, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { checkNumberOfColumns(sheet.getWorkbook(), factorAggregations.size() + 1); int column = 1; for (WeightedSumFactorAggregation aggregation : factorAggregations) { createFactorImpactColumn(sheet, aggregation, monitor, column, header); column++; } for (WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation evaluation : multiMeasureEvaluations) { createFactorImpactColumn(sheet, evaluation, monitor, column, header); column++; } } /** * Create the column to display {@link Impact}s and {@link FactorRefinement} * s to {@link FactorAggregation}s. */ private void createFactorImpactColumn(Sheet sheet, Evaluation evaluation, IProgressMonitor monitor, int column, int header) { sheet.getRow(0).createCell(column).setCellValue(UUIDUtils.getId(evaluation)); sheet.getRow(1).createCell(column).setCellValue(evaluation.getEvaluates().getQualifiedName()); for (Factor factor : factors) { Impact impact = QmModelUtils.getImpact(factor, evaluation.getEvaluates()); int row = factors.indexOf(factor) + header; if (impact != null) { if (impact.getEffect() == Effect.POSITIVE) { sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue("+"); } else { sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue("-"); } } FactorRefinement refinement = QmModelUtils.getRefinement(evaluation.getEvaluates(), factor); if (refinement != null) { sheet.getRow(row).createCell(column).setCellValue("r"); } } monitor.worked(1); } }