Java tutorial
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Copyright 2012 Technische Universitaet Muenchen and | | Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Experimentelles Software Engineering (IESE) | | | | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | | You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | | | | | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | | limitations under the License. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package de.quamoco.qm.editor.excelexport; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import de.quamoco.qm.Evaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.Factor; import de.quamoco.qm.Function; import de.quamoco.qm.Impact; import de.quamoco.qm.Instrument; import de.quamoco.qm.LinearDecreasingFunction; import de.quamoco.qm.LinearIncreasingFunction; import de.quamoco.qm.ManualInstrument; import de.quamoco.qm.Measure; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasureRanking; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasurementMethod; import de.quamoco.qm.MeasurementResult; import de.quamoco.qm.MultiMeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.QmPackage; import de.quamoco.qm.QualityModel; import de.quamoco.qm.QualityModelResult; import de.quamoco.qm.Ranking; import de.quamoco.qm.ToolBasedInstrument; import de.quamoco.qm.WeightedSumFactorAggregation; import de.quamoco.qm.WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation; import de.quamoco.qm.editor.export.EExcelVersion; import de.quamoco.qm.util.QmModelUtils; public class HumanReadableExcelExporter { /** The resource set with the quality model and the results. */ private final ResourceSet resourceSet; /** The results that should be exported. */ private List<QualityModelResult> results; /** The quality models that are currently loaded. */ private List<QualityModel> qualityModels; /** The list of all loaded {@link MeasureEvaluation}s. */ private List<MeasureEvaluation> measureEvaluations; /** The list of all loaded {@link WeightedSumFactorAggregation}s. */ private List<WeightedSumFactorAggregation> factorAggregations; /** The list of all loaded {@link WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation}. */ private List<WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation> multiMeasureEvaluations; /** The list of all loaded {@link Factor}s. */ private List<Factor> factors; /** The list of all loaded {@link Measure}. */ private List<Measure> measures; /** The viewpoint of this qualitymodel is taken */ private QualityModel context; /** * Constructor */ public HumanReadableExcelExporter(QualityModel context, ResourceSet resourceSet) { this.resourceSet = resourceSet; this.context = context; } public void export(String fileName, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { init(); monitor.beginTask("Export " + fileName, measureEvaluations.size() + 3 * factorAggregations.size() + 3 * multiMeasureEvaluations.size()); Workbook workbook = fileName.endsWith("." + EExcelVersion.EXCEL_2007.getExtension()) ? new XSSFWorkbook() : new HSSFWorkbook(); createAllInOneSheet(workbook); createMeasureSheet(workbook); createFactorSheet(workbook); createQASheet(workbook); // createMeasureEvaluationSheet(workbook, monitor); // // createFactorAggregationSheet(workbook, // QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getRanking_Weight(), "AggregationWeight", // monitor); // // createFactorAggregationSheet(workbook, // QmPackage.eINSTANCE.getRanking_Rank(), "AggregationRank", // monitor); // // createFactorImpactSheet(workbook, monitor); FileOutputStream fileOut = null; try { fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fileName); workbook.write(fileOut); } finally { if (fileOut != null) { fileOut.close(); } monitor.done(); } } private void createAllInOneSheet(Workbook workbook) { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("All-In-One"); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(30); String[] names = new String[] { "Measure Name", "Tool", "Normalization", "Measure Description", "Measure Weight", "Influenced Factor", "Factor weight", "Impacted Quality Aspect", "Effect of the Impact", "Rationale for the Impact", "Description of the Quality Aspect" }; Row header = sheet.createRow(0); for (int col = 0; col < names.length; col++) { header.createCell(col).setCellValue(names[col]); } int row = 1; for (Measure measure : measures) { for (Factor factor : measure.getMeasuresDirect()) { for (Impact imp : factor.getInfluences()) { Factor qa = imp.getTarget(); Evaluation qaeval = qa.getActualEvaluation(context); WeightedSumFactorAggregation wsf = null; if (!(qaeval instanceof WeightedSumFactorAggregation)) { System.err.println("WARNING: factor '" + factor + "' qa '" + qa + "' does not have a WeightedSumFactorAggregation"); } else { wsf = (WeightedSumFactorAggregation) qaeval; } double qaweight = Double.NaN; if (wsf != null) { for (Ranking ranking : wsf.getRankings()) { if (ranking.getRankedElement() == factor) { qaweight = ranking.getWeight(); } } } Evaluation factoreval = factor.getActualEvaluation(context); WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation mme = null; if (factoreval == null) { System.err.println("WARNING: measure '" + measure.getQualifiedName() + "' factor '" + factor.getQualifiedName() + "' does not have an evaluation at all."); } else if (!(factoreval instanceof WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation)) { System.err.println("WARNING: measure '" + measure.getQualifiedName() + "' factor '" + factor.getQualifiedName() + "' does not have a multiMeasureEvaluation, but a " + factoreval.getClass()); } else { mme = (WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation) factoreval; } String norm = "NO NORMALIZATION"; double weight = Double.NaN; if (mme != null) { for (Ranking ranking : mme.getRankings()) { if (ranking.getRankedElement() == measure) { weight = ranking.getWeight(); if (ranking instanceof MeasureRanking) { MeasureRanking mr = (MeasureRanking) ranking; Function f = mr.getFunction(); norm = mr.getRange() + printFunction(f) + (mr.getNormlizationMeasure() != null ? mr.getNormlizationMeasure().getQualifiedName() : ""); } } } } Row r = sheet.createRow(row++); // "Measure Name", // "Tool", // "Normalization", // "Measure Description", // "Measure Weight", // "Influenced Factor", // "Factor weight", // "Impacted Quality Aspect", // "Effect of the Impact", // "Rationale for the Impact", // "Description of the Quality Aspect" int cell = 0; r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(measure.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(getToolName(measure)); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(norm); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(measure.getDescription()); if (!Double.isNaN(weight)) { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(weight); } else { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue("NO WEIGHT GIVEN."); } r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getQualifiedName()); if (!Double.isNaN(qaweight)) { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(qaweight); } else { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue("NO WEIGHT GIVEN."); } r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(qa.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(imp.getEffect().getLiteral()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(imp.getJustification()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(qa.getDescription()); } } } } private void createMeasureSheet(Workbook workbook) { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Measures"); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(30); String[] names = new String[] { "Measure Name", "Tool", "Normalization", "Measure Description", "Measure Weight", "Influenced Factor" }; Row header = sheet.createRow(0); for (int col = 0; col < names.length; col++) { header.createCell(col).setCellValue(names[col]); } int row = 1; for (Measure measure : measures) { for (Factor factor : measure.getMeasuresDirect()) { Evaluation eval = factor.getActualEvaluation(context); WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation mme = null; if (eval == null) { System.err.println("WARNING: measure '" + measure.getQualifiedName() + "' factor '" + factor.getQualifiedName() + "' does not have an evaluation at all."); } else if (!(eval instanceof WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation)) { System.err.println("WARNING: measure '" + measure.getQualifiedName() + "' factor '" + factor.getQualifiedName() + "' does not have a multiMeasureEvaluation, but a " + eval.getClass()); } else { mme = (WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation) eval; } String norm = "NO NORMALIZATION"; double weight = Double.NaN; if (mme != null) { for (Ranking ranking : mme.getRankings()) { if (ranking.getRankedElement() == measure) { weight = ranking.getWeight(); if (ranking instanceof MeasureRanking) { MeasureRanking mr = (MeasureRanking) ranking; Function f = mr.getFunction(); norm = mr.getRange() + printFunction(f) + (mr.getNormlizationMeasure() != null ? mr.getNormlizationMeasure().getQualifiedName() : ""); } } } } Row r = sheet.createRow(row++); int cell = 0; r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(measure.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(getToolName(measure)); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(norm); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(measure.getDescription()); if (!Double.isNaN(weight)) { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(weight); } else { r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue("NO WEIGHT GIVEN."); } r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getQualifiedName()); } } } private String printFunction(Function f) { if (f instanceof LinearIncreasingFunction) { return " linearIncreasing(" + ((LinearIncreasingFunction) f).getLowerBound() + "," + ((LinearIncreasingFunction) f).getUpperBound() + ") "; } if (f instanceof LinearDecreasingFunction) { return " linearDecreasing(" + ((LinearDecreasingFunction) f).getLowerBound() + "," + ((LinearDecreasingFunction) f).getUpperBound() + ") "; } return " UNKNOWN "; } private void createFactorSheet(Workbook workbook) { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Factors"); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(30); String[] names = new String[] { "Factor Name", "Factor Description", "Factor Weight", "Impacted Quality Aspect", "Effect of the Impact", "Rationale for the Impact" }; Row header = sheet.createRow(0); for (int col = 0; col < names.length; col++) { header.createCell(col).setCellValue(names[col]); } int row = 1; for (Factor factor : factors) { if (factor.getCharacterizes() == null) { continue; } for (Impact imp : factor.getInfluences()) { Factor qa = imp.getTarget(); Evaluation eval = qa.getActualEvaluation(context); WeightedSumFactorAggregation wsf = null; if (!(eval instanceof WeightedSumFactorAggregation)) { System.err.println("WARNING: factor '" + factor + "' qa '" + qa + "' does not have a WeightedSumFactorAggregation"); } else { wsf = (WeightedSumFactorAggregation) eval; } double weight = Double.NaN; if (wsf != null) { for (Ranking ranking : wsf.getRankings()) { if (ranking.getRankedElement() == factor) { weight = ranking.getWeight(); } } } Row r = sheet.createRow(row++); int cell = 0; r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getDescription()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(weight); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(qa.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(imp.getEffect().getLiteral()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(imp.getJustification()); } } } private void createQASheet(Workbook workbook) { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("QualityAspects"); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(30); String[] names = new String[] { "QualityAspect Name", "Quality Aspect Description" }; Row header = sheet.createRow(0); for (int col = 0; col < names.length; col++) { header.createCell(col).setCellValue(names[col]); } int row = 1; for (Factor factor : factors) { if (factor.getCharacterizes() != null) { continue; } Row r = sheet.createRow(row++); int cell = 0; r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getQualifiedName()); r.createCell(cell++).setCellValue(factor.getDescription()); } } private String getToolName(Measure measure) { MeasurementMethod mm = measure.getActualMeasurementMethod(context); String s; if (mm instanceof Instrument) { Instrument i = (Instrument) mm; if (i instanceof ManualInstrument) { ManualInstrument mi = (ManualInstrument) i; s = "Manual Inspection: \"" + mi.getName() + "\": " + mi.getDescription(); } else if (i instanceof ToolBasedInstrument) { ToolBasedInstrument tbi = (ToolBasedInstrument) i; s = tbi.getTool().getName() + ": " + tbi.getMetric(); } else { System.err.println("WARNING: Measure " + measure.getQualifiedName() + " has a strange instrument."); s = "WARNING"; } } else { System.err.println( "WARNING: Measure " + measure.getQualifiedName() + " has a MM that is not an Instrument."); s = "WARNING"; } return s; } /** Initialize the data that is needed for the export. */ private void init() { results = QmModelUtils.getRootElementsOfType(resourceSet, QualityModelResult.class); qualityModels = QmModelUtils.getQualityModels(resourceSet); measureEvaluations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, MeasureEvaluation.class); factorAggregations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, WeightedSumFactorAggregation.class); multiMeasureEvaluations = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, WeightedSumMultiMeasureEvaluation.class); factors = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, Factor.class); measures = QmModelUtils.getContainedElementsOfType(qualityModels, Measure.class); } }