Java tutorial
/* FeatureIDE - A Framework for Feature-Oriented Software Development * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 FeatureIDE team, University of Magdeburg, Germany * * This file is part of FeatureIDE. * * FeatureIDE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FeatureIDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FeatureIDE. If not, see <>. * * See for further information. */ package de.ovgu.featureide.featurehouse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathAttribute; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject; import org.prop4j.Node; import org.prop4j.NodeWriter; import org.sat4j.specs.TimeoutException; import AST.Problem; import AST.Program; import cide.gparser.ParseException; import cide.gparser.TokenMgrError; import composer.CmdLineInterpreter; import composer.CompositionException; import composer.FSTGenComposer; import composer.FSTGenComposerExtension; import composer.ICompositionErrorListener; import composer.IParseErrorListener; import composer.rules.meta.FeatureModelInfo; import de.ovgu.cide.fstgen.ast.FSTNode; import de.ovgu.cide.fstgen.ast.FSTTerminal; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.IFeatureProject; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.builder.ComposerExtensionClass; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.builder.IComposerExtensionClass; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.fstmodel.FSTClass; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.fstmodel.FSTMethod; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.fstmodel.FSTModel; import de.ovgu.featureide.core.fstmodel.FSTRole; import de.ovgu.featureide.featurehouse.errorpropagation.ErrorPropagation; import de.ovgu.featureide.featurehouse.meta.FeatureIDEModelInfo; import de.ovgu.featureide.featurehouse.meta.featuremodel.FeatureModelClassGenerator; import de.ovgu.featureide.featurehouse.model.FeatureHouseModelBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fuji.CompilerWarningException; import fuji.Composition; import fuji.CompositionErrorException; import fuji.FeatureDirNotFoundException; import fuji.Main; import fuji.SemanticErrorException; import fuji.SyntacticErrorException; /** * Composes files using FeatureHouse. * * @author Tom Brosch */ // TODO set "Composition errors" like *.png could not be composed with *.png @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class FeatureHouseComposer extends ComposerExtensionClass { /** * */ private static final String FINAL_METHOD = "\\final_method"; /** * */ private static final String ORIGINAL = "\\original"; /** * */ private static final String FINAL_CONTRACT = "\\final_contract"; private static final FeatureHouseCorePlugin LOGGER = FeatureHouseCorePlugin.getDefault(); private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONSECUTIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT = "consecutive contract refinement"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_EXPLICIT_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT = "explicit contract refinement"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONTRACT_OVERRIDING = "contract overriding"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_PLAIN_CONTRACTING = "plain contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_PLAIN_CONTRACT = "plain_contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_EXPLICIT_CONTRACTING = "explicit_contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONSECUTIVE_CONTRACTING = "consecutive_contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CUMULATIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT = "cumulative contract refinement"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CUMULATIVE_CONTRACTING = "cumulative_contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONJUNCTIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT = "conjunctive contract refinement"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONJUNCTIVE_CONTRACTING = "conjunctive_contracting"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED_COMPOSITION = "method-based composition"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED = "method_based"; private static final String CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_NONE = "none"; private enum compKeys { conjunctive_contract, consecutive_contract, cumulative_contract, final_contract, final_method } public static final String COMPOSER_ID = "de.ovgu.featureide.composer.featurehouse"; private boolean useFuji = false; private FSTGenComposer composer; public FeatureHouseModelBuilder fhModelBuilder; private ErrorPropagation errorPropagation = null; private IParseErrorListener listener = createParseErrorListener(); private IParseErrorListener createParseErrorListener() { return new IParseErrorListener() { @Override public void parseErrorOccured(ParseException e) { createBuilderProblemMarker(, e.getMessage()); } }; } private ICompositionErrorListener compositionErrorListener = createCompositionErrorListener(); private AStoppableJob fuji; /** * @return */ private ICompositionErrorListener createCompositionErrorListener() { return new ICompositionErrorListener() { @Override public void parseErrorOccured(CompositionException e) { FSTTerminal terminal = e.getTerminalB(); if (e.getMessage().contains(ORIGINAL)) { if (!e.getTerminalB().getBody().contains(ORIGINAL)) terminal = e.getTerminalA(); } IFile file = null; int lineFile = -1; if (terminal != null) { file = getFile(terminal); lineFile = terminal.beginLine; if (file != null) { try { IMarker marker = file.createMarker(FeatureHouseCorePlugin.BUILDER_PROBLEM_MARKER); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, lineFile); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, e.getMessage()); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING); } catch (CoreException e2) { LOGGER.logError(e2); } } else { LOGGER.logError(new Exception("No file provided for: " + terminal.toString())); } } } private IFile getFile(FSTTerminal terminal) { if (terminal == null) { return null; } FSTNode fileNode = terminal.getParent(); while (fileNode != null && !fileNode.getName().endsWith(".java")) { fileNode = fileNode.getParent(); } if (fileNode != null) { FSTNode featureNode = fileNode.getParent(); return featureProject.getSourceFolder().getFolder(featureNode.getName()) .getFile(fileNode.getName()); } else { LOGGER.logError(new Exception("Java file could not be found for: " + terminal.toString())); return null; } } }; } @Override public boolean initialize(IFeatureProject project) { boolean supSuccess = super.initialize(project); fhModelBuilder = new FeatureHouseModelBuilder(project); createBuildStructure(); return supSuccess && fhModelBuilder != null; } /** * Creates an error marker to the last error file. * * @param line * The line of the marker. * @param message * The message. */ protected void createBuilderProblemMarker(int line, String message) { message = detruncateString(message); try { IMarker marker = getErrorFile().createMarker(FeatureHouseCorePlugin.BUILDER_PROBLEM_MARKER); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, line); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, message); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } /** * @param message * The message * @return A substring of message that is smaller than 65535 bytes. */ private static String detruncateString(String message) { byte[] bytes; try { bytes = message.getBytes(("UTF-8")); if (bytes.length > 65535) message = message.substring(0, 65535 / 2); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } return message; } /** * Gets the file containing the actual error. * * @return The file. */ protected IFile getErrorFile() { return featureProject.getProject().getWorkspace().getRoot() .findFilesForLocationURI(composer.getErrorFiles().getLast().toURI())[0]; } /** * Removes line and column form the message of the TokenMgrError.<br> * Example message:<br> * -Lexical error at line 7, column 7. Encountered: <EOF> after : "" * * @param message * The message * @return message without "line i, column j." */ private String getTokenMgrErrorMessage(String message) { if (!message.contains("line ") || !message.contains("Encountered")) return message; return message.substring(0, message.indexOf(" at ")) + " e" + message.substring(message.indexOf("ncountered:")); } /** * Gets the line of the message of the TokenMgrError.<br> * Example message:<br> * -Lexical error at line 7, column 7. Encountered: <EOF> after : "" * * @param message * The error message * @return The line */ private int getTokenMgrErrorLine(String message) { if (!message.contains("line ")) return -1; return Integer.parseInt(message.substring(message.indexOf("line ") + 5, message.indexOf(','))); } /** * Checks the current folder structure at the build folder and creates * folders if necessary. */ private void createBuildStructure() { IProject p = featureProject.getProject(); if (p != null) { IFolder sourcefolder = featureProject.getBuildFolder(); if (sourcefolder != null) { if (!sourcefolder.exists()) { try { sourcefolder.create(true, true, null); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } IFile conf = featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (conf != null) { String configName = conf.getName(); sourcefolder = sourcefolder.getFolder(configName.substring(0, configName.indexOf('.'))); if (!sourcefolder.exists()) { try { sourcefolder.create(true, true, null); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } callCompiler(); } // setJavaBuildPath(conf.getName().split("[.]")[0]); } } } } public void performFullBuild(IFile config) { assert (featureProject != null) : "Invalid project given"; final String configPath = config.getRawLocation().toOSString(); final String basePath = featureProject.getSourcePath(); final String outputPath = featureProject.getBuildPath(); if (configPath == null || basePath == null || outputPath == null) return; final SignatureSetter signatureSetter = new SignatureSetter(); /* * Run fuji parallel to the build process. */ //TODO: save useFuji persistently fuji(signatureSetter); createBuildFolder(config); setJavaBuildPath(config.getName().split("[.]")[0]); if (buildMetaProduct()) { if (IFeatureProject.META_MODEL_CHECKING_BDD_JAVA_JML .equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration())) { buildDefaultMetaProduct(configPath, basePath, outputPath); } else if (IFeatureProject.META_MODEL_CHECKING_BDD_JAVA .equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration())) { buildBDDMetaProduct(configPath, basePath, outputPath, "java"); } else if (IFeatureProject.META_MODEL_CHECKING_BDD_C .equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration())) { buildBDDMetaProduct(configPath, basePath, outputPath, "c"); } else { buildDefaultMetaProduct(configPath, basePath, outputPath); } } else { composer = new FSTGenComposer(false); composer.addCompositionErrorListener(compositionErrorListener); try {, basePath, outputPath, getContractParameter())); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { } } buildFSTModel(configPath, basePath, outputPath); signatureSetter.setFstModel(featureProject.getFSTModel()); checkContractComposition(); callCompiler(); } private void checkContractComposition() { try { deleteContractErrorMarkers(); final FSTModel fstModel = featureProject.getFSTModel(); if (fstModel == null) { return; } final String contractParameter = getContractParameter(); if (!contractParameter.equals(CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_EXPLICIT_CONTRACTING)) { for (FSTClass c : fstModel.getClasses()) { for (FSTRole r : c.getRoles()) { for (FSTMethod m : r.getClassFragment().getMethods()) { if (m.hasContract() && m.getContract().contains("original")) { if (m.getCompKey().isEmpty() && contractParameter.equals(CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED)) { continue; } setContractErrorMarker(m, "Keyword original ignored. Contract composition set to " + contractParameter + ". Change to \"Explicit Contract Refinement\"."); } } } } } if (!contractParameter.equals(CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED)) { for (FSTClass c : fstModel.getClasses()) { for (FSTRole r : c.getRoles()) { for (FSTMethod m : r.getClassFragment().getMethods()) { if (m.getCompKey().length() > 0) setContractErrorMarker(m, ": Keyword " + m.getCompKey() + " ignored. Contract composition set to " + contractParameter + ". Change to \"method-based composition\"."); } } } } else { final FeatureModel featureModel = featureProject.getFeatureModel(); for (FSTClass c : fstModel.getClasses()) { for (FSTRole r : c.getRoles()) { Feature featureRole1 = featureModel.getFeature(r.getFeature().getName()); for (FSTMethod m : r.getClassFragment().getMethods()) { final List<Feature> currentFeatureList = new LinkedList<Feature>(); final List<Feature> originalList = new LinkedList<Feature>(); currentFeatureList.add(new Feature(featureModel, r.getFeature().getName())); for (final String feat : featureModel.getFeatureOrderList()) { if (feat.equals(r.getFeature().getName())) { break; } final FSTRole rr = c.getRole(feat); if (rr == null) { continue; } Feature featureRole2 = featureModel.getFeature(feat); for (FSTMethod mm : rr.getClassFragment().getMethods()) { if (checkForOriginalInContract(m, mm)) { originalList.add(featureRole2); } if (checkForIllegitimateMethodRefinement(m, mm)) { List<Feature> finalMethodList = new LinkedList<Feature>(); finalMethodList.add(featureRole2); if (!featureModel.getAnalyser().checkIfFeatureCombinationNotPossible( featureRole1, finalMethodList)) setContractErrorMarker(m, "keyword \"\\final_method\" found but possibly later refinement."); } if (checkForIllegitimateContract(m, mm)) { List<Feature> finalContractList = new LinkedList<Feature>(); finalContractList.add(featureRole2); if (mm.getCompKey().contains(FINAL_CONTRACT) && !featureModel.getAnalyser().checkIfFeatureCombinationNotPossible( new Feature(featureModel, r.getFeature().getName()), finalContractList)) setContractErrorMarker(m, "keyword \"\\final_contract\" found but possibly later contract refinement."); } if (checkForIllegitimaterefinement(m, mm)) { LinkedList<Feature> treeDependencyList = new LinkedList<Feature>(); treeDependencyList.add(featureRole2); if (!featureModel.getAnalyser().checkIfFeatureCombinationNotPossible( featureRole1, treeDependencyList)) setContractErrorMarker(m, "Contract with composition keyword " + mm.getCompKey() + " possibily illegitimately redefined with keyword " + m.getCompKey() + "."); } } } if (m.getContract().contains(ORIGINAL) && !(!originalList.isEmpty() ? featureModel.getAnalyser().checkImplies(currentFeatureList, originalList) : false)) setContractErrorMarker(m, "keyword \"\\original\" found but no mandatory previous introduction."); } } } } } catch (CoreException e2) { LOGGER.logError(e2); } catch (TimeoutException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } /** * Check if there is an introductionary method contract for methods that * contain the keyword original in contract. */ private boolean checkForOriginalInContract(FSTMethod m, FSTMethod mm) { return m.hasContract() && m.getContract().contains(ORIGINAL) && mm.getName().equals(m.getName()) && mm.hasContract(); } /** * Check if a method whose contract is marked with \final_method is * redefine. * * * @param m * @param mm * @return */ private boolean checkForIllegitimateMethodRefinement(FSTMethod m, FSTMethod mm) { return mm.getCompKey().contains(FINAL_METHOD) && mm.getFullName().equals(m.getFullName()); } /** * Check if a method whose contract is marked with \final_contract is * redefined. * * @param m * @param mm * @return */ private boolean checkForIllegitimateContract(FSTMethod m, FSTMethod mm) { return m.hasContract() && mm.getCompKey().contains(FINAL_CONTRACT) && mm.getFullName().equals(m.getFullName()) && mm.hasContract(); } /** * Check if a method contract's composition technique is illegitimately * redefined with another technique. * * @param m * @param mm * @return */ private boolean checkForIllegitimaterefinement(FSTMethod m, FSTMethod mm) { return m.hasContract() && m.getCompKey().length() > 0 && mm.getCompKey().length() > 0 && compKeys.valueOf(m.getCompKey().substring(1)).ordinal() > 0 && mm.getFullName().equals(m.getFullName()) && compKeys.valueOf(mm.getCompKey().substring(1)) .ordinal() > compKeys.valueOf(m.getCompKey().substring(1)).ordinal(); } /** * @throws CoreException */ private void deleteContractErrorMarkers() throws CoreException { IFolder sourceFolder = featureProject.getComposer().hasFeatureFolder() ? featureProject.getSourceFolder() : featureProject.getBuildFolder(); IMarker[] markers = sourceFolder.findMarkers(FeatureHouseCorePlugin.CONTRACT_MARKER, false, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); for (IMarker marker : markers) { marker.delete(); } } /** * @param m * @throws CoreException */ private void setContractErrorMarker(FSTMethod m, String message) throws CoreException { IMarker marker = m.getFile().createMarker(FeatureHouseCorePlugin.CONTRACT_MARKER); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, m.getLine()); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, m.getName() + ": " + message); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING); } /** * @param configPath * @param basePath * @param outputPath */ private void buildDefaultMetaProduct(final String configPath, final String basePath, final String outputPath) { new FeatureModelClassGenerator(featureProject); FSTGenComposerExtension.key = IFeatureProject.META_THEOREM_PROVING .equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration()) || IFeatureProject.META_MODEL_CHECKING_BDD_JAVA_JML .equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration()); composer = new FSTGenComposerExtension(); composer.addCompositionErrorListener(compositionErrorListener); FeatureModel featureModel = featureProject.getFeatureModel(); List<String> featureOrderList = featureModel.getFeatureOrderList(); // dead features should not be composed LinkedList<String> deadFeatures = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Feature deadFeature : featureModel.getAnalyser().getDeadFeatures()) { deadFeatures.add(deadFeature.getName()); } String[] features = new String[featureOrderList.size()]; int i = 0; for (String f : featureOrderList) { if (!deadFeatures.contains(f)) { features[i++] = f; } } try { String[] args = getArguments(configPath, basePath, outputPath, getContractParameter()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); FeatureModelInfo modelInfo = new FeatureIDEModelInfo(featureModel, !IFeatureProject.META_THEOREM_PROVING.equals(featureProject.getMetaProductGeneration())); ((FSTGenComposerExtension) composer).setModelInfo(modelInfo); ((FSTGenComposerExtension) composer).buildMetaProduct(args, features); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = end - start; File file = new File("duration.txt"); try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file, true); writer.write(String.valueOf(duration)); writer.write(System.getProperty("line.separator")); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } catch (TokenMgrError e) { } catch (Error e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } private static String SPLModelChecker = "package verificationClasses;\r\n" + "import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.Verify;\r\n" + "public class SPLModelChecker {\r\n" + "\tpublic static boolean getBoolean() {\r\n" + "\t\treturn Verify.getBoolean(false);\r\n" + "\t}\r\n\r\n" + "\tpublic static int getIntMinMax(int min, int max) {\r\n" + "\t\treturn Verify.getInt(min, max);\r\n" + "\t}\r\n" + "}"; /** * @param configPath * @param basePath * @param outputPath * @param language */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void buildBDDMetaProduct(final String configPath, final String basePath, final String outputPath, String language) { composer = new FSTGenComposerExtension(); composer.addCompositionErrorListener(compositionErrorListener); try { IFile cnfFile = featureProject.getSourceFolder().getFile("model.cnf"); Node nodes = NodeCreator.createNodes(featureProject.getFeatureModel().clone()).toCNF(); String input = nodes.toString(NodeWriter.javaSymbols); input = input.replaceAll("!", "! "); InputStream cnfSource = new ByteArrayInputStream( input.getBytes(Charset.availableCharsets().get("UTF-8"))); try { if (cnfFile.exists()) { cnfFile.setContents(cnfSource, false, true, null); } else { cnfFile.create(cnfSource, true, null); } cnfFile.setDerived(true); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } String[] arguments = getArguments(configPath, basePath, outputPath, getContractParameter()); String[] newArgs = new String[arguments.length + 1]; int i = 0; for (String arg : arguments) { newArgs[i++] = arg; } newArgs[i] = CmdLineInterpreter.INPUT_OPTION_LIFTING + language;; IFolder verificationClasses = featureProject.getBuildFolder() .getFolder(featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration().getName().split("[.]")[0]) .getFolder("verificationClasses"); verificationClasses.create(true, true, null); featureProject.getBuildFolder().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null); for (IResource res : featureProject.getBuildFolder().members()) { if (res.getName().equals("")) { res.move(verificationClasses.getFile("").getFullPath(), true, null); } } IFile sPLModelCheckerFile = verificationClasses.getFile(""); InputStream source = new ByteArrayInputStream( SPLModelChecker.getBytes(Charset.availableCharsets().get("UTF-8"))); try { if (sPLModelCheckerFile.exists()) { sPLModelCheckerFile.setContents(source, false, true, null); } else { sPLModelCheckerFile.create(source, true, null); } sPLModelCheckerFile.setDerived(true); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } catch (TokenMgrError e) { } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } /** * Starts type checking with fuji in a background job. */ private void fuji(final SignatureSetter signatureSetter) { if (!useFuji) { return; } if (fuji != null) { fuji.cancel(); try { fuji.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } } fuji = new AStoppableJob("Type checking " + featureProject.getProjectName() + " with fuji") { @Override protected boolean work() { try { final Program ast = runFuji(featureProject); signatureSetter.setFujiParameters(featureProject, ast); return true; } catch (CompositionException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); return false; } } }; fuji.addJobFinishedListener(signatureSetter); fuji.schedule(); } /** * Runs the type checker fuji. synchronized because fuji use static fields, * and a parallel execution is not possible. * * @param featureProject * The feature project of the caller. */ private synchronized static Program runFuji(IFeatureProject featureProject) throws CompositionException { String sourcePath = featureProject.getSourcePath(); String[] fujiOptions = new String[] { "-" + Main.OptionName.CLASSPATH, getClassPaths(featureProject), "-" + Main.OptionName.PROG_MODE, "-" + Main.OptionName.COMPOSTION_STRATEGY, Main.OptionName.COMPOSTION_STRATEGY_ARG_FAMILY, "-typechecker", "-basedir", sourcePath }; Program ast = null; try { FeatureModel fm = featureProject.getFeatureModel(); fm.getAnalyser().setDependencies(); Main fuji = new Main(fujiOptions, fm, featureProject.getFeatureModel().getConcreteFeatureNames()); Composition composition = fuji.getComposition(fuji); ast = composition.composeAST(); // run type check fuji.typecheckAST(ast); // parsing warnings for (Problem warn : fuji.getWarnings()) { createFujiMarker(warn.line(), warn.message(), warn.fileName(), IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING, featureProject); } // parsing errors for (Problem err : fuji.getErrors()) { String message = err.message(); if (err.line() == -1) { for (String fileName : err.fileName().split("[\n]")) { // currently bad workaround @ fuji, but seems to work String file = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(":")); int line = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(":") + 1)); createFujiMarker(line, message, file, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, featureProject); } } else { createFujiMarker(err.line(), message, err.fileName(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, featureProject); } } } catch (CompositionErrorException e) { createFujiMarker(-1, e.getMessage(), featureProject.getSourceFolder(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, featureProject); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (FeatureDirNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (SyntacticErrorException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (SemanticErrorException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (CompilerWarningException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } catch (UnsupportedModelException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } return ast; } private static String getClassPaths(IFeatureProject featureProject) { String classpath = ""; String sep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); try { JavaProject proj = new JavaProject(featureProject.getProject(), null); IJavaElement[] elements = proj.getChildren(); for (IJavaElement e : elements) { String path = e.getPath().toOSString(); if (path.contains(":")) { classpath += sep + path; continue; } IResource resource = e.getResource(); if (resource != null && "jar".equals(resource.getFileExtension())) { classpath += sep + resource.getRawLocation().toOSString(); } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { } return classpath.length() > 0 ? classpath.substring(1) : classpath; } /** * Creates an marker for fuji type checks. * * @param line * The line number * @param message * The message to disply * @param file * The file path * @param severity * The severity of the marker (IMarker.SEVERITY_*) */ protected static void createFujiMarker(int line, String message, String file, int severity, IFeatureProject featureProject) { IFile iFile = featureProject.getProject().getWorkspace().getRoot() .findFilesForLocationURI(new File(file).toURI())[0]; createFujiMarker(line, message, iFile, severity, featureProject); } /** * Creates an marker for fuji type checks. * * @param line * The line number * @param message * The message to display * @param file * The file * @param severity * The severity of the marker (IMarker.SEVERITY_*) */ private static void createFujiMarker(int line, String message, IResource file, int severity, IFeatureProject featureProject) { // TODO NEWLine does not work message = message.replace("\n", NEWLINE); try { IMarker marker = file.createMarker(FeatureHouseCorePlugin.BUILDER_PROBLEM_MARKER); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, line); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, "fuji: " + message); marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, severity); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } /** * Creates the folder at the source path named the configuration. * * @param config */ private void createBuildFolder(IFile config) { IFolder buildFolder = featureProject.getBuildFolder().getFolder(config.getName().split("[.]")[0]); if (!buildFolder.exists()) { try { buildFolder.create(true, true, null); buildFolder.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, null); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } } /** * Sets the Java build path to the folder at the build folder, named like * the current configuration. * * @param buildPath * The name of the current configuration */ private void setJavaBuildPath(String buildPath) { try { JavaProject javaProject = new JavaProject(featureProject.getProject(), null); IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntrys = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); int i = 0; for (IClasspathEntry e : classpathEntrys) { if (e.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) { IPath path = featureProject.getBuildFolder().getFolder(buildPath).getFullPath(); /** return if nothing has to be changed **/ if (e.getPath().equals(path)) { return; } /** change the actual source entry to the new build path **/ ClasspathEntry changedEntry = new ClasspathEntry(e.getContentKind(), e.getEntryKind(), path, e.getInclusionPatterns(), e.getExclusionPatterns(), e.getSourceAttachmentPath(), e.getSourceAttachmentRootPath(), null, e.isExported(), e.getAccessRules(), e.combineAccessRules(), e.getExtraAttributes()); classpathEntrys[i] = changedEntry; javaProject.setRawClasspath(classpathEntrys, null); return; } i++; } /** * case: there is no source entry at the class path add the source * entry to the classpath **/ IFolder folder = featureProject.getBuildFolder().getFolder(buildPath); ClasspathEntry sourceEntry = new ClasspathEntry(IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE, IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE, folder.getFullPath(), new IPath[0], new IPath[0], null, null, null, false, null, false, new IClasspathAttribute[0]); IClasspathEntry[] newEntrys = new IClasspathEntry[classpathEntrys.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(classpathEntrys, 0, newEntrys, 0, classpathEntrys.length); newEntrys[newEntrys.length - 1] = sourceEntry; javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntrys, null); } catch (JavaModelException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } /** * Builds the fst model. * * @param configPath * @param basePath * @param outputPath */ private void buildFSTModel(final String configPath, final String basePath, final String outputPath) { // build the fst model of the current product /** * It is necessary to also build the model of the current product, * because the line numbers of generated elements (e.g., methods) are * necessary for error propagation. **/ fhModelBuilder.buildModel(composer.getFstnodes(), false); // build the complete fst model composer = new FSTGenComposerExtension(); composer.addParseErrorListener(listener); List<String> featureOrder = featureProject.getFeatureModel().getConcreteFeatureNames(); String[] features = new String[featureOrder.size()]; int i = 0; for (String f : featureOrder) { features[i++] = f; } try { ((FSTGenComposerExtension) composer) .buildFullFST(getArguments(configPath, basePath, outputPath, getContractParameter()), features); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { createBuilderProblemMarker(getTokenMgrErrorLine(e.getMessage()), getTokenMgrErrorMessage(e.getMessage())); } catch (Error e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } ArrayList<FSTNode> fstnodes = composer.getFstnodes(); if (fstnodes != null) { fhModelBuilder.buildModel(fstnodes, true); } } /** * Returns the arguments for FeatureHouse Composer with the given arguments. * * @param configPath * @param basePath * @param outputPath * @param contract * @return */ private String[] getArguments(final String configPath, final String basePath, final String outputPath, String contract) { return new String[] { CmdLineInterpreter.INPUT_OPTION_EQUATIONFILE, configPath, CmdLineInterpreter.INPUT_OPTION_BASE_DIRECTORY, basePath, CmdLineInterpreter.INPUT_OPTION_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, outputPath + "/", CmdLineInterpreter.INPUT_OPTION_CONTRACT_STYLE, contract }; } private String getContractParameter() { String contractComposition = featureProject.getContractComposition().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_NONE.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_NONE; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_PLAIN_CONTRACTING.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_PLAIN_CONTRACT; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONTRACT_OVERRIDING.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONTRACT_OVERRIDING; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_EXPLICIT_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_EXPLICIT_CONTRACTING; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONSECUTIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONSECUTIVE_CONTRACTING; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CUMULATIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CUMULATIVE_CONTRACTING; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONJUNCTIVE_CONTRACT_REFINEMENT.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_CONJUNCTIVE_CONTRACTING; } else if (CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED_COMPOSITION.equals(contractComposition)) { return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_METHOD_BASED; } return CONTRACT_COMPOSITION_NONE; } /** * This job calls the compiler by touching the .classpath file of the * project.<br> * This is necessary after calling <code>setAsCurrentConfiguration</code>. */ private void callCompiler() { Job job = new Job("Call compiler") { protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { IFile iClasspathFile = featureProject.getProject().getFile(".classpath"); if (iClasspathFile.exists()) { try { iClasspathFile.touch(monitor); iClasspathFile.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; job.setPriority(Job.DECORATE); job.schedule(); } /** * For <code>FeatureHouse<code> a clean does not remove the folder, * named like the current configuration at the build folder, * to prevent build path errors. * * @return always <code>false</code> */ @Override public boolean clean() { if (featureProject == null || featureProject.getBuildFolder() == null) { return false; } IFile config = featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (config == null) { return false; } try { for (IResource featureFolder : featureProject.getBuildFolder().members()) { if (featureFolder.getName().equals(config.getName().split("[.]")[0])) { if (featureFolder instanceof IFolder) { for (IResource res : ((IFolder) featureFolder).members()) { res.delete(true, null); } } else { featureFolder.delete(true, null); } } else { featureFolder.delete(true, null); } } } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } return false; } public static final LinkedHashSet<String> EXTENSIONS = createExtensions(); private static LinkedHashSet<String> createExtensions() { LinkedHashSet<String> extensions = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); extensions.add("java"); extensions.add("cs"); extensions.add("c"); extensions.add("h"); extensions.add("hs"); extensions.add("jj"); extensions.add("als"); extensions.add("xmi"); return extensions; } @Override public LinkedHashSet<String> extensions() { return EXTENSIONS; } @Override public ArrayList<String[]> getTemplates() { return TEMPLATES; } private static final ArrayList<String[]> TEMPLATES = createTempltes(); private static ArrayList<String[]> createTempltes() { ArrayList<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>(8); list.add(new String[] { "Alloy", "als", "module " + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN }); list.add(new String[] { "C", "c", "" }); list.add(new String[] { "C#", "cs", "public class " + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN + " {\n\n}" }); list.add(new String[] { "Haskell", "hs", "module " + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN + " where \n{\n\n}" }); list.add(JAVA_TEMPLATE); list.add(new String[] { "JavaCC", "jj", "PARSER_BEGIN(" + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN + ") \n \n PARSER_END(" + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN + ")" }); list.add(new String[] { "UML", "xmi", "<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' ?> \n <XMI xmi.version = '1.2' xmlns:UML = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.UML'>\n\n</XMI>" }); list.add(new String[] { "Jak", "jak", "/**\r\n * TODO description\r\n */\r\npublic " + REFINES_PATTERN + " class " + CLASS_NAME_PATTERN + " {\r\n\r\n}" }); return list; } @Override public void postModelChanged() { checkContractComposition(); } @Override public void postCompile(IResourceDelta delta, final IFile file) { super.postCompile(delta, file); try { if (!file.getWorkspace().isTreeLocked()) { file.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, null); } if (errorPropagation == null) { errorPropagation = ErrorPropagation.createErrorPropagation(file); } errorPropagation.addFile(file); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } @Override public int getDefaultTemplateIndex() { return 4; } @Override public void buildFSTModel() { if (featureProject == null) { return; } final String configPath; IFile currentConfiguration = featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (currentConfiguration != null) { configPath = currentConfiguration.getRawLocation().toOSString(); } else { configPath = featureProject.getProject().getFile(".project").getRawLocation().toOSString(); } final String basePath = featureProject.getSourcePath(); final String outputPath = featureProject.getBuildPath(); if (configPath == null || basePath == null || outputPath == null) return; composer = new FSTGenComposerExtension(); composer.addParseErrorListener(listener); List<String> featureOrderList = featureProject.getFeatureModel().getConcreteFeatureNames(); String[] features = new String[featureOrderList.size()]; int i = 0; for (String f : featureOrderList) { features[i++] = f; } try { ((FSTGenComposerExtension) composer) .buildFullFST(getArguments(configPath, basePath, outputPath, getContractParameter()), features); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { createBuilderProblemMarker(getTokenMgrErrorLine(e.getMessage()), getTokenMgrErrorMessage(e.getMessage())); } catch (Error e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } ArrayList<FSTNode> fstnodes = composer.getFstnodes(); if (fstnodes != null) { fhModelBuilder.buildModel(fstnodes, false); fstnodes.clear(); } } @Override public void buildConfiguration(IFolder folder, Configuration configuration, String congurationName) { String folderName = folder.getName(); super.buildConfiguration(folder, configuration, folderName); IFile configurationFile = folder.getFile(folderName + '.' + getConfigurationExtension()); FSTGenComposer composer = new FSTGenComposer(false); composer.addParseErrorListener(createParseErrorListener()); composer.addCompositionErrorListener(createCompositionErrorListener());, featureProject.getSourcePath(), folder.getParent().getLocation().toOSString(), getContractParameter())); if (errorPropagation != null && errorPropagation.job != null) { /* * Waiting for the propagation job to finish, because the * corresponding FSTModel is necessary for propagation at FH This is * in general no problem because the compiler is much faster then * the composer */ try { errorPropagation.job.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } fhModelBuilder.buildModel(composer.getFstnodes(), false); if (!configurationFile.getName().startsWith(congurationName)) { try { configurationFile.move( ((IFolder) configurationFile.getParent()) .getFile(congurationName + '.' + getConfigurationExtension()).getFullPath(), true, null); } catch (CoreException e) { LOGGER.logError(e); } } } /** * FeatureHouse causes access violation errors if it is executed parallel. */ @Override public boolean canGeneratInParallelJobs() { return false; } public static final QualifiedName BUILD_META_PRODUCT = new QualifiedName( FeatureHouseComposer.class.getName() + "#BuildMetaProduct", FeatureHouseComposer.class.getName() + "#BuildMetaProduct"); public static final QualifiedName VERIFY_PRODUCT = new QualifiedName( FeatureHouseComposer.class.getName() + "#VerifyProduct", FeatureHouseComposer.class.getName() + "#VerifyProduct"); private static final String TRUE = "true"; public final boolean buildMetaProduct() { try { return TRUE.equals(featureProject.getProject().getPersistentProperty(BUILD_META_PRODUCT)); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return false; } @Override public boolean hasContractComposition() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasMetaProductGeneration() { return true; } @Override public void copyNotComposedFiles(Configuration config, IFolder destination) { if (destination == null) { super.copyNotComposedFiles(config, featureProject.getBuildFolder() .getFolder(featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration().getName().split("[.]")[0])); } else { // case: build into an external project super.copyNotComposedFiles(config, destination); } } @Override public Mechanism getGenerationMechanism() { return IComposerExtensionClass.Mechanism.FEATURE_ORIENTED_PROGRAMMING; } public void setUseFuji(boolean useFuji) { this.useFuji = useFuji; if (useFuji) { final IFile currentConfiguration = featureProject.getCurrentConfiguration(); if (currentConfiguration != null) { performFullBuild(currentConfiguration); } } } public boolean usesFuji() { return useFuji; } }