Java tutorial
/** * */ package de.openVJJ.plugins; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.jdom2.Element; import de.openVJJ.basic.Connection; import de.openVJJ.basic.Value; import de.openVJJ.basic.Connection.ConnectionListener; import de.openVJJ.basic.Value.Lock; import de.openVJJ.basic.Plugin; import de.openVJJ.values.Integer2DArrayValue; import de.openVJJ.values.PointCloud; import de.openVJJ.values.PointCloundList; /** * * Copyright (C) 2014 Jan-Erik Matthies * * This program is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * @author Jan-Erik Matthies * */ public class LineFromSorbel2DIntArray extends Plugin { public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_LineFromSorbel2DIntArray_CONFIG = "LineFromSorbel2DIntArray"; /** * */ public LineFromSorbel2DIntArray() { addInput("Sorbel", Integer2DArrayValue.class); addOutput("Lines", PointCloundList.class); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugin#sendStatics() */ @Override public void sendStatics() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugable#createConnectionListener(java.lang.String, de.openVJJ.basic.Connection) */ @Override protected ConnectionListener createConnectionListener(String inpuName, Connection connection) { if ("Sorbel".equals(inpuName)) { return new ConnectionListener(connection) { @Override protected void valueReceved(Value value) { Integer2DArrayValue sorbel = (Integer2DArrayValue) value; Lock lock = sorbel.lock(); calculate(sorbel.getIngegerArray());; } @Override protected void connectionShutdownCalled() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugable#getConfigPannel() */ @Override public JPanel getConfigPannel() { JPanel configPanel = new JPanel(); configPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); JRadioButton xButton = new JRadioButton("X"); xButton.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { xDirection = ((JRadioButton) e.getSource()).isSelected(); } }); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0; gridBagConstraints.gridy = 0; configPanel.add(xButton, gridBagConstraints); JRadioButton yButton = new JRadioButton("y"); gridBagConstraints.gridy = 1; configPanel.add(yButton, gridBagConstraints); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(yButton); group.add(xButton); xButton.setSelected(xDirection); yButton.setSelected(!xDirection); JLabel limitLabel = new JLabel("max Lines"); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0; gridBagConstraints.gridy = 2; configPanel.add(limitLabel, gridBagConstraints); JFormattedTextField limitTextField = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()); limitTextField.setValue(lineLimit); limitTextField.setColumns(3); limitTextField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { lineLimit = ((Number) ((JFormattedTextField) evt.getSource()).getValue()).intValue(); } }); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 1; configPanel.add(limitTextField, gridBagConstraints); JLabel histeryLabel = new JLabel("min Val"); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0; gridBagConstraints.gridy = 3; configPanel.add(histeryLabel, gridBagConstraints); JFormattedTextField histeryTextField = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()); histeryTextField.setValue(histery); histeryTextField.setColumns(3); histeryTextField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { histery = ((Number) ((JFormattedTextField) evt.getSource()).getValue()).intValue(); } }); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 1; configPanel.add(histeryTextField, gridBagConstraints); JLabel minLengthLabel = new JLabel("min length"); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0; gridBagConstraints.gridy = 4; configPanel.add(minLengthLabel, gridBagConstraints); JFormattedTextField minLengthTextField = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()); minLengthTextField.setValue(minLength); minLengthTextField.setColumns(3); minLengthTextField.addPropertyChangeListener("value", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { minLength = ((Number) ((JFormattedTextField) evt.getSource()).getValue()).intValue(); } }); gridBagConstraints.gridx = 1; configPanel.add(minLengthTextField, gridBagConstraints); return configPanel; } /** * for saving configuration * @param element to save configuration to. */ public void getConfig(Element element) { Element myConfigElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_LineFromSorbel2DIntArray_CONFIG); element.addContent(myConfigElement); myConfigElement.setAttribute("directionx", String.valueOf(xDirection)); myConfigElement.setAttribute("lineLimit", String.valueOf(lineLimit)); myConfigElement.setAttribute("histery", String.valueOf(histery)); myConfigElement.setAttribute("minLength", String.valueOf(minLength)); super.getConfig(element); } /** * for restoring from saved configuration * @param element XML Element */ public void setConfig(Element element) { Element myConfigElement = element.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_LineFromSorbel2DIntArray_CONFIG); if (myConfigElement != null) { String val = myConfigElement.getAttributeValue("directionx"); if (val != null) { xDirection = Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } val = myConfigElement.getAttributeValue("lineLimit"); if (val != null) { lineLimit = Integer.parseInt(val); } val = myConfigElement.getAttributeValue("histery"); if (val != null) { histery = Integer.parseInt(val); } val = myConfigElement.getAttributeValue("minLength"); if (val != null) { minLength = Integer.parseInt(val); } } super.setConfig(element); } private boolean xDirection = true; private int lineLimit = 500; private int histery = 30; private boolean copyValue = true; private int minLength = 0; private void calculate(int[][] sorbel) { if (copyValue) { sorbel = copySorbel(sorbel); } PointCloundList lines; if (xDirection) { lines = processX(sorbel); } else { lines = processY(sorbel); } getConnection("Lines").transmitValue(lines); } private int[][] copySorbel(int[][] toCopy) { int[][] myInt = new int[toCopy.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < toCopy.length; i++) { int[] aMatrix = toCopy[i]; int aLength = aMatrix.length; myInt[i] = new int[aLength]; System.arraycopy(aMatrix, 0, myInt[i], 0, aLength); } return myInt; } private PointCloundList processX(int[][] sorbel) { int xMax = sorbel.length - 1; int yMax = sorbel[0].length - 1; ArrayList<PointCloud> lines = new ArrayList<PointCloud>(); for (int cykle = 0; cykle < lineLimit; cykle++) { Point point = getStrongest(sorbel); if (point == null) { break; } deactivatePoint(sorbel, point); ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); points.add(point); PointCloud line = new PointCloud(points); combinedLineU(point, sorbel, line, 0, 0, yMax); combinedLineD(point, sorbel, line, xMax, 0, yMax); if (line.getValue().size() > minLength) { lines.add(line); } else { cykle--; } } return new PointCloundList(lines); } private PointCloundList processY(int[][] sorbel) { int xMax = sorbel.length - 1; int yMax = sorbel[0].length - 1; ArrayList<PointCloud> lines = new ArrayList<PointCloud>(); for (int cykle = 0; cykle < lineLimit; cykle++) { Point point = getStrongest(sorbel); if (point == null) { break; } deactivatePoint(sorbel, point); ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); points.add(point); PointCloud line = new PointCloud(points); combinedLineL(point, sorbel, line, 0, 0, xMax); combinedLineR(point, sorbel, line, yMax, 0, xMax); if (line.getValue().size() > minLength) { lines.add(line); } else { cykle--; } } return new PointCloundList(lines); } private final static int USED_POINT = -1; private void deactivatePoint(int[][] valueMatrix, Point point) { valueMatrix[point.x][point.y] = USED_POINT; } private Point getStrongest(int[][] sorbelresult) { Point point = new Point(); int ValMax = -1; int xMax = sorbelresult.length; int yMax = sorbelresult[0].length; for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) { int res = sorbelresult[x][y]; if (res > ValMax) { ValMax = res; point.x = x; point.y = y; } } } if (ValMax < histery) { return null; } return point; } private void combinedLineU(Point position, int[][] sorbel, PointCloud line, int xMin, int yMin, int yMax) { if (position.x <= xMin) { return; } Point next = new Point(); int x = position.x - 1; int y = position.y - 1; int val = USED_POINT; if (y >= yMin) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } y++; if (y >= yMin) { if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } } y++; if (y <= yMax) { if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } } if (val != USED_POINT && val > histery) { deactivatePoint(sorbel, next); line.getValue().add(next); thinlineL(next, sorbel, yMin, val); thinlineR(next, sorbel, yMax, val); combinedLineU(next, sorbel, line, xMin, yMin, yMax); } } private void thinlineL(Point position, int[][] sorbel, int yMin, int last) { Point watch = new Point(); watch.x = position.x; watch.y = position.y - 1; if (watch.y <= yMin) { return; } if (sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] < last) { last = sorbel[watch.x][watch.y]; sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] = USED_POINT; if (last < histery) { return; } thinlineL(watch, sorbel, yMin, last); } } private void thinlineR(Point position, int[][] sorbel, int yMax, int last) { Point watch = new Point(); watch.x = position.x; watch.y = position.y + 1; if (watch.y >= yMax) { return; } if (sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] < last) { last = sorbel[watch.x][watch.y]; sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] = USED_POINT; if (last < histery) { return; } thinlineR(watch, sorbel, yMax, last); } } private void combinedLineD(Point position, int[][] sorbel, PointCloud line, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax) { if (position.x >= xMax) { return; } Point next = new Point(); int x = position.x + 1; int y = position.y - 1; int val = USED_POINT; if (y >= yMin) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } y++; if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } y++; if (y <= yMax) { if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } } if (val != USED_POINT && val > histery) { deactivatePoint(sorbel, next); line.getValue().add(next); thinlineL(next, sorbel, yMin, val); thinlineR(next, sorbel, yMax, val); combinedLineD(next, sorbel, line, xMax, yMin, yMax); } } private void combinedLineL(Point position, int[][] sorbel, PointCloud line, int yMin, int xMin, int xMax) { if (position.y <= yMin) { return; } Point next = new Point(); int x = position.x - 1; int y = position.y - 1; int val = USED_POINT; if (x >= xMin) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } x++; if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } x++; if (x <= xMax) { if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } } if (val != USED_POINT && val > histery) { deactivatePoint(sorbel, next); line.getValue().add(next); thinlineU(next, sorbel, xMin, val); thinlineD(next, sorbel, xMax, val); combinedLineL(next, sorbel, line, yMin, xMin, xMax); } } private void thinlineU(Point position, int[][] sorbel, int xMin, int last) { Point watch = new Point(); watch.x = position.x - 1; watch.y = position.y; if (watch.x <= xMin) { return; } if (sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] < last) { last = sorbel[watch.x][watch.y]; sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] = USED_POINT; if (last < histery) { return; } thinlineU(watch, sorbel, xMin, last); } } private void thinlineD(Point position, int[][] sorbel, int xMax, int last) { Point watch = new Point(); watch.x = position.x + 1; watch.y = position.y; if (watch.x >= xMax) { return; } if (sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] < last) { last = sorbel[watch.x][watch.y]; sorbel[watch.x][watch.y] = USED_POINT; if (last < histery) { return; } thinlineD(watch, sorbel, xMax, last); } } private void combinedLineR(Point position, int[][] sorbel, PointCloud line, int yMax, int xMin, int xMax) { if (position.y >= yMax) { return; } Point next = new Point(); int x = position.x - 1; int y = position.y + 1; int val = USED_POINT; if (x >= xMin) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } x++; if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } x++; if (x <= xMax) { if (sorbel[x][y] > val) { val = sorbel[x][y]; next.x = x; next.y = y; } } if (val != USED_POINT && val > histery) { deactivatePoint(sorbel, next); line.getValue().add(next); thinlineU(next, sorbel, xMin, val); thinlineD(next, sorbel, xMax, val); combinedLineR(next, sorbel, line, yMax, xMin, xMax); } } }