Java tutorial
package de.openVJJ.basic; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; import org.jdom2.Element; import de.openVJJ.GUI.ModuleInsightPannel; import de.openVJJ.basic.Connection.ConnectionListener; /** * * Copyright (C) 2014 Jan-Erik Matthies * * This program is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * @author Jan-Erik Matthies * */ public class Module extends Plugable { /** * {@link Plugable}s in this {@link Module} */ private List<Plugable> plugables = new ArrayList<Plugable>(); private Map<String, Connection> inputConnectionMap = new HashMap<String, Connection>(); private Map<Connection, ModuleConnectionListener> inConectionListenerMap = new HashMap<Connection, ModuleConnectionListener>(); private Map<Connection, ModuleConnectionListener> outConectionListenerMap = new HashMap<Connection, ModuleConnectionListener>(); /** * Use this method to add a {@link Plugable} to the {@link Module} * @param plugable the {@link Plugable} to add to the {@link Module} * @return <code>true</code> if everything went well <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean addPlugable(Plugable plugable) { return plugables.add(plugable); } /** * Use this method to remove a {@link Plugable} from the {@link Module} * @param plugable the {@link Plugable} to remove from the {@link Module} * @return <code>true</code> if everything went well <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean removePlugable(Plugable plugable) { return plugables.remove(plugable); } /** * * @return the {@link List} of all {@link Plugable}s added to this {@link Module} */ public List<Plugable> getPlugables() { return plugables; } /** * creates a {@link ModuleConnectionListener} with a internal {@link Connection} and releases the old one if exists * * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugable#createConnectionListener(java.lang.String, de.openVJJ.basic.Connection) */ @Override protected ConnectionListener createConnectionListener(String inpuName, Connection connection) { Connection inputConnection = getIntenalModuleInputConnection(inpuName); if (inputConnection == null) { return null; } if (!connection.classMatch(inputConnection.getValueClass())) { System.err.println("Connection did not match"); return null; } ModuleConnectionListener connectionListenerOld = inConectionListenerMap.get(inputConnection); if (connectionListenerOld != null) { connectionListenerOld.release(); } ModuleConnectionListener connectionListener = new ModuleConnectionListener(connection, inputConnection); inConectionListenerMap.put(inputConnection, connectionListener); return connectionListener; } /** * Gets the internal {@link Connection} for the specified input. If there is no {@link Connection} it creates a new one. If The input not exists a <code>null</code> is returned. * @param inputName name of The input to return the {@link Connection}. * @return the internal {@link Connection} for the specified input or <code>null</code> if the input not exists. */ public Connection getIntenalModuleInputConnection(String inputName) { Connection inputConnection = inputConnectionMap.get(inputName); if (inputConnection == null) { Class<? extends Value> inputTypClass = getInputs().get(inputName); if (inputTypClass == null) { System.err.println("Input \"" + inputName + "\" not found"); return null; } inputConnection = new Connection(inputTypClass); inputConnectionMap.put(inputName, inputConnection); } return inputConnection; } /** * connects to a internal {@link Module} output * @param outputName name of the output to send {@link Value}s to * @param toConnect the {@link Connection} witch should send {@link Value}s through the specified output * @return <code>true</code> if everything went well. <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean connectToInternalModuleOutput(String outputName, Connection toConnect) { Connection outputConnection = getConnection(outputName); if (outputConnection == null) { return false; } ModuleConnectionListener connectionListenerOld = outConectionListenerMap.get(outputConnection); if (connectionListenerOld != null) { connectionListenerOld.release(); } ModuleConnectionListener connectionListener = new ModuleConnectionListener(toConnect, outputConnection); outConectionListenerMap.put(outputConnection, connectionListener); return true; } /** * creates a new input for the Module * @param name of the new input * @param inputType type of the input {@link Value} * @return <code>true</code> if everything went well. <code>false</code> otherwise. * @see Plugable#addInput(String, Class) */ public boolean createInput(String name, Class<? extends Value> inputType) { return addInput(name, inputType); } /** * creates a new output for the Module * @param name of the new output * @param outputType type of the output {@link Value} * @return <code>true</code> if everything went well. <code>false</code> otherwise. * @see Plugable#addOutput(String, Class) */ public boolean createOutput(String name, Class<? extends Value> outputType) { return addOutput(name, outputType); } /** * * Copyright (C) 2014 Jan-Erik Matthies * * This program is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * @author Jan-Erik Matthies * */ private class ModuleConnectionListener extends ConnectionListener { private Connection internalConection; /** * * @param externalConnection * @param internalConection */ public ModuleConnectionListener(Connection in, Connection out) { super(in); this.internalConection = out; } /** * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Connection.ConnectionListener#valueReceved(de.openVJJ.basic.Value) */ @Override protected void valueReceved(Value value) { internalConection.transmitValue(value); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Connection.ConnectionListener#connectionShutdownCalled() */ @Override protected void connectionShutdownCalled() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } public void setBaseModule(boolean baseModule) { this.baseModule = baseModule; } private JPanel panel; private JScrollPane scrollPane; private boolean baseModule = false; @Override public JPanel getConfigPannel() { panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, 0)); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(new ModuleInsightPannel(this, baseModule), ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); panel.add(scrollPane); panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 600)); return panel; } public List<ConnectionInfo> getConnectionInfo() { ArrayList<ConnectionInfo> connectionInfoList = new ArrayList<ConnectionInfo>(); for (Plugable plugable : plugables) { for (String key : plugable.getInputs().keySet()) { Connection.ConnectionListener listener = plugable.getListener(key); if (listener == null) { continue; } Connection inputConnectedTo = listener.getConnection(); for (Plugable plugableOut : plugables) { for (String outKey : plugableOut.getOutputs().keySet()) { Connection outCon = plugableOut.getConnection(outKey); if (outCon == inputConnectedTo) { ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(); = plugable; connectionInfo.inName = key; connectionInfo.out = plugableOut; connectionInfo.outName = outKey; connectionInfoList.add(connectionInfo); } } } } } return connectionInfoList; } public class ConnectionInfo { Plugable in; Plugable out; String inName; String outName; public Plugable getIn() { return in; } public Plugable getOut() { return out; } public String getInName() { return inName; } public String getOutName() { return outName; } } public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLES = "plugables"; public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE = "plugable"; public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE_CONFIG = "plugableConfig"; public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTIONS = "connections"; public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTION = "connection"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_CLASS = "plugableClass"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_NR = "plugableNr"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_PLUGABLE_NR = "inPlugabelNr"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_PLUGABLE_NR = "outPlugabelNr"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_NAME = "inName"; private static final String ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_NAME = "outName"; /** * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugable#setConfig(org.jdom2.Element) */ @Override public void setConfig(Element element) { super.setConfig(element); Map<Integer, Plugable> plugabelNrMap = new HashMap<Integer, Plugable>(); Element plugablesElement = element.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLES); if (plugablesElement != null) { for (Element plugableElement : plugablesElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE)) { String plugableClass = plugableElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_CLASS); Plugable plugable = null; if (plugableClass != null) { try { Class<?> c = Class.forName(plugableClass); Object classInstance = c.newInstance(); plugable = (Plugable) classInstance; } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (plugable == null) { System.err.println("Was not abel to create instance of Plugabe"); continue; } String plugableNr = plugableElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_NR); if (plugableNr != null) { plugabelNrMap.put(Integer.parseInt(plugableNr), plugable); } addPlugable(plugable); Element plugableElementConfig = plugableElement.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE_CONFIG); if (plugableElementConfig != null) { plugable.setConfig(plugableElementConfig); } } } Element connectionsElement = element.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTIONS); if (connectionsElement != null) { for (Element connectionElement : connectionsElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTION)) { String inNRString = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_PLUGABLE_NR); Plugable inPlugable = null; if (inNRString != null) { inPlugable = plugabelNrMap.get(Integer.parseInt(inNRString)); } String outNRString = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_PLUGABLE_NR); Plugable outPlugable = null; if (outNRString != null) { outPlugable = plugabelNrMap.get(Integer.parseInt(outNRString)); } String inName = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_NAME); String outName = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_NAME); if (inPlugable == null || outPlugable == null || inName == null || outName == null) { System.err.println("Connection not fully defined: " + inNRString + ":" + inName + " -> " + outNRString + ":" + outName); continue; } Connection outCon = outPlugable.getConnection(outName); inPlugable.setInput(inName, outCon); } } } /** * @see de.openVJJ.basic.Plugable#getConfig(org.jdom2.Element) */ @Override public void getConfig(Element element) { super.getConfig(element); Element plugablesElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLES); element.addContent(plugablesElement); int pugableNr = 0; Map<Plugable, Integer> plugabelNrMap = new HashMap<Plugable, Integer>(); for (Plugable plugable : getPlugables()) { plugabelNrMap.put(plugable, pugableNr); Element plugableElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE); plugablesElement.addContent(plugableElement); plugableElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_CLASS, plugable.getClass().getName()); plugableElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_PLUGABLE_NR, String.valueOf(pugableNr)); Element plugableConfigElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_PLUGABLE_CONFIG); plugableElement.addContent(plugableConfigElement); plugable.getConfig(plugableConfigElement); pugableNr++; } Element connectionsElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTIONS); element.addContent(connectionsElement); for (ConnectionInfo connectionInfo : getConnectionInfo()) { Element connectionElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECTION); connectionsElement.addContent(connectionElement); connectionElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_PLUGABLE_NR, String.valueOf(plugabelNrMap.get(connectionInfo.getIn()))); connectionElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_PLUGABLE_NR, String.valueOf(plugabelNrMap.get(connectionInfo.getOut()))); connectionElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_IN_NAME, connectionInfo.getInName()); connectionElement.setAttribute(ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_NAME, connectionInfo.getOutName()); } } }