Java tutorial
/** * Title: efa - elektronisches Fahrtenbuch fr Ruderer * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2011 by Nicolas Michael * Website: * License: GNU General Public License v2 * * @author Nicolas Michael * @version 2 */ package de.nmichael.efa; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Frame; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource; import; import de.nmichael.efa.calendar.ICalendarExport; import de.nmichael.efa.core.CrontabThread; import de.nmichael.efa.core.EfaKeyStore; import de.nmichael.efa.core.EfaRunning; import de.nmichael.efa.core.EfaSec; import de.nmichael.efa.core.EmailSenderThread; import de.nmichael.efa.core.Plugins; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.AdminRecord; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.Admins; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.CustSettings; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.EfaBaseConfig; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.EfaConfig; import de.nmichael.efa.core.config.EfaTypes; import de.nmichael.efa.core.items.IItemType; import de.nmichael.efa.core.items.ItemTypeFile; import; import; import; import; import de.nmichael.efa.gui.BrowserDialog; import de.nmichael.efa.gui.EfaFirstSetupDialog; import de.nmichael.efa.gui.SimpleInputDialog; import de.nmichael.efa.util.Dialog; import de.nmichael.efa.util.EfaUtil; import de.nmichael.efa.util.HtmlFactory; import de.nmichael.efa.util.International; import de.nmichael.efa.util.LogString; import de.nmichael.efa.util.Logger; // @i18n complete public class Daten { public final static String VERSION = "2.2.0"; // Version fr die Ausgabe (z.B. 2.1.0, kann aber // auch Zustze wie "alpha" o.. enthalten) public final static String VERSIONID = "2.2.0_08"; // VersionsID: Format: "X.Y.Z_MM"; // final-Version z.B. 1.4.0_00; beta-Version // z.B. 1.4.0_#1 public final static String VERSIONRELEASEDATE = "12.07.2014"; // Release Date: TT.MM.JJJJ public final static String MAJORVERSION = "2"; public final static String PROGRAMMID = "EFA.220"; // Versions-ID fr Wettbewerbsmeldungen public final static String PROGRAMMID_DRV = "EFADRV.220"; // Versions-ID fr Wettbewerbsmeldungen public final static String COPYRIGHTYEAR = "14"; // aktuelles Jahr (Copyright (c) // 2001-COPYRIGHTYEAR) // enable/disable development functions for next version public static final boolean NEW_FEATURES = false; public final static String EFA = "efa"; // efa program name/ID public static String EFA_SHORTNAME = "efa"; // dummy, will be set in International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_LONGNAME = "efa - elektronisches Fahrtenbuch"; // dummy, will be set in // International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_ONLINE = "efaOnline"; // dummy, will be set in // International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_BASE = "efaBasis"; // dummy, will be set in International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_BOATHOUSE = "efaBootshaus"; // dummy, will be set in // International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_CLI = "efaCLI"; // dummy, will be set in International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_LIVE = "efaLive"; // dummy, will be set in International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_WETT = "efaWett"; // dummy, will be set in International.ininitalize() public static String EFA_REMOTE = "efaRemote"; // dummy, will be set in // International.ininitalize() public final static String EFA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS = "EFA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS"; // Environment Variable Name // containing all arguments // passed to the "java" // command public static String efa_java_arguments = null; // Environment Variable Contents containing all // arguments passed to the "java" command public final static String EFADIREKT_MAINCLASS = de.nmichael.efa.boathouse.Main.class.getCanonicalName(); public final static String EFAURL = ""; public final static String EFASUPPORTURL = ""; public final static String EFADEVURL = ""; public final static String EFATRANSLATEWIKI = ""; public final static String EFAWETTURL = ""; public final static String NICOLASURL = ""; public final static String EFAEMAILNAME = "efa"; public final static String EMAILINFO = "info.efa" + ICalendarExport.ABFX_DE; public final static String EMAILBUGS = "bugs.efa" + ICalendarExport.ABFX_DE; public final static String EMAILHELP = "help.efa" + ICalendarExport.ABFX_DE; public final static String EMAILDEV = "dev.efa" + ICalendarExport.ABFX_DE; public static final String EFA_USERDATA_DIR = "efa2"; // <efauser> = ~/efa2/ Directory for efauser // data (if not efa program directory) public static final String EFA_RUNNING = ""; // <efauser>/ Indiz, da efaDirekt // luft (enthlt Port#) public final static String CONFIGFILE = "efa.cfg"; // <efauser>/cfg/efa.cfg Konfigurationsdatei public final static String DRVCONFIGFILE = "drv.cfg"; // <efauser>/cfg/drv.cfg // DRV-Konfigurationsdatei public static final String EFATYPESFILE = "types.cfg"; // <efauser>/cfg/types.cfg Konfiguration // fr EfaTypes (Bezeichnungen) public static final String WETTFILE = "wett.cfg"; // <efauser>/cfg/wett.cfg Konfiguration fr // Wettbewerbe public static final String WETTDEFS = "wettdefs.cfg"; // <efauser>/cfg/wettdefs.cfg // Wettbewerbs-Definitionen public static final String EFALIVE_VERSIONFILE = "/etc/efalive_version"; // file containing // efaLive version public static String EFALIVE_VERSION = null; // efaLive Version Number public static final String EFACREDENVVAR = "EFA_CRED"; // Environment Variable specifying the // Credentials File Name public static String EFACREDFILE = ".efacred"; // <userHomeDir>.efacred Credentials for CLI Remote // Access public static final String EFA_LICENSE = "license.html"; // <efa>/doc/license.html public static final String EFA_JAR = "efa.jar"; // <efa>/program/efa.jar public static final String EFA_SECFILE = "efa.sec"; // <efa>/program/efa.sec Hash von efa.jar: fr // Erstellen des Admins public static final String EFA_HELPSET = "help/efaHelp"; // efa exit codes // Note: Codes 99 and higher will cause the shell script to restart efa! // Therefore, any errors MUST use smaller codes than 99 public static final int HALT_BASICCONFIG = 1; public static final int HALT_DIRECTORIES = 2; public static final int HALT_EFACONFIG = 3; public static final int HALT_EFATYPES = 4; public static final int HALT_EFASEC = 5; public static final int HALT_EFARUNNING = 6; public static final int HALT_FILEOPEN = 7; public static final int HALT_EFASECADMIN = 8; public static final int HALT_FILEERROR = 9; public static final int HALT_ERROR = 10; public static final int HALT_INSTALLATION = 11; public static final int HALT_ADMIN = 12; public static final int HALT_MISCONFIG = 12; public static final int HALT_FIRSTSETUP = 13; public static final int HALT_PANIC = 14; public static final int HALT_ADMINLOGIN = 15; public static final int HALT_DATALOCK = 16; public static final int HALT_JAVARESTART = 98; public static final int HALT_SHELLRESTART = 99; public static final String efaSubdirDATA = "data"; public static final String efaSubdirCFG = "cfg"; public static Program program = null; // this Program public static String userHomeDir = null; // User Home Directory (NOT the efa userdata directoy!! // see EfaBaseConfig!) public static String userName = null; // User Name public static String efaLogfile = null; // Logdatei fr efa-Konsole public static String efaMainDirectory = null; // Efa-Hauptverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende public static String efaProgramDirectory = null; // Programmverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./program/") public static String efaPluginDirectory = null; // Programmverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./program/plugins") public static String efaDataDirectory = null; // Efa-Datenverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./data/") public static String efaLogDirectory = null; // Efa-Log-Verzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./log/") public static String efaCfgDirectory = null; // Efa-Configverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./cfg/") public static String efaDocDirectory = null; // Efa-Doku-Verzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./doc/") public static String efaFormattingDirectory = null; // Efa-Ausgabe-Verzeichnis, immer mit "/" am // Ende ("./fmt/") public static String efaBakDirectory = null; // Efa-Backupverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./backup/") public static String efaTmpDirectory = null; // Efa-Tempverzeichnis, immer mit "/" am Ende // ("./tmp/") // public static String efaStyleDirectory = null; // Efa-Stylesheetverzeichnis, mit "/" am Ende // ("./fmt/layout/") public static String fileSep = "/"; // Verzeichnis-Separator (wird in ini() ermittelt) public static String javaVersion = ""; public static String jvmVersion = ""; public static String osName = ""; public static String osVersion = ""; public static String lookAndFeel = ""; public final static String PLUGIN_INFO_FILE = "plugins.xml"; public static String pluginWebpage = ""; // wird automatisch // auf das in der o.g. // Datei stehende // gesetzt public final static String ONLINEUPDATE_INFO = ""; public final static String ONLINEUPDATE_INFO_DRV = ""; public final static String EFW_UPDATE_DATA = ""; public final static String INTERNET_EFAMAIL = ""; public final static String IMAGEPATH = "/de/nmichael/efa/img/"; public final static String FILEPATH = "/de/nmichael/efa/files/"; public final static String DATATEMPLATEPATH = "/de/nmichael/efa/data/templates/"; public final static int AUTO_EXIT_MIN_RUNTIME = 60; // Minuten, die efa mindestens gelaufen sein // mu, damit es zu einem automatischen // Beenden/Restart kommt (60) public final static int AUTO_EXIT_MIN_LAST_USED = 5; // Minuten, die efa mindestens nicht benutzt // wurde, damit Beenden/Neustart nicht // verzgert wird (mu kleiner als // AUTO_EXIT_MIN_RUNTIME sein!!!) (5) public final static int WINDOWCLOSINGTIMEOUT = 600; // Timeout in Sekunden, nach denen im // Direkt-Modus manche Fenster automatisch // geschlossen werden public final static int MIN_FREEMEM_PERCENTAGE = 90; public final static int WARN_FREEMEM_PERCENTAGE = 70; public final static int MIN_FREEMEM_COLLECTION_THRESHOLD = 99; public static boolean DONT_SAVE_ANY_FILES_DUE_TO_OOME = false; public static boolean javaRestart = false; public static EfaBaseConfig efaBaseConfig; // efa Base Config public static EfaConfig efaConfig; // Konfigurationsdatei public static EfaTypes efaTypes; // EfaTypes (Bezeichnungen) public static Admins admins; // Admins public static Project project; // Efa Project public static WettDefs wettDefs; // WettDefs public static EfaKeyStore keyStore; // KeyStore public static final String PUBKEYSTORE = "keystore_pub.dat"; // <efauser>/data/keystore_pub.dat public static final String DRVKEYSTORE = "keystore.dat"; // <efauser>/data/keystore.dat public static final String EFAMASTERKEY = "k)fx,R4{Qb:lhTg"; public static EfaSec efaSec; // efa Security File public static EfaRunning efaRunning; // efa Running (Doppelstarts verhindern) public static EmailSenderThread emailSenderThread; private static StartLogo splashScreen; // Efa Splash Screen public static boolean firstEfaStart = false; // true wenn efa das erste Mal gestartet wurde und // EfaBaseConfig neu erzeugt wurde public static Color colorGreen = new Color(0, 150, 0); public static Color colorOrange = new Color(255, 100, 0); public static String defaultWriteProtectPw = null; public static long efaStartTime; public static boolean exceptionTest = false; // Exceptions beim Drcken von F1 produzieren (fr // Exception-Test) public static boolean watchWindowStack = false; // Window-Stack berwachen // Encoding zum Lesen und Schreiben von Dateien public static final String ENCODING_ISO = "ISO-8859-1"; public static final String ENCODING_UTF = "UTF-8"; // Applikations-IDs public static int applID = -1; public static String applName = "Unknown"; // will be set in iniBase(...) public static final int APPL_EFABASE = 1; public static final int APPL_EFABH = 2; public static final int APPL_CLI = 3; public static final int APPL_DRV = 4; public static final int APPL_EMIL = 5; public static final int APPL_ELWIZ = 6; public static final int APPL_EDDI = 7; public static final String APPLNAME_EFA = "efaBase"; public static final String APPLNAME_EFADIREKT = "efaBths"; public static final String APPLNAME_CLI = "efaCLI"; public static final String APPLNAME_DRV = "efaDRV"; public static final String APPLNAME_EMIL = "emil"; public static final String APPLNAME_ELWIZ = "elwiz"; public static final String APPLNAME_EDDI = "eddi"; // Applikations-Mode public static final int APPL_MODE_NORMAL = 1; public static final int APPL_MODE_ADMIN = 2; public static int applMode = APPL_MODE_NORMAL; // Applikations- PID public static String applPID = "XXXXX"; // will be set in iniBase(...) public static AdminRecord initialize() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "initialize()"); printEfaInfos(false, false, true, false, false); } iniScreenSize(); iniMainDirectory(); iniEfaBaseConfig(); iniLanguageSupport(); iniUserDirectory(); iniLogging(); iniSplashScreen(true); iniEnvironmentSettings(); iniDirectories(); iniEfaSec(); boolean createNewAdmin = iniAdmins(); Object[] efaFirstSetup = iniEfaFirstSetup(createNewAdmin); CustSettings cust = (efaFirstSetup != null ? (CustSettings) efaFirstSetup[0] : null); iniEfaConfig(cust); iniEfaRunning(); iniEfaTypes(cust); iniCopiedFiles(); iniAllDataFiles(); iniRemoteEfaServer(); iniEmailSenderThread(); iniGUI(); iniChecks(); if (createNewAdmin && efaFirstSetup != null) { return (AdminRecord) efaFirstSetup[1]; } return null; } public static String getCurrentStack() { try { StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); String trace = ""; for (int i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { trace = trace + " -> " + stack[i].toString(); if (stack[i].toString().startsWith(International.class.getCanonicalName())) { break; } } return trace; } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public static void haltProgram(int exitCode) { if (exitCode == 0 || exitCode == HALT_SHELLRESTART || exitCode == HALT_JAVARESTART) { if (project != null && project.isOpen()) { try { project.closeAllStorageObjects(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_DATA_CLOSEFAILED, LogString.fileCloseFailed(project.toString(), project.getDescription(), e.toString())); } } if (admins != null && admins.isOpen()) { try { admins.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_DATA_CLOSEFAILED, LogString.fileCloseFailed(admins.toString(), admins.getDescription(), e.toString())); } } if (efaConfig != null && efaConfig.isOpen()) { try { efaConfig.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_DATA_CLOSEFAILED, LogString .fileCloseFailed(efaConfig.toString(), efaConfig.getDescription(), e.toString())); } } if (efaTypes != null && efaTypes.isOpen()) { try { efaTypes.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_DATA_CLOSEFAILED, LogString .fileCloseFailed(efaTypes.toString(), efaTypes.getDescription(), e.toString())); } } } if (exitCode != 0) { if (exitCode == Daten.HALT_SHELLRESTART || exitCode == Daten.HALT_JAVARESTART) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_CORE_HALT, International.getString("PROGRAMMENDE") + " (Exit Code " + exitCode + ")"); } else { if (Daten.applID != Daten.APPL_CLI) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_CORE_HALT, getCurrentStack()); } Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_HALT, International.getString("PROGRAMMENDE") + " (Error Code " + exitCode + ")"); } } else { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_CORE_HALT, International.getString("PROGRAMMENDE")); } if (program != null) { program.exit(exitCode); } else { System.exit(exitCode); } } public static void iniBase(int _applID) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniBase(" + _applID + ")"); } project = null; fileSep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version"); jvmVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version"); osName = System.getProperty(""); osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version"); userHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHomeDir == null) { userHomeDir = ""; } if (!userHomeDir.endsWith(fileSep)) { userHomeDir += fileSep; } userName = System.getProperty(""); applID = _applID; switch (applID) { case APPL_EFABASE: applName = APPLNAME_EFA; break; case APPL_EFABH: applName = APPLNAME_EFADIREKT; break; case APPL_CLI: applName = APPLNAME_CLI; break; case APPL_DRV: applName = APPLNAME_DRV; break; case APPL_EMIL: applName = APPLNAME_EMIL; break; case APPL_ELWIZ: applName = APPLNAME_ELWIZ; break; case APPL_EDDI: applName = APPLNAME_EDDI; break; } efaStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() == "12345@localhost" or similar (not // guaranteed by VM Spec!) applPID = EfaUtil.int2String(EfaUtil.stringFindInt(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(), 0), 5); } catch (Exception e) { applPID = "00000"; } } private static void iniMainDirectory() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniMainDirectory()"); } Daten.efaMainDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir"); if (!Daten.efaMainDirectory.endsWith(Daten.fileSep)) { Daten.efaMainDirectory += Daten.fileSep; } if (Daten.efaMainDirectory.endsWith("/program/") && !new File(Daten.efaMainDirectory + "program/").isDirectory()) { Daten.efaMainDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory.substring(0, Daten.efaMainDirectory.length() - 8); } if (Daten.efaMainDirectory.endsWith("/classes/") && !new File(Daten.efaMainDirectory + "program/").isDirectory()) { Daten.efaMainDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory.substring(0, Daten.efaMainDirectory.length() - 8); } Daten.efaProgramDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory + "program" + Daten.fileSep; // just // temporary, // will be // overwritten // by // iniDirectories() if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { printEfaInfos(true, false, false, false, false); } } private static void iniEfaBaseConfig() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaBaseConfig()"); } String efaBaseConfigFile = Daten.userHomeDir + (Daten.fileSep != null && !Daten.userHomeDir.endsWith(Daten.fileSep) ? Daten.fileSep : ""); Daten.efaBaseConfig = new EfaBaseConfig(efaBaseConfigFile); if (!EfaUtil.canOpenFile(Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName())) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaBaseConfig(): cannot open: " + Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName()); } if (!Daten.efaBaseConfig.writeFile()) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaBaseConfig(): cannot write: " + Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName()); } String msg = International.getString("efa can't start") + ": " + LogString.fileCreationFailed( International.getString("Basic Configuration File"), Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName()); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_BASICCONFIGFAILEDCREATE, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_BASICCONFIG); } firstEfaStart = true; } if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaBaseConfig(): firstEfaStart=" + firstEfaStart); } if (!Daten.efaBaseConfig.readFile()) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaBaseConfig(): cannot read: " + Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName()); } String msg = International.getString("efa can't start") + ": " + LogString.fileOpenFailed( International.getString("Basic Configuration File"), Daten.efaBaseConfig.getFileName()); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_BASICCONFIGFAILEDOPEN, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_BASICCONFIG); } if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { printEfaInfos(true, false, false, false, false); } } private static void iniLanguageSupport() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniLanguageSupport()"); } International.initialize(); } private static void iniUserDirectory() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory()"); } if (firstEfaStart && isGuiAppl()) { while (true) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory(): prompting user for input..."); } ItemTypeFile dir = new ItemTypeFile("USERDIR", Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory, International.getString("Verzeichnis fr Nutzerdaten"), International.getString("Verzeichnisse"), null, ItemTypeFile.MODE_OPEN, ItemTypeFile.TYPE_DIR, IItemType.TYPE_PUBLIC, "", International .getString("In welchem Verzeichnis soll efa smtliche Benutzerdaten ablegen?")); dir.setFieldSize(600, 19); if (SimpleInputDialog.showInputDialog((Frame) null, International.getString("Verzeichnis fr Nutzerdaten"), dir)) { dir.getValueFromGui(); if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory(): input=" + dir.getValue()); } if (!efaBaseConfig.trySetUserDir(dir.getValue(), javaRestart)) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory(): " + LogString.directoryNoWritePermission(dir.getValue(), International.getString("Verzeichnis"))); } Dialog.error(LogString.directoryNoWritePermission(dir.getValue(), International.getString("Verzeichnis"))); } else { efaBaseConfig.writeFile(); if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory(): " + efaBaseConfig.getFileName() + " written."); } break; } } else { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniUserDirectory(): input aborted."); } Daten.haltProgram(HALT_BASICCONFIG); } } } if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { printEfaInfos(true, false, false, false, false); } } private static void iniLogging() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniLogging()"); } Daten.efaLogDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + "log" + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaLogDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } String lastLogEntry = null; if (applID == APPL_EFABH) { lastLogEntry = Logger.getLastLogEntry("efa.log"); } String baklog = null; // backup'ed logfile switch (applID) { case APPL_EFABASE: case APPL_EFABH: case APPL_DRV: baklog = Logger.ini("efa.log", true, false); break; case APPL_CLI: baklog = Logger.ini("efa.log", true, true); break; default: baklog = Logger.ini(null, true, false); break; } Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_EVT_EFASTART, International.getString("PROGRAMMSTART")); Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_INFO_VERSION, "Version efa: " + Daten.VERSIONID + " -- Java: " + Daten.javaVersion + " (JVM " + Daten.jvmVersion + ") -- OS: " + Daten.osName + " " + Daten.osVersion); if (Logger.isDebugLogging()) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_LOGGER_DEBUGACTIVATED, "Debug Logging activated."); // do not internationalize! } if (baklog != null) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_EVT_LOGFILEARCHIVED, International.getMessage("Alte Logdatei wurde nach '{filename}' verschoben.", baklog)); } if (lastLogEntry != null && lastLogEntry.length() > 0 && !lastLogEntry.contains(International.getString("PROGRAMMENDE"))) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_WARN_PREVIOUSEXITIRREGULAR, International.getMessage( "efa wurde zuvor nicht korrekt beendet. Letzer Eintrag in Logdatei: {msg}", lastLogEntry)); } } private static void iniEnvironmentSettings() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEnvironmentSettings()"); } String s; try { if (applID == APPL_EFABH) { Daten.efa_java_arguments = System.getenv(Daten.EFA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS); if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE)) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_DEBUG_GENERIC, Daten.EFA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS + "=" + Daten.efa_java_arguments); } } } catch (Error e) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_WARN_CANTGETEFAJAVAARGS, "Cannot get Environment Variable " + Daten.EFA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS + ": " + e.toString()); } try { s = System.getenv(EFACREDENVVAR); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { EFACREDFILE = s; } else { EFACREDFILE = Daten.userHomeDir + EFACREDFILE; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logdebug(e); } try { if ((new File(EFALIVE_VERSIONFILE).exists())) { EFALIVE_VERSION = ""; BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(EFALIVE_VERSIONFILE)); s = f.readLine(); if (s != null) { EFALIVE_VERSION = s.trim(); } f.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logdebug(e); } } private static void iniDirectories() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniDirectories()"); } // ./program Daten.efaProgramDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory + "program" + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaProgramDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./program/plugins Daten.efaPluginDirectory = Daten.efaProgramDirectory + "plugins" + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaPluginDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./daten if (applID != APPL_DRV) { Daten.efaDataDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + efaSubdirDATA + Daten.fileSep; } else { Daten.efaDataDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + "daten" + Daten.fileSep; } if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaDataDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./cfg Daten.efaCfgDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + efaSubdirCFG + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaCfgDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./doc Daten.efaDocDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory + "doc" + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaDocDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./ausgabe // Daten.efaAusgabeDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + "fmt" + Daten.fileSep; // if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaAusgabeDirectory)) { // haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); // } // ./ausgabe/layout // Daten.efaStyleDirectory = Daten.efaAusgabeDirectory + "layout" + Daten.fileSep; // if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaStyleDirectory)) { // haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); // } // ./bak if (!trySetEfaBackupDirectory(null)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } // ./tmp Daten.efaTmpDirectory = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + "tmp" + Daten.fileSep; if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(Daten.efaTmpDirectory)) { haltProgram(HALT_DIRECTORIES); } if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { printEfaInfos(true, false, false, false, false); } } public static void iniSplashScreen(boolean show) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniSplashScreen(" + show + ")"); } if (!isGuiAppl()) { return; } if (show) { splashScreen = new StartLogo(IMAGEPATH + "efaIntro.png");; try { Thread.sleep(1000); // Damit nach automatischem Restart gengend Zeit vergeht } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } else { if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.remove(); splashScreen = null; } } } public static void iniEfaSec() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaSec()"); } if (firstEfaStart) { EfaSec.createNewSecFile(Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + Daten.EFA_SECFILE, Daten.efaProgramDirectory + Daten.EFA_JAR); } efaSec = new EfaSec(Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + Daten.EFA_SECFILE); // in efa2 we don't care whether the file is corrupt, just whether it's there /* * if (efaSec.secFileExists() && !efaSec.secValueValid()) { String msg = * International.getStringXXX("Die Sicherheitsdatei ist korrupt!") + "\n" + * International.getXXX("Aus Grnden der Sicherheit verweigert efa den Dienst. " + * "Um efa zu reaktivieren, wende Dich bitte an den Entwickler: ") + Daten.EMAILHELP; * Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFASECCORRUPTED, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { * Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_EFASEC); } */ } // returns true if we need to create a new super admin (and are allowed to do so) // returns false if we have a super admin and don't need to create one // halts efa if there is no super admin, but we're not allowed to create one either public static boolean iniAdmins() { if (applID == APPL_DRV) { return false; } Daten.admins = new Admins(); try { // try to open admin file; } catch (Exception e) { if (!isGuiAppl()) { // if this is not a GUI appl, then stop here! Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_ADMINSFAILEDOPEN, LogString.fileOpenFailed(((DataFile), International.getString("Administratoren"))); haltProgram(HALT_ADMIN); } // check whether admin file exists, and only could not be opened boolean exists = true; try { exists =; } catch (Exception ee) { Logger.logdebug(ee); } if (exists) { // admin file exists, but could not be opened. we exit here. String msg = LogString.fileOpenFailed(((DataFile), International.getString("Administratoren")); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_ADMINSFAILEDOPEN, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_ADMIN); } // no admin file there, we need to create a new one if (Daten.efaSec.secFileExists() && Daten.efaSec.secValueValid()) { // ok, sec file is there: we're allowed to create a new one return true; } else { // no sec file there: exit and don't create new admin String msg = International.getString("Kein Admin gefunden.") + "\n" + International.getString("Aus Grnden der Sicherheit verweigert efa den Dienst. " + "Hilfe zum Reaktivieren von efa erhlst Du im Support-Forum."); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_ADMINSFAILEDNOSEC, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_EFASEC); } return false; // we never reach here, but just to be sure... ;-) } // we do have a admin file already that we can open. now check whether there's a super admin // configured as well if (admins.getAdmin(Admins.SUPERADMIN) == null) { // we don't have a super admin yet if (Daten.efaSec.secFileExists() && Daten.efaSec.secValueValid()) { // ok, sec file is there: we're allowed to create a new one return true; } // no sec file there: exit and don't create new admin String msg = International.getString("Kein Admin gefunden.") + "\n" + International.getString("Aus Grnden der Sicherheit verweigert efa den Dienst. " + "Hilfe zum Reaktivieren von efa erhlst Du im Support-Forum."); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_ADMINSFAILEDNOSEC, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_EFASEC); return false; // we never reach here, but just to be sure... ;-) } else { // ok, we do have a super admin already return false; } } /** * @return [0] == CustSettins; [1] == new AdminRecord */ public static Object[] iniEfaFirstSetup(boolean createNewAdmin) { if (applID == APPL_DRV) { return null; } if (firstEfaStart || createNewAdmin) { if (!isGuiAppl()) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_BASICCONFIG, "efa is not yet fully set up. Please launch GUI program first."); Daten.haltProgram(HALT_BASICCONFIG); } iniSplashScreen(false); EfaFirstSetupDialog dlg = new EfaFirstSetupDialog(createNewAdmin, firstEfaStart); dlg.showDialog(); if (!dlg.getDialogResult()) { haltProgram(HALT_FIRSTSETUP); } Object[] result = new Object[2]; result[0] = dlg.getCustSettings(); result[1] = dlg.getNewSuperAdmin(); return result; } return null; } public static void iniEfaConfig(CustSettings custSettings) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaConfig()"); } if (applID != APPL_DRV) { efaConfig = new EfaConfig(custSettings); try {; } catch (Exception eopen) { try {; String msg = LogString.fileNewCreated(((DataFile), International.getString("Konfigurationsdatei")); Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFACONFIGCREATEDNEW, msg); } catch (Exception ecreate) { String msg = LogString.fileCreationFailed(((DataFile), International.getString("Konfigurationsdatei")); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFACONFIGFAILEDCREATE, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_EFACONFIG); } } Daten.efaConfig.setExternalParameters(false); } } public static void iniEfaTypes(CustSettings custSettings) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaTypes()"); } if (applID == APPL_DRV) { return; } efaTypes = new EfaTypes(custSettings); try {; } catch (Exception eopen) { try {; String msg = LogString.fileNewCreated(((DataFile), International.getString("Bezeichnungen")); Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFATYPESCREATEDNEW, msg); } catch (Exception ecreate) { String msg = LogString.fileCreationFailed(((DataFile), International.getString("Bezeichnungen")); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFATYPESFAILEDCREATE, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(HALT_EFATYPES); } } Daten.efaConfig.buildTypes(); } public static void iniEfaRunning() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEfaRunning()"); } if (applID == APPL_CLI) { return; } efaRunning = new EfaRunning(); if (efaRunning.isRunning()) { String msg = International .getString("efa luft bereits und kann nicht zeitgleich zweimal gestartet werden!"); Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_EFAALREADYRUNNING, msg); if (isGuiAppl()) { Dialog.error(msg); } haltProgram(Daten.HALT_EFARUNNING); }; efaRunning.runDataLockThread(); } public static void iniCopiedFiles() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniCopiedFiles()"); } String distribCfgDirectory = Daten.efaMainDirectory + "cfg" + Daten.fileSep; tryCopy(distribCfgDirectory + Daten.WETTFILE, Daten.efaCfgDirectory + Daten.WETTFILE, true); tryCopy(distribCfgDirectory + Daten.WETTDEFS, Daten.efaCfgDirectory + Daten.WETTDEFS, true); } public static void iniAllDataFiles() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniAllDataFiles()"); } Daten.wettDefs = new WettDefs(Daten.efaCfgDirectory + Daten.WETTDEFS); iniDataFile(Daten.wettDefs, true, International.onlyFor("Wettbewerbskonfiguration", "de")); Daten.keyStore = (applID != APPL_DRV ? new EfaKeyStore(Daten.efaDataDirectory + Daten.PUBKEYSTORE, "efa".toCharArray()) : new EfaKeyStore(Daten.efaDataDirectory + Daten.DRVKEYSTORE, "efa".toCharArray())); } public static void iniRemoteEfaServer() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniRemoteEfaServer()"); } if (applID != APPL_EFABH) { return; } new RemoteEfaServer(Daten.efaConfig.getValueDataataRemoteEfaServerPort(), Daten.efaConfig.getValueDataRemoteEfaServerEnabled()); } public static void iniEmailSenderThread() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniEmailSenderThread()"); } if (applID == APPL_EFABASE || applID == APPL_EFABH) { try { emailSenderThread = new EmailSenderThread(); emailSenderThread.start(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_CORE_MISSINGPLUGIN, International.getString("Fehlendes Plugin") + ": " + Plugins.PLUGIN_MAIL + " - " + International.getString("Kein email-Versand mglich!") + " " + International.getMessage( "Bitte lade das fehlende Plugin unter der Adresse {url} herunter.", Daten.pluginWebpage)); } } } public static void iniScreenSize() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniScreenSize()"); } if (!isGuiAppl()) { return; } Dialog.initializeScreenSize(); } public static void iniGUI() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniGUI()"); } if (!isGuiAppl()) { return; } iniScreenSize(); // Look&Feel if (Daten.efaConfig != null) { // is null for applDRV try { if (Daten.efaConfig.getValueLookAndFeel().length() == 0) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } else { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Daten.efaConfig.getValueLookAndFeel()); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_WARN_CANTSETLOOKANDFEEL, International.getString("Konnte Look&Feel nicht setzen") + ": " + e.toString()); } } // Look&Feel specific Work-Arounds try { lookAndFeel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().toString(); if (!lookAndFeel.endsWith("MetalLookAndFeel")) { // to make PopupMenu's work properly and not swallow the next MousePressed Event, see: // Dialog.getUiDefaults().put("PopupMenu.consumeEventOnClose", false); } Color buttonFocusColor = (Daten.efaConfig != null ? Daten.efaConfig.getLafButtonFocusColor() : null); if (buttonFocusColor != null) { // colored square around text of selected button Dialog.getUiDefaults().put("Button.focus", new ColorUIResource(buttonFocusColor)); } // allow users to press buttons by hitting ENTER (and not just SPACE) Dialog.getUiDefaults().put("Button.focusInputMap", new javax.swing.UIDefaults.LazyInputMap(new Object[] { "ENTER", "pressed", "released ENTER", "released", "SPACE", "pressed", "released SPACE", "released" })); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_WARN_CANTSETLOOKANDFEEL, "Failed to apply LookAndFeel Workarounds: " + e.toString()); } // Font Size if (applID == APPL_EFABH) { try { Dialog.setGlobalFontSize(Daten.efaConfig.getValueEfaDirekt_fontSize(), Daten.efaConfig.getValueEfaDirekt_fontStyle()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_WARN_CANTSETFONTSIZE, International.getString("Schriftgre konnte nicht gendert werden") + ": " + e.toString()); } } } public static void iniChecks() { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniChecks()"); } checkEfaVersion(true); checkJavaVersion(true); } public static void iniDataFile(de.nmichael.efa.efa1.DatenListe f, boolean autoNewIfDoesntExist, String s) { if (Logger.isTraceOn(Logger.TT_CORE, 9) || Logger.isDebugLoggingActivatedByCommandLine()) { Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, Logger.MSG_CORE_STARTUPINITIALIZATION, "iniDataFile(" + f.getFileName() + "," + autoNewIfDoesntExist + "," + s + ")"); } if (autoNewIfDoesntExist) { f.createNewIfDoesntExist(); } else { if (!EfaUtil.canOpenFile(f.getFileName())) { if (f.writeFile()) { LogString.logInfo_fileNewCreated(f.getFileName(), s); } else { LogString.logError_fileCreationFailed(f.getFileName(), s); } } } if (!f.readFile()) { LogString.logError_fileOpenFailed(f.getFileName(), s); } } public static boolean isGuiAppl() { return (applID == APPL_EFABASE || applID == APPL_EFABH || applID == APPL_EMIL || applID == APPL_ELWIZ || applID == APPL_EDDI || applID == APPL_DRV) && !CrontabThread.CRONJOB_THREAD_NAME.equals(Thread.currentThread().getName()); } public static boolean isApplEfaBase() { return (applID == APPL_EFABASE); } public static boolean isApplEfaBoathouse() { return (applID == APPL_EFABH); } public static boolean isAdminMode() { return applID != APPL_EFABH || applMode == APPL_MODE_ADMIN; } public static boolean isWriteModeMitSchluessel() { return applID != APPL_EFABH || istSchluesselGedrehtIntern(); } private static boolean istSchluesselGedrehtIntern() { String gpio = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + Daten.fileSep; File fileGpio = new File(gpio + "value"); File fileGut = new File(gpio + "value.gut.txt"); try { String contentsGpio = FileUtils.readFileToString(fileGpio); String contentsGut = FileUtils.readFileToString(fileGut); return contentsGut.equals(contentsGpio); // return FileUtils.contentEquals(file1, file2); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.log(e); Dialog.exceptionError(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace().toString()); return false; } } public static boolean isOsLinux() { return "Linux".equals(osName); } public static boolean isOsWindows() { return (osName != null && osName.startsWith("Windows")); } private static boolean checkAndCreateDirectory(String dir) { File f = new File(dir); if (!f.isDirectory()) { boolean result = f.mkdirs(); if (result == true) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Logger.MSG_CORE_SETUPDIRS, International.getMessage( "Verzeichnis '{directory}' konnte nicht gefunden werden und wurde neu erstellt.", dir)); } else { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_SETUPDIRS, International.getMessage( "Verzeichnis '{directory}' konnte weder gefunden, noch neu erstellt werden.", dir)); } return result; } return true; } private static boolean tryCopy(String source, String dest, boolean alwaysCopyWhenNewer) { if (source.equals(dest)) { return true; } boolean copy = !(new File(dest)).exists(); if (!copy) { File src = new File(source); File dst = new File(dest); if (src.exists() && dst.exists() && src.lastModified() > dst.lastModified() && alwaysCopyWhenNewer) { copy = true; } } if (copy) { if (EfaUtil.copyFile(source, dest)) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_CORE_SETUPFILES, International .getMessage("Datei '{file}' wurde aus der Vorlage {template} neu erstellt.", dest, source)); return true; } else { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_SETUPFILES, International.getMessage( "Datei '{file}' konnte nicht aus der Vorlage {template} neu erstellt werden.", dest, source)); return false; } } return true; // nothing to do } public static boolean trySetEfaBackupDirectory(String dir) { if (dir == null || dir.length() == 0) { dir = Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory + "backup" + Daten.fileSep; } if (!dir.endsWith(Daten.fileSep)) { dir = dir + Daten.fileSep; } if (checkAndCreateDirectory(dir)) { Daten.efaBakDirectory = dir; return true; } return false; } public static Vector getEfaInfos() { return getEfaInfos(true, true, true, true, false); } public static Vector getEfaInfos(boolean efaInfos, boolean pluginInfos, boolean javaInfos, boolean hostInfos, boolean jarInfos) { Vector infos = new Vector(); // efa-Infos if (efaInfos) { infos.add("efa.version=" + Daten.VERSIONID); if (EFALIVE_VERSION != null && EFALIVE_VERSION.length() > 0) { infos.add("efalive.version=" + Daten.EFALIVE_VERSION); } if (applID != APPL_EFABH || applMode == APPL_MODE_ADMIN) { if (Daten.efaMainDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.main=" + Daten.efaMainDirectory); } if (Daten.efaBaseConfig != null && Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.user=" + Daten.efaBaseConfig.efaUserDirectory); } if (Daten.efaProgramDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.program=" + Daten.efaProgramDirectory); } if (Daten.efaPluginDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.plugin=" + Daten.efaPluginDirectory); } if (Daten.efaDocDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.doc=" + Daten.efaDocDirectory); } if (Daten.efaDataDirectory != null) { infos.add("" + Daten.efaDataDirectory); } if (Daten.efaCfgDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.cfg=" + Daten.efaCfgDirectory); } if (Daten.efaBakDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.bak=" + Daten.efaBakDirectory); } if (Daten.efaTmpDirectory != null) { infos.add("efa.dir.tmp=" + Daten.efaTmpDirectory); } } } // efa Plugin-Infos if (pluginInfos) { try { File dir = new File(Daten.efaPluginDirectory); if ((applID != APPL_EFABH || applMode == APPL_MODE_ADMIN) && Logger.isDebugLogging()) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.isFile()) { infos.add("efa.plugin.file=" + file.getName() + ":" + file.length()); } } } Plugins plugins = Plugins.getPluginInfoFromLocalFile(); String[] names = plugins.getAllPluginNames(); for (String name : names) { infos.add("efa.plugin." + name + "=" + (Plugins.isPluginInstalled(name) ? "installed" : "not installed")); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_INFOFAILED, International.getString("Programminformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden") + ": " + e.toString()); return null; } } // Java Infos if (javaInfos) { infos.add("java.version=" + System.getProperty("java.version")); infos.add("java.vendor=" + System.getProperty("java.vendor")); infos.add("java.home=" + System.getProperty("java.home")); infos.add("java.vm.version=" + System.getProperty("java.vm.version")); infos.add("java.vm.vendor=" + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor")); infos.add("" + System.getProperty("")); infos.add("" + System.getProperty("")); infos.add("os.arch=" + System.getProperty("os.arch")); infos.add("os.version=" + System.getProperty("os.version")); if (applID != APPL_EFABH || applMode == APPL_MODE_ADMIN) { infos.add("user.home=" + System.getProperty("user.home")); infos.add("" + System.getProperty("")); infos.add("user.dir=" + System.getProperty("user.dir")); infos.add("java.class.path=" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); } } // Host Infos if (hostInfos) { if (applID != APPL_EFABH || applMode == APPL_MODE_ADMIN) { try { infos.add("" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()); infos.add("host.ip=" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()); infos.add("host.interface=" + EfaUtil .getInterfaceInfo(NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost()))); } catch (Exception eingore) { } } } // JAR methods if (jarInfos && Logger.isDebugLogging()) { try { String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); while (cp != null && cp.length() > 0) { int pos = cp.indexOf(";"); if (pos < 0) { pos = cp.indexOf(":"); } String jarfile; if (pos >= 0) { jarfile = cp.substring(0, pos); cp = cp.substring(pos + 1); } else { jarfile = cp; cp = null; } if (jarfile != null && jarfile.length() > 0 && new File(jarfile).isFile()) { try { infos.add("java.jar.filename=" + jarfile); JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarfile); Enumeration _enum = jar.entries(); Object o; while (_enum.hasMoreElements() && (o = _enum.nextElement()) != null) { infos.add( "java.jar.content=" + o + ":" + (jar.getEntry(o.toString()) == null ? "null" : Long.toString(jar.getEntry(o.toString()).getSize()))); } jar.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_INFOFAILED, e.toString()); return null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, Logger.MSG_CORE_INFOFAILED, International.getString("Programminformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden") + ": " + e.toString()); return null; } } return infos; } public static void printEfaInfos() { printEfaInfos(true, true, true, true, false); } public static void printEfaInfos(boolean efaInfos, boolean pluginInfos, boolean javaInfos, boolean hostInfos, boolean jarInfos) { Vector infos = getEfaInfos(efaInfos, pluginInfos, javaInfos, hostInfos, jarInfos); for (int i = 0; infos != null && i < infos.size(); i++) { Logger.log(Logger.INFO, Logger.MSG_INFO_CONFIGURATION, (String) infos.get(i)); } } public static String getEfaImage(int size) { int birthday = EfaUtil.getEfaBirthday(); switch (size) { case 1: return IMAGEPATH + "efa_small.png"; case 2: return IMAGEPATH + "efa_logo.png"; case 3: return IMAGEPATH + "efa_large.png"; default: return IMAGEPATH + "efa_logo.png"; } } public static void checkEfaVersion(boolean interactive) { // @todo (P7) check for outdated efa version /* * // Bei 1 Jahr alten Versionen alle 90 Tage prfen, ob eine neue Version vorliegt if * (EfaUtil.getDateDiff(Daten.VERSIONRELEASEDATE,EfaUtil.getCurrentTimeStampDD_MM_YYYY()) > 365 * && (Daten.efaConfig.efaVersionLastCheck == null || * Daten.efaConfig.efaVersionLastCheck.length() == 0 || * EfaUtil.getDateDiff(Daten.efaConfig.efaVersionLastCheck * ,EfaUtil.getCurrentTimeStampDD_MM_YYYY()) > 90) ) { if * (Dialog.yesNoDialog(InternationalXX.getString("Prfen, ob neue efa-Version verfgbar"), * InternationalXX * .getMessage("Die von Dir verwendete Version von efa ({versionid}) ist bereits "+ * "ber ein Jahr alt. Soll efa jetzt fr Dich prfen, ob eine "+ * "neue Version von efa vorliegt?",Daten.VERSIONID)) == Dialog.YES) { * OnlineUpdateFrame.runOnlineUpdate(this,Daten.ONLINEUPDATE_INFO); } * Daten.efaConfig.efaVersionLastCheck = EfaUtil.getCurrentTimeStampDD_MM_YYYY(); } */ } public static void checkJavaVersion(boolean interactive) { // @todo (P7) check for outdated java version /* * if (Daten.javaVersion == null) return; TMJ tmj = * EfaUtil.string2date(Daten.javaVersion,0,0,0); int version = tmj.tag*100 + tmj.monat*10 + * tmj.jahr; if (version < 140) { if * (Dialog.yesNoDialog(InternationalXX.getString("Java-Version zu alt"), * InternationalXX.getMessage("Die von Dir verwendete Java-Version {version} wird von efa "+ * "offiziell nicht mehr untersttzt. Einige Funktionen von efa stehen "+ * "unter dieser Java-Version nicht zur Verfgung oder funktionieren nicht "+ * "richtig. Vom Einsatz von efa mit dieser Java-Version wird dringend abgeraten. "+ * "Fr den optimalen Einsatz von efa wird Java-Version 5 oder neuer empfohlen.\n\n"+ * "Sollen jetzt die Download-Anleitung fr eine neue Java-Version "+ * "angezeigt werden?",Daten.javaVersion)) == Dialog.YES) { showJavaDownloadHints(); } return; } * if (!alsoCheckForOptimalVersion) return; if (version < 150) { if * (Dialog.yesNoDialog(InternationalXX.getString("Java-Version alt"), * InternationalXX.getMessage( * "Die von Dir verwendete Java-Version {version} ist bereits relativ alt. "+ * "Fr den optimalen Einsatz von efa wird Java 5 (Version 1.5.0) oder neuer empfohlen. "+ * "efa funktioniert zwar auch mit lteren Java-Versionen weiterhin, jedoch gibt es einige "+ * "Funktionen, die nur unter neueren Java-Versionen untersttzt werden. Auerdem werden "+ * "Java-Fehler oft nur noch in den neueren Versionen korrigiert, so da auch aus diesem "+ * "Grund immer der Einsatz einer mglichst neuen Java-Version empfohlen ist.\n\n"+ * "Sollen jetzt die Download-Anleitung fr eine neue Java-Version "+ * "angezeigt werden?",Daten.javaVersion)) == Dialog.YES) { showJavaDownloadHints(); } } */ } public static void checkRegister() { if (PROGRAMMID.equals(Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegisteredProgramID())) { return; // already registered } Daten.efaConfig.setValueRegistrationChecks(Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegistrationChecks() + 1); boolean promptForRegistration = false; if (Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegisteredProgramID().length() == 0) { // never before registered if (Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegistrationChecks() <= 30 && Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegistrationChecks() % 10 == 0) { promptForRegistration = true; } } else { // previous version already registered if (Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegistrationChecks() <= 10 && Daten.efaConfig.getValueRegistrationChecks() % 10 == 0) { promptForRegistration = true; } } if (promptForRegistration) { if (BrowserDialog.openInternalBrowser(null, Daten.EFA_SHORTNAME, "file:" + HtmlFactory.createRegister(), 850, 750).endsWith(".pl")) { // registration complete Daten.efaConfig.setValueRegisteredProgramID(Daten.PROGRAMMID); Daten.efaConfig.setValueRegistrationChecks(0); } } } /** * Returns the Java version as an integer number representing the "official" Java *minor* version. * Newer Versions are guaranteed to have higher numbers than previous versions. e.g. for Java 1.4, * this will return "4" for Java 1.5, this will return "5" for Java 1.6, this will return "6" for * Java 1.7, this will return "7" * * @return the Java version */ public static int getJavaVersion() { try { if (Daten.javaVersion.startsWith("1.")) { return Integer.parseInt(Daten.javaVersion.substring(2, 3)); } return 99; } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } private static void showJavaDownloadHints() { if (Daten.efaDocDirectory == null) { return; } } }