Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Marc Prengemann * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package de.mprengemann.intellij.plugin.androidicons.util; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiDirectory; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager; import de.mprengemann.intellij.plugin.androidicons.images.ImageInformation; import de.mprengemann.intellij.plugin.androidicons.images.ImageUtils; import de.mprengemann.intellij.plugin.androidicons.images.Resolution; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class RefactorHelper { private static int selection; public static void copy(Project project, String description, List<File> sources, List<File> targets) throws IOException { final PsiManager instance = PsiManager.getInstance(project); final List<PsiFile> files = new ArrayList<PsiFile>(); final List<PsiDirectory> dirs = new ArrayList<PsiDirectory>(); final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (File source : sources) { LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(source); final VirtualFile vFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(source); if (vFile != null) { PsiFile item = instance.findFile(vFile); if (item != null) { files.add(item); } } } for (File target : targets) { VirtualFile targetDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance() .refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(target.getParentFile()); if (targetDir == null) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(target.getParentFile()); targetDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(target.getParentFile()); } if (targetDir != null) { final PsiDirectory dir = instance.findDirectory(targetDir); if (dir != null) { dirs.add(dir); names.add(target.getName()); } } } if (files.size() == dirs.size() && files.size() > 0) { selection = -1; RunnableHelper.runWriteCommand(project, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PsiFile file; PsiDirectory dir; String name; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { file = files.get(i); dir = dirs.get(i); name = names.get(i); if (checkFileExist(dir, new int[] { selection }, file, name, "Copy")) { continue; } dir.copyFileFrom(name, file); } } }, description); return; } throw new IOException("File not found. No idea why."); } public static boolean checkFileExist(@Nullable PsiDirectory targetDirectory, int[] choice, PsiFile file, String name, String title) { if (targetDirectory == null) { return false; } final PsiFile existing = targetDirectory.findFile(name); if (existing != null && !existing.equals(file)) { int selection; if (choice == null || choice[0] == -1) { String message = String.format("File '%s' already exists in directory '%s'", name, targetDirectory.getVirtualFile().getPath()); String[] options = choice == null ? new String[] { "Overwrite", "Skip" } : new String[] { "Overwrite", "Skip", "Overwrite for all", "Skip for all" }; selection = Messages.showDialog(message, title, options, 0, Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (selection == 2 || selection == 3) { RefactorHelper.selection = selection; } } else { selection = choice[0]; } if (choice != null && selection > 1) { choice[0] = selection % 2; selection = choice[0]; } if (selection == 0 && file != existing) { existing.delete(); } else { return true; } } return false; } public static File getTempImageFile(String tempDir, Resolution resolution, String exportName) { return new File(tempDir + "/plugin-images/" + resolution.toString() + "/" + exportName); } public static void move(Project project, final String description, final List<File> sources, final List<File> targets) throws IOException { copy(project, description, sources, targets); RunnableHelper.runWriteCommand(project, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { File dir = null; for (File source : sources) { if (dir == null) { dir = source.getParentFile(); } FileUtils.forceDelete(source); } if (dir != null) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] images = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file, String s) { String mimetype = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(file); String type = mimetype.split("/")[0]; return type.equals("image"); } }); if (images == null || images.length == 0) { FileUtils.forceDelete(dir); } } } } catch (IOException ignored) { } } }, description); } public static void move(Project project, List<ImageInformation> scalingInformationList) throws IOException { List<File> tempFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); List<File> targets = new ArrayList<File>(); for (ImageInformation information : scalingInformationList) { tempFiles.add(information.getTempImage()); targets.add(information.getTargetFile()); } String description = ExportNameUtils.getExportDescription(scalingInformationList); move(project, description, tempFiles, targets); } public static float getScaleFactor(Resolution target, Resolution baseLine) { switch (baseLine) { case MDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 0.5f; case MDPI: return 1f; case HDPI: return 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 2f; case XXHDPI: return 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 4f; } break; case LDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 2f * 0.5f; case MDPI: return 2f * 1f; case HDPI: return 2f * 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 2f * 2f; case XXHDPI: return 2f * 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 2f * 4f; } break; case HDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 2f / 3f * 0.5f; case MDPI: return 2f / 3f * 1f; case HDPI: return 2f / 3f * 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 2f / 3f * 2f; case XXHDPI: return 2f / 3f * 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 2f / 3f * 4f; } break; case XHDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 1f / 2f * 0.5f; case MDPI: return 1f / 2f * 1f; case HDPI: return 1f / 2f * 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 1f / 2f * 2f; case XXHDPI: return 1f / 2f * 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 1f / 2f * 4f; } break; case XXHDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 1f / 3f * 0.5f; case MDPI: return 1f / 3f * 1f; case HDPI: return 1f / 3f * 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 1f / 3f * 2f; case XXHDPI: return 1f / 3f * 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 1f / 3f * 4f; } break; case XXXHDPI: switch (target) { case LDPI: return 1f / 4f * 0.5f; case MDPI: return 1f / 4f * 1f; case HDPI: return 1f / 4f * 1.5f; case XHDPI: return 1f / 4f * 2f; case XXHDPI: return 1f / 4f * 3f; case XXXHDPI: return 1f / 4f * 4f; } break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public static void exportTempImage(Project project, ImageInformation information) { try { BufferedImage resizeImageJpg; if (information.isNinePatch()) { resizeImageJpg = ImageUtils.resizeNinePatchImage(project, information); } else { resizeImageJpg = ImageUtils.resizeNormalImage(information); } ImageUtils.saveImageTempFile(resizeImageJpg, information); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } }