Java tutorial
// // Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Roger Rene Kommer & Micromata GmbH // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package de.micromata.genome.gwiki.plugin.rogmp3_1_0; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import de.micromata.genome.gdbfs.ZipWriteFileSystem; import de.micromata.genome.gwiki.model.logging.GWikiLogCategory; import de.micromata.genome.logging.GLog; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogExceptionAttribute; import de.micromata.genome.util.types.Pair; public class Mp3Db { private static Mp3Db INSTANCE = null; private Mp3UsageDB usageDb; public static final Mp3Db get(String dbpath, String mp3root) { if (INSTANCE != null) { return INSTANCE; } INSTANCE = new Mp3Db(dbpath, mp3root); return INSTANCE; } private File dbpath; private File mp3root; CsvTable composers = new CsvTable(); CsvTable title = new CsvTable(); CsvTable tracks = new CsvTable(); CsvTable medien = new CsvTable(); CsvTable dirigents = new CsvTable(); CsvTable interprets = new CsvTable(); CsvTable interpretsDetail = new CsvTable(); CsvTable orchesters = new CsvTable(); CsvTable orchestersDetail = new CsvTable(); public Mp3Db(String path, String mp3root) { dbpath = new File(path); this.mp3root = new File(mp3root); composers.load(new File(dbpath, "TabKomponist.csv")); composers.createIndex(Composer.NAME); title.load(new File(dbpath, "Titel.csv")); title.createIndex(Title.PK); title.createIndex(Title.MEDIA_FK); tracks.load(new File(dbpath, "TitelSub.csv")); tracks.createIndex(Track.PK); tracks.createIndex(Track.FK_TITLE); medien.load(new File(dbpath, "TabMedien.csv")); medien.createIndex(Media.PK); orchesters.load(new File(dbpath, "TabOrchester.csv")); orchesters.createIndex(Orchester.PK); orchestersDetail.load(new File(dbpath, "TabDetailOrchester.csv")); dirigents.load(new File(dbpath, "TabDirigent.csv")); dirigents.createIndex(Dirigent.PK); interprets.load(new File(dbpath, "TabInterpret.csv")); interprets.createIndex(Interpret.PK); interpretsDetail.load(new File(dbpath, "TabDetailInterpret.csv")); usageDb = new Mp3UsageDB(new File(dbpath, "mp3usages.csv")); } public List<Composer> getComposers() { Collection<String[]> recs = composers.getUniqueSorted(Composer.NAME); List<Composer> ret = new ArrayList<Composer>(); for (String[] rec : recs) { ret.add(new Composer(this, rec)); } return ret; } public Map<Integer, TimeLineEl> getComposerTimeLine(String country) { Map<Integer, TimeLineEl> ret = new TreeMap<Integer, TimeLineEl>(); List<String[]> recs = composers.getUniqueSorted(Composer.NAME); for (String[] rec : recs) { Composer composer = new Composer(this, rec); String composerCountry = composer.get(Composer.COUNTRY); List<String> ccl = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(composerCountry, ";")); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(country) == true && ccl.contains(country) == false) { continue; } int by = composer.getBornYear(); int dy = composer.getDiedYear(); TimeLineEl tl = ret.get(by); if (tl == null) { tl = new TimeLineEl(by); ret.put(by, tl); } tl.start.add(composer); tl = ret.get(dy); if (tl == null) { tl = new TimeLineEl(dy); ret.put(dy, tl); } tl.end.add(composer); } return ret; } public List<Media> getMedia() { List<String[]> rec = medien.getSortByIndex(Media.NAME1, Media.NAME2, Media.NAME3); List<Media> med = new ArrayList<Media>(rec.size()); for (String[] r : rec) { med.add(new Media(this, r)); } return med; } public List<Orchester> getOrchester() { List<String[]> rec = orchesters.getSortByIndex(Orchester.NAME); List<Orchester> med = new ArrayList<Orchester>(rec.size()); for (String[] r : rec) { med.add(new Orchester(this, r)); } return med; } public List<Dirigent> getDirigenten() { List<String[]> rec = dirigents.getSortByIndex(Dirigent.NAME); List<Dirigent> med = new ArrayList<Dirigent>(rec.size()); for (String[] r : rec) { med.add(new Dirigent(this, r)); } return med; } public List<Title> getTitelsFromOrchester(Orchester orchester) { List<Title> ret = new ArrayList<Title>(); for (String[] od : orchestersDetail.table) { if (od.length >= 2) { if (StringUtils.equals(od[0], orchester.getName()) == true) { ret.add(getTitleByPk(od[1])); } } } return ret; } public List<Title> getTitelsFromInterpret(Interpret interpret) { List<Title> ret = new ArrayList<Title>(); for (String[] od : interpretsDetail.table) { if (od.length >= 3) { if (StringUtils.equals(od[0], interpret.getName()) == true) { ret.add(getTitleByPk(od[2])); } } } return ret; } public Composer getComposerByPk(String pk) { return new Composer(this, composers.findFirst(Composer.PK, pk)); } public Orchester getOrchesterByPk(String pk) { return new Orchester(this, orchesters.findFirst(Orchester.PK, pk)); } public Composer getComposerByName(String name) { return new Composer(this, composers.findFirst(Composer.NAME, name)); } public List<Title> getTitelFromKomposer(String komposer) { List<String[]> recs = title.findEquals(1, komposer); title.sortByIndex(recs, Title.TITEL, Title.TNUMMER, Title.OP, Title.TONART, Title.EINSPIELUNG); List<Title> ret = new ArrayList<Title>(); for (String[] rec : recs) { ret.add(new Title(this, rec)); } return ret; } public List<Track> getTracksFromTitle(Title title) { List<String[]> recs = tracks.findEquals(Track.FK_TITLE, title.getPk()); tracks.sortByIndex(recs, Track.PK); List<Track> ret = new ArrayList<Track>(); if (recs.isEmpty() == false) { for (String[] rec : recs) { ret.add(new Track(this, rec)); } for (Track t : ret) { if (t.getMp3Path().exists() == false) { ret.clear(); break; } } } if (ret.isEmpty() == false) { } if (ret.isEmpty() == true) { File dir = title.getMp3Path(); if (dir == null || dir.exists() == false) { return ret; } int no = 0; for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (f.getName().endsWith(".mp3") == false) { continue; } Track nt = new Track(this, f, title, no); ret.add(nt); ++no; } Collections.sort(ret, new Comparator<Track>() { @Override public int compare(Track o1, Track o2) { return o1.getNameOnFs().compareTo(o2.getNameOnFs()); } }); } return ret; } public Media getMediaByPk(String pk) { return new Media(this, medien.findFirst(Media.PK, pk)); } public Title getTitleByPk(String pk) { return new Title(this, title.findFirst(Title.PK, pk)); } public Track getTrackByPk(String pk) { return new Track(this, tracks.findFirst(Track.PK, pk)); } public Interpret getInterpretByPk(String pk) { String[] ip = interprets.findFirst(Interpret.PK, pk); if (ip == null) { return null; } return new Interpret(this, ip); } public Dirigent getDirigentByPk(String pk) { return new Dirigent(this, dirigents.findFirst(Dirigent.PK, pk)); } public File getMp3root() { return mp3root; } public void setMp3root(File mp3root) { this.mp3root = mp3root; } public CsvTable getTitle() { return title; } public CsvTable getTracks() { return tracks; } public CsvTable getMedien() { return medien; } public File getBookletFile(String imagePk, boolean imageBack) { File images = new File(mp3root.getParentFile().getParentFile(), "imagesmedien"); String fn = "c" + imagePk + "-" + (imageBack == true ? "f" : "b") + ".jpg"; File file = new File(images, fn); if (file.exists() == true) { return file; } String fqn = file.getAbsolutePath(); return null; } public File getJpcBookletFile(String imagePk, boolean imageBack) { String prefix = imageBack == true ? "back" : ""; File images = new File(mp3root.getParentFile().getParentFile(), "imagesmedienjpc"); String fn = prefix + imagePk + ".jpg"; File file = new File(images, fn); if (file.exists() == true) { return file; } String fqn = file.getAbsolutePath(); return null; } public File getNaxosImage(Media media) { if (StringUtils.equals(media.get(Media.LABEL), "Naxos") == false) { return null; } String labelId = media.get(Media.LABELID); return getNaxosImage(labelId); } public File getNaxosImage(String labelId) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(labelId) == true) { return null; } int idx = labelId.indexOf('.'); if (idx != -1) { labelId = labelId.substring(idx + 1); } idx = StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(labelId, "0123456789"); if (idx != -1) { labelId = labelId.substring(0, idx); } File images = new File(mp3root.getParentFile().getParentFile(), "imagesmediennaxos"); File image = new File(images, labelId + ".gif"); if (image.exists() == true) { return image; } return null; } public Pair<String, byte[]> getMp3Zip(List<Track> tracks, String nameOfZip) { Pair<String, byte[]> ret = new Pair<String, byte[]>(); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipWriteFileSystem zfs = new ZipWriteFileSystem(bout); for (Track track : tracks) { File f = track.getMp3Path(); try { byte[] data = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(f); Title title = track.getTitle(); Composer comp = title.getComposer(); String pname = comp.getNameOnFs() + "/" + track.getTitle().getNameOnFs() + "/" + track.getNameOnFs(); zfs.writeBinaryFile(pname, data, false); } catch (IOException ex) { GLog.warn(GWikiLogCategory.Wiki, "RogMp3; Error zipping file: " + f.getAbsolutePath() + "; " + ex.getMessage(), new LogExceptionAttribute(ex)); } } zfs.close(); ret.setFirst(nameOfZip); ret.setSecond(bout.toByteArray()); return ret; } public List<Interpret> getInterpreten() { List<String[]> rec = interprets.getSortByIndex(Interpret.NAME); List<Interpret> med = new ArrayList<Interpret>(rec.size()); for (String[] r : rec) { med.add(new Interpret(this, r)); } return med; } public List<Interpret> getInterpretByTitel(String pk) { List<String[]> la = interpretsDetail.findEquals(2, pk); List<Interpret> ret = new ArrayList<Interpret>(la.size()); for (String[] sa : la) { for (String[] it : interprets.table) { if (StringUtils.equals(it[Interpret.NAME], sa[Interpret.DETAIL_NAME]) == true && StringUtils.equals(it[Interpret.INSTRUMENT], sa[Interpret.DETAIL_INSTRUMENT]) == true) { ret.add(new Interpret(this, it)); } } } return ret; } public SortedMap<String, Integer> getComposersCountries() { SortedMap<String, Integer> ret = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); for (String[] comp : composers.table) { Composer cp = new Composer(this, comp); String rcountry = cp.get(Composer.COUNTRY); List<String> ccl = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(rcountry, ";")); for (String country : ccl) { Integer c = ret.get(country); if (c == null) { ret.put(country, 1); } else { ret.put(country, c + 1); } } } return ret; } public List<Orchester> getOrchesterByTitel(String pk) { List<String[]> orl = orchestersDetail.findEquals(1, pk); List<Orchester> ret = new ArrayList<Orchester>(orl.size()); for (String[] o : orl) { for (String[] orchs : orchesters.findEquals(Orchester.NAME, o[0])) { ret.add(new Orchester(this, orchs)); } } return ret; } public List<Title> getTitlesByDirigent(Dirigent dirigent) { List<String[]> fl = title.findEquals(Title.DIRIGENT, dirigent.getName()); List<Title> ret = new ArrayList<Title>(fl.size()); for (String[] t : fl) { ret.add(new Title(this, t)); } return ret; } public Mp3UsageDB getUsageDb() { return usageDb; } }