Java tutorial
package de.metas.ui.web.window.model; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.compiere.util.Evaluatee; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import de.metas.logging.LogManager; import de.metas.ui.web.window.WindowConstants; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentId; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentIdsSelection; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentPath; import de.metas.ui.web.window.descriptor.DetailId; import de.metas.ui.web.window.descriptor.DocumentEntityDescriptor; import de.metas.ui.web.window.exceptions.DocumentNotFoundException; import de.metas.ui.web.window.exceptions.InvalidDocumentPathException; import de.metas.ui.web.window.model.Document.CopyMode; import de.metas.ui.web.window.model.Document.OnValidStatusChanged; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.NonNull; /* * #%L * metasfresh-webui-api * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 metas GmbH * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ /** * @author metas-dev <> * * @deprecated Scheduled to be deleted because we will no longer using it */ @Deprecated public class IncludedDocumentsCollection implements IIncludedDocumentsCollection { public static final IncludedDocumentsCollection newInstance(final Document parentDocument, final DocumentEntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) { final IncludedDocumentsCollection col = new IncludedDocumentsCollection(parentDocument, entityDescriptor); col.updateStatusFromParent(); return col; } private static final transient Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(IncludedDocumentsCollection.class); private final DocumentEntityDescriptor entityDescriptor; private final Document parentDocument; private final LinkedHashMap<DocumentId, Document> _documents; // State private boolean _fullyLoaded; private final Set<DocumentId> _staleDocumentIds; private final IncludedDocumentsCollectionActions actions; private final ActionsContext actionsContext = new ActionsContext(); private IncludedDocumentsCollection(@NonNull final Document parentDocument, @NonNull final DocumentEntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) { this.parentDocument = parentDocument; this.entityDescriptor = entityDescriptor; // State _fullyLoaded = false; _staleDocumentIds = new HashSet<>(); actions = IncludedDocumentsCollectionActions.builder().parentDocumentPath(parentDocument.getDocumentPath()) .detailId(entityDescriptor.getDetailId()) .allowCreateNewLogic(entityDescriptor.getAllowCreateNewLogic()) .allowDeleteLogic(entityDescriptor.getAllowDeleteLogic()).build(); // Documents map _documents = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } /** copy constructor */ private IncludedDocumentsCollection(@NonNull final IncludedDocumentsCollection from, @NonNull final Document parentDocumentCopy, @NonNull final CopyMode copyMode) { parentDocument = parentDocumentCopy; entityDescriptor = from.entityDescriptor; // State _fullyLoaded = from._fullyLoaded; _staleDocumentIds = new HashSet<>(from._staleDocumentIds); actions = from.actions.copy(); // Deep-copy documents map _documents = new LinkedHashMap<>(Maps.transformValues(from._documents, includedDocumentOrig -> includedDocumentOrig.copy(parentDocumentCopy, copyMode))); } @Override public String toString() { // NOTE: keep it short return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("detailId", entityDescriptor.getDetailId()) .add("documentsCount", _documents.size()).toString(); } private DocumentPath getParentDocumentPath() { return parentDocument.getDocumentPath(); } private IDocumentChangesCollector getChangesCollector() { return parentDocument.getChangesCollector(); } private final void assertWritable() { parentDocument.assertWritable(); } private final boolean isFullyLoaded() { return _fullyLoaded; } private final void markFullyLoaded() { _fullyLoaded = true; } private final void markNotFullyLoaded() { _fullyLoaded = false; } @Override public final boolean isStale() { return !_staleDocumentIds.isEmpty(); } private final boolean isStale(final DocumentId documentId) { if (_staleDocumentIds.contains(documentId)) { return true; } return false; } private final void markNotStale() { _staleDocumentIds.clear(); } private final void markNotStale(final DocumentId documentId) { if (documentId == null) { throw new NullPointerException("documentId cannot be null"); } _staleDocumentIds.remove(documentId); } @Override public final void markStaleAll() { markNotFullyLoaded(); _staleDocumentIds.addAll(_documents.keySet()); final IDocumentChangesCollector changesCollector = getChangesCollector(); changesCollector.collectStaleDetailId(getParentDocumentPath(), getDetailId()); } @Override public DetailId getDetailId() { return entityDescriptor.getDetailId(); } @Override public synchronized Document getDocumentById(final DocumentId documentId) { if (documentId == null || documentId.isNew()) { throw new InvalidDocumentPathException("Actual ID was expected instead of '" + documentId + "'"); } // // Check loaded collection final Document documentExisting = _documents.get(documentId); if (documentExisting != null) { refreshStaleDocumentIfPossible(documentExisting); return documentExisting; } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("No document with id '{}' was found in local documents. \nAvailable IDs are: {}", documentId, _documents.keySet()); } } // // Load from underlying repository final Document documentNew = DocumentQuery.builder(entityDescriptor).setRecordId(documentId) .setParentDocument(parentDocument).retriveDocumentOrNull(); if (documentNew == null) { final DocumentPath documentPath = getParentDocumentPath().createChildPath(getDetailId(), documentId); throw new DocumentNotFoundException(documentPath); } // // Put the document to our documents map // and update the status _documents.put(documentId, documentNew); markNotStale(documentId); // FullyLoaded: we just loaded and added a document to our collection // => for sure this was/is not fully loaded markNotFullyLoaded(); // Done return documentNew; } private void refreshStaleDocumentIfPossible(final Document document) { final DocumentId documentId = document.getDocumentId(); if (isStale(documentId)) { logger.trace("Found stale document with id '{}' in local documents. We need to reload it."); document.refreshFromRepository(); markNotStale(documentId); } else { document.refreshFromRepositoryIfStaled(); } if (!document.isStaled()) { markNotStale(documentId); } } @Override public synchronized OrderedDocumentsList getDocuments(final List<DocumentQueryOrderBy> orderBys) { // TODO: use orderBys return OrderedDocumentsList.of(getInnerDocumentsFullyLoaded(), ImmutableList.of()); } /** * @return inner documents as they are now (no refresh, internal writable collection) */ private final Collection<Document> getInnerDocumentsNoLoad() { return _documents.values(); } /** * @return inner documents (internal writable collection). If the documents were not fully loaded, it will load them now. */ private final Collection<Document> getInnerDocumentsFullyLoaded() { if (isStale() || !isFullyLoaded()) { loadAll(); return getInnerDocumentsNoLoad(); } // // Refresh stale documents final Collection<Document> documents = getInnerDocumentsNoLoad(); for (final Iterator<Document> it = documents.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Document document =; try { refreshStaleDocumentIfPossible(document); } catch (final DocumentNotFoundException ex) { // Document was not found. // Re-throw the exception if is not about our current document ex.rethrowIfNotMatching(document.getDocumentPath()); // Else, just remove the document from the inner collection. it.remove(); } } return documents; } @Override public void updateStatusFromParent() { actions.updateAndGetAllowCreateNewDocument(actionsContext); actions.updateAndGetAllowDeleteDocument(actionsContext); } @Override public synchronized Document createNewDocument() { assertWritable(); assertNewDocumentAllowed(); final DocumentsRepository documentsRepository = entityDescriptor.getDataBinding().getDocumentsRepository(); final Document document = documentsRepository.createNewDocument(entityDescriptor, parentDocument, parentDocument.getChangesCollector()); final DocumentId documentId = document.getDocumentId(); _documents.put(documentId, document); actions.onNewDocument(document, actionsContext); return document; } @Override public void assertNewDocumentAllowed() { actions.updateAndAssertAlowCreateNew(actionsContext); } @Override public LogicExpressionResult getAllowCreateNewDocument() { return actions.getAllowCreateNewDocument(); } @Override public LogicExpressionResult getAllowDeleteDocument() { return actions.getAllowDeleteDocument(); } private final void loadAll() { // // Retrieve the documents from repository final OrderedDocumentsList documentsNew = DocumentQuery.builder(entityDescriptor) .setParentDocument(parentDocument).retriveDocuments(); final Map<DocumentId, Document> documents = _documents; // // Clear documents map, but keep the new ones because they were not pushed to repository { logger.trace("Removing all documents, except the new ones from {}", this); for (final Iterator<Document> it = documents.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Document document =; // Skip new documents if (document.isNew()) { continue; } it.remove(); logger.trace("Removed document from internal map: {}", document); } } // // Put the new documents(from repository) into our documents map for (final Document document : documentsNew.toList()) { final DocumentId documentId = document.getDocumentId(); final Document documentExisting = documents.put(documentId, document); if (documentExisting != null) { logger.warn("loadAll: Replacing for documentId={}: {} with {}", documentId, documentExisting, document); } } // // Update status markNotStale(); markFullyLoaded(); } @Override public IncludedDocumentsCollection copy(final Document parentDocumentCopy, final CopyMode copyMode) { return new IncludedDocumentsCollection(this, parentDocumentCopy, copyMode); } @Override public DocumentValidStatus checkAndGetValidStatus(final OnValidStatusChanged onValidStatusChanged) { for (final Document document : getInnerDocumentsNoLoad()) { final DocumentValidStatus validState = document.checkAndGetValidStatus(onValidStatusChanged); if (!validState.isValid()) { logger.trace( "Considering included documents collection {} as invalid for saving because {} is not valid", this, document, validState); return validState; } } return DocumentValidStatus.documentValid(); } @Override public boolean hasChangesRecursivelly() { for (final Document document : getInnerDocumentsNoLoad()) { if (document.hasChangesRecursivelly()) { logger.trace("Considering included documents collection {} having changes because {} has changes", this, document); return true; } } return false; // no changes } @Override public void saveIfHasChanges() { for (final Document document : getInnerDocumentsNoLoad()) { document.saveIfHasChanges(); // TODO: if saved and refreshed, we shall mark it as not stale !!! } } @Override public synchronized void deleteDocuments(final DocumentIdsSelection documentIds) { if (documentIds.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one rowId shall be specified when deleting included documents"); } assertWritable(); actions.assertDeleteDocumentAllowed(actionsContext); for (final DocumentId documentId : documentIds.toSet()) { final Document document = getDocumentById(documentId); // Delete it from underlying repository (if it's present there) if (!document.isNew()) { document.deleteFromRepository(); } document.markAsDeleted(); // Delete it from our documents map _documents.remove(documentId); markNotStale(documentId); } } @Override public int getNextLineNo() { final int lastLineNo = getLastLineNo(); final int nextLineNo = lastLineNo / 10 * 10 + 10; return nextLineNo; } private int getLastLineNo() { int maxLineNo = 0; for (final Document document : getInnerDocumentsFullyLoaded()) { final IDocumentFieldView lineNoField = document.getFieldView(WindowConstants.FIELDNAME_Line); final int lineNo = lineNoField.getValueAsInt(0); if (lineNo > maxLineNo) { maxLineNo = lineNo; } } return maxLineNo; } // // // @AllArgsConstructor private final class ActionsContext implements IncludedDocumentsCollectionActionsContext { @Override public boolean isParentDocumentProcessed() { return parentDocument.isProcessed(); } @Override public boolean isParentDocumentActive() { return parentDocument.isActive(); } @Override public boolean isParentDocumentNew() { return parentDocument.isNew(); } @Override public boolean isParentDocumentInvalid() { return !parentDocument.getValidStatus().isValid(); } @Override public Collection<Document> getIncludedDocuments() { return getInnerDocumentsNoLoad(); } @Override public Evaluatee toEvaluatee() { return parentDocument.asEvaluatee(); } @Override public void collectAllowNew(final DocumentPath parentDocumentPath, final DetailId detailId, final LogicExpressionResult allowNew) { final IDocumentChangesCollector changesCollector = getChangesCollector(); changesCollector.collectAllowNew(parentDocumentPath, detailId, allowNew); } @Override public void collectAllowDelete(final DocumentPath parentDocumentPath, final DetailId detailId, final LogicExpressionResult allowDelete) { final IDocumentChangesCollector changesCollector = getChangesCollector(); changesCollector.collectAllowDelete(parentDocumentPath, detailId, allowDelete); } } }