Java tutorial
package de.metas.ui.web.view.event; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; import org.adempiere.util.Services; import org.compiere.Adempiere; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy; import org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessagingTemplate; import; import; import de.metas.logging.LogManager; import de.metas.ui.web.view.IDocumentViewSelection; import de.metas.ui.web.websocket.WebSocketConfig; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentId; import groovy.transform.Immutable; /* * #%L * metasfresh-webui-api * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 metas GmbH * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ public class DocumentViewChangesCollector implements AutoCloseable { public static final DocumentViewChangesCollector newThreadLocalCollector() { final DocumentViewChangesCollector currentCollector = THREADLOCAL.get(); if (currentCollector != null && !currentCollector.isClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("A collector was already created for current thread"); } final DocumentViewChangesCollector collector = new DocumentViewChangesCollector(); THREADLOCAL.set(collector); return collector; } public static final DocumentViewChangesCollector getCurrentOrNull() { // // Try get/create transaction level collector final ITrxManager trxManager = Services.get(ITrxManager.class); final ITrx currentTrx = trxManager.getThreadInheritedTrx(OnTrxMissingPolicy.ReturnTrxNone); if (!trxManager.isNull(currentTrx)) { return currentTrx.getProperty(TRXPROPERTY_Name, trx -> { final DocumentViewChangesCollector collector = new DocumentViewChangesCollector(); trx.getTrxListenerManager().onAfterCommit(() -> collector.close()); return collector; }); } // // Try getting thread level collector final DocumentViewChangesCollector threadLocalCollector = THREADLOCAL.get(); if (threadLocalCollector != null) { return threadLocalCollector; } // // Fallback: return null return null; } public static final DocumentViewChangesCollector getCurrentOrAutoflush() { final DocumentViewChangesCollector collector = getCurrentOrNull(); if (collector != null) { return collector; } final boolean autoflush = true; return new DocumentViewChangesCollector(autoflush); } private static final transient Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(DocumentViewChangesCollector.class); private static final transient ThreadLocal<DocumentViewChangesCollector> THREADLOCAL = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static final String TRXPROPERTY_Name = DocumentViewChangesCollector.class.getName(); @Autowired @Lazy private SimpMessagingTemplate websocketMessagingTemplate; private final boolean autoflush; private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Map<DocumentViewChangesKey, DocumentViewChanges> viewChangesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private DocumentViewChangesCollector() { this(false); // autoflush=false } private DocumentViewChangesCollector(final boolean autoflush) { super(); Adempiere.autowire(this); this.autoflush = autoflush; } @Override public void close() { // Mark as closed. Stop here if already marked as closed. final boolean alreadyClosed = closed.getAndSet(true); if (alreadyClosed) { return; } flush(); } private boolean isClosed() { return closed.get(); } private final void assertNotClosed() { if (closed.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Collector " + this + " was already closed"); } } private DocumentViewChanges viewChanges(final IDocumentViewSelection view) { return viewChanges(new DocumentViewChangesKey(view.getViewId(), view.getAD_Window_ID())); } private DocumentViewChanges viewChanges(final DocumentViewChangesKey key) { assertNotClosed(); return viewChangesMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new DocumentViewChanges(key.getViewId(), key.getAD_Window_ID())); } public void collectFullyChanged(final IDocumentViewSelection view) { viewChanges(view).setFullyChanged(); autoflushIfEnabled(); } public void collectDocumentsChanged(final IDocumentViewSelection view, final Collection<DocumentId> documentIds) { viewChanges(view).addChangedDocumentId(documentIds); autoflushIfEnabled(); } private void collectFromChanges(final DocumentViewChanges changes) { final DocumentViewChangesKey key = new DocumentViewChangesKey(changes.getViewId(), changes.getAD_Window_ID()); viewChanges(key).collectFrom(changes); autoflushIfEnabled(); } private DocumentViewChangesCollector getParentOrNull() { final DocumentViewChangesCollector threadLocalCollector = getCurrentOrNull(); if (threadLocalCollector != null && threadLocalCollector != this) { return threadLocalCollector; } return null; } private void flush() { final List<DocumentViewChanges> changesList = getAndClean(); if (changesList.isEmpty()) { return; } // // Try flushing to parent collector if any final DocumentViewChangesCollector parentCollector = getParentOrNull(); if (parentCollector != null) { logger.trace("Flushing {} to parent collector: {}", this, parentCollector); changesList.forEach(parentCollector::collectFromChanges); } // // Fallback: flush to websocket else { logger.trace("Flushing {} to websocket", this); -> JSONDocumentViewChanges.of(changes)).forEach(this::sendToWebsocket); } } private void autoflushIfEnabled() { if (!autoflush) { return; } flush(); } private List<DocumentViewChanges> getAndClean() { if (viewChangesMap.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); } final List<DocumentViewChanges> changesList = ImmutableList.copyOf(viewChangesMap.values()); viewChangesMap.clear(); return changesList; } private void sendToWebsocket(final JSONDocumentViewChanges jsonChangeEvent) { final String endpoint = WebSocketConfig .buildDocumentViewNotificationsTopicName(jsonChangeEvent.getViewId()); try { websocketMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend(endpoint, jsonChangeEvent); logger.debug("Send to websocket {}: {}", endpoint, jsonChangeEvent); } catch (final Exception ex) { logger.warn("Failed sending to websocket {}: {}", endpoint, jsonChangeEvent, ex); } } @Immutable private static final class DocumentViewChangesKey { private final String viewId; private final int adWindowId; private transient Integer _hashcode; private DocumentViewChangesKey(final String viewId, final int adWindowId) { super(); this.viewId = viewId; this.adWindowId = adWindowId; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("viewId", viewId).add("AD_Window_ID", adWindowId) .toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (_hashcode == null) { _hashcode = Objects.hash(viewId, adWindowId); } return _hashcode; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof DocumentViewChangesKey) { final DocumentViewChangesKey other = (DocumentViewChangesKey) obj; return Objects.equals(viewId, other.viewId) && adWindowId == other.adWindowId; } else { return false; } } public String getViewId() { return viewId; } public int getAD_Window_ID() { return adWindowId; } } }