Java tutorial
package de.metas.ui.web.pporder; import java.util.List; import; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import; import; import de.metas.handlingunits.pporder.api.PPOrderPlanningStatus; import de.metas.i18n.ITranslatableString; import de.metas.ui.web.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentId; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentIdsSelection; import lombok.NonNull; /* * #%L * metasfresh-webui-api * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 metas GmbH * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ /** * Contains {@link PPOrderLinesView}'s data * * @author metas-dev <> * */ @Immutable /* package */final class PPOrderLinesViewData { private final ITranslatableString description; private final PPOrderPlanningStatus planningStatus; /** Top level records list */ private final ImmutableList<PPOrderLineRow> records; /** All records (included ones too) indexed by DocumentId */ private final ImmutableMap<DocumentId, PPOrderLineRow> allRecordsById; PPOrderLinesViewData(@NonNull final ITranslatableString description, @NonNull final PPOrderPlanningStatus planningStatus, @NonNull final List<PPOrderLineRow> records) { this.description = description; this.planningStatus = planningStatus; this.records = ImmutableList.copyOf(records); allRecordsById = buildRecordsByIdMap(this.records); } public ITranslatableString getDescription() { return description; } public PPOrderPlanningStatus getPlanningStatus() { return planningStatus; } public PPOrderLineRow getById(final PPOrderLineRowId rowId) { final DocumentId documentId = rowId.toDocumentId(); final PPOrderLineRow row = allRecordsById.get(documentId); if (row == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("No document found for rowId=" + rowId); } return row; } public Stream<PPOrderLineRow> streamByIds(final DocumentIdsSelection documentIds) { if (documentIds == null || documentIds.isEmpty()) { return Stream.empty(); } if (documentIds.isAll()) { return; } return -> allRecordsById.get(documentId)) .filter(document -> document != null); } public Stream<PPOrderLineRow> stream() { return; } public Stream<PPOrderLineRow> streamRecursive() { return -> streamRecursive(row)).reduce(Stream::concat).orElse(Stream.of()); } private static Stream<PPOrderLineRow> streamRecursive(final PPOrderLineRow row) { return row.getIncludedRows().stream().map(includedRow -> streamRecursive(includedRow)) .reduce(Stream.of(row), Stream::concat); } public long size() { return records.size(); } private static ImmutableMap<DocumentId, PPOrderLineRow> buildRecordsByIdMap(final List<PPOrderLineRow> rows) { if (rows.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } final ImmutableMap.Builder<DocumentId, PPOrderLineRow> rowsById = ImmutableMap.builder(); rows.forEach(row -> indexByIdRecursively(rowsById, row)); return; } private static final void indexByIdRecursively(final ImmutableMap.Builder<DocumentId, PPOrderLineRow> collector, final PPOrderLineRow row) { collector.put(row.getRowId().toDocumentId(), row); row.getIncludedRows().forEach(includedRow -> indexByIdRecursively(collector, includedRow)); } }