Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.adempiere.util.lang.IPair; import org.adempiere.util.lang.ImmutablePair; import; import; import; import; import; import de.metas.ui.web.window.datatypes.DocumentId; import de.metas.util.Check; /* * #%L * metasfresh-webui-api * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 metas GmbH * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ public final class MenuNode { public static final Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static enum MenuNodeType { Group, Window, NewRecord, Process, Report, Board, } @FunctionalInterface public static interface MenuNodeFilter { public static enum MenuNodeFilterResolution { Accept, Reject, AcceptIfHasChildren, AcceptIfParentIsAccepted } MenuNodeFilterResolution check(MenuNode node); } private final String id; private final int adMenuId; private final String caption; private final String captionBreadcrumb; private final MenuNodeType type; private final DocumentId elementId; private final String mainTableName; private final List<MenuNode> children; private MenuNode parent; // // Characteristics private final boolean matchedByFilter; private Integer _hashcode; private MenuNode(final Builder builder) { super(); id = builder.getId(); adMenuId = builder.getAD_Menu_ID(); caption = builder.caption; captionBreadcrumb = builder.captionBreadcrumb; type = builder.type; elementId = builder.elementId; mainTableName = builder.mainTableName; children = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(builder.childrenFirst, builder.childrenRest)); for (final MenuNode child : children) { child.parent = this; } matchedByFilter = false; // Validate if (type != MenuNodeType.Group && !children.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only grouping nodes can have children"); } } /** Copy constructor */ private MenuNode(final MenuNode node, final List<MenuNode> children, final boolean matchedByFilter) { super(); id =; adMenuId = node.adMenuId; caption = node.caption; captionBreadcrumb = node.captionBreadcrumb; type = node.type; elementId = node.elementId; mainTableName = node.mainTableName; this.children = ImmutableList.copyOf(children); for (final MenuNode child : this.children) { child.parent = this; } this.matchedByFilter = matchedByFilter; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues().add("id", id).add("caption", caption) .add("type", type).add("elementId", elementId).add("mainTableName", mainTableName) .add("children-count", children.size()) .add("matchedByFilter", matchedByFilter ? Boolean.TRUE : null).toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (_hashcode == null) { _hashcode = Objects.hash(id); } return _hashcode; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof MenuNode)) { return false; } final MenuNode other = (MenuNode) obj; return id.equals(; } public String getId() { return id; } public int getAD_Menu_ID() { return adMenuId; } public String getCaption() { return caption; } public String getCaptionBreadcrumb() { return captionBreadcrumb; } public MenuNode getParent() { return parent; } public String getParentId() { return parent == null ? null : parent.getId(); } public List<MenuNode> getChildren() { return children; } public MenuNodeType getType() { return type; } public DocumentId getElementId() { return elementId; } /** @return window's main table name or null */ public String getMainTableName() { return mainTableName; } public void iterate(final Consumer<MenuNode> consumer) { consumer.accept(this); for (final MenuNode child : children) { child.iterate(consumer); } } public MenuNode deepCopy(final MenuNodeFilter filter) { final IPair<MenuNode, MenuNodeFilterResolution> nodeAndResolution = deepCopy0(filter); return nodeAndResolution == null ? null : nodeAndResolution.getLeft(); } private IPair<MenuNode, MenuNodeFilterResolution> deepCopy0(final MenuNodeFilter filter) { // // Get the resolution for this node: final MenuNodeFilterResolution resolution = filter.check(this); if (resolution == MenuNodeFilterResolution.Reject) { return null; } // // Check and copy it's children final List<MenuNode> childrenCopy = new ArrayList<>(); int countAcceptedChildren = 0; for (final MenuNode child : children) { final IPair<MenuNode, MenuNodeFilterResolution> childCopyAndResolution = child.deepCopy0(filter); if (childCopyAndResolution == null) { continue; } final MenuNode childCopy = childCopyAndResolution.getLeft(); if (childCopy == null) { continue; } childrenCopy.add(childCopy); final MenuNodeFilterResolution childResolution = childCopyAndResolution.getRight(); switch (childResolution) { case Accept: case AcceptIfHasChildren: countAcceptedChildren++; break; case AcceptIfParentIsAccepted: // nothing to do break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid child resolution: " + childResolution); // shall not happen } } if (resolution == MenuNodeFilterResolution.AcceptIfHasChildren && countAcceptedChildren == 0) { return null; } final boolean matchedByFilter = resolution == MenuNodeFilterResolution.Accept; final MenuNode thisCopy = new MenuNode(this, childrenCopy, matchedByFilter); return ImmutablePair.of(thisCopy, resolution); } public boolean isRoot() { return parent == null; } public boolean isGroupingNode() { return type == MenuNodeType.Group; } /** * Returns true if this node is effectively a leaf node. * * An effectively leaf node it's a node which it's not a grouping node, or even if it's grouping node, it does no have any children. * * @return */ public boolean isEffectiveLeafNode() { return children.isEmpty(); } public boolean isMatchedByFilter() { return matchedByFilter; } public static final class Builder { private Integer adMenuId; private String caption; private String captionBreadcrumb; private MenuNodeType type; private DocumentId elementId; private String mainTableName; private final List<MenuNode> childrenFirst = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<MenuNode> childrenRest = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } public MenuNode build() { return new MenuNode(this); } public Builder setAD_Menu_ID(final int adMenuId) { this.adMenuId = adMenuId; return this; } public Builder setAD_Menu_ID_None() { // NOTE: don't set it to ZERO because ZERO is usually root node's ID. this.adMenuId = -100; return this; } private int getAD_Menu_ID() { Check.assumeNotNull(adMenuId, "adMenuId shall be set"); return adMenuId; } private String getId() { final int adMenuId = getAD_Menu_ID(); if (type == MenuNodeType.NewRecord) { return adMenuId + "-new"; } else { return String.valueOf(adMenuId); } } public Builder setCaption(final String caption) { this.caption = caption; return this; } public Builder setCaptionBreadcrumb(final String captionBreadcrumb) { this.captionBreadcrumb = captionBreadcrumb; return this; } public Builder setType(final MenuNodeType type, final DocumentId elementId) { this.type = type; this.elementId = elementId; return this; } public Builder setTypeGroup() { final DocumentId elementId = null; setType(MenuNodeType.Group, elementId); return this; } public Builder addChildToFirstsList(final MenuNode child) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(child, "child"); childrenFirst.add(child); return this; } public Builder addChild(final MenuNode child) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(child, "child"); childrenRest.add(child); return this; } public Builder addChildren(final Collection<MenuNode> children) { if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) { return this; } childrenRest.addAll(children); return this; } public Builder setMainTableName(final String mainTableName) { this.mainTableName = mainTableName; return this; } } }