Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 by the Metanome project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.metanome.frontend.client.datasources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.metanome.backend.input.csv.FileIterator; import de.metanome.backend.results_db.FileInput; import de.metanome.frontend.client.TabWrapper; import de.metanome.frontend.client.helpers.FilePathHelper; import de.metanome.frontend.client.helpers.InputValidationException; import de.metanome.frontend.client.input_fields.ListBoxInput; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Input field to configure a file input. */ public class FileInputEditForm extends Grid { /** * Dropdown menu for choosing a CSV file */ protected ListBoxInput fileListBox; /** * Triggers whether advanced options are displayed and evaluated. */ protected CheckBox advancedCheckbox; /** * Wraps all advanced options' UI elements */ protected FlexTable advancedTable; protected TextBox separatorTextbox; protected TextBox quoteTextbox; protected TextBox escapeTextbox; protected IntegerBox skiplinesIntegerbox; protected CheckBox strictQuotesCheckbox; protected CheckBox ignoreLeadingWhiteSpaceCheckbox; protected CheckBox headerCheckbox; protected CheckBox skipDifferingLinesCheckbox; protected TextArea commentTextArea; private FileInputServiceAsync fileInputService; private FileInputTab parent; private String path = ""; private TabWrapper messageReceiver; private List<String> filesOnStorage; private List<String> filesInDatabase; /** * Constructor. Set up all UI elements. */ public FileInputEditForm(FileInputTab parent) { super(3, 2); this.parent = parent; this.fileInputService = GWT.create(FileInputService.class); Grid standardPanel = new Grid(3, 3); this.setWidget(0, 0, standardPanel); Button refreshButton = new Button("Refresh"); refreshButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { updateListbox(); } }); fileListBox = new ListBoxInput(false); updateListbox(); standardPanel.setText(0, 0, "File Name"); standardPanel.setWidget(0, 1, fileListBox); standardPanel.setWidget(0, 2, refreshButton); commentTextArea = new TextArea(); commentTextArea.setVisibleLines(3); standardPanel.setText(1, 0, "Comment"); standardPanel.setWidget(1, 1, commentTextArea); advancedCheckbox = createAdvancedCheckbox(); standardPanel.setWidget(2, 1, advancedCheckbox); advancedTable = new FlexTable(); advancedTable.setVisible(false); this.setWidget(1, 0, advancedTable); separatorTextbox = getNewOneCharTextbox(); separatorTextbox.setName("Separator Character"); addRow(advancedTable, separatorTextbox, "Separator Character"); quoteTextbox = getNewOneCharTextbox(); quoteTextbox.setName("Quote Character"); addRow(advancedTable, quoteTextbox, "Quote Character"); escapeTextbox = getNewOneCharTextbox(); escapeTextbox.setName("Escape Character"); addRow(advancedTable, escapeTextbox, "Escape Character"); skiplinesIntegerbox = new IntegerBox(); skiplinesIntegerbox.setWidth("5em"); skiplinesIntegerbox.setName("Line"); addRow(advancedTable, skiplinesIntegerbox, "Line"); strictQuotesCheckbox = new CheckBox(); strictQuotesCheckbox.setName("Strict Quotes"); addRow(advancedTable, strictQuotesCheckbox, "Strict Quotes"); ignoreLeadingWhiteSpaceCheckbox = new CheckBox(); addRow(advancedTable, ignoreLeadingWhiteSpaceCheckbox, "Ignore Leading Whitespace"); headerCheckbox = new CheckBox(); addRow(advancedTable, headerCheckbox, "Has Header"); skipDifferingLinesCheckbox = new CheckBox(); addRow(advancedTable, skipDifferingLinesCheckbox, "Skip Lines With Differing Length"); setDefaultAdvancedSettings(); this.setWidget(2, 0, new Button("Save", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { saveFileInput(); } })); } /** * Stores the current file input in the database. */ private void saveFileInput() { messageReceiver.clearErrors(); try { this.fileInputService.storeFileInput(this.getValue(), new AsyncCallback<FileInput>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { messageReceiver.addErrorHTML("File Input could not be stored: " + throwable.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(FileInput input) { reset(); parent.addFileInputToTable(input); parent.updateDataSourcesOnRunConfiguration(); advancedTable.setVisible(false); advancedCheckbox.setValue(false); setDefaultAdvancedSettings(); updateListbox(); } }); } catch (InputValidationException e) { messageReceiver.addErrorHTML("Invalid Input: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Sets the default values of the advanced settings */ private void setDefaultAdvancedSettings() { setSeparator(CSVParser.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); setQuotechar(CSVParser.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER); setEscapechar(CSVParser.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); setSkipLines(CSVReader.DEFAULT_SKIP_LINES); setStrictQuotes(CSVParser.DEFAULT_STRICT_QUOTES); setIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace(CSVParser.DEFAULT_IGNORE_LEADING_WHITESPACE); setHasHeader(FileIterator.DEFAULT_HAS_HEADER); setSkipDifferingLines(FileIterator.DEFAULT_SKIP_DIFFERING_LINES); } /** * Add another user input row to the bottom of the given table * * @param table the UI object on which to add the row * @param inputWidget the widget to be used for input * @param name the name of the input property */ protected void addRow(FlexTable table, Widget inputWidget, String name) { int row = table.getRowCount(); table.setText(row, 0, name); table.setWidget(row, 1, inputWidget); } /** * Creates a UI element for one-character user input * * @return a TextBox with width and input length limited to 2 (>1 to allow for escape characters) */ private TextBox getNewOneCharTextbox() { TextBox textbox = new TextBox(); textbox.setMaxLength(1); textbox.setWidth("2em"); return textbox; } /** * Create the CheckBox that triggers the display/hiding of advanced CSV configuration parameters * * @return the CheckBox with the mentioned behavior */ protected CheckBox createAdvancedCheckbox() { CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox("Use Advanced Configuration"); checkbox.setValue(false); checkbox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { advancedTable.setVisible(advancedCheckbox.getValue()); } }); return checkbox; } /** * Finds all available CSV files and adds them to a drop-down menu with an empty entry ("--"), * which is selected by default but cannot be selected (it is disabled because it does not * represent a valid input file). * * @return a GWT ListBox containing all currently available CSV files */ private void updateListbox() { this.fileListBox.clear(); this.fileListBox.addValue("--"); this.fileListBox.disableFirstEntry(); this.filesOnStorage = new ArrayList<>(); this.filesInDatabase = new ArrayList<>(); // Add available CSV files AsyncCallback<String[]> storageCallback = getStorageCallback(); AsyncCallback<List<FileInput>> databaseCallback = getDatabaseCallback(); FileInputServiceAsync service = GWT.create(FileInputService.class); service.listFileInputs(databaseCallback); service.listCsvFiles(storageCallback); } private AsyncCallback<List<FileInput>> getDatabaseCallback() { return new AsyncCallback<List<FileInput>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(List<FileInput> result) { List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileInput input : result) filesInDatabase.add(input.getIdentifier()); for (String path : filesOnStorage) { if (!filesInDatabase.contains(path)) { fileNames.add(FilePathHelper.getFileName(path)); } } fileListBox.setValues(fileNames); } }; } /** * Creates the callback for getting all available csv files. On success the files are added to the * according list box. * * @return the callback */ protected AsyncCallback<String[]> getStorageCallback() { return new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { messageReceiver.addErrorHTML("Could not find CSV files! Please add them to the input folder."); } public void onSuccess(String[] result) { List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (result.length == 0) { messageReceiver.addError("Could not find CSV files! Please add them to the input folder."); return; } path = FilePathHelper.getFilePath(result[0]); for (String path : result) { if (filesInDatabase.size() > 0 && !filesInDatabase.contains(path)) { fileNames.add(FilePathHelper.getFileName(path)); } filesOnStorage.add(path); } fileListBox.setValues(fileNames); } }; } /** * @return a FileInput with the selected File and the advanced settings, if selected * @throws InputValidationException if the file name is invalid */ public FileInput getValue() throws InputValidationException { FileInput fileInput = new FileInput(); String fileName = this.fileListBox.getSelectedValue(); String comment = this.commentTextArea.getValue(); if (fileName.isEmpty() || fileName.equals("--")) { throw new InputValidationException("The file name is invalid."); } fileInput.setFileName(this.path + fileName); fileInput.setComment(comment); if (this.advancedCheckbox.getValue()) { return setAdvancedSettings(fileInput); } return fileInput; } /** * Setting the advanced settings at the given file input. * * @param fileInput the file input at which the advanced settings should be set * @return the file input with set advanced settings */ private FileInput setAdvancedSettings(FileInput fileInput) throws InputValidationException { fileInput.setEscapechar(getChar(this.escapeTextbox)); fileInput.setHasHeader(this.headerCheckbox.getValue()); fileInput.setIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace(this.ignoreLeadingWhiteSpaceCheckbox.getValue()); fileInput.setQuotechar(getChar(this.quoteTextbox)); fileInput.setSeparator(getChar(this.separatorTextbox)); fileInput.setSkipDifferingLines(this.skipDifferingLinesCheckbox.getValue()); fileInput.setSkipLines(getInteger(this.skiplinesIntegerbox)); fileInput.setStrictQuotes(this.strictQuotesCheckbox.getValue()); return fileInput; } /** * Checks, if the given text box contains only a character. If yes, the character is returned. * Otherwise an exception is thrown. * * @return the character of the text box */ private char getChar(TextBox textBox) throws InputValidationException { String value = textBox.getValue(); if (value.length() != 1) { throw new InputValidationException(textBox.getName() + " should only contain one character!"); } return value.charAt(0); } /** * Checks, if the value of the integer box is an integer. If yes, the integer is returned. * Otherwise an exception is thrown. * * @return the integer of the integer box */ private int getInteger(IntegerBox integerBox) throws InputValidationException { try { return integerBox.getValueOrThrow(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new InputValidationException(integerBox.getName() + " should only contain numbers!"); } } protected void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileListBox.addValue(fileName); this.fileListBox.setSelectedValue(fileName); } protected void setSeparator(char separator) { this.separatorTextbox.setValue(String.valueOf(separator)); } protected void setEscapechar(char escapechar) { this.escapeTextbox.setValue(String.valueOf(escapechar)); } protected void setQuotechar(char quotechar) { this.quoteTextbox.setValue(String.valueOf(quotechar)); } protected void setSkipLines(int skipLines) { this.skiplinesIntegerbox.setValue(skipLines); } protected void setStrictQuotes(boolean strictQuotes) { this.strictQuotesCheckbox.setValue(strictQuotes); } protected void setIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace(boolean ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace) { this.ignoreLeadingWhiteSpaceCheckbox.setValue(ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace); } protected void setHasHeader(boolean hasHeader) { this.headerCheckbox.setValue(hasHeader); } protected void setSkipDifferingLines(boolean skipDifferingLines) { this.skipDifferingLinesCheckbox.setValue(skipDifferingLines); } /** * Reset the file name to the default entry "--" in the list box. */ public void reset() { this.commentTextArea.setText(""); this.fileListBox.reset(); this.setDefaultAdvancedSettings(); } /** * Set the message receiver. * * @param tab the message receiver tab wrapper */ public void setMessageReceiver(TabWrapper tab) { this.messageReceiver = tab; } }