Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 by the Metanome project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.metanome.frontend.client.algorithms; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.metanome.backend.results_db.Algorithm; import de.metanome.frontend.client.BasePage; import de.metanome.frontend.client.TabContent; import de.metanome.frontend.client.TabWrapper; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * UI element that incorporates structure and logic for displaying and adding algorithms. * * @author Claudia Exeler */ public class AlgorithmsPage extends FlowPanel implements TabContent { protected final AlgorithmServiceAsync algorithmService; protected final BasePage basePage; protected final FlexTable uccList; protected final FlexTable cuccList; protected final FlexTable fdList; protected final FlexTable indList; protected final FlexTable odList; protected final FlexTable statsList; protected TabWrapper messageReceiver; protected AlgorithmEditForm editForm; public AlgorithmsPage(BasePage parent) { this.algorithmService = GWT.create(AlgorithmService.class); this.basePage = parent; this.add(new HTML("<h3>Unique Column Combinations</h3>")); this.uccList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.uccList); updateUccAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Conditional Unique Column Combinations</h3>")); this.cuccList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.cuccList); updateCuccAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Functional Dependencies</h3>")); this.fdList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.fdList); updateFdAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Order Dependencies</h3>")); this.odList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.odList); updateOdAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Inclusion Dependencies<//h3>")); this.indList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.indList); updateIndAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Basic Statistics</h3>")); this.statsList = new FlexTable(); this.add(this.statsList); updateStatsAlgorithms(); this.add(new HTML("<hr>")); this.add(new HTML("<h3>Add A New Algorithm</h3>")); this.editForm = new AlgorithmEditForm(this, this.messageReceiver); this.add(this.editForm); } /** * Request a list of available UCC algorithms and display them in the uccList */ private void updateUccAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listUniqueColumnCombinationsAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.uccList)); } /** * Request a list of available CUCC algorithms and display them in the cuccList */ private void updateCuccAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listConditionalUniqueColumnCombinationsAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.cuccList)); } /** * Request a list of available FD algorithms and display them in the fdList */ private void updateFdAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listFunctionalDependencyAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.fdList)); } /** * Request a list of available IND algorithms and display them in the indList */ private void updateIndAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listInclusionDependencyAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.indList)); } /** * Request a list of available OD algorithms and display them in the odList */ private void updateOdAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listOrderDependencyAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.odList)); } /** * Request a list of available Basic Statistics algorithms and display them in the statsList */ private void updateStatsAlgorithms() { algorithmService.listBasicStatisticsAlgorithms(getRetrieveCallback(this.statsList)); } /** * Adds each of the algorithms to the given table, including formatting and buttons. * * @param algorithms the algorithms to be displayed * @param table the table to which the algorithms will be added */ protected void addAlgorithmsToTable(List<Algorithm> algorithms, FlexTable table) { int row = table.getRowCount(); Collections.sort(algorithms); for (final Algorithm algorithm : algorithms) { // Using the HTML title to associate an algorithm with each button. Button runButton = new Button("Run"); runButton.setTitle(algorithm.getName()); runButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { callRunConfiguration(((Button) event.getSource()).getTitle()); } }); Button deleteButton = new Button("Delete"); deleteButton.setTitle(algorithm.getName()); deleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { deleteAlgorithm(algorithm); } }); table.setWidget(row, 0, new HTML("<b>" + algorithm.getName() + "</b>")); table.setText(row, 1, "Author: " + algorithm.getAuthor()); table.setText(row, 2, "File: " + algorithm.getFileName()); table.setText(row, 3, "Description: " + algorithm.getDescription()); table.setWidget(row, 4, runButton); table.setWidget(row, 5, deleteButton); row++; } } protected void deleteAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm) { final boolean cucc = algorithm.isCucc(); final boolean fd = algorithm.isFd(); final boolean ind = algorithm.isInd(); final boolean basicStat = algorithm.isBasicStat(); final boolean ucc = algorithm.isUcc(); final boolean od = algorithm.isOd(); final String algorithmName = algorithm.getName(); this.algorithmService.deleteAlgorithm(algorithm, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { messageReceiver.addErrorHTML("Could not delete algorithm: " + throwable.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) { basePage.removeAlgorithmFromRunConfigurations(algorithmName); if (cucc) { removeRow(cuccList, algorithmName); } if (fd) { removeRow(fdList, algorithmName); } if (ind) { removeRow(indList, algorithmName); } if (basicStat) { removeRow(statsList, algorithmName); } if (ucc) { removeRow(uccList, algorithmName); } if (od) { removeRow(odList, algorithmName); } } }); } /** * Initiates a service call to add the given algorithm to the database. * * @param algorithm algorithm, which should be added to the database */ public void callAddAlgorithm(final Algorithm algorithm) { algorithmService.addAlgorithm(algorithm, getAddCallback()); } /** * Initiates a redirect to the Run Configuration page, prefilled with the given algorithm * * @param algorithmName name of the algorithm that will be configured */ protected void callRunConfiguration(String algorithmName) { basePage.switchToRunConfiguration(algorithmName, null); } /** * Constructs a callback that will add all results to the given table * * @param list Object that all returned elements will be added to * @return the desired callback instance */ protected AsyncCallback<List<Algorithm>> getRetrieveCallback(final FlexTable list) { return new AsyncCallback<List<Algorithm>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { messageReceiver.addError(caught.getMessage()); caught.printStackTrace(); } public void onSuccess(List<Algorithm> result) { basePage.addAlgorithmsToRunConfigurations(result); addAlgorithmsToTable(result, list); } }; } /** * Constructs a callback that will add the given algorithm to all matching tables * * @return the desired callback instance */ protected AsyncCallback<Algorithm> getAddCallback() { return new AsyncCallback<Algorithm>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { messageReceiver.addErrorHTML("Could not add the algorithm: " + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Algorithm algorithm) { ArrayList<Algorithm> list = new ArrayList<Algorithm>(); list.add(algorithm); basePage.addAlgorithmsToRunConfigurations(list); if (algorithm.isInd()) { addAlgorithmsToTable(list, indList); } if (algorithm.isFd()) { addAlgorithmsToTable(list, fdList); } if (algorithm.isUcc()) { addAlgorithmsToTable(list, uccList); } if (algorithm.isOd()) { addAlgorithmsToTable(list, odList); } if (algorithm.isBasicStat()) { addAlgorithmsToTable(list, statsList); } editForm.updateFileListBox(); editForm.reset(); } }; } /** * Removes the row, which contains the given algorithm Name, from the given table * * @param table the table * @param algorithmName the algorithm name */ protected void removeRow(FlexTable table, String algorithmName) { int row = 0; while (row < table.getRowCount()) { // Check if the file name cell contains the given algorithm name if (((HTML) table.getWidget(row, 0)).getText().equals(algorithmName)) { table.removeRow(row); return; } row++; } } /** * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.metanome.frontend.client.TabContent#setMessageReceiver(de.metanome.frontend.client.TabWrapper) */ @Override public void setMessageReceiver(TabWrapper tab) { this.editForm.messageReceiver = tab; this.messageReceiver = tab; } }