Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of HeavySpleef. * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 matzefratze123 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.matzefratze123.heavyspleef.persistence.sql; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import; import de.matzefratze123.heavyspleef.core.Statistic; import de.matzefratze123.heavyspleef.persistence.sql.SQLAccessor.Field.Type; import de.matzefratze123.heavyspleef.persistence.sql.SQLDatabaseContext.SQLImplementation; public class StatisticAccessor extends SQLAccessor<Statistic, UUID> { @Override public Class<Statistic> getObjectClass() { return Statistic.class; } @Override public String getTableName() { return ColumnContract.TABLE_NAME; } @Override public Map<String, Field> defineSchema() { Map<String, Field> schema = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); schema.put(ColumnContract.ID, new Field(Type.INT).primaryKey().autoIncrement()); schema.put(ColumnContract.UUID, new Field(Type.CHAR).length(36).unique()); schema.put(ColumnContract.WINS, new Field(Type.INT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.LOSSES, new Field(Type.INT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.KNOCKOUTS, new Field(Type.INT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.GAMES_PLAYED, new Field(Type.INT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.BLOCKS_BROKEN, new Field(Type.INT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.TIME_PLAYED, new Field(Type.BIGINT)); schema.put(ColumnContract.RATING, new Field(Type.DOUBLE)); return schema; } @Override public void write(Statistic object, Connection connection) throws SQLException { StringBuilder insertSql = new StringBuilder("INSERT "); if (getSqlImplementation() == SQLImplementation.SQLITE) { insertSql.append("OR IGNORE "); } insertSql.append("INTO " + ColumnContract.TABLE_NAME + " ("); addColumnSignature(insertSql); insertSql.append(") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); if (getSqlImplementation() == SQLImplementation.MYSQL) { insertSql.append(" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE "); String[] allColumns = ColumnContract.ALL_COLUMNS; for (int i = 0; i < allColumns.length; i++) { String column = allColumns[i]; insertSql.append(column + "=?"); if (i + 1 < allColumns.length) { insertSql.append(','); } } } insertSql.append(';'); try (PreparedStatement insertStatement = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql.toString())) { setValues(insertStatement, object, true, 1); if (getSqlImplementation() == SQLImplementation.MYSQL) { setValues(insertStatement, object, true, 9); } insertStatement.executeUpdate(); } if (getSqlImplementation() == SQLImplementation.SQLITE) { StringBuilder updateSql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE "); updateSql.append(ColumnContract.TABLE_NAME).append(" SET "); String[] allColumns = ColumnContract.ALL_COLUMNS; for (int i = 0; i < allColumns.length; i++) { String column = allColumns[i]; updateSql.append(column + "=?"); if (i + 1 < allColumns.length) { updateSql.append(','); } } updateSql.append(" WHERE " + ColumnContract.UUID + "=?"); try (PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement(updateSql.toString())) { setValues(updateStatement, object, false, 1); updateStatement.setString(9, object.getUniqueIdentifier().toString()); updateStatement.executeUpdate(); } } } private void addColumnSignature(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append(ColumnContract.UUID).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.WINS).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.LOSSES).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.KNOCKOUTS).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.GAMES_PLAYED).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.BLOCKS_BROKEN).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.TIME_PLAYED).append(", "); builder.append(ColumnContract.RATING); } private void setValues(PreparedStatement statement, Statistic statistic, boolean addUniqueColumns, int indexOffset) throws SQLException { int index = indexOffset; if (addUniqueColumns) { statement.setString(index++, statistic.getUniqueIdentifier().toString()); } statement.setInt(index++, statistic.getWins()); statement.setInt(index++, statistic.getLosses()); statement.setInt(index++, statistic.getKnockouts()); statement.setInt(index++, statistic.getGamesPlayed()); statement.setInt(index++, statistic.getBlocksBroken()); statement.setLong(index++, statistic.getTimePlayed()); statement.setDouble(index++, statistic.getRating()); } @Override public Statistic fetch(UUID key, Connection connection) throws SQLException { StringBuilder selectSql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM "); selectSql.append(ColumnContract.TABLE_NAME); selectSql.append(" WHERE " + ColumnContract.UUID + "=?"); selectSql.append(";"); Statistic statistic = null; try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql.toString())) { statement.setString(1, key.toString()); try (ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery()) { if ( { statistic = fetchStatisticFromResult(key, result); } } } return statistic; } private Statistic fetchStatisticFromResult(UUID uuid, ResultSet result) throws SQLException { if (uuid == null) { uuid = UUID.fromString(result.getString(ColumnContract.UUID)); } Statistic statistic = new Statistic(uuid); int wins = result.getInt(ColumnContract.WINS); int losses = result.getInt(ColumnContract.LOSSES); int knockouts = result.getInt(ColumnContract.KNOCKOUTS); int gamesPlayed = result.getInt(ColumnContract.GAMES_PLAYED); int blocksBroken = result.getInt(ColumnContract.BLOCKS_BROKEN); long timePlayed = result.getLong(ColumnContract.TIME_PLAYED); int rating = result.getInt(ColumnContract.RATING); statistic.setWins(wins); statistic.setLosses(losses); statistic.setKnockouts(knockouts); statistic.setGamesPlayed(gamesPlayed); statistic.setTimePlayed(timePlayed); statistic.setBlocksBroken(blocksBroken); statistic.setRating(rating); return statistic; } @Override public List<Statistic> fetch(SQLQueryOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Connection connection) throws SQLException { StringBuilder selectSql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM "); selectSql.append(ColumnContract.TABLE_NAME); if (optionsBuilder != null) { selectSql.append(' '); selectSql.append(; } selectSql.append(";"); List<Statistic> statistics = new ArrayList<Statistic>(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql.toString()); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { statistics.add(fetchStatisticFromResult(null, result)); } } return statistics; } public interface ColumnContract { public static final String TABLE_NAME = "heavyspleef_statistics"; public static final String ID = "id"; public static final String UUID = "uuid"; public static final String WINS = "wins"; public static final String LOSSES = "losses"; public static final String KNOCKOUTS = "knockouts"; public static final String GAMES_PLAYED = "games_played"; public static final String BLOCKS_BROKEN = "blocks_broken"; public static final String TIME_PLAYED = "time_played"; public static final String RATING = "rating"; public static final String[] ALL_COLUMNS = { UUID, WINS, LOSSES, KNOCKOUTS, GAMES_PLAYED, BLOCKS_BROKEN, TIME_PLAYED, RATING }; } }