Java tutorial
/* * Copyright by Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser <> * * Licensed under MIT license */ package de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.analysis.analyzer; import; import; import; import java.time.DayOfWeek; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; // import java.time.Duration; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.YearMonth; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.analysis.Analysis; import de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.datamanager.model.Activity; import de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.datamanager.model.Booking; import; /** * An analysis to compute the amount of hours per a activity. The computer * calculates the percentage of an activity on the overall hours and maps these * percentages to the amount of 8 hours per booking day. This way, this fulfills * the requirements of the author concerning his time keeping. */ public class ProjectComputer implements Analysis { private ObjectStore<Booking> store; @Override public Collection<Collection<Object>> analyze(final Collection<String> parameter) { Collection<Collection<Object>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); result.add(Arrays.asList("Activity", "Booking number", "Hours", "%")); Duration totalMinutes = Duration.ZERO; Map<Activity, Duration> activityToMinutesMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Booking current : getRelevantBookings(parameter)) { if (current.hasEndtime()) { Activity currentActivity = current.getActivity(); Duration accumulatedMinutes = activityToMinutesMap.get(currentActivity); if (accumulatedMinutes == null) { accumulatedMinutes = Duration.ZERO; } Duration activityLength = current.calculateTimeSpan().getLengthInMinutes(); totalMinutes =; accumulatedMinutes =; activityToMinutesMap.put(currentActivity, accumulatedMinutes); } } for (Entry<Activity, Duration> currentActivity : activityToMinutesMap.entrySet()) { Activity activity = currentActivity.getKey(); Duration totalMinutesId = currentActivity.getValue(); double percentage = (double) totalMinutesId.toMinutes() / (double) totalMinutes.toMinutes(); String percentageString = String.format("%2.1f", percentage * 100.0); result.add(Arrays.asList(activity.getActivityName(), activity.getBookingNumber(), formatDuration(totalMinutesId), percentageString)); } return result; } private Collection<Booking> getRelevantBookings(final Collection<String> dayOrMonthParameter) { if (dayOrMonthParameter.size() > 0) { String dayOrMonthString = Iterables.get(dayOrMonthParameter, 0); if (dayOrMonthString.length() == 10) { return getBookingsForDay(LocalDate.parse(dayOrMonthString)); } if (dayOrMonthString.length() == 7) { return getBookingsForMonth(YearMonth.parse(dayOrMonthString)); } } return getBookingsForMonth(; } private Collection<Booking> getBookingsForMonth(final YearMonth month) { return store.retrieveAll().stream().filter(b -> month.equals(YearMonth.from(b.getBookingday()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Collection<Booking> getBookingsForDay(final LocalDate day) { return store.retrieveAll().stream().filter(b -> day.equals(b.getBookingday())).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private String formatDuration(final Duration duration) { long minutes = duration.toMinutes(); char pre = minutes < 0 ? '-' : ' '; minutes = Math.abs(minutes); return String.format("%c%02d,%02d", pre, minutes / 60, minutes % 60 * 10 / 6); } public void setStore(final ObjectStore<Booking> store) { = store; } }