Java tutorial
/* * Copyright by Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser <> * * Licensed under MIT license */ package de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.analysis.analyzer; import; import; import java.time.*; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import; import de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.analysis.Analysis; import de.lgblaumeiser.ptm.datamanager.model.Booking; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * An analysis that counts all hours in the month given as parameter */ public class HourComputer implements Analysis { private static final String BREAKTIME_COMMENT = "Break too short!"; private static final String WORKTIME_COMMENT = "> 10 hours worktime!"; private ObjectStore<Booking> store; @Override public Collection<Collection<Object>> analyze(final Collection<String> parameter) { YearMonth requestedMonth =; if (parameter.size() > 0) { requestedMonth = YearMonth.parse(Iterables.get(parameter, 0)); } Collection<Collection<Object>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); result.add(Arrays.asList("Work Day", "Starttime", "Endtime", "Presence", "Worktime", "Breaktime", "Overtime", "Comment")); Duration overtime = Duration.ZERO; LocalDate currentday = requestedMonth.atDay(1); while (!currentday.isAfter(requestedMonth.atEndOfMonth())) { Collection<Booking> currentBookings = getBookingsForDay(currentday); if (hasCompleteBookings(currentBookings)) { String day = currentday.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE); LocalTime starttime = Iterables.getFirst(currentBookings, null).getStarttime(); LocalTime endtime = Iterables.getLast(currentBookings).getEndtime(); Duration presence = calculatePresence(starttime, endtime); Duration worktime = calculateWorktime(currentBookings); Duration breaktime = calculateBreaktime(presence, worktime); Duration currentOvertime = calculateOvertime(worktime, currentday); overtime =; result.add(Arrays.asList(day, starttime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm")), endtime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm")), formatDuration(presence), formatDuration(worktime), formatDuration(breaktime), formatDuration(overtime), validate(worktime, breaktime))); } currentday = currentday.plusDays(1); } return result; } private Collection<Booking> getBookingsForDay(final LocalDate currentday) { return store.retrieveAll().stream().filter(b -> b.getBookingday().equals(currentday)) .sorted((b1, b2) -> b1.getStarttime().compareTo(b2.getStarttime())).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private boolean hasCompleteBookings(final Collection<Booking> bookings) { if (bookings.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Booking current : bookings) { if (!current.hasEndtime()) { return false; } } return true; } private Duration calculateBreaktime(final Duration presence, final Duration worktime) { return presence.minus(worktime); } private Duration calculateOvertime(final Duration worktime, final LocalDate day) { Duration minutes = worktime; if (isWeekDay(day)) { minutes = minutes.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(480)); // Overtime is time after 8 hours } return minutes; } private boolean isWeekDay(final LocalDate day) { return !(day.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY || day.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY); } private String validate(final Duration worktime, final Duration breaktime) { long worktimeMinutes = worktime.toMinutes(); long breaktimeMinutes = breaktime.toMinutes(); if (worktimeMinutes > 600) { return WORKTIME_COMMENT; } if (worktimeMinutes > 540 && breaktimeMinutes < 45) { // longer than 9 hours => 45 minutes break return BREAKTIME_COMMENT; } if (worktimeMinutes > 360 && breaktimeMinutes < 30) { // longer than 6 hours => 30 minutes break return BREAKTIME_COMMENT; } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } private Duration calculatePresence(final LocalTime starttime, final LocalTime endtime) { return Duration.between(starttime, endtime); } private Duration calculateWorktime(Collection<Booking> bookings) { Duration minutes = Duration.ZERO; for (Booking current : bookings) { minutes =; } return minutes; } private String formatDuration(final Duration duration) { long minutes = duration.toMinutes(); char pre = minutes < 0 ? '-' : ' '; minutes = Math.abs(minutes); return String.format("%c%02d:%02d", pre, minutes / 60, minutes % 60); } public void setStore(final ObjectStore<Booking> store) { = store; } }