Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * File ./src/main/java/de/lemo/apps/restws/client/
 * Lemo-Application-Server for learning analytics.
 * Copyright (C) 2015
 * Leonard Kappe, Andreas Pursian, Sebastian Schwarzrock, Boris Wenzlaff
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package de.lemo.apps.restws.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
import org.jboss.resteasy.client.ClientExecutor;
import org.jboss.resteasy.client.ClientResponse;
import org.jboss.resteasy.client.ProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.executors.ApacheHttpClient4Executor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import de.lemo.apps.application.config.ServerConfiguration;
import de.lemo.apps.exceptions.RestServiceCommunicationException;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.entities.ResultListLongObject;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.entities.ResultListRRITypes;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.entities.ResultListResourceRequestInfo;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QActivityResourceType;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QCourseActivityString;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QCourseUserPaths;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QCourseUsers;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QCumulativeUserAccess;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QFrequentPathsApriori;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QFrequentPathsBIDE;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QFrequentPathsViger;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QLearningObjectUsage;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QPerformanceBoxPlot;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QPerformanceHistogram;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QPerformanceUserTest;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QPerformanceUserTestBoxPlot;
import de.lemo.apps.restws.proxies.questions.QUserPathAnalysis;

 * @author Andreas Pursian
public class AnalysisImpl implements Analysis {

    private Initialisation init;

    private DataHelper datahelper;

    private Logger logger;

    private static final String QUESTIONS_BASE_URL = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getDMSBaseUrl()
            + "/questions";

    private PoolingClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingClientConnectionManager();
    private HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(connectionManager);
        HttpParams params = this.httpClient.getParams();
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, 5000);
        HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, 20000);

    private ClientExecutor clientExecutor = new ApacheHttpClient4Executor(httpClient);

    private QCourseActivityString qcourseActivity = ProxyFactory.create(QCourseActivityString.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QActivityResourceType qActivityResourceType = ProxyFactory.create(QActivityResourceType.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QActivityResourceTypeResolution qActivityResourceTypeResolution =
     ProxyFactory.create(QActivityResourceTypeResolution.class, AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);
    private QLearningObjectUsage qLOUsage = ProxyFactory.create(QLearningObjectUsage.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QCourseUsers courseUsers = ProxyFactory.create(QCourseUsers.class, AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL,

    private QUserPathAnalysis userPathAnalysis = ProxyFactory.create(QUserPathAnalysis.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QCourseUserPaths qUserPath = ProxyFactory.create(QCourseUserPaths.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QFrequentPathsBIDE qFrequentPathBide = ProxyFactory.create(QFrequentPathsBIDE.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QFrequentPathsViger qFrequentPathViger = ProxyFactory.create(QFrequentPathsViger.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QFrequentPathsApriori qFrequentPathApriori = ProxyFactory.create(QFrequentPathsApriori.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QCumulativeUserAccess qCumulativeAnalysis = ProxyFactory.create(QCumulativeUserAccess.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QPerformanceHistogram qPerformanceHistogram = ProxyFactory.create(QPerformanceHistogram.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QPerformanceBoxPlot qPerformanceBoxPlot = ProxyFactory.create(QPerformanceBoxPlot.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QPerformanceUserTest qPerformanceUserTest = ProxyFactory.create(QPerformanceUserTest.class,
            AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    private QPerformanceUserTestBoxPlot qPerformanceUserTestBoxPlot = ProxyFactory
            .create(QPerformanceUserTestBoxPlot.class, AnalysisImpl.QUESTIONS_BASE_URL, clientExecutor);

    public Map<Long, ResultListLongObject> computeCourseActivity(final List<Long> courses, final List<Long> users,
            final Long starttime, final Long endtime, final Long resolution, final List<String> resourceTypes,
            final List<Long> gender, final List<Long> learningObjects) {

        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qcourseActivity.compute(courses, users, starttime, endtime, resolution,
                        resourceTypes, gender, learningObjects);

                return datahelper.convertJSONStringToResultListHashMap(result);


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        logger.debug("Returning empty result set.");
        return new HashMap<Long, ResultListLongObject>();

    public ResultListResourceRequestInfo computeCourseActivityExtended(final List<Long> courses,
            final Long startTime, final Long endTime, final List<String> resourceTypes, final List<Long> gender,
            final List<Long> learningList) {

        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {
                ResultListResourceRequestInfo result = qActivityResourceType.compute(courses, startTime, endTime,
                        resourceTypes, gender, learningList);
                return result;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return new ResultListResourceRequestInfo();

    public ResultListRRITypes computeCourseActivityExtendedDetails(final List<Long> courses, final Long startTime,
     final Long endTime,
     final Long resolution, final List<String> resourceTypes,
     final List<Long> gender,
     final List<Long> learningList) {
       try {
     if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {
        if ((resourceTypes != null) && (resourceTypes.size() > 0)) {
           for (int i = 0; i < resourceTypes.size(); i++) {
    "Course Activity Request - CA Selection: " + resourceTypes.get(i));
        } else {
 "Course Activity Request - CA Selection: NO Items selected ");
        ResultListRRITypes result = qActivityResourceTypeResolution.compute(courses,
              startTime, endTime, resolution, resourceTypes, gender, learningList);
        return result;
       } catch (final Exception e) {
       }"Gebe leere Resultlist zurueck");
       return new ResultListRRITypes();
    public ResultListResourceRequestInfo computeLearningObjectUsage(final List<Long> courseIds,
            final List<Long> userIds, final List<String> types, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender, final List<Long> learningList) {

        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                if ((types != null) && (types.size() > 0)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
                        this.logger.debug("LO Request - LO Selection: " + types.get(i));
                } else {
                    this.logger.debug("LO Request - LO Selection: NO Items selected ");

                ResultListResourceRequestInfo result = qLOUsage.compute(courseIds, userIds, types, startTime,
                        endTime, gender, learningList);

                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return new ResultListResourceRequestInfo();

    public ResultListLongObject computeCourseUsers(final List<Long> courseIds, final Long startTime,
            final Long endTime, final List<Long> gender) {
        ResultListLongObject result = new ResultListLongObject();

        try {
            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                result = courseUsers.compute(courseIds, startTime, endTime, gender);

        } catch (final Exception e) {
        return result;

    public String computeUserPathAnalysis(final List<Long> courseIds, final List<Long> userIds,
            final List<String> types, final Boolean considerLogouts, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender, final List<Long> learningList) {

        String result = userPathAnalysis.compute(courseIds, userIds, types, considerLogouts, startTime, endTime,
                gender, learningList);
        return result;

    public String computeCourseUserPaths(final List<Long> courseIds, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender, final List<Long> learningList) {

        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {
                String result = qUserPath.compute(courseIds, startTime, endTime, gender, learningList);
                return result;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return "{}";

    public String computeQFrequentPathBIDE(final Long lemoUserId, final List<Long> courseIds,
            final List<Long> userIds, final List<String> types, final Long minLength, final Long maxLength,
            final Double minSup, final Boolean sessionWise, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender) {
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                Response response = qFrequentPathBide.compute(lemoUserId, courseIds, userIds, types, minLength,
                        maxLength, minSup, sessionWise, startTime, endTime, gender);

                if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
                    logger.debug("BIDE future result created.");

                    // return the id of the result for polling
                    // TODO use some random path instead of insecure user id
                    ClientResponse<String> clientResponse = (ClientResponse<String>) response;
                    String resultPath = clientResponse.getEntity(String.class);

                    // XXX why is this even quoted?
                    resultPath = StringUtils.strip(resultPath, "\"");

                    return resultPath;
                // TODO do something on failure
                logger.warn("BIDE invalid response: Status code " + response.getStatus());
                return "null";

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            logger.error("Bide failed", e);
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return "null";

    public String computeQFrequentPathViger(final List<Long> courseIds, final List<Long> userIds,
            final List<String> types, final Long minLength, final Long maxLength, final Double minSup,
            final Boolean sessionWise, final Long startTime, final Long endTime, final List<Long> gender) {
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qFrequentPathViger.compute(courseIds, userIds, types, minLength, maxLength, minSup,
                        sessionWise, startTime, endTime, gender);

                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return "{}";

    public String computeQFrequentPathApriori(final List<Long> courseIds, final List<Long> userIds,
            final List<String> types, final Long minLength, final Long maxLength, final Double minSup,
            final Boolean sessionWise, final Long startTime, final Long endTime, final List<Long> gender) {
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qFrequentPathApriori.compute(courseIds, userIds, types, minLength, maxLength,
                        minSup, sessionWise, startTime, endTime, gender);

                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        }"Returning empty result set.");
        return "{}";

    public String computeCumulativeUserAccess(final List<Long> courseIds, final List<String> types,
            final List<Long> departments, final List<Long> degrees, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> learningList) {
        this.logger.debug("Starting CumulativeUserAnalysis ... ");
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qCumulativeAnalysis.compute(courseIds, types, departments, degrees, startTime,
                        endTime, learningList);

                this.logger.debug("CumulativeUserAnalysis result: " + result);

                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        this.logger.debug("Error while during communication with DMS. Empty resultset returned");
        return "{}";

    public List<Long> computePerformanceHistogram(final List<Long> courses, final List<Long> users,
            final List<Long> quizzes, final Long resolution, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender) {
        this.logger.debug("Starting Performance histogram Analysis ... ");
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                List<Long> result;
                ResultListLongObject response = qPerformanceHistogram.compute(courses, users, quizzes, resolution,
                        startTime, endTime, gender);
                if (response == null) {
                    result = new ArrayList<Long>();
                } else {
                    result = response.getElements();

                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        this.logger.debug("Error while during communication with DMS. Empty resultset returned");
        return new ArrayList<Long>();

    public String computePerformanceBoxplot(final List<Long> courses, final List<Long> users,
            final List<Long> quizzes, final Long resolution, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender) {
        this.logger.debug("Starting Performance Cumulative Analysis ... ");
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qPerformanceBoxPlot.compute(courses, users, quizzes, resolution, startTime, endTime,

                this.logger.debug("Performance Cumulative result: " + result);

                return result;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
        this.logger.debug("Error while during communication with DMS. Empty resultset returned");
        return "{}";

    public List<Long> computePerformanceUserTest(final List<Long> courses, final List<Long> users,
            final List<Long> quizzes, final Long resolution, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender) {
        this.logger.debug("Starting Performance user test Analysis ... ");
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                List<Long> result;
                ResultListLongObject response = qPerformanceUserTest.compute(courses, users, quizzes, resolution,
                        startTime, endTime, gender);
                if (response == null) {
                    result = new ArrayList<Long>();
                } else {
                    result = response.getElements();

                return result;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
        this.logger.debug("Error while during communication with DMS. Empty resultset returned");
        return new ArrayList<Long>();

    public String computePerformanceUserTestBoxPlot(final List<Long> courses, final List<Long> users,
            final List<Long> quizzes, final Long resolution, final Long startTime, final Long endTime,
            final List<Long> gender) {
        this.logger.debug("Starting Performance user test Boxplot Analysis ... ");
        try {

            if (init.defaultConnectionCheck()) {

                String result = qPerformanceUserTestBoxPlot.compute(courses, users, quizzes, resolution, startTime,
                        endTime, gender);

                if (result == null) {
                    result = "";
                return result;


        } catch (final Exception e) {
        this.logger.debug("Error while during communication with DMS. Empty resultset returned");
        return "";
