Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (C) Copyright 2015-2016, by Wil Selwood and Contributors.
 * JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
 * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
 * either
 * (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * or (per the licensee's choosing)
 * (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
 * the Eclipse Foundation.
package de.knowwe.diaflux.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.ext.EdgeProvider;
import org.jgrapht.ext.GraphImporter;
import org.jgrapht.ext.ImportException;
import org.jgrapht.ext.VertexProvider;
import org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractBaseGraph;

 * Copy from {@link org.jgrapht.ext.DOTImporter}, adapted a little bit for this purpose.
 * @param <V> the graph vertex type
 * @param <E> the graph edge type
 * @author Adrian Mller
 * @created 23.10.
class DOTImporter<V, E> implements GraphImporter<V, E> {
    // Constants for the state machine
    private static final int NEXT = 0;
    private static final int HEADER = 1;
    private static final int NODE = 2;
    private static final int EDGE = 3;
    private static final int LINE_COMMENT = 4;
    private static final int BLOCK_COMMENT = 5;
    private static final int DONE = 32;

    private final VertexProvider<V> vertexProvider;
    private final EdgeProvider<V, E> edgeProvider;

    private String input;
    private int position;
    private Graph<V, E> graph;
    private Map<String, V> vertexes;
    private StringBuilder sectionBuffer;

     * Constructs a new DOTImporter with the given providers
     * @param vertexProvider Provider to create a vertex
     * @param edgeProvider   Provider to create an edge
    DOTImporter(VertexProvider<V> vertexProvider, EdgeProvider<V, E> edgeProvider) {
        this.vertexProvider = vertexProvider;
        this.edgeProvider = edgeProvider;

    private static int findEndOfQuote(String input, int start) {
        int result;
        // "start" should be the opening quote
        for (result = input.indexOf('\"', start + 1); result != -1
                && input.charAt(result - 1) == '\\'; result = input.indexOf('\"', result + 1)) {
            // if the previous character is an escape then search for char escaping the escape and so on
            int firstEscapeIndex = result - 1;
            while ((firstEscapeIndex > -1) && input.charAt(firstEscapeIndex) == '\\') {
            int numberOfEscapes = result - firstEscapeIndex + 1;
            if (numberOfEscapes % 2 == 0) {
        return result;

     * Read a dot formatted input and populate the provided graph.
     * <p>
     * The current implementation reads the whole input as a string and then parses the graph.
     * @param graph the graph to update
     * @param input the input reader
     * @throws ImportException if there is a problem parsing the file.
    public void importGraph(Graph<V, E> graph, Reader input) throws ImportException {
        try {
            this.input = IOUtils.toString(input);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ImportException("IOException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        this.graph = graph;
        vertexes = new HashMap<>();
        position = 0;
        sectionBuffer = new StringBuilder();

     * Read a dot formatted string and populate the provided graph.
     * @throws ImportException if there is a problem parsing the file.
    private void read() throws ImportException {
        if ((input == null) || input.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ImportException("Dot string was empty");

        int state = HEADER;
        int lastState = HEADER;

        while ((state != DONE) && (position < input.length())) {
            int currentState = state;
            switch (state) {
            case HEADER:
                state = processHeader();
            case NODE:
                state = processNode();
            case EDGE:
                state = processEdge();
            case LINE_COMMENT:
                state = processLineComment(lastState);
                // when we leave a line comment we need the new line to
                // still appear in the old block
            case BLOCK_COMMENT:
                state = processBlockComment(lastState);
            case NEXT:
                state = processNext();

            // DONE not included here as we can't get to it with the while loop.
                throw new ImportException("Error importing escaped state machine");


            if (state != currentState) {
                lastState = currentState;

        // if we get to the end and are some how still in the header the input
        // must be invalid.
        if (state == HEADER) {
            throw new ImportException("Invalid Header");

     * Process the header block.
     * @return the new state.
     * @throws ImportException if there is a problem with the header section.
    private int processHeader() throws ImportException {
        if (isStartOfLineComment()) {
            return LINE_COMMENT;

        if (isStartOfBlockComment()) {
            return BLOCK_COMMENT;

        char current = input.charAt(position);
        if (current == '{') {
            // reached the end of the header. Validate it.

            String[] headerParts = sectionBuffer.toString().split(" ", 4);
            if (headerParts.length < 3) {
                throw new ImportException("Not enough parts in header");

            int i = 0;
            if (graph instanceof AbstractBaseGraph && ((AbstractBaseGraph<V, E>) graph).isAllowingMultipleEdges()
                    && headerParts[i].equals("strict")) {
                throw new ImportException("graph defines strict but Multigraph given.");
            } else if (headerParts[i].equals("strict")) {
                i = i + 1;

            if ((graph instanceof DirectedGraph) && headerParts[i].equals("graph")) {
                throw new ImportException("input asks for undirected graph and directed graph provided.");
            } else if (!(graph instanceof DirectedGraph) && headerParts[i].equals("digraph")) {
                throw new ImportException("input asks for directed graph but undirected graph provided.");
            } else if (!headerParts[i].equals("graph") && !headerParts[i].equals("digraph")) {
                throw new ImportException("unknown graph type");

            sectionBuffer.setLength(0); // reset the buffer.
            return NEXT;
        return HEADER;

     * When we start a new section of the graph we don't know what it is going to be. We work in
     * here until we can work out what type of section this is.
     * @return the next state.
     * @throws ImportException if there is a problem with creating a node.
    private int processNext() throws ImportException {
        if (isStartOfLineComment()) {
            return LINE_COMMENT;

        if (isStartOfBlockComment()) {
            return BLOCK_COMMENT;

        char current = input.charAt(position);

        // ignore new line characters or section breaks between identified
        // sections.
        if ((current == '\n') || (current == '\r')) {
            return NEXT;

        // if the buffer is currently empty skip spaces too.
        if ((sectionBuffer.length() == 0) && ((current == ' ') || (current == ';'))) {
            return NEXT;

        // If we have a semi colon and some thing in the buffer we must be at
        // the end of a block. as we can't have had a dash yet we must be at the
        // end of a node.
        if (current == ';') {
            return NEXT;

        if (current == '"') {
            return NEXT;
        if (position < (input.length() - 1)) {
            char next = input.charAt(position + 1);
            if (current == '-') {
                if ((next == '-') && (graph instanceof DirectedGraph)) {
                    throw new ImportException("graph is directed but undirected edge found");
                } else if ((next == '>') && !(graph instanceof DirectedGraph)) {
                    throw new ImportException("graph is undirected but directed edge found");
                } else if ((next == '-') || (next == '>')) {
                    return EDGE;

        if (current == '[') {
            return NODE; // if this was an edge we should have found a dash before
            // here.

        return NEXT;

     * Process a node entry. When we detect that we are at the end of the node create it in the
     * graph.
     * @return the next state.
     * @throws ImportException if there is a problem with creating a node.
    private int processNode() throws ImportException {
        if (isStartOfLineComment()) {
            return LINE_COMMENT;

        if (isStartOfBlockComment()) {
            return BLOCK_COMMENT;

        char current = input.charAt(position);
        if (current == '"') {
            return NODE;
        if ((current == ']') || (current == ';')) {
            return NEXT;

        return NODE;

    private int processEdge() throws ImportException {
        if (isStartOfLineComment()) {
            return LINE_COMMENT;

        if (isStartOfBlockComment()) {
            return BLOCK_COMMENT;

        char current = input.charAt(position);
        if (current == '"') {
            return EDGE;

        if ((current == ';') || (current == '\r') || (current == ']')) {
            return NEXT;

        return EDGE;

    private void skipQuoted() {
        int endOfQuote = findEndOfQuote(input, position);
        sectionBuffer.append(input.substring(position + 1, endOfQuote + 1));
        position = endOfQuote;

    private int processLineComment(int returnState) {
        char current;
        int endOfLine = position;
        do {
            current = input.charAt(endOfLine++);
        } while (!(current == '\r' || current == '\n'));
        sectionBuffer.append(input.substring(position, endOfLine + 1));
        return returnState;

    private int processBlockComment(int returnState) {
        char current;
        int endOfLine = position;
        do {
            current = input.charAt(endOfLine++);
        } while (!(current == '/' && input.charAt(position - 1) == '*'));
        return returnState;

    private boolean isStartOfLineComment() {
        char current = input.charAt(position);
        if (current == '#') {
            return true;
        } else if (current == '/') {
            if (position < (input.length() - 1)) {
                if (input.charAt(position + 1) == '/') {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isStartOfBlockComment() {
        char current = input.charAt(position);
        if (current == '/') {
            if (position < (input.length() - 1)) {
                if (input.charAt(position + 1) == '*') {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private void processCompleteNode(String node) throws ImportException {
        Map<String, String> attributes = extractAttributes(node);

        String id = node.trim();
        int bracketIndex = node.indexOf('[');
        if (bracketIndex > 0) {
            id = node.substring(0, node.indexOf('[')).trim();

        V existing = vertexes.get(id);
        if (existing == null) {
            V vertex = vertexProvider.buildVertex(id, attributes);
            if (vertex != null) {
                vertexes.put(id, vertex);
        } else {
            throw new ImportException("Update required for vertex " + id + " but no vertexUpdater provided");

    private void processCompleteEdge(String edge) throws ImportException {
        Map<String, String> attributes = extractAttributes(edge);

        List<String> ids = extractEdgeIds(edge);

        // for each pair of ids in the list create an edge.
        for (int i = 0; i < (ids.size() - 1); i++) {
            V v1 = getVertex(ids.get(i));
            V v2 = getVertex(ids.get(i + 1));

            E resultEdge = edgeProvider.buildEdge(v1, v2, attributes.get("label"), attributes);
            graph.addEdge(v1, v2, resultEdge);

    // if a vertex id doesn't already exist create one for it
    // with no attributes.
    private V getVertex(String id) {
        V v = vertexes.get(id);
        if (v == null) {
            v = vertexProvider.buildVertex(id, new HashMap<>());
            vertexes.put(id, v);
        return v;

    private List<String> extractEdgeIds(String line) {
        String idChunk = line.trim();
        if (idChunk.endsWith(";")) {
            idChunk = idChunk.substring(0, idChunk.length() - 1);
        int bracketIndex = idChunk.indexOf('[');
        if (bracketIndex > 1) {
            idChunk = idChunk.substring(0, bracketIndex).trim();
        int index = 0;
        List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
        while (index < idChunk.length()) {
            int nextSpace = idChunk.indexOf(' ', index);
            String chunk;
            if (nextSpace > 0) { // is this the last chunk
                chunk = idChunk.substring(index, nextSpace);
                index = nextSpace + 1;
            } else {
                chunk = idChunk.substring(index);
                index = idChunk.length() + 1;
            if (!chunk.equals("--") && !chunk.equals("->")) { // a label then?

        return ids;

    private Map<String, String> extractAttributes(String line) throws ImportException {
        Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
        int bracketIndex = line.indexOf("[");
        if (bracketIndex > 0) {
            attributes = splitAttributes(line.substring(bracketIndex + 1, line.lastIndexOf(']')).trim());
        return attributes;

    private Map<String, String> splitAttributes(String section) throws ImportException {
        int index = 0;
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
        while (index < section.length()) {
            // skip any leading white space
            index = skipWhiteSpace(section, index);

            // Now check for quotes
            int endOfKey = findEndOfSection(section, index, "=");
            if (endOfKey < 0) {
                throw new ImportException("Invalid attributes");
            if (section.charAt(endOfKey) == '"') {
                index = index + 1;

            String key = section.substring(index, endOfKey).trim();

            if ((endOfKey + 1) >= section.length()) {
                throw new ImportException("Invalid attributes");

            // Attribute value may be quoted or a single word.
            // First ignore any white space before the start
            int start = skipWhiteSpace(section, endOfKey + 1);

            int endChar = findEndOfSection(section, start, ",\n\t\t");
            if (section.charAt(start) == '"') {
                start = start + 1;

            if (endChar < 0) {
                endChar = section.length();

            String value = section.substring(start, endChar);
            result.put(key, value);
            if (endChar < section.length() && section.charAt(endChar) == '"') {
            index = endChar + 1;
        return result;

    private int skipWhiteSpace(String section, int start) throws ImportException {
        int i = 0;
        while (Character.isWhitespace(section.charAt(start + i)) || (section.charAt(start + i) == '=')) {
            i = i + 1;
            if ((start + i) >= section.length()) {
                throw new ImportException("Invalid attributes");

        return start + i;

    private int findEndOfSection(String section, int start, String terminator) {
        if (section.charAt(start) == '"') {
            return findEndOfQuote(section, start);
        } else {
            return section.indexOf(terminator, start);


// End