Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2013,2015 Wolfram Wagner
 * This file is part of OpenRadar.
 * OpenRadar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * OpenRadar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenRadar. If not, see
 * <>.
 * Diese Datei ist Teil von OpenRadar.
 * OpenRadar ist Freie Software: Sie knnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free
 * Software Foundation, Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder spteren verffentlichten Version,
 * weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
 * OpenRadar wird in der Hoffnung, dass es ntzlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GEWHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne
 * die implizite Gewhrleistung der MARKTFHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Siehe die GNU General Public
 * License fr weitere Details.
 * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe
 * <>.
package de.knewcleus.openradar.view.stdroutes;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;

import de.knewcleus.openradar.gui.setup.AirportData;

 * This file reads the airport groundnet xml file
 * @author Wolfram Wagner
public class StdRouteReader {

    private final AirportData data;
    private final IMapViewerAdapter mapViewAdapter;
    private List<StdRoute> stdRoutes = new ArrayList<StdRoute>();
    private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(StdRouteReader.class);

    public StdRouteReader(AirportData data, IMapViewerAdapter mapViewAdapter) { = data;
        this.mapViewAdapter = mapViewAdapter;

    private void readRouteXml() {

        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
        InputStream xmlInputStream = null;

        File dir = new File("data/routes/" + data.getAirportCode());
        if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {

        List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(Arrays.asList(dir.listFiles()));


        while (files.size() > 0) {
            File file = files.remove(0);
            try {
                if (!file.getName().endsWith(".xml"))
                // todo read all files
                xmlInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);

                Document document = (Document);
                Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();

                //                String orFilename = "data/routes/" + data.getAirportCode() + "/" + file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().indexOf(".xml")) + ".or.xml";
                if ("ProceduresDB".equalsIgnoreCase(rootNode.getName())) {// && !(new File(orFilename).exists())) {
                    // if converted file does not exist, convert it now.
                    // deactivated for now convertProcedureDbFile(orFilename, rootNode);
                } else {
                    // read or file
                    List<Element> list = rootNode.getChildren("addPoint");
                    for (Element eAddPoint : list) {
                        String code = eAddPoint.getAttributeValue("code");
                        String sPoint = eAddPoint.getAttributeValue("point");
                        try {
                            Point2D point = StdRoute.getPoint(data, mapViewAdapter, sPoint, null);
                            data.getNavaidDB().addPoint(code, point);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            log.error("Problem to parse file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", addPoint: " + code
                                    + ": " + sPoint + ", Error:" + e.getMessage());
                    List<Element> includeList = rootNode.getChildren("include");
                    for (Element eInclude : includeList) {
                        String fileName = eInclude.getAttributeValue("file");
                        files.add(new File(file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0,
                                file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1) + fileName));
                    // routes
                    list = rootNode.getChildren("route");
                    for (Element eRoute : list) {
                        String name = eRoute.getAttributeValue("name");
                        String displayMode = eRoute.getAttributeValue("displayMode");
                        String zoomMin = eRoute.getAttributeValue("zoomMin");
                        String zoomMax = eRoute.getAttributeValue("zoomMax");
                        String stroke = eRoute.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                        String lineWidth = eRoute.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                        String color = eRoute.getAttributeValue("color");
                        List<Element> sublist = eRoute.getChildren();
                        AStdRouteElement previous = null;
                        StdRoute route = new StdRoute(data, mapViewAdapter, name, displayMode, zoomMin, zoomMax,
                                stroke, lineWidth, color);
                        for (Element element : sublist) {
                            try {
                                if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("activeLandingRunways")) {
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("activeStartRunways")) {
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("navaids")) {
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    route.setNavaids(element.getText(), color);
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("include")) {
                                    String routeName = element.getAttributeValue("routeName");
                                    route.includeRoute(stdRoutes, routeName);
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("line")) {
                                    String start = element.getAttributeValue("start");
                                    String end = element.getAttributeValue("end");
                                    String angle = element.getAttributeValue("angle");
                                    String length = element.getAttributeValue("length");
                                    String startOffset = element.getAttributeValue("startOffset");
                                    String endOffset = element.getAttributeValue("endOffset");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    String arrows = element.getAttributeValue("arrows");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    String text = element.getAttributeValue("text");
                                    StdRouteLine line = new StdRouteLine(route, mapViewAdapter, previous, start,
                                            end, angle, length, startOffset, endOffset, stroke, lineWidth, arrows,
                                            color, text);
                                    previous = line;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("bow")) {
                                    String center = element.getAttributeValue("center");
                                    String radius = element.getAttributeValue("radius");
                                    String startAngle = element.getAttributeValue("startAngle");
                                    String extentAngle = element.getAttributeValue("extentAngle");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    String arrows = element.getAttributeValue("arrows");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    String text = element.getAttributeValue("text");
                                    StdRouteBow bow = new StdRouteBow(route, mapViewAdapter, previous, center,
                                            radius, startAngle, extentAngle, stroke, lineWidth, color, arrows,
                                    previous = bow;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("curve")) {
                                    String start = element.getAttributeValue("start");
                                    String end = element.getAttributeValue("end");
                                    String controlPoint = element.getAttributeValue("controlPoint");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    String arrows = element.getAttributeValue("arrows");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    StdRouteCurve bow = new StdRouteCurve(route, mapViewAdapter, previous, start,
                                            end, controlPoint, stroke, lineWidth, color, arrows);
                                    previous = bow;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("intercept")) {
                                    String start = element.getAttributeValue("start");
                                    String startOffset = element.getAttributeValue("startOffset");
                                    String startHeading = element.getAttributeValue("startHeading");
                                    String startTurn = element.getAttributeValue("startTurn");
                                    String radius = element.getAttributeValue("radius");
                                    String speed = element.getAttributeValue("speed");
                                    String end = element.getAttributeValue("end");
                                    String radial = element.getAttributeValue("radial");
                                    String endHeading = element.getAttributeValue("endHeading");
                                    String direction = element.getAttributeValue("direction");
                                    String endOffset = element.getAttributeValue("endOffset");
                                    String text = element.getAttributeValue("text");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    String arrows = element.getAttributeValue("arrows");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    StdRouteIntercept intercept = new StdRouteIntercept(route, mapViewAdapter,
                                            previous, start, startOffset, startHeading, startTurn, radius, speed,
                                            end, radial, endHeading, direction, endOffset, stroke, lineWidth,
                                            arrows, color, text);
                                    previous = intercept;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("loop")) {
                                    String navpoint = element.getAttributeValue("navpoint");
                                    String inboundHeading = element.getAttributeValue("inboundHeading");
                                    String length = element.getAttributeValue("length");
                                    String width = element.getAttributeValue("width");
                                    String right = element.getAttributeValue("right");
                                    String arrows = element.getAttributeValue("arrows");
                                    String minHeight = element.getAttributeValue("minHeight");
                                    String maxHeight = element.getAttributeValue("maxHeight");
                                    String misapHeight = element.getAttributeValue("misapHeight");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    StdRouteLoop ellipse = new StdRouteLoop(route, mapViewAdapter, previous,
                                            navpoint, inboundHeading, length, width, right, arrows, minHeight,
                                            maxHeight, misapHeight, stroke, lineWidth, color);
                                    previous = ellipse;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("multiPointLine")) {
                                    String close = element.getAttributeValue("close");
                                    stroke = element.getAttributeValue("stroke");
                                    lineWidth = element.getAttributeValue("lineWidth");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    List<String> points = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    List<Element> pointList = element.getChildren("point");
                                    for (Element ePoint : pointList) {
                                    StdRouteMultipointLine line = new StdRouteMultipointLine(route, mapViewAdapter,
                                            previous, points, close, stroke, lineWidth, color);
                                    previous = line;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("text")) {
                                    String position = element.getAttributeValue("position");
                                    String angle = element.getAttributeValue("angle");
                                    String alignHeading = element.getAttributeValue("alignHeading");
                                    String font = element.getAttributeValue("font");
                                    String fontSize = element.getAttributeValue("fontSize");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    boolean clickable = "true".equals(element.getAttributeValue("clickable"));
                                    String sText = element.getAttributeValue("text");
                                    StdRouteText text = new StdRouteText(route, mapViewAdapter, previous, position,
                                            angle, alignHeading, font, fontSize, color, clickable, sText);
                                    previous = text;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("screenText")) {
                                    String position = element.getAttributeValue("screenPos");
                                    String angle = element.getAttributeValue("angle");
                                    String font = element.getAttributeValue("font");
                                    String fontSize = element.getAttributeValue("fontSize");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    String sText = element.getAttributeValue("text");
                                    StdRouteScreenText text = new StdRouteScreenText(route, mapViewAdapter,
                                            previous, position, angle, font, fontSize, color, sText);
                                    previous = text;
                                } else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("minAlt")) {
                                    String position = element.getAttributeValue("position");
                                    String value = element.getAttributeValue("value");
                                    String font = element.getAttributeValue("font");
                                    String fontSize = element.getAttributeValue("fontSize");
                                    color = element.getAttributeValue("color");
                                    StdRouteMinAltitude minAlt = new StdRouteMinAltitude(route, mapViewAdapter,
                                            previous, position, value, font, fontSize, color);
                                    previous = minAlt;

                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                log.error("Problem to parse file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", Route: "
                                        + route.getName() + ", Error:" + e.getMessage(), e);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Problem to parse file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", Error:" + e.getMessage());

            } finally {
                if (xmlInputStream != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {

     * I have given up this part of the project for now, as there are big problems to map the navdata made to feed an autopilot
     * to an xml made to add details to the map.
     * Normal : /Sid/Star/_Waypoint defined by coordinates
     * Hold: a holding pattern
     * DmeIntc Waypoint defined by distance from point (dme) DMEtoIntercept the distance to 'dme' Hdg_Crs_value the
     * course to the waypoint
     * Intc Intercept a radial of next waypoint Hdg_Crs_value original course RadialtoIntercept radial to intercept
     * @param orFilename
     * @param rootNode
    //    private void convertProcedureDbFile(String orFilename, Element rootNode) {
    //        try {
    //            Document newDoc = new Document();
    //            Element newRoot = new Element("routes");
    //            newDoc.setRootElement(newRoot);
    //            Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("");
    //            String lastWayPoint=""; // the position of the last waypoint
    //            List<Element> airportList = rootNode.getChildren("Airport",ns);
    //            for(Element eAirport : airportList) {
    //                String airportCode = eAirport.getAttributeValue("ICAOcode");
    //                // sid
    //                List<Element> sidList = eAirport.getChildren("Sid", ns);
    //                for(Element eSid : sidList) {
    //                    String sidName = eSid.getAttributeValue("Name");
    //                    String sidRunways = eSid.getAttributeValue("Runways");
    //                    Element newRoute = new Element("route");
    //                    newRoot.addContent(newRoute);
    //                    newRoute.setAttribute("name",airportCode+" SID "+sidName);
    //                    newRoute.setAttribute("color","120,140,120");
    //                    Element newRunways = new Element("activeStartRunways");
    //                    newRoute.addContent(newRunways);
    //                    newRunways.setText(sidRunways);
    //                    Element newNavaids = new Element("navaids");
    //                    newRoute.addContent(newNavaids);
    //                    Element newLine = null;
    //                    List<Element> waypointList = eSid.getChildren("Sid_Waypoint",ns);
    //                    for(Element eWaypoint : waypointList) {
    //                        String id = eWaypoint.getAttributeValue("Id");
    //                        String name = eWaypoint.getChildText("Name",ns);
    //                        String type = eWaypoint.getChildText("Type",ns);
    //                        String lat = eWaypoint.getChildText("Latitude",ns);
    //                        String lon = eWaypoint.getChildText("Longitude",ns);
    //                        String speed = eWaypoint.getChildText("Speed",ns);
    //                        String altitude = eWaypoint.getChildText("Altitude",ns);
    //                        String altitudeRestriction = eWaypoint.getChildText("AltitudeRestriction",ns);
    //                        if(newLine==null) {
    //                            // Start of route
    //                            if(Double.parseDouble(lat)!=0 && Double.parseDouble(lon)!=0) {
    //                                // no position given, sids start at runways => runwayend to first waypoint
    //                                newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                lastWayPoint = airportCode+"-RW"+sidRunways;
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                            } else {
    //                                newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                            }
    //                        } else {
    //                            if( type.equals("Normal") ) {
    //                                // finish and continue
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("end",lat+","+lon);
    //                                newRoute.addContent(newLine);
    //                                // create next
    //                                newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                            } else if(type.equals("Intc") || type.equals("VorRadialIntc")) { //|| type.equals("DmeIntc")
    //                                String hdg = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hdg_Crs_value",ns);
    //                                String radial = eWaypoint.getChildText("RadialtoIntercept",ns);
    //                                String direction = eWaypoint.getChildText("Sp_Turn",ns);
    //                                String dmeDistance = eWaypoint.getChildText("DMEtoIntercept",ns);
    //                                Element intercept = new Element("intercept");
    //                                intercept.setAttribute("startTurning",lastWayPoint); // this draws a line in dir heading
    //                                intercept.setAttribute("heading",hdg);
    //                                if(dmeDistance==null) {
    //                                    lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("end",lastWayPoint);
    //                                } else {
    //                                    lastWayPoint = dmeDistance+"NM"+direction+"@"+lat+","+lon;
    //                                    // this is not really correct. The direction must be a tangent to the dme circle in distance
    //                                    // todo
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("end",lastWayPoint);
    //                                }
    //                                intercept.setAttribute("radial",radial);
    //                                if(direction!=null) {
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("direction",direction);
    //                                }
    //                                newRoute.addContent(intercept);
    //                                // create next
    //                                newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //                // stars
    //                List<Element> starList = eAirport.getChildren("Star",ns);
    //                for(Element eStar : starList) {
    //                    String starName = eStar.getAttributeValue("Name");
    //                    String starRunways = eStar.getAttributeValue("Runways");
    //                    Element newRoute = new Element("route");
    //                    newRoot.addContent(newRoute);
    //                    newRoute.setAttribute("name",airportCode+" STAR "+starName);
    //                    newRoute.setAttribute("color","120,120,140");
    //                    Element newRunways = new Element("activeLandingRunways");
    //                    newRunways.setText(starRunways);
    //                    newRoute.addContent(newRunways);
    //                    Element newNavaids = new Element("navaids");
    //                    newRoute.addContent(newNavaids);
    //                    Element newLine = null;
    //                    List<Element> waypointList = eStar.getChildren("Star_Waypoint",ns);
    //                    for(Element eWaypoint : waypointList) {
    //                        String id = eWaypoint.getAttributeValue("Id");
    //                        String name = eWaypoint.getChildText("Name",ns);
    //                        String type = eWaypoint.getChildText("Type",ns);
    //                        String lat = eWaypoint.getChildText("Latitude",ns);
    //                        String lon = eWaypoint.getChildText("Longitude",ns);
    //                        String speed = eWaypoint.getChildText("Speed",ns);
    //                        String altitude = eWaypoint.getChildText("Altitude",ns);
    //                            if(newLine==null) {
    //                                // create it
    //                                newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                            } else {
    //                                if( type.equals("Normal") ) {
    //                                    // finish and continue
    //                                    newLine.setAttribute("end",lat+","+lon);
    //                                    newRoute.addContent(newLine);
    //                                    // create next
    //                                    newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                    lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                    newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                                } else if(type.equals("Intc") || type.equals("VorRadialIntc")) { //|| type.equals("DmeIntc")
    //                                    String hdg = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hdg_Crs_value",ns);
    //                                    String radial = eWaypoint.getChildText("RadialtoIntercept",ns);
    //                                    String direction = eWaypoint.getChildText("Sp_Turn",ns);
    //                                    String dmeDistance = eWaypoint.getChildText("DMEtoIntercept",ns);
    //                                    Element intercept = new Element("intercept");
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("startTurning",lastWayPoint); // this draws a line in dir heading
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("heading",hdg);
    //                                    if(dmeDistance==null) {
    //                                        lastWayPoint = lat+","+lon;
    //                                        intercept.setAttribute("end",lastWayPoint);
    //                                    } else {
    //                                        lastWayPoint = dmeDistance+"NM"+direction+"@"+lat+","+lon;
    //                                        // this is not really correct. The direction must be a tangent to the dme circle in distance
    //                                        // todo
    //                                        intercept.setAttribute("end",lastWayPoint);
    //                                    }
    //                                    intercept.setAttribute("radial",radial);
    //                                    if(direction!=null) {
    //                                        intercept.setAttribute("direction",direction);
    //                                    }
    //                                    newRoute.addContent(intercept);
    //                                    // create next
    //                                    newLine = new Element("line");
    //                                    newLine.setAttribute("start",lastWayPoint);
    //                                }
    //                        } else if(type.equals("Hold")) {
    //                            String radOrInbd = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hld_Rad_or_Inbd",ns);
    //                            String radValue = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hld_Rad_value",ns);
    //                            boolean right = "right".equalsIgnoreCase(eWaypoint.getChildText("Hld_Turn",ns));
    //                            String timeOrDist = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hld_Time_or_Dist",ns);
    //                            String tdValue = eWaypoint.getChildText("Hld_td_value",ns);
    //                            // <loop navpoint="SEDOR" inboundHeading="192" length="5" arrows="both" minHeight="7000" maxHeight="MAX 12000"/>>
    //                            if(newLine==null) {
    //                                // create it
    //                                Element newLoop = new Element("loop");
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("navpoint",lat+","+lon);
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("inboundHeading",radValue);
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("length","5");     // todo make dynamic
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("right",right?"true":"false");
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("arrows","both");
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("minHeight",altitude);
    //                                newRoute.addContent(newLoop);
    //                            } else {
    //                                // finish and continue
    //                                newLine.setAttribute("end",lat+","+lon);
    //                                newRoute.addContent(newLine);
    //                                // create next
    //                                Element newLoop = new Element("loop");
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("navpoint",lat+","+lon);
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("inboundHeading",radValue);
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("length","5");     // todo make dynamic
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("arrows","both");
    //                                newLoop.setAttribute("minHeight",altitude);
    //                                newRoute.addContent(newLoop);
    //                                // next line starts at next waypoint
    //                                newLine=null;
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //            // write OpenRadar format file
    //            XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
    //            FileWriter writer=null;
    //            try {
    //                writer = new FileWriter(orFilename);
    //                xmlOutput.output(newDoc, writer);
    //                writer.flush();
    //            } catch (IOException e) {
    //                log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Problem to write file "+orFilename,e);
    //            } finally {
    //                if(writer!=null) {
    //                    try {
    //                        writer.close();
    //                    } catch (IOException e) {}
    //                }
    //            }
    //        } catch(Exception e) {
    //            log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Problem to convert file to "+orFilename,e);
    //        }
    //    }

    public List<StdRoute> getStdRoutes() {
        return stdRoutes;
