Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Wolfram Wagner * * This file is part of OpenRadar. * * OpenRadar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * OpenRadar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * OpenRadar. If not, see <>. * * Diese Datei ist Teil von OpenRadar. * * OpenRadar ist Freie Software: Sie knnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU * General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation, Version 3 der * Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder spteren verffentlichten Version, * weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren. * * OpenRadar wird in der Hoffnung, dass es ntzlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE * GEWHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite Gewhrleistung der * MARKTFHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Siehe die GNU General * Public License fr weitere Details. * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem * Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <>. */ package de.knewcleus.openradar.view.groundnet; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; /** * This file reads the airport groundnet xml file * * @author Wolfram Wagner * */ public class GroundnetReader { private String airportCode; private List<ParkPos> parkPosList = new ArrayList<ParkPos>(); private List<TaxiSign> signs = new ArrayList<TaxiSign>(); private Map<String, TaxiPoint> mapTaxiPoints = new TreeMap<String, TaxiPoint>(); private List<TaxiWaySegment> taxiwaySegmentList = new ArrayList<TaxiWaySegment>(); private ZipFile zipArchive = null; private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(GroundnetReader.class); public GroundnetReader(String airportCode) { this.airportCode = airportCode; readGroundnetXml(); // readAptNavData(); // not in use because of bad quality } private void readGroundnetXml() { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); InputStream xmlInputStream = null; try { xmlInputStream = getZipArchiveFileInputStream("data/", airportCode); Document document = (Document); Element rootNode = document.getRootElement(); // read parking list List<Element> list = rootNode.getChild("parkingList").getChildren("Parking"); for (Element p : list) { String index = p.getAttributeValue("index"); String type = p.getAttributeValue("type"); String name = p.getAttributeValue("name"); String number = p.getAttributeValue("number"); String lat = p.getAttributeValue("lat"); String lon = p.getAttributeValue("lon"); String heading = p.getAttributeValue("heading"); String radius = p.getAttributeValue("radius"); String airlineCodes = p.getAttributeValue("airlineCodes"); ParkPos pos = new ParkPos(index, type, name, number, lat, lon, heading, radius, airlineCodes); parkPosList.add(pos); mapTaxiPoints.put(index, pos); } // read nodes list = rootNode.getChild("TaxiNodes").getChildren("node"); for (Element p : list) { String index = p.getAttributeValue("index"); String lat = p.getAttributeValue("lat"); String lon = p.getAttributeValue("lon"); boolean isOnRunway = !"0".equals(p.getAttributeValue("isOnRunway")); String holdPointType = p.getAttributeValue("holdPointType"); TaxiPoint point = new TaxiPoint(index, lat, lon, isOnRunway, holdPointType); mapTaxiPoints.put(index, point); } // read segments list = rootNode.getChild("TaxiWaySegments").getChildren("arc"); for (Element a : list) { String beginPoint = a.getAttributeValue("begin"); String endPoint = a.getAttributeValue("end"); boolean isPushBackRoute = !"0".equals(a.getAttributeValue("isPushBackRoute")); String name = a.getAttributeValue("name"); TaxiWaySegment seg = new TaxiWaySegment(name, mapTaxiPoints.get(beginPoint), mapTaxiPoints.get(endPoint), isPushBackRoute); taxiwaySegmentList.add(seg); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (xmlInputStream != null) { try { xmlInputStream.close(); zipArchive.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } protected InputStream getZipArchiveFileInputStream(String archive, String airportCode) throws IOException { // data is stored in file /K/O/A/KOAK.groundnet.xml String dir1 = airportCode.substring(0, 1); String dir2 = airportCode.substring(1, 2); String dir3 = airportCode.substring(2, 3); String file = airportCode + ".groundnet.xml"; // zip files have forward slashs String filename = "Airports" + "/" + dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3 + "/" + file; final File inputFile = new File(archive); zipArchive = new ZipFile(inputFile); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipArchive.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); if (zipEntry.getName().equals(filename)) { return zipArchive.getInputStream(zipEntry); } } throw new IllegalStateException(filename + " not found in " + archive); } /** * This method is not used, because it produces too many lines, which do not completely align with the shapes */ // private void readAptNavData() { // BufferedReader br = null; // ArrayList<TaxiPoint> points = new ArrayList<TaxiPoint>(); // boolean found = false; // StringBuilder taxiSegName = null; // int currentPaintStyle = 2; // // try { // br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getZipAptFileInputStream())); // String nextLine = br.readLine().trim(); // while (nextLine != null) { // if (nextLine.trim().length() == 0) { // // skip empty lines // nextLine = br.readLine().trim(); // continue; // } // Record r = new Record(nextLine); // // if (r.code.equals("1") && !found) { // airport // // r.getNextField(); // r.getNextField(); // r.getNextField(); // String ac = r.getNextField(); // if (ac.equals(airportCode)) { // // airport found // found = true; // nextLine = br.readLine().trim(); // while (nextLine != null) { // r = new Record(nextLine); // if ((r.iCode < 111 || r.iCode > 116) && !points.isEmpty()) { // generateSegments(taxiSegName.toString(), points);// generate // // the // // previous // // segments // points.clear(); // currentPaintStyle = 2; // } // // if (r.iCode == 1) { // break; // ready // } // // if (found && r.code.equals("110")) { // taxiway // // r.getNextField(); // r.getNextField(); // r.getNextField(); // taxiSegName = new StringBuilder(); // while (r.hasNext()) { // taxiSegName.append(r.getNextField()); // if (r.hasNext()) // taxiSegName.append(" "); // } // } // if (r.iCode > 110 && r.iCode < 117) { // // point has been found // String lat = r.getNextField(); // String lon = r.getNextField(); // String ctrlLat = null; // String ctrlLon = null; // if (r.iCode == 112 || r.iCode == 114 || r.iCode == 116) { // ctrlLat = r.getNextField(); // ctrlLon = r.getNextField(); // } // ArrayList<Integer> listLineTypeCodes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // while (r.hasNext()) { // int i = Integer.parseInt(r.getNextField()); // if (i < 100) // currentPaintStyle = i; // listLineTypeCodes.add(i); // } // TaxiPoint tp = new TaxiPoint(r.code, lat, lon, ctrlLat, ctrlLon, currentPaintStyle); // points.add(tp); // } // // if (r.iCode == 20) { // // sign found // String lat = r.getNextField(); // String lon = r.getNextField(); // String heading = r.getNextField(); // r.getNextField(); // not used // String size = r.getNextField(); // String text = r.getNextField(); // TaxiSign sign = new TaxiSign(lat, lon, heading, size,text); // signs.add(sign); // } // nextLine = br.readLine().trim(); // } // } // } // // nextLine = br.readLine(); // } // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problems to read sectors/"); // } finally { // if (br != null) { // try { // br.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // } // } // } // } // private void generateSegments(String taxiSegName, ArrayList<TaxiPoint> points) { // // connect points to segments // if (points.size() > 0) { // TaxiPoint lastPoint = points.get(0); // for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++) { // TaxiPoint p = points.get(i); // TaxiWaySegment seg = new TaxiWaySegment(taxiSegName, lastPoint, p, false); // this.taxiwaySegmentList.add(seg); // lastPoint = p; // } // if (lastPoint.getIndex() == 113 || lastPoint.getIndex() == 114) { // // close loop nodes // TaxiWaySegment seg = new TaxiWaySegment(taxiSegName.toString(), lastPoint, points.get(0), false); // this.taxiwaySegmentList.add(seg); // } // } // } protected InputStream getZipAptFileInputStream() throws IOException { String archive = "data" + File.separator + ""; String filename = "apt.dat"; final File inputFile = new File(archive); zipArchive = new ZipFile(inputFile); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipArchive.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); if (zipEntry.getName().equals(filename)) { return zipArchive.getInputStream(zipEntry); } } throw new IllegalStateException(filename + " not found in " + archive); } public void closeZipArchive() { if (zipArchive != null) { try { zipArchive.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error while closing zip file!", e); } } } public List<TaxiWaySegment> getTaxiWaySegments() { return taxiwaySegmentList; } public List<TaxiSign> getTaxiSigns() { return signs; } // private class Record { // String code; // int iCode; // private StringTokenizer st; // // public Record(String line) { // if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { // code = "-1"; // iCode = -1; // } else { // st = new StringTokenizer(line, " \t"); // code = st.nextToken(); // try { // iCode = Integer.parseInt(code); // } catch (Exception e) { // iCode = -1; // } // } // } // public String getNextField() { // return st.hasMoreTokens() ? st.nextToken() : ""; // } // // public boolean hasNext() { // return st.hasMoreElements(); // } // } }