Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


This is a part of a program useful for files and directories.
Copyright (C) 2014 Christoph "criztovyl" Schulz
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.json.JSONObject;

 * An object, that holds an path and it's separator.
 * @author criztovyl
public class Path implements Comparable<Path> {

    private static final String JSON_PATH = "path";

    private static final String JSON_SEPARATOR = "seperator";

    protected final String path;

    protected final String separator;

     * Creates a new path from a JSON object
     * @param json
     *            the JSON object
    public Path(JSONObject json) {

        path = json.getString(Path.JSON_PATH);
        separator = json.getString(Path.JSON_SEPARATOR);


     * Creates a new copy of a path
     * @param path
    public Path(Path path) {

        this.path = path.path;
        this.separator = path.separator;


     * Creates a new path with {@link File#separator} as separator.
     * @param path
     *            the file path
    public Path(String path) {
        this(path, File.separator);

     * Creates a new path from the given file path that can be a key for
     * {@link System#getProperty(String)}. Separator is {@link File#separator}
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param sysPropKey
     *            if true, path will be fetched from the given system property,
     *            otherwise use path as normal file path
    public Path(String path, boolean sysPropKey) {
        this(path, sysPropKey, File.separator);

     * Creates a new path from the given file path that can be a key for
     * {@link System#getProperty(String)} with the given separator
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param sysPropKey
     *            if true, path will be fetched from the given system property,
     *            otherwise use path as normal file path
     * @param separator
     *            the separator
    public Path(String path, boolean sysPropKey, String separator) {

        if (separator == null)
            separator = "";

        // Set up separator
        this.separator = sysPropKey || separator.equals("") ? File.separator : separator;

        // Create path string
        this.path = sysPropKey ? System.getProperty(path) : path.replaceAll(separator + "$", "");

     * Creates a new path with the given separator.
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param separator
     *            the separator
    public Path(String path, String separator) {
        this(path, false, separator);

     * Creates a new Path with the given suffix from this path, will be appended
     * with a preceding dot.<br>
     * Example:<br>
     * Add suffix "old" to /home/lotta/file will lead to /home/lotta/file.old
     * @param suffix
     *            the suffix
     * @return the path with the suffix
    public Path addSuffix(String suffix) {
        return new Path(getPath() + "." + suffix, getSeparator());

     * Pass-through {@link Path} as {@link String} to {@link #append(String)}.
     * @param path the {@link Path}
     * @return the new {@link Path}
     * @see #append(String)
    public Path append(Path path) {
        return append(path.getPath());

     * Appends a file to the path.<br>
     * @param file
     *            the file to be appended.
     * @return the new {@link Path}
    public Path append(String file) {
        return new Path(path + getSeparator() + file, getSeparator());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
    public int compareTo(Path o) {
        return getPath().compareTo(o.getPath());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object anObject) {

        if (this == anObject)
            return true;

        //Check if is Path
        if (anObject instanceof Path) {

            //Check if path string is equal (cast object to Path)
            return getPath(((Path) anObject).getSeparator()).equals(((Path) anObject).getPath());
        //Check if is string
        else if (anObject instanceof String) {

            //Check if path string is equal to string
            return getPath().equals((String) anObject);
        } else
            return super.equals(anObject);


     * Extracts the name after the last separator, e.g. /etc/alternatives ==>
     * alternatives
     * @return the base name of this path
    public String getBasename() {
        final String[] split = getPath().split(getSeparator());
        return split[split.length - 1];

     * @return the file represented by the path. File may not exists.
    public File getFile() {
        return new File(getPath(File.separator));

     * Creates a JSON object
     * @return the JSON data of this object
    public JSONObject getJSON() {

        final JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

        json.put(Path.JSON_PATH, path);

        json.put(Path.JSON_SEPARATOR, separator);

        return json;

     * Creates the parent of this path by using {@link #getParent(String)} with {@link #getBasename()}.
     * @return the parent of this path.
     * @see #getParent(String)
     * @see #getBasename()
    public Path getParent() {
        return getParent(getBasename());

     * Creates the parent by specifying a child.
     * @param child the child as a {@link Path}
     * @return a {@link Path}
    public Path getParent(Path child) {
        return getParent(child.getPath());

     * Creates the parent by specifying a child.
     * @param child the child as a {@link String}
     * @return a {@link Path}
    public Path getParent(String child) {
        return new Path(getPath().replaceAll(Pattern.quote(child) + "$", ""), getSeparator());

     * @return the path with {@link #getSeparator()} as separator and no
     *         trailing separator.
    public String getPath() {
        return path.replaceAll(getSeparator() + "$", "");

     * Creates a path string with a different separator.
     * @param separator
     *            the new separator
     * @return the path with the given separator without trailing separator.
    public String getPath(String separator) {
        return path.replace(getSeparator(), separator).replaceAll(separator + "$", "");

     * @return the used path separator
    public String getSeparator() {
        return separator;

     * @return the suffix of this path
    public String getSuffix() {
        // Extract suffix by removing everything before the last "." in the path
        // (the dot of the suffix)
        return getPath().replaceAll("^.*\\.", "");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
        return getPath().hashCode();

     * Checks if this path is inside of a directory.
     * @param dir
     *            the directory
     * @return true if the path starts with the directory path, otherwise
     *         false
    public boolean isInDirectory(Path dir) {
        return getPath().startsWith(dir.getPath(getSeparator()));

     * Pass-through {@link String} as {@link Path} to {@link #isInDirectory(Path)}
     * @param dir
     *            the directory as a string
     * @return true if path starts with directory path, otherwise false
     * @see #isInDirectory(Path)
    public boolean isInDirectory(String dir) {
        return isInDirectory(new Path(dir));

     * Creates a new path relative to a specified directory.<br>
     * @param dir
     *            the directory
     * @return the relative path or this path with the separator from the given directory.
    public Path relativeTo(Path dir) {
        //If file is in directory remove directory path from beginning of path, otherwise return this path with the directory separator.
        return isInDirectory(dir)
                ? new Path(getPath(dir.getSeparator()).replaceAll("^" + dir.getPath(), "")
                        .replaceAll("^" + dir.getSeparator(), ""))
                : new Path(getPath(dir.getSeparator()), dir.getSeparator());

     * Removes the last suffix from the path, including the dot ;)
     * @return the new path
    public Path removeSuffix() {

        // Regular Expressions for the win!
        // Remove the suffix and the dot.

        return new Path(getPath().replaceAll("\\." + getSuffix() + "$", ""));


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        return getPath(File.separator);

     * Creates a file on this {@link Path} if it not exists.
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
     * @see FileUtils#touch(File)
     * @see File#exists()
    public void touch() throws IOException {
        if (!getFile().exists())

     * Creates the real path of this path. Mainly resolves .- and ..-Directories and symbolic links.<br>
     * @return a {@link Path}
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs.
     * @see File#getCanonicalPath()
    public Path realPath() throws IOException {
        return new Path(getFile().getCanonicalPath(), getSeparator());

     * @return this {@link Path} as a {@link java.nio.file.Path}.
    public java.nio.file.Path getNIOPath() {
        return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(getPath());