Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * JFlex Maven3 plugin                                                     *
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2015  Rgis Dcamps <>           *
 * All rights reserved.                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 * License: BSD                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
package de.jflex.plugin.maven;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;

import jflex.Main;
import jflex.Options;

 * Generates lexical scanners from one or more <a href="">JFlex</a>
 * grammar files.
 * @goal generate
 * @phase generate-sources
 * @author Rgis Dcamps (
public class JFlexMojo extends AbstractMojo {
     * Name of the directory where to look for jflex files by default.
    public static final String SRC_MAIN_JFLEX = "src/main/jflex";

     * @parameter expression="${project}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private MavenProject project;

    // cannot use {@value SRC_MAIN_JFLEX} because Maven site goals.html
    // is kept raw.
     * List of grammar definitions to run the JFlex parser generator on.
     * Each path may either specify a single grammar file or a directory.
     * Directories will be recursively scanned for files with one of the
     * following extensions: ".jflex", ".flex", ".jlex" or ".lex".
     * By default, all files in <code>src/main/jflex</code> will be
     * processed.
     * @see #SRC_MAIN_JFLEX
     * @parameter
    private File[] lexDefinitions;

     * Name of the directory into which JFlex should generate the parser.
     * @parameter expression="${}/generated-sources/jflex"
    private File outputDirectory;

     * The granularity in milliseconds of the last modification date for
     * testing whether a source needs regeneration.
     * @parameter expression="${lastModGranularityMs}" default-value="0"
    private int staleMillis;

     * Whether source code generation should be verbose.
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean verbose;

     * Whether a warning will be logged when there are unused macros.
     * @parameter default-value="true"
    private boolean unusedWarning;

     * Whether to dump full debug information.
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean dump;

     * Whether to produce graphviz .dot files for the generated automata. This
     * feature is EXPERIMENTAL.
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean dot;

     * Use external skeleton file.
     * @parameter
    private File skeleton;

     * Strict JLex compatibility.
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean jlex;

     * The generation method to use for the scanner. The only valid value is
     * <code>pack</code>.
     * @parameter default-value="pack"
    private String generationMethod = "pack"; // NOPMD

     * A flag whether to perform the DFA minimization step during scanner
     * generation.
     * @parameter default-value="true"
    private boolean minimize = true; // NOPMD

     * A flag whether to enable the generation of a backup copy if the generated
     * source file already exists.
     * @parameter default-value="true"
    private boolean backup = true; // NOPMD

     * If true, the dot (.) metachar matches [^\n]
     * instead of [^\n\r\u000B\u000C\u0085\u2028\u2029].
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean legacyDot = false; // NOPMD

    // TODO: In the JFlex version after 1.6, this parameter will cease to exist.
     * If true, the generated scanner will include a constructor taking
     * an InputStream.
     * @parameter default-value="false"
    private boolean inputStreamCtor = false; // NOPMD

      * Generate java parsers from lexer definition files.
      * This methods is checks parameters, sets options and calls
      * JFlex.Main.generate()
    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
        this.outputDirectory = getAbsolutePath(this.outputDirectory);

        // compiling the generated source in target/generated-sources/ is
        // the whole point of this plugin compared to running the ant plugin

        List<File> filesIt;
        if (lexDefinitions == null) {
            // use default lexfiles if none provided
            getLog().debug("Use lexer files found in (default) " + SRC_MAIN_JFLEX);
            filesIt = new ArrayList<File>();
            File defaultDir = getAbsolutePath(new File(SRC_MAIN_JFLEX));
            if (defaultDir.isDirectory()) {
        } else {
            // use arguments provided in the plugin configuration
            filesIt = Arrays.asList(lexDefinitions);

                    "Parsing " + lexDefinitions.length + " jflex files or directories given in configuration");
        // process all lexDefinitions
        for (File lexDefinition : filesIt) {
            lexDefinition = getAbsolutePath(lexDefinition);

     * Generate java code of a parser from a lexer file.
     * If the {@code lexDefinition} is a directory, process all lexer files
     * contained within.
     * @param lexDefinition
     *            Lexer definiton file or directory to process.
     * @throws MojoFailureException
     *             if the file is not found.
     * @throws MojoExecutionException
    private void parseLexDefinition(File lexDefinition) throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException {
        assert lexDefinition.isAbsolute() : lexDefinition;

        if (lexDefinition.isDirectory()) {
            // recursively process files contained within
            String[] extensions = { "jflex", "jlex", "lex", "flex" };
            getLog().debug("Processing lexer files found in " + lexDefinition);
            Iterator<File> fileIterator = FileUtils.iterateFiles(lexDefinition, extensions, true);
            while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
                File lexFile =;
        } else {

    private void parseLexFile(File lexFile) throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException {
        assert lexFile.isAbsolute() : lexFile;

        getLog().debug("Generating Java code from " + lexFile.getName());
        ClassInfo classInfo;
        try {
            classInfo = LexSimpleAnalyzer.guessPackageAndClass(lexFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            classInfo = new ClassInfo();
            classInfo.className = LexSimpleAnalyzer.DEFAULT_NAME;
            classInfo.packageName = null; // NOPMD


        /* set destination directory */
        File generatedFile = new File(outputDirectory, classInfo.getOutputFilename());

        /* Generate only if needs to */
        if (lexFile.lastModified() - generatedFile.lastModified() <= this.staleMillis) {
            getLog().info("  " + generatedFile.getName() + " is up to date.");
            getLog().debug("StaleMillis = " + staleMillis + "ms");

         * set options. Very strange that JFlex expects this in a static way.
        Options.dump = dump;
        Options.verbose = verbose;
        Options.unused_warning = unusedWarning; = dot;
        Options.legacy_dot = legacyDot;
        Options.emitInputStreamCtor = inputStreamCtor;
        if (skeleton != null) {
        Options.jlex = jlex;

        Options.no_minimize = !minimize; // NOPMD
        Options.no_backup = !backup; // NOPMD
        if ("pack".equals(generationMethod)) {
            /* no-op - there is only one generation method */
        } else {
            throw new MojoExecutionException("Illegal generation method: " + generationMethod);

        try {
            getLog().info("  generated " + generatedFile);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Check parameter lexFile.
     * Must not be null and file must exist.
     * @param lexFile
     *            input file to check.
     * @throws MojoExecutionException
     *             in case of error
    private void checkParameters(File lexFile) throws MojoExecutionException {
        if (lexFile == null) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException(
                    "<lexDefinition> is empty. Please define input file with <lexDefinition>input.jflex</lexDefinition>");
        assert lexFile.isAbsolute() : lexFile;
        if (!lexFile.isFile()) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException("Input file does not exist: " + lexFile);

     * Converts the specified path argument into an absolute path. If the path
     * is relative like "src/main/jflex", it is resolved against the base
     * directory of the project (in constrast, File.getAbsoluteFile() would
     * resolve against the current directory which may be different, especially
     * during a reactor build).
     * @param path
     *            The path argument to convert, may be {@code null}.
     * @return The absolute path corresponding to the input argument.
    protected File getAbsolutePath(File path) {
        if (path == null || path.isAbsolute()) {
            return path;
        return new File(this.project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath(), path.getPath());