Java tutorial
/* * iteraplan is an IT Governance web application developed by iteratec, GmbH * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2014 iteratec, GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY ITERATEC, ITERATEC DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact iteratec GmbH headquarters at Inselkammerstr. 4 * 82008 Munich - Unterhaching, Germany, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "iteraplan" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by iteraplan". */ package de.iteratec.iteraplan.businesslogic.service; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.GeneralHelper; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.Logger; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.UserContext; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.error.IteraplanBusinessException; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.error.IteraplanErrorMessages; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.AbstractHierarchicalEntity; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.sorting.HierarchicalEntityCachingComparator; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.sorting.HierarchyHelper; /** * Abstract service class for all entities of type {@link AbstractBuildingBlockService}. * * @param <E> * The type parameter for the concrete hierarchical building block. */ public abstract class AbstractHierarchicalBuildingBlockService<E extends AbstractHierarchicalEntity<E>> extends AbstractBuildingBlockService<E> implements HierarchicalBuildingBlockService<E, Integer> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getIteraplanLogger(AbstractHierarchicalBuildingBlockService.class); /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<E> getAvailableChildren(E source, List<E> elementsToExclude) { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); Integer id = source.getId(); // The ID is null if and only if a new element is created. if (id != null) { // Add the ID of the current element. set.add(source.getId()); // Add the IDs of elements to exclude. if (elementsToExclude != null && elementsToExclude.size() > 0) { set.addAll(GeneralHelper.createIdSetFromIdEntities(elementsToExclude)); } // Add the IDs of the element's parents (top-level element included). E parent = source.getParentElement(); while (parent != null) { set.add(parent.getId()); parent = parent.getParentElement(); } } else { // Add just the ID of the top-level element. set.add(getFirstElement().getId()); // Add the IDs of elements to exclude. if (elementsToExclude != null && elementsToExclude.size() > 0) { set.addAll(GeneralHelper.createIdSetFromIdEntities(elementsToExclude)); } } List<E> list = loadFilteredElementList(set); Collections.sort(list, new HierarchicalEntityCachingComparator<E>()); return list; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<E> getAvailableParents(Integer id) { List<E> list = loadElementList(); if (id != null) { E item = loadObjectById(id); list.remove(item); HierarchyHelper.removeCycleElementsFromElementOfList(list, item); } Collections.sort(list, new HierarchicalEntityCachingComparator<E>()); return list; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<E> getEntitiesFiltered(List<E> elementsToExclude, boolean includeRoot) { Set<Integer> set = GeneralHelper.createIdSetFromIdEntities(elementsToExclude); List<E> list = loadFilteredElementList(set); // If the root is not be included, remove it from the list. if (!includeRoot) { E root = null; for (E e : list) { if (e.isTopLevelElement()) { root = e; break; } } list.remove(root); } return list; } private void checkForCircularParentChildReleations(E entity) { final List<Integer> visitedElements = Lists.newArrayList(); E parentElement = entity.getParentElement(); if (parentElement != null) { visitedElements.add(entity.getParentElement().getId()); } for (E child : entity.getChildrenAsList()) { final E root = loadObjectById(child.getId()); checkIfChildrenContain(root, visitedElements); } } private void checkIfChildrenContain(E root, List<Integer> visitedElements) { for (E child : root.getChildrenAsList()) { E loadedChild = loadObjectById(child.getId()); if (visitedElements.contains(loadedChild.getId())) { throw new IteraplanBusinessException(IteraplanErrorMessages.CIRCULAR_PARENT_CHILD_CONNECTIONS); } visitedElements.add(loadedChild.getId()); if (loadedChild.getChildrenAsList().size() > 0) { checkIfChildrenContain(loadedChild, visitedElements); } } } private void checkParentChildElementsNotEqual(E entity) { E parentElement = entity.getParentElement(); if (parentElement == null) { return; } List<E> children = entity.getChildrenAsList(); for (E child : children) { if (child.getId().equals(parentElement.getId())) { throw new IteraplanBusinessException(IteraplanErrorMessages.PARENT_CAN_NOT_BE_CHILD_ELEMENT); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public E saveOrUpdate(E entity, boolean cleanup) { boolean funcPerm = UserContext.getCurrentUserContext().getPerms() .getUserHasBbTypeFunctionalPermission(entity.getTypeOfBuildingBlock().getValue()); boolean createPerm = UserContext.getCurrentUserContext().getPerms() .getUserHasBbTypeCreatePermission(entity.getTypeOfBuildingBlock().getValue()); boolean updatePerm = UserContext.getCurrentUserContext().getPerms() .getUserHasBbTypeUpdatePermission(entity.getTypeOfBuildingBlock().getValue()); if (funcPerm && (createPerm || updatePerm)) { purgeChildrenFromNullAndDoubleEntries(entity); checkParentChildElementsNotEqual(entity); checkForCircularParentChildReleations(entity); return super.saveOrUpdate(entity, cleanup); } else { throw new IteraplanBusinessException(IteraplanErrorMessages.AUTHORISATION_REQUIRED); } } /** * Removes null-entries and duplicate entries from the entity's children-list. * Necessary to avoid database-corruption (not consecutively enumerated POS column). * @param entity */ private void purgeChildrenFromNullAndDoubleEntries(E entity) { Set<E> children = entity.getChildrenAsSet(); if (children.size() != entity.getChildren().size() || children.contains(null)) { if (children.removeAll(Collections.singletonList(null))) { LOGGER.warn("Null-entry in children-list of \"{0}\" (Type: {1}, ID: {2}) found! Cleaning up.", entity.getName(), entity.getClass().getName(), entity.getId()); } entity.getChildren().clear(); entity.getChildren().addAll(children); } } @Override protected void checkDelete(E bb) { super.checkDelete(bb); // top-level element must not be deleted Integer bbId = bb.getId(); E root = getDao().getFirstElement(); if (bbId.equals(root.getId())) { throw new IteraplanBusinessException(IteraplanErrorMessages.CANNOT_DELETE_VIRTUAL_ELEMENT, new Object[] { root.getNonHierarchicalName() }); } } @Override protected E onBeforeDelete(E buildingBlock) { super.onBeforeDelete(buildingBlock); deleteRelatedTimeseries(buildingBlock); return buildingBlock; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<E> getEntityResultsBySearch(E entity) { return getDao().findBySearchTerm(entity.getName(), "name"); } /**{@inheritDoc}**/ public boolean saveReorderMove(final Integer sourceId, final Integer destId, boolean insertAfter) { E sourceEntity = getDao().loadObjectById(sourceId); E destEntity = getDao().loadObjectById(destId); if (sourceEntity == null || destEntity == null) { LOGGER.error("Can't read source and/or destination element for reordering."); // TODO throw new IteraplanBusinessException(); return false; } // get all children of destination entity's parent, including the destination entity itself (sorted by position) E destParent = destEntity.getParent(); List<E> allDestChildren = destParent.getChildrenAsList(); // TODO verify if there is no need to use a comparator because hibernate sorts by position by default // using the comparator leads to NPEs if the BB is newly created // Collections.sort(allDestChildren, new ByPositionComparator()); // get all children of source entity's parent, and remove the source entity from this collection. E sourceParent = sourceEntity.getParent(); sourceEntity.removeFromParent(sourceParent); int destIndex = Iterables.indexOf(allDestChildren, new Predicate<E>() { public boolean apply(E input) { return input.getId().equals(destId); } }); if (destIndex < 0) { LOGGER.error("Can't determine index of destination for reordering."); // TODO throw new IteraplanBusinessException(); return false; } int insertAt = destIndex + (insertAfter ? 1 : 0); LOGGER.debug("Insert <" + sourceEntity.getNonHierarchicalName() + "> after <" + destEntity.getNonHierarchicalName() + "> at index: " + insertAt); if (insertAt >= allDestChildren.size()) { allDestChildren.add(sourceEntity); } else { allDestChildren.add(insertAt, sourceEntity); } sourceEntity.setParent(destParent); saveOrUpdate(sourceParent); if (!sourceParent.equals(destParent)) { saveOrUpdate(destParent); } return true; } // // private static class ByPositionComparator implements Comparator<AbstractHierarchicalEntity<?>>, Serializable { // private static final long serialVersionUID = 8946480332109275325L; // // /**{@inheritDoc}**/ // public int compare(AbstractHierarchicalEntity<?> o1, AbstractHierarchicalEntity<?> o2) { // return o1.getPosition().compareTo(o2.getPosition()); // } // } }