Java tutorial
/* * iteraplan is an IT Governance web application developed by iteratec, GmbH * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2014 iteratec, GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY ITERATEC, ITERATEC DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact iteratec GmbH headquarters at Inselkammerstr. 4 * 82008 Munich - Unterhaching, Germany, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "iteraplan" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by iteraplan". */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.Logger; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.MessageAccess; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.UserContext; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.error.IteraplanBusinessException; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.error.IteraplanErrorMessages; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.error.IteraplanTechnicalException; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.util.HashBucketMap; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.common.util.IteraplanProperties; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.AttributeType; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.AttributeValue; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.DateAT; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.DateAV; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.NumberAT; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.NumberAV; import de.iteratec.iteraplan.model.attribute.TextAT; /** * Represents an excel workbook and contains all surrounding information of it (like styles, locale, * the workbook itself) */ /** * @author vsh * */ public class ExportWorkbook extends ExcelWorkbook implements ExportableWorkbook { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getIteraplanLogger(ExportWorkbook.class); private CellStyle titleStyle; private CellStyle headerStyle; private CellStyle headerTableStyle; private CellStyle dateStyle; private CellStyle wrappedStyle; private CellStyle defaultStyle; private CellStyle hyperlinkStyle; private Map<Sheet, Integer> sheetCurrentPosition = new HashMap<Sheet, Integer>(); private List<Sheet> sheetOrder = new ArrayList<Sheet>(); // different column widths private static final int MAXIMUM_CELL_LENGTH = 22000; // the corresponding constants for the column width protected static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_NARROW = initNarrowWidth(); protected static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_MIDDLE = initMiddleWidth(); protected static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_WIDE = initWideWidth(); // the following constants can be used as corresponding values in // subclasses or can be 'overwritten' by returning the special value in the // corresponding abstract methods. protected static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = COLUMN_WIDTH_NARROW; protected static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_FOR_SHEET_KEY = COLUMN_WIDTH_WIDE; // for some reasons the already defined column widths (e.g. COLUMN_WIDTH_NARROW) does // not work for the id-column, i.e. the id-column is almost not visible, // therefore it gets its own width. protected static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_FOR_ID = initIdColumnWidth(); protected static final int SHEET_NUMERATOR = 3; protected static final int SHEET_DENOMINATOR = 4; private Pattern urlPattern; /** * Separator used for separating values in preface */ protected static final String PREFACE_SEPARATOR = ", "; /** * Separator used for separating names of different releases or similar entities when they are * written in one cell. */ protected static final String IN_LINE_SEPARATOR = ";\n"; /** * Separator for dates */ protected static final String DATE_SEPARATOR = " - "; /** * Constants used for grouping of certain elements while concatenating them to one value */ protected static final String UNIT_OPENER = "("; protected static final String UNIT_CLOSER = ")"; protected static final String UNIT_SEPARATOR = " / "; /** * Separator used for separating names of Information System Releases connected by one Information * System Interface */ protected static final String INTERFACE_SEPARATOR = " <=> "; /** * Creates the instance of the export workbook with the specified {@code locale} and * using the default template for the specified {@code templateType}. * * @param locale the locale for generating excel * @param templateType the TemplateType */ public ExportWorkbook(Locale locale, TemplateType templateType) { this(locale, templateType, ""); } /** * Creates the instance of the export workbook with the specified {@code locale} and * using the specified {@code templateType} and {@code templateFileName}. * * @param locale the locale for generating excel * @param templateType the TemplateType * @param templateFileName the name of the excel template file that should be used */ public ExportWorkbook(Locale locale, TemplateType templateType, String templateFileName) { super(); this.setLocale(locale); String regex = "\\[(http://\\S*|https://\\S*|ftp://\\S*|file:///\\S*)\\s?([^]]*)?\\]"; this.urlPattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); loadWorkbookFromTemplateFileName(templateType, templateFileName); initStyles(); } private static int initNarrowWidth() { try { return IteraplanProperties.getIntProperty(IteraplanProperties.EXCEL_EXPORT_COLUMN_WIDTH_NARROW); } catch (IteraplanTechnicalException e) {"No property for narrow width is defined - taking the fallback-value", e); } return 22; } private static int initMiddleWidth() { try { return IteraplanProperties.getIntProperty(IteraplanProperties.EXCEL_EXPORT_COLUMN_WIDTH_MIDDLE); } catch (IteraplanTechnicalException e) {"No property for middle width is defined - taking the fallback-value", e); } return 3500; } private static int initWideWidth() { try { return IteraplanProperties.getIntProperty(IteraplanProperties.EXCEL_EXPORT_COLUMN_WIDTH_WIDE); } catch (IteraplanTechnicalException e) {"No property for wide width is defined - taking the fallback-value", e); } return 12000; } private static int initIdColumnWidth() { try { return IteraplanProperties.getIntProperty(IteraplanProperties.EXCEL_EXPORT_ID_COLUMN_WIDTH); } catch (IteraplanTechnicalException e) {"No property for id column width is defined - taking the fallback-value", e); } return 1500; } /** * initializes all styles used in the workbook */ private void initStyles() { titleStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); headerStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); headerTableStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); dateStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); wrappedStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); defaultStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); hyperlinkStyle = getWb().createCellStyle(); DataFormat df = getWb().createDataFormat(); Font font = getWb().createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName(ExcelWorkbook.EXCEL_DEFAULT_FONT); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); titleStyle.setFont(font); font = getWb().createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 11); font.setFontName(ExcelWorkbook.EXCEL_DEFAULT_FONT); headerStyle.setFont(font); font = getWb().createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 11); font.setFontName(ExcelWorkbook.EXCEL_DEFAULT_FONT); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); headerTableStyle.setFont(font); dateStyle.setDataFormat(df.getFormat("m/d/yy")); setAlignementTopLeft(dateStyle); wrappedStyle.setWrapText(true); setAlignementTopLeft(wrappedStyle); setAlignementTopLeft(defaultStyle); Font hlinkFont = getWb().createFont(); hlinkFont.setUnderline(Font.U_SINGLE); hlinkFont.setColor(IndexedColors.BLUE.getIndex()); setAlignementTopLeft(hyperlinkStyle); hyperlinkStyle.setFont(hlinkFont); } private void setAlignementTopLeft(CellStyle style) { style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(CellStyle.VERTICAL_TOP); } /** * @return Returns the dateStyle. */ public CellStyle getDateStyle() { return dateStyle; } /** * @param dateStyle * The dateStyle to set. */ public void setDateStyle(CellStyle dateStyle) { this.dateStyle = dateStyle; } /** * @return Returns the headerStyle. */ public CellStyle getHeaderStyle() { return headerStyle; } /** * @param headerStyle * The headerStyle to set. */ public void setHeaderStyle(CellStyle headerStyle) { this.headerStyle = headerStyle; } /** * @return Returns the headerTableStyle. */ public CellStyle getHeaderTableStyle() { return headerTableStyle; } /** * @param headerTableStyle * The headerTableStyle to set. */ public void setHeaderTableStyle(CellStyle headerTableStyle) { this.headerTableStyle = headerTableStyle; } /** * @return Returns the titleStyle. */ public CellStyle getTitleStyle() { return titleStyle; } /** * @param titleStyle * The titleStyle to set. */ public void setTitleStyle(CellStyle titleStyle) { this.titleStyle = titleStyle; } /** * @return Returns the wrappedStyle. */ public CellStyle getWrappedStyle() { return wrappedStyle; } /** * @param wrappedStyle * The wrappedStyle to set. */ public void setWrappedStyle(CellStyle wrappedStyle) { this.wrappedStyle = wrappedStyle; } /** * @return Returns the hyperlinkStyle. */ public CellStyle getHyperlinkStyle() { return hyperlinkStyle; } /** * @param hyperlinkStyle * The hyperlink style to set. */ public void setHyperlinkStyle(CellStyle hyperlinkStyle) { this.hyperlinkStyle = hyperlinkStyle; } public CellStyle getDefaultStyle() { return defaultStyle; } public void writeTo(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { getWb().write(stream); } /** * Makes a new sheet with <code>sheetName</code> and returns it. Only its current row insert * marker is tracked in this Class * * @param sheetName * @return The internal sheet ID of the newly created sheet */ public int createSheet(String sheetName) { // If these characters are not replaced, then the Excel workbook cannot be generated and it // throws an IllegalArgumentException String sanitizedSheetName = StringUtils.replaceEach(sheetName, new String[] { "\\", "/", "*", "[", "]", "?" }, new String[] { "_", "_", "_", "(", ")", "_" }); checkIfSheetExists(sanitizedSheetName); Sheet sheet = this.getWb().createSheet(sanitizedSheetName); sheet.setZoom(SHEET_NUMERATOR, SHEET_DENOMINATOR); sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH); sheetOrder.add(sheet); return sheetOrder.size() - 1; // return the sheet position in the list } /** * Checks if the sheet already exists with the specified {@code sheetName}. * * @param sheetName the sheet name * @throws IteraplanBusinessException if the sheet already exists */ private void checkIfSheetExists(String sheetName) { Sheet existingSheet = this.getWb().getSheet(sheetName); if (existingSheet != null) { throw new IteraplanBusinessException(IteraplanErrorMessages.INVALID_EXCEL_TEMPLATE, "Sheet '" + sheetName + "' already exist."); } } protected Sheet getSheetById(int sheetId) { return sheetOrder.get(sheetId); } public void adjustDefaultSettingsSheet() { if (sheetOrder.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error( "Can't find the default settings worksheet in the currently loaded workbook. Maybe the template workbook is broken?"); return; } // move the sheet from first to last position in our internal list Sheet defaultSheet = sheetOrder.remove(0); sheetOrder.add(defaultSheet); // and eventually move the sheet in the POI workbook getWb().setSheetOrder(DEFAULT_SHEET_KEY, sheetOrder.size()); getWb().setSelectedTab(0); // store the current locale on the configuration settings sheet // re-get the sheet, as the Sheet reference seems to become invalid when the sheet is moved around defaultSheet = getWb().getSheet(DEFAULT_SHEET_KEY); for (Row row : defaultSheet) { Cell firstCell = row.getCell(0); if (firstCell == null) { continue; } String firstCellContent; try { firstCellContent = firstCell.getStringCellValue(); } catch (IllegalStateException poie) { LOGGER.error("Can't read this type of cell, skipping.", poie); continue; } if (!"Locale".equals(firstCellContent.trim())) { // not yet in the right row continue; } Cell valueCell = row.getCell(1); if (valueCell == null) { valueCell = row.createCell(1); } // write the language code to that cell valueCell.setCellValue(UserContext.getCurrentLocale().getLanguage()); break; } } /** * Adds the subscribers information * * @param sheetId the sheet id * @param title the properties string * @param subscribers the list of subscribers */ public void addSubscribersForBBT(int sheetId, String title, String subscribers) { Sheet sheet = getSheetById(sheetId); Row row = sheet.createRow(this.getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 2)); // Create a cell with the name of the Building Block Type Cell cell = row.createCell(1); setCellValue(cell, MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(title, getLocale()), getTitleStyle()); this.setCellValue(row.createCell(2), this.formatString(subscribers), getWrappedStyle()); } /** * Adds some preliminary information to the sheet (e.g. the query that resulted the information of * this sheet). <br/> * The value returned by {@link} is used as headline. If * <code>null</code> the standard key will be taken. <br/> * If <code>queryData</code> is not <code>null</code> the according information will be placed on * the sheet. Otherwise the table header will be placed earlier. * * @param queryData * contains the asked query. */ public void addPreface(int sheetId, String title, ExcelAdditionalQueryData queryData) { Sheet sheet = getSheetById(sheetId); // Create a row and put some cells in it. Rows are 0 based. Row row = sheet.createRow(this.getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet)); // Create a cell with the name of the Building Block Type Cell cell = row.createCell(1); setCellValue(cell, MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(title, getLocale()), getTitleStyle()); if (queryData != null) { // Report Time: label row = sheet.createRow(this.getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 2)); cell = row.createCell(1); setCellValue(cell, MessageAccess.getStringOrNull("", getLocale()), getHeaderStyle()); // Report Time: content cell = row.createCell(2); setCellValue(cell, queryData.getStartDate() + DATE_SEPARATOR + queryData.getEndDate(), getHeaderStyle()); // Report Status if (!(queryData.getStatusList() == null)) { row = sheet.createRow(this.getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 1)); // Report Status: label cell = row.createCell(1); setCellValue(cell, MessageAccess.getStringOrNull("", getLocale()), getHeaderStyle()); // Report Status: content (comma-separated enumeration of statuses into one cell) cell = row.createCell(2); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String status : queryData.getStatusList()) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(PREFACE_SEPARATOR); } sb.append(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(status, getLocale())); } setCellValue(cell, sb.toString(), getHeaderStyle()); } } } /** * Adds headers stored in <code>headers</code> to the current sheet. If required, a special width * for the corresponding column can be set by providing a value in <code>headersWidth</code> using * header as key.<br/> * <b>IMPORTANT</b>: Headers are added in the order provided in <code>headers</code>. * * @param headers * headers to be added */ public void addHeaders(int sheetId, List<ExcelSheet.Header> headers) { Sheet sheet = getSheetById(sheetId); Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); CreationHelper factory = sheet.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(); Row row = sheet.createRow(this.getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 3)); int columnIndex = 0; for (ExcelSheet.Header header : headers) { int currColumnIndex = columnIndex; Cell cell = row.createCell(columnIndex); if (header.getDescription() != null) { ClientAnchor commentAnchor = factory.createClientAnchor(); //Sizing the comment 1x3 cells commentAnchor.setCol1(cell.getColumnIndex()); commentAnchor.setCol2(cell.getColumnIndex() + 1); commentAnchor.setRow1(row.getRowNum()); commentAnchor.setRow2(row.getRowNum() + 3); Comment comment = drawing.createCellComment(commentAnchor); RichTextString str = factory.createRichTextString(header.getDescription()); comment.setString(str); comment.setAuthor(""); cell.setCellComment(comment); } setCellValue(cell, header.getLabel(), getHeaderTableStyle()); Integer width = header.getWidth(); if (width != null) { sheet.setColumnWidth(currColumnIndex, width.intValue()); } columnIndex++; } LOGGER.debug("Added headers."); } /** * Adds a new line with contents provided in <code>contents</code>. This method handles values of * types {@link String} , {@link Date}, {@link Integer} and {@link HashBucketMap}(for attributes) * separately. For all attributes in {@link HashBucketMap} only one style can be supported.<br/> * If required {@link Hyperlink}s can also be provided for the given <code>contents</code>. In * this case a link should be in <code>linksForContents</code> with the actual content as key. In * the current version only links for {@link String}s and {@link Integer}s can be added.<br/> * <b>IMPORTANT</b>: The values are added in the order given in <code>contents</code>. * * @param contents * the map containing all contents for the current line including attributes in form of a * {@link HashBucketMap}. If required, a special style can be provided as value for the * corresponding key. * @param linksForContents * the map with links for contents */ public void addContentLine(int sheetId, List<?> contents, Map<?, String> linksForContents, List<AttributeType> activatedAttributeTypes) { Sheet sheet = getSheetById(sheetId); int columnIndex = 0; Row row = sheet.createRow(getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 1)); for (Object content : contents) { CellStyle style = getWrappedStyle(); Hyperlink link = null; if (linksForContents != null) { link = createHyperlink(linksForContents.get(content)); } // required to keep the right order of columns if (content == null) { this.setCellValue(row.createCell(columnIndex++), "", null); } else if (content instanceof String) { setStringContent(columnIndex++, row, content, style, link); } else if (content instanceof Date) { this.setCellValue(row.createCell(columnIndex++), (Date) content, getDateStyle()); } else if (content instanceof Integer) { setIntegerContent(columnIndex++, row, content, style, link); } else if (content instanceof HashBucketMap<?, ?>) { setMapContent(activatedAttributeTypes, columnIndex, row, content, style); } else { LOGGER.warn("Received content of unsupported type: {0} for adding to an excel sheet - ignoring", content); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setMapContent(List<AttributeType> activatedAttributeTypes, int columnIndex, Row row, Object content, CellStyle style) { try { HashBucketMap<AttributeType, AttributeValue> map = (HashBucketMap<AttributeType, AttributeValue>) content; this.addAttributeValues(activatedAttributeTypes, map, columnIndex, row, style); } catch (ClassCastException e) { LOGGER.warn("Expected a map with attributes, received unexpected values - ignoring.", e); } } private void setIntegerContent(int columnIndex, Row row, Object content, CellStyle style, Hyperlink link) { if (link != null) { this.setHyperlink(row.createCell(columnIndex), (Integer) content, link, getHyperlinkStyle()); } else { this.setCellValue(row.createCell(columnIndex), (Integer) content, style); } } private void setStringContent(int columnIndex, Row row, Object content, CellStyle style, Hyperlink link) { if (link != null) { this.setHyperlink(row.createCell(columnIndex), this.formatString((String) content), link, getHyperlinkStyle()); } else { this.setCellValue(row.createCell(columnIndex), this.formatString((String) content), style); } } /** * Inserts the values of the given attribute types in the given row, starting from the given * column index. For multi-lined text attributes the wrapped cell style is used if * <code>style</code> is <code>null</code>. * * @param attributeTypes * types of attributes * @param attributeTypeToAttributeValues * map with values for the types * @param columnIndex * the current column index * @param row * the current row * @param style * this <code>style</code> will be applied to all given attributes */ private void addAttributeValues(List<? extends AttributeType> attributeTypes, HashBucketMap<AttributeType, AttributeValue> attributeTypeToAttributeValues, int columnIndex, Row row, CellStyle style) { int myColumnIndex = columnIndex; for (AttributeType at : attributeTypes) { Cell cell = row.createCell(myColumnIndex++); List<AttributeValue> values = attributeTypeToAttributeValues.getBucketNotNull(at); if (values.size() > 0) { // visualize number attributes if (at instanceof NumberAT) { setNumberValue(style, cell, values); continue; } // visualize date attributes if (at instanceof DateAT) { setDateValue(cell, values); continue; } // visualize all other types of attributes as strings String valueString = this.formatString(getValueString(values)); this.setCellValue(cell, valueString, getCellStyle(style, at)); } } } private String getValueString(List<AttributeValue> values) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (AttributeValue value : values) { if (!first) { sb.append(IN_LINE_SEPARATOR); } else { first = false; } sb.append(value.getLocalizedValueString(UserContext.getCurrentLocale())); } return sb.toString(); } private CellStyle getCellStyle(CellStyle style, AttributeType at) { CellStyle cellStyle = null; if (at instanceof TextAT) { TextAT textAt = (TextAT) at; if (textAt.isMultiline() && (style == null)) { cellStyle = this.getWrappedStyle(); } } if (cellStyle == null) { cellStyle = style; } return cellStyle; } private void setDateValue(Cell cell, List<AttributeValue> values) { // assumes that only one number is available AttributeValue value = values.iterator().next(); if (value instanceof DateAV) { this.setCellValue(cell, ((DateAV) value).getValue(), null); } else { LOGGER.warn("Unexpectedly received a not number value for a number attribute type " + "for excel export. Omitting the value"); } } private void setNumberValue(CellStyle style, Cell cell, List<AttributeValue> values) { // assumes that only one number is available AttributeValue value = values.iterator().next(); if (value instanceof NumberAV) { this.setCellValue(cell, ((NumberAV) value).getValue().doubleValue(), style); } else { LOGGER.warn("Unexpectedly received a not number value for a number attribute type " + "for excel export. Omitting the value"); } } /** * @return the current row counter for a sheet */ protected int getCurrentRowOfSheet(Sheet sheet) { return getCurrentRowOfSheet(sheet, 0); } /** * Formats the given <code>description</code>. Removes all carriage return characters and replaces * wiki links. Finally, the string is trimmed to {@link #MAXIMUM_CELL_LENGTH} characters, if it * was longer. * * @param description * Input description string * @return the formated string or an empty string, if no match could be found. */ protected String formatString(String description) { if (description == null) { return (""); } String myDescription = description.replaceAll("\r", ""); Matcher matcher = this.urlPattern.matcher(myDescription); String markupFreeString = matcher.replaceAll("$1"); if (markupFreeString.length() <= MAXIMUM_CELL_LENGTH) { return markupFreeString; } String trimmedString = markupFreeString.substring(0, MAXIMUM_CELL_LENGTH); return trimmedString + " ... [truncated]"; } /** * Returns the current row counter for a sheet, incrementing it by <code>preIncrement</code> * beforehand. * * @param sheet The work sheet, for which the current row number is requested. * @param preIncrement The number that shall be added to the current row number, before the (new) row number is returned * @return the incremented counter */ protected int getCurrentRowOfSheet(Sheet sheet, int preIncrement) { Integer intPreIncrement = Integer.valueOf(preIncrement); if (!sheetCurrentPosition.containsKey(sheet)) { sheetCurrentPosition.put(sheet, intPreIncrement); return preIncrement; } else { int curValue = sheetCurrentPosition.get(sheet).intValue(); curValue += preIncrement; sheetCurrentPosition.put(sheet, Integer.valueOf(curValue)); return curValue; } } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style is taken */ private void setCellValue(Cell cell, String value, CellStyle style) { if (cell == null) { return; } CreationHelper createHelper = getWb().getCreationHelper(); if (value != null) { cell.setCellValue(createHelper.createRichTextString(value)); } CellStyle styleToSet = (style != null ? style : getDefaultStyle()); cell.setCellStyle(styleToSet); } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style is taken */ private void setCellValue(Cell cell, double value, CellStyle style) { if (cell == null) { return; } cell.setCellValue(value); CellStyle styleToSet = (style != null ? style : getDefaultStyle()); cell.setCellStyle(styleToSet); } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell and adds the given <code>link</code> as hyperlink * to the <code>cell</code>. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param link * the link to be added * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style for hyperlinks is used */ private void setHyperlink(Cell cell, String value, Hyperlink link, CellStyle style) { if (cell == null) { return; } CreationHelper createHelper = getWb().getCreationHelper(); if (value != null) { cell.setCellValue(createHelper.createRichTextString(value)); } if (link != null) { cell.setHyperlink(link); } CellStyle styleToSet = (style != null ? style : getHyperlinkStyle()); cell.setCellStyle(styleToSet); } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style for formatting dates is used */ private void setCellValue(Cell cell, Date value, CellStyle style) { if (cell == null) { return; } if (value != null) { cell.setCellValue(value); } CellStyle styleToSet = (style != null ? style : getDateStyle()); cell.setCellStyle(styleToSet); } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style is taken */ private void setCellValue(Cell cell, Integer value, CellStyle style) { if (value != null) { this.setCellValue(cell, value.doubleValue(), style); } } /** * Sets given value and style of the given cell and adds the given <code>link</code> as hyperlink * to the <code>cell</code>. * * @param cell * the cell in question * @param value * the value to be set * @param link * the link to be added * @param style * if <code>null</code> the default style for hyperlinks is taken */ private void setHyperlink(Cell cell, Integer value, Hyperlink link, CellStyle style) { if (cell == null) { return; } if ((value != null) && (link != null)) { cell.setCellFormula("HYPERLINK(\"" + link.getAddress() + "\"," + value + ")"); } CellStyle styleToSet = (style != null ? style : getHyperlinkStyle()); cell.setCellStyle(styleToSet); } /** * Creates a hyperlink from a <code>url</code>. * * @param url * @return a hyperlink to the <code>url</code>or <code>null</code> if url is null */ private Hyperlink createHyperlink(String url) { if (url == null) { return null; } CreationHelper createHelper = this.getWb().getCreationHelper(); Hyperlink link = createHelper.createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_URL); link.setAddress(url); return link; } // Functionality that depends on these static functions should be moved into this class? // public static int getColumnWidthForId() { return COLUMN_WIDTH_FOR_ID; } public static int getColumnWidthWide() { return COLUMN_WIDTH_WIDE; } public static int getColumnWidthForSheetKey() { return COLUMN_WIDTH_FOR_SHEET_KEY; } public int getNumberOfSheets() { return getWb().getNumberOfSheets(); } /** * For testing purposes only. All manipulation of sheets should be done internally in this class. * * @param index */ public Sheet getSheetAt(int index) { return getWb().getSheetAt(index); } /** * For testing purposes only. All manipulation of sheets should be done internally in this class. * * @param index */ public String getSheetName(int index) { return getWb().getSheetName(index); } }