Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CamImportPlugins/SotonImportPlugins. * * Copyright (C) 2011 intranda GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @author Andrey Kozhushkov */ package de.intranda.goobi.plugins.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Content; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import ugh.dl.DocStruct; import ugh.dl.Metadata; import ugh.dl.MetadataType; import ugh.dl.Person; import ugh.dl.Prefs; import ugh.dl.RomanNumeral; import ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException; import ugh.exceptions.MetadataTypeNotAllowedException; import de.intranda.goobi.plugins.CSICOAIImport; import; import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigMain; public class ModsUtils { /** Logger for this class. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ModsUtils.class); private static final Namespace NS_MODS = Namespace.getNamespace("mods", ""); private static final String TEMP_DIRECTORY = ConfigMain.getParameter("tempfolder"); private static final String PREFIX_SERIES = "Nm. Serie, "; private static final String PREFIX_VOLUME = "Vol. "; private static HashMap<String, String> seriesInfo = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Name and identifier of related Item "series" private static String seriesInfoFilename = "seriesInfo.ser"; private static ArrayList<String> anchorMetadataList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("")); private static ArrayList<String> volumeExclusiveMetadataList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Taxonomy")); private static ArrayList<String> taxonomyFieldsList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("titleinfo", "topic", "genre", "geographic", "cartographics", "temporal", "name", "occupation")); private static DecimalFormat volumeNumberFormat = new DecimalFormat("00"); private static HashMap<String, String> personRoleMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Writes the given JDOM document into a file. * * @param folderName Folder in which to write the destination file. * @param fileName Name of the destination file. * @param doc JDOM document containing the data. * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public static void writeXmlToFile(String folderName, String fileName, Document doc) { try { File folder = new File(folderName); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } new XMLOutputter().output(doc, new FileOutputStream(folder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fileName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } private static void writeFile(File file, Object obj) { try { FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(file); ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(fs); os.writeObject(obj); os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error writing binary file", e); } } public static Document createEmptyGoobiDoc(Namespace mets, Namespace mods, Namespace goobi) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.setRootElement(new Element("mets", mets)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Element dmdSec = new Element("dmdSec", mets); dmdSec.setAttribute("ID", "DMDLOG_0000"); root.addContent(dmdSec); Element mdWrap = new Element("mdWrap", mets); mdWrap.setAttribute("MDTYPE", "MODS"); dmdSec.addContent(mdWrap); Element xmlData = new Element("xmlData", mets); mdWrap.setContent(xmlData); Element modsEle = new Element("mods", mods); xmlData.setContent(modsEle); Element extension = new Element("extension", mods); modsEle.addContent(extension); Element goobiEle = new Element("goobi", goobi); extension.addContent(goobiEle); Element dmdSec2 = new Element("dmdSec", mets); dmdSec.setAttribute("ID", "DMDPHYS_0000"); root.addContent(dmdSec2); Element mdWrap2 = new Element("mdWrap", mets); mdWrap.setAttribute("MDTYPE", "MODS"); dmdSec2.addContent(mdWrap2); Element xmlData2 = new Element("xmlData", mets); mdWrap2.setContent(xmlData2); Element modsEle2 = new Element("mods", mods); xmlData2.setContent(modsEle2); Element extension2 = new Element("extension", mods); modsEle2.addContent(extension2); Element goobiEle2 = new Element("goobi", goobi); extension2.addContent(goobiEle2); return doc; } private static Object readFile(File file) { FileInputStream fis; Object obj = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); obj = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("No binary file exists to read. Aborting."); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error reading binary file", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Error reading object from binary file", e); } return obj; } public static void fillPersonRoleMap() { personRoleMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); personRoleMap.put("adaptor", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("adapt", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("adp", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("adapter", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("arreglista musical", "Arranger"); personRoleMap.put("arr", "Arranger"); personRoleMap.put("arreglista", "Arranger"); personRoleMap.put("arranger", "Arranger"); personRoleMap.put("autor", "Author"); personRoleMap.put("aut", "Author"); personRoleMap.put("author", "Author"); personRoleMap.put("autor literario", "AuthorLit"); personRoleMap.put("aut lit", "AuthorLit"); personRoleMap.put("colaborador", "Collaborator"); personRoleMap.put("col", "Collaborator"); personRoleMap.put("collaborator", "Collaborator"); personRoleMap.put("comentarista", "Commentator"); personRoleMap.put("com", "Commentator"); personRoleMap.put("commentator", "Commentator"); personRoleMap.put("cmm", "Commentator"); personRoleMap.put("compilador", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("comp", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("compiler", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("com", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("composer", "Composer"); personRoleMap.put("cmp", "Composer"); personRoleMap.put("continuador", "Continuator"); personRoleMap.put("cont", "Continuator"); personRoleMap.put("coordinador", "Coordinator"); personRoleMap.put("coord", "Coordinator"); personRoleMap.put("coordinator", "Coordinator"); personRoleMap.put("copier", "Copier"); personRoleMap.put("frg", "Copier"); personRoleMap.put("copista", "Copier"); personRoleMap.put("cop", "Copier"); personRoleMap.put("corrector", "Corrector"); personRoleMap.put("corr", "Corrector"); personRoleMap.put("crr", "Corrector"); personRoleMap.put("dibujante", "IllustratorArtist"); personRoleMap.put("dib", "IllustratorArtist"); personRoleMap.put("illustrador", "IllustratorArtist"); personRoleMap.put("illu", "IllustratorArtist"); personRoleMap.put("cwt", "Annotator"); personRoleMap.put("anot", "Annotator"); personRoleMap.put("ann", "Annotator"); personRoleMap.put("annotator", "Annotator"); personRoleMap.put("director", "Director"); personRoleMap.put("dir", "Director"); personRoleMap.put("drt", "Director"); personRoleMap.put("editor", "Editor"); personRoleMap.put("ed", "Editor"); personRoleMap.put("edt", "Editor"); personRoleMap.put("encuadernado", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("enc", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("encuadernacin", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("encuadernador", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("binder", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("bnd", "Binder"); personRoleMap.put("fotgrafo", "Photographer"); personRoleMap.put("fot", "Photographer"); personRoleMap.put("photographer", "Photographer"); personRoleMap.put("pht", "Photographer"); personRoleMap.put("impresor", "Printer"); personRoleMap.put("imp", "Printer"); personRoleMap.put("printer", "Printer"); personRoleMap.put("prt", "Printer"); personRoleMap.put("interprete", "Actor"); personRoleMap.put("int", "Actor"); personRoleMap.put("interpreter", "Actor"); personRoleMap.put("prologuista", "IntroductionAuthor"); personRoleMap.put("pr", "IntroductionAuthor"); personRoleMap.put("author of introduction, etc", "IntroductionAuthor"); personRoleMap.put("aui", "IntroductionAuthor"); personRoleMap.put("recopilador", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("rec", "Compiler"); personRoleMap.put("collector", "Collector"); personRoleMap.put("col", "Collector"); personRoleMap.put("redactor", "Redactor"); personRoleMap.put("red", "Redactor"); personRoleMap.put("redactor", "Redactor"); personRoleMap.put("refundidor", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("ref", "Adapter"); personRoleMap.put("revisor", "Revisor"); personRoleMap.put("rev", "Revisor"); personRoleMap.put("seleccionador", "Coordinator"); personRoleMap.put("sel", "Coordinator"); personRoleMap.put("teacher", "Teacher"); personRoleMap.put("tch", "Teacher"); personRoleMap.put("traductor", "Translator"); personRoleMap.put("trad", "Translator"); personRoleMap.put("translator", "Translator"); personRoleMap.put("trl", "Translator"); personRoleMap.put("transcriptor", "Transcriber"); personRoleMap.put("transcrip", "Transcriber"); personRoleMap.put("transcriber", "Transcriber"); personRoleMap.put("trc", "Transcriber"); } /** * * @param pres * @param dsLogical * @param dsPhysical * @param eleMods * @param mappingFile * @throws IOException * @throws JDOMException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void parseModsSection(CSICOAIImport plugin, DocStruct dsLogical, DocStruct dsAnchor, DocStruct dsPhysical, Element eleMods, int volumeNo, String pieceDesignation) throws JDOMException, IOException { fillPersonRoleMap(); String mappingFileName = CSICOAIImport.MODS_MAPPING_FILE; Prefs prefs = plugin.getPrefs(); String suffix = plugin.getCurrentSuffix(); boolean writeAllMetadataToAnchor = false; if (dsAnchor != null && dsAnchor.getType().getName().contentEquals("MultiVolumeWork")) { writeAllMetadataToAnchor = true; } File mappingFile = new File(mappingFileName); File seriesInfoFile = new File(TEMP_DIRECTORY, seriesInfoFilename); if (seriesInfoFile.isFile()) { logger.debug("Reading data from " + seriesInfoFile.getName()); Object obj = readFile(seriesInfoFile); if (obj instanceof HashMap<?, ?>) { seriesInfo = (HashMap<String, String>) obj; } } Document doc = new Document(); Element eleNewMods = (Element) eleMods.clone(); doc.setRootElement(eleNewMods); Document mapDoc = new SAXBuilder().build(mappingFile); String seriesTitle = null; String seriesID = null; List<String> publicationYears = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object obj : mapDoc.getRootElement().getChildren("metadata", null)) { Element eleMetadata = (Element) obj; String mdName = eleMetadata.getChildTextTrim("name", null); if ("location".equals(mdName)) { // write location info int counter = 0; List<Element> eleXpathList = eleMetadata.getChildren("xpath", null); if (eleXpathList == null || eleXpathList.isEmpty()) { continue; } String query = eleXpathList.get(0).getTextTrim(); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(query); xpath.addNamespace(NS_MODS); List<Element> eleValueList = xpath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element element : eleValueList) { int locationVolumeNo = getVolumeNumberFromLocation(element); if (locationVolumeNo > 0 && locationVolumeNo != volumeNo) { continue; } String shelfmarkSource = null; String physicalLocation = null; String physicalCollection = null; String localPieceDesignation = null; int localVolumeNo = -1; boolean isCurrentColume = true; Element eleShelfmarkSource = element.getChild("shelfLocator", NS_MODS); if (eleShelfmarkSource != null) { shelfmarkSource = eleShelfmarkSource.getValue(); } Element elePhysLocation = element.getChild("physicalLocation", NS_MODS); if (elePhysLocation != null) { physicalLocation = elePhysLocation.getValue(); } Element eleHoldingSimple = element.getChild("holdingSimple", NS_MODS); if (eleHoldingSimple != null) { Element eleCopyInformation = eleHoldingSimple.getChild("copyInformation", NS_MODS); if (eleCopyInformation != null) { Element elePhysicalCollection = eleCopyInformation.getChild("subLocation", NS_MODS); if (elePhysicalCollection != null) { physicalCollection = elePhysicalCollection.getValue(); } Element elePieceDesignation = eleCopyInformation.getChild("pieceDesignation", NS_MODS); if (elePieceDesignation != null) { localPieceDesignation = elePieceDesignation.getValue(); } Element eleVolumeNo = eleCopyInformation.getChild("VolumeNo", NS_MODS); if (eleVolumeNo == null) { eleVolumeNo = eleCopyInformation.getChild("VolumeLabel", NS_MODS); } if (eleVolumeNo != null) { String volumeString = eleVolumeNo.getValue().replaceAll("\\D", ""); if (volumeString != null && !volumeString.isEmpty()) { localVolumeNo = Integer.valueOf(volumeString); } } } } if (localPieceDesignation == null) { localPieceDesignation = pieceDesignation; } // if (pieceDesignation != null && localPieceDesignation.contentEquals(pieceDesignation)) { // This is either the correct volume or no volume is specified. try { String mdPrefix = ""; if (counter > 0) { mdPrefix = "copy" + volumeNumberFormat.format(counter); } if (shelfmarkSource != null) { MetadataType shelfmarkSourceType = prefs .getMetadataTypeByName(mdPrefix + "shelfmarksource"); Metadata shelfmarkSourceMetadata = new Metadata(shelfmarkSourceType); shelfmarkSourceMetadata.setValue(shelfmarkSource); dsPhysical.addMetadata(shelfmarkSourceMetadata); } if (physicalLocation != null) { MetadataType physicalLocationType = prefs .getMetadataTypeByName(mdPrefix + "physicalLocation"); Metadata physicalLocationMetadata = new Metadata(physicalLocationType); physicalLocationMetadata.setValue(physicalLocation); dsPhysical.addMetadata(physicalLocationMetadata); } if (physicalCollection != null) { MetadataType physicalCollectionType = prefs .getMetadataTypeByName(mdPrefix + "physicalCollection"); Metadata physicalCollectionMetadata = new Metadata(physicalCollectionType); physicalCollectionMetadata.setValue(physicalCollection); dsPhysical.addMetadata(physicalCollectionMetadata); } if (localPieceDesignation != null) { MetadataType pieceDesignationType = prefs .getMetadataTypeByName(mdPrefix + "pieceDesignation"); Metadata pieceDesignationMetadata = new Metadata(pieceDesignationType); pieceDesignationMetadata.setValue(localPieceDesignation); dsPhysical.addMetadata(pieceDesignationMetadata); } if (counter < 10) { counter++; } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } // } } continue; } MetadataType mdType = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName(mdName); if (mdType != null) { List<Element> eleXpathList = eleMetadata.getChildren("xpath", null); if (mdType.getIsPerson()) { // Persons for (Element eleXpath : eleXpathList) { String query = eleXpath.getTextTrim(); // logger.debug("XPath: " + query); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(query); xpath.addNamespace(NS_MODS); // Element eleValue = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); List<Element> eleValueList = xpath.selectNodes(doc); if (eleValueList != null) { for (Element eleValue : eleValueList) { String name = ""; String firstName = ""; String lastName = ""; String termsOfAddress = ""; String roleTerm = ""; String typeName = ""; for (Object o : eleValue.getChildren()) { Element eleNamePart = (Element) o; if (eleNamePart.getName().contentEquals("role")) { Element eleRoleTerm = eleNamePart.getChild("roleTerm", null); if (eleRoleTerm != null) { roleTerm = eleRoleTerm.getValue(); } } else { String type = eleNamePart.getAttributeValue("type"); if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) { // no type name = eleNamePart.getValue(); } else if (type.contentEquals("date")) { // do nothing? } else if (type.contentEquals("termsOfAddress")) { termsOfAddress = eleNamePart.getValue(); } else if (type.contentEquals("given")) { firstName = eleNamePart.getValue(); } else if (type.contentEquals("family")) { lastName = eleNamePart.getValue(); } } } // set metadata type to role if (roleTerm != null && !roleTerm.isEmpty()) { roleTerm = roleTerm.replaceAll("\\.", ""); typeName = personRoleMap.get(roleTerm.toLowerCase()); if (typeName == null) { String[] parts = roleTerm.split(" "); if (parts != null && parts.length > 0) { typeName = personRoleMap.get(parts[0].toLowerCase()); } if (typeName == null) { typeName = mdName; } } } else { // with no role specified, assume it is an author typeName = "Author"; } mdType = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName(typeName); if (name.contains(",")) { String[] nameSplit = name.split("[,]"); if (nameSplit.length > 0 && StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName)) { lastName = nameSplit[0].trim(); } if (nameSplit.length > 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName)) { for (int i = 1; i < nameSplit.length; i++) { firstName += nameSplit[i].trim() + ", "; } firstName = firstName.substring(0, firstName.length() - 2); } } else { lastName = name; } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lastName)) { try { Person person = new Person(mdType); person.setFirstname(firstName); person.setLastname(lastName); person.setRole(mdType.getName()); if (eleMetadata.getAttribute("logical") != null && eleMetadata .getAttributeValue("logical").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { dsLogical.addPerson(person); if (writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { dsAnchor.addPerson(person); } } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } } } } else { // Regular metadata List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); String separator = " "; if (eleMetadata.getAttribute("separator") != null) { separator = eleMetadata.getAttributeValue("separator"); } for (Element eleXpath : eleXpathList) { String query = eleXpath.getTextTrim(); // logger.debug("XPath: " + query); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(query); xpath.addNamespace(NS_MODS); List eleValueList = xpath.selectNodes(doc); if (eleValueList != null) { if (mdName.contentEquals("Taxonomy")) { for (Object objValue : eleValueList) { if (objValue instanceof Element) { Element eleValue = (Element) objValue; List<Element> subjectChildren = eleValue.getChildren(); String value = ""; for (Element element : subjectChildren) { if (taxonomyFieldsList.contains(element.getName().toLowerCase())) { List<Element> subElements = element.getChildren(); if (subElements != null && !subElements.isEmpty()) { String subValue = ""; for (Element subElement : subElements) { if (subElement.getValue() != null && !subElement.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) { subValue = subValue + " " + subElement.getValue(); } } value = value + separator + subValue.trim(); } else if (element.getValue() != null && !element.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) { value = value + separator + element.getValue(); } } } if (value.length() > separator.length()) { value = value.substring(separator.length()).trim(); values.add(value); } } } } else { int count = 0; for (Object objValue : eleValueList) { String value = null; if (objValue instanceof Element) { Element eleValue = (Element) objValue; logger.debug("mdType: " + mdType.getName() + "; Value: " + eleValue.getTextTrim()); value = getElementValue(eleValue, ", "); // value = eleValue.getTextTrim(); } else if (objValue instanceof Attribute) { Attribute atrValue = (Attribute) objValue; logger.debug( "mdType: " + mdType.getName() + "; Value: " + atrValue.getValue()); value = atrValue.getValue(); } boolean mergeXPaths = mergeXPaths(eleMetadata); if (value != null && (values.size() <= count || !mergeXPaths)) { values.add(value); } else if (value != null) { value = values.get(count) + separator + value; values.set(count, value); } count++; } } } } for (String value : values) { if (mdType.getName().contentEquals("CurrentNoSorting")) { value = correctCurrentNoSorting(value); } else if (mdType.getName().contentEquals("CurrentNo")) { value = formatVolumeString(value, PREFIX_SERIES); } else if (!writeAllMetadataToAnchor && mdType.getName().contentEquals("TitleDocParallel")) { seriesTitle = value; } // // Add singleDigCollection to series also // if (!writeAllMetadataToAnchor && anchorMetadataList.contains(mdType.getName()) && dsAnchor != null) { // // if (mdType.getName().contentEquals("singleDigCollection") && dsSeries != null) { // try { // if (value.length() > 0) { // Metadata metadata = new Metadata(mdType); // metadata.setValue(value); // logger.debug("Found metadata: " + metadata.getType().getName()); // if (eleMetadata.getAttribute("logical") != null // && eleMetadata.getAttributeValue("logical").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // logger.debug("Added metadata \"" + metadata.getValue() + "\" to logical structure"); // dsAnchor.addMetadata(metadata); // } // } // } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { // logger.warn(e.getMessage()); // } // } try { if (value.length() > 0) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(mdType); metadata.setValue(value); // logger.debug("Found metadata: " + metadata.getType().getName()); if (eleMetadata.getAttribute("logical") != null && eleMetadata.getAttributeValue("logical").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // logger.debug("Added metadata \"" + metadata.getValue() + "\" to logical structure"); if (mdName.contentEquals("PublicationStart") || mdName.contentEquals("PublicationEnd")) { publicationYears.add(value); continue; } if (mdName.contentEquals("TitleDocMain")) { if (suffix != null && !suffix.isEmpty() && (plugin.addVolumeNoToTitle || !writeAllMetadataToAnchor)) { if (plugin.useSquareBracketsForVolume) { metadata.setValue(value + " [" + suffix + "]"); } else { metadata.setValue(value + " (" + formatVolumeString(suffix, PREFIX_VOLUME) + ")"); } } try { dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); seriesTitle = value; } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } else if (mdName.contentEquals("CatalogIDDigital")) { if (suffix != null && !suffix.isEmpty()) { metadata.setValue(value + "_" + suffix); if (writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { seriesID = value; } } try { dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } else { try { dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } try { if (writeAllMetadataToAnchor && !volumeExclusiveMetadataList .contains(metadata.getType().getName())) { dsAnchor.addMetadata(metadata); } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } if (eleMetadata.getAttribute("physical") != null && eleMetadata.getAttributeValue("physical").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // logger.debug("Added metadata \"" + metadata.getValue() + "\" to physical structure"); dsPhysical.addMetadata(metadata); } } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } } else { logger.warn("Metadata '" + mdName + "' is not defined in the ruleset."); } } //construct PublicationYear from Start and Enddate if necessary List<? extends Metadata> mdPublicationList = dsLogical .getAllMetadataByType(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationYear")); if ((mdPublicationList == null || mdPublicationList.isEmpty()) && !publicationYears.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(publicationYears); String value = publicationYears.get(0); if (publicationYears.size() > 1) { value += ("-" + publicationYears.get(publicationYears.size() - 1)); } if (value != null && !value.trim().isEmpty()) { try { Metadata mdPublicationYear = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationYear")); mdPublicationYear.setValue(value); try { dsLogical.addMetadata(mdPublicationYear); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } if (writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { try { dsAnchor.addMetadata(mdPublicationYear); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } catch (DocStructHasNoTypeException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } } // Code to handle related works, e.g. series, but only if we are not working within a MultiVolume if (!writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { String query = "/mods:mods/mods:relatedItem[@type='series']/mods:titleInfo[@type='uniform']"; XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(query); xpath.addNamespace(NS_MODS); List<Element> eleValueList = xpath.selectNodes(doc); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); if (eleValueList == null || eleValueList.isEmpty()) { query = "/mods:mods/mods:relatedItem[@type='series']/mods:titleInfo[not(@type)]"; xpath = XPath.newInstance(query); xpath.addNamespace(NS_MODS); eleValueList = xpath.selectNodes(doc); } if (eleValueList != null && !eleValueList.isEmpty()) { for (Element eleValue : eleValueList) { if (eleValue.getText() != null && !eleValue.getText().isEmpty()) { values.add(eleValue.getTextTrim()); } List<Element> eleSubList = eleValue.getChildren(); if (eleSubList != null && !eleSubList.isEmpty()) { for (Element element : eleSubList) { if (element.getName().contentEquals("title")) { if (element.getText() != null && !element.getText().isEmpty()) { values.add(element.getTextTrim()); } } } } } String value = ""; for (String s : values) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(s)) { value += " " + s; } } value = value.trim(); String[] valueParts = value.split("\\s"); seriesTitle = ""; HashMap<String, Boolean> valueMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (int i = 0; i < valueParts.length; i++) { if (!valueMap.containsKey(valueParts[i])) { seriesTitle += " " + valueParts[i]; valueMap.put(valueParts[i], true); } } seriesTitle = seriesTitle.trim(); logger.debug("related Series = " + seriesTitle); } } if (dsAnchor != null) { if (seriesID == null) { if (seriesTitle != null) { seriesID = seriesInfo.get(seriesTitle); } if (seriesID == null) { seriesID = "CSIC" + System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Series not found. creating new one: " + seriesID); } } if (seriesTitle == null) { seriesTitle = seriesID; } // Creating metadata for series try { MetadataType titleType = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("TitleDocMain"); MetadataType idType = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CatalogIDDigital"); Metadata mdTitle; mdTitle = new Metadata(titleType); Metadata mdID = new Metadata(idType); mdTitle.setValue(seriesTitle); mdID.setValue(seriesID); dsAnchor.addMetadata(mdTitle); dsAnchor.addMetadata(mdID); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } // Create CurrentNo and CurrentNoSorting if necessary if (dsAnchor != null && suffix != null && !suffix.isEmpty()) { List<? extends Metadata> mdCurrentNoList = dsLogical .getAllMetadataByType(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CurrentNo")); if (!writeAllMetadataToAnchor || plugin.writeCurrentNoToMultiVolume) { if ((mdCurrentNoList == null || mdCurrentNoList.isEmpty())) { // No current Number, so we create one try { String value = null; Metadata md = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CurrentNo")); if (writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { value = formatVolumeString(suffix, PREFIX_VOLUME); } else { value = formatVolumeString(suffix, PREFIX_SERIES); } md.setValue(value); dsLogical.addMetadata(md); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.toString()); } } } List<? extends Metadata> mdCurrentNoSortList = dsLogical .getAllMetadataByType(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CurrentNoSorting")); if (!writeAllMetadataToAnchor || plugin.writeCurrentNoSortingToMultiVolume) { if (mdCurrentNoSortList == null || mdCurrentNoSortList.isEmpty() && !writeAllMetadataToAnchor) { // No current Number, so we create one try { Metadata md = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CurrentNoSorting")); String str = suffix; if (str.contains("_")) { str = suffix.split("_")[0]; } if (str.startsWith("V")) { str = str.substring(1); } str = correctCurrentNoSorting(str); md.setValue(str); dsLogical.addMetadata(md); } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.toString()); } } } } // write seriesInfo to file if (seriesTitle != null && !seriesTitle.isEmpty()) { seriesInfo.put(seriesTitle, seriesID); if (seriesInfoFile.isFile()) { logger.debug("deleting old seriesInfoFile"); seriesInfoFile.delete(); } writeFile(seriesInfoFile, seriesInfo); } } private static boolean mergeXPaths(Element eleMetadata) { String value = eleMetadata.getAttributeValue("mergeXPaths"); if ("false".equals(value)) { return false; } else { return true; } } private static int getVolumeNumberFromLocation(Element element) { Iterator contentIterator = element.getDescendants(); while (contentIterator.hasNext()) { Content content = (Content); if (content instanceof Element) { if (((Element) content).getName().toLowerCase().contains("volume")) { Integer no = getNumberFromString(content.getValue()); if (no != null) { return no; } } } } return 0; } public static Integer getNumberFromString(String str) { if (str == null || str.trim().isEmpty()) { return null; } Integer ret = null; String onlyDecimal = str.replaceAll("\\D", ""); if (onlyDecimal != null && !onlyDecimal.isEmpty()) { try { ret = Integer.valueOf(onlyDecimal); return ret; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.trace("Failed to find digits in String. Trying to find a roman numeral"); } } String[] parts = str.split("[\\W_]"); if (parts != null) { for (String string : parts) { try { RomanNumeral num = new RomanNumeral(string); return num.intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.trace(string + " is not a roman numeral"); } } } return null; } private static String getElementValue(Element eleValue, String separator) { if (separator == null) { separator = " "; } String value = eleValue.getTextTrim() == null ? "" : eleValue.getTextTrim(); List<Element> namePartList = eleValue.getChildren("namePart", null); if (namePartList != null && !namePartList.isEmpty()) { for (Element element : namePartList) { String namePart = element.getTextTrim(); if (namePart != null && !namePart.isEmpty()) { value += separator + namePart; } } if (value.startsWith(separator)) { value = value.substring(separator.length()); } } return value; } private static String formatVolumeString(String value, String prefix) { int startIndex = 0; if (value.startsWith("V") || value.startsWith("0")) { startIndex = 1; } else if (value.startsWith("V0")) { startIndex = 2; } value = value.substring(startIndex); return prefix + value; } /** * * @param dsLogical * @param dsPhysical * @param eleMods * @throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException */ @Deprecated public static void parseModsSectionOld(Prefs prefs, DocStruct dsLogical, DocStruct dsPhysical, Element eleMods) { for (Object objMeta : eleMods.getChildren()) { try { Element eleMeta = (Element) objMeta; // logger.debug("md: " + eleMeta.getName()); if (eleMeta.getName().equals("titleInfo")) { String localTitle = ""; if (eleMeta.getChild("nonSort", null) != null) { localTitle += eleMeta.getChild("nonSort", null).getText(); } if (eleMeta.getChild("title", null) != null) { localTitle += eleMeta.getChild("title", null).getText(); } logger.debug("LocalTitle = " + localTitle); if (eleMeta.getAttribute("type") != null) { if (eleMeta.getAttributeValue("type").equals("alternative")) { Metadata mdTitle = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("TitleDocParallel")); dsLogical.addMetadata(mdTitle); mdTitle.setValue(localTitle); } } else { // Main title // currentTitle = localTitle; Metadata mdTitle = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("TitleDocMain")); dsLogical.addMetadata(mdTitle); mdTitle.setValue(localTitle); if (eleMeta.getChild("subTitle", null) != null) { // Main subtitle Metadata mdSubTitle = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("TitleDocSub1")); dsLogical.addMetadata(mdSubTitle); mdSubTitle.setValue(eleMeta.getChild("subTitle", null).getTextTrim()); } } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("name")) { if (eleMeta.getAttributeValue("type").equals("personal")) { String name = ""; String lastName = ""; String firstName = ""; for (Object obj : eleMeta.getChildren("namePart", null)) { Element eleNamePart = (Element) obj; if (eleNamePart.getAttribute("type") != null) { if (eleNamePart.getAttributeValue("type").equals("family")) { lastName = eleMeta.getChild("namePart", null).getAttributeValue("type"); } else if (eleNamePart.getAttributeValue("type").equals("given")) { firstName = eleMeta.getChild("namePart", null).getAttributeValue("type"); } else if (eleNamePart.getAttributeValue("type").equals("date")) { // TODO currently not supported by the ruleset } } else { name += eleMeta.getChild("namePart", null).getText(); } } if (name.contains(",")) { String[] nameSplit = name.split("[,]"); if (nameSplit.length > 0 && StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName)) { lastName = nameSplit[0].trim(); } if (nameSplit.length > 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName)) { firstName = nameSplit[1].trim(); } } else { lastName = name; } Person person = new Person(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("Author")); dsLogical.addPerson(person); person.setFirstname(firstName); person.setLastname(lastName); person.setRole("Author"); } else if (eleMeta.getAttributeValue("type").equals("corporate")) { // TODO currently not supported by the ruleset } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("originInfo")) { for (Object obj : eleMeta.getChildren()) { Element ele = (Element) obj; if (ele.getName().equals("place")) { Element elePlaceTerm = ele.getChild("placeTerm", null); if (elePlaceTerm != null && elePlaceTerm.getAttribute("type") != null) { if (elePlaceTerm.getAttributeValue("type").equals("text")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata( prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PlaceOfPublication")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(elePlaceTerm.getTextTrim()); } else if (elePlaceTerm.getAttributeValue("type").equals("code")) { // TODO currently not supported by the ruleset } } } else if (ele.getName().equals("publisher")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublisherName")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } else if (ele.getName().equals("dateIssued")) { if (ele.getAttribute("point") != null) { if (ele.getAttributeValue("point").equals("start")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata( prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationStart")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } else if (ele.getAttributeValue("point").equals("end")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationEnd")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } } else { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationYear")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } } else if (ele.getName().equals("dateCreated")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("PublicationYear")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("language")) { Element eleLanguageTerm = eleMeta.getChild("languageTerm", null); if (eleLanguageTerm != null && eleLanguageTerm.getAttribute("authority") != null && eleLanguageTerm.getAttributeValue("authority").equals("iso639-2b")) { String language = eleMeta.getChildTextTrim("languageTerm", null); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("DocLanguage")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(language); } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("physicalDescription")) { for (Object obj : eleMeta.getChildren()) { Element ele = (Element) obj; if (ele.getName().equals("extent")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("SizeSourcePrint")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("recordInfo")) { for (Object obj : eleMeta.getChildren()) { Element ele = (Element) obj; if (ele.getName().equals("recordIdentifier")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CatalogIDDigital")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); // currentIdentifier = metadata.getValue(); } } } else if (eleMeta.getName().equals("location")) { for (Object obj : eleMeta.getChildren()) { Element ele = (Element) obj; if (ele.getName().equals("physicalLocation")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("physicallocation")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); dsPhysical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } else if (ele.getName().equals("shelfLocation")) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("shelfmarksource")); dsLogical.addMetadata(metadata); dsPhysical.addMetadata(metadata); metadata.setValue(ele.getTextTrim()); } } } } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Returns the document's identifier, or a timestamp if the record has none * * @param prefs * @param ds * @return * @throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException * @throws DocStructHasNoTypeException */ public static String getIdentifier(Prefs prefs, DocStruct ds) throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException, DocStructHasNoTypeException { String ret = null; MetadataType mdTypeId = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("CatalogIDDigital"); if (ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeId) != null && !ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeId).isEmpty()) { Metadata mdId = ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeId).get(0); ret = mdId.getValue(); } else { Metadata mdId = new Metadata(mdTypeId); ds.addMetadata(mdId); mdId.setValue(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); ret = mdId.getValue(); } return ret; } /** * Returns the document's title. * * @param prefs * @param ds * @return * @throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException * @throws DocStructHasNoTypeException */ public static String getTitle(Prefs prefs, DocStruct ds) throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException, DocStructHasNoTypeException { String ret = null; MetadataType mdTypeTitle = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("TitleDocMain"); if (ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeTitle) != null && !ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeTitle).isEmpty()) { Metadata mdTitle = ds.getAllMetadataByType(mdTypeTitle).get(0); ret = mdTitle.getValue(); } return ret; } /** * Returns the document's author. * * @param prefs * @param ds * @return * @throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException * @throws DocStructHasNoTypeException */ public static String getAuthor(Prefs prefs, DocStruct ds) throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException, DocStructHasNoTypeException { String ret = null; MetadataType mdTypePerson = prefs.getMetadataTypeByName("Author"); if (ds.getAllPersonsByType(mdTypePerson) != null && !ds.getAllPersonsByType(mdTypePerson).isEmpty()) { Person personAuthor = ds.getAllPersonsByType(mdTypePerson).get(0); ret = personAuthor.getLastname(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(personAuthor.getFirstname())) { ret += ", " + personAuthor.getFirstname(); } } return ret; } public static String correctCurrentNoSorting(String inString) { String[] wsSplit = inString.split("\\s+"); if (wsSplit.length == 0) { return ""; } else if (wsSplit.length > 1) { for (String string : wsSplit) { String result = correctCurrentNoSorting(string); if (!result.isEmpty()) { return result; } } } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\D+)|(\\d+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(inString); String outString = ""; while (m.find() && outString.isEmpty()) { String s =; try { // Try to read a number int n = Integer.valueOf(s); outString = "" + n; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.trace("No arabic numeral"); try { // Try to read a roman numeral RomanNumeral rn = new RomanNumeral(s); outString = "" + rn.intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { logger.trace("No roman numeral"); outString = ""; } } } return outString; } }