Java tutorial
/** * ShapeChange - processing application schemas for geographic information * * This file is part of ShapeChange. ShapeChange takes a ISO 19109 * Application Schema from a UML model and translates it into a * GML Application Schema or other implementation representations. * * Additional information about the software can be found at * * * (c) 2002-2012 interactive instruments GmbH, Bonn, Germany * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact: * interactive instruments GmbH * Trierer Strasse 70-72 * 53115 Bonn * Germany */ package de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.JSON; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MapEntry; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Multiplicity; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Options; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeAbortException; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeResult; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.TargetIdentification; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Type; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.Target; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Model; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.ClassInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PackageInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PropertyInfo; public class JsonSchema implements Target, MessageSource { // TODO convert to more fine-grained info.matches() logic private static final String JSON_SCHEMA_URI_DRAFT_03 = ""; private static final String JSON_SCHEMA_URI_DRAFT_04 = ""; private class Context { protected String links = null; protected boolean first = true; protected BufferedWriter writer = null; } // geometry type per feature type private HashMap<String, String> contexts = new HashMap<String, String>(); private PackageInfo pi = null; private Model model = null; private Options options = null; private ShapeChangeResult result = null; private String outputDirectory = null; private File outputDirectoryFile = null; private File subDirectoryFile = null; private String subdir = null; private String baseURI = null; private String schemaURI = null; private boolean diagnosticsOnly; private boolean includeDocumentation = true; private String documentationTemplate = null; private String documentationNoValue = null; /** * <p>Initialize target generation for the JSON Schema output.</p> * @param pi UML Package represented by PackageInfo interface * @param m Model represented by Model interface * @param r Result class for diagnostics output * @param diagOnly Flag requesting to suppress any output */ public void initialise(PackageInfo p, Model m, Options o, ShapeChangeResult r, boolean diagOnly) throws ShapeChangeAbortException { pi = p; model = m; options = o; result = r; diagnosticsOnly = diagOnly; outputDirectory = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "outputDirectory"); if (outputDirectory == null) outputDirectory = options.parameter("."); String s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "includeDocumentation"); if (s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) includeDocumentation = false; schemaURI = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "jsonSchemaURI"); if (schemaURI == null) schemaURI = JSON_SCHEMA_URI_DRAFT_03; baseURI = pi.taggedValue("jsonBaseURI"); if (baseURI == null) baseURI = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "jsonBaseURI"); if (baseURI == null) baseURI = "FIXME"; // change the default documentation template? documentationTemplate = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "documentationTemplate"); documentationNoValue = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "documentationNoValue"); result.addDebug(this, 10001,; if (!this.diagnosticsOnly) { // Check whether we can use the given output directory outputDirectoryFile = new File(outputDirectory); boolean exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists(); if (!exi) { outputDirectoryFile.mkdirs(); exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists(); } boolean dir = outputDirectoryFile.isDirectory(); boolean wrt = outputDirectoryFile.canWrite(); boolean rea = outputDirectoryFile.canRead(); if (!exi || !dir || !wrt || !rea) { result.addFatalError(this, 12, outputDirectory); throw new ShapeChangeAbortException(); } subdir = pi.taggedValue("jsonDirectory"); if (subdir == null) subdir = pi.xmlns(); if (subdir == null) subdir = "default"; // Construct a File for the application schema // being a subdirectory under the main output subDirectoryFile = new File(outputDirectoryFile, subdir); try { // Make sure it is a directory subDirectoryFile.mkdirs(); // Check if we have the necessary access dir = subDirectoryFile.isDirectory(); wrt = subDirectoryFile.canWrite(); rea = subDirectoryFile.canRead(); if (!dir || !wrt || !rea) { result.addFatalError(this, 12, subDirectoryFile.getName()); throw new ShapeChangeAbortException(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Something went wrong with the io concerning the directory result.addFatalError(this, 12, subDirectoryFile.getName()); result.addFatalError(this, 10, e.getMessage()); throw new ShapeChangeAbortException(); } } else { result.addInfo(this, 10002); } } private boolean notImplemented(String cname) { if (cname.startsWith("TP_") || cname.startsWith("TM_") || cname.startsWith("MD_") || cname.startsWith("CI_") || cname.startsWith("DQ_") || cname.startsWith("CV_") || cname.startsWith("OM_") || cname.startsWith("SF_") || cname.startsWith("SC_") || cname.startsWith("SV_")) return true; return false; } public void process(ClassInfo ci) { int cat = ci.category(); if (options.matchesEncRule(ci.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { if (cat != Options.FEATURE && cat != Options.OBJECT) { return; } } else if (options.matchesEncRule(ci.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { if (cat != Options.FEATURE && cat != Options.OBJECT && cat != Options.DATATYPE && cat != Options.UNION) { return; } } Context ctx = new Context(); try { if (!diagnosticsOnly) ctx.writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(new File(subDirectoryFile, + ".json")), "UTF-8")); write(ctx, "{"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t" + "\"$schema\":\"" + schemaURI + "\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t" + "\"id\":\"" + baseURI + "/" + subdir + "/" + + ".json\","); newLine(ctx); String s = ci.aliasName(); write(ctx, "\t" + "\"title\":\"" + (s == null || s.isEmpty() ? : s) + "\","); newLine(ctx); String s2 = ci.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue); if (includeDocumentation && !s2.isEmpty()) { write(ctx, "\t" + "\"description\":\"" + escape(s2).trim() + "\","); newLine(ctx); } write(ctx, "\t" + "\"type\":\"object\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t" + "\"properties\":{"); newLine(ctx); // add entityType for features and objects if (cat == Options.FEATURE || cat == Options.OBJECT) { write(ctx, "\t\t" + "\"entityType\":{"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"title\":\"feature/object type\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"string\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"default\":\"" + (s == null || s.isEmpty() ? : s) + "\""); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t},"); newLine(ctx); } // add geometry for features and objects if (cat == Options.FEATURE || cat == Options.OBJECT) { String geomType = determineGeometryType(ci); if (geomType != null) { write(ctx, "\t\t" + "\"geometry\":{"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"$ref\":\"" + geomType + "\""); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t},"); newLine(ctx); } } else if (cat == Options.DATATYPE || cat == Options.UNION) { verifyNoGeometry(ci); } write(ctx, "\t\t" + "\"attributes\":{"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"title\":\"feature attributes\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"object\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t" + "\"properties\":{"); newLine(ctx); SortedSet<String> st = ci.supertypes(); if (st != null) { for (Iterator<String> i = st.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String sid =; ClassInfo cix = model.classById(sid); if (cix != null) { String cn =; if (notImplemented(cn)) result.addWarning(this, 104,, cn); else ctx = ProcessProperties(ctx, cix); } } } ctx = ProcessProperties(ctx, ci); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t}"); if (JSON_SCHEMA_URI_DRAFT_04.equals(schemaURI)) { // TODO add required keyword: way of defining required properties is different for JSON Schema draft v04 } newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t}"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t}"); if (ctx.links != null) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); String[] lines = ctx.links.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { write(ctx, lines[i]); newLine(ctx); } write(ctx, "\t]"); } newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "}"); newLine(ctx); if (ctx.writer != null) { ctx.writer.close(); result.addResult(getTargetID(), subDirectoryFile.getPath(), + ".json", ci.qname()); } } catch (IOException e) { // Opening the file went wrong, skip class result.addError(this, 11, + ".json"); return; } } private void write(Context ctx, String text) throws IOException { if (!diagnosticsOnly && ctx != null && ctx.writer != null) { ctx.writer.write(text); } } private void newLine(Context ctx) throws IOException { if (!diagnosticsOnly && ctx != null && ctx.writer != null) { ctx.writer.newLine(); } } private Context ProcessProperties(Context ctx, ClassInfo ci) throws IOException { return ProcessProperties(ctx, ci, null, ci.category() != Options.UNION); } private Context ProcessProperties(Context ctx, ClassInfo ci, String propertyPrefix, boolean required) throws IOException { for (Iterator<PropertyInfo> j =; j.hasNext();) { PropertyInfo propi =; Type ti = propi.typeInfo(); Multiplicity m = propi.cardinality(); String nam = null; if (propertyPrefix != null) nam = propertyPrefix + "." +; else nam =; String type = null; String format = null; String ref = null; String enums = null; boolean nillable = false; boolean flatten = false; // First handle well-known ones MapEntry me = options.targetTypeMapEntry(getClass().getName(),, propi.encodingRule("json")); if (me != null) { if (me.p2.equalsIgnoreCase("geometry")) { result.addDebug(this, 10003, propi.inClass().name(),; continue; } else if (me.p1.startsWith("ref:")) { ref = me.p1.substring(4); } else { type = me.p1; if (me.p2.startsWith("format:")) format = me.p2.substring(7); } } ClassInfo cix = null; if (type == null && ref == null) { // Handle well-known type prefixes from base models that we know are not supported by JSON // or a well-known JSON schema cix = model.classById(; if (cix == null) { if (options.matchesEncRule(propi.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { result.addWarning(this, 103, propi.inClass().name(),,; type = "string"; } else if (options.matchesEncRule(propi.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { result.addWarning(this, 105, propi.inClass().name(),,; type = "any"; } } else { int cat = cix.category(); if (cat == Options.CODELIST) { if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { type = "string"; } else if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { type = "string"; format = "uri"; } } else if (cat == Options.ENUMERATION) { type = "string"; if ( { result.addWarning(this, 107,; } else { enums = "["; boolean fst = true; for (Iterator<PropertyInfo> k =; k.hasNext();) { PropertyInfo propix =; if (fst) fst = false; else enums += ","; enums += "\"" + + "\""; } enums += "]"; } } else if (cat == Options.FEATURE || cat == Options.OBJECT) { if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { type = "integer"; String lyrURI = cix.taggedValue("jsonLayerTableURI"); if (lyrURI != null) { if (ctx.links == null) { ctx.links = "\t\"links\":[\n"; } else { ctx.links += ",\n"; } ctx.links += "\t\t{\n"; ctx.links += "\t\t\t\"rel\":\"related\",\n"; ctx.links += "\t\t\t\"href\":\"" + lyrURI + "/{#/attributes/" + + "}?f=json\"\n"; ctx.links += "\t\t}"; } } else if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { type = "string"; format = "uri"; } } else if (cat == Options.DATATYPE || cat == Options.UNION) { if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { flatten = true; verifyNoGeometry(cix); } else if (options.matchesEncRule(cix.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { String refBaseURI = cix.pkg().rootPackage().taggedValue("jsonBaseURI"); if (refBaseURI == null) refBaseURI = baseURI; String refDir = cix.pkg().rootPackage().taggedValue("jsonDirectory"); if (refDir == null) refDir = cix.pkg().rootPackage().xmlns(); if (refDir == null) refDir = "default"; ref = refBaseURI + "/" + refDir + "/" + + ".json"; } } } } if (options.matchesEncRule(propi.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended") && propi.voidable()) nillable = true; int repeat = 1; boolean array = false; if (type != null || ref != null || flatten) { if (m.maxOccurs > 1) { if (options.matchesEncRule(propi.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices")) { repeat = 3; } else if (options.matchesEncRule(propi.encodingRule("json"), "geoservices_extended")) { array = true; } } // TODO support for pattern if (flatten && cix != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= repeat; i++) { String n = nam; if (repeat > 1) n = n + "-" + i; ProcessProperties(ctx, cix, n, required && m.minOccurs > 0 && cix.category() != Options.UNION); } } else { for (int i = 1; i <= repeat; i++) { if (!ctx.first) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); } else ctx.first = false; String n = nam; if (repeat > 1) n = n + "-" + i; write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t" + "\"" + n + "\":{"); newLine(ctx); String s = propi.aliasName(); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"title\":\"" + (s == null || s.isEmpty() ? : s) + "\","); newLine(ctx); String s2 = propi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue); if (includeDocumentation && !s2.isEmpty()) { write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"description\":\"" + escape(s2).trim() + "\","); newLine(ctx); } if (array) { if (nillable && i == 1) write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":[\"array\",\"null\"],"); else write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"array\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"items\":{"); newLine(ctx); if (ref != null) { write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"$ref\":\"" + ref + "\""); newLine(ctx); } else { write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"" + type + "\""); if (format != null) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"format\":\"" + format + "\""); } if (enums != null) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"enum\":" + enums + ""); } } newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t}"); if (m.minOccurs > 0 && required) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"minItems\":" + m.minOccurs); } newLine(ctx); } else { if (ref != null) { write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"$ref\":\"" + ref + "\""); newLine(ctx); } else { if (nillable && i == 1) write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":[\"" + type + "\",\"null\"]"); else write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"" + type + "\""); if (format != null) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"format\":\"" + format + "\""); } if (enums != null) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"enum\":" + enums + ""); } if (JSON_SCHEMA_URI_DRAFT_03.equals(schemaURI) && m.minOccurs > 0 && i == 1 && required) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"required\":true"); } newLine(ctx); } } write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t}"); if (nillable && i == 1) { write(ctx, ","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t" + "\"" + n + "_nullReason\":{"); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"title\":\"Reason for null value in property " + (s == null || s.isEmpty() ? : s) + "\","); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t\t" + "\"type\":\"string\""); newLine(ctx); write(ctx, "\t\t\t\t}"); } } } } else { result.addWarning(this, 103, propi.inClass().name(),,; } } return ctx; } private String determineGeometryType(ClassInfo ci) { if (ci == null) return null; if (ci.pkg() == null) { return null; } if (contexts.containsKey(ci.qname())) { // already processed return contexts.get(ci.qname()); } String geomType = null; ClassInfo cibase = ci.baseClass(); if (cibase != null) { geomType = contexts.get(cibase.qname()); contexts.put(ci.qname(), geomType); } for (Iterator<PropertyInfo> j =; j.hasNext();) { PropertyInfo propi =; geomType = determineGeometryType(ci, propi); } return geomType; } private String determineGeometryType(ClassInfo ci, PropertyInfo propi) { String geomType = contexts.get(ci.qname()); if (!propi.isNavigable()) return geomType; if (propi.isRestriction()) return geomType; Multiplicity m = propi.cardinality(); if (m.maxOccurs < 1) return geomType; String type = propi.typeInfo().name; MapEntry me = options.targetTypeMapEntry(getClass().getName(), type, propi.encodingRule("json")); if (me != null && me.p2.equalsIgnoreCase("geometry")) { if (m.maxOccurs > 1) result.addWarning(this, 102,, propi.inClass().name()); if (geomType == null) { // remove "ref:" prefix geomType = me.p1.substring(4); contexts.put(ci.qname(), geomType); } else { result.addWarning(this, 101,, propi.inClass().name()); } } return geomType; } private void verifyNoGeometry(ClassInfo ci) { if (ci == null) return; if (ci.pkg() == null) { return; } for (Iterator<PropertyInfo> j =; j.hasNext();) { PropertyInfo propi =; verifyNoGeometry(ci, propi); } } private void verifyNoGeometry(ClassInfo ci, PropertyInfo propi) { if (!propi.isNavigable()) return; if (propi.isRestriction()) return; Multiplicity m = propi.cardinality(); if (m.maxOccurs < 1) return; String type = propi.typeInfo().name; MapEntry me = options.targetTypeMapEntry(getClass().getName(), type, propi.encodingRule("json")); if (me != null && me.p2.equalsIgnoreCase("geometry")) { result.addWarning(this, 106,, propi.inClass().name()); } } /** * <p>See characters that must be escaped quotation mark, reverse solidus, and the control characters (U+0000 through U+001F)</p> * <p>Control characters that are likely to occur in EA models, especially when using memo tagged values: \n, \r and \t.</p> */ private String escape(String s2) { return StringUtils.replaceEach(s2, new String[] { "\"", "\\", "\n", "\r", "\t" }, new String[] { "\\\"", "\\\\", CharUtils.unicodeEscaped('\n'), CharUtils.unicodeEscaped('\r'), CharUtils.unicodeEscaped('\t') }); } public void write() { } /** * <p>This method returns messages belonging to the JSON Schema target by their * message number. The organization corresponds to the logic in module * ShapeChangeResult. All functions in that class, which require an message * number can be redirected to the function at hand.</p> * @param mnr Message number * @return Message text, including $x$ substitution points. */ public String message(int mnr) { // Get the message proper and return it with an identification prefixed String mess = messageText(mnr); if (mess == null) return null; String prefix = ""; if (mess.startsWith("??")) { prefix = "??"; mess = mess.substring(2); } return prefix + "JSON Schema Target: " + mess; } /** * This is the message text provision proper. It returns a message for a number. * @param mnr Message number * @return Message text or null */ protected String messageText(int mnr) { switch (mnr) { case 10: return "System error: Exception raised '$1$'. '$2$'"; case 11: return "Error opening or writing to file '$1$'. The class is skipped."; case 12: return "Directory named '$1$' does not exist or is not accessible."; case 100: return "??Unknown geometry type '$1$' in property '$2$' in class '$3$'. This geometry property will be ignored."; case 101: return "??More than one geometry property specified for type '$2$'. The geometry property '$1$' will be ignored."; case 102: return "??The geometry property '$1$' in type '$2$' has a multiplicity greater than one, the multiplicity will be ignored."; case 103: return "??No JSON representation known for type '$3$' of property '$2$' in class '$1$'; 'string' will be used."; case 104: return "??No JSON representation known for type '$2$' which is a subtype of '$1$'. The supertype is ignored."; case 105: return "??No JSON representation known for type '$3$' of property '$2$' in class '$1$'; 'any' will be used."; case 106: return "??A geometry property is specified for data type '$2$', but data types may not have geometry properties. The geometry property '$1$' will be ignored."; case 107: return "No enumeration values specified in enumeration '$1$'. Schema attribute enum will not be generated."; case 10001: return "Generating JSON schemas for application schema $1$."; case 10002: return "Diagnostics-only mode. All output to files is suppressed."; case 10003: return "??Property '$2$' in class '$1$' is a geometry property and will be ignored."; } return null; } public int getTargetID() { return TargetIdentification.JSON.getId(); } }