Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * ShapeChange - processing application schemas for geographic information
 * This file is part of ShapeChange. ShapeChange takes a ISO 19109 
 * Application Schema from a UML model and translates it into a 
 * GML Application Schema or other implementation representations.
 * Additional information about the software can be found at
 * (c) 2002-2015 interactive instruments GmbH, Bonn, Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contact:
 * interactive instruments GmbH
 * Trierer Strasse 70-72
 * 53115 Bonn
 * Germany

package de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.FeatureCatalogue;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;

import name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent;
import org.apache.fop.apps.Fop;
import org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory;
import org.apache.fop.apps.MimeConstants;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.xml.serializer.OutputPropertiesFactory;
import org.apache.xml.serializer.Serializer;
import org.apache.xml.serializer.SerializerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;

import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Options;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeAbortException;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeResult;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeResult.MessageContext;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.TargetIdentification;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Type;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Fop.FopErrorListener;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Fop.FopMsgHandler;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.AssociationInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.ClassInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Constraint;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.ImageMetadata;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Info;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Model;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PackageInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PropertyInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Generic.GenericModel;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ModelDiff.DiffElement;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ModelDiff.DiffElement.ElementType;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ModelDiff.DiffElement.Operation;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ModelDiff.Differ;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.DeferrableOutputWriter;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.SingleTarget;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.TransformationConstants;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.UI.StatusBoard;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.ZipHandler;

 * @author Clemens Portele (portele <at> interactive-instruments <dot> de)
 * @author Johannes Echterhoff (echterhoff <at> interactive-instruments
 *         <dot> de)
public class FeatureCatalogue implements SingleTarget, MessageSource, DeferrableOutputWriter {

    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_PDF = 22;
    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_HTML = 23;
    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_XML = 24;
    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_RTF = 25;
    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_FRAMEHTML = 26;
    public static final int STATUS_WRITE_DOCX = 27;

     * Default URI defining the location of the localizationMessages.xml file in
     * XSLT(s). This can be overridden via the configuration parameter
     * 'localizationMessagesUri'.
    public static final String localizationMessagesDefaultUri = "localizationMessages.xml";
     * Default URI defining the location of the localization.xsl file. This can
     * be overridden via the configuration parameter 'xslLocalizationUri'.
    public static final String localizationXslDefaultUri = "localization.xsl";

     * The string used as placeholder in the docx template. The paragraph this
     * placeholder text belongs to will be replaced with the feature catalogue.
    public static final String DOCX_PLACEHOLDER = "ShapeChangeFeatureCatalogue";
    public static final String DOCX_TEMPLATE_URL = "";

     * Can be used to only perform the deferrable output write if necessary.
    public static final String PARAM_DONT_TRANSFORM = "dontTransform";

     * If set to <code>false</code>, the URI of code lists (available via tagged
     * value 'codeList' or 'vocabulary') won't be encoded as hyperlink on the
     * name of a code list type in the feature catalogue. This can be useful for
     * example when the overall linking to external code lists is not ready for
     * publication yet.
    public static final String PARAM_INCLUDE_CODELIST_URI = "includeCodelistURI";

     * Path to a java executable (usually 64bit). This parameter should be used
     * whenever the feature catalogue to produce will be very large (hundreds of
     * megabytes to gigabytes). Set the options for execution - especially 'Xmx'
     * - via the parameter {@value #PARAM_JAVA_OPTIONS}.
    public static final String PARAM_JAVA_EXE_PATH = "pathToJavaExecutable";
     * Can be used to set options - especially 'Xmx' - for the invocation of the
     * java executable identified via the parameter
     * {@value #PARAM_JAVA_EXE_PATH}.
     * NOTE: when processing documents of 100Mbytes or more, it is recommended
     * to allocate - via the Xmx parameter - at least 5 times the size of the
     * source document.
    public static final String PARAM_JAVA_OPTIONS = "javaOptions";

    private static boolean initialised = false;
    private static XMLWriter writer = null;
    private static String Package = "";
    private static TreeSet<ClassInfo> additionalClasses = new TreeSet<ClassInfo>();
    private static TreeSet<ClassInfo> enumerations = new TreeSet<ClassInfo>();

     * NOTE: refModel, refPackage, diffs and differ are relevant for processing
     * classes and during write all. They are not needed when the output is
     * actually written during writeOutput(). Therefore, they are not
     * initialized when the converter executes deferrable output writers.
    private static GenericModel refModel = null;
    private static PackageInfo refPackage = null;
    private static SortedMap<Info, SortedSet<DiffElement>> diffs = new TreeMap<Info, SortedSet<DiffElement>>();
    private static Differ differ = null;

     * key: (lowercase!) full name (in schema) of the class contained as value
     * value: a class from the input schema
    private static Map<String, ClassInfo> inputSchemaClassesByFullNameInSchema = null;

    private static Boolean Inherit = false;
    private static TreeSet<PropertyInfo> exportedRoles = new TreeSet<PropertyInfo>();
    private static TreeSet<PropertyInfo> exportedProperties = new TreeSet<PropertyInfo>();
    private static String OutputFormat = "";
    private static String outputDirectory = null;
    private static String outputFilename = null;
    private static String docxTemplateFilePath = DOCX_TEMPLATE_URL;
    private static boolean error = false;
    private static boolean printed = false;
    private static String encoding = null;
    private static String xslfofileName = "pdf.xsl";
    private static String xslTransformerFactory = null;
    private static String xslhtmlfileName = "html.xsl";
    private static final String DEFAULT_XSL_HTML_DIFF_FILE_NAME = "html_diff.xsl";
    private static String xslframeHtmlFileName = "frameHtml.xsl";
    private static String cssFileName = "stylesheet.css";
    private static String xslrtffileName = "rtf.xsl";
    private static String xsldocxfileName = "docx.xsl";
    private static String xsldocxrelsfileName = "docx_rels.xsl";
    private static String xslxmlfileName = "xml.xsl";
    private static String xsltPath = "";
    // private static String xsltPath = "src/main/resources/xslt";
    private static String cssPath = xsltPath;
    private static String lang = "en";
    private static String featureTerm = "Feature";
    private static String noAlphabeticSortingForProperties = "false";
    private static boolean includeVoidable = true;
    private static boolean includeTitle = true;
    private static boolean includeCodelistURI = true;
    private static boolean deleteXmlFile = false;

    private static boolean includeDiagrams = false;
    private static int imgIntegerIdCounter = 0;
    private static int imgIntegerIdStepwidth = 2;
    private static Set<ImageMetadata> imageSet = new HashSet<ImageMetadata>();

    private static boolean dontTransform = false;

    private static String pathToJavaExe = null;
    private static String javaOptions = null;

     * This map is used to keep track of the names of the application schema
     * that are encountered during processing. Whenever this FeatureCatalogue is
     * initialized with a new application schema package, the name of that
     * schema is added to the map as a key - with a 1 integer as value in case
     * that key was not present before, otherwise increasing the existing value
     * by one (and in that case altering the name of the application schema
     * during print accordingly [adding "(integer_value)"]). This is used to
     * ensure that application schema with the same name are disambiguated
     * during print.
    private static Map<String, Integer> encounteredAppSchemasByName = null;

    private TreeMap<String, String> transformationParameters = new TreeMap<String, String>();

    private PackageInfo pi = null;
    private Model model = null;
    private Options options = null;
    private ShapeChangeResult result = null;

    // set buffer size for streams (in bytes)
    private int streamBufferSize = 8 * 1042;

     * Contains mappings for href values specified in XSLT scripts.
     * This information is used by the XsltUriResolver.
     * Key: href value (as used in the XSLTs, in import, include or as value of
     * the document() function) Value: absolute URI to the actual file location.
    private TreeMap<String, URI> hrefMappings = new TreeMap<String, URI>();

    public int getTargetID() {
        return TargetIdentification.FEATURE_CATALOGUE.getId();

    public void reset() {
        initialised = false;
        writer = null;
        Package = "";
        Inherit = false;
        OutputFormat = "";
        outputDirectory = null;
        outputFilename = null;
        docxTemplateFilePath = DOCX_TEMPLATE_URL;
        error = false;
        printed = false;
        encoding = null;
        xslfofileName = "pdf.xsl";
        xslhtmlfileName = "html.xsl";
        xslframeHtmlFileName = "frameHtml.xsl";
        xslrtffileName = "rtf.xsl";
        xsldocxfileName = "docx.xsl";
        xsldocxrelsfileName = "docx_rels.xsl";
        xslxmlfileName = "xml.xsl";
        // xsltPath = "src/main/resources/xslt";
        xsltPath = "";
        cssPath = xsltPath;
        xslTransformerFactory = null;
        lang = "en";
        noAlphabeticSortingForProperties = "false";
        hrefMappings = new TreeMap<String, URI>();
        featureTerm = "Feature";
        includeVoidable = true;
        includeTitle = true;
        includeCodelistURI = true;
        deleteXmlFile = false;
        dontTransform = false;

        refModel = null;
        refPackage = null;
        diffs = new TreeMap<Info, SortedSet<DiffElement>>();
        differ = null;
        inputSchemaClassesByFullNameInSchema = null;

    // FIXME New diagnostics-only flag is to be considered
    public void initialise(PackageInfo p, Model m, Options o, ShapeChangeResult r, boolean diagOnly)
            throws ShapeChangeAbortException {
        pi = p;
        model = m;
        options = o;
        result = r;

        try {

            if (!initialised) {
                initialised = true;

                String pathToJavaExe_ = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_JAVA_EXE_PATH);
                if (pathToJavaExe_ != null && pathToJavaExe_.trim().length() > 0) {
                    pathToJavaExe = pathToJavaExe_.trim();
                    if (!pathToJavaExe.startsWith("\"")) {
                        pathToJavaExe = "\"" + pathToJavaExe;
                    if (!pathToJavaExe.endsWith("\"")) {
                        pathToJavaExe = pathToJavaExe + "\"";

                    String jo_tmp = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_JAVA_OPTIONS);
                    if (jo_tmp != null && jo_tmp.trim().length() > 0) {
                        javaOptions = jo_tmp.trim();

                     * check path - and potentially also options - by invoking
                     * the exe
                    List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<String>();
                    if (javaOptions != null) {

                    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds);

                    try {
                        Process proc = pb.start();

                        StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream());
                        StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream());



                        int exitVal = proc.waitFor();

                        if (exitVal != 0) {
                            if (errorGobbler.hasResult()) {
                                MessageContext mc = result.addFatalError(this, 21, StringUtils.join(cmds, " "),
                                        "" + exitVal);
                                mc.addDetail(this, 27, errorGobbler.getResult());
                            } else {
                                result.addFatalError(this, 21, StringUtils.join(cmds, " "), "" + exitVal);
                            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        result.addFatalError(this, 22);
                        throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

                encounteredAppSchemasByName = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();


                String s = null;

                Model refModel_tmp = getReferenceModel();

                if (refModel_tmp != null) {

                     * Ensure that IDs used in the reference model are unique to
                     * that model and do not get mixed up with the IDs of the
                     * input model.
                     * REQUIREMENT for model diff: two objects with equal ID
                     * must represent the same model element. If a model element
                     * is deleted in the reference model, then a new model
                     * element in the input model must not have the same ID.
                     * It looks like this cannot be guaranteed. Therefore we add
                     * a prefix to the IDs of the model elements in the
                     * reference model.
                    refModel = new GenericModel(refModel_tmp);


                String xmlName = outputFilename + ".tmp.xml";

                // Check whether we can use the given output directory
                File outputDirectoryFile = new File(outputDirectory);
                boolean exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists();
                if (!exi) {
                    exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists();
                boolean dir = outputDirectoryFile.isDirectory();
                boolean wrt = outputDirectoryFile.canWrite();
                boolean rea = outputDirectoryFile.canRead();
                if (!exi || !dir || !wrt || !rea) {
                    result.addFatalError(this, 12, outputDirectory);
                    throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

                String encoding_ = encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : model.characterEncoding();

                OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(outputDirectory + "/" + xmlName);
                OutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout, streamBufferSize);
                OutputStreamWriter outputXML = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, encoding_);

                writer = new XMLWriter(outputXML, encoding_);

                writer.forceNSDecl("", "xsi");


                writer.processingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl' href='./html.xsl'");

                writer.comment("Feature catalogue created using ShapeChange");

                AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
                atts.addAttribute("", "noNamespaceSchemaLocation",
                        "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "CDATA", "FC.xsd");
                writer.startElement("", "FeatureCatalogue", "", atts);

                s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "name");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                    writer.dataElement("name", s);
                    writer.dataElement("name", "unknown");

                s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "scope");

                if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                    PrintLineByLine(s, "scope", null);
                else {
                    writer.dataElement("scope", "unknown");

                s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "versionNumber");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                    writer.dataElement("versionNumber", s);
                    writer.dataElement("versionNumber", "unknown");

                s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "versionDate");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                    writer.dataElement("versionDate", s);
                    writer.dataElement("versionDate", "unknown");

                s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "producer");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                    writer.dataElement("producer", s);
                    writer.dataElement("producer", "unknown");

            // we need to compute the diff for each application schema
            if (refModel != null) {

                SortedSet<PackageInfo> set = refModel.schemas(;

                if (set.size() == 1) {

                     * Get the full names of classes (in lower case) from the
                     * input schema so that later we can look them up by their
                     * full name (within the schema, not in the model).
                    inputSchemaClassesByFullNameInSchema = new HashMap<String, ClassInfo>();
                    for (ClassInfo ci : model.classes(pi)) {

                    // compute diffs
                    differ = new Differ();
                    refPackage = set.iterator().next();
                    SortedMap<Info, SortedSet<DiffElement>> pi_diffs = differ.diff(p, refPackage);

                    // merge diffs for pi with existing diffs (from other
                    // schemas)
                    differ.merge(diffs, pi_diffs);

                    // log the diffs found for pi
                    for (Entry<Info, SortedSet<DiffElement>> me : pi_diffs.entrySet()) {

                        MessageContext mc = result.addInfo(
                                "Model difference - " + me.getKey().fullName().replace(p.fullName(),;

                        for (DiffElement diff : me.getValue()) {
                            String s = diff.change + " " + diff.subElementType;
                            if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.TAG)
                                s += "(" + diff.tag + ")";
                            if (diff.subElement != null)
                                s += " " +;
                            else if (diff.diff != null)
                                s += " " + (new diff_match_patch()).diff_prettyHtml(diff.diff);
                                s += " ???";

                     * switch to default xslt for html diff - unless the
                     * configuration explicitly names an XSLT file to use
                    if (options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslhtmlFile") == null) {
                        xslhtmlfileName = DEFAULT_XSL_HTML_DIFF_FILE_NAME;

                } else {
                    result.addWarning(null, 308,;
                    refModel = null;

            writer.startElement("ApplicationSchema", "id", "_P" +;

             * Determine if app schema with same name has been encountered
             * before, and choose name accordingly

            String nameForAppSchema = null;

            if (encounteredAppSchemasByName.containsKey( {
                int count = encounteredAppSchemasByName.get(;
                nameForAppSchema = + " (" + count + ")";
                encounteredAppSchemasByName.put(, new Integer(count));
            } else {
                nameForAppSchema =;
                encounteredAppSchemasByName.put(, new Integer(1));

            // now set the name of the application schema
            writer.dataElement("name", nameForAppSchema);

            String s = pi.definition();
            if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                PrintLineByLine(s, "definition", null);
            s = pi.description();
            if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                PrintLineByLine(s, "description", null);

            s = pi.version();
            if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                writer.dataElement("versionNumber", s);


            s = pi.taggedValue(TransformationConstants.TRF_TV_NAME_GENERATIONDATETIME);
            if (s != null && s.trim().length() > 0) {
                writer.dataElement(TransformationConstants.TRF_TV_NAME_GENERATIONDATETIME, PrepareToPrint(s));


            if (pi.getDiagrams() != null) {


             * Check if there are any deletions of classes or packages that are
             * owned by the application schema package.

            if (hasDiff(pi, ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.DELETE)) {

                Set<DiffElement> pkgdiffs = getDiffs(pi, ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.DELETE);

                for (DiffElement diff : pkgdiffs) {

                    // child package was deleted
                    PrintPackage((PackageInfo) diff.subElement, Operation.DELETE);



             * NOTE: inserted or unchanged classes are handled in
             * process(ClassInfo) method

        } catch (Exception e) {

            String msg = e.getMessage();
            if (msg != null) {

    private void printDeletedClasses(PackageInfo pix) {

        if (hasDiff(pix, ElementType.CLASS, Operation.DELETE)) {

            Set<DiffElement> classdiffs = getDiffs(pix, ElementType.CLASS, Operation.DELETE);

            for (DiffElement diff : classdiffs) {

                // child class was deleted
                ClassInfo deletedCi = (ClassInfo) diff.subElement;

                 * Print the class if it is not a code list or enumeration
                 * (because these categories are not printed).
                if (deletedCi.category() != Options.CODELIST && deletedCi.category() != Options.ENUMERATION) {

                    PrintClass(deletedCi, true, Operation.DELETE, pix);

        } else {

             * inserted and unchanged classes are handled in process(ClassInfo)
             * method

    private void appendImageInfo(List<ImageMetadata> images) throws SAXException {

        if (!includeDiagrams) {

        Collections.sort(images, new Comparator<ImageMetadata>() {

            public int compare(ImageMetadata o1, ImageMetadata o2) {
                return o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId());


        for (ImageMetadata img : images) {

            // TBD: at the moment this is only used by the docx transformation
            // the information could therefore be moved to a separate file
            AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
            atts.addAttribute("", "id", "", "CDATA", img.getId());
            atts.addAttribute("", "idAsInt", "", "CDATA", "" + imgIntegerIdCounter);
            imgIntegerIdCounter = imgIntegerIdCounter + imgIntegerIdStepwidth;
            atts.addAttribute("", "name", "", "CDATA", img.getName());
            atts.addAttribute("", "height", "", "CDATA", "" + img.getHeight());
            atts.addAttribute("", "width", "", "CDATA", "" + img.getWidth());
            atts.addAttribute("", "relPath", "", "CDATA", img.getRelPathToFile());

            writer.emptyElement("image", atts);

            // also keep track of the image metadata for later use


    private Model getReferenceModel() {

        String imt = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "referenceModelType");
        String mdl = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "referenceModelFileNameOrConnectionString");

        if (imt == null || imt.isEmpty())
            return null;

        if (mdl == null || mdl.isEmpty())
            return null;

        // Support original model type codes
        if (imt.equalsIgnoreCase("ea7"))
            imt = "de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.EA.EADocument";
        else if (imt.equalsIgnoreCase("xmi10"))
            imt = "de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Xmi10.Xmi10Document";
        else if (imt.equalsIgnoreCase("gsip"))
            imt = "us.mitre.ShapeChange.Model.GSIP.GSIPDocument";

        Model m = null;

        // Get model object from reflection API
        Class theClass;
        try {
            theClass = Class.forName(imt);
            if (theClass == null) {
                result.addError(null, 17, imt);
                result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
                return null;
            m = (Model) theClass.newInstance();
            if (m != null) {
                m.initialise(result, options, mdl);
            } else {
                result.addError(null, 17, imt);
                result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
                return null;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            result.addError(null, 17, imt);
            result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            result.addError(null, 19, imt);
            result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            result.addError(null, 20, imt);
            result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
        } catch (ShapeChangeAbortException e) {
            result.addError(null, 22, mdl);
            m = null;
        return m;

    private void PrintDescriptors(Info i, boolean isClass, Operation op) throws SAXException {
        String s;
        String[] sa;

        s =;
        s = checkDiff(s, i, ElementType.NAME);
        writer.dataElement("name", PrepareToPrint(s), op);

        s = i.aliasName();
         * Always include the alias if a diff exists for it; otherwise only
         * include the alias if requested via parameter and if it has a value
        if (hasDiff(i, ElementType.ALIAS)) {

            // get the diff
            Set<DiffElement> diffs = getDiffs(i, ElementType.ALIAS);
            // there can only be one change to the alias
            s = differ.diff_toString(diffs.iterator().next().diff);

            writer.dataElement("title", PrepareToPrint(s), op);

        } else {

            if (includeTitle && i.aliasName() != null && i.aliasName().length() > 0) {
                // calling the element that holds the 'alias' value
                // TODO note that 'title' is legacy, it should be called 'alias'
                writer.dataElement("title", s, op);

        s = i.definition();
        s = checkDiff(s, i, ElementType.DEFINITION);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(s, "definition", op);

        s = i.description();
        s = checkDiff(s, i, ElementType.DESCRIPTION);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(s, "description", op);

        sa = i.examples();
        // TODO compute and check diffs
        if (sa != null) {
            for (String s2 : sa)
                if (s2 != null)
                    PrintLineByLine(s2, "example", null);

        s = i.legalBasis();
        s = checkDiff(s, i, ElementType.LEGALBASIS);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(s, "legalBasis", op);

        sa = i.dataCaptureStatements();
        // TODO compute and check diffs
        if (sa != null) {
            for (String s2 : sa)
                if (s2 != null)
                    PrintLineByLine(s2, "dataCaptureStatement", null);

        s = i.primaryCode();
        s = checkDiff(s, i, ElementType.PRIMARYCODE);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            writer.dataElement("code", PrepareToPrint(s), op);

     * @param i
     * @param type
     * @return the diffs with the given ElementType for the given Info object,
     *         if such diffs exist; can be empty but not <code>null</code>
    private SortedSet<DiffElement> getDiffs(Info i, ElementType type) {

        SortedSet<DiffElement> result = new TreeSet<DiffElement>();

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {

            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == type) {

        return result;

     * @param i
     * @param type
     * @param op
     * @return the diffs with the given ElementType and Operation for the given
     *         Info object, if such diffs exist; can be empty but not
     *         <code>null</code>
    private SortedSet<DiffElement> getDiffs(Info i, ElementType type, Operation op) {

        SortedSet<DiffElement> result = new TreeSet<DiffElement>();

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {

            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == type && diff.change == op) {

        return result;

     * @param i
     * @param type
     * @return <code>true</code> if at least one diff with the given type exists
     *         for the given Info object; else <code>false</code>
    private boolean hasDiff(Info i, ElementType type) {

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == type) {
                    return true;

        return false;

     * Checks if a diff with the given ElementType exists for the given Info
     * object. If so, the string representation of the diff is returned.
     * Otherwise the given String is returned.
     * @param s
     *            original String
     * @param i
     *            Info object for which a diff might exist
     * @param type
     *            the type of element for which a diff shall be looked up
     * @return the diff with the given ElementType for the given Info object, if
     *         it exists - otherwise the original String
    private String checkDiff(String s, Info i, ElementType type) {

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == type) {
                    return differ.diff_toString(diff.diff);

        return s;

    // FIXME package structure
    private void PrintPackage(PackageInfo pix, Operation op) throws Exception {

        if (packageInPackage(pix)) {

            writer.startElement("Package", "id", "_P" +, op);

            PrintDescriptors(pix, false, op);

            String pixOwnerId = pix.owner().id();

             * if pix was deleted, use the id from the according diff as owner
             * id
            Info ownerOfInputModel = getInfoWithDiff(ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.DELETE, pix);
            if (ownerOfInputModel != null) {
                pixOwnerId =;

            writer.emptyElement("parent", "idref", "_P" + pixOwnerId);

            if (pix.getDiagrams() != null) {


        // now handle contained packages and potentially deleted classes

        // check if package pix has been deleted
        if (op != null && op == Operation.DELETE) {

            // package has been deleted: print all its classes and packages

            for (PackageInfo delpi : pix.containedPackages()) {

                if (!delpi.isSchema()) {
                    PrintPackage(delpi, Operation.DELETE);

            for (ClassInfo delci : pix.containedClasses()) {

                PrintClass(delci, true, Operation.DELETE, pix);

        } else {

            // pix itself has not been deleted; handle its content

            // check if subpackages of pix have been deleted
            if (hasDiff(pix, ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.DELETE)) {

                Set<DiffElement> pkgdiffs = getDiffs(pix, ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.DELETE);

                for (DiffElement diff : pkgdiffs) {

                    // child package was deleted
                    PrintPackage((PackageInfo) diff.subElement, Operation.DELETE);



             * NOTE: inserted or unchanged classes are handled in
             * process(ClassInfo) method

    private void printContainedPackages(PackageInfo pix) throws Exception {

        for (PackageInfo pix2 : pix.containedPackages()) {

            if (!pix2.isSchema()) {

                 * Check for diffs concerning the children of the given package
                 * (pix).
                if (hasDiff(pix, ElementType.SUBPACKAGE, Operation.INSERT, pix2)) {

                    // child package was inserted
                    PrintPackage(pix2, Operation.INSERT);

                } else {

                     * child package has not been deleted (this is checked
                     * elsewhere) or inserted
                    PrintPackage(pix2, null);

    private void PrintLineByLine(String s, String ename, Operation op) throws SAXException {

        boolean ins = false;
        boolean del = false;

        String[] lines = s.replace("[NEWLINE]", "\n").replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n").split("\n");

        for (String line : lines) {

            String text = PrepareToPrint(line);

            if (ins) {
                text = "[[ins]]" + line;
                ins = false;
            } else if (del) {
                text = "[[del]]" + line;
                del = false;

            if (countSubstringInString(text, "[[ins]]") > countSubstringInString(text, "[[/ins]]")) {
                ins = true;
                text += "[[/ins]]";
            } else if (countSubstringInString(text, "[[del]]") > countSubstringInString(text, "[[/del]]")) {
                del = true;
                text += "[[/del]]";

            text = options.internalize(text);

            writer.dataElement(ename, text, op);

    private int countSubstringInString(String str, String substr) {

        int count = 0;
        int idx = 0;
        while ((idx = str.indexOf(substr, idx)) != -1) {

        return count;

    private String PrepareToPrint(String s) {
        s = s.trim();
        return s;

    /** Add attribute to an element */
    protected void addAttribute(Document document, Element e, String name, String value) {
        Attr att = document.createAttribute(name);

    protected Document createDocument() {
        Document document = null;
        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            document = db.newDocument();
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            result.addFatalError(null, 2);
            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return document;

    private boolean packageInPackage(PackageInfo pi) {
        if (Package.length() == 0)
            return true;
        if (
            return true;
        if (pi.isSchema())
            return false;
        return packageInPackage(pi.owner());

    public void process(ClassInfo ci) {
        if (error)

        if (!packageInPackage(ci.pkg()))

        // determine diff operation for ci
        Operation op = null;
        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(ci.pkg()) != null)
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(ci.pkg())) {
                if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.CLASS && ((ClassInfo) diff.subElement) == ci
                        && diff.change == Operation.INSERT) {
                    op = Operation.INSERT;
        if (op == null) {
            PackageInfo pix = ci.pkg();
            while (pix != null) {
                if (diffs != null && pix.owner() != null && diffs.get(pix.owner()) != null)
                    for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(pix.owner())) {
                        if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.SUBPACKAGE && ((PackageInfo) diff.subElement) == pix
                                && diff.change == Operation.INSERT) {
                            op = Operation.INSERT;
                            pix = null;
                if (pix != null)
                    pix = pix.owner();

        int cat = ci.category();
        switch (cat) {
        case Options.OKSTRAFID:
        case Options.FEATURE:
        case Options.OBJECT:
            PrintClass(ci, true, op, ci.pkg());
        case Options.MIXIN:
            if (!Inherit)
                PrintClass(ci, true, op, ci.pkg());
        case Options.OKSTRAKEY:
        case Options.DATATYPE:
        case Options.UNION:
        case Options.BASICTYPE:
            PrintClass(ci, true, op, ci.pkg());
            for (String t : ci.supertypes()) {
                ClassInfo cix = model.classById(t);
                if (cix != null) {
        case Options.CODELIST:
        case Options.ENUMERATION:
            // PrintValues(ci);

    private void PrintValue(PropertyInfo propi, Operation op) throws SAXException {

        String propiid = "_A" +;
        propiid = options.internalize(propiid);

        writer.startElement("Value", "id", propiid, op);

        String s = propi.aliasName();
        s = checkDiff(s, propi, ElementType.ALIAS);
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
            s =;
            s = checkDiff(s, propi, ElementType.NAME);
        writer.dataElement("label", s, op);

        s = propi.initialValue();
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
            s =;

        s = options.internalize(s);

        writer.dataElement("code", PrepareToPrint(s), op);

        s = propi.definition();
        s = checkDiff(s, propi, ElementType.DEFINITION);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(s, "definition", op);
        s = propi.description();
        s = checkDiff(s, propi, ElementType.DESCRIPTION);
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(s, "description", op);

        // FIXME PrintStandardElements(propi);

    private void PrintValues(ClassInfo ci, Operation op) throws SAXException {

        for (PropertyInfo propi : {
            if (propi == null)
            if (!ExportValue(propi))

            Operation top = op;
            if (hasDiff(ci, ElementType.ENUM, Operation.INSERT, propi)) {
                top = Operation.INSERT;

            PrintValue(propi, top);

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(ci) != null) {
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(ci)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.ENUM && diff.change == Operation.DELETE) {
                    PrintValue((PropertyInfo) diff.subElement, Operation.DELETE);

    private boolean ExportItem(Info i) {
        return true;

    private boolean ExportValue(PropertyInfo propi) {
        return ExportItem(propi);

    private boolean ExportProperty(PropertyInfo propi) {
        if ( == 0)
            return false;

         * FIXME if (!propi.isNavigable()) return false;

        return ExportItem(propi);

    private boolean ExportClass(ClassInfo ci, Boolean onlyProperties, Operation op) {

        if (!ci.inSchema(pi) && !onlyProperties && op != Operation.DELETE)
            return false;

        if (!packageInPackage(ci.pkg()) && !onlyProperties && op != Operation.DELETE)
            return false;

        return ExportItem(ci);

    private void PrintClass(ClassInfo ci, boolean onlyProperties, Operation op, PackageInfo pix) {

        if (!ExportClass(ci, onlyProperties, op))

        try {

            if (onlyProperties) {

                String ciid = "_C" +;
                ciid = options.internalize(ciid);

                writer.startElement("FeatureType", "id", ciid, op);

                PrintDescriptors(ci, true, op);

                // NOTE: the Differ currently does not check abstractness
                if (ci.isAbstract()) {
                    writer.dataElement("isAbstract", "1");

                for (String t : ci.supertypes()) {

                    ClassInfo cix = lookupClassById(t);

                    if (cix != null) {

                        String name =;

                        String cixid = "_C" +;
                        cixid = options.internalize(cixid);

                        // check for insertion
                        boolean inserted = false;
                        Operation opForGeneralization = op;
                        if (hasDiff(ci, ElementType.SUPERTYPE, Operation.INSERT, cix)) {
                            name = "[[ins]]" + name + "[[/ins]]";
                            inserted = true;
                            opForGeneralization = Operation.INSERT;

                        if (inserted || !Inherit || cix.category() != Options.MIXIN) {

                            name = options.internalize(name);

                            writer.dataElement("subtypeOf",, "idref", cixid, opForGeneralization);
                // Diff: check for potential deletions of supertypes
                if (hasDiff(ci, ElementType.SUPERTYPE, Operation.DELETE)) {

                    for (DiffElement diff : getDiffs(ci, ElementType.SUPERTYPE, Operation.DELETE)) {

                        String nameOfDeletedSupertype = "[[del]]" + + "[[/del]]";

                        String supertypeId =;

                         * Don't simply use the id from the diff's subElement as
                         * reference. Rather, try to look up the class in the
                         * input model.
                        ClassInfo supertype = lookupClassById(supertypeId);

                        String cixid = "_C" +;
                        cixid = options.internalize(cixid);

                        writer.dataElement("subtypeOf", nameOfDeletedSupertype, "idref", cixid, Operation.DELETE);

                PrintProperties(ci, true, op);
                 * TODO PrintOperations true;

                writer.emptyElement("package", "idref", "_P" +;

                switch (ci.category()) {
                case Options.FEATURE:
                case Options.OKSTRAFID:

                    String text = featureTerm + " Type";
                    text = options.internalize(text);

                    writer.dataElement("type", text, op);

                case Options.OBJECT:
                    writer.dataElement("type", "Object Type", op);
                case Options.OKSTRAKEY:
                case Options.DATATYPE:
                    writer.dataElement("type", "Data Type", op);
                case Options.UNION:
                    writer.dataElement("type", "Union Data Type", op);

                String s;
                for (Constraint ocl : ci.constraints()) {



                    s = ocl.text();
                    String description = null;
                    String expression = null;
                    if (s != null && s.contains("/*") && s.contains("*/")) {
                        String[] sa = s.split("\\*/");
                        description = sa[0].replaceFirst("/\\*", "").trim();
                        expression = sa[1].trim();
                    } else {
                        expression = s;

                    if (description != null && description.length() > 0) {
                        writer.dataElement("description", description);

                    if (expression != null && expression.length() > 0) {
                        writer.dataElement("expression", expression);


                s = ci.taggedValue("alwaysVoid");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                    writer.dataElement("description", "Properties that are always void: " + s);
                s = ci.taggedValue("neverVoid");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                    writer.dataElement("description", "Properties that are never void: " + s);
                s = ci.taggedValue("appliesTo");
                if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
                    writer.dataElement("description", "Applies to the following network elements: " + s);


                s = ci.taggedValue("name");
                if (s != null && s.trim().length() > 0) {
                    writer.dataElement("name", PrepareToPrint(s), op);

                if (ci.getDiagrams() != null) {


            PrintProperties(ci, false, op);
             * TODO PrintOperations false;

        } catch (SAXException e) {

            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {

    private boolean hasDiff(Info i, ElementType subElementType, Operation diffChange, Info diffSubelement) {

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {

            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {

                if (diff.subElementType == subElementType && diff.change == diffChange
                        && diff.subElement == diffSubelement) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    private Info getInfoWithDiff(ElementType subElementType, Operation diffChange, Info diffSubelement) {

        if (diffs != null) {

            for (Info i : diffs.keySet()) {

                for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {

                    if (diff.subElementType == subElementType && diff.change == diffChange
                            && diff.subElement == diffSubelement) {
                        return i;

        return null;

    private boolean hasDiff(Info i, ElementType subElementType, Operation diffChange) {

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {

            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {

                if (diff.subElementType == subElementType && diff.change == diffChange) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    private void PrintProperties(ClassInfo ci, boolean listOnly, Operation op) throws SAXException {

         * IMPORTANT: it is important that inherited properties are printed
         * before those that directly belong to the class (ci).
        if (/* FIXME listOnly && */Inherit) {

            for (String cid : ci.supertypes()) {
                ClassInfo cix = model.classById(cid);
                if (cix != null)
                    PrintProperties(cix, listOnly, op);

        for (PropertyInfo propi : {

            Operation top = op;
            if (hasDiff(ci, ElementType.PROPERTY, Operation.INSERT, propi)) {
                top = Operation.INSERT;

            if (listOnly)
                PrintPropertyRef(propi, top);
                PrintProperty(propi, top);

        // also check deletions
        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(ci) != null) {
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(ci)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.PROPERTY && diff.change == Operation.DELETE) {
                    if (listOnly)
                        PrintPropertyRef((PropertyInfo) diff.subElement, Operation.DELETE);
                        PrintProperty((PropertyInfo) diff.subElement, Operation.DELETE);

    private void PrintPropertyRef(PropertyInfo propi, Operation op) throws SAXException {

        if (ExportProperty(propi)) {

            String propiid = "_A" +;
            propiid = options.internalize(propiid);

            writer.emptyElement("characterizedBy", "idref", propiid, op);

    private void PrintProperty(PropertyInfo propi, Operation op) throws SAXException {
        if (!ExportProperty(propi))

        if (exportedProperties.contains(propi))

        String assocId = "__FIXME";
        if (!propi.isAttribute()) {

            if (!exportedRoles.contains(propi)) {
                assocId = "__" +;

                writer.startElement("FeatureRelationship", "id", assocId, op);

                writer.dataElement("name", PrepareToPrint("(unbestimmt)"));

                AssociationInfo ai = propi.association();
                if (ai != null) {
                    ClassInfo aci = ai.assocClass();
                    if (aci != null) {

                        String aciid = "_C" +;
                        aciid = options.internalize(aciid);

                        writer.dataElement("associationClass", PrepareToPrint(, "idref", aciid, op);

                String propiid = "_A" +;
                propiid = options.internalize(propiid);

                // SAX Note: print roles first, then their details
                writer.emptyElement("roles", "idref", propiid, op);

                PropertyInfo propi2 = propi.reverseProperty();
                if (propi2 != null) {
                    if (ExportProperty(propi2)) {

                        String propi2id = "_A" +;
                        propi2id = options.internalize(propi2id);

                        writer.emptyElement("roles", "idref", propi2id, op);


                // now print the property details
                PrintPropertyDetail(propi, assocId, op);

                if (propi2 != null) {
                    if (ExportProperty(propi2)) {

                        PrintPropertyDetail(propi2, assocId, op);

            } else {
                PropertyInfo propi2 = propi.reverseProperty();
                if (propi2 != null) {
                    assocId = "__" +;
        } else {
            PrintPropertyDetail(propi, assocId, op);


    private void PrintPropertyDetail(PropertyInfo propi, String assocId, Operation op) throws SAXException {

        String propiid = "_A" +;
        propiid = options.internalize(propiid);

        if (propi.isAttribute()) {
            writer.startElement("FeatureAttribute", "id", propiid, op);
        } else {
            writer.startElement("RelationshipRole", "id", propiid, op);

        PrintDescriptors(propi, false, op);

        String s = propi.cardinality().toString();
        s = checkDiff(s, propi, ElementType.MULTIPLICITY);
        String cardinalityText = PrepareToPrint(s);
        cardinalityText = options.internalize(cardinalityText);

        writer.dataElement("cardinality", cardinalityText, op);

        if (!propi.isAttribute() && !propi.isNavigable()) {
            PrintLineByLine("false", "isNavigable", op);

        if (propi.isDerived()) {
            PrintLineByLine("true", "isDerived", op);

        s = propi.initialValue();
        if (propi.isAttribute() && s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            PrintLineByLine(PrepareToPrint(s), "initialValue", op);


        s = propi.taggedValue("name");
        if (s != null && s.trim().length() > 0) {
            writer.dataElement("name", PrepareToPrint(s), op);
        String[] tags = propi.taggedValuesForTag("length");
        if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) {
            for (String tag : tags) {
                writer.dataElement("length", PrepareToPrint(tag), op);


        if (includeVoidable) {
            if (propi.voidable()) {
                writer.dataElement("voidable", "true", op);
            } else {
                writer.dataElement("voidable", "false", op);

        if (propi.isOrdered()) {
            writer.dataElement("orderIndicator", "1", op);
        } else {
            writer.dataElement("orderIndicator", "0", op);
        if (propi.isUnique()) {
            writer.dataElement("uniquenessIndicator", "1", op);
        } else {
            writer.dataElement("uniquenessIndicator", "0", op);

        Type ti = propi.typeInfo();
        if (!propi.isAttribute() && !propi.isComposition()) {
            if (ti != null) {

                AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();

                ClassInfo cix = lookupClassById(;
                if (cix != null) {
                    String tiid = "_C" +;
                    tiid = options.internalize(tiid);

                    atts.addAttribute("", "idref", "", "CDATA", tiid);
                atts.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", featureTerm.toLowerCase() + " type");
                addOperationToAttributes(op, atts);
                writer.dataElement("", "FeatureTypeIncluded", "", atts,
                        checkDiff(, propi, ElementType.VALUETYPE));
            writer.emptyElement("relation", "idref", assocId);

            PropertyInfo propi2 = propi.reverseProperty();
            if (propi2 != null && ExportProperty(propi2) && propi2.isNavigable()) {

                String propi2id = "_A" +;
                propi2id = options.internalize(propi2id);

                writer.emptyElement("InverseRole", "idref", propi2id, op);

        } else {
            if (ti != null) {

                ClassInfo cix;

                if (op != Operation.DELETE) {
                    cix = model.classById(;
                } else {
                    cix = refModel.classById(;

                if (cix != null) {

                    int cat = cix.category();
                    String cixname =;
                    cixname = checkDiff(cixname, propi, ElementType.VALUETYPE);
                    cixname = options.internalize(cixname);

                    switch (cat) {
                    case Options.CODELIST:
                    case Options.ENUMERATION:

                        AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();

                        if (cat == Options.CODELIST) {
                            atts.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", "code list");

                            if (includeCodelistURI) {
                                String cl = cix.taggedValue("codeList");
                                if (cl == null || cl.isEmpty()) {
                                    cl = cix.taggedValue("vocabulary");
                                if (cl != null && !cl.isEmpty()) {
                                    atts.addAttribute("", "codeList", "", "CDATA", options.internalize(cl));

                        } else if (cat == Options.ENUMERATION && !cixname.equals("Boolean")) {
                            atts.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", "enumeration");
                        addOperationToAttributes(op, atts);
                        writer.dataElement("", "ValueDataType", "", atts, PrepareToPrint(cixname));

                        if (!cixname.equals("Boolean")) {
                            writer.dataElement("ValueDomainType", "1", op);
                            for (PropertyInfo ei : {
                                if (ei != null && ExportValue(ei)) {

                                    String eiid = "_A" +;
                                    eiid = options.internalize(eiid);

                                    writer.emptyElement("enumeratedBy", "idref", eiid);

                            if (diffs != null && diffs.get(cix) != null) {
                                for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(cix)) {
                                    if (diff.subElementType == ElementType.ENUM
                                            && diff.change == Operation.DELETE) {

                                        writer.emptyElement("enumeratedBy", "idref",
                                                "_A" + ((PropertyInfo) diff.subElement).id());

                            if (op != Operation.DELETE) {
                                if (cix.inSchema(propi.inClass().pkg()))
                            } else {
                                if (cix.inSchema(refPackage))

                            // FIXME if (cix.inSchema(propi.inClass().pkg()))
                            // enumerations.add(cix);
                        } else {
                            writer.dataElement("ValueDomainType", "0", op);

                        String cixid = "_C" +;
                        cixid = options.internalize(cixid);

                        AttributesImpl atts2 = new AttributesImpl();
                        atts2.addAttribute("", "idref", "", "CDATA", cixid);

                        if (cat == Options.FEATURE || cat == Options.OKSTRAFID) {

                            String fttext = featureTerm.toLowerCase() + " type";
                            fttext = options.internalize(fttext);

                            atts2.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", fttext);

                        } else if (cat == Options.DATATYPE || cat == Options.OKSTRAKEY) {
                            atts2.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", "data type");
                        } else if (cat == Options.UNION) {
                            atts2.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", "union data type");
                        } else if (cat == Options.BASICTYPE) {
                            atts2.addAttribute("", "category", "", "CDATA", "basic type");
                        addOperationToAttributes(op, atts2);
                        writer.dataElement("", "ValueDataType", "", atts2, PrepareToPrint(cixname));

                        writer.dataElement("ValueDomainType", "0", op);
                } else {
                    String tiname =;
                    tiname = checkDiff(tiname, propi, ElementType.VALUETYPE);
                    tiname = options.internalize(tiname);

                    writer.dataElement("ValueDataType", PrepareToPrint(tiname), op);
            } else {
                writer.dataElement("ValueDataType", "(unknown)", op);

        if (propi.isAttribute()) {
        } else {

     * Looks up a class as follows: at first we search the class in the input
     * model (this is the usual case).
     * If the input model does not contain a class with the given id, then we
     * search in the reference model (which is supplied when a schema diff shall
     * be computed). If the class was found there, we try to look up the
     * corresponding class in the input model via the full name (in schema). If
     * it is found, the ClassInfo from the input model is returned; otherwise
     * the one from the reference model.
     * We do all this so that references to the class point to the class that
     * exists in the input model rather than in the reference model (NOTE: when
     * a diff is computed, then the IDs in the reference model are made unique
     * by prepending a prefix).
     * @param id
     * @return
    private ClassInfo lookupClassById(String id) {

        ClassInfo ci = null;

        if (id != null) {

            // look up class in the input model
            ci = model.classById(id);

            if (ci == null) {

                // is it contained in the reference model?
                if (refModel != null) {

                    ci = refModel.classById(id);

                 * If we found it in the reference model, can we identify the
                 * class in the input model by its full name?
                String fullnamelowercase = ci.fullNameInSchema().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                if (ci != null && inputSchemaClassesByFullNameInSchema.containsKey(fullnamelowercase)) {

                    // then we'll use the class from the input model
                    ci = (ClassInfo) inputSchemaClassesByFullNameInSchema.get(fullnamelowercase);

        return ci;

    private void addOperationToAttributes(Operation op, AttributesImpl atts) {

        if (atts != null && op != null) {
            atts.addAttribute("", "mode", "", "CDATA", op.toString());

    public void write() {

    public void writeAll(ShapeChangeResult r) {
        result = r;

         * FIXME: workaround until we've decided about the best way to provide
         * options when writing (currently required for string internalizing).
         * We can make it a static field or add a parameter to method writeAll.
        options = r.options();

        if (error || printed)

        try {

            for (ClassInfo cix : additionalClasses) {

                Operation top = getDiffChange(cix.pkg(), ElementType.CLASS, cix);
                PrintClass(cix, false, top, cix.pkg());
            for (ClassInfo cix : enumerations) {
                Operation top = getDiffChange(cix.pkg(), ElementType.CLASS, cix);
                PrintValues(cix, top);


        } catch (Exception e) {

            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {

        } finally {

            if (writer != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    String m = e.getMessage();
                    if (m != null) {

            if (refModel != null) {
                refModel = null;

        // TODO add an option to delete the temporary file
        // File outDir = new File(outputDirectory);
        // File xmlFile = new File(outDir, xmlName);
        // xmlFile.delete();

        printed = true;

     * @param i
     * @param diffSubElementType
     * @param diffSubElement
     * @return if a diff exists for i with the given diffSubElementType and
     *         diffSubElement, the according diff Operation (i.e., the kind of
     *         change) is returned - else <code>null</code>
    private Operation getDiffChange(Info i, ElementType diffSubElementType, Info diffSubElement) {

        if (diffs != null && diffs.get(i) != null) {
            for (DiffElement diff : diffs.get(i)) {
                if (diff.subElementType == diffSubElementType && diff.subElement == diffSubElement) {
                    return diff.change;
        return null;

    private void writePDF(String xmlName, String outfileBasename) {

        if (!OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("pdf"))


        String pdffileName = outfileBasename + ".pdf";
        String mime = MimeConstants.MIME_PDF;

        if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0 && xslfofileName != null && xslfofileName.length() > 0
                && pdffileName != null && pdffileName.length() > 0) {
            fopWrite(xmlName, xslfofileName, pdffileName, mime);

    private void writeHTML(String xmlName, String outfileBasename) {

        if (!OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("html"))

        String htmlfileName = outfileBasename + ".html";

        if (OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("framehtml")) {


            transformationParameters.put("outputdir", outfileBasename);

            File outDir = new File(outputDirectory);
            File xmlFile = new File(outDir, xmlName);
            transformationParameters.put("catalogXmlPath", xmlFile.toURI().toString());

            if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0 && xslframeHtmlFileName != null
                    && xslframeHtmlFileName.length() > 0) {
                xsltWrite(xmlName, xslframeHtmlFileName, htmlfileName);

            File outputDir = new File(outDir, outfileBasename);
            File cssDestination = new File(outputDir, cssFileName);

            try {

                if (cssPath.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) {
                    URL css = new URL(cssPath + "/" + cssFileName);
                    FileUtils.copyURLToFile(css, cssDestination);
                } else {
                    File css = new File(cssPath + "/" + cssFileName);
                    if (css.exists()) {
                        FileUtils.copyFile(css, cssDestination);
                    } else {
                        result.addError(this, 18, css.getAbsolutePath());

            } catch (Exception e) {
                result.addWarning(this, 16, cssFileName, cssPath, outputDir.getAbsolutePath());

            if (includeDiagrams) {

                 * Copy content of temporary images folder to output folder
                File tmpImgDir = options.imageTmpDir();

                try {

                    FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(tmpImgDir, outputDir);

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    result.addError(this, 28, tmpImgDir.getAbsolutePath(), outputDir.getAbsolutePath(),

        } else {


            if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0 && xslhtmlfileName != null && xslhtmlfileName.length() > 0
                    && htmlfileName != null && htmlfileName.length() > 0) {
                xsltWrite(xmlName, xslhtmlfileName, htmlfileName);

     * Transforms the contents of the temporary feature catalogue xml and
     * inserts it into a specific place (denoted by a placeholder) of a docx
     * template file. The result is copied into a new output file. The template
     * file is not modified.
     * @param xmlName
     *            Name of the temporary feature catalogue xml file, located in
     *            the output directory.
     * @param outfileBasename
     *            Base name of the output file, without file type ending.
    private void writeDOCX(String xmlName, String outfileBasename) {

        if (!OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("docx"))


        ZipHandler zipHandler = new ZipHandler();

        String docxfileName = outfileBasename + ".docx";

        try {

            // Setup directories
            File outDir = new File(outputDirectory);
            File tmpDir = new File(outDir, "tmpdocx");
            File tmpinputDir = new File(tmpDir, "input");
            File tmpoutputDir = new File(tmpDir, "output");

            // get docx template

            // create temporary file for the docx template copy
            File docxtemplate_copy = new File(tmpDir, "docxtemplatecopy.tmp");

            // populate temporary file either from remote or local URI
            if (docxTemplateFilePath.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) {
                URL templateUrl = new URL(docxTemplateFilePath);
                FileUtils.copyURLToFile(templateUrl, docxtemplate_copy);
            } else {
                File docxtemplate = new File(docxTemplateFilePath);
                if (docxtemplate.exists()) {
                    FileUtils.copyFile(docxtemplate, docxtemplate_copy);
                } else {
                    result.addError(this, 19, docxtemplate.getAbsolutePath());

             * Unzip the docx template to tmpinputDir and tmpoutputDir The
             * contents of the tmpinputdir will be used as input for the
             * transformation. The transformation result will overwrite the
             * relevant files in the tmpoutputDir.
            zipHandler.unzip(docxtemplate_copy, tmpinputDir);
            zipHandler.unzip(docxtemplate_copy, tmpoutputDir);

             * Get hold of the styles.xml file from which the transformation
             * will get relevant information. The path to this file will be used
             * as a transformation parameter.
            File styleXmlFile = new File(tmpinputDir, "word/styles.xml");
            if (!styleXmlFile.canRead()) {
                result.addError(null, 301, styleXmlFile.getName(), "styles.xml");

             * Get hold of the temporary feature catalog xml file. The path to
             * this file will be used as a transformation parameter.
            File xmlFile = new File(outDir, xmlName);
            if (!styleXmlFile.canRead()) {
                result.addError(null, 301, styleXmlFile.getName(), xmlName);

             * Get hold of the input document.xml file (internal .xml file from
             * the docxtemplate). It will be used as the source for the
             * transformation.
            File indocumentxmlFile = new File(tmpinputDir, "word/document.xml");
            if (!indocumentxmlFile.canRead()) {
                result.addError(null, 301, indocumentxmlFile.getName(), "document.xml");

             * Get hold of the output document.xml file. It will be used as the
             * transformation target.
            File outdocumentxmlFile = new File(tmpoutputDir, "word/document.xml");
            if (!outdocumentxmlFile.canWrite()) {
                result.addError(null, 307, outdocumentxmlFile.getName(), "document.xml");

             * Prepare the transformation.
            transformationParameters.put("styleXmlPath", styleXmlFile.toURI().toString());
            transformationParameters.put("catalogXmlPath", xmlFile.toURI().toString());
            transformationParameters.put("DOCX_PLACEHOLDER", DOCX_PLACEHOLDER);

             * Execute the transformation.
            this.xsltWrite(indocumentxmlFile, xsldocxfileName, outdocumentxmlFile);

            if (includeDiagrams) {
                 * === Process image information ===

                 * 1. Copy content of temporary images folder to output folder
                File mediaDir = new File(tmpoutputDir, "word/media");
                FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(options.imageTmpDir(), mediaDir);

                 * 2. Create image information file. The path to this file will
                 * be used as a transformation parameter.

                Document imgInfoDoc = createDocument();

                imgInfoDoc.appendChild(imgInfoDoc.createComment("Temporary file containing image metadata"));

                Element imgInfoRoot = imgInfoDoc.createElement("images");

                addAttribute(imgInfoDoc, imgInfoRoot, "xmlns:xsi", "");

                List<ImageMetadata> imageList = new ArrayList<ImageMetadata>(imageSet);
                Collections.sort(imageList, new Comparator<ImageMetadata>() {

                    public int compare(ImageMetadata o1, ImageMetadata o2) {
                        return o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId());

                for (ImageMetadata im : imageList) {

                    Element e1 = imgInfoDoc.createElement("image");

                    addAttribute(imgInfoDoc, e1, "id", im.getId());
                    addAttribute(imgInfoDoc, e1, "relPath", im.getRelPathToFile());


                Properties outputFormat = OutputPropertiesFactory.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml");
                outputFormat.setProperty("indent", "yes");
                outputFormat.setProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
                if (encoding != null)
                    outputFormat.setProperty("encoding", encoding);

                File relsFile = new File(tmpDir, "docx_relationships.tmp.xml");

                try {

                    OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(relsFile);
                    OutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
                    OutputStreamWriter outputXML = new OutputStreamWriter(bout,

                    Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(outputFormat);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String m = e.getMessage();
                    if (m != null) {

                 * 3. Apply transformation to relationships file

                 * Get hold of the input relationships file (internal file from
                 * the docx template). It will be used as the source for the
                 * transformation.

                File inRelsXmlFile = new File(tmpinputDir, "word/_rels/document.xml.rels");
                if (!inRelsXmlFile.canRead()) {
                    result.addError(null, 301, inRelsXmlFile.getName(), "document.xml.rels");

                 * Get hold of the output relationships file. It will be used as
                 * the transformation target.
                File outRelsXmlFile = new File(tmpoutputDir, "word/_rels/document.xml.rels");
                if (!outRelsXmlFile.canWrite()) {
                    result.addError(null, 307, outRelsXmlFile.getName(), "document.xml.rels");

                 * Prepare the transformation.
                transformationParameters.put("imageInfoXmlPath", relsFile.toURI().toString());

                 * Execute the transformation.
                this.xsltWrite(inRelsXmlFile, xsldocxrelsfileName, outRelsXmlFile);

             * === Create the docx result file ===

            // Get hold of the output docx file (it will be overwritten or
            // initialized).
            File outFile = new File(outDir, docxfileName);

             * Zip the temporary output directory and copy it to the output docx
             * file.
  , outFile);

             * === Delete the temporary directory ===

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                result.addWarning(this, 20, e.getMessage());

            result.addResult(getTargetID(), outputDirectory, docxfileName, null);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {

    private void writeRTF(String xmlName, String outfileBasename) {

        if (!OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("rtf"))


        String rtffileName = outfileBasename + ".rtf";

        if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0 && xslrtffileName != null && xslrtffileName.length() > 0
                && rtffileName != null && rtffileName.length() > 0) {
            xsltWrite(xmlName, xslrtffileName, rtffileName);

    private void writeXML(String xmlName, String outfileBasename) {

        if (!OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("xml"))


        String xmloutFileName = outfileBasename + ".xml";

        if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0 && xslxmlfileName != null && xslxmlfileName.length() > 0
                && xmloutFileName != null && xmloutFileName.length() > 0) {
            xsltWrite(xmlName, xslxmlfileName, xmloutFileName);

    private void fopWrite(String xmlName, String xslfofileName, String outfileName, String outputMimetype) {
        Properties outputFormat = OutputPropertiesFactory.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml");
        outputFormat.setProperty("indent", "yes");
        outputFormat.setProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
        outputFormat.setProperty("encoding", encoding);

        // redirect FOP-logging to our system, Level 'Warning' by default
        Logger fl = Logger.getLogger("org.apache.fop");
        FopMsgHandler fmh = new FopMsgHandler(result, this);

        try {
            // configure fopFactory as desired
            FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance();

            FOUserAgent foUserAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent();
            // configure foUserAgent as desired

            boolean skip = false;

            // Setup directories
            File outDir = new File(outputDirectory);

            // Setup input and output files
            File xmlFile = new File(outDir, xmlName);
            File xsltFile = new File(xsltPath, xslfofileName);
            File outFile = new File(outDir, outfileName);

            if (!xmlFile.canRead()) {
                result.addError(null, 301, xmlFile.getName(), outfileName);
                skip = true;
            if (!xsltFile.canRead()) {
                result.addError(null, 301, xsltFile.getName(), outfileName);
                skip = true;

            if (skip == false) {
                // Setup output
                OutputStream out = null;
                try {
                    out = new;
                    out = new;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    result.addError(null, 304, outFile.getName(), e.getMessage());
                    skip = true;
                if (skip == false) {
                    try {
                        // Construct fop with desired output format
                        Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, foUserAgent, out);

                        // Setup XSLT
                        if (xslTransformerFactory != null) {
                            // use TransformerFactory specified in configuration
                            System.setProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory", xslTransformerFactory);
                        } else {
                            // use TransformerFactory determined by system
                        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                        Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsltFile));

                        FopErrorListener el = new FopErrorListener(xmlFile.getName(), result, this);

                        // Set the value of a <param> in the stylesheet
                        transformer.setParameter("versionParam", "2.0");

                        // Setup input for XSLT transformation
                        Source src = new StreamSource(xmlFile);

                        // Resulting SAX events (the generated FO) must be piped
                        // through to FOP
                        Result res = new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());

                        // Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
                        transformer.transform(src, res);

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        result.addError(null, 304, outfileName, e.getMessage());
                        skip = true;
                    } finally {
                        result.addResult(getTargetID(), outputDirectory, outfileName, null);
                        if (deleteXmlFile)

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {

    public void xsltWrite(String xmlName, String xsltfileName, String outfileName) {

        // =========================================
        // ensure that the source file is available
        // =========================================

        File outDir = new File(outputDirectory);

        File transformationTargetFile = new File(outDir, outfileName);

        File transformationSourceFile = new File(outDir, xmlName);
        if (!transformationSourceFile.canRead()) {
            result.addError(null, 301, transformationSourceFile.getName(), transformationTargetFile.getName());

        xsltWrite(transformationSourceFile, xsltfileName, transformationTargetFile);

    public void xsltWrite(File transformationSource, String xsltfileName, File transformationTarget) {

        try {

            // ==============================
            // 1. perform additional checks
            // ==============================

            URI xsltMainFileUri = null;
            if (xsltPath.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) {
                URL url = new URL(xsltPath + "/" + xsltfileName);
                xsltMainFileUri = url.toURI();
            } else {
                File xsl = new File(xsltPath + "/" + xsltfileName);
                if (xsl.exists()) {
                    xsltMainFileUri = xsl.toURI();
                } else {
                    result.addError(this, 18, xsl.getAbsolutePath());

            // ==============================
            // 2. perform the transformation
            // ==============================

            // determine if we need to run with a specific JRE
            if (pathToJavaExe == null) {

                // continue using current runtime environment
                XsltWriter writer = new XsltWriter(xslTransformerFactory, hrefMappings, transformationParameters,

                writer.xsltWrite(transformationSource, xsltMainFileUri, transformationTarget);

            } else {

                // execute with JRE from configuration

                List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<String>();


                if (javaOptions != null) {

                List<String> cpEntries = new ArrayList<String>();

                // determine if execution from jar or from class file
                URL writerResource = XsltWriter.class.getResource("XsltWriter.class");
                String writerResourceAsString = writerResource.toString();

                if (writerResourceAsString.startsWith("jar:")) {

                    // execution from jar

                    // get path to main ShapeChange jar file
                    String jarPath = writerResourceAsString.substring(4, writerResourceAsString.indexOf("!"));

                    URI jarUri = new URI(jarPath);

                    // add path to man jar file to class path entries
                    File jarF = new File(jarUri);

                     * Get parent directory in which ShapeChange JAR file
                     * exists, because class path entries in manifest are
                     * defined relative to it.
                    File jarDir = jarF.getParentFile();

                    // get manifest and the classpath entries defined by it
                    Manifest mf = new JarFile(jarF).getManifest();
                    String classPath = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue("Class-Path");

                    if (classPath != null) {

                        for (String dependency : classPath.split(" ")) {
                            // add path to dependency to class path entries
                            File dependencyF = new File(jarDir, dependency);

                } else {

                    // execution with class files

                    // get classpath entries from system class loader
                    ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

                    URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) cl).getURLs();

                    for (URL url : urls) {
                        File dependencyF = new File(url.getPath());

                String cpValue = StringUtils.join(cpEntries, System.getProperty("path.separator"));
                cmds.add("\"" + cpValue + "\"");

                /* add fully qualified name of XsltWriter class to command */

                // add parameter for hrefMappings (if defined)
                if (!hrefMappings.isEmpty()) {

                    List<NameValuePair> hrefMappingsList = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
                    for (Entry<String, URI> hrefM : hrefMappings.entrySet()) {
                        hrefMappingsList.add(new BasicNameValuePair(hrefM.getKey(), hrefM.getValue().toString()));
                    String hrefMappingsString = URLEncodedUtils.format(hrefMappingsList,

                     * NOTE: surrounding href mapping string with double quotes
                     * to avoid issues with using '=' inside the string when
                     * passed as parameter in invocation of java executable.
                    cmds.add("\"" + hrefMappingsString + "\"");

                if (!transformationParameters.isEmpty()) {

                    List<NameValuePair> transformationParametersList = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
                    for (Entry<String, String> transParam : transformationParameters.entrySet()) {
                                .add(new BasicNameValuePair(transParam.getKey(), transParam.getValue()));
                    String transformationParametersString = URLEncodedUtils.format(transformationParametersList,

                     * NOTE: surrounding transformation parameter string with
                     * double quotes to avoid issues with using '=' inside the
                     * string when passed as parameter in invocation of java
                     * executable.
                    cmds.add("\"" + transformationParametersString + "\"");

                if (xslTransformerFactory != null) {

                String transformationSourcePath = transformationSource.getPath();
                String xsltMainFileUriString = xsltMainFileUri.toString();
                String transformationTargetPath = transformationTarget.getPath();

                cmds.add("\"" + transformationSourcePath + "\"");

                cmds.add("\"" + transformationTargetPath + "\"");

                cmds.add("\"" + xsltMainFileUriString + "\"");

                result.addInfo(this, 26, StringUtils.join(cmds, " "));

                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds);

                try {
                    Process proc = pb.start();

                    StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream());
                    StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream());



                    int exitVal = proc.waitFor();

                    if (outputGobbler.hasResult()) {
                        result.addInfo(this, 25, outputGobbler.getResult());

                    if (exitVal != 0) {

                        // log error
                        if (errorGobbler.hasResult()) {
                            result.addError(this, 23, errorGobbler.getResult(), "" + exitVal);
                        } else {
                            result.addError(this, 24, "" + exitVal);

                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    result.addFatalError(this, 22);
                    throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

            // ==============
            // 2. log result
            // ==============

            if (OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("docx")) {

                // nothing to do here, the writeDOCX method adds the proper
                // result

            } else if (OutputFormat.toLowerCase().contains("framehtml")) {

                String outputDir = outputDirectory + "/" + outputFilename;

                result.addResult(getTargetID(), outputDir, "index.html", null);
            } else {
                result.addResult(getTargetID(), outputDirectory, transformationTarget.getName(), null);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String m = e.getMessage();
            if (m != null) {

     * <p>
     * This method returns messages belonging to the Feature Catalogue target by
     * their message number. The organization corresponds to the logic in module
     * ShapeChangeResult. All functions in that class, which require an message
     * number can be redirected to the function at hand.
     * </p>
     * @param mnr
     *            Message number
     * @return Message text, including $x$ substitution points.
    public String message(int mnr) {
        // Get the message proper and return it with an identification prefixed
        String mess = messageText(mnr);
        if (mess == null)
            return null;
        String prefix = "";
        if (mess.startsWith("??")) {
            prefix = "??";
            mess = mess.substring(2);
        return prefix + "Feature Catalogue Target: " + mess;

    public void writeOutput() {

        if (dontTransform) {
            // TODO log message

        String xmlName = outputFilename + ".tmp.xml";

        writePDF(xmlName, outputFilename);
        writeHTML(xmlName, outputFilename);
        writeXML(xmlName, outputFilename);
        writeRTF(xmlName, outputFilename);
        writeDOCX(xmlName, outputFilename);


    public void initialise(Options o, ShapeChangeResult r) {

        options = o;
        result = r;

        // String interning only used for creation of temporary XML



     * Set up any common parameters for the XSL transformation.
    private void initialiseTransformationParameters() {

        this.transformationParameters.put("featureTypeSynonym", featureTerm + " Type");
        this.transformationParameters.put("lang", lang);
        this.transformationParameters.put("noAlphabeticSortingForProperties", noAlphabeticSortingForProperties);

    private void initialiseFromOptions() {

        outputDirectory = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "outputDirectory");
        if (outputDirectory == null)
            outputDirectory = options.parameter("outputDirectory");
        if (outputDirectory == null)
            outputDirectory = ".";

        outputFilename = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "outputFilename");
        if (outputFilename == null)
            outputFilename = "FeatureCatalogue";

        docxTemplateFilePath = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "docxTemplateFilePath");
        if (docxTemplateFilePath == null)
            docxTemplateFilePath = options.parameter("docxTemplateFilePath");
        // if no path is provided, use the directory of the default template
        if (docxTemplateFilePath == null) {
            docxTemplateFilePath = DOCX_TEMPLATE_URL;
            result.addDebug(this, 17, "docxTemplateFilePath", DOCX_TEMPLATE_URL);

        String s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "inheritedProperties");
        if (s != null && s.equals("true"))
            Inherit = true;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "deleteXmlfile");
        if (s != null && s.equals("true"))
            deleteXmlFile = true;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "package");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            Package = s;
            Package = "";

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "outputFormat");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            OutputFormat = s;
            OutputFormat = "";

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "featureTerm");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            featureTerm = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "includeDiagrams");
        if (s != null && s.equals("true"))
            includeDiagrams = true;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_DONT_TRANSFORM);
        if (s != null && s.equals("true"))
            dontTransform = true;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_INCLUDE_CODELIST_URI);
        if (s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
            includeCodelistURI = false;

        // TBD: one could check that input has actually loaded the diagrams;
        // however, in future a transformation could create images as well

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "includeVoidable");
        if (s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
            includeVoidable = false;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "includeTitle");
        if (s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
            includeTitle = false;

        if (model != null) {
            encoding = model.characterEncoding();

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslTransformerFactory");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslTransformerFactory = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslhtmlFile");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslhtmlfileName = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslframeHtmlFileName");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslframeHtmlFileName = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslfoFile");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslfofileName = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslrtfFile");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslrtffileName = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xsldocxFile");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xsldocxfileName = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslxmlFile");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xslxmlfileName = s;

         * first check the xslt path setting(s), then anything that depends on
         * it for example the css path defaults to the xslt path
        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xsltPfad");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xsltPath = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xsltPath");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            xsltPath = s;

         * check cssPath only after xslt path has been checked if no value is
         * provided for cssPath it defaults to the xslt path
        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "cssPath");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
            cssPath = s;
        } else {
            cssPath = xsltPath;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "lang");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
            lang = s;

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "noAlphabeticSortingForProperties");
        if (s != null && s.trim().length() > 0)
            noAlphabeticSortingForProperties = s.trim();

        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "xslLocalizationUri");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {

            try {

                URI locXslUri;
                if (s.startsWith("http")) {
                    locXslUri = new URI(s);
                } else {
                    locXslUri = new URI(s);
                    File f;
                    if (!locXslUri.isAbsolute()) {
                        f = new File(s);
                        locXslUri = f.toURI();

                hrefMappings.put(localizationXslDefaultUri, locXslUri);

            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                result.addError(this, 15, "xslLocalizationUri", s, e.toString());


        s = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "localizationMessagesUri");
        if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {

            try {

                URI locMsgUri;
                if (s.startsWith("http")) {
                    locMsgUri = new URI(s);
                } else {
                    locMsgUri = new URI(s);
                    File f;
                    if (!locMsgUri.isAbsolute()) {
                        f = new File(s);
                        locMsgUri = f.toURI();

                hrefMappings.put(localizationMessagesDefaultUri, locMsgUri);

            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                result.addError(this, 15, "localizationMessagesUri", s, e.toString());

     * This is the message text provision proper. It returns a message for a
     * number.
     * @param mnr
     *            Message number
     * @return Message text or null
    protected String messageText(int mnr) {
        switch (mnr) {
        case 12:
            return "Directory named '$1$' does not exist or is not accessible.";
        case 13:
            return "File '$1$' does not exist or is not accessible.";
        case 14:
            return "TBD";
        case 15:
            return "URI syntax exception for configuration parameter '$1$'. Value was: '$2$'. Using default URI stated in XSLT. Exception message: $3$";
        case 16:
            return "Could not copy stylesheet '$1$' from '$2$' to '$3$'.";
        case 17:
            return "No value provided for configuration parameter '$1$', defaulting to: '$2$'.";
        case 18:
            return "XSLT stylesheet $1$ not found.";
        case 19:
            return "DOCX template $1$ not found.";
        case 20:
            return "Could not delete temporary directory created for docx transformation; IOException message is: $1$";
        case 21:
            return "Invalid command for invocation of external java executable. Return code was: $2$. Command was: $1$";
        case 22:
            return "Interruption exception during execution of external java executable.";
        case 23:
            return "Execution of XSLT write with external java executable did not succeed (return code was '$2$'). Error message is: $1$.";
        case 24:
            return "Execution of XSLT write with external java executable did not succeed (return code was '$2$'). No error message was provided.";
        case 25:
            return "Execution of XSLT write with external java executable produced the following log message(s): $1$";
        case 26:
            return "Invoking external JRE with command: $1$";
        case 27:
            return "Message from external java executable: $1$";
        case 28:
            return "Exception occurred when copying content from temporary image directory at '$1$' to directory '$2$'. Message is: $3$.";

        return null;