Java tutorial
/** * ShapeChange - processing application schemas for geographic information * * This file is part of ShapeChange. ShapeChange takes a ISO 19109 * Application Schema from a UML model and translates it into a * GML Application Schema or other implementation representations. * * Additional information about the software can be found at * * * (c) 2002-2015 interactive instruments GmbH, Bonn, Germany * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact: * interactive instruments GmbH * Trierer Strasse 70-72 * 53115 Bonn * Germany */ package de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.EA; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import org.sparx.Collection; import org.sparx.Connector; import org.sparx.ConnectorEnd; import org.sparx.CreateModelType; import org.sparx.Element; import org.sparx.Repository; import org.sparx.Package; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Multiplicity; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Options; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeAbortException; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeResult; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.TargetIdentification; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.AssociationInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.ClassInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Constraint; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Info; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Model; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PackageInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PropertyInfo; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Stereotypes; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.SingleTarget; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.EAException; import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.EAModelUtil; /** * @author Clemens Portele * @author Johannes Echterhoff (echterhoff <at> interactive-instruments * <dot> de) * */ public class UmlModel implements SingleTarget, MessageSource { /** * Optional (default is the current run directory) - The path to the folder * in which the resulting UML model will be created. */ public static final String PARAM_OUTPUT_DIR = "outputDirectory"; private static boolean initialised = false; private static String outputFilename = null; private static String documentationTemplate = null; private static String documentationNoValue = null; private static Repository rep = null; private static Integer pOut_EaPkgId = null; private static Set<AssociationInfo> associations = new HashSet<AssociationInfo>(); private static Map<ClassInfo, Integer> elementIdByClassInfo = new HashMap<ClassInfo, Integer>(); /** * Collection of all generalization relationships between classes contained * in the schemas selected for processing. key: subtype; value: supertype */ private static Map<ClassInfo, ClassInfo> generalisations = new HashMap<ClassInfo, ClassInfo>(); private PackageInfo pi = null; private Model model = null; private Options options = null; private ShapeChangeResult result = null; private Map<String, Integer> eaPkgIdByPackageName = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // TODO Unit Test public void initialise(PackageInfo p, Model m, Options o, ShapeChangeResult r, boolean diagOnly) throws ShapeChangeAbortException { pi = p; model = m; options = o; result = r; if (!initialised) { initialised = true; String outputDirectory = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_OUTPUT_DIR); if (outputDirectory == null) outputDirectory = options.parameter("outputDirectory"); if (outputDirectory == null) outputDirectory = "."; outputFilename = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "modelFilename"); if (outputFilename == null) outputFilename = "ShapeChangeExport.eap"; // change the default documentation template? documentationTemplate = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "documentationTemplate"); documentationNoValue = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "documentationNoValue"); /** Make sure repository file exists */ repfile = null; outDir = new; if (!outDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(outDir); } catch (IOException e) { String errormsg = e.getMessage(); r.addError(null, 32, errormsg, outputDirectory); return; } } repfile = new, outputFilename); boolean ex = true; rep = new Repository(); if (!repfile.exists()) { ex = false; if (!outputFilename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".eap")) { outputFilename += ".eap"; repfile = new; ex = repfile.exists(); } } String absname = repfile.getAbsolutePath(); if (!ex) { if (!rep.CreateModel(CreateModelType.cmEAPFromBase, absname, 0)) { r.addError(null, 31, absname); rep = null; return; } } /** Connect to EA Repository */ if (!rep.OpenFile(absname)) { String errormsg = rep.GetLastError(); r.addError(null, 30, errormsg, outputFilename); rep = null; return; } rep.RefreshModelView(0); Collection<Package> c = rep.GetModels(); Package root = c.GetAt((short) 0); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"); df.setTimeZone(tz); Package pOut = root.GetPackages().AddNew("ShapeChangeOutput-" + df.format(new Date()), "Class View"); if (!pOut.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + pOut.GetLastError()); } pOut_EaPkgId = pOut.GetPackageID(); } if (rep == null || pOut_EaPkgId == null) return; // repository not initialised // export app schema package clonePackage(pi, pOut_EaPkgId); } private void clonePackage(PackageInfo pSource, Integer containerEaPkgId) { Package container = rep.GetPackageByID(containerEaPkgId); clonePackage(pSource, container); } private void clonePackage(PackageInfo pSource, Package container) { Package pkg = container.GetPackages().AddNew(, "Nothing"); if (!pkg.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + pkg.GetLastError()); } cloneStandarddItems(pkg.GetElement(), pSource); eaPkgIdByPackageName.put(, pkg.GetPackageID()); for (PackageInfo cpi : pSource.containedPackages()) { clonePackage(cpi, pkg); } } public void process(ClassInfo ci) { cloneClass(ci); } private void cloneClass(ClassInfo ci) { Package pkg = rep.GetPackageByID(eaPkgIdByPackageName.get(ci.pkg().name())); if (pkg == null) { result.addError("Missing package information for class " + ci.fullName()); return; } Element e = pkg.GetElements().AddNew(, "Class"); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } elementIdByClassInfo.put(ci, e.GetElementID()); cloneStandarddItems(e, ci); if (ci.isAbstract()) { e.SetAbstract("true"); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } } for (Constraint constr : ci.constraints()) { org.sparx.Constraint ct = e.GetConstraints().AddNew(, "OCL"); if (!ct.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + ct.GetLastError()); } ct.SetNotes(constr.text()); ct.Update(); } for (PropertyInfo propi : { if (propi.isAttribute()) cloneAttribute(e, propi); else associations.add(propi.association()); } for (String tid : ci.supertypes()) { ClassInfo cix = model.classById(tid); if (cix == null) { result.addError(this, 101, tid,; } else if (!model.isInSelectedSchemas(cix)) { result.addError(this, 102,,; } else { generalisations.put(ci, cix); } } for (String tid : ci.subtypes()) { ClassInfo cix = model.classById(tid); if (cix == null) { result.addError(this, 103, tid,; } else if (!model.isInSelectedSchemas(cix)) { result.addError(this, 104,,; } else { generalisations.put(cix, ci); } } if (ci.isAssocClass() != null) { /* * will be created when the association itself has been created, so * in writeAll() */ } } private String stereotypesCSV(Stereotypes stereotypes) { return stereotypes == null ? "" : stereotypes.toString(); } private void cloneAttribute(Element e, PropertyInfo propi) { try { org.sparx.Attribute att = e.GetAttributes().AddNew(, ""); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetStyle(propi.aliasName()); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetNotes(propi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue)); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetStereotype(stereotypesCSV(propi.stereotypes())); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(att, propi.taggedValuesAll()); att.SetIsDerived(propi.isDerived()); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetIsOrdered(propi.isOrdered()); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetAllowDuplicates(!propi.isUnique()); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetDefault(propi.initialValue()); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetVisibility("public"); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } Multiplicity m = propi.cardinality(); att.SetLowerBound("" + m.minOccurs); if (m.maxOccurs == Integer.MAX_VALUE) att.SetUpperBound("*"); else att.SetUpperBound("" + m.maxOccurs); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } att.SetType(propi.typeInfo().name); if (!att.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + att.GetLastError()); } } catch (EAException exc) { result.addError(this, 10002,, propi.inClass().name(), exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Clones standard items to add them to the given element (usually a class * or a package). * * @param e * @param i */ private void cloneStandarddItems(Element e, Info i) { try { e.SetAlias(i.aliasName()); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetNotes(i.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue)); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetStereotype(stereotypesCSV(i.stereotypes()).replace(" ", "")); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(e, i.taggedValuesAll()); e.Refresh(); } catch (EAException exc) { result.addError(this, 10003,, exc.getMessage()); } } private void cloneStandardItems(Connector e, Info i) { try { e.SetAlias(i.aliasName()); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetNotes(i.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue)); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetStereotype(stereotypesCSV(i.stereotypes())); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(e, i.taggedValuesAll()); } catch (EAException exc) { result.addError(this, 10004, == null || == 0 ? "<without_name>" :, exc.getMessage()); } } private void cloneStandardItems(ConnectorEnd e, PropertyInfo i) { try { e.SetRole(; if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetAlias(i.aliasName()); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } Multiplicity m = i.cardinality(); if (m.maxOccurs == Integer.MAX_VALUE) e.SetCardinality(m.minOccurs + "..*"); else e.SetCardinality(m.minOccurs + ".." + m.maxOccurs); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetIsNavigable(i.isNavigable()); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetRoleNote(i.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue)); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetStereotype(stereotypesCSV(i.stereotypes())); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetOrdering(i.isOrdered() ? 1 : 0); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } e.SetAllowDuplicates(!i.isUnique()); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } if (i.reverseProperty() != null) { if (i.reverseProperty().isAggregation()) { e.SetAggregation(1); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } } else if (i.reverseProperty().isComposition()) { e.SetAggregation(2); if (!e.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + e.GetLastError()); } } } EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(e, i.taggedValuesAll()); } catch (EAException exc) { result.addError(this, 10004, == null || == 0 ? "<without_name>" :, exc.getMessage()); } } public void write() { // nothing to do, everything will be written in initialise() and // writeAll() } public int getTargetID() { return TargetIdentification.UML_MODEL.getId(); } public void writeAll(ShapeChangeResult r) { result = r; if (rep == null) return; // repository not initialised for (AssociationInfo ai : associations) { PropertyInfo propi1 = ai.end1(); PropertyInfo propi2 = ai.end2(); ClassInfo ci1 = propi1.inClass(); ClassInfo ci2 = propi2.inClass(); int c1ElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(ci1); int c2ElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(ci2); Element c1 = rep.GetElementByID(c1ElementId); Element c2 = rep.GetElementByID(c2ElementId); if (c1 == null) { result.addWarning("Association between " + + " - " + + " not set as the first class is not part of target model."); } else if (c2 == null) { result.addWarning("Association between " + + " - " + + " not set as the second class is not part of target model."); } else { c1.Refresh(); Collection<Connector> c1Conns = c1.GetConnectors(); c1Conns.Refresh(); Connector con = c1Conns.AddNew("", "Association"); con.SetSupplierID(c2.GetElementID()); con.SetDirection("Bi-Directional"); if (!con.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + con.GetLastError()); } c1.GetConnectors().Refresh(); cloneStandardItems(con, ai); cloneStandardItems(con.GetClientEnd(), propi2); cloneStandardItems(con.GetSupplierEnd(), propi1); // generate association class relationship ClassInfo assocClassCi = ai.assocClass(); if (assocClassCi != null) { int assocClassElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(assocClassCi); Element assocClass = rep.GetElementByID(assocClassElementId); if (assocClass == null) { result.addError(this, 10006,,,; } else { try { EAModelUtil.setEAAssociationClass(con, assocClass); } catch (EAException e) { result.addError(this, 10005,,,, e.getMessage()); } } } } } for (Entry<ClassInfo, ClassInfo> entry : generalisations.entrySet()) { ClassInfo subtype = entry.getKey(); ClassInfo supertype = entry.getValue(); Integer c1ElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(subtype); Integer c2ElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(supertype); // check that element IDs were found if (c1ElementId == null) { result.addWarning(this, 105,,,; } else if (c2ElementId == null) { result.addWarning(this, 105,,,; } else { Element c1 = rep.GetElementByID(c1ElementId); Element c2 = rep.GetElementByID(c2ElementId); if (c1 == null) { result.addWarning(this, 105,,,; } else if (c2 == null) { result.addWarning(this, 105,,,; } else { c1.Refresh(); Collection<Connector> c1Conns = c1.GetConnectors(); c1Conns.Refresh(); Connector con = c1Conns.AddNew("", "Generalization"); con.SetSupplierID(c2.GetElementID()); if (!con.Update()) { result.addError("EA-Fehler: " + con.GetLastError()); } c1.GetConnectors().Refresh(); } } } // 2015-06-25 JE: compact() no longer supported in EA v12 API // rep.Compact(); rep.CloseFile(); rep.Exit(); // TBD: release any of the static fields so that the resources don't // linger? } public void reset() { initialised = false; outputFilename = null; rep = null; pOut_EaPkgId = null; associations = new HashSet<AssociationInfo>(); elementIdByClassInfo = new HashMap<ClassInfo, Integer>(); generalisations = new HashMap<ClassInfo, ClassInfo>(); } /** * @see de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource#message(int) */ public String message(int mnr) { /** * Number ranges defined as follows: * <ul> * <li>1-100: Initialization related messages</li> * <li>10001-10100: EA exceptions * </ul> */ switch (mnr) { case 0: return "Context: class UmlModel"; // 1-100: Initialization related messages // 101-200: issues with the model case 101: return "Supertype with id '$1$' of class '$2$' was not found in the model."; case 102: return "Supertype '$1$' of class '$2$' is not part of the schemas selected for processing. The generalization relationship will not be created."; case 103: return "Subtype with id '$1$' of class '$2$' was not found in the model."; case 104: return "Subtype '$1$' of class '$2$' is not part of the schemas selected for processing. The generalization relationship will not be created."; case 105: return "Generalisation relationship between subtype '$1$' and supertype '$2$' cannot be created because '$3$' is not part of the target model."; // 10001-10100: EA exceptions case 10001: return "EA exception encountered: $1$"; case 10002: return "EA exception encountered while cloning attribute '$1$' of class '$2$'. Error message: $3$"; case 10003: return "EA exception encountered while cloning standard items for model element (class or package) '$1$'. Error message: $2$"; case 10004: return "EA exception encountered while cloning standard items for association '$1$'. Error message: $2$"; case 10005: return "EA exception encountered while establishing the association class relationship between class '$1$' and the association between classes '$2$' and '$3$'. Error message: $4$"; case 10006: return "Relationship between association class '$1$' and the association between classes '$2$' and '$3$' could not be established because the association class '$1$' is not part of the target model."; default: return "(Unknown message)"; } } }