Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * ShapeChange - processing application schemas for geographic information
 * This file is part of ShapeChange. ShapeChange takes a ISO 19109 
 * Application Schema from a UML model and translates it into a 
 * GML Application Schema or other implementation representations.
 * Additional information about the software can be found at
 * (c) 2002-2014 interactive instruments GmbH, Bonn, Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contact:
 * interactive instruments GmbH
 * Trierer Strasse 70-72
 * 53115 Bonn
 * Germany
package de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.ArcGISWorkspace;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.Set;

import org.sparx.Attribute;
import org.sparx.Collection;
import org.sparx.Connector;
import org.sparx.ConnectorEnd;
import org.sparx.Element;
import org.sparx.Repository;
import org.sparx.Package;

import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Multiplicity;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Options;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ProcessConfiguration;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ProcessMapEntry;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeAbortException;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.ShapeChangeResult;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.TargetIdentification;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Type;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.AssociationInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.ClassInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Constraint;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.Model;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PackageInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Model.PropertyInfo;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Target.Target;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.EAException;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.EAModelUtil;
import de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Util.EATaggedValue;

 * @author Johannes Echterhoff
public class ArcGISWorkspace implements Target, MessageSource {

    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* --- Rules to modify or extend the default behavior --- */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

     * If this rule is enabled, the initial value for a <<DomainCodedValue>>,
     * which is an attribute of a <<CodedValueDomain>> that results from
     * conversion of enumerations and code lists from the application schema, is
     * taken from the alias of the respective enums and codes, rather than from
     * the initial value defined in the application schema.
    public static final String RULE_ENUM_INITIAL_VALUE_BY_ALIAS = "rule-arcgis-prop-initialValueByAlias";

    /* ------------------------------------------- */
    /* --- configuration parameter identifiers --- */
    /* ------------------------------------------- */

    /* --- parameters required for / available in default behavior --- */
     * Optional (defaults to 255) - Default length to set in the 'length' tagged
     * value of <<field>>s that have a textual value, in case that there is no
     * OCL constraint that defines the length.
    public static final String PARAM_LENGTH_TAGGED_VALUE_DEFAULT = "defaultLength";
     * Optional (defaults to 0.01) - Delta to add to / subtract from a range
     * limit in case that the lower and/or upper boundary comparison operator is
     * not inclusive.
    public static final String PARAM_VALUE_RANGE_DELTA = "valueRangeExcludedBoundaryDelta";
     * Optional (default is the current run directory) - The path to the folder
     * in which the resulting ArcGIS workspace (UML) model will be created.
    public static final String PARAM_OUTPUT_DIR = "outputDirectory";
     * Optional (defaults to "ArcGISWorkspace.eap") The name of the output file.
     * ShapeChange will append the file extension '.eap' as suffix if the file
     * name does not already contain it.
    public static final String PARAM_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "outputFilename";
     * Optional (defaults to
     * ""
     * ) - Path to the ArcGIS workspace UML model template file (can be local or
     * an online resource).
    public static final String PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE = "workspaceTemplate";
    public static final String WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_URL = "";
     * Optional changes to the default documentation template and the default strings for descriptors without value
    public static final String PARAM_DOCUMENTATION_TEMPLATE = "documentationTemplate";
    public static final String PARAM_DOCUMENTATION_NOVALUE = "documentationNoValue";

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* --- Constants for elements of the ArcGIS workspace template --- */
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */

    public static final String TEMPLATE_PKG_FEATURES_NAME = "Features";
    public static final String TEMPLATE_PKG_DOMAINS_NAME = "Domains";
    public static final String TEMPLATE_PKG_TABLES_NAME = "Tables";
    public static final String TEMPLATE_PKG_ASSOCIATION_CLASSES_NAME = "Association Classes";

    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /* --- ArcGIS Workspace Stereotypes --- */
    /* ------------------------------------ */

    public static final String STEREOTYPE_RELATIONSHIP_CLASS = "RelationshipClass";

    public static final String STEREOTYPE_DOMAIN_CODED_VALUE = "DomainCodedValue";

    /* ----------------------- */
    /* --- Other constants --- */
    /* ----------------------- */

    public static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 30;
    public static final int MAX_ALIAS_LENGTH = 30;

    public static final double NUM_RANGE_DELTA = 0.01;

    public static final Double DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MIN_LOWER_BOUNDARY = new Double(-1000000000);
    public static final Double DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MAX_UPPER_BOUNDARY = new Double(1000000000);

    public int lengthTaggedValueDefault = 255;

    public static final String ILLEGAL_NAME_CHARACTERS_DETECTION_REGEX = "\\W";

    /* -------------------- */
    /* --- enumerations --- */
    /* -------------------- */

    public enum ArcGISGeometryType {
        POINT("Point"), MULTIPOINT("Multipoint"), POLYLINE("Polyline"), POLYGON("Polygon"), UNKNOWN(
                "Unknown"), NONE("None");

        private String stereotype;

        ArcGISGeometryType(String stereotype) {
            this.stereotype = stereotype;

        public String stereotypeValue() {
            return stereotype;

    /* -------------------- */
    /* --- other fields --- */
    /* -------------------- */

    private static String workspaceTemplateFilePath = WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_URL;

    private double numRangeDelta = NUM_RANGE_DELTA;

    private Set<String> esriTypesSuitedForRangeConstraint = new HashSet<String>();

    private String outputDirectory = null;
    private File outputDirectoryFile = null;
    private String documentationTemplate = null;
    private String documentationNoValue = null;

    private Repository rep = null;

    private Set<ClassInfo> ignoredCis = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

    private Map<ClassInfo, ArcGISGeometryType> geometryTypeCache = new HashMap<ClassInfo, ArcGISGeometryType>();

    private Map<ClassInfo, Integer> elementIdByClassInfo = new HashMap<ClassInfo, Integer>();
    private Map<ClassInfo, String> elementNameByClassInfo = new HashMap<ClassInfo, String>();

    private Map<ClassInfo, String> objectIdAttributeGUIDByClass = new HashMap<ClassInfo, String>();
    private Map<ClassInfo, ClassInfo> generalisations = new HashMap<ClassInfo, ClassInfo>();
    private Set<AssociationInfo> associations = new HashSet<AssociationInfo>();

     * key: name that would usually be assigned to a relationship class; value:
     * counter for the number of occurrences of this particular name (assume 0
     * if a name is not contained as key yet)
    private Map<String, Integer> counterByRelationshipClassName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

     * key: class info object; value: map that keeps track of property names
     * used [key: name that would usually be assigned to the property; value:
     * counter for the number of occurrences of this particular name (assume 0
     * if a name is not contained as key yet)]
    private Map<ClassInfo, Map<String, Integer>> counterByPropertyNameByClass = new HashMap<ClassInfo, Map<String, Integer>>();

    private Model model = null;
    private Options options = null;
    private ShapeChangeResult result = null;

    protected PackageInfo appSchemaPkg;

     * &lt;&lt;ArcGIS&gt;&gt; workspace package that represents the application
     * schema package.
    // protected Package workspacePkg;
    protected Integer workspacePkgId;

     * &lt;&lt;FeatureDataset&gt;&gt; package where all feature types with
     * supported ArcGIS geometry are stored (in package itself or sub-packages
     * according to package hierarchy in the application schema).
    // protected Package features;
    protected Integer featuresPkgId;

     * Package where all feature types without geometry and object types are
     * stored (in package itself or sub-packages according to package hierarchy
     * in the application schema).
    // protected Package tables;
    protected Integer tablesPkgId;

     * Package where all association classes used to represent n:m relationships
     * are stored.
    // protected Package assocClasses;
    protected Integer assocClassesPkgId;

     * Package where all code lists and enumerations are stored (in package
     * itself or sub-packages according to package hierarchy in the application
     * schema).
    // protected Package domains;
    protected Integer domainsPkgId;

     * key: workspace sub package; value: {key: application schema package;
     * value: corresponding EA package within the workspace sub package}
    // protected Map<Package, Map<PackageInfo, Package>>
    // eaPkgByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkg = new HashMap<Package, Map<PackageInfo,
    // Package>>();
    protected Map<Integer, Map<PackageInfo, Integer>> eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId = new HashMap<Integer, Map<PackageInfo, Integer>>();

     * TODO: value of 'rule' attribute is currently ignored
     * key: 'type' attribute value of map entry defined for the target; value:
     * according map entry
    protected Map<String, ProcessMapEntry> processMapEntries = null;

    protected Map<String, Integer> lengthMappingByTypeName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    protected Map<String, Integer> precisionMappingByTypeName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    protected Map<String, Integer> scaleMappingByTypeName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

     * Contains information about the maximum length of a property value
     * (usually of a textual type).
     * key: {class name}_{property name}; value: the max length of the property
     * value
    protected Map<String, Integer> lengthByClassPropName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

     * Contains information about the numeric ranges defined for specific class
     * properties via OCL constraints.
     * key: class; value: map with [key: property name; value: the numeric range
     * for the property]
    protected Map<ClassInfo, Map<String, NumericRangeConstraintMetadata>> numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName = new HashMap<ClassInfo, Map<String, NumericRangeConstraintMetadata>>();

     * Pattern to parse length constraints for property values, i.e. the
     * property name and maximum length.
     * <p>
     * (?:self\.|\s)?(\w+)\.[\w\.]*?size\(\)\D*(\d+)
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>group 1: property name</li>
     * <li>group 2: max length value</li>
     * </ul>
    private Pattern lengthConstraintPattern = Pattern

     * Pattern to parse the lower boundary information from a numeric range
     * constraint.
     * <pre>
     * \.value\s*(?=>)(.*?)\s*([\+-]?[\.|\d]+)
     * </pre>
     * <ul>
     * <li>group 1: comparison operator for lower boundary (either '>' or '>=')
     * </li>
     * <li>group 2: comparison value (e.g. '0', '30.3', '.045')</li>
     * </ul>
    private Pattern numRangeConstraintLowerBoundaryPattern = Pattern

     * Pattern to parse the upper boundary information from a numeric range
     * constraint.
     * <pre>
     * \.value\s*(?=<)(.*?)\s*([\+-]?[\.|\d]+)
     * </pre>
     * <ul>
     * <li>group 1: comparison operator for upper boundary (either '<' or '<=')
     * </li>
     * <li>group 2: comparison value (e.g. '0', '30.3', '.045')</li>
     * </ul>
    private Pattern numRangeConstraintUpperBoundaryPattern = Pattern

     * Pattern to parse the property name from a numeric range constraint.
     * <p>
     * (?:self\.|\s)?(\w+)\.[\w\.]*?value(?:[,\s])
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>group 1: name of the property; WARNING: the name is expected to be
     * contained in the first find() - don't use subsequent finds, because they
     * could yield the name of interval properties (e.g. 'vs', 'vil', 'viu' -
     * specifically relevant for HOK or DGIM models)</li>
     * </ul>
    private Pattern numRangeConstraintPropertyNamePattern = Pattern

    private String absolutePathOfOutputEAPFile;

     * key: name of the class element; value: the range domain element
    // private Map<String, Element> numericRangeElementsByClassName = new
    // HashMap<String, Element>();
    private Map<String, Integer> numericRangeElementIdsByClassName = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    // TODO Unit Test

    public void initialise(PackageInfo p, Model m, Options o, ShapeChangeResult r, boolean diagOnly)
            throws ShapeChangeAbortException {

        appSchemaPkg = p;
        model = m;
        options = o;
        result = r;

        // initialize mappings
        this.lengthMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeInteger", 0);
        this.lengthMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDouble", 0);
        this.lengthMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDate", 0);

        this.precisionMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeString", 0);
        this.precisionMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeInteger", 9);
        this.precisionMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDouble", 10);
        this.precisionMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDate", 0);

        this.scaleMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeString", 0);
        this.scaleMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeInteger", 0);
        this.scaleMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDouble", 6);
        this.scaleMappingByTypeName.put("esriFieldTypeDate", 0);

        // get output location
        outputDirectory = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_OUTPUT_DIR);
        if (outputDirectory == null)
            outputDirectory = options.parameter("outputDirectory");
        if (outputDirectory == null)
            outputDirectory = options.parameter(".");

        String outputFilename ="/", "_").replace(" ", "_") + ".eap";

        // parse default length parameter
        String defaultLengthParamValue = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(),
        if (defaultLengthParamValue != null) {

            try {

                int length = Integer.parseInt(defaultLengthParamValue);
                this.lengthTaggedValueDefault = length;

            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

                result.addError(this, 13);

        // Check if we can use the output directory; create it if it
        // does not exist
        outputDirectoryFile = new File(outputDirectory);
        boolean exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists();
        if (!exi) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                result.addError(this, 5, e.getMessage());
            exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists();
        boolean dir = outputDirectoryFile.isDirectory();
        boolean wrt = outputDirectoryFile.canWrite();
        boolean rea = outputDirectoryFile.canRead();
        if (!exi || !dir || !wrt || !rea) {
            result.addFatalError(this, 1, outputDirectory);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

        File outputFile = new File(outputDirectoryFile, outputFilename);

        // check if output file already exists - if so, attempt to delete it
        exi = outputFile.exists();
        if (exi) {

            result.addInfo(this, 2, outputFilename, outputDirectory);

            try {
                result.addInfo(this, 3);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                result.addInfo(this, 4, e.getMessage());

        // read workspace template

        // String pathToWorkspaceTemplateFileInput = options.parameter(this
        // .getClass().getName(), PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE);
        // File workspaceTemplateFileInput = null;
        // if (pathToWorkspaceTemplateFileInput == null) {
        // result.addFatalError(this, 6);
        // throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        // } else {
        // workspaceTemplateFileInput = new File(
        // pathToWorkspaceTemplateFileInput);
        // if (!workspaceTemplateFileInput.canRead()) {
        // result.addFatalError(this, 7, pathToWorkspaceTemplateFileInput);
        // throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        // }
        // }

        workspaceTemplateFilePath = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE);

        if (workspaceTemplateFilePath == null) {
            workspaceTemplateFilePath = options.parameter(PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE);
        // if no path is provided, use the directory of the default template
        if (workspaceTemplateFilePath == null) {
            workspaceTemplateFilePath = WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_URL;
            result.addInfo(this, 9, PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE, WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_URL);

        // copy template file either from remote or local URI
        if (workspaceTemplateFilePath.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) {
            try {
                URL templateUrl = new URL(workspaceTemplateFilePath);
                FileUtils.copyURLToFile(templateUrl, outputFile);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
                result.addFatalError(this, 6, workspaceTemplateFilePath, e1.getMessage());
                throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
            } catch (IOException e2) {
                result.addFatalError(this, 8, e2.getMessage());
                throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            File workspacetemplate = new File(workspaceTemplateFilePath);
            if (workspacetemplate.exists()) {
                try {
                    FileUtils.copyFile(workspacetemplate, outputFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    result.addFatalError(this, 8, e.getMessage());
                    throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
            } else {
                result.addFatalError(this, 7, workspacetemplate.getAbsolutePath());
                throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

        // File workspaceTemplateFileInput = new File(
        // workspaceTemplateFilePath);
        // if (!workspaceTemplateFileInput.canRead()) {
        // result.addFatalError(this, 7, pathToWorkspaceTemplateFileInput);
        // throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        // }

        // // copy template to outputFile
        // try {
        // FileUtils.copyFile(workspaceTemplateFileInput, outputFile);
        // } catch (IOException e) {
        // result.addFatalError(this, 8, e.getMessage());
        // e.printStackTrace(System.err);
        // throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        // }

        // connect to EA repository in outputFile
        absolutePathOfOutputEAPFile = outputFile.getAbsolutePath();

        rep = new Repository();

        if (!rep.OpenFile(absolutePathOfOutputEAPFile)) {
            String errormsg = rep.GetLastError();
            r.addError(null, 30, errormsg, outputFilename);
            rep = null;
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();

        // get template packages

        Collection<Package> c = rep.GetModels();
        Package root = c.GetAt((short) 0);

        Collection<Package> modelPkgs = root.GetPackages();
        if (modelPkgs.GetCount() == 0 || !modelPkgs.GetAt((short) 0).GetStereotypeEx().equalsIgnoreCase("ArcGIS")) {
            result.addError(this, 9);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            Package workspacePkg = modelPkgs.GetAt((short) 0);
            this.workspacePkgId = workspacePkg.GetPackageID();

            // eaPkgByModelPkg.put(appSchemaPkg, workspacePkg);

        Integer features = EAModelUtil.getEAChildPackageByName(rep, workspacePkgId, TEMPLATE_PKG_FEATURES_NAME);
        if (features == null) {
            result.addError(this, 102, TEMPLATE_PKG_FEATURES_NAME);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            this.featuresPkgId = features;
            this.eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId.put(featuresPkgId, new HashMap<PackageInfo, Integer>());

        Integer domains = EAModelUtil.getEAChildPackageByName(rep, workspacePkgId, TEMPLATE_PKG_DOMAINS_NAME);
        if (domains == null) {
            result.addError(this, 102, TEMPLATE_PKG_DOMAINS_NAME);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            this.domainsPkgId = domains;
            this.eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId.put(domainsPkgId, new HashMap<PackageInfo, Integer>());

        Integer tables = EAModelUtil.getEAChildPackageByName(rep, workspacePkgId, TEMPLATE_PKG_TABLES_NAME);
        if (tables == null) {
            result.addError(this, 102, TEMPLATE_PKG_TABLES_NAME);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            this.tablesPkgId = tables;
            this.eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId.put(tablesPkgId, new HashMap<PackageInfo, Integer>());

        Integer assocClasses = EAModelUtil.getEAChildPackageByName(rep, workspacePkgId,
        if (assocClasses == null) {
            result.addError(this, 102, TEMPLATE_PKG_ASSOCIATION_CLASSES_NAME);
            throw new ShapeChangeAbortException();
        } else {
            this.assocClassesPkgId = assocClasses;
            this.eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId.put(assocClassesPkgId, new HashMap<PackageInfo, Integer>());

        ProcessConfiguration pc = o.getCurrentProcessConfig();

        // parse map entries
        List<ProcessMapEntry> mapEntries = pc.getMapEntries();

        Map<String, ProcessMapEntry> mes = new HashMap<String, ProcessMapEntry>();

        for (ProcessMapEntry pme : mapEntries) {
            // TODO ignores value of 'rule' attribute in map entry, so if there
            // were map entries for different rules with same 'type' attribute
            // value, this needs to be updated
            if (pme.hasTargetType()) {
                mes.put(pme.getType(), pme);
            } else {
                result.addError(this, 11, pme.getType());

        this.processMapEntries = mes;

        // initialize set with esri types suited for numeric range constraints

        // parse numeric range delta parameter
        String numRangeDeltaParamValue = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_VALUE_RANGE_DELTA);
        if (numRangeDeltaParamValue != null) {

            try {

                double delta = Double.parseDouble(numRangeDeltaParamValue);
                this.numRangeDelta = delta;

            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

                result.addError(this, 12);

        // change the default documentation template?
        documentationTemplate = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_DOCUMENTATION_TEMPLATE);
        documentationNoValue = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), PARAM_DOCUMENTATION_NOVALUE);

    public void process(ClassInfo ci) {

        // some preprocessing: determine length info from OCL constraints

        try {

            int cat = ci.category();

            if (cat == Options.OBJECT || (cat == Options.FEATURE
                    && determineArcGISGeometryType(ci).equals(ArcGISGeometryType.NONE))) {


            } else if (cat == Options.FEATURE) {

                // create class according to geometry type of feature

                ArcGISGeometryType geomType = determineArcGISGeometryType(ci);

                if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.UNKNOWN)) {

                    result.addWarning(this, 210,;

                    // keep track of ignored classes for better debugging

                } else {

                    if (hasMultipleGeometryProperties(ci)) {

                         * log warning that first geometry property will be
                         * used, the rest ignored
                        result.addWarning(this, 211,;


            } else if (cat == Options.ENUMERATION) {


            } else if (cat == Options.CODELIST) {


            } else if (cat == Options.UNION) {

                result.addWarning(this, 209, cat + " (union)",;

                // keep track of ignored classes for better debugging

            } else if (cat == Options.DATATYPE) {

                result.addWarning(this, 209, cat + " (dataType)",;

                // keep track of ignored classes for better debugging

            } else if (cat == Options.MIXIN) {

                result.addWarning(this, 209, cat + " (mixin)",;

                // keep track of ignored classes for better debugging

            } else {

                result.addWarning(this, 209, "" + cat,;

                // keep track of ignored classes for better debugging
        } catch (EAException e) {
            result.addError(this, 201, e.getMessage());

    private void parseNumericRangeConstraints(ClassInfo ci) {

        if (ci.constraints() != null) {

            for (Constraint cons : ci.constraints()) {

                String ocl = cons.text();

                boolean lowerBoundaryInclusive = true;
                boolean upperBoundaryInclusive = true;
                Double lowerBoundaryValue = DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MIN_LOWER_BOUNDARY;
                Double upperBoundaryValue = DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MAX_UPPER_BOUNDARY;

                Matcher matcher = this.numRangeConstraintLowerBoundaryPattern.matcher(ocl);

                boolean foundLowerBoundary = matcher.find();

                if (foundLowerBoundary) {

                    String lbOperator =;
                    String lbValue =;

                    if (lbOperator.equals(">")) {
                        lowerBoundaryInclusive = false;

                    try {
                        lowerBoundaryValue = Double.parseDouble(lbValue);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        result.addWarning(this, 231, lbValue,,, ocl);

                } else {
                    // no problem - OCL constraint can be of other
                    // constraint type

                matcher = this.numRangeConstraintUpperBoundaryPattern.matcher(ocl);

                boolean foundUpperBoundary = matcher.find();

                if (foundUpperBoundary) {

                    String ubOperator =;
                    String ubValue =;

                    if (ubOperator.equals("<")) {
                        upperBoundaryInclusive = false;

                    try {
                        upperBoundaryValue = Double.parseDouble(ubValue);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        result.addWarning(this, 232, ubValue,,, ocl);

                } else {
                    // no problem - OCL constraint can be of other
                    // constraint type

                if (foundLowerBoundary || foundUpperBoundary) {

                    matcher = this.numRangeConstraintPropertyNamePattern.matcher(ocl);

                    boolean foundPropertyName = matcher.find();

                    if (foundPropertyName) {

                        String propertyName =;

                        // check that detected property actually exists in the
                        // class; NOTE: because flattening can have modified the
                        // property names (merging them with other names, or
                        // replacing them with the alias) we must use a specific
                        // search

                        boolean propertyFound = false;

                        for (PropertyInfo pi : {

                            if (
                                    || (pi.aliasName() != null && pi.aliasName().startsWith(propertyName))) {
                                propertyFound = true;

                        if (!propertyFound) {
                            result.addWarning(this, 229, propertyName,, ocl);

                        // keep track of the numeric range information

                        NumericRangeConstraintMetadata nrcm = new NumericRangeConstraintMetadata(lowerBoundaryValue,
                                upperBoundaryValue, lowerBoundaryInclusive, upperBoundaryInclusive);

                        Map<String, NumericRangeConstraintMetadata> map;

                        if (this.numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName.containsKey(ci)) {
                            // fine, we don't need to initialize the map for the
                            // class
                            map = this.numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName.get(ci);
                        } else {

                            map = new HashMap<String, NumericRangeConstraintMetadata>();

                            this.numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName.put(ci, map);

                        map.put(propertyName, nrcm);

                    } else {

                         * this is unexpected, as we expect to be able to
                         * determine the property name for a numeric range
                         * constraint (which we appear to have detected, because
                         * the regular expression to detect lower/upper boundary
                         * found something

                        result.addWarning(this, 228,, ocl);

    private void parseLengthInfoFromOCLConstraints(ClassInfo ci) {

        if ((ci.category() == Options.FEATURE || ci.category() == Options.OBJECT
                || ci.category() == Options.GMLOBJECT) && ci.constraints() != null) {

            for (Constraint cons : ci.constraints()) {

                String ocl = cons.text();

                Matcher matcher = this.lengthConstraintPattern.matcher(ocl);

                boolean found = matcher.find();

                if (found) {

                    String propertyName =;
                    String length =;

                    Integer i = new Integer(length);

                    lengthByClassPropName.put( + "_" + propertyName, i);

                } else {
                    // no problem - OCL constraint can be of other
                    // constraint type

    private void createCodedValueDomain(ClassInfo ci) throws EAException {

        int eaPkgId = establishEAPackageHierarchy(ci, this.domainsPkgId);

        // create class element
        String name = normalizeName(;

        if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
            this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name,,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
            name = clipToMaxLength(name);

        Element e = EAModelUtil.createEAClass(rep, name, eaPkgId);

        // store mapping between ClassInfo and EA Element
        // classes.put(ci, e);
        elementIdByClassInfo.put(ci, e.GetElementID());
        elementNameByClassInfo.put(ci, name);

        // set alias, notes, abstractness
        setCommonItems(ci, e);

        EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(e, "CodedValueDomain");

        String description = ci.description() == null || ci.description().trim().length() == 0
                ? "<no description available>"
                : ci.description();
        EAModelUtil.setTaggedValue(e, new EATaggedValue("description", description, true));

        // create required properties: FieldType, MergePolicy, SplitPolicy
        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "FieldType", null, null, null, null, false, false, "esriFieldTypeString",
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldType", null);

        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "MergePolicy", null, null, null, null, false, false, "esriMPTDefaultValue",
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriMergePolicyType", null);

        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "SplitPolicy", null, null, null, null, false, false, "esriSPTDuplicate",
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriSplitPolicyType", null);

        // for each enum/code of the class, create an according property
        if ( != null) {

            Set<String> enumStereotype = new HashSet<String>();

            for (PropertyInfo pi : {

                String initialValue;

                if (pi.matches(RULE_ENUM_INITIAL_VALUE_BY_ALIAS)) {
                    initialValue = pi.aliasName();
                } else {
                    initialValue = pi.initialValue();

                if (initialValue == null || initialValue.trim().length() == 0) {
                    initialValue =;

                EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e,, null,
                        pi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue), enumStereotype, null,
                        false, false, initialValue, new Multiplicity(1, 1), null, null);

    private Element createRangeDomain(String rangeDomainName, String rangeDomainDocumentation, String esriFieldType,
            ClassInfo rangeDomainSource) throws EAException {

        int eaPkgId = establishEAPackageHierarchy(rangeDomainSource, this.domainsPkgId);

        // create class element
        String name = rangeDomainName;

        // TODO - think of naming scheme for range domains
        // String name = normalizeName(rangeDomainName);
        // if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
        // this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name, rangeDomainName,
        // rangeDomainName, ""
        // + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
        // name = clipToMaxLength(name);
        // }

        Element e = EAModelUtil.createEAClass(rep, name, eaPkgId);

        // store mapping between class name and EA Element
        this.numericRangeElementIdsByClassName.put(rangeDomainName, e.GetElementID());

        // TBD: set alias or notes?

        EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(e, "RangeDomain");

        EAModelUtil.setTaggedValue(e, new EATaggedValue("description",
                rangeDomainDocumentation == null ? "<no description available>" : rangeDomainDocumentation, true));

        // create required properties: FieldType, MergePolicy, SplitPolicy
        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "FieldType", null, null, null, null, false, false, esriFieldType,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldType", null);

        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "MergePolicy", null, null, null, null, false, false, "esriMPTDefaultValue",
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriMergePolicyType", null);

        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "SplitPolicy", null, null, null, null, false, false, "esriSPTDuplicate",
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriSplitPolicyType", null);

        return e;

    private void createFeatureClass(ClassInfo ci) throws EAException {

        int eaPkgId = establishEAPackageHierarchy(ci, this.featuresPkgId);

        // create class element
        String name = normalizeName(;

        if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
            this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name,,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
            name = clipToMaxLength(name);

        Element e = EAModelUtil.createEAClass(rep, name, eaPkgId);

        // store mapping between ClassInfo and EA Element
        // classes.put(ci, e);
        elementIdByClassInfo.put(ci, e.GetElementID());
        elementNameByClassInfo.put(ci, name);

        // set alias, notes, abstractness
        setCommonItems(ci, e);

        if (!ci.isAbstract()) {

            // identify stereotype to use
            ArcGISGeometryType geomType = determineArcGISGeometryType(ci);
            EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(e, geomType.stereotypeValue());

            // create ArcGIS System Fields

            Attribute objectIdField = createSystemFieldOBJECTID(e);
            objectIdAttributeGUIDByClass.put(ci, objectIdField.GetAttributeGUID());

            Attribute shapeField = createSystemFieldShape(e);

            Attribute shapeAreaField = null;
            Attribute shapeLengthField = null;

            if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYLINE) || geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYGON)) {

                shapeLengthField = createSystemFieldShapeLength(e);

                if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYGON)) {

                    shapeAreaField = createSystemFieldShapeArea(e);


            // now set tagged values for feature class

            List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

            if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POINT)) {
                tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("AncillaryRole", "esriNCARNone"));

            if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYGON)) {
                tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("AreaFieldName", shapeAreaField.GetAttributeGUID()));
            } else {
                tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("AreaFieldName", ""));

            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CanVersion", "false"));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DSID", ""));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("FeatureType", "esriFTSimple"));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GlobalIDFieldName", ""));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("HasM", "false"));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("HasSpatialIndex", "true"));
            // TODO - maybe HasZ needs to be set via configuration parameter,
            // depending on the SRS
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("HasZ", "false"));

            if (geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYGON) || geomType.equals(ArcGISGeometryType.POLYLINE)) {
                tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("LengthFieldName", shapeLengthField.GetAttributeGUID()));
            } else {
                tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("LengthFieldName", ""));

            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Metadata", "", true));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OIDFieldName", objectIdField.GetAttributeGUID()));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterFieldName", ""));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ShapeFieldName", shapeField.GetAttributeGUID()));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("SpatialReference", ""));
            tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Versioned", "false"));

            EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(e, tvs);

        // properties cannot be processed now, because we do not necessarily
        // have EA Elements for all classes in the model yet; thus the type of a
        // property (with value type being a <<type>> or <<featureType>> cannot
        // be set using the GUID of the element - and thus the class would not
        // be linked to correctly

        // keep track of generalizations

    private Attribute createSystemFieldShapeIDX(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsUnique", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsAscending", "true"));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "Shape_IDX", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "", null);

    private Attribute createSystemFieldOBJECTIDIDX(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsUnique", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsAscending", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Fields", ""));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "OBJECTID_IDX", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "", null);

    private Attribute createSystemFieldShapeArea(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DomainFixed", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Editable", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GeometryDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsNullable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Length", "8"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Precision", "0"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Required", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Scale", "0"));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "Shape_Area", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldTypeDouble", null);

    private Attribute createSystemFieldShapeLength(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DomainFixed", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Editable", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GeometryDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsNullable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Length", "8"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Precision", "0"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Required", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Scale", "0"));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "Shape_Length", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldTypeDouble", null);

    private Attribute createSystemFieldShape(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DomainFixed", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Editable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GeometryDef",
                "AvgNumPoints=0;" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + "GridSize0=0;", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsNullable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Length", "0"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Precision", "0"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Required", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Scale", "0"));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "Shape", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldTypeGeometry", null);

    private Attribute createSystemFieldOBJECTID(Element e) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DomainFixed", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Editable", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GeometryDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsNullable", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Length", "4"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", "OBJECTID"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Precision", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Required", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Scale", "0"));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, "OBJECTID", null, null, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), "esriFieldTypeOID", null);

    private void createObjectClass(ClassInfo ci) throws EAException {

        int eaPkgId = establishEAPackageHierarchy(ci, this.tablesPkgId);

        // create class element
        String name = normalizeName(;

        if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
            this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name,,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
            name = clipToMaxLength(name);

        Element e = EAModelUtil.createEAClass(rep, name, eaPkgId);

        // store mapping between ClassInfo and EA Element
        // classes.put(ci, e);
        elementIdByClassInfo.put(ci, e.GetElementID());
        elementNameByClassInfo.put(ci, name);

        // set alias, notes, abstractness
        setCommonItems(ci, e);

        EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(e, "ObjectClass");

        Attribute objectIdField = createSystemFieldOBJECTID(e);
        objectIdAttributeGUIDByClass.put(ci, objectIdField.GetAttributeGUID());


        // now set tagged values for feature class
        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CanVersion", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DSID", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GlobalIDFieldName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Metadata", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OIDFieldName", objectIdField.GetAttributeGUID()));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterFieldName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Versioned", "false"));

        EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(e, tvs);

        // properties cannot be processed now, because we do not necessarily
        // have EA Elements for all classes in the model yet; thus the type of a
        // property (with value type being a <<type>> or <<featureType>> cannot
        // be set using the GUID of the element - and thus the class would not
        // be linked to correctly

        // keep track of generalizations


    private void identifyGeneralisationRelationships(ClassInfo ci) {

        for (String tid : ci.supertypes()) {

            ClassInfo cix = model.classById(tid);

            if (cix == null) {
                result.addError(this, 206,, tid);
            } else {
                generalisations.put(ci, cix);

        for (String tid : ci.subtypes()) {

            ClassInfo cix = model.classById(tid);

            if (cix == null) {
                result.addError(this, 202,, tid);
            } else {
                generalisations.put(cix, ci);

    private String normalizeName(String name) {

        String result = name.replaceAll(ILLEGAL_NAME_CHARACTERS_DETECTION_REGEX, "_");

        return result;

    private String normalizeAlias(String alias, ClassInfo ci) {

        // TBD: figure out the restrictions on aliases

        // String result =
        // alias.replaceAll(ILLEGAL_ALIAS_CHARACTERS_DETECTION_REGEX, "_");
        String result = alias;

        // if (exceedsMaxLength(result)) {
        // this.result.addWarning(this, 205, result, alias,, ""
        // + MAX_ALIAS_LENGTH);
        // result = clipToMaxLength(result);
        // }

        return result;

    // private String applyLengthRestriction(String name, String propertyName,
    // ClassInfo ci) {
    // String result = name;
    // if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
    // this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name, propertyName,, ""
    // + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    // result = clipToMaxLength(name);
    // }
    // return result;
    // }

    private boolean exceedsMaxLength(String s) {

        if (s == null) {

            return false;

        } else if (s.length() <= MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {

            return false;

        } else {

            return true;

    private String clipToMaxLength(String s) {

        if (s == null) {

            return null;

        } else if (s.length() <= MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {

            return s;

        } else {

            return s.substring(0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);

     * Sets abstractness, alias and documentation.
     * @param ci
     * @param e
    private void setCommonItems(ClassInfo ci, Element e) {

        if (ci.isAbstract()) {
            try {
                EAModelUtil.setEAAbstract(true, e);
            } catch (EAException exc) {
                result.addError(this, 204,, exc.getMessage());

        if (ci.aliasName() != null) {
            try {

                String aliasName = normalizeAlias(ci.aliasName(), ci);
                EAModelUtil.setEAAlias(aliasName, e);
            } catch (EAException exc) {
                result.addError(this, 204,, exc.getMessage());

        String s = ci.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue);
        if (s != null) {
            try {
                EAModelUtil.setEANotes(s, e);
            } catch (EAException exc) {
                result.addError(this, 204,, exc.getMessage());

    private int establishEAPackageHierarchy(ClassInfo ci, int mainWorkspaceSubPkgId) throws EAException {

        // get path up to but not including the application schema package
        Deque<PackageInfo> pathToAppSchemaAsStack = new ArrayDeque<PackageInfo>();

        if (ci.pkg() != this.appSchemaPkg) {

            PackageInfo pkg = ci.pkg();

            while (pkg != null && pkg != this.appSchemaPkg) {


                pkg = pkg.owner();

        if (pathToAppSchemaAsStack.isEmpty()) {

            // class is situated in app schema package and thus shall be created
            // in main workspace sub-package
            return mainWorkspaceSubPkgId;

        } else {

            // walk down the path, create packages as needed

            Map<PackageInfo, Integer> eaPkgIdByModelPkg = eaPkgIdByModelPkg_byWorkspaceSubPkgId

            Integer eaParentPkgId = mainWorkspaceSubPkgId;
            Integer eaPkgId = null;

            while (!pathToAppSchemaAsStack.isEmpty()) {

                PackageInfo pi = pathToAppSchemaAsStack.removeFirst();

                if (eaPkgIdByModelPkg.containsKey(pi)) {

                    eaPkgId = eaPkgIdByModelPkg.get(pi);

                } else {

                    // create the EA package
                    eaPkgId = EAModelUtil.createEAPackage(rep, pi, eaParentPkgId);
                    eaPkgIdByModelPkg.put(pi, eaPkgId);

                eaParentPkgId = eaPkgId;

            return eaPkgId;

     * Determines the ArcGIS geometry type to use for the given class. It is
     * computed based upon the first occurrence of a property whose type name
     * starts with 'GM_'. The geometry type is then determined as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>GM_Point -&gt; {@link ArcGISGeometryType.point}</li>
     * <li>GM_MultiPoint -&gt; {@link ArcGISGeometryType.multipoint}</li>
     * <li>GM_Curve or GM_MultiCurve -&gt; {@link ArcGISGeometryType.polyline}
     * </li>
     * <li>GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface -&gt;
     * {@link ArcGISGeometryType.polygon}</li>
     * <li>other geometry type -&gt; {@link ArcGISGeometryType.unknown}</li>
     * </ul>
     * If no geometry type is found, {@link ArcGISGeometryType.none} is
     * returned.
     * @param ci
     * @return
    private ArcGISGeometryType determineArcGISGeometryType(ClassInfo ci) {

        if (geometryTypeCache.containsKey(ci)) {
            return geometryTypeCache.get(ci);

        Map<String, PropertyInfo> allPis = getAllPisForClassInfo(ci);

        ArcGISGeometryType result = ArcGISGeometryType.NONE;

        // loop through properties - in order determined by sequence numbers
        for (PropertyInfo pi : allPis.values()) {
            // for (PropertyInfo pi : {

            Type t = pi.typeInfo();

            if ("GM_")) {

                if ("GM_Point")) {
                    result = ArcGISGeometryType.POINT;
                } else if ("GM_MultiPoint")) {
                    result = ArcGISGeometryType.MULTIPOINT;
                } else if ("GM_Curve") ||"GM_MultiCurve")) {
                    result = ArcGISGeometryType.POLYLINE;
                } else if ("GM_Surface") ||"GM_MultiSurface")) {
                    result = ArcGISGeometryType.POLYGON;
                } else {
                    // unsupported geometry type
                    result = ArcGISGeometryType.UNKNOWN;

        // cache the result for later use
        this.geometryTypeCache.put(ci, result);

        return result;

    private boolean hasMultipleGeometryProperties(ClassInfo ci) {

         * determine full set of properties relevant for this class, so also
         * from all supertypes (ignoring those properties that are specialized
         * in subtypes)
        Map<String, PropertyInfo> allPis = getAllPisForClassInfo(ci);

        boolean geomPropFound = false;

        // for (PropertyInfo pi : {
        for (PropertyInfo pi : allPis.values()) {

            Type t = pi.typeInfo();

            if ("GM_")) {

                if (geomPropFound) {

                    // geometry property alread encountered in one of previous
                    // loops
                    return true;

                } else {

                    geomPropFound = true;

        return false;

    private Map<String, PropertyInfo> getAllPisForClassInfo(ClassInfo ci) {

        // set to keep track of supertypes that have already been visited, in
        // case that there is a shared supertype in the supertype hierarchy
        Set<String> idsOfVisitedSupertypes = new HashSet<String>();

        Map<String, PropertyInfo> pis = computeAllPis(ci, idsOfVisitedSupertypes);

        return pis;

    private Map<String, PropertyInfo> computeAllPis(ClassInfo ci, Set<String> idsOfVisitedSupertypes) {

        Map<String, PropertyInfo> result = new HashMap<String, PropertyInfo>();

        // first look up properties in all supertypes
        if (ci.supertypes() != null) {

            for (String supertypeId : ci.supertypes()) {

                if (idsOfVisitedSupertypes.contains(supertypeId)) {
                } else {

                ClassInfo supertype = model.classById(supertypeId);

                if (supertype != null) {

                    // look up properties from supertype
                    Map<String, PropertyInfo> supertypePis = computeAllPis(supertype, idsOfVisitedSupertypes);

                    for (PropertyInfo supertypePi : supertypePis.values()) {
                        result.put(, supertypePi);


        // now add properties of the given class, overriding those from
        // supertypes
        if ( != null) {

            for (PropertyInfo pi : {
                // overrides property if one with same name already existed
                result.put(, pi);

        return result;

    public void write() {

        if (rep == null)
            return; // repository not initialised

        // establish generalization relationships
        for (Entry<ClassInfo, ClassInfo> entry : generalisations.entrySet()) {

            ClassInfo ci1 = entry.getKey();
            ClassInfo ci2 = entry.getValue();

            // Element c1 = classes.get(entry.getKey());
            // Element c2 = classes.get(entry.getValue());

            if (!elementIdByClassInfo.containsKey(ci1))
                result.addWarning(this, 207,,;
            else if (!elementIdByClassInfo.containsKey(ci2))
                result.addWarning(this, 208,,;
            else {

                String c1Name = elementNameByClassInfo.get(ci1);
                String c2Name = elementNameByClassInfo.get(ci2);

                try {
                    EAModelUtil.createEAGeneralization(rep, elementIdByClassInfo.get(ci1), c1Name,
                            elementIdByClassInfo.get(ci2), c2Name);
                } catch (EAException e) {
                    result.addWarning(this, 10002, c1Name, c2Name, e.getMessage());

        // process properties of all classes
        for (ClassInfo ci : elementIdByClassInfo.keySet()) {

            if (ci.category() == Options.ENUMERATION || ci.category() == Options.CODELIST) {
                /* enumerations and codelists have already been fully created */

            int eaElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(ci);
            Element eaClass = rep.GetElementByID(eaElementId);

            for (PropertyInfo pi : {

                if (!pi.isAttribute()) {
                    // keep track of the association for later

                Type typeInfo = pi.typeInfo();

                // omit reflexive relationships
                if ( {
                    result.addWarning(this, 236,,;

                if (pi.cardinality().maxOccurs > 1 && !(pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.FEATURE
                        || pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.OBJECT || pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.GMLOBJECT)) {

                     * multiplicity must have been flattened, at least for
                     * actual attributes - unless the category of value for the
                     * property is object or feature type (then establish a one
                     * to many or many to many relationship - which is covered
                     * later on in the decision tree)
                    result.addWarning(this, 212,,;

                String normalizedPiName = normalizeName(;

                if (exceedsMaxLength(normalizedPiName)) {
                    this.result.addWarning(this, 205, normalizedPiName,,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                    normalizedPiName = clipToMaxLength(normalizedPiName);

                String normalizedPiAlias = pi.aliasName() == null ? null : normalizeAlias(pi.aliasName(), ci);

                ClassInfo typeCi = this.model.classById(;

                 * first, determine if a type mapping is available - if so,
                 * apply it
                if (this.processMapEntries.containsKey( {

                    ProcessMapEntry pme = processMapEntries.get(;

                    // during initialization we ensured that the map entry
                    // has a target type, so no need to check again here

                     * now it depends: is the target type one that supports
                     * numeric range constraints, and is such a constraint
                     * actually defined for the property?

                    Element numericRange = null;

                    if (esriTypesSuitedForRangeConstraint.contains(pme.getTargetType())
                            && this.numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName.containsKey(ci)) {

                         * determine if pi has a name or alias that starts with
                         * a property name in the range constraint map for ci.
                         * We must check via a 'startsWith' instead of equals
                         * because flattening can change the name of a property;
                         * a prominent example is where a numeric property can
                         * have a single or interval value (then you'd have
                         * three properties instead of one after flattening).
                         * Name flattening may have switched the name of a model
                         * element with its alias, so we have to check both
                         * fields.
                        Set<String> originalPropertyNames = numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName.get(ci)

                        for (String origPropName : originalPropertyNames) {

                            if ( || pi.aliasName().startsWith(origPropName)) {

                                // apply range constraint!

                                // check if a range domain already exists - if
                                // so, reuse it
                                String rangeDomainName = + "_" + origPropName + "_NumRange";

                                if (this.numericRangeElementIdsByClassName.containsKey(rangeDomainName)) {

                                    int numRangeElementId = this.numericRangeElementIdsByClassName
                                    numericRange = rep.GetElementByID(numRangeElementId);

                                } else {

                                    // create range domain element

                                    NumericRangeConstraintMetadata nrcm = numericRangeConstraintByPropNameByClassName

                                    double minValue = DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MIN_LOWER_BOUNDARY;
                                    double maxValue = DEFAULT_NUM_RANGE_MAX_UPPER_BOUNDARY;

                                    if (nrcm.hasLowerBoundaryValue()) {
                                        if (nrcm.isLowerBoundaryInclusive()) {
                                            minValue = nrcm.getLowerBoundaryValue();
                                        } else {
                                            minValue = nrcm.getLowerBoundaryValue() + this.numRangeDelta;

                                    if (nrcm.hasUpperBoundaryValue()) {
                                        if (nrcm.isUpperBoundaryInclusive()) {
                                            maxValue = nrcm.getUpperBoundaryValue();
                                        } else {
                                            maxValue = nrcm.getUpperBoundaryValue() - this.numRangeDelta;

                                    try {

                                        // TODO parse documentation from range
                                        // constraint
                                        Element rd = this.createRangeDomain(rangeDomainName, null,
                                                pme.getTargetType(), ci);

                                        // create min and max fields
                                        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(rd, "MinValue", null, null, null, null, false,
                                                false, "" + minValue, new Multiplicity(1, 1), null, null);
                                        EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(rd, "MaxValue", null, null, null, null, false,
                                                false, "" + maxValue, new Multiplicity(1, 1), null, null);

                                        numericRange = rd;

                                    } catch (EAException e) {

                                        // log an error, but proceed
                                        result.addError(this, 230, rangeDomainName, e.getMessage());
                                        numericRange = null;



                    if (numericRange != null) {

                        try {
                            createField(eaClass, normalizedPiName, normalizedPiAlias,
                                    pi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue),
                                    numericRange.GetName(), "0", "0", "0", numericRange.GetElementID());

                        } catch (EAException e) {
                            result.addError(this, 10003,,, e.getMessage());

                    } else {

                         * try to find the target type in the model (for
                         * updating the type info of pi)
                        ClassInfo targetTypeCi = this.model.classByName(pme.getTargetType());

                        if (targetTypeCi != null) {
                        } else {
                            // no meaningful value available
                   = null;
               = pme.getTargetType();

                         * now try to find the target type in the class map - if
                         * it is available there we can set the classifier ID
                         * correctly; otherwise we simply don't set the
                         * classifier ID
                        String eaTargetType;
                        Integer eaTargetClassifierId = null;

                        if (targetTypeCi == null || !elementIdByClassInfo.containsKey(targetTypeCi)) {
                            // it's alright to not have an actual class for the
                            // target type defined in the map entry
                            eaTargetType = pme.getTargetType();

                        } else {

                            int eaTargetTypeElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(targetTypeCi);
                            Element eaTargetTypeClass = rep.GetElementByID(eaTargetTypeElementId);

                            eaTargetType = eaTargetTypeClass.GetName();
                            eaTargetClassifierId = eaTargetTypeClass.GetElementID();

                        try {
                            createField(eaClass, normalizedPiName, normalizedPiAlias,
                                    pi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue),
                                    eaTargetType, "" + computeLength(pi), "" + computePrecision(pi),
                                    "" + computeScale(pi), eaTargetClassifierId);

                        } catch (EAException e) {
                            result.addError(this, 10003,,, e.getMessage());

                } else if ("GM_")) {

                     * ignore geometry typed properties - the geometry is
                     * implicit for an ArcGIS feature class (<<Point>> etc).
                    result.addDebug(this, 213,,;

                } else if (typeCi != null && !typeCi.inSchema(appSchemaPkg)) {

                     * type does not belong to application schema - ignore the
                     * property
                    result.addWarning(this, 222,,,;

                } else if (pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.FEATURE || pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.OBJECT
                        || pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.GMLOBJECT) {

                    if (pi.cardinality().maxOccurs > 1) {


                    } else {


                } else if (pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.ENUMERATION
                        || pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.CODELIST) {

                    String eaType;
                    Integer eaClassifierId = null;

                    if (typeCi == null || !elementIdByClassInfo.containsKey(typeCi)) {
                        result.addWarning(this, 216,,,;
                        eaType = clipToMaxLength(;
                    } else {
                        int eaTypeElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(typeCi);
                        Element eaTypeClass = rep.GetElementByID(eaTypeElementId);
                        eaType = eaTypeClass.GetName();
                        eaClassifierId = eaTypeClass.GetElementID();

                    try {
                        createField(eaClass, normalizedPiName, normalizedPiAlias,
                                pi.derivedDocumentation(documentationTemplate, documentationNoValue), eaType, "0",
                                "0", "0", eaClassifierId);
                    } catch (EAException e) {
                        result.addError(this, 10003,,, e.getMessage());

                } else if (pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.UNION) {

                    // unions aren't supported
                    result.addWarning(this, 214,,;

                } else if (pi.categoryOfValue() == Options.DATATYPE) {

                    // data types aren't supported
                    result.addWarning(this, 215,,;

                } else {

                    // This case is unexpected
                    result.addError(this, 217,, "" + pi.categoryOfValue(),;


        // process associations
        for (AssociationInfo ai : this.associations) {

            // upper bound of either end can be > 1

             * 2014-11-26 NOTE: flattening of multiplicity normally dissolves
             * associations where one end has max cardinality > 1; this behavior
             * can be suppressed for associations between feature and object
             * types via a configuration parameter

            PropertyInfo end1 = ai.end1();
            int end1CiCat = end1.inClass().category();
            PropertyInfo end2 = ai.end2();
            int end2CiCat = end2.inClass().category();

            // omit reflexive relationships
            if (end1.inClass().id().equals(end2.inClass().id())) {
                result.addWarning(this, 235, end1.inClass().name());

             * only process associations between feature and object types,
             * ignore those where one end is a union, datatype, enumeration,
             * codelist etc.
            if (!(end1CiCat == Options.FEATURE || end1CiCat == Options.GMLOBJECT || end1CiCat == Options.OBJECT)
                    && !(end2CiCat == Options.FEATURE || end2CiCat == Options.GMLOBJECT
                            || end2CiCat == Options.OBJECT)) {

                // we only process associations between feature and object types
                result.addDebug(this, 223, end1.inClass().name(), end2.inClass().name());

            if (!(end1.inClass().inSchema(appSchemaPkg) && end2.inClass().inSchema(appSchemaPkg))) {

                // we only process associations where both ends are in the app
                // schema
                result.addDebug(this, 224, end1.inClass().name(), end2.inClass().name());


            // alright, now we should have an association between two feature
            // and/or object types that are both part of the application schema

            // differentiate between one to many and many to many
            if (end1.cardinality().maxOccurs == 1 || end2.cardinality().maxOccurs == 1) {

                // one to many relationship


                // if (end2.cardinality().maxOccurs == 1) {
                // createOneToManyRelationshipClass(end1);
                // } else {
                // createOneToManyRelationshipClass(end2);
                // }

            } else {

                // many to many relationship
                createManyToManyRelationshipClass(end1, end2);

        // 2015-06-25 JE: compact() no longer supported in EA v12 API
        // rep.Compact();

     * Creates a relationship class association including association class
     * between the class that the given property is in (which represents the
     * source class), and the class that is the type of the property (which is
     * the target). The source class name will be used to create the foreign key
     * that refers to an instance of that class.
     * <p>
     * Used to create a many to many relationship to represent an attribute from
     * the application schema that has category of value object or feature type
     * and max cardinality > 1.
     * @param pi
    private void createManyToManyRelationshipClass(PropertyInfo pi) {

        ClassInfo ciSource = pi.inClass();

        Type ti = pi.typeInfo();
        ClassInfo ciTarget = this.model.classById(;

        if (ciTarget == null) {

            result.addWarning(this, 233,,,;

        } else {

            this.createManyToManyRelationshipClass(ciSource, ciTarget, toLowerCamelCase(,

     * Creates a relationship class including association class between the
     * classes that the given properties are in.
     * <p>
     * Used to create a many to many relationship to represent an association
     * from the application schema.
     * @param pi1
     * @param pi2
    private void createManyToManyRelationshipClass(PropertyInfo pi1, PropertyInfo pi2) {

        ClassInfo ci1 = pi1.inClass();
        ClassInfo ci2 = pi2.inClass();

        this.createManyToManyRelationshipClass(ci1, ci2,,;

    private void createManyToManyRelationshipClass(ClassInfo source, ClassInfo target, String roleNameSource,
            String roleNameTarget) {

        int sourceElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(source);
        Element eaClassSource = rep.GetElementByID(sourceElementId);
        int targetElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(target);
        Element eaClassTarget = rep.GetElementByID(targetElementId);

        // Element eaClassSource = this.classes.get(source);
        // Element eaClassTarget = this.classes.get(target);

        if (eaClassSource == null || eaClassTarget == null) {

            result.addError(this, 225,,;

         * execute behavior based upon abstractness of the types
        Set<ClassInfo> sources, targets;

        if (source.isAbstract()) {
            sources = computeListOfAllNonAbstractSubtypes(source);
        } else {
            sources = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

        if (target.isAbstract()) {
            targets = computeListOfAllNonAbstractSubtypes(target);
        } else {
            targets = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

         * create association(s) with association class(es) between source and
         * target class(es)
        for (ClassInfo source_ : sources) {

            int sourceElementId_ = elementIdByClassInfo.get(source_);
            Element sourceElmt = rep.GetElementByID(sourceElementId_);

            // Element sourceElmt = classes.get(source_);

            for (ClassInfo target_ : targets) {

                int targetElementId_ = elementIdByClassInfo.get(target_);
                Element targetElmt = rep.GetElementByID(targetElementId_);

                // Element targetElmt = classes.get(target_);

                if (sourceElmt == null) {
                    result.addError(this, 239,,,,;
                if (targetElmt == null) {
                    result.addError(this, 239,,,,;

                try {

                     * create association class (must be specific for each
                     * association, because an association class can only belong
                     * to a single association)

                    String relClassName = + "_" +;
                    relClassName = this.checkRelationshipClassName(relClassName);

                    String assocClassName = normalizeName(relClassName);

                    if (exceedsMaxLength(assocClassName)) {
                        this.result.addWarning(this, 226, assocClassName, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                        assocClassName = clipToMaxLength(assocClassName);

                    Element assocClass = EAModelUtil.createEAClass(rep, assocClassName, assocClassesPkgId);

                    Attribute foreignKeyFieldSrc = null;
                    Attribute foreignKeyFieldTgt = null;
                    Attribute ridField = null;

                    // create RID field
                    try {

                        ridField = createField(assocClass, "RID", "", "", "esriFieldTypeOID", "0", "0", "0", null);

                    } catch (EAException e) {
                        result.addError(this, 10003, "RID", assocClassName, e.getMessage());

                     * create foreign key fields in assocClass for source and
                     * target

                    String fkSrcName = roleNameSource + "ID";

                    try {

                        fkSrcName = normalizeName(fkSrcName);

                        if (exceedsMaxLength(fkSrcName)) {
                            this.result.addWarning(this, 227, fkSrcName, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                            fkSrcName = clipToMaxLength(fkSrcName);

                        foreignKeyFieldSrc = createField(assocClass, fkSrcName, "", "", "esriFieldTypeInteger", "0",
                                "9", "0", null);

                    } catch (EAException e) {
                        result.addError(this, 10003, fkSrcName, assocClassName, e.getMessage());

                    String fkTgtName = roleNameTarget + "ID";

                    try {

                        fkTgtName = normalizeName(fkTgtName);

                        if (exceedsMaxLength(fkTgtName)) {
                            this.result.addWarning(this, 227, fkTgtName, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                            fkTgtName = clipToMaxLength(fkTgtName);

                        foreignKeyFieldTgt = createField(assocClass, fkTgtName, "", "", "esriFieldTypeInteger", "0",
                                "9", "0", null);

                    } catch (EAException e) {
                        result.addError(this, 10003, fkTgtName, assocClassName, e.getMessage());

                    // set stereotype and tagged values on association class

                    EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(assocClass, STEREOTYPE_RELATIONSHIP_CLASS);

                    List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CanVersion", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CatalogPath", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ClassKey", "esriRelClassKeyUndefined"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DSID", "-1"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DatasetType", "esriDTRelationshipClass"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DestinationForeignKey", foreignKeyFieldTgt.GetAttributeGUID()));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DestinationPrimaryKey",
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GlobalIDFieldName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsAttachmentRelationship", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsComposite", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsReflexive", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("KeyType", "esriRelKeyTypeSingle"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Metadata", "", true));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("MetadataRetrieved", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Notification", "useUMLConnectorDirection"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OIDFieldName", ridField.GetAttributeGUID()));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OriginForeignKey", foreignKeyFieldSrc.GetAttributeGUID()));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OriginPrimaryKey", this.objectIdAttributeGUIDByClass.get(source_)));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterFieldName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Versioned", "false"));

                     * create <<RelationshipClass>> association

                    Connector con = EAModelUtil.createEAAssociation(sourceElmt, targetElmt);

                     * NOTE: the connector has the same name as the association
                     * class - and that has already been created, so we can
                     * reuse the name here
                    EAModelUtil.setEAName(con, assocClassName);
                    EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(con, STEREOTYPE_RELATIONSHIP_CLASS);

                    ConnectorEnd clientEnd = con.GetClientEnd();
                    ConnectorEnd supplierEnd = con.GetSupplierEnd();

                     * set cardinality and name on connector ends

                    // TODO ensure that property name is unique (approach with
                    // counters could be improved)
                    String sourcePropName = toLowerCamelCase(roleNameSource);
                    sourcePropName = this.checkPropertyName(target_, sourcePropName);

                    String targetPropName = toLowerCamelCase(roleNameTarget);
                    targetPropName = this.checkPropertyName(source_, targetPropName);

                    EAModelUtil.setEARole(clientEnd, toLowerCamelCase(sourcePropName));

                    EAModelUtil.setEARole(supplierEnd, toLowerCamelCase(targetPropName));

                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(clientEnd,
                    // toLowerCamelCase(roleNameSource));
                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(supplierEnd,
                    // toLowerCamelCase(roleNameTarget));

                    EAModelUtil.setEACardinality(clientEnd, "0..*");
                    EAModelUtil.setEACardinality(supplierEnd, "0..*");

                     * set tagged values on association - they are the same as
                     * for the association class

                    EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(con, tvs);

                    EAModelUtil.setEAAssociationClass(con, assocClass);

                } catch (EAException e) {

                    result.addError(this, 221,,, e.getMessage());


     * Creates a <<RelationshipClass>> association between the class that the
     * given property is in and the the class that is the type of the property.
     * @param pi
    private void createOneToManyRelationshipClass(PropertyInfo pi) {

        ClassInfo ci = pi.inClass();

        Type typeInfo = pi.typeInfo();

        ClassInfo typeCi = this.model.classById(;

         * create <<RelationshipClass>> association to that type

        if (typeCi == null || !this.elementIdByClassInfo.containsKey(typeCi)) {

            // we cannot establish the connection
            result.addError(this, 218,, pi.inClass().name(),;

        } else {

            this.createOneToManyRelationshipClass(ci, typeCi, toLowerCamelCase(,,
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE, pi.cardinality().maxOccurs);


    private void createOneToManyRelationshipClass(AssociationInfo ai) {

        ClassInfo ci1 = ai.end2().inClass();
        ClassInfo ci2 = ai.end1().inClass();

        String roleNameOnCi1 = ai.end1().name();
        String roleNameOnCi2 = ai.end2().name();

        int maxOccursOnCi1 = ai.end1().cardinality().maxOccurs;
        int maxOccursOnCi2 = ai.end2().cardinality().maxOccurs;

        this.createOneToManyRelationshipClass(ci1, ci2, roleNameOnCi1, roleNameOnCi2, maxOccursOnCi1,


     * The relationship association will be created with the source being the
     * class that has maxOccurs <= 1. The other end will be the target. Source
     * multiplicity for the association will be set to 1, target multiplicity to
     * 0..*. The target class will get the foreign key ID field that is used to
     * point to the source.
     * @param ci1
     *            first class
     * @param ci2
     *            second class
     * @param roleNameOnCi1
     *            role name that belongs to the first class
     * @param roleNameOnCi2
     *            role name that belongs to the second class
     * @param maxOccursOnCi1
     *            maximum multiplicity that belongs to the first class
     * @param maxOccursOnCi2
     *            maximum multiplicity that belongs to the second class
    private void createOneToManyRelationshipClass(ClassInfo ci1, ClassInfo ci2, String roleNameOnCi1,
            String roleNameOnCi2, int maxOccursOnCi1, int maxOccursOnCi2) {

        ClassInfo source, target;
        String roleNameSource, roleNameTarget;

        if (maxOccursOnCi1 <= 1) {
            // use ci1 as source
            source = ci1;
            target = ci2;
            roleNameSource = roleNameOnCi1;
            roleNameTarget = roleNameOnCi2;
        } else {
            // use ci2 as source
            source = ci2;
            target = ci1;
            roleNameSource = roleNameOnCi2;
            roleNameTarget = roleNameOnCi1;

        // create foreign key field in target class
        int eaElementId = elementIdByClassInfo.get(target);
        Element eaClassTarget = rep.GetElementByID(eaElementId);
        // Element eaClassTarget = this.classes.get(target);
        if (eaClassTarget == null) {
            result.addError(this, 237,,,;

        Attribute foreignKeyField = null;

        try {
            String name = normalizeName(roleNameSource + "ID");

            if (exceedsMaxLength(name)) {
                this.result.addWarning(this, 205, name, roleNameSource,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                name = clipToMaxLength(name);


            foreignKeyField = createField(eaClassTarget, name, "", "", "esriFieldTypeInteger", "0", "9", "0", null);

        } catch (EAException e) {
            result.addError(this, 10003, roleNameTarget,, e.getMessage());

         * execute behavior based upon abstractness of the types
        Set<ClassInfo> sources, targets;

        if (source.isAbstract()) {
            sources = computeListOfAllNonAbstractSubtypes(source);
        } else {
            sources = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

        if (target.isAbstract()) {
            targets = computeListOfAllNonAbstractSubtypes(target);
        } else {
            targets = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

        // create association between source and target
        // class(es)

        // String normalizedSourceName = normalizeName(roleNameSource);
        // if (exceedsMaxLength(normalizedSourceName)) {
        // this.result.addWarning(this, 205, normalizedSourceName,
        // roleNameSource,, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
        // normalizedSourceName = clipToMaxLength(normalizedSourceName);
        // }

        for (ClassInfo source_ : sources) {

            int sourceElementId_ = elementIdByClassInfo.get(source_);
            Element sourceElmt = rep.GetElementByID(sourceElementId_);
            // Element sourceElmt = classes.get(source_);

            for (ClassInfo target_ : targets) {

                int targetElementId_ = elementIdByClassInfo.get(target_);
                Element targetElmt = rep.GetElementByID(targetElementId_);
                // Element targetElmt = classes.get(target_);

                if (sourceElmt == null) {
                    result.addError(this, 238,,,,;
                if (targetElmt == null) {
                    result.addError(this, 238,,,,;

                try {

                    Connector con = EAModelUtil.createEAAssociation(sourceElmt, targetElmt);

                    String relClassName = + "_" +;
                    relClassName = checkRelationshipClassName(relClassName);

                    if (exceedsMaxLength(relClassName)) {
                        this.result.addWarning(this, 234, relClassName, "" + MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                        relClassName = clipToMaxLength(relClassName);

                    EAModelUtil.setEAName(con, relClassName);
                    EAModelUtil.setEAStereotype(con, STEREOTYPE_RELATIONSHIP_CLASS);

                    ConnectorEnd clientEnd = con.GetClientEnd();
                    ConnectorEnd supplierEnd = con.GetSupplierEnd();

                    // set cardinality and name on connector
                    // ends

                    // TODO ensure that property name is unique (approach with
                    // counters could be improved)
                    String sourcePropName = toLowerCamelCase(roleNameSource);
                    sourcePropName = this.checkPropertyName(target_, sourcePropName);

                    String targetPropName = toLowerCamelCase(roleNameTarget);
                    targetPropName = this.checkPropertyName(source_, targetPropName);

                    EAModelUtil.setEARole(clientEnd, toLowerCamelCase(sourcePropName));

                    EAModelUtil.setEARole(supplierEnd, toLowerCamelCase(targetPropName));

                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(clientEnd,
                    // toLowerCamelCase(roleNameSource));
                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(supplierEnd,
                    // toLowerCamelCase(roleNameTarget));
                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(clientEnd, roleNameSource);
                    // EAModelUtil.setEARole(supplierEnd, roleNameTarget);

                    EAModelUtil.setEACardinality(clientEnd, "1");
                    EAModelUtil.setEACardinality(supplierEnd, "0..*");

                    // set tagged values on association
                    List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("KeyType", "esriRelKeyTypeSingle"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ClassKey", "esriRelClassKeyUndefined"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OriginPrimaryKey", this.objectIdAttributeGUIDByClass.get(source_)));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OriginForeignKey", foreignKeyField.GetAttributeGUID()));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DestinationPrimaryKey", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DestinationForeignKey", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsComposite", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsReflexive", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DatasetType", "esriDTRelationshipClass"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("OIDFieldName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DSID", "-1"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GlobalIDFieldName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CatalogPath", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterFieldName", ""));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Versioned", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("CanVersion", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("MetadataRetrieved", "false"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Metadata", "", true));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Notification", "useUMLConnectorDirection"));
                    tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsAttachmentRelationship", "false"));

                    EAModelUtil.setTaggedValues(con, tvs);

                } catch (EAException e) {

                    result.addError(this, 221,,, e.getMessage());


    private String checkRelationshipClassName(String relClassName) {

        if (counterByRelationshipClassName.containsKey(relClassName)) {

            Integer count = counterByRelationshipClassName.get(relClassName);

            // so now we have an additional relationship class with that name
            int newCount = count.intValue() + 1;

            // append new count to the relationship class name
            String updatedName = relClassName + "_" + newCount;

            // log new count
            counterByRelationshipClassName.put(relClassName, newCount);

            return updatedName;

        } else {

            // log that we now have a relationship class with the given name
            counterByRelationshipClassName.put(relClassName, 1);

            return relClassName;

    private String checkPropertyName(ClassInfo ci, String propertyName) {

        if (counterByPropertyNameByClass.containsKey(ci)) {

            Map<String, Integer> tmp = counterByPropertyNameByClass.get(ci);

            if (tmp.containsKey(propertyName)) {

                Integer count = tmp.get(propertyName);

                // so now we have an additional property with that name
                int newCount = count.intValue() + 1;

                // append new count to the property name
                String updatedName = propertyName + "_" + newCount;

                // log new count
                tmp.put(propertyName, newCount);

                return updatedName;

            } else {

                tmp.put(propertyName, 1);

                return propertyName;

        } else {

            // log that we now have a property with the given name
            Map<String, Integer> tmp = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

            tmp.put(propertyName, 1);

            counterByPropertyNameByClass.put(ci, tmp);

            return propertyName;

    private Set<ClassInfo> computeListOfAllNonAbstractSubtypes(ClassInfo ci) {

        Set<ClassInfo> allNonAbstractSubtypes = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

        if (ci.subtypes() != null) {

            for (String subtypeId : ci.subtypes()) {

                ClassInfo subtype = this.model.classById(subtypeId);

                if (subtype == null) {

                    result.addWarning(this, 219, subtypeId,;

                if (subtype.inSchema(appSchemaPkg)) {

                    if (subtype.isAbstract()) {

                        // ignore abstract subtypes

                    } else {


                } else {

                    result.addWarning(this, 220,,;

        return allNonAbstractSubtypes;

    private String toLowerCamelCase(String s) {

        if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {

            return s;

        } else {

            String first = s.substring(0, 1);
            String lower = first.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            return lower + s.substring(1, s.length());

    private Set<ClassInfo> computeListOfDirectNonAbstractSubtypes(ClassInfo ci) {

        Set<ClassInfo> directNonAbstractSubtypes = new HashSet<ClassInfo>();

        if (ci.subtypes() != null) {

            for (String subtypeId : ci.subtypes()) {

                ClassInfo subtype = this.model.classById(subtypeId);

                if (subtype == null) {

                    result.addWarning(this, 219, subtypeId,;

                if (subtype.inSchema(appSchemaPkg)) {

                    if (subtype.isAbstract()) {


                    } else {

                } else {

                    result.addWarning(this, 220,,;

        return directNonAbstractSubtypes;

    private Integer computeScale(PropertyInfo pi) {

        Type ti = pi.typeInfo();

        // if the property type is known, use the known value
        if (this.scaleMappingByTypeName.containsKey( {

            return this.scaleMappingByTypeName.get(;

        } else {

            // use default value
            return 0;

    private Integer computePrecision(PropertyInfo pi) {

        Type ti = pi.typeInfo();

        // if the property type is known, use the known value
        if (this.precisionMappingByTypeName.containsKey( {

            return this.precisionMappingByTypeName.get(;

        } else {

            // use default value
            return 0;

    private int computeLength(PropertyInfo pi) {

        Type ti = pi.typeInfo();

        // if the property type is known, use the known value
        if (this.lengthMappingByTypeName.containsKey( {

            return this.lengthMappingByTypeName.get(;

        } else {

             * see if length is defined by OCL constraint contained in pi's
             * class; this information has been computed when all class infos
             * have been processed
            ClassInfo ci = pi.inClass();

            Integer length = null;

            length = this.lengthByClassPropName.get( + "_" +;

            if (length == null) {

                // no length constraint is available, use default value
                return lengthTaggedValueDefault;

            } else {

                return length;

    private Attribute createField(Element e, String name, String alias, String documentation, String eaType,
            String tvLength, String tvPrecision, String tvScale, Integer eaClassifierId) throws EAException {

        List<EATaggedValue> tvs = new ArrayList<EATaggedValue>();

        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("DomainFixed", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Editable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("GeometryDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("IsNullable", "true"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Length", tvLength));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("ModelName", ""));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Precision", tvPrecision));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("RasterDef", "", true));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Required", "false"));
        tvs.add(new EATaggedValue("Scale", tvScale));

        Set<String> stereotypes = new HashSet<String>();

        return EAModelUtil.createEAAttribute(e, name, alias, documentation, stereotypes, tvs, false, false, null,
                new Multiplicity(1, 1), eaType, eaClassifierId);

    public int getTargetID() {
        return TargetIdentification.ARCGIS_WORKSPACE.getId();

    public void reset() {

        workspaceTemplateFilePath = WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_URL;

     * @see de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.MessageSource#message(int)
    public String message(int mnr) {

         * Number ranges defined as follows:
         * <ul>
         * <li>1-100: Initialization related messages</li>
         * <li>101-200: ArcGIS workspace template related messages</li>
         * <li>201-300: other messages</li>
         * <li>10001-10100: EA exceptions
         * </ul>

        switch (mnr) {

        case 0:
            return "Context: class ArcGISWorkspace";

        // 1-100: Initialization related messages
        case 1:
            return "Directory named '$1$' does not exist or is not accessible.";
        case 2:
            return "Output file '$1$' already exists in output directory ('$2$'). It will be deleted prior to processing.";
        case 3:
            return "File has been deleted.";
        case 4:
            return "File could not be deleted. Exception message: '$1$'.";
        case 5:
            return "Could not create output directory. Exception message: '$1$'.";
        case 6:
            return "URL '$1$' provided for configuration parameter " + PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE
                    + " is malformed. Execution will be aborted. Exception message is: '$2$'.";
        case 7:
            return "EAP with ArcGIS workspace template at '$1$' does not exist or cannot be read. Check the value of the configuration parameter '"
                    + PARAM_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE
                    + "' and ensure that: a) it contains the path to the template file and b) the file can be read by ShapeChange.";
        case 8:
            return "Exception encountered when copying ArcGIS workspace template EAP file to output destination. Message is: $1$.";
        case 9:
            return "No value provided for configuration parameter '$1$', defaulting to: '$2$'.";
        case 10:
            return "Encountered package '$1$' (child of package '$2$') which is an application schema. The package will be ignored.";
        case 11:
            return "Target configuration map entry for type '$1$' does not have a target type. The map entry will be ignored.";
        case 12:
            return "Value of configuration parameter '" + PARAM_VALUE_RANGE_DELTA
                    + "' could not be parsed as a double value. The default value of " + NUM_RANGE_DELTA
                    + " will be used for processing.";
        case 13:
            return "Value of configuration parameter '" + PARAM_LENGTH_TAGGED_VALUE_DEFAULT
                    + "' could not be parsed as an integer value. The default value of " + lengthTaggedValueDefault
                    + " will be used for processing.";

        // 101-200: ArcGIS workspace template related messages
        case 101:
            return "Invalid ArcGIS workspace template: expected package with stereotype <<ArcGIS>> as child of root package.";
        case 102:
            return "Invalid ArcGIS workspace template: could not find required package '$1$'.";

        // 201-300: other messages
        case 201:
            return "Class '$1$' will be ignored.";
        case 202:
            // see also 206
            return "Unknown subtype encountered for class '$1$' - ID of subtype is '$2$'.";
        case 203:
            return "Different ArcGIS geometry types encountered in supertypes of class '$1$'. Geometry type will be determined based upon first occurrence of supertype with geometry type that is not 'unknown' (or 'unknown' will be used if no such supertype exists).";
        case 204:
            return "Could not set abstract on class '$1$'. Exception message is: '$2$'.";
        case 205:
            return "Length of normalized name '$1$' (original name is '$2$') of property in class '$3$' or of the class itself exceeds maximum length restriction (which is $4$ characters). The name will be clipped to fit the maximum length.";
        case 206:
            // see also 202
            return "Unknown supertype encountered for class '$1$' - ID of supertype is '$2$'.";
        case 207:
            return "Generalisation '$1$' - '$2$' not set because the first class is not part of the target model.";
        case 208:
            return "Generalisation '$1$' - '$2$' not set because the second class is not part of the target model.";
        case 209:
            return "Processing class with category $1$ is not supported. Class '$2$' will be ignored.";
        case 210:
            return "Class '$1$' has geometry property of unknown type. The class will be ignored.";
        case 211:
            return "Class '$1$' has multiple geometry properties. All but one will be ignored.";
        case 212:
            return "Property '$1$' of class '$2$' has max occurrence > 1. The property will be ignored.";
        case 213:
            return "Property '$1$' of class '$2$' is of a geometry type. The property will be ignored.";
        case 214:
            return "Property '$1$' of class '$2$' is of a <<union>> type. The property will be ignored.";
        case 215:
            return "Property '$1$' of class '$2$' is of a <<dataType>> type. The property will be ignored.";
        case 216:
            return "Class '$1$' is the type of property '$2$' (from class '$3$') but was not found in the model. A proper link to '$1$' cannot be set.";
        case 217:
            return "Unrecognized case of property conversion. Context is property '$1$' (category of value is '$2$') in class '$3$'.";
        case 218:
            return "Cannot establish a <<RelationshipClass>> association for property '$1$' in class '$2$' to class '$3$' (which is the type of the property) because that class is not part of the application schema.";
        case 219:
            return "Subtype with id '$1$' of type '$2$' not found in the model. Cannot create a <<RelationshipClass>> association for this subtype.";
        case 220:
            return "Subtype '$1$' of type '$2$' is not part of the application schema. Cannot create a <<RelationshipClass>> association for this subtype.";
        case 221:
            return "Could not properly establish <<RelationshipClass>> association between classes '$1$' and '$2$' due to an EA exception. Error message is: $3$";
        case 222:
            return "Type '$1$' of property '$2$' in class '$3$' does not belong to the application schema. The property will be ignored.";
        case 223:
            return "Association between classes '$1$' and '$2$' will be ignored because at least one of the two classes is not a feature or object type.";
        case 224:
            return "Association between classes '$1$' and '$2$' will be ignored because at least one of the two classes is not contained in the application schema.";
        case 225:
            return "Cannot create association between classes '$1$' and '$2$' because at least one of them has not been established in the ArcGIS workspace (the reason could be that the class is not part of the application schema).";
        case 226:
            return "Length of normalized name '$1$' for new association class (as well as the according relationship class) exceeds maximum length restriction (which is $2$ characters). The name will be clipped to fit the maximum length.";
        case 227:
            return "Length of normalized name '$1$' for foreign key field in new association class exceeds maximum length restriction (which is $2$ characters). The name will be clipped to fit the maximum length.";
        case 228:
            return "Detected numeric range constraint in class '$1$' but could not find the property name in it. OCL is: $2$";
        case 229:
            return "Detected numeric range constraint for property named '$1$' in class '$2$' but could not actually find the property in that class. The property name has been parsed from the OCL text, which is: $3$";
        case 230:
            return "Could not create <<RangeDomain>> with name '$1$' due to an EA exception: $2$";
        case 231:
            return "Could not parse lower boundary value '$1$' in numeric range constraint to a double value. Class that contains the constraint is: '$2$'. Constraint name is: '$3$'. OCL is: $4$.";
        case 232:
            return "Could not parse upper boundary value '$1$' in numeric range constraint to a double value. Class that contains the constraint is: '$2$'. Constraint name is: '$3$'. OCL is: $4$.";
        case 233:
            return "Association between class '$1$' (which is the inClass for property '$2$') and class '$3$' (which is the type of the property) will be ignored because class '$3$' is not contained in the application schema.";
        case 234:
            return "Length of normalized name '$1$' for new relationship class exceeds maximum length restriction (which is $2$ characters). The name will be clipped to fit the maximum length.";
        case 235:
            return "Encoding for reflexive association (found on class '$1$') is not defined. The association will be ignored.";
        case 236:
            return "Encoding for reflexive relationship (found on class '$1$', for property '$2$') is not defined. The property will be ignored.";
        case 237:
            return "Cannot create one to many relationship between classes '$1$' and '$2$' because class '$3$' has not been established in the ArcGIS workspace (the reason could be that the class is not part of the application schema).";
        case 238:
            return "One to many relationship between classes '$1$' and '$2$' is incomplete. Could not create relationship between '$3$' and '$4$' because class '$3$' has not been established in the ArcGIS workspace (the reason could be that the class is not part of the application schema).";
        case 239:
            return "Many to many relationship between classes '$1$' and '$2$' is incomplete. Could not create relationship between '$3$' and '$4$' because class '$3$' has not been established in the ArcGIS workspace (the reason could be that the class is not part of the application schema).";

        // 10001-10100: EA exceptions
        case 10001:
            return "EA exception encountered: $1$";
        case 10002:
            return "EA exception encountered while creating generalization relationship between classes '$1$' and '$2$': $3$";
        case 10003:
            return "EA exception encountered while creating <<Field>> attribute for property '$1$' in class '$2$'. The property will be ignored. Error message: $3$";

            return "(Unknown message)";