Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.portlet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import de.innovationgate.utils.NullPlaceHolder; import de.innovationgate.utils.TransientObjectWrapper; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDocument; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGIllegalArgumentException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGIllegalStateException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortlet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortletRegistry; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.CodeCompletion; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.csconfig.v1.Version; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Design; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.tml.Context; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.tml.Portlet; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGAVersion; import; import; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.Base; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLContext; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLObject; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLOption; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLUserProfile; public class TMLPortlet implements TMLObject, Portlet { public static final String DEFAULT_PORTLET_MODE = "view"; public static final Pattern PORTLETNAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-\\:]+"); public static final String REQATTRIB_FIRED_PORTLET_EVENTS = TMLPortlet.class.getName() + ".FiredPortletEvents"; private static final int EVENTQUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 1000; public static final String PORTLETCONTEXT_NONE = "none"; protected TMLUserProfile profile = null; protected WGPortlet reg = null; public TMLContext tmlContext = null; private TMLPortletState _state; /** * Queue that stores the last 1000 fired portlet events, so portlets can * react on them with serverside code. * @param session * @return */ public static LinkedMap getFiredEventsQueue(HttpSession session) { synchronized (session) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TransientObjectWrapper<LinkedMap> eventWrapper = (TransientObjectWrapper<LinkedMap>) session .getAttribute(WGACore.SESSION_FIREDPORTLETEVENTS); if (eventWrapper == null || eventWrapper.get() == null) { eventWrapper = new TransientObjectWrapper<LinkedMap>(); eventWrapper.set(new LinkedMap()); session.setAttribute(WGACore.SESSION_FIREDPORTLETEVENTS, eventWrapper); } return eventWrapper.get(); } } public TMLPortlet(TMLContext tmlContext, TMLUserProfile profile, WGPortlet portlet) throws WGAPIException { this.tmlContext = tmlContext; this.profile = profile; this.reg = portlet; } /** * @see de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLObject#getAPIObject() */ public WGDocument getapiobject() { return null; } @CodeCompletion public Object item(String name) throws WGAPIException { WGPortletRegistry registry = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry(); if (registry.hasItem(reg, name)) { return TMLContext.flattenList(registry.getItemValue(reg, name), !getState().getComplianceVersion().isAtLeast(7, 2)); } else { return profile.getprofile().getDatabase().getNoItemBehaviour().getForTMLItem(); } } @CodeCompletion public List<Object> itemlist(String name) throws WGAPIException { WGPortletRegistry registry = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry(); if (registry.hasItem(reg, name)) { return TMLContext.toList(registry.getItemValue(reg, name)); } else { return profile.getprofile().getDatabase().getNoItemBehaviour().getForTMLItemList(); } } @CodeCompletion public boolean hasitem(String name) throws WGAPIException { return tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().hasItem(reg, name); } public Object meta(String name) throws WGAPIException { return this.profile.meta(name); } public List<Object> metalist(String name) throws WGAPIException { return this.profile.metalist(name); } @CodeCompletion public boolean save() throws WGAPIException { return; } @CodeCompletion public boolean setitem(String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().setItemValue(reg, name, value); return true; } @CodeCompletion public void setvar(String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { try { if (!isroot()) { WGA.get(tmlContext).tmlPage().setVar(getVarPrefix() + name, value); } else { throw new WGIllegalStateException("Portlet var not allowed on root scope"); } } catch (WGException e) { throw new WGAPIException(e); } } @CodeCompletion public Object getvar(String name) throws WGAPIException { if (!isroot()) { try { return WGA.get(tmlContext).tmlPage().getVar(getVarPrefix() + name); } catch (WGException e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } @CodeCompletion public void removevar(String name) throws WGAPIException { if (!isroot()) { this.tmlContext.removevar(getVarPrefix() + name); } } @CodeCompletion public void setsessionvar(String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { setsessionvar(name, value, true); } @CodeCompletion public Object getsessionvar(String name) throws WGAPIException { Object value = TMLContext.flattenList(retrieveSessionVar(name), !_state.getComplianceVersion().isAtLeast(7, 2)); if (value instanceof NullPlaceHolder) { return null; } return value; } public boolean hassessionvar(String name) throws WGAPIException { return (retrieveSessionVar(name) != null); } public Object retrieveSessionVar(String name) throws WGAPIException { if (name == null) { return null; } Object value = getState().getSessionVar(name); return value; } @CodeCompletion public void setsessionvar(String name, Object value, boolean allowSerialization) throws WGAPIException { setsessionvar(name, value, allowSerialization, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setsessionvar(String name, Object value, boolean allowSerialization, boolean keepList) throws WGAPIException { validateStateModification(); if (value == null) { value = new NullPlaceHolder(); } else if (value instanceof List && keepList) { value = new TMLContext.ListVarContainer((List<Object>) value); } TMLPortletState state = getState(); state.setSessionVar(name, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void wrapTransientSessionVar(String name, Object value, TMLPortletState state) { TransientObjectWrapper<Object> wrapper = null; Object currentValue = state.getSessionVar(name); if (currentValue instanceof TransientObjectWrapper) { wrapper = (TransientObjectWrapper<Object>) currentValue; } else { wrapper = new TransientObjectWrapper<Object>(); state.setSessionVar(name, wrapper); } wrapper.set(value); } @CodeCompletion public void removesessionvar(String name) throws WGAPIException { validateStateModification(); getState().removeSessionVar(name); } @CodeCompletion public void removeitem(String name) throws WGAPIException { tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().removeItem(reg, name); } public TMLPortlet getportlet(String key) throws WGAPIException { WGPortlet portlet = getPortletRegistration(key); if (portlet != null) { return new TMLPortlet(this.tmlContext, this.profile, portlet); } else { return null; } } public WGPortlet getPortletRegistration(String key) throws WGAPIException { WGPortletRegistry registry = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry(); return registry.getPortlet(registry.getApplicationId(this.tmlContext.getmaincontext().db()), key); } @CodeCompletion public TMLPortlet getparentportlet() throws WGAPIException { if (reg.getParentPortletKey() != null) { return getportlet(reg.getParentPortletKey()); } else { return this; } } public List<String> getchildrenkeys() throws WGAPIException { Iterator<WGPortlet> childRegs = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().getChildPortlets(reg).iterator(); List<String> childKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (childRegs.hasNext()) { WGPortlet portlet =; childKeys.add(portlet.getKey()); } return childKeys; } public List<String> getdescendantkeys() throws WGAPIException { Iterator<WGPortlet> childRegs = getChildRegistrations(reg, true).iterator(); List<String> childKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (childRegs.hasNext()) { WGPortlet reg =; childKeys.add(reg.getKey()); } return childKeys; } @CodeCompletion public List<String> getchildrennames() throws WGAPIException { Iterator<WGPortlet> childRegs = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().getChildPortlets(reg).iterator(); List<String> childKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (childRegs.hasNext()) { WGPortlet reg =; childKeys.add(reg.getName()); } return childKeys; } public List<String> getdescendantnames() throws WGAPIException { Iterator<WGPortlet> childRegs = getChildRegistrations(reg, true).iterator(); List<String> childKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (childRegs.hasNext()) { WGPortlet reg = (WGPortlet); childKeys.add(reg.getName()); } return childKeys; } public String registerportlet(String tmlDb, String tmlCode, String title) throws WGAPIException { WGPortletRegistry registry = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry(); WGPortlet newPortlet = registry .createPortlet(registry.getApplicationId(this.tmlContext.getmaincontext().db()), reg); newPortlet.setDesignDb(tmlDb); newPortlet.setDesign(tmlCode); newPortlet.setName(title); registry.insertPortlet(newPortlet); TMLPortlet newTMLPortlet = new TMLPortlet(this.tmlContext, profile, newPortlet); // Fetch portlet session context (so the following init event will not be overridden) newTMLPortlet.getState(); // Add portlet init event PortletEvent event = new PortletEvent("init", WGAVersion.toCsConfigVersion()); event.setSource(newPortlet.getKey()); event.setSourceName(title); event.setTargetPortletKey(newPortlet.getKey()); addEventToQueue(event, this.tmlContext.gethttpsession()); return newPortlet.getKey(); } public String registerportlet(String tmlCode, String title) throws WGAPIException { return registerportlet(null, tmlCode, title); } public boolean unregisterportlet(String portletKey) throws WGAPIException { // Unregister portlet if it exists. TMLPortlet portlet = getportlet(portletKey); if (portlet != null) { portlet.unregister(); } // We may have transient portlets. If so: Remove just the state else { TMLPortletStateStorage stateStorage = tmlContext.getPortletStateStorage(); if (stateStorage instanceof TMLPortletStateTransientStorage) { TMLPortletStateTransientStorage transientStorage = (TMLPortletStateTransientStorage) stateStorage; stateStorage.disposeState(this.tmlContext.getmaincontext().db().getDbReference(), portletKey); } } return true; } public void unregister() throws WGAPIException { tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().removePortlet(reg); clearstate();; } private List<WGPortlet> getChildRegistrations(WGPortlet parent, boolean descendants) throws WGAPIException { List<WGPortlet> childRegs = new ArrayList<WGPortlet>(); Iterator<WGPortlet> iter = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().getChildPortlets(parent).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WGPortlet child = (WGPortlet); childRegs.add(child); if (descendants) { childRegs.addAll(getChildRegistrations(child, true)); } } return childRegs; } @CodeCompletion public void cleanup() throws WGAPIException { tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().clearItems(reg); clearstate(); } public void clearstate() throws WGAPIException { getStateStorage().disposeState(this.tmlContext.getmaincontext().db().getDbReference(), getportletkey()); _state = null; // Remove portlet variables this.tmlContext.removePortletVariables(getVarPrefix()); } public void forcestate() throws WGAPIException { getState().setSentFromClient(true); } public void clearchildstate(String name) throws WGAPIException { // First try to find the portlet itself, if it is registered TMLPortlet child = getportletforname(name); if (child != null) { child.clearstate(); } // Otherwise use the dedicated storage method to dispose the state of a portlet currently not registered else { getStateStorage().disposeChildState(this.tmlContext.getmaincontext().db().getDbReference(), getportletkey(), name); } } private TMLPortletStateStorage getStateStorage() { return tmlContext.getPortletStateStorage(); } public void cleanup(String portletKey) throws WGAPIException { TMLPortlet portlet = getportlet(portletKey); if (portlet != null) { portlet.cleanup(); } else { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Unable to cleanup portlet with key '" + portletKey + "' - no portlet with this key registered."); } } /** * Returns the title. * @return String */ public String getportletkey() { return reg.getKey(); } public String getparentkey() { return reg.getParentPortletKey(); } @CodeCompletion public String gettml() { return reg.getDesign(); } @CodeCompletion public String gettmldb() { return reg.getDesignDb(); } public List<String> getitemnames() throws WGAPIException { return tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().getItemNames(reg); } public String gettitle() { return reg.getName(); } @CodeCompletion public String getname() { return reg.getName(); } @CodeCompletion public String getmode() throws WGAPIException { return getState().getMode(); } public TMLPortletState getState() throws WGAPIException { if (_state == null) { TMLPortletStateStorage stateStorage = getStateStorage(); if (stateStorage != null) _state = stateStorage.getState(this); } return _state; } public Object getcontroller() throws WGAPIException, WGException { ScopeObject obj = getState().fetchController(WGA.get(tmlContext)); if (obj != null) return obj.getObject(); else return null; } protected TMLPortletState createState(TMLPortletStateStorage storage) throws WGAPIException { // Determine the compliance version for this portlet Version complianceVersion = WGAVersion.VERSION; if (reg.getDesignDb() != null) { try { complianceVersion = WGA.get(tmlContext).design(reg.getDesignDb()).getVersionCompliance(); } catch (Exception e) { tmlContext.getlog().error( "Exception determining design compliance version of app '" + reg.getDesignDb() + "'", e); } } Design controllerDesign = getControllerDesign(); TMLPortletState state = new TMLPortletState(complianceVersion, this, tmlContext.gethttpsession().getId(), controllerDesign != null ? controllerDesign.getBaseReference() : null); state.initializeControllerState(WGA.get(tmlContext)); return state; } protected static void addEventToQueue(PortletEvent event, HttpSession session) { LinkedMap events = getFiredEventsQueue(session); synchronized (events) { event.retrieveIndex(); events.put(new Long(event.getIndex()), event); while (events.size() > EVENTQUEUE_MAX_SIZE) { events.remove(events.firstKey()); } } } public static String getVarPrefix(String portletKey) { return portletKey + "_"; } @CodeCompletion public void setmode(String mode) throws WGAPIException { validateStateModification(); getState().setMode(mode); } public void changeDesign(String tml) throws WGAPIException { reg.setDesign(tml);; } public String getDesign() { return reg.getDesign(); } @CodeCompletion public void fireevent(PortletEvent event) { // store event in hashSet and request for rendering through include tag @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<PortletEvent> currentEvents = (HashSet<PortletEvent>) this.tmlContext.getrequest() .getAttribute(REQATTRIB_FIRED_PORTLET_EVENTS); if (currentEvents == null) { currentEvents = new HashSet<PortletEvent>(); this.tmlContext.getrequest().setAttribute(REQATTRIB_FIRED_PORTLET_EVENTS, currentEvents); } // set source event.setSource(getportletkey()); event.setSourceName(getname()); currentEvents.add(event); // Add to event queue addEventToQueue(event, this.tmlContext.gethttpsession()); } @CodeCompletion public void fireevent(String eventname) { fireevent(this.tmlContext.createevent(eventname)); } @CodeCompletion public void fireevent(String eventName, Map<String, Object> params) { PortletEvent ev = this.tmlContext.createevent(eventName); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> param : params.entrySet()) { ev.addParameter(param.getKey(), param.getValue()); } fireevent(ev); } @CodeCompletion public String registerportletforname(String name, DesignResourceReference ref, boolean overwrite) throws WGAPIException { // Verify portlet name rules if (!PORTLETNAME_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches()) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Invalid portlet name '" + name + "'. The portletname may only consist of characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, ., - and :"); } // Verify portlet name not already used TMLPortlet portlet = getportletforname(name); if (portlet != null) { if (overwrite) { unregisterportletforname(name); } else { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Portlet name '" + name + "' already registered."); } } String pkey = registerportlet(ref.getDesignApp(), ref.getResourceName(), name); save(); return pkey; } public String registerportletforname(String name, String appDbKey, String resourceName, boolean overwrite) throws WGException { DesignResourceReference ref = tmlContext.resolveDesignResource(appDbKey, resourceName); return registerportletforname(name, ref, overwrite); } @CodeCompletion public String registerportletforname(String name, String module, boolean overwrite) throws WGException { return registerportletforname(name, null, module, overwrite); } @CodeCompletion public String registerportletforname(String name, String module) throws WGException { return registerportletforname(name, null, module, false); } @CodeCompletion public String registerportletforname(String name, String moduleDb, String module) throws WGException { return registerportletforname(name, moduleDb, module, false); } @CodeCompletion public TMLPortlet getportletforname(String name) throws WGAPIException { WGPortlet portlet = tmlContext.getPortletRegistry().getPortletByName(reg.getApplicationDb(), reg, name); if (portlet != null) { return new TMLPortlet(this.tmlContext, this.profile, portlet); } else { return null; } } @CodeCompletion public void unregisterportletforname(String name) throws WGAPIException { // Remove portlet if still available. May be gone if registry is transient. TMLPortlet portlet = getportletforname(name); if (portlet != null) { portlet.unregister(); } } @CodeCompletion public void unregisterchildportlets() throws WGAPIException { Iterator<String> keys = getchildrenkeys().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; TMLPortlet child = getportlet(key); if (child != null) { unregisterportlet(child.getportletkey()); } } save(); } public void prepareEventProcessing(Base tag) throws WGAPIException { TMLPortletState sessionContext = getState(); LinkedMap list = TMLPortlet.getFiredEventsQueue(tag.getPageContext().getSession()); // Look if the event queue proceeded since the last processed event if (list.size() > 0) { PortletEvent lastEvent = (PortletEvent) list.get(list.lastKey()); if (lastEvent != null) { if (lastEvent.getIndex() > sessionContext.getLastProcessedEventIndex()) { // Find the start index for processing new events Long startIndex; Long lastProcessedIndex = new Long(sessionContext.getLastProcessedEventIndex()); if (list.containsKey(lastProcessedIndex)) { startIndex = (Long) list.nextKey(lastProcessedIndex); } else { startIndex = (Long) list.firstKey(); } // Set start index as WebTML option tag.getStatus().setOption(Base.OPTION_PORTLET_EVENT_STARTINDEX, new Long(sessionContext.getLastProcessedEventIndex()), TMLOption.SCOPE_GLOBAL); // Update last processed event index to be the newest event's index sessionContext.setLastProcessedEventIndex(lastEvent.getIndex()); } } } } public boolean isroot() { return (reg.isRoot()); } @CodeCompletion public TMLPortlet getroot() throws WGAPIException { TMLPortlet portlet = this; while (!portlet.isroot()) { portlet = portlet.getparentportlet(); } return portlet; } public TMLPortlet parent() throws WGAPIException { if (!isroot()) { return getparentportlet(); } else { return null; } } public TMLPortlet child(String name) throws WGAPIException { return getportletforname(name); } @CodeCompletion public TMLContext getcontext() throws WGAPIException { if (iscontextset()) { return this.tmlContext.context(getState().getContextPath(), false); } else { return null; } } public boolean iscontextset() throws WGAPIException { return getState().getContextPath() != null; } public boolean isprovisionalstate() throws WGAPIException { return getState().isOverwritableByClient(); } @CodeCompletion public void setcontext(Context context) throws WGAPIException { validateStateModification(); if (context != null) { getState().setContextPath(context.getpath()); } else { getState().setContextPath(null); } } public String getVarPrefix() { return getVarPrefix(reg.getKey()); } public TMLPortlet() { super(); } @CodeCompletion public TMLPortlet getsourceportlet(PortletEvent event) throws WGAPIException { return getportlet(event.getSource()); } public WGPortlet getReg() { return reg; } public String getportletpath() throws WGAPIException { List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); TMLPortlet p = this; while (!p.isroot()) { names.add(p.getname()); p = p.getparentportlet(); } Collections.reverse(names); return "/" + WGUtils.serializeCollection(names, "/"); } public TMLUserProfile getProfile() { return profile; } private void validateStateModification() throws WGAPIException { if (isroot()) { throw new WGIllegalStateException("Cannot modify state of root portlet"); } TMLPortletStateStorage storage = tmlContext.getPortletStateStorage(); if (storage instanceof TMLPortletStateTransientStorage) { if (isroot()) { throw new WGIllegalStateException( "Cannot modify portlet state when WebTML request is on root portlet level, only from inside another portlet"); } } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof TMLPortlet) { TMLPortlet otherPortlet = (TMLPortlet) obj; return WGUtils.nullSafeEquals(otherPortlet.reg.getApplicationDb(), reg.getApplicationDb()) && otherPortlet.getportletkey().equals(getportletkey()); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return (new HashCodeBuilder()).append(reg.getApplicationDb()).append(reg.getKey()).toHashCode(); } public void markedited() throws WGAPIException { getState().setTransmitToClient(true); } public Design getControllerDesign() throws WGAPIException { try { String theDesign; if (isroot()) { theDesign = WGA.get(tmlContext).call().getOuterLayout(); } else { theDesign = getDesign(); } if (theDesign == null) { return null; } WGA wga = WGA.get(tmlContext); Design baseDesign = gettmldb() != null ? :; return baseDesign.resolve(getDesign() + ".controller"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WGBackendException("Exception getting controller design", e); } } }