Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Node; import de.innovationgate.utils.FormattingException; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGException; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.RTFEncodingFormatter; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionEngineFactory; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.tmlscript.RhinoExpressionEngine; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.TMLFormInfo; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.TMLForm; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.portlet.TMLPortlet; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.RootTagReceptor; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLContext; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLException; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLUserProfile; public class Item extends FormBase implements DynamicAttributes { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String type; private String name; private String editor; private String label; private String scriptlets; private String xpath; private String aliases; private String aliasesitem; private String highlight; private String highlightprefix; private String highlightsuffix; private String saveaction; public static final String OPTION_EDITOR_FIELD = SYSTEMOPTION_PREFIX + "editorField"; public void tmlEndTag() throws WGException, TMLException { String itemName = this.getName(); TMLContext tmlContext = this.getTMLContext(); List result = null; String type = this.getType(); // add warning on illegal use of highlight attribute if (stringToBoolean(getHighlight())) { if (!type.equals("content")) { addWarning("Highlighting can only be used with type 'content' - skipped."); } } // Retrieve value if (type.equals("content")) { result = tmlContext.itemlist(itemName, buildNamedActionParameters(false)); if (stringToBoolean(getHighlight())) { if (this.stringToBoolean(this.getScriptlets())) { addWarning("Highlighting cannot be used with scriptlets - skipped."); } else if (this.getAliases() != null) { addWarning("Highlighting cannot be used with aliases - skipped."); } else if (getXpath() != null) { addWarning("Highlighting cannot be used together with xpath - skipped."); } else { // highlight itemvalue with information from lucene query result = Collections.singletonList(tmlContext.highlightitem(itemName, getHighlightprefix(), getHighlightsuffix(), getStatus().encode)); getStatus().encode = "none"; } } } else if (type.equals("profile")) { TMLUserProfile profile = tmlContext.getprofile(); if (profile == null) { this.addWarning("Current user has no profile", true); return; } result = profile.itemlist(itemName); } else if (type.equals("portlet")) { TMLPortlet portlet = tmlContext.getportlet(); if (portlet == null) { this.addWarning("Current user has no portlet registration", true); return; } result = portlet.itemlist(itemName); } else if (type.equals("tmlform")) { TMLForm form = tmlContext.gettmlform(); if (form == null) { addWarning("There is no current WebTML form at this position in the current request"); return; } result = form.fieldlist(itemName); } // The item does not exist or is empty. Treat as empty list. if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList(); } // Eventually execute xpath String xpath = getXpath(); if (xpath != null && result.size() > 0) { Object firstResult = result.get(0); if (firstResult instanceof Node) { Node resultNode = (Node) firstResult; result = resultNode.selectNodes(xpath); } else if (firstResult instanceof String) { try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText((String) firstResult); result = doc.selectNodes(xpath); } catch (DocumentException e) { addWarning("Unable to parse item content '" + itemName + "' as XML: " + firstResult); } } else if (ExpressionEngineFactory.getTMLScriptEngine() .determineTMLScriptType(firstResult) == RhinoExpressionEngine.TYPE_XMLOBJECT) { result = ExpressionEngineFactory.getTMLScriptEngine().xpathTMLScriptBean(firstResult, xpath); } else { JXPathContext jxcontext = JXPathContext.newContext(firstResult); Iterator jxresults = jxcontext.iterate(xpath); result = new ArrayList(); while (jxresults.hasNext()) { result.add(; } } } // Eventually resolve scriptlets if (result.size() > 0 && this.stringToBoolean(this.getScriptlets()) == true) { RhinoExpressionEngine engine = ExpressionEngineFactory.getTMLScriptEngine(); String resolvedResultStr = null; try { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(RhinoExpressionEngine.SCRIPTLETOPTION_LEVEL, RhinoExpressionEngine.LEVEL_SCRIPTLETS); resolvedResultStr = engine.resolveScriptlets(result.get(0), getTMLContext(), params); result = new ArrayList(); result.add(resolvedResultStr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TMLException("Exception parsing scriptlets", e, false); } } // BI-Editor (See Root-Class for attrib WGACore.ATTRIB_EDITDOCUMENT) Object attribEdit = this.getPageContext().getRequest().getAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_EDITDOCUMENT); if (attribEdit != null && getEditor() != null && attribEdit.equals(this.getTMLContext().getcontent().getContentKey().toString())) { buildEditor(itemName, result); setResult(result); } else { // if aliases are defined, replace values with aliases List aliases = this.retrieveAliases(); if (aliases.isEmpty()) this.setResult(result); else { WGA wga = WGA.get(); this.setResult(wga.aliases(WGUtils.toString(result), aliases)); } } } private List retrieveAliases() throws WGAPIException { // Fetch aliases, either directly from item (Attribute aliasesitem) or as comma-separated string (Attribute aliases) String aliasesItem = getAliasesitem(); if (aliasesItem != null) { return WGUtils.toString(getTMLContext().itemlist(aliasesItem)); } else { String aliases = this.getAliases(); if (aliases == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return WGUtils.deserializeCollection(aliases, ","); } } private void buildEditor(String itemName, List result) throws WGException { String rawLabel = (this.getLabel() == null ? this.getName() : this.getLabel()); itemName = itemName.toLowerCase(); String editor = this.getEditor(); StringBuffer prefix = createItemEditorDeclaration(itemName, editor, rawLabel); prefix.append("<div class=\"WGA-Item-Format\" style=\"display:none\">"); if (getFormat() != null) prefix.append(getFormat()); prefix.append("</div>"); prefix.append("<div class=\"WGA-Item-Value\" id=\"item_" + itemName + "\">"); // <-- item content will be inserted here between prefix and suffix StringBuffer suffix = new StringBuffer("</div>\n"); if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("rtf") || editor.equalsIgnoreCase("textblock")) { // Add unencoded version to suffix. Will be used by RTF editor for updates suffix.append("<div class=\"WGA-Item-Value-Unencoded\" id=\"item_" + itemName + "_unencoded\" style=\"display:none\" >"); if (result.size() >= 1) { RTFEncodingFormatter formatter = new RTFEncodingFormatter(true); formatter.setContext(getTMLContext()); try { suffix.append(formatter.format(result.get(0))); } catch (FormattingException e) { addWarning(e.getMessage()); suffix.append(String.valueOf(result.get(0))); } } suffix.append("</div>\n"); } else if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { suffix.append("<div class=\"WGA-Item-Value-Unencoded\" style=\"display:none\" >"); if (result.size() > 0) suffix.append(WGA.get(getTMLContext()).format(result.get(0), "dd.MM.yyyy")); suffix.append("</div>\n"); } else if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("number")) { suffix.append("<div class=\"WGA-Item-Value-Unencoded\" style=\"display:none\" >"); if (result.size() > 0) suffix.append(WGA.get(getTMLContext()).format(result.get(0), "decimal")); suffix.append("</div>\n"); } else if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("custom")) { suffix.append(getCustomEditorCode()); } suffix.append("\n</div>\n"); this.setPrefix(prefix.toString()); this.setSuffix(suffix.toString()); } /** * Method getCustomEditor. * @param editor * @return Editor code as String * @throws WGException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private String getCustomEditorCode() throws WGException { FormStatus status = getFormStatus(); // Calculate output PropertyResourceBundle labels = null; try { labels = (PropertyResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle( "de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.labels.common", pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(), this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } status.mode = TMLFormInfo.EDIT_MODE; String frmId = status.formInfo.getFormId(); StringBuffer editorCode = new StringBuffer(""); String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); editorCode.append(LS); editorCode.append("<div class=\"WGA-Custom-Form\" style=\"display:none;\">"); editorCode.append(LS); StringBuffer submitCode = new StringBuffer(); submitCode.append("callAction('"); String action = buildCallActionLink(getSaveaction(), frmId, null, null, null, null); submitCode.append(action); submitCode.append("')"); String formStartTag = renderFormStartTag(frmId, submitCode.toString(), "display:inline", null); editorCode.append(formStartTag); String prefix = this.getPrefix(); this.setPrefix(""); editorCode.append(this.getResultString(false)); this.setPrefix(prefix); editorCode.append(renderFormInfo(status.formInfo, this.getTMLContext())); editorCode.append(LS); editorCode.append(renderAdditionHiddenFormFields()); editorCode.append(LS); editorCode.append(" "); editorCode.append(LS); editorCode.append(renderFormEndTag()); editorCode.append(LS); editorCode.append("</div>"); if (status.thisForm.hasmessages()) { editorCode.append("<div class=\"WGA-Custom-Form-Errors\" style=\"display:none;\">"); for (String message : (List<String>) status.thisForm.getmessages()) { editorCode.append( "<div class=\"WGA-Custom-Form-Error-Message\">" + WGUtils.encodeHTML(message) + "</div>"); } editorCode.append("</div>"); } return editorCode.toString(); } /** * Gets the name * @return Returns a String */ public String getName() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("name", name, null); } /** * Sets the name * @param name The name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * Gets the editor * @return Returns a String */ public String getEditor() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("editor", editor, null); } /** * Sets the editor * @param editor The editor to set */ public void setEditor(String editor) { this.editor = editor; } /** * Gets the label * @return Returns a String */ public String getLabel() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("label", label, null); } /** * Sets the label * @param label The label to set */ public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } /** * Returns the type. * @return String */ public String getType() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("type", type, "content"); } /** * Sets the type. * @param type The type to set */ public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } /** * @throws WGAPIException * @see de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.Base#tmlStartTag() */ public void tmlStartTag() throws WGException { String editor = this.getEditor(); if (editor == null) { this.setEvalBody(false); return; } if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("custom")) { super.tmlStartTag(); } } /** * Returns the scriptlets. * @return String */ public String getScriptlets() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("scriptlets", scriptlets, "false"); } /** * Sets the scriptlets. * @param scriptlets The scriptlets to set */ public void setScriptlets(String scriptlets) { this.scriptlets = scriptlets; } /** * @see de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.Base#getEncode() */ public String getEncode() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("encode", encode, getDefaultItemEncoding()); } public String getDefaultItemEncoding() { String editor = getEditor(); if (editor != null) { if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("rtf")) { return "rtf"; } else if (editor.equalsIgnoreCase("textblock")) { return "none"; } } return (String) this.getTMLContext().getDesignContext().getDesignDB() .getAttribute(WGACore.DBATTRIB_DEFAULT_ITEM_ENCODING); } /** * @return */ public String getXpath() { return getTagAttributeValue("xpath", xpath, null); } /** * @param string */ public void setXpath(String string) { xpath = string; } public String getAliases() { return getTagAttributeValue("aliases", aliases, null); } public void setAliases(String aliases) { this.aliases = aliases; } public String getHighlight() { return getTagAttributeValue("highlight", highlight, "false"); } public void setHighlight(String highlight) { this.highlight = highlight; } public String getHighlightprefix() { return getTagAttributeValue("highlightprefix", highlightprefix, "<B>"); } public void setHighlightprefix(String highlightprefix) { this.highlightprefix = highlightprefix; } public String getHighlightsuffix() { return getTagAttributeValue("highlightsuffix", highlightsuffix, "</B>"); } public void setHighlightsuffix(String highlightsuffix) { this.highlightsuffix = highlightsuffix; } public String getSaveaction() { return getTagAttributeValue("saveaction", saveaction, "$store"); } public void setSaveaction(String saveaction) { this.saveaction = saveaction; } public String getAliasesitem() { return getTagAttributeValue("aliasesitem", aliasesitem, null); } public void setAliasesitem(String aliasesitem) { this.aliasesitem = aliasesitem; } @Override protected String getFormId() { return "_" + getName().toLowerCase() + "_"; } @Override protected List<String> getDynamicAttributePrefixes() { return WGUtils.list(super.getDynamicAttributePrefixes(), "a"); } }