Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext; import de.innovationgate.utils.FormattingException; import de.innovationgate.utils.UIDGenerator; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAbstractResultSet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDocument; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGException; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.hdbmodel.Content; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.hdbmodel.Relation; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionEngine; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionEngineFactory; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionResult; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.tmlscript.RhinoExpressionEngine; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.hdb.HDBModel; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.FormBase.FormStatus; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.actions.TMLAction; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.FieldReg; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.TMLForm; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.form.TMLFormInfo; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLException; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TagOutputFormatter; public class Input extends ActionBase implements DynamicAttributes { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * represents an HTML-Option (for example in an HTML-selectbox, an HTML-checkbox or an HTML-option */ private class InputOption { private String _value; private String _text; public InputOption(String text, String value) { _value = value; _text = text; } public String getText() { return _text; } public String getValue() { return _value; } } private String type; private String name; private String options; private String optionsitem; private String multiple; private String cssclass; private String cssstyle; private String changeaction; private String meta; private String defaultvalue; private String validation; private String message; private String validationdivider; private String mode; private String onupdate; private String focus; private String encodeoptions; private String defaultexpression; private String labeled; private String optionstitle; private String sortoptions; // a comma separated list of fieldnames to clear if this field has an validationerror private String cleariferror; // should this input field be stored in storeIn... methods private String store; // type of content relation to create instead of using an item private String relationtype; public boolean isMultipleInput() { String type = this.getType(); if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("number") || type.equals("date") || type.equals("radio") || type.equals("boolean")) { return false; } else if (type.equals("checkbox")) { return true; } else { return stringToBoolean(getMultiple()); } } public void tmlEndTag() throws WGException { // Retrieve basic parameters String type = this.getType(); String name = this.getName(); String format = getStatus().format; if (format != null && WGUtils.isEmpty(format)) { format = null; } Object defaultvalue = this.getDefault(); if (defaultvalue == null) { String expression = getDefaultexpression(); if (expression != null) { ExpressionEngine engine = ExpressionEngineFactory.getEngine(getDefaultExpressionLanguage()); if (engine == null) { this.addWarning("Unknown expression language: " + getDefaultExpressionLanguage(), true); } Map<String, Object> objects = new HashMap<String, Object>(); objects.put(RhinoExpressionEngine.PARAM_SCRIPTNAME, "DefaultExpression on " + getTagDescription()); ExpressionResult result = engine.evaluateExpression(expression, this.getTMLContext(), ExpressionEngine.TYPE_EXPRESSION, objects); if (result.isError()) { addExpressionWarning(expression, result); } else { defaultvalue = result.getResult(); } } // If no default value determined we must see if we have an input type with "implicit" default value (#00000263) else { /* Deactivated as of #00000366 because it broke more than it saved if (type.equals("select")) { List<InputOption> options = retrieveInputOptions(); if (options.size() > 0) { defaultvalue = options.get(0).getValue(); } } else */ if (type.equals("boolean")) { defaultvalue = Boolean.FALSE; } } } boolean readonlyMode = false; String computedMode = getMode(); String cssClass = this.getCssclass(); if (cssClass != null) { cssClass = "class=\"" + cssClass + "\" "; } String cssStyle = this.getCssstyle(); if (cssStyle != null) { cssStyle = "style=\"" + cssStyle + "\" "; } // Register with form (or item for BI-CustomEditor) parent (if present) and retrieve item values from it; FormInputRegistrator formBase = (FormInputRegistrator) getStatus().getAncestorTag(FormBase.class); if (formBase == null && isAjaxRequest()) { // try to retrieve form from ajax call final TMLForm form = getTMLContext().gettmlform(); if (form != null) { formBase = new AjaxFormInputRegistrator(form); } } List<Object> values; if (formBase != null) { // retrieve values from inputRegistrator boolean useRelation = false; if (getRelationtype() != null) { useRelation = true; } values = formBase.getFieldValue(name, stringToBoolean(getMeta()), defaultvalue, useRelation); // compute mode if (formBase.getFormMode().equals(TMLFormInfo.VIEW_MODE)) { if (this.getMode().equals(FieldReg.EDIT_MODE)) { computedMode = FieldReg.VIEW_MODE; } else { computedMode = getMode(); } } else if (formBase.getFormMode().equals(TMLFormInfo.READONLY_MODE)) { if (this.getMode().equals(FieldReg.EDIT_MODE)) { computedMode = FieldReg.READONLY_MODE; } else { computedMode = getMode(); } } else { computedMode = getMode(); } //build clear if errorlist List<String> cleariferrorList = new ArrayList<String>(); String cleariferror = getCleariferror(); if (cleariferror != null) { cleariferrorList = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(cleariferror, ","); } formBase.addField(new FieldReg(name, type, format, stringToBoolean(getMeta()), isMultipleInput(), getValidation(), getMessage(), getValidationdivider(), stringToBoolean(getTrim()), computedMode, cleariferrorList, stringToBoolean(getStore()), getRelationtype()), values); if (computedMode.equals(TMLFormInfo.EDIT_MODE)) { // nothing to do } else if (computedMode.equals(TMLFormInfo.VIEW_MODE)) { // clear results this.clearResult(); // display optionText not optionValues if (type.equals("boolean")) { String ret = ""; List<InputOption> opts = this.retrieveInputOptions(); Boolean boolValue = Boolean.FALSE; if (values.size() >= 1) { Object theValue = values.get(0); if (theValue instanceof String) { boolValue = Boolean.valueOf((String) theValue); } else if (theValue instanceof Boolean) { boolValue = (Boolean) theValue; } } if (opts.size() == 0) { getStatus().encode = "none"; ret = "<img align=\"bottom\" src=\"" + getWGPPath() + "/static/images/" + boolValue.toString() + ".png\"> "; } else if (opts.size() == 1) { getStatus().encode = "none"; ret = "<span"; if (!boolValue) ret += " style=\"text-decoration:line-through\""; ret += ">"; InputOption opt = opts.get(0); ret += opt.getText(); ret += "</span>"; } else { Iterator<InputOption> options = opts.iterator(); while (options.hasNext()) { InputOption option = (InputOption); List<String> stringValues = WGUtils.toString(values); if (stringValues.contains(option.getValue())) { ret = option.getText(); break; } } } this.setResult(ret); } else if (type.equals("select") || type.equals("checkbox") || type.equals("radio")) { List<String> textValues = new ArrayList<String>(); List<InputOption> options = this.retrieveInputOptions(); if (options.size() > 0) { // prepare regular list so we can use WGA.alias() ArrayList<String> optionsValues = new ArrayList<String>(); String relationNullPlaceholderOptionValue = null; for (InputOption o : options) { optionsValues.add(o.getText() + "|" + o.getValue()); if (TMLForm.RELATION_NULLPLACE_HOLDER.equals(o.getValue())) { relationNullPlaceholderOptionValue = o.getText(); } } if (values.size() == 0 && relationNullPlaceholderOptionValue != null) { textValues.add(relationNullPlaceholderOptionValue); } else { WGA wga = WGA.get(); List<String> stringValues = WGUtils.toString(values); textValues.addAll(wga.aliases(stringValues, optionsValues)); } this.setResult(textValues); getStatus().divider = getMultiValueDivider(); } else { this.setResult(values); } } else { // do not render original value if type is password if (this.getType().equals("password")) { values = Collections.<Object>singletonList("********"); } // if type is hashedpassword show "*" instead of hashed // value in viewmode if (this.getType().equals("hashedpassword")) { values = Collections.<Object>singletonList("********"); } // Set default divider for multivalue textarea fields if (type.equals("textarea") && isMultipleInput()) { getStatus().divider = getMultiValueDivider(); } // do not display hidden values in VIEW_MODE if (!this.getType().equals("hidden")) { this.setResult(values); } } return; } else if (computedMode.equals(TMLFormInfo.READONLY_MODE)) { readonlyMode = true; } else { this.addWarning("Unsupported mode: " + this.getMode(), true); } } else { values = new ArrayList<Object>(); String[] params = this.getTMLContext().getrequest().getParameterValues(name); if (params != null) { for (String param : params) values.add(param); } else values.add(defaultvalue); } // Disable encoding, since this tag is in edit or readonly mode getStatus().encode = "none"; String disabledString = ""; if (!computedMode.equals(FieldReg.EDIT_MODE)) { disabledString = "disabled "; } //this.setBlockDivider(true); if (values == null) { values = new ArrayList<Object>(); } Object singleValue = (values.size() == 0 ? "" : values.get(0)); String tagContent = this.getResultString(false); this.clearResult(); // Render try { if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("password")) { renderSimpleInput(type, name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else if (type.equals("hidden")) { if (isMultipleInput()) { String renderedValue = WGUtils.serializeCollection(values, "~~~"); renderSimpleInput(type, name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, renderedValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else renderSimpleInput(type, name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { renderBoolean(name, cssClass, cssStyle, formBase, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else if (type.equals("date")) { if (!hasInputOptions()) { renderDateInput(name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else { renderSelectInput(name, cssClass, cssStyle, formBase, values, tagContent, disabledString, readonlyMode, format); } } else if (type.equals("number")) { if (!hasInputOptions()) { renderSimpleInput("text", name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else { renderSelectInput(name, cssClass, cssStyle, formBase, values, tagContent, disabledString, readonlyMode, format); } } else if (type.equals("textarea")) { boolean multipleInput = isMultipleInput(); Object renderValue = (multipleInput ? values : singleValue); renderTextArea(name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, renderValue, tagContent, isMultipleInput(), disabledString); } else if (type.equals("checkbox") || type.equals("radio")) { renderOptionInput(type, name, cssClass, cssStyle, formBase, values, tagContent, disabledString); } else if (type.equals("select")) { renderSelectInput(name, cssClass, cssStyle, formBase, values, tagContent, disabledString, readonlyMode, null); } else if (type.equals("file")) { renderFileInput(type, name, cssClass, cssStyle, values, tagContent, disabledString); } else if (type.equals("hashedpassword")) { renderHashedPassword(name, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabledString); } else { this.addWarning("Unknown input type:" + type, true); return; } } catch (FormattingException e) { throw new TMLException("Exception formatting input field", e, true); } if (formBase != null && this.getFocus().equals("true")) { this.appendResult("<script>try{document.forms['" + formBase.getId() + "'].elements['" + this.getName() + "'].focus()}catch(e){}</script>"); } getStatus().divider = ""; } private void renderHashedPassword(String name, String cssClass, String cssStyle, Object singleValue, String tagContent, String disabled) throws FormattingException, WGException { String formattedValue = new TagOutputFormatter(getTMLContext()).format(singleValue); // if there we got a value from source, the value is already hashed // register field on form to ensure not to hash twice if (formattedValue != null && !formattedValue.trim().equals("")) { FormStatus formBase = (FormStatus) getStatus().getAncestorTag(FormBase.class); formBase.registerHashedPasswordField(name, formattedValue); } this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()).appendResult(" name=\"") .appendResult(name).appendResult("\" type=\"password\" "); String theId = getId(); if (theId != null) { this.appendResult("id=\"" + theId + "\" "); } this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(WGUtils.encodeHTML(formattedValue)).appendResult("\" ") .appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(" />"); } private List<InputOption> retrieveInputOptions() throws WGAPIException { // Fetch options. Possible sources: 1. directly from item (Attribute optionsitem) 2. comma-separated string (Attribute options) 3. HDBModel relation targets String optionsItem = getOptionsitem(); List<String> rawOptionsList = null; if (!WGUtils.isEmpty(optionsItem)) { rawOptionsList = WGUtils.toString(getTMLContext().itemlist(optionsItem)); } else { String strOptions = this.getOptions(); if (!WGUtils.isEmpty(strOptions)) { rawOptionsList = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(strOptions, ","); } else { String relType = getRelationtype(); if (!WGUtils.isEmpty(relType)) { String titleExpr = getOptionstitle(); if (titleExpr == null) { titleExpr = "TITLE"; } rawOptionsList = getHdbmodelRelationOptions(titleExpr); } } } if (rawOptionsList == null) { return new ArrayList<InputOption>(); } // Process raw options. Divide up value and text and create InputOption objects by them Iterator<String> rawOptions = rawOptionsList.iterator(); List<InputOption> optionList = new ArrayList<InputOption>(); String optionText; String optionValue; String rawOption; while (rawOptions.hasNext()) { rawOption =; if (rawOption == null) { continue; } int divider = rawOption.indexOf("|"); if (divider != -1) { optionText = rawOption.substring(0, divider).trim(); optionValue = rawOption.substring(divider + 1).trim(); } else { optionText = evaluateOptionTitle(rawOption.trim()); optionValue = rawOption.trim(); } optionList.add(new InputOption(optionText, optionValue)); } // Optionally sort options by their title String sort = getSortoptions(); if (sort != null) { boolean byValue = false; boolean desc = false; List<String> sortParams = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(sort, ","); if (sortParams.size() >= 2) { byValue = "value".equalsIgnoreCase(sortParams.get(0)); desc = "desc".equalsIgnoreCase(sortParams.get(1)); } else { desc = "desc".equalsIgnoreCase(sortParams.get(0)); } Comparator<InputOption> comparator; if (byValue) { comparator = new Comparator<InputOption>() { @Override public int compare(InputOption o1, InputOption o2) { return Collator.getInstance().compare(o1.getValue(), o2.getValue()); } }; } else { comparator = new Comparator<InputOption>() { @Override public int compare(InputOption o1, InputOption o2) { return Collator.getInstance().compare(o1.getText(), o2.getText()); } }; } Collections.sort(optionList, comparator); if (desc) { Collections.reverse(optionList); } } return optionList; } private String evaluateOptionTitle(String value) throws WGAPIException { String titleExpr = getOptionstitle(); if (titleExpr == null) { return value; } RhinoExpressionEngine rhinoEngine = ExpressionEngineFactory.getTMLScriptEngine(); getTMLContext().setvar("$O_VALUE", value); ExpressionResult result = rhinoEngine.evaluateExpression(titleExpr, getTMLContext(), RhinoExpressionEngine.TYPE_EXPRESSION, new HashMap<String, Object>()); if (!result.isError()) { return String.valueOf(result.getResult()); } else { getTMLContext().getlog().error("Exception evaluating title of option value '" + value + "'", result.getException()); addWarning("Exception evaluating title for option value '" + value + "': " + result.getException().getClass().getName(), false); return value; } } private boolean hasInputOptions() throws WGAPIException { return retrieveInputOptions().size() > 0; } private void renderFileInput(String type, String name, String cssClass, String cssStyle, List<Object> values, String tagContent, String disabled) throws WGException { // Build html this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()).appendResult(" type=\"") .appendResult(type).appendResult("\" name=\"").appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(">").appendResult("<br/>"); } private void renderSelectInput(String name, String cssClass, String cssStyle, FormInputRegistrator form, List<Object> values, String tagContent, String disabled, boolean onlySelectedValues, String format) throws FormattingException, WGException { this.appendResult("<select").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()).appendResult(" name=\"") .appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); if (isMultipleInput()) { appendResult(" multiple "); } createChangeActionJS(name, form, "onchange"); this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(" >"); Iterator<InputOption> options = this.retrieveInputOptions().iterator(); String optionValue; String optionText; while (options.hasNext()) { InputOption option =; optionValue = option.getValue(); optionText = option.getText(); if (optionValue != null && format != null) { optionValue = new TagOutputFormatter(format, getTMLContext(), stringToBoolean(getTrim())) .format(optionValue); } String displayOptionValue = optionValue; String displayOptionText = optionText; // Eventually encode options on output if (stringToBoolean(getEncodeoptions())) { displayOptionValue = WGUtils.encodeHTML(displayOptionValue); displayOptionText = WGUtils.encodeHTML(displayOptionText); } // Build html if (!onlySelectedValues) { this.appendResult("<option "); if (optionValue != null) { this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(displayOptionValue).appendResult("\""); } if (getType().equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { Date dateValue = null; try { if (optionValue != null) { dateValue = getTMLContext().parsedate(optionValue, format); } } catch (Exception e) { addWarning("Unable to parse date for input option. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if (dateValue != null && values.contains(dateValue)) { this.appendResult(" selected=\"true\""); } } else if (getType().equalsIgnoreCase("number")) { Number numberValue = null; try { if (optionValue != null) { numberValue = getTMLContext().parsenumber(optionValue, format); } } catch (Exception e) { addWarning("Unable to parse date for input option. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if (numberValue != null && values.contains(numberValue)) { this.appendResult(" selected=\"true\""); } } else { if ((optionValue != null && values.contains(optionValue)) || (optionValue == null && values.contains(optionText))) { this.appendResult(" selected=\"true\""); } } this.appendResult(" >").appendResult(displayOptionText).appendResult("</option>"); } else { if ((values.contains(optionValue)) || (values.contains(optionText))) { this.appendResult("<option "); if (optionValue != null) { this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(displayOptionValue).appendResult("\""); } this.appendResult(" >").appendResult(displayOptionText).appendResult("</option>"); } } } this.appendResult("</select>"); } private void createChangeActionJS(String name, FormInputRegistrator form, String event) throws WGAPIException, TMLException { String changeaction = this.getChangeaction(); if (!WGUtils.isEmpty(changeaction)) { if (isAjaxCall()) { // create ajax call TMLAction action = getTMLContext().getActionByID(changeaction, getDesignDBKey()); if (action != null) { this.appendResult(event + "=\"" + getAjaxJSFunction(action, null, Collections.<Object>singletonList(name), isKeepParamsOnAJAX()) + "\""); } else { addWarning("Action of id '" + changeaction + "' is not defined"); } } else { String actionLink = buildCallActionLink(changeaction, (form != null ? form.getId() : null), null, Collections.<Object>singletonList(name), null, null); if (actionLink != null) { this.appendResult(event + "=\"callAction('" + actionLink + "')\" "); } } } } private void renderOptionInput(String type, String name, String cssClass, String cssStyle, FormInputRegistrator form, List<Object> values, String tagContent, String disabled) throws WGException { String optionValue; String optionText; Iterator<InputOption> options = this.retrieveInputOptions().iterator(); boolean doLabelling = stringToBoolean(getLabeled()); // We need an id for option inputs so we can reference them from their labels String theId = getId(); if (doLabelling && theId == null) { theId = "option" + UIDGenerator.generateUID(); } int idx = 0; while (options.hasNext()) { InputOption option =; idx++; optionText = option.getText(); optionValue = option.getValue(); // Build html String htmlDivider = getMultiValueDivider(); String optionId = ""; String optionIdHtml = ""; if (theId != null) { optionId = theId + "_" + idx; optionIdHtml = " id=\"" + optionId + "\""; } getTMLContext().setvar("$O_VALUE", optionValue); String dynHtml = buildDynamicHtmlAttributes(); getTMLContext().removevar("$O_VALUE"); this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(dynHtml).appendResult(optionIdHtml).appendResult(" type=\"") .appendResult(type).appendResult("\" name=\"").appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(WGUtils.encodeHTML(optionValue)).appendResult("\" "); createChangeActionJS(name, form, "onclick"); if (optionValue != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if (String.valueOf(values.get(i)).equalsIgnoreCase(optionValue)) { this.appendResult(" checked=\"true\""); } } } this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(">"); if (doLabelling) { this.appendResult("<label for=\"").appendResult(optionId).appendResult("\">") .appendResult(optionText).appendResult("</label>"); } else { this.appendResult(optionText); } if (options.hasNext()) { appendResult(htmlDivider); } } } private String getMultiValueDivider() { String htmlDivider = getDivider(); if (htmlDivider == null || htmlDivider.equals("")) { htmlDivider = "<br/>"; } return htmlDivider; } private void renderSimpleInput(String type, String name, String format, String cssClass, String cssStyle, Object singleValue, String tagContent, String disabled) throws FormattingException, WGException { singleValue = new TagOutputFormatter(format, getTMLContext(), stringToBoolean(getTrim())) .format(singleValue); this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()).appendResult(" name=\"") .appendResult(name).appendResult("\" type=\"").appendResult(type).appendResult("\" "); String theId = getId(); if (theId != null) this.appendResult("id=\"" + theId + "\" "); this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(WGUtils.encodeHTML(String.valueOf(singleValue), true, false)) .appendResult("\" ").appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled) .appendResult(tagContent).appendResult(">"); } private void renderDateInput(String name, String format, String cssClass, String cssStyle, Object singleValue, String tagContent, String disabled) throws FormattingException, WGException { if (format == null) { getStatus().format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; } renderSimpleInput("text", name, format, cssClass, cssStyle, singleValue, tagContent, disabled); FormInputRegistrator formBase = (FormInputRegistrator) getStatus().getAncestorTag(FormBase.class); if (formBase != null) { if (formBase.getFormMode().equals(TMLFormInfo.READONLY_MODE) || formBase.getFormMode().equals(TMLFormInfo.VIEW_MODE)) { return; // no calendar control if form is in readonly- or view-mode. } } } private void renderTextArea(String name, String format, String cssClass, String cssStyle, Object value, String tagContent, boolean multiple, String disabled) throws FormattingException, WGException { if (value == null) { value = ""; } if (format != null && (type.equals("date") || type.equals("number"))) { value = new TagOutputFormatter(format, getTMLContext(), stringToBoolean(getTrim())).format(value); } this.appendResult("<textarea").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()).appendResult(" name=\"") .appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(">"); if (multiple) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> listEntries = (List<Object>) value; if (!listEntries.isEmpty()) { Iterator<Object> it = listEntries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object singleValue =; if (singleValue == null) { singleValue = ""; } String line = WGUtils.encodeHTML(singleValue.toString().trim(), true, WGUtils.LINEFEEDS_REMOVE); if (it.hasNext()) { line += "\r\n"; } this.appendResult(line); } } this.appendResult("</textarea>"); } else { this.appendResult(WGUtils.encodeHTML(value.toString(), true, WGUtils.LINEFEEDS_KEEP)) .appendResult("</textarea>"); } } private void renderBoolean(String name, String cssClass, String cssStyle, FormInputRegistrator form, Object singleValue, String tagContent, String disabled) throws WGException { Boolean value = new Boolean(false); if (singleValue instanceof Boolean) { value = (Boolean) singleValue; } else { if (singleValue instanceof String) { value = Boolean.valueOf((String) singleValue); } else { value = Boolean.FALSE; } } boolean doLabelling = stringToBoolean(getLabeled()); // We need an id for option inputs so we can reference them from their labels String theId = getId(); if (doLabelling && theId == null) { theId = "option" + UIDGenerator.generateUID(); } List<InputOption> options = this.retrieveInputOptions(); boolean renderCheckbox = false; if (options.size() == 0) { renderCheckbox = true; } else if (options.size() == 1 && options.get(0).getValue().equals("true")) { renderCheckbox = true; } int idx = 0; if (!renderCheckbox) { Iterator<InputOption> optionsIt = options.iterator(); String optionValue; String optionText; while (optionsIt.hasNext()) { idx++; InputOption option =; optionValue = option.getValue(); optionText = option.getText(); String optionId = null; if (theId != null) { optionId = theId + "_" + idx; } String htmlDivider = getMultiValueDivider(); this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()); if (optionId != null) { this.appendResult(" id=\"" + optionId + "\""); } this.appendResult(" type=\"radio\" name=\"").appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(" value=\"").appendResult(optionValue).appendResult("\" "); createChangeActionJS(name, form, "onclick"); if (optionValue != null) { if (String.valueOf(value).equalsIgnoreCase(optionValue)) { this.appendResult(" checked=\"true\""); } } this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(">"); if (doLabelling && optionId != null) { this.appendResult("<label for=\"").appendResult(optionId).appendResult("\">") .appendResult(optionText).appendResult("</label>"); } else { this.appendResult(optionText); } if (optionsIt.hasNext()) { appendResult(htmlDivider); } } } // If no options given Build a single checkbox representing "true" else { this.appendResult("<input").appendResult(buildDynamicHtmlAttributes()); if (theId != null) { this.appendResult(" id=\"" + theId + "\""); } this.appendResult(" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"").appendResult(name).appendResult("\" "); this.appendResult(" value=\"true\" "); createChangeActionJS(name, form, "onclick"); if (value.booleanValue() == true) { this.appendResult(" checked=\"true\""); } this.appendResult(cssClass).appendResult(cssStyle).appendResult(disabled).appendResult(tagContent) .appendResult(">"); if (options.size() == 1) { String optionText = options.get(0).getText(); if (doLabelling) { this.appendResult("<label for=\"").appendResult(theId).appendResult("\">") .appendResult(optionText).appendResult("</label>"); } else { this.appendResult(optionText); } } } } /** * Gets the default * @return Returns a String */ public String getDefault() { //return this.getTagAttributeValue("default", defaultvalue, (String) getTMLContext().db().getNoItemBehaviour().getForTMLFormEmptyField()); return this.getTagAttributeValue("default", defaultvalue, null); } /** * Sets the default * @param type The type to set */ public void setDefault(String defaultvalue) { this.defaultvalue = defaultvalue; } /** * Gets the type * @return Returns a String */ public String getType() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("type", type, "text"); } /** * Sets the type * @param type The type to set */ public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } /** * Gets the name * @return Returns a String */ public String getName() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("name", name, null); } /** * Sets the name * @param name The name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * Gets the options * @return Returns a String */ public String getOptions() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("options", options, null); } private List<String> getHdbmodelRelationOptions(String titleExpression) { try { // Prerequisites: Contentclass-based form, HDB model object, relation TMLForm form = getTMLContext().gettmlform(); if (form == null || form.getforminfo().getContentClass() == null) { return null; } HDBModel model = (HDBModel) getTMLContext().gettmlform().gettargetcontext().db() .getAttribute(WGACore.DBATTRIB_HDBMODEL); if (model == null) { return null; } Relation relation = null; for (Content contentModel : model.getModelsForContentClass(form.getforminfo().getContentClass(), getTMLContext().content(), false)) { relation = (Relation) JXPathContext.newContext(contentModel) .selectSingleNode("/relations[name='" + getName() + "']"); if (relation != null) { break; } } if (relation == null) { return null; } WGAbstractResultSet relationTargets = model.getRelationTargets(getTMLContext().content(), form.getforminfo().getContentClass(), getName()); String emptyTitle = relation.isOptional() ? getTMLContext().systemLabel("tmlform", "input.emptytitle") : null; return getTMLContext().buildOptions(relationTargets, titleExpression, emptyTitle); } catch (Throwable e) { getTMLContext().getlog().error("Exception determining input option defaults", e); return null; } } /** * Sets the options * @param options The options to set */ public void setOptions(String options) { this.options = options; } /** * Gets the multiple * @return Returns a String */ public String getMultiple() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("multiple", multiple, "false"); } /** * Sets the multiple * @param multiple The multiple to set */ public void setMultiple(String multiple) { this.multiple = multiple; } /** * Returns the cssClass. * @return String */ public String getCssclass() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("cssclass", cssclass, null); } /** * Sets the cssClass. * @param cssClass The cssClass to set */ public void setCssclass(String cssClass) { this.cssclass = cssClass; } /** * Returns the cssstyle. * @return String */ public String getCssstyle() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("cssstyle", cssstyle, null); } /** * Sets the cssstyle. * @param cssstyle The cssstyle to set */ public void setCssstyle(String cssstyle) { this.cssstyle = cssstyle; } /** * Returns the changeaction. * @return String */ public String getChangeaction() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("changeaction", changeaction, null); } /** * Sets the changeaction. * @param changeaction The changeaction to set */ public void setChangeaction(String changeaction) { this.changeaction = changeaction; } /** * @return */ public String getMeta() { return getTagAttributeValue("meta", meta, "false"); } /** * @param string */ public void setMeta(String string) { meta = string; } public String getValidation() { return getTagAttributeValue("validation", validation, null); } public void setValidation(String validation) { this.validation = validation; } public String getMessage() { return getTagAttributeValue("message", message, null); } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getValidationdivider() { return getTagAttributeValue("validationdivider", validationdivider, null); } public void setValidationdivider(String validationdivider) { this.validationdivider = validationdivider; } public String getMode() { return getTagAttributeValue("mode", mode, FieldReg.EDIT_MODE); } public void setMode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public String getCleariferror() { return getTagAttributeValue("cleariferror", cleariferror, null); } public void setCleariferror(String cleariferror) { this.cleariferror = cleariferror; } public String getEncode() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("encode", encode, (String) this.getTMLContext().getDesignContext() .getDesignDB().getAttribute(WGACore.DBATTRIB_DEFAULT_ITEM_ENCODING)); } public String getOnupdate() { return getTagAttributeValue("onupdate", onupdate, null); } public void setOnupdate(String onupdate) { this.onupdate = onupdate; } public String getFocus() { return getTagAttributeValue("focus", focus, "false"); } public void setFocus(String focus) { this.focus = focus; } /** * @return Returns the optionsitem. */ public String getOptionsitem() { return getTagAttributeValue("optionsitem", optionsitem, null); } /** * @param optionsitem The optionsitem to set. */ public void setOptionsitem(String optionsitem) { this.optionsitem = optionsitem; } public String getStore() { return getTagAttributeValue("store", store, "true"); } public void setStore(String store) { = store; } public String getEncodeoptions() { return getTagAttributeValue("encodeoptions", encodeoptions, "true"); } public void setEncodeoptions(String encodeoptions) { this.encodeoptions = encodeoptions; } public String getDefaultexpression() { return getTagAttributeValue("defaultexpression", defaultexpression, null); } public void setDefaultexpression(String defaultexpression) { this.defaultexpression = defaultexpression; } public String getRelationtype() { return getTagAttributeValue("relationtype", relationtype, null); } public void setRelationtype(String relationtype) { this.relationtype = relationtype; } public String getLabeled() { return getTagAttributeValue("labeled", labeled, "false"); } public void setLabeled(String labeled) { this.labeled = labeled; } public String getOptionstitle() { return getTagAttributeValue("optionstitle", optionstitle, null); } public void setOptionstitle(String optionstitle) { this.optionstitle = optionstitle; } public String getSortoptions() { return getTagAttributeValue("sortoptions", sortoptions, null); } public void setSortoptions(String sortoptions) { this.sortoptions = sortoptions; } @Override protected List<String> getDynamicAttributePrefixes() { return WGUtils.list(super.getDynamicAttributePrefixes(), "html"); } @Override protected boolean isTrimResultString() { return true; } }