Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpVersion; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams; import de.innovationgate.utils.URLBuilder; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContent; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFactory; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortlet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGTransientPortlet; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.Design; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA; import; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.websockets.PageConnection; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.actions.TMLAction; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.portlet.TMLPortlet; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.portlet.TMLPortletStateTransientStorage; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.AjaxInfo; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.RootTagReceptor; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLContext; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLException; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLOption; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLPageImpl; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLSilentCancelException; public class Include extends Base implements DynamicAttributes, PreferredOptionReceiverTag { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String key; private String ref; private String name; private String type; private String mediakey; private String designdb; private String linkaction; private String ajax; private String keepoptions; private String timeout; private String encoding; private String linkmedium; private String tmlscope; private String portletmode; private String limit; private String forcestate; public static class Status extends BaseTagStatus implements RootTagReceptor, DirectOutputCapableTag { String type; String ref; String designdb; public Root.Status rootTag; private Set<String> optionsToFilter; boolean refAlreadyResolved = false; private long _startTime; private boolean _portletInclude; boolean ajax; private AjaxInfo _ajaxInfo; public boolean realDirectOutput; public Map<String, Object> includedModuleLocalVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public TMLContext getChildTagContext() { return childTMLContext; } public void setRootTagStatus(Root.Status root) { rootTag = root; } @Override public void setOption(String name, Object value, String scope) { super.setOption(name, value, scope); // Remove options set in include body from options to filter if (optionsToFilter.contains(name)) { optionsToFilter.remove(name); } } public Set<String> getOptionsToFilter() { return optionsToFilter; } @Override public void initAttributeDelegates(Base tag) { Include incTag = (Include) tag; this.type = incTag.getType(); this.ref = incTag.getRef(); this.designdb = incTag.getDesigndb(); super.initAttributeDelegates(tag); } public boolean isPortletInclude() { return _portletInclude; } public AjaxInfo getPortletAJAXInfo() { return _ajaxInfo; } @Override public de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.Root.Status getRootTagStatus() { return rootTag; } @Override public void setStartTime(long currentTimeMillis) { _startTime = currentTimeMillis; } @Override public long getStartTime() { return _startTime; } @Override public boolean isDirectOutputCapable() { return false; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getLocalVarsToInherit() { return includedModuleLocalVars; } } @Override public BaseTagStatus createTagStatus() { return new Status(); } public static final String TYPE_TML = "tml"; public static final String TYPE_STATICTML = "statictml"; public static final String TYPE_INNERLAYOUT = "innerlayout"; public static final String TYPE_URL = "url"; public static final String TYPE_PORTLET = "portlet"; public static final String OPTION_PORTLET_TMLMODULE = SYSTEMOPTION_PREFIX + "portletTmlmodule"; public static final String OPTION_AJAX_DIVTAG_ID = SYSTEMOPTION_PREFIX + "ajaxDivTagId"; public void tmlEndTag() throws TMLException, WGException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); WGDatabase database = this.getMainContext().getdocument().getDatabase(); // Set WebTML scope option String scope = getTmlscope(); if (scope != null) { status.setOption(Base.OPTION_WEBTML_SCOPE, scope, TMLOption.SCOPE_GLOBAL); } // Set link action option String linkAction = this.getLinkaction(); if (linkAction != null) { TMLAction linkActionDef = getTMLContext().getActionByID(linkAction, getTMLContext().getDesignDBKey()); if (linkActionDef != null) { getStatus().setOption(OPTION_LINK_ACTION, new DesignResourceReference(linkActionDef.getModuleDatabase(), linkActionDef.getID()), TMLOption.SCOPE_GLOBAL); } } // Set option "body" by content of include tag // (only when no option "body" already available that was set explicitly for this tag or is of global scope) TMLOption bodyOption = (TMLOption) getStatus().getTagOptions().get("body"); if (bodyOption == null || (status.optionsToFilter.contains("body") && bodyOption.getScope().equals(TMLOption.SCOPE_LOCAL))) { status.setOption("body", getResultString(), TMLOption.SCOPE_LOCAL); status.optionsToFilter.remove("body"); } // Prepare portlet inclusion if (status.type.equals(TYPE_PORTLET)) { preparePortletInclusion(); // The portlet inclusion is internally handled like a normal TML module inclusion performTMLInclude(TYPE_TML, database); } // Perform individual include type else if (status.type.equals(TYPE_TML) || status.type.equals(TYPE_INNERLAYOUT)) { performTMLInclude(status.type, database); } else if (status.type.equals(TYPE_STATICTML)) { performStaticTMLInclude(); } else if (status.type.equals(TYPE_URL)) { performURLInclude(); } } private void performURLInclude() throws TMLException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); try { HttpClient client = WGFactory.getHttpClientFactory().createHttpClient(); HttpMethodParams methodParams = new HttpMethodParams(); methodParams.setSoTimeout(Integer.parseInt(getTimeout())); methodParams.setVersion(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod(); getMethod.setURI(new URI(status.ref, false)); getMethod.setParams(methodParams); getMethod.setFollowRedirects(true); int httpStatus = client.executeMethod(getMethod); if (httpStatus != HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { throw new TMLException("Response status " + httpStatus + " (" + getMethod.getStatusText() + ") for included URL " + ref, true); } String encoding = getEncoding(); if (encoding == null) { encoding = getMethod.getResponseCharSet(); if (encoding == null) { getTMLContext().addwarning("No encoding returned from URL '" + status.ref + "'. Assuming default encoding " + encoding); encoding = getCore().getCharacterEncoding(); } } Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(), encoding); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); char[] buf = new char[2048]; long count = 0; String limitStr = getLimit(); long charLimit = 0; try { charLimit = Math.round(1024 * 1024 * Double.parseDouble(limitStr)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new TMLException("Cannot parse limit attribute as number: " + limitStr); } int len; while ((len = != -1) { writer.write(buf, 0, len); count += len; if (charLimit != 0 && count > charLimit) { throw new TMLException("Include of URL '" + status.ref + "' reaches content limit of " + limitStr + " million characters. Include is cancelled."); } } this.setResult(writer.toString()); } catch ( exc) { log.error("Exception including url", exc); this.addWarning("Exception while including url: " + exc.getMessage()); } } private void performStaticTMLInclude() throws TMLException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); // Locate resource String tmlName = status.ref; if (tmlName == null || tmlName.equals("")) { throw new TMLException("Could not retrieve result of included static resource. No reference given."); } String jspPath = "/static/tml/" + tmlName + ".jsp"; // Perform include String oldDesignDB = (String) getOption(Base.OPTION_DESIGNDB); this.pageContext.setAttribute(ATTRIB_INCLUDEPARENT, status, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); getStatus().setOption(Base.OPTION_DESIGNDB, oldDesignDB, null); try { this.pageContext.include(jspPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TMLException("Error executing static tml module \"" + tmlName + "\"", e, false); } finally { this.pageContext.setAttribute(ATTRIB_INCLUDEPARENT, null, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); getStatus().setOption(Base.OPTION_DESIGNDB, oldDesignDB, null); } // Import the included root tag result if (status.rootTag != null) { this.setResult(status.rootTag.result); status.rootTag.result = null; } else { throw new TMLException("Could not retrieve result of included static resource: " + tmlName); } } private void performTMLInclude(String type, WGDatabase database) throws WGException, TMLException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); String mediaKey = this.getMedium(); if (mediaKey == null) { mediaKey = status.getTMLModuleMediaKey(); } // Fetch the resource to include DesignResourceReference includeReference; WGA wga = WGA.get(getTMLContext()); if (type.equals(TYPE_INNERLAYOUT)) { // Optional inner layout override via option if (getTMLContext().hasoption(OPTION_INNER_LAYOUT)) { Object innerLayout = getTMLContext().option(OPTION_INNER_LAYOUT); if (innerLayout instanceof Inline.Pointer) { performInlineInclude((Inline.Pointer) innerLayout); } else { this.setResult(String.valueOf(innerLayout)); } return; } WGContent currentContent = this.getTMLContext().content(); if (currentContent.isDummy() || !currentContent.hasCompleteRelationships()) { throw new TMLException( "The inner layout of this content cannot be determined, bc. it is either a dummy document, or it doesnt have complete document relationships."); } Design databaseDesign =; includeReference = databaseDesign .resolve(currentContent.getStructEntry().getContentType().getInnerLayoutName()) .getBaseReference(); status.designdb = includeReference.getDesignApp(); } else { WGDatabase designdb = database; DesignResourceReference refObj; if (status.refAlreadyResolved) { includeReference = new DesignResourceReference(status.designdb, status.ref); } else { includeReference = getTMLContext().resolveDesignResource(status.designdb, status.ref); } } // Got to hijack direct output a bit here. If our parent tag has direct output // The included root may have as well. Only the include itself should not have it // as its body is needed for option "body". if (maySwitchToDirectOutputForInclude(status)) { status.directOutput = true; } if (status.directOutput) { // Must be done here bc. the prefix was modified by preparePortletInclusion() after it was already put out on tag start try { pageContext.getOut().write(getPrefix()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WGException("Exception writing include prefix", e); } } // Dispatch status.result = null; getCore().getDispatcher().dispatchToRenderer(wga,, status.childTMLContext, mediaKey); if (status.directOutput) { // Must be done here bc. the suffix will not be put out automatically after we switch off directOutput as tag result is null. try { pageContext.getOut().write(getSuffix()); setResult(null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WGException("Exception writing include prefix", e); } } status.directOutput = false; } private boolean maySwitchToDirectOutputForInclude(Status status) { if (!status.getParentTag().directOutput) { return false; } if (isVarWritten()) { return false; } return true; } private void preparePortletInclusion() throws TMLException, WGException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); status._portletInclude = true; String type; TMLPortlet parentPortlet = getTMLContext().getportlet(); if (parentPortlet == null) { if (getTMLContext().isbotrequest()) { throw new TMLSilentCancelException(); } else { throw new TMLException("Current user has no portlet registration"); } } String pKey = getKey(); String pName = getName(); // If no key direcly given try to fetch via portlet name WGPortlet pReg = null; if (pName != null) { TMLPortlet tmlPortlet = parentPortlet.getportletforname(pName); if (tmlPortlet != null) { pReg = tmlPortlet.getReg(); pKey = tmlPortlet.getportletkey(); } } // Fetch registration info if key provided else if (pKey != null) { pReg = parentPortlet.getPortletRegistration(pKey); } // If reg not retrievable and auto registration info available try auto registration, else cancel if (pReg == null) { if (pName != null && status.ref != null) { DesignResourceReference tagRef = getTMLContext().resolveDesignResource(status.designdb, status.ref); pKey = parentPortlet.registerportletforname(pName, tagRef, false); pReg = parentPortlet.getPortletRegistration(pKey); } else { if (pName != null) { throw new TMLException("Portlet name not registered: " + pName, true); } else if (pKey != null) { throw new TMLException("Portlet key not registered: " + pKey, true); } else { throw new TMLException("No portlet key provided.", true); } } } // Check if registration matchtes the autoregister TML. If not, reregister with the given TML. else if (status.ref != null) { DesignResourceReference tagRef = getTMLContext().resolveDesignResource(status.designdb, status.ref); // Design references in the portlet registry should already be resolved. Just expanding local references for backward compatibility (#00001674) DesignResourceReference portletRef = new DesignResourceReference(pReg.getDesignDb(), TMLContext.processReferencePath(pReg.getDesign(), getTMLContext().getDesignContext().getBaseReference().getResourceName())); // If the registration has no design database specified we take the current design db (which is always equal in the following test) if (portletRef != null && portletRef.getDesignApp() == null) { portletRef.setDesignApp(status.designdb); } if (!WGUtils.nullSafeEquals(tagRef.getResourceName(), portletRef.getResourceName(), true) || !WGUtils.nullSafeEquals(tagRef.getDesignApp(), portletRef.getDesignApp(), true)) { if (pReg instanceof WGTransientPortlet) { // On transient portlets just write the info to prevent re-registration (#00004253) WGTransientPortlet transientReg = (WGTransientPortlet) pReg; pReg.setDesignDb(tagRef.getDesignApp()); pReg.setDesign(tagRef.getResourceName()); } else { pKey = parentPortlet.registerportletforname(pName, tagRef, true); pReg = parentPortlet.getPortletRegistration(pKey); } } } // Set portlet namespace option, setting this portlet for WebTML status.setOption(Base.OPTION_PORTLET_NAMESPACE, pKey, null); // Prepare environment. Load back portlet registration info into tag attribute delegates if (pReg.getDesignDb() != null) { status.designdb = pReg.getDesignDb(); } status.ref = pReg.getDesign(); if (status.ref != null && !status.ref.startsWith("::")) { // Backward compatibility with old registrations, which may have made it into registry unresolved (see #00001574) status.refAlreadyResolved = true; } // Work on the TMLScript portlet object from now on TMLPortlet portlet = getTMLContext().getportlet(); // Build basic HTML structures for AJAX processing String portletMode = getPortletmode(); if (status.ajax) { createAJAXHTML(status, portlet, (portletMode != null ? portletMode : "view")); } // If an initial mode is determined set it if (portletMode != null) { portlet.setmode(portletMode); portlet.forcestate(); } if (stringToBoolean(getForcestate())) portlet.forcestate(); // Instantiate the controller, if available portlet.getState(); } private void createAJAXHTML(Status status, TMLPortlet portlet, String initialMode) throws WGException { String uniquePortletID = portlet.getportletkey(); // create prefix buffer StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(); // create suffix buffer StringBuffer suffix = new StringBuffer(); // set id as option, so tags from included module can retrieve it for rendering ajaxCall status.setOption(OPTION_AJAX_DIVTAG_ID, uniquePortletID, null); // set tmlModule as option, so tags from included module can retrieve the tmlmodulename status.setOption(OPTION_PORTLET_TMLMODULE, portlet.getDesign(), null); // create ajaxInfo AjaxInfo ajaxInfo = new AjaxInfo(uniquePortletID); try { URLBuilder builder = new URLBuilder(getTMLContext().getrequest(), getCore().getCharacterEncoding()); builder.removeParameter("$action"); url = new URL(; ajaxInfo.setQueryString(url.getQuery()); } catch (Exception e1) { getTMLContext().addwarning("Unable to build request querystring for ajax environment."); } ajaxInfo.setPortletPath(portlet.getportletpath()); ajaxInfo.setTmlmodule(portlet.getDesign()); ajaxInfo.setDesignDB(portlet.gettmldb() != null ? portlet.gettmldb() : getDesigndb()); ajaxInfo.setMediaKey((String) this.getOption(OPTION_CURRENT_MEDIAKEY)); ajaxInfo.setContextPath(this.getTMLContext().getpath()); ajaxInfo.setOptions(new HashMap<String, TMLOption>(getStatus().getTagOptions())); ajaxInfo.getOptions().keySet().removeAll(Root.UNRECOVERABLE_OPTIONS); ajaxInfo.setProfileSessionId(getTMLContext().getmaincontext().getprofile().getProfileSessionId()); ajaxInfo.setInitialMode(initialMode); if (getTMLContext().getprofile() != null) { ajaxInfo.setSaveProfileOnEnd(getTMLContext().getprofile().isSavedOnEnd()); } else { ajaxInfo.setSaveProfileOnEnd(false); } ajaxInfo.setSuperform(getStatus().getRelevantForm()); TMLPageImpl page = (TMLPageImpl) WGA.get(getTMLContext()).tmlPage(); PageConnection pc = page.getPageConnection(false); if (pc != null) { ajaxInfo.setPageId(pc.getPageId()); } status._ajaxInfo = ajaxInfo; // create javascript object with ajaxInfo // serialize String serAjaxInfo = getCore().getDefaultSerializer().toXML(ajaxInfo); // zip byte[] zipped = WGUtils.zipString(serAjaxInfo); String encryptedAjaxInfo = ""; if (serAjaxInfo != null) { // encrypt try { encryptedAjaxInfo = this.getTMLContext().getwgacore().getSymmetricEncryptionEngine() .encryptBase64Web(zipped); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TMLException( "Cannot render ajax enabled include because of unsupported encoding: " + e.getMessage(), true); } } // div tag for ajax paste prefix.append("<div id=\"$ajaxDiv_").append(uniquePortletID).append("\">"); prefix.append("<div id=\"$ajaxContentDiv_").append(uniquePortletID).append("\">"); prefix.append("<script>"); // javascript variable ajaxInfo prefix.append("var $ajaxInfo_").append(uniquePortletID).append(" = '").append(encryptedAjaxInfo + "';"); prefix.append("</script>"); suffix.append("</div></div>"); // set prefix and suffix this.setPrefix(prefix.toString()); this.setSuffix(suffix.toString()); } public String getKey() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("key", this.key, null); } public void setKey(String name) { this.key = name; } /** * Gets the name * @return Returns a String */ public String getRef() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("ref", ref, null); } /** * Sets the name * @param name The name to set */ public void setRef(String name) { this.ref = name; } /** * Gets the type * @return Returns a String */ public String getType() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("type", this.type, "tml"); } /** * Sets the type * @param type The type to set */ public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } /** * Gets the mediakey * @return Returns a String */ public String getMedium() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("medium", mediakey, null); } /** * Sets the mediakey * @param mediakey The mediakey to set */ public void setMedium(String mediakey) { this.mediakey = mediakey; } /** * Returns the designdb. * @return String */ public String getDesigndb() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("designdb", designdb, getDesignDBKey()); } /** * Sets the designdb. * @param designdb The designdb to set */ public void setDesigndb(String designdb) { this.designdb = designdb; } /** * Returns the linkaction. * @return String */ public String getLinkaction() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("linkaction", linkaction, null); } /** * Sets the linkaction. * @param linkaction The linkaction to set */ public void setLinkaction(String linkaction) { this.linkaction = linkaction; } private String getAjax() { return this.getTagAttributeValue("ajax", ajax, "false"); } public void setAjax(String ajax) { this.ajax = ajax; } public boolean isAjaxCall() { if (getAjax().equalsIgnoreCase(Base.AJAX_MODE_NO_PORTLET_REFRESH)) { return true; } else { return stringToBoolean(getAjax()); } } public String getKeepoptions() { return getTagAttributeValue("keepoptions", keepoptions, null); } public void setKeepoptions(String keepoptions) { this.keepoptions = keepoptions; } public void tmlStartTag() throws WGException { Status status = (Status) getStatus(); status._startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); status.ajax = stringToBoolean(getAjax()); if (getTMLContext().getPortletStateStorage() instanceof TMLPortletStateTransientStorage) { status.ajax = true; } // Keep names of options already available at start of include tag // to be able to differ them from options set inside // Build set of options to test for scope in included Root-Tag. // Options to test are // a) inherited from earlier tags (not set inside include tag) // b) not included in attribute keepoptions status.optionsToFilter = new HashSet<String>(getStatus().getTagOptions().keySet()); String keepOptionsStr = getKeepoptions(); List<String> keepOptions; if (keepOptionsStr != null) { keepOptions = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(keepOptionsStr, ",", true); } else { keepOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); } status.optionsToFilter.removeAll(keepOptions); // Set options injected by dynamic JSP attributes for (DynamicAttribute att : status.dynamicOptions.values()) { if (att.getPrefix().equals("o")) { Object optionValue = att.getDynamicValue(getTMLContext()); if (optionValue != null) { status.setOption(att.getBaseName(), optionValue, TMLOption.SCOPE_GLOBAL); if (status.optionsToFilter.contains(att.getBaseName())) { status.optionsToFilter.remove(att.getBaseName()); } } } } // Set options by attributes String linkMedium = getLinkmedium(); if (linkMedium != null) { status.setOption(OPTION_LINK_MEDIUM, linkMedium, TMLOption.SCOPE_GLOBAL); } status.dynamicOptions.clear(); } public String getName() { return getTagAttributeValue("name", name, null); } public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Override protected List<String> getDynamicAttributePrefixes() { return WGUtils.list(super.getDynamicAttributePrefixes(), "o"); } public String getTimeout() { return getTagAttributeValue("timeout", timeout, "10000"); } public void setTimeout(String timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public String getEncoding() { return getTagAttributeValue("encoding", encoding, null); } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public String getLinkmedium() { return getTagAttributeValue("linkmedium", linkmedium, null); } public void setLinkmedium(String linkmedium) { this.linkmedium = linkmedium; } public String getTmlscope() { return getTagAttributeValue("tmlscope", tmlscope, null); } public void setTmlscope(String tmlscope) { this.tmlscope = tmlscope; } public String getPortletmode() { return getTagAttributeValue("portletmode", portletmode, null); } public void setPortletmode(String portletmode) { this.portletmode = portletmode; } public String getLimit() { return getTagAttributeValue("limit", limit, "10"); } public void setLimit(String limit) { this.limit = limit; } public String getForcestate() { return getTagAttributeValue("forcestate", forcestate, "false"); } public void setForcestate(String forcestate) { this.forcestate = forcestate; } }