Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.lucene; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileMonitor; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.Operator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.BinaryFieldData; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.MetaInfo; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGConfigurationException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContent; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEvent; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEventListener; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentIterator; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentKey; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseConnectListener; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseEvent; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseRevision; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDocument; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFactory; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFileMetaData; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGIllegalArgumentException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGLanguage; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGQueryException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGRelationData; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGResultSet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGStructEntry; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGSystemException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUnavailableException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUpdateLog; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGWrongRevisionException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.workflow.WGWorkflow; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.LuceneConfiguration; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.LuceneIndexFileRule; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.LuceneIndexItemRule; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.csconfig.v1.PluginConfig; import de.innovationgate.wga.config.ContentStore; import de.innovationgate.wga.config.LuceneManagerConfiguration; import de.innovationgate.wga.config.WGAConfiguration; import de.innovationgate.wga.server.api.WGA; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.lucene.analysis.FileHandler; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.lucene.analysis.FileHandlerException; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.problems.DatabaseScope; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.problems.Problem; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.problems.ProblemSeverity; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLContext; public class LuceneManager implements WGContentEventListener, WGDatabaseConnectListener { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("wga.lucene"); public static final String VIRTUALMETA_PATH = "PATH"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_PARENT = "PARENT"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_AREA = "AREA"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_CONTENTTYPE = "CONTENTTYPE"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_KEY = "KEY"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_DBKEY = "DBKEY"; public static final String VIRTUALMETA_PAGEPUBLISHED = "PAGEPUBLISHED"; public static final String[] VIRTUALMETAS = new String[] { VIRTUALMETA_AREA, VIRTUALMETA_CONTENTTYPE, VIRTUALMETA_DBKEY, VIRTUALMETA_KEY, VIRTUALMETA_PARENT, VIRTUALMETA_PATH, VIRTUALMETA_PAGEPUBLISHED }; public static final List<String> TECHNICAL_ITEMS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { WGWorkflow.ITEM_APPROVEDBY.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_ARCHIVINGDATE.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_COMMENT.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_CURRENTLEVEL.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_INITIATOR.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_LEVELNAME.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_PUBLISHINGDATE.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_RELEASEDATE.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_REPLACEMENT_REASON.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_REVIEWERCOUNT.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_REVIEWERS.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_WFNAME.toLowerCase(), WGWorkflow.ITEM_WRITEACCESS.toLowerCase() }); /** * search_scope for lucene search * Set to String SEARCHSCOPE_DOMAIN, SEARCHSCOPE_WGA, SEARCHSCOPE_DB, SEARCHSCOPE_DB_LIST */ public static final String QUERYOPTION_SEARCHSCOPE = "lucene_search_scope"; /** * comma separated list of db_keys to search in if search scope is SEARCHSCOPE_DB_LIST */ public static final String QUERYOPTION_SEARCHDBKEYS = "lucene_search_db_keys"; /** * Boolean option to enable highlighting support */ public static final String QUERYOPTION_HIGHLIGHT = "highlight"; /** * if this option is given as native query option - virtual content will be included in search results * per default virtual content is excluded */ public static final String NATIVE_QUERYOPTION_INCLUDEVIRTUALCONTENT = "includeVirtualContent"; public static final String NATIVE_QUERYOPTION_DOCTYPE = "doctype"; /** * values for QUERYOPTION_SEARCHSCOPE */ public static final String SEARCHSCOPE_DOMAIN = "lucene_search_scope_domain"; public static final String SEARCHSCOPE_WGA = "lucene_search_scope_wga"; public static final String SEARCHSCOPE_DB = "lucene_search_scope_db"; public static final String SEARCHSCOPE_DB_LIST = "lucene_search_scope_db_list"; /** * constants for indexing internal fields */ private static final String INDEXFIELD_UNIQUEKEY = "$LUCENE_KEY"; // used for index cross reference private static final String INDEXFIELD_PARENTKEY = "$LUCENE_PARENTKEY"; private static final String INDEXFIELD_DOCUMENTKEY = "$LUCENE_DOCUMENTKEY"; // also used by LuceneMultiDBResultset public static final String INDEXFIELD_DBKEY = "$LUCENE_DBKEY"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_CONTENTKEY = "$LUCENE_CONTENTKEY"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_ISVIRTUALCONTENT = "$LUCENE_ISVIRTUALCONTENT"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT = "allcontent"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_ALLATTACHMENTS = "allattachments"; private static final String SORTITEM_PREFIX = "$sort_"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_ATTACHMENT_CONTAINER_TITLE = "attachment_container_title"; // how to index empty dates validFrom and validTo private static final String EMPTY_VALID_FROM = "00000000000000"; private static final String EMPTY_VALID_TO = "99999999999999"; public static final String SYSPROP_DISABLE_AUTO_INDEX_OPTIMIZATION = "de.innovationgate.wga.lucene.disableAutoIndexOptimization"; public static final String SYSPROP_USE_CONSTANT_IDF_SIMILARITY = "de.innovationgate.wga.lucene.useConstantIDFSimilarity"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_FILENAME = "$LUCENE_FILENAME"; public static final String INDEXFIELD_DOCTYPE = "$LUCENE_DOCTYPE"; public static final String DOCTYPE_CONTENT = "content"; public static final String DOCTYPE_ATTACHMENT = "attachment"; private static final String DOCTYPE_ALL = "all"; private WGACore _core; private long _indexInterval = 1000 * 5; private Indexer _indexer; private File _dir; private Directory _indexDirectory; private boolean _rebuildingIndex = false; private LuceneIndexConfiguration _indexConfig; // meta keywords for lucene index // contains metas of an indexDocument which are indexed as keyword // used by IndexRuleBasedQueryParser during search() private Set _metaKeywordFields; // stores all indexed dbKeys as key and contains indexingrules as value private Map<String, LuceneConfiguration> _indexedDbs = new HashMap<String, LuceneConfiguration>(); private volatile boolean _indexerIsRunning; private boolean _indexReleasedOnly = false; private int _booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount(); private int _maxDocsPerDBSession = 50; public static final String TAGINFO_UNSPECIFICQUERY = "LUCENE_TAGINFO_UNSPECIFICQUERY"; public static final String TAGINFO_SIMPLIFIEDQUERY = "LUCENE_TAGINFO_SIMPLYFIEDQUERY"; public static final String RELATION_PREFIX = "$rel_"; public static final String RELATIONGROUP_PREFIX = "$relgroup_"; // contains opened resultssets per thread private ThreadLocal _resultsetList = new ThreadLocal(); private boolean _shutdownRequested = false; // flag if manager has been started (method startup has been called on this instance) private boolean _started = false; private static DecimalFormat DECIMALFORMAT_SORTFIELD; private Object _indexWriteLock = new Object(); private Object _indexingRequestLock = new Object(); static { //build padding string String format = ""; String maxLong = new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE).toString(); for (int i = 0; i < maxLong.length(); i++) { format += "0"; } format += "."; for (int i = 0; i < maxLong.length(); i++) { format += "#"; } // create dcf for padding DECIMALFORMAT_SORTFIELD = new DecimalFormat(format); }; private static DateFormat DATEFORMAT_SORTFIELD = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); private static DateFormat DATEFORMAT_KEYWORD = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); // B000047B2 private static NumberFormat NUMBERFORMAT_KEYWORD = DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH); static { NUMBERFORMAT_KEYWORD.setGroupingUsed(false); NUMBERFORMAT_KEYWORD.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.MAX_VALUE); NUMBERFORMAT_KEYWORD.setMaximumIntegerDigits(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // shared index searcher private volatile IndexSearcher _indexSearcher; public static final int MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES = 1000; private final Semaphore _indexSearcherSemaphore = new Semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES, true); private Map<String, List<LuceneIndexEnhancer>> _indexEnhancers = new HashMap<String, List<LuceneIndexEnhancer>>(); /** * info bean for an indexing run * used in performAdditions and performDeletions to determine the status of the current indexupdate * */ private class IndexingProcessInfo { int _deletedDocs = 0; int _addedDocs = 0; int _reinsertedRequests = 0; int _skippedRequests = 0; public int getAddedDocs() { return _addedDocs; } public int getDeletedDocs() { return _deletedDocs; } public int getReinsertedRequests() { return _reinsertedRequests; } public int getSkippedRequests() { return _skippedRequests; } public void docAdded() { _addedDocs++; } public void docDeleted() { _deletedDocs++; } public void requestReinserted() { _reinsertedRequests++; } public void requestSkipped() { _skippedRequests++; } } public static LuceneManager retrieve(WGACore core, LuceneManagerConfiguration config) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, DocumentException, WGSystemException { String lucenePath = config.getPath(); File dirFile = core.getOrCreateWGAFolder(lucenePath); if (dirFile == null || !dirFile.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The file '" + config.getPath() + "' does not exist or is no directory"); } LuceneManager manager = new LuceneManager(core, dirFile); manager.setBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount(config.getMaxBooleanClauseCount()); manager.setMaxDocsPerDBSession(config.getMaxDocsPerDBSession()); manager.setIndexInterval(config.getIndexInterval()); manager.init(); return manager; } private LuceneManager(WGACore core, File dir) throws IOException, DocumentException, WGSystemException { // Set lock directory to WGA temp dir System.setProperty("org.apache.lucene.lockDir", core.getWgaTempDir().getPath()); _dir = dir; _core = core; // init metakeywords - used during search analysis List<MetaInfo> metaInfoList = new ArrayList<MetaInfo>(); metaInfoList.addAll(WGFactory.getInstance().getMetaInfos(WGContent.class).values()); metaInfoList.addAll(WGFactory.getInstance().getMetaInfos(WGFileMetaData.class).values()); Iterator metaInfos = metaInfoList.iterator(); _metaKeywordFields = new HashSet(); while (metaInfos.hasNext()) { MetaInfo metaInfo = (MetaInfo); //B0000485A if (metaInfo.getLuceneIndexType() == MetaInfo.LUCENE_INDEXTYPE_KEYWORD) { if (!_metaKeywordFields.contains(metaInfo.getName())) { _metaKeywordFields.add(metaInfo.getName()); Iterator synonyms = metaInfo.getSynonyms().iterator(); while (synonyms.hasNext()) { String synonym = (String); _metaKeywordFields.add(synonym); } } } } // Add virtual metas _metaKeywordFields.addAll(Arrays.asList(VIRTUALMETAS)); if (Boolean.getBoolean(SYSPROP_USE_CONSTANT_IDF_SIMILARITY)) { _customSimilarity = new ConstantIDFSimilarity(); } else { _customSimilarity = new ContantFieldNormSimilarity(); } } private void init() throws IOException, DocumentException { _indexer = new Indexer(); _timer = new Timer(); _timer.schedule(_indexer, 1000 * 60, _indexInterval); _indexConfig = new LuceneIndexConfiguration(_core, _dir); _indexDirectory =; if (_indexConfig.isNewConfiguration()) { IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(_indexDirectory, null, true, MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); writer.close(); } // Try to remove an existing lock if (IndexWriter.isLocked(_indexDirectory)) { LOG.warn("Lucene index directory was locked. Removing lock now"); IndexWriter.unlock(_indexDirectory); } } public void updateIndex() throws InterruptedException { Runnable updateIndexRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }; Thread t = new java.lang.Thread(); t.start(); t.join(1000 * 10); } public long getIndexInterval() { return _indexInterval; } public void setIndexInterval(long indexInterval) { _indexInterval = indexInterval; } /** * disables the timer task, deletes the index_dir and reinit index */ public void rebuildIndex() throws IOException, DocumentException { try { if (_rebuildingIndex) { LOG.warn("Rebuilding of lucene index already in progress, please wait ..."); throw new IllegalStateException("Rebuilding of lucene index already in progress, please wait ..."); }"Rebuilding lucene index started ..."); _rebuildingIndex = true; // destroy timer task if (_timer != null) { _timer.cancel(); _timer = null; } // stop indexer _indexer = null; // Delete all files in _dir File[] indexFiles = _dir.listFiles(); if (indexFiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < indexFiles.length; i++) { File file = indexFiles[i]; if (!file.delete()) { LOG.error("Could not delete lucene index file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); _rebuildingIndex = false; throw new IOException( "Could not delete lucene index file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'."); } } } // reinit this.init(); this.startup(); } catch (IOException e) { _rebuildingIndex = false; throw e; } catch (DocumentException e) { _rebuildingIndex = false; throw e; } } /** * reindex given dbkey * @param dbkey */ public void rebuildIndex(String dbkey) { addDBUpdateRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbkey, null, true)); } public void destroy() { // destroy timer task if (_timer != null) { _timer.cancel(); // notify indexer about shutdown _shutdownRequested = true; // wait until current timerTask is completed to allow a lucene to close all index writers"Waiting for lucene to shutdown..."); while (_indexerIsRunning) { // wait Thread.yield(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //ignore } } _timer = null;"Lucene finished shutdown."); } } /** * if wga starts up it notifies lucene by this method */ public synchronized void startup() { _started = true; // load indexed dbs from configfile _indexedDbs = _indexConfig.retrieveIndexedDbs(); /* * not necessary here - already done in configurationHasChanged() * // for each indexed db, register eventlistener if db is connected to the core Iterator indexedDBKeys = _indexedDbs.keySet().iterator(); while (indexedDBKeys.hasNext()) { String dbKey = (String); WGDatabase db = (WGDatabase) _core.getContentdbs().get(dbKey); if (db != null) { registerForContentEvents(db); } else {"Indexed db " + dbKey + " is not connected to WGA"); } }*/ configurationHasChanged(null); } /** * wga-configuration has changed, read new configuration and do necessary index updates */ public synchronized void configurationHasChanged(Set newConnectedDBKeys) { if (!_started) { // skip config update if lucene manager has not been started (method startup called) yet // this happens on an initial WGA startup return; } if (_core.getWgaConfiguration().getLuceneManagerConfiguration().isUseLanguageAnalyzers()) { _core.addAnalyzerMapping("de", new GermanAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35)); _core.addAnalyzerMapping("en", new EnglishAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35)); _core.addAnalyzerMapping("it", new ItalianAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35)); _core.addAnalyzerMapping("fr", new FrenchAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35)); _core.addAnalyzerMapping("es", new SpanishAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35)); } else { _core.removeAllAnalyzerMappings(); } _indexReleasedOnly = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getLuceneManagerConfiguration() .isIndexReleasedContentsOnly(); // check if each DB in _indexedDBKeys is in configfile and enabled by wga // if not create dropRequest Iterator itIndexedDbKeys = _indexedDbs.keySet().iterator(); while (itIndexedDbKeys.hasNext()) { String dbKey = (String); ContentStore dbConfig = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getContentStore(dbKey); if (dbConfig == null) { // indexed db not found in config, remove db and drop from index removeDatabase(dbKey, true); // remove from indexed dbs, cannot be done in removeDatabase() because of current iteration over indexedDbKeys //itIndexedDbKeys.remove(); // now done in removeDatabase via copy-replace } else if (!dbConfig.isEnabled()) { // if db was disabled, only remove from indexedDbs - do not drop index //itIndexedDbKeys.remove(); removeDatabase(dbKey, false); } } // get all active databases from core Iterator contentDbs = _core.getContentdbs().values().iterator(); while (contentDbs.hasNext()) { WGDatabase db = (WGDatabase); // use db only if it is a real contentStore (has feature FULLCONTENTFEATURES) if ((db != null) && (db.hasFeature(WGDatabase.FEATURE_FULLCONTENTFEATURES))) { // WGA Plugins are not fulltext indexed if (db.getDbReference().startsWith(PluginConfig.PLUGIN_DBKEY_PREFIX)) { continue; } // If db not yet connected, listen for connect event and execute this method again when it happens if (!db.isConnected()) { db.addDatabaseConnectListener(this); continue; } createOrUpdateDBIndex(db, newConnectedDBKeys); } } } private void createOrUpdateDBIndex(WGDatabase db, Set newConnectedDBKeys) { initIndexEnhancers(db); LuceneConfiguration config; // if database is already in index on the filesystem HashMap currentDBsInIndexOnFileSystem = _indexConfig.retrieveIndexedDbs(); String dbKey = db.getDbReference(); if (currentDBsInIndexOnFileSystem.containsKey(dbKey)) { LuceneConfiguration oldConfig = (LuceneConfiguration) currentDBsInIndexOnFileSystem.get(dbKey); LuceneConfiguration newConfig = retrieveLuceneConfig(dbKey); // if configuration has changed if (!oldConfig.equals(newConfig)) { // update database updateDatabase(dbKey, newConfig); if (newConfig.isEnabled()) { registerForContentEvents(db); // rebuild index of db"Indexing rules for db '" + dbKey + "' has changed. Indexed content will be truncated and reindexed ..."); addDBUpdateRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbKey, null, true)); } else { // remove db and drop from index removeDatabase(dbKey, true); // remove from indexed dbs - this is not done by removeDatabase because of list iteration issue see creating droprequests above //_indexedDbs.remove(dbKey); // now done in removeDatabase via copy-replace } } else { if (newConnectedDBKeys == null) { // this is an initial startup - perform incremental updates registerForContentEvents(db); addDBUpdateRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbKey, null)); } else if (newConnectedDBKeys.contains(dbKey)) { // perform incremental update bc. db was connected within this configurationupdate registerForContentEvents(db); addToIndexedDbs(dbKey, newConfig); addDBUpdateRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbKey, null)); } } } else { // if db is not yet indexed --> check config config = retrieveLuceneConfig(dbKey); if ((config != null) && (config.isEnabled())) { // add db addDatabase(db, config); } } } private void initIndexEnhancers(WGDatabase db) { List<LuceneIndexEnhancer> enhancers = _indexEnhancers.get(db.getDbReference()); if (enhancers != null) { Iterator<LuceneIndexEnhancer> it = enhancers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LuceneIndexEnhancer enhancer =; try { enhancer.shutdown(); } catch (WGException e) { LOG.error("Failed to shutdown LuceneIndexEnhancer '" + enhancer.getClass().getName() + "' for database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'", e); } } } _indexEnhancers.remove(db); enhancers = new ArrayList<LuceneIndexEnhancer>(); ContentStore dbConfig = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getContentStore(db.getDbReference()); if (dbConfig != null) { de.innovationgate.wga.config.LuceneIndexConfiguration luceneIndexConfig = dbConfig .getLuceneIndexConfiguration(); if (luceneIndexConfig != null && luceneIndexConfig.getIndexEnhancers() != null) { Iterator<String> enhancerClassNames = luceneIndexConfig.getIndexEnhancers().iterator(); while (enhancerClassNames.hasNext()) { String enhancerClassName =; try { Class enhancerClass = Class.forName(enhancerClassName, true, _core.getLibraryLoader()); if (enhancerClass != null) { LuceneIndexEnhancer enhancer = (LuceneIndexEnhancer) enhancerClass.newInstance(); enhancer.init(_core, db); enhancers.add(enhancer);"LuceneIndexEnhancer '" + enhancerClassName + "' successfully initialized for database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'."); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to initialize LuceneIndexEnhancer '" + enhancerClassName + "' for database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'", e); } } _indexEnhancers.put(db.getDbReference(), enhancers); } } } private void registerForContentEvents(WGDatabase db) { if (db != null) { // ensure that we are registered as contentEventListener"Lucene registered for receiving content changes from db " + db.getDbReference()); // first remove, than register to ensure not to register twice db.removeContentEventListener(this); db.addContentEventListener(this); } else { LOG.warn("Lucene is unable to register as ContentEventListener for 'null' db."); } } /** * adds an database to lucene * @param db WGDatabase * @param config LuceneConfiguration */ private void addDatabase(WGDatabase db, LuceneConfiguration config) {"Lucene index enabled for db '" + db.getDbReference() + "'."); //update configfile _indexConfig.addDBConfig(db.getDbReference(), config); registerForContentEvents(db); addToIndexedDbs(db.getDbReference(), config); addDBUpdateRequest(new IndexingRequest(db.getDbReference(), null)); } private void addToIndexedDbs(String dbkey, LuceneConfiguration config) { synchronized (_indexedDbs) { Map<String, LuceneConfiguration> newIndexedDbs = new HashMap<String, LuceneConfiguration>(); newIndexedDbs.putAll(_indexedDbs); newIndexedDbs.put(dbkey, config); _indexedDbs = newIndexedDbs; } } private void removeFromIndexedDbs(String dbkey) { synchronized (_indexedDbs) { // copy indexed dbs HashMap newIndexedDbs = new HashMap(); newIndexedDbs.putAll(_indexedDbs); // remove in copy newIndexedDbs.remove(dbkey); // switch maps _indexedDbs = newIndexedDbs; } } private void removeDatabase(String dbKey, boolean dropindex) { if (dropindex) {"Indexed db '" + dbKey + "' was removed from wga or disabled for lucene. DB will be dropped from index ..."); addDropDBRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbKey, null)); _additionRequestsMap.remove(dbKey); } // try to remove contentEventListener WGDatabase db = (WGDatabase) _core.getContentdbs().get(dbKey); if (db != null) {"Removing '" + this.getClass().getName() + "' as ContentEventListener for db " + db.getDbReference() + "."); db.removeContentEventListener(this); } // remove db from indexedDbs removeFromIndexedDbs(dbKey); } private void updateDatabase(String dbKey, LuceneConfiguration config) { addToIndexedDbs(dbKey, config); _indexConfig.updateDBConfig(dbKey, config); } /** * get LuceneConfiguration from config file * @param dbKey DatabaseKey * @return LuceneConfiguration, null if not found */ public LuceneConfiguration retrieveLuceneConfig(String dbKey) { //Create Lucene Config ContentStore dbConfig = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getContentStore(dbKey); if (dbConfig != null) { de.innovationgate.wga.config.LuceneIndexConfiguration luceneIndexConfig = dbConfig .getLuceneIndexConfiguration(); if (luceneIndexConfig != null) { LuceneConfiguration config = new LuceneConfiguration(); config.setEnabled(luceneIndexConfig.isEnabled()); List itemRules = LuceneIndexItemRule.getRules(luceneIndexConfig.getItemRules()); List fileRules = LuceneIndexFileRule.getRules(luceneIndexConfig.getFileRules()); config.setItemRules(itemRules); config.setFileRules(fileRules); return config; } else { LOG.error("Could not retrieve lucene config for db '" + dbKey + "'"); return null; } } else { LOG.error("Could not retrieve lucene config for db '" + dbKey + "'"); return null; } } private void addAdditionRequest(IndexingRequest request) { synchronized (_indexingRequestLock) { // add to list and set service status running for DB Queue<IndexingRequest> requests = _additionRequestsMap.get(request.getDbkey()); if (requests == null) { requests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LuceneManager.IndexingRequest>(); _additionRequestsMap.put(request.getDbkey(), requests); } requests.add(request); } } private void addDBUpdateRequest(IndexingRequest request) { // if request is not yet in list if (!_dbUpdateRequests.contains(request)) { // add to list _dbUpdateRequests.add(request); // if index rebuild for this db is needed - we should clear the lastupdate flag in index configuration // this will ensure that if wga is terminated before the index rebuild finished // the index will be rebuilded on the next wga runtime if (request.isIndexRebuildNeeded()) { _indexConfig.clearLastUpdated(request.getDbkey()); } } } private void addDeletionRequest(IndexingRequest request) { synchronized (_indexingRequestLock) { // add to list and set service status running for DB Queue<IndexingRequest> requests = _deletionRequestsMap.get(request.getDbkey()); if (requests == null) { requests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IndexingRequest>(); _deletionRequestsMap.put(request.getDbkey(), requests); } requests.add(request); } } private void addDropDBRequest(IndexingRequest request) { // add to list and set service status running for DB _dropDBRequests.add(request); } private void addTruncateDBRequest(IndexingRequest request) { // add to list and set service status running for DB _truncateDBRequests.add(request); } public void optimizeIndex() { optimizeIndex(LOG); } public void optimizeIndex(Logger log) { synchronized (_indexWriteLock) { IndexWriter writer = null; try { writer = new IndexWriter(_indexDirectory, null, MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);"Optimizing lucene index ..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); writer.optimize(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Optimized lucene index in " + (end - start) + " ms."); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception performing index optimization.", e); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); writer = null; } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("Unable to close lucene index writer because of I/O exception", e1); } } } } } /** * @param content * @return configured lucene analyzer for content language or default analyzer * @throws WGAPIException */ public Analyzer retrieveAnalyzer(WGContent content) throws WGAPIException { String langCode = content.getLanguage().getName(); Analyzer analyzer = null; if (langCode != null) { analyzer = _core.getAnalyzerForLanguageCode(langCode.substring(0, 2)); if (analyzer == null) { analyzer = _core.getDefaultAnalyzer(); } } else { analyzer = _core.getDefaultAnalyzer(); } return analyzer; } Timer _timer; public class Indexer extends TimerTask { private long _lastFullIndexingRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); public synchronized void run() { try { _indexerIsRunning = true; Thread.currentThread().setName("WGA Lucene Indexer"); Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); LOG.debug("Running lucene indexer"); performDbUpdateRequests(); performDropDBRequests(); performTruncateDBRequests(); // ensure that deletions and additions are in sync // --> threadsave contentHasBeenSaved() and contentHasBeenDeleted() Object[] keys = _indexedDbs.keySet().toArray(); int currentKeySize = keys.length; for (int i = 0; i < currentKeySize; i++) { String dbKey = (String) keys[i]; // if shutdown is requested - skip further index updates and let wga shutdown // lastupdate flag of index will not be updated - therefore all pending requests will be indexed // during incremental update on next startup if (_shutdownRequested) { break; } // revision of this indexer run --> result in the lastmodified revision of index config WGDatabase db = _core.getContentdbs().get(dbKey); if (db == null || !db.isConnected()) { continue; } _core.openContentDB(db, null, true); int currentDeletionsCount = 0; int currentAdditionsCount = 0; WGDatabaseRevision revisionOfThisUpdate = null; synchronized (_indexingRequestLock) { revisionOfThisUpdate = db.getRevisionObject(); // count deletions for db for this run Queue deletions = _deletionRequestsMap.get(dbKey); if (deletions != null) { currentDeletionsCount = deletions.size(); } // count additions for db for this run Queue additions = _additionRequestsMap.get(dbKey); if (additions != null) { currentAdditionsCount = additions.size(); } } IndexingProcessInfo processInfo = new IndexingProcessInfo(); performDeletionRequests(dbKey, currentDeletionsCount, processInfo); performAdditionRequests(dbKey, currentAdditionsCount, processInfo); if (currentDeletionsCount > 0 || currentAdditionsCount > 0) {"Lucene indexer performed " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(processInfo.getAddedDocs()) + " additions and " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(processInfo.getDeletedDocs()) + " deletions in fulltext index of database '" + dbKey + "'"); } // if docs has been deleted or added and no requests has been reinserted or skipped this db is finshed // the lastupdate flag should be updated in index config if ((processInfo.getAddedDocs() > 0 || processInfo.getDeletedDocs() > 0) && processInfo.getReinsertedRequests() == 0 && processInfo.getSkippedRequests() == 0) { _indexConfig.setLastUpdated(dbKey, revisionOfThisUpdate); } } //reset rebuilding index flag if (_rebuildingIndex) { _rebuildingIndex = false;"Rebuilding Lucene index finished."); } _lastFullIndexingRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (WGUnavailableException e) { if (e.getDatabase() != null) { LOG.error("Unable to perform index update because database '" + e.getDatabase().getTitle() + "' is unavailable"); } else { LOG.error("Unable to perform index update because a database is unavailable"); } } catch (WGIllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to perform index update because of I/O exception", e); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Unable to perform index update because of XML parsing exception: '" + e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Unable to perform index update because of exception", e); } finally { try { WGFactory.getInstance().closeSessions(); LOG.debug("Finished running lucene indexer"); } catch (Exception e) { // keep timer alive } _indexerIsRunning = false; } } /** * performs addition requests for the database dbKey * only requests within currentListSize are processed to ensure additions and deletions are in sync * @param dbKey database to process * @param currentListSize number of items from additionrequestsList to process * @param info IndexingProcessInfo of the current run * @throws IOException */ private void performAdditionRequests(String dbKey, int currentListSize, IndexingProcessInfo info) throws IOException { // continue only if necessary (requests in list) if (currentListSize <= 0) { return; } IndexingRequest request = null; WGDatabase db; Set<String> alreadyAdded = new HashSet<String>(); LOG.debug("Performing index addition requests for db '" + dbKey + "'."); // Additions synchronized (_indexWriteLock) { IndexWriter writer = null; try { writer = new IndexWriter(_indexDirectory, null, MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); if (_customSimilarity != null) writer.setSimilarity(_customSimilarity); // additionrequests are grouped by dbKey // get list from map Queue<IndexingRequest> requests = _additionRequestsMap.get(dbKey); // iterate over current listSize to be sure to process addition // and deletions in sync // if an request is succesfully completed (indexed), remove it // from the list // else add the request again to the end of the list // elements should not be removed outside this code from lists // in additionRequestMap // while indexing process is running int docsWithinThisSession = 0; for (int j = 0; j < currentListSize; j++) { try { Thread.yield(); // if shutdown is requested skip current request and let wga shutdown // bc. of skip requests is != 0 lastupdate flag of index will not be updated - therefore all pending requests will be indexed // during incremental update on next startup if (_shutdownRequested) { info.requestSkipped(); break; } request = requests.poll(); if (request == null) { LOG.warn("Performing additions on lucene indexer finished early at " + (j + 1) + " + of " + currentListSize + " entries."); break; } // check if database for this request is in indexing // list // if not, this is an (old) readded request if (!_indexedDbs.containsKey(dbKey)) { continue; } if (alreadyAdded.contains(request.toString())) { continue; } db = (WGDatabase) _core.getContentdbs().get(request.getDbkey()); if ((db == null) || (!db.isReady())) { info.requestReinserted();"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing requests for content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " will be tried again later."); // put request back in list and continue with next // request requests.add(request); continue; } if (!db.isSessionOpen() && db.openSession() == WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN) {"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing requests for content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " will be tried again later."); info.requestReinserted(); // put request back in list and continue with next // request requests.add(request); continue; } else { // db session is open - ensure not more than <MaxDocsPerDBSession> docs are indexed within this session to ensure gc of hibernate-entities // @see Bugfix: B000037EA if (docsWithinThisSession >= getMaxDocsPerDBSession()) { db.getSessionContext().clearCache(); if (!db.isSessionOpen() && db.openSession() == WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN) {"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing requests for content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " will be tried again later."); info.requestReinserted(); // put request back in list and continue with next // request requests.add(request); continue; } docsWithinThisSession = 0; } } db.getSessionContext().setTask("WGA Lucene Indexer"); db.getSessionContext().setBatchProcess(true); try { WGContent content = (WGContent) db.getDocumentByKey(request.getDocumentKey()); if (content != null) { if (content.getStatus().equals(WGContent.STATUS_RELEASE) || !_indexReleasedOnly) { addToIndex(writer, db, content); info.docAdded(); docsWithinThisSession++; // the content-core is not needed anymore for data gathering - so drop core to free HEAP content.dropCore(); } } else { // content was deleted LOG.debug("Content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " was deleted during indexer run. Indexing skipped."); } } catch (WGBackendException e) { // check if backendexception is repairable if (e.isRepairable()) { // content temporary not accessable bc. of backendexception"Content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " cannot be accessed this time bc. of WGBackendException '" + e.getMessage() + "'. Indexing will be tried again later."); // raise request timeout request.raiseRetryCount(); // if not timed out yet // put request back in list and continue // with next request if (!request.isTimedOut()) { requests.add(request); } else { LOG.warn("Content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " could not be accessed " + request.getRetryCount() + " times bc. of WGBackendException '" + e.getMessage() + "'. Indexing request timed out. Luceneindex may be inconsistent."); continue; } } else { LOG.warn("Unrecoverable error during indexing of content " + request.getDocumentKey() + ". Luceneindex may be inconsistent.", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); if (request != null) { info.requestReinserted();"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing requests for content " + request.getDocumentKey() + " will be tried again later."); // put request back in list and continue with next // request addAdditionRequest(request); continue; } } alreadyAdded.add(request.toString()); if (j != 0 && j % 100 == 0) {"Performed " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(j) + " of " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(currentListSize) + " queued index addition requests for app '" + dbKey + "'"); } } } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.commit(); boolean disableAutoOptimize = WGUtils .toBoolean(System.getProperty(SYSPROP_DISABLE_AUTO_INDEX_OPTIMIZATION), true); if (!disableAutoOptimize) { writer.optimize(); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Exception committing lucene index writer", e); } try { writer.close(); writer = null; } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Exception committing lucene index writer", e); } } } } } /** * performs deletion requests for the database dbKey * only requests within currentListSize are processed to ensure additions and deletions are in sync * @param dbKey database to process * @param currentListSize number of items from deletionrequestsList to process * @param info IndexingProcessInfo of the current run * @throws IOException */ private void performDeletionRequests(String dbKey, int currentListSize, IndexingProcessInfo info) throws IOException { // continue only if necessary (requests in list) if (currentListSize <= 0) { return; } IndexingRequest request; // WGDatabase db; Set<String> alreadyDeleted = new HashSet<String>(); LOG.debug("Performing index deletion requests for app '" + dbKey + "'."); // Deletions synchronized (_indexWriteLock) { IndexReader reader = null; try { reader =, false); // deletionrequests are grouped by dbKey // get list from deletionRequestsMap Queue<IndexingRequest> requests = _deletionRequestsMap.get(dbKey); // iterate over current list size to ensure deletions and // additions are in sync // elements should not be removed outside this code from lists // in deletionRequestsMap // while indexing process is running for (int j = 0; j < currentListSize; j++) { // if shutdown is requested skip current request and let wga shutdown // bc. of skip requests is != 0 lastupdate flag of index will not be updated - therefore all pending requests will be indexed // during incremental update on next startup if (_shutdownRequested) { info.requestSkipped(); break; } Thread.yield(); request = requests.poll(); if (request == null) { LOG.warn("Performing deletions on lucene indexer finished early at " + (j + 1) + " + of " + currentListSize + " entries."); break; } if (alreadyDeleted.contains(request.toString())) { continue; } deleteContent(reader, request.getDbkey(), request.getDocumentKey()); info.docDeleted(); alreadyDeleted.add(request.toString()); if (j != 0 && j % 100 == 0) {"Performed " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(j) + " of " + WGUtils.DECIMALFORMAT_STANDARD.format(currentListSize - j) + " queued index deletion requests for app '" + dbKey + "'"); } } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); reader = null; } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error("Unable to close lucene index reader because of I/O exception: '" + e1.getMessage()); } } } } } private void performDropDBRequests() throws IOException, WGUnavailableException { // continue only if requests in list if (listIsEmpty(_dropDBRequests)) { return; } IndexingRequest request; Set<String> alreadyDeleted = new HashSet<String>(); LOG.debug("Performing index drop db requests"); // Deletions synchronized (_indexWriteLock) { IndexReader reader = null; try { reader =, false); while (true) { Thread.yield(); request = fetchNextFromList(_dropDBRequests); if (request == null) { break; } if (alreadyDeleted.contains(request.toString())) { continue; } dropDatabaseFromIndex(reader, request.getDbkey()); alreadyDeleted.add(request.toString()); } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); reader = null; } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error("Unable to close lucene index reader because of I/O exception: '" + e1.getMessage()); } } } } } private void performTruncateDBRequests() throws IOException, WGUnavailableException { // continue only if requests in list if (listIsEmpty(_truncateDBRequests)) { return; } IndexingRequest request; Set<String> alreadyTruncated = new HashSet<String>(); LOG.debug("Performing index truncate db requests"); // Deletions synchronized (_indexWriteLock) { IndexReader reader = null; try { reader =, false); while (true) { Thread.yield(); request = fetchNextFromList(_truncateDBRequests); if (request == null) { break; } if (alreadyTruncated.contains(request.toString())) { continue; } truncateDatabaseFromIndex(reader, request.getDbkey()); alreadyTruncated.add(request.toString()); } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); reader = null; } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error("Unable to close lucene index reader because of I/O exception: '" + e1.getMessage()); } } } } } /** * @throws WGUnavailableException * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private boolean performDbUpdateRequests() throws WGUnavailableException, IOException, ParseException { IndexingRequest request = null; WGDatabase db; // Update db requests. Will result in filling other // IndexingRequest // lists. LOG.debug("Performing database update requests"); // iterate over current list size // if an request is succesfully completed (splitted in addition and deleterequests), remove it from the list // else add the request again to the end of the list // elements should not be removed outside this code from _dbUpdateRequests // while indexing process is running int currentListSize = _dbUpdateRequests.size(); for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) { try { Thread.yield(); request = _dbUpdateRequests.poll(); // check if database for this request is in indexing list // if not, this is an (old) readded request if (!_indexedDbs.containsKey(request.getDbkey())) { continue; } db = (WGDatabase) _core.getContentdbs().get(request.getDbkey()); if ((db == null) || (!db.isReady())) {"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing request will be tried again later."); // put request back in list and continue with next request addDBUpdateRequest(request); continue; } int access = WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN; if (!db.isSessionOpen()) { access = db.openSession(); } else { access = db.getSessionContext().getAccessLevel(); } if (access == WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOTLOGGEDIN) { LOG.warn("Cannot update lucene index for database '" + request.getDbkey() + "' because it cannot be opened by master login. Indexing request will be tried again later."); // put request back in list and continue with next request addDBUpdateRequest(request); continue; } db.getSessionContext().setTask("WGA Lucene Indexer"); db.getSessionContext().setBatchProcess(true); updateDb(request, db); } catch (Exception e) {"Indexer cannot access database '" + request.getDbkey() + "'. Indexing request will be tried again later.", e); // put request back in list and continue with next request addDBUpdateRequest(request); continue; } } return true; } /** * @return */ private IndexingRequest fetchNextFromList(Queue<IndexingRequest> list) { synchronized (LuceneManager.this) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return list.poll(); } } } /** * @return */ private boolean listIsEmpty(Queue list) { synchronized (LuceneManager.this) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * @param dbkey * @param documentKey * @throws IOException */ private void deleteContent(IndexReader reader, String dbkey, String documentKey) throws IOException { String uniqueIndexKey = buildUniqueIndexKey(dbkey, documentKey); reader.deleteDocuments(new Term(INDEXFIELD_UNIQUEKEY, uniqueIndexKey)); reader.deleteDocuments(new Term(INDEXFIELD_PARENTKEY, uniqueIndexKey)); LOG.debug("Index of " + documentKey + " deleted from db " + dbkey); } private void dropDatabaseFromIndex(IndexReader reader, String dbkey) throws IOException { reader.deleteDocuments(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DBKEY, dbkey)); // remove from configfile _indexConfig.removeDBConfig(dbkey);"Content of db '" + dbkey + "' dropped from index."); } private void truncateDatabaseFromIndex(IndexReader reader, String dbkey) throws IOException { reader.deleteDocuments(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DBKEY, dbkey));"Content of db '" + dbkey + "' truncated from index."); } /** * @param dbkey * @param content * @throws IOException * @throws WGAPIException */ private void addToIndex(IndexWriter writer, WGDatabase db, WGContent content) throws IOException, WGAPIException { if (content == null) { LOG.error("cannot add 'null' content to index"); return; } de.innovationgate.wga.config.LuceneIndexConfiguration luceneIndexConfig = null; ContentStore dbConfig = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getContentStore(db.getDbReference()); if (dbConfig != null) { luceneIndexConfig = dbConfig.getLuceneIndexConfiguration(); } String dbkey = db.getDbReference(); LOG.debug("Indexing " + content.getDocumentKey() + " from db " + dbkey); Document document = new org.apache.lucene.document.Document(); addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_UNIQUEKEY, buildUniqueIndexKey(content)); addMetas(document, content, true); addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_DOCTYPE, DOCTYPE_CONTENT); // index content items Iterator itemNames = content.getItemNames().iterator(); while (itemNames.hasNext()) { // retrieve configured indexing rule String itemName = (String); LuceneIndexItemRule rule = retrieveItemRule(db, itemName); if (rule == null) { throw new WGConfigurationException("No lucene configuration available for database " + db.getDbReference() + ". The database may have been removed from lucene index."); } if (rule.getIndexType().equals(LuceneIndexItemRule.INDEX_TYPE_FULLTEXT)) { addToFulltextIndex(content, document, itemName, rule); } if (rule.getIndexType().equals(LuceneIndexItemRule.INDEX_TYPE_KEYWORD)) { addToKeywordIndex(content, document, itemName, rule); } // add item as sort field if configured if (rule.isSortable()) { addForSorting(content, document, itemName, rule); } } // index content relations Iterator<String> relationNames = content.getRelationNames().iterator(); while (relationNames.hasNext()) { String relationName =; WGRelationData data = content.getRelationData(relationName); if (data != null && data.getGroup() == null) { String luceneItemName = RELATION_PREFIX + relationName.toLowerCase(); addKeyword(document, luceneItemName, data.getTargetStructkey().toString() + "." + data.getTargetLanguage()); addSortField(document, luceneItemName, data.getTargetStructkey().toString() + "." + data.getTargetLanguage()); } } // Index content relation groups for (String relGroup : content.getRelationGroups()) { for (WGRelationData data : content.getRelationsDataOfGroup(relGroup)) { if (data != null) { String luceneItemName = RELATIONGROUP_PREFIX + relGroup.toLowerCase(); addKeyword(document, luceneItemName, data.getTargetStructkey().toString() + "." + data.getTargetLanguage()); addSortField(document, luceneItemName, data.getTargetStructkey().toString() + "." + data.getTargetLanguage()); } } } // get analyzer for document language Analyzer analyzer = retrieveAnalyzer(content); // index file attachments boolean useFileRuleBasedIndexing = true; if (db.getContentStoreVersion() > WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5 || (db.getContentStoreVersion() == WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5 && db.getContentStorePatchLevel() >= 5)) { useFileRuleBasedIndexing = false; } List<String> filenames = content.getFileNames(); if (filenames != null) { Iterator<String> it = filenames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String filename =; if (filename.startsWith(".")) { // this indicates normally a hidden file so skip it continue; } LuceneIndexFileRule rule = null; if (useFileRuleBasedIndexing) { // use old file rule behaviour for CS version < v5 (patch level 5) rule = retrieveFileRule(db, filename); if (rule != null) { if (rule.getFileSizeLimit() == LuceneIndexFileRule.FILESIZELIMIT_INDEX_NONE) { // skip file continue; } if (rule.getFileSizeLimit() != LuceneIndexFileRule.FILESIZELIMIT_INDEX_ALL) { int filesize = content.getFileSize(filename); // check filesize if (filesize > (rule.getFileSizeLimit() * 1024) || filesize == -1) { LOG.debug("Skipping file " + filename + " of content " + content.getContentKey().toString() + " - filesizelimit " + rule.getFileSizeLimit() + " kb exceeded."); // file not found or filesize exceeded limit - skip file continue; } } } } // create attachment doc in index for each file Document attachmentDoc = new Document(); addKeyword(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_UNIQUEKEY, buildUniqueIndexKey(content, filename)); addKeyword(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_PARENTKEY, buildUniqueIndexKey(content)); // add content metas to attachmentDoc - so this doc will hit the same meta queries addMetas(attachmentDoc, content, false); // we don't want some of this METAs to be indexed in files: attachmentDoc.removeFields("TITLE"); attachmentDoc.removeFields("DESCRIPTION"); attachmentDoc.removeFields("KEYWORDS"); addUnStored(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_ATTACHMENT_CONTAINER_TITLE, content.getTitle()); // add file metas WGFileMetaData md = content.getFileMetaData(filename); if (md != null) { Iterator<MetaInfo> metaInfos = WGFactory.getInstance().getMetaInfos(WGFileMetaData.class) .values().iterator(); while (metaInfos.hasNext()) { MetaInfo metaInfo =; if (!metaInfo.isLuceneSpecialTreatment() && !metaInfo.getLuceneIndexType().equals(MetaInfo.LUCENE_INDEXTYPE_NOINDEX)) { // + ": index file meta " + metaInfo.getName() + ":" + md.getMetaData(metaInfo.getName())); addMeta(attachmentDoc, metaInfo, md.getMetaData(metaInfo.getName()), true); } } } // add items of type keyword to attachmentDoc itemNames = content.getItemNames().iterator(); while (itemNames.hasNext()) { // retrieve configured indexing rule String itemName = (String); LuceneIndexItemRule itemRule = retrieveItemRule(db, itemName); if (itemRule.getIndexType().equals(LuceneIndexItemRule.INDEX_TYPE_KEYWORD)) { addToKeywordIndex(content, attachmentDoc, itemName, itemRule); } // add item as sort field if configured if (itemRule.isSortable()) { addForSorting(content, attachmentDoc, itemName, itemRule); } } addKeyword(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_DOCTYPE, DOCTYPE_ATTACHMENT); addKeyword(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_FILENAME, filename); if (useFileRuleBasedIndexing) { // try to retrieve filehandler FileHandler handler = retrieveFileHandler(filename); if (handler != null) { // parse text from file InputStream is = content.getFileData(filename); if (is != null) { String text = null; try { handler.parse(is); text = handler.getText(); } catch (FileHandlerException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to extract text from file '" + filename + "' of content '" + content.getContentKey().toString() + "' using filehandler '" + handler.getClass().getName() + "'.", e); } if (text != null) { // index file text LOG.debug("Indexing file " + filename + " of content " + content.getContentKey().toString() + " from db " + db.getDbReference() + "."); addUnStored(document, INDEXFIELD_ALLATTACHMENTS, text, rule.getBoost()); if (rule.isIncludedInAllContent()) { addUnStored(document, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, text, rule.getBoost()); } addUnStored(attachmentDoc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, text, rule.getBoost()); } } } else { LOG.debug("No filehandler found for file " + filename + " of content " + content.getContentKey().toString() + " from db " + db.getDbReference() + "."); } } else { //"Indexing file " +filename + " of content " + content.getContentKey().toString() + " from db " + db.getDbReference() + "."); WGFileMetaData fileMetaData = content.getFileMetaData(filename); BinaryFieldData plaintext = fileMetaData.getPlainText(); if (plaintext != null) { Field allContent = new Field(INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, new InputStreamReader(plaintext.getInputStream())); if (luceneIndexConfig != null && luceneIndexConfig.isIndexFileContentOnDocuments()) { document.add(allContent); continue; // don't create attachmentDoc in index in this case. } else { attachmentDoc.add(allContent); } } } // call enhancer for attachmentDoc List<LuceneIndexEnhancer> enhancers = _indexEnhancers.get(db.getDbReference()); if (enhancers != null) { for (LuceneIndexEnhancer enhancer : enhancers) { if (enhancer instanceof AttachmentAwareLuceneIndexEnhancer) { try { ((AttachmentAwareLuceneIndexEnhancer) enhancer).enhance(attachmentDoc, content, filename); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Enhancer call failed for '" + content.getDocumentKey() + "/" + filename + "'", e); } } } } writer.addDocument(attachmentDoc, analyzer); } } List<LuceneIndexEnhancer> enhancers = _indexEnhancers.get(db.getDbReference()); if (enhancers != null) { for (LuceneIndexEnhancer enhancer : enhancers) { try { enhancer.enhance(document, content); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Enhancer call failed for '" + content.getDocumentKey() + "'", e); } } } //analyze document with configured analyzer and add to index writer.addDocument(document, analyzer); LOG.debug("Index of " + content.getDocumentKey() + " from db " + dbkey + " added using analyzer '" + analyzer.getClass().getName()); } private void addMetas(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, WGContent content, boolean addToAllContent) throws WGIllegalArgumentException, WGAPIException, WGSystemException { String dbkey = content.getDatabase().getDbReference(); // index keywords internal usage addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_DBKEY, dbkey); addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_DOCUMENTKEY, content.getDocumentKey()); addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_CONTENTKEY, content.getContentKey().toString()); addKeyword(document, INDEXFIELD_ISVIRTUALCONTENT, content.isVirtual()); // meta keywords // synonyms for internal fields --> encapsulate internal fields from metas addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_DBKEY, dbkey); addSortField(document, VIRTUALMETA_DBKEY, dbkey); addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_KEY, content.getContentKey().toString()); addSortField(document, VIRTUALMETA_KEY, content.getContentKey().toString()); if (content.hasCompleteRelationships()) { addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_AREA, content.getStructEntry().getArea().getName()); addSortField(document, VIRTUALMETA_AREA, content.getStructEntry().getArea().getName()); addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_CONTENTTYPE, content.getStructEntry().getContentType().getName()); addSortField(document, VIRTUALMETA_CONTENTTYPE, content.getStructEntry().getContentType().getName()); addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_PAGEPUBLISHED, content.getStructEntry().getPublished().get(content.getLanguage().getName())); addSortField(document, VIRTUALMETA_PAGEPUBLISHED, content.getStructEntry().getPublished().get(content.getLanguage().getName())); } if (!content.getStructEntry().isRoot()) { WGStructEntry ancestor = content.getStructEntry().getParentEntry(); addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_PARENT, ancestor.getStructKey().toString()); do { addKeyword(document, VIRTUALMETA_PATH, ancestor.getStructKey().toString()); ancestor = ancestor.getParentEntry(); } while (ancestor != null); } Iterator contentMetaNames = content.getMetaNames().iterator(); while (contentMetaNames.hasNext()) { String metaName = (String); MetaInfo metaInfo = (MetaInfo) content.getMetaInfo(metaName); if (metaInfo == null) { throw new WGSystemException("MetaInfo for meta '" + metaName + "' not found."); } if (!metaInfo.isLuceneSpecialTreatment() && !metaInfo.getLuceneIndexType().equals(MetaInfo.LUCENE_INDEXTYPE_NOINDEX)) { addMeta(document, metaInfo, content.getMetaData(metaName), addToAllContent); } else { if (metaInfo.getName().equals(WGContent.META_IS_HIDDEN_FROM)) { // split hidden from List isHiddenFrom = content.isHiddenFrom(); addKeyword(document, "HIDDENINNAV", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_NAVIGATOR)), metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, "HIDDENINNAV", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_NAVIGATOR))); addKeyword(document, "HIDDENINSEARCH", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_SEARCH)), metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, "HIDDENINSEARCH", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_SEARCH))); addKeyword(document, "HIDDENINSITEMAP", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_SITEMAP)), metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, "HIDDENINSITEMAP", Boolean.valueOf(isHiddenFrom.contains(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_SITEMAP))); } else if (metaInfo.getName().equals(WGContent.META_VALID_FROM)) { // bugfix B00003432 by tb 10.03.2006 if (content.getValidFrom() != null) { addKeyword(document, WGContent.META_VALID_FROM, content.getValidFrom(), metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, WGContent.META_VALID_FROM, content.getValidFrom()); } else { // index not set validFrom as 00000 ... addKeyword(document, WGContent.META_VALID_FROM, EMPTY_VALID_FROM, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, WGContent.META_VALID_FROM, EMPTY_VALID_FROM); } } else if (metaInfo.getName().equals(WGContent.META_VALID_TO)) { // bugfix B00003432 by tb 10.03.2006 if (content.getValidTo() != null) { addKeyword(document, WGContent.META_VALID_TO, content.getValidTo(), metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, WGContent.META_VALID_TO, content.getValidTo()); } else { // index not set validTo as 99999... addKeyword(document, WGContent.META_VALID_TO, EMPTY_VALID_TO, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(document, WGContent.META_VALID_TO, EMPTY_VALID_TO); } } } } } private void addKeyword(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String name, Object value) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { addKeyword(doc, name, value, 1); } private void addKeyword(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String name, Object value, float boost) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { if ((name != null) && (value != null)) { Field field; if (value instanceof String) { field = new Field(name, (String) value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else if (value instanceof Date) { field = new Field(name, DATEFORMAT_KEYWORD.format(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else if (value instanceof Number) { // B000047B2 field = new Field(name, NUMBERFORMAT_KEYWORD.format(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { field = new Field(name, String.valueOf(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported value '" + value.getClass().getName() + "' for keyword '" + name + "'."); } field.setBoost(boost); doc.add(field); } } private void addSortField(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String name, Object value) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { if (name != null) { Field field; String fieldName = SORTITEM_PREFIX + name; if (value instanceof String) { if (value != null) { field = new Field(fieldName, (String) value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else { field = new Field(fieldName, "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } else if (value instanceof Date) { if (value != null) { field = new Field(fieldName, DATEFORMAT_SORTFIELD.format(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else { field = new Field(fieldName, DATEFORMAT_SORTFIELD.format(new Date(0)), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } else if (value instanceof Number) { if (value != null) { field = new Field(fieldName, DECIMALFORMAT_SORTFIELD.format(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else { field = new Field(fieldName, DECIMALFORMAT_SORTFIELD.format(Long.MIN_VALUE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { if (value != null) { field = new Field(fieldName, String.valueOf(value), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } else { field = new Field(fieldName, String.valueOf(false), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } else { if (value != null) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value '" + value.getClass().getName() + "' for sortfield '" + fieldName + "'."); } else { // sort field must exist field = new Field(fieldName, "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } doc.add(field); } } private void addMeta(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, MetaInfo metaInfo, Object value, boolean addToAllContent) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { if (metaInfo.getLuceneIndexType().equals(MetaInfo.LUCENE_INDEXTYPE_KEYWORD)) { if (!metaInfo.isMultiple()) { addKeyword(doc, metaInfo.getName(), value, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(doc, metaInfo.getName(), value); Iterator synonyms = metaInfo.getSynonyms().iterator(); while (synonyms.hasNext()) { String synonym = (String); addKeyword(doc, synonym, value, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(doc, synonym, value); } if (metaInfo.getLuceneAddToAllContent() && addToAllContent) { addUnStored(doc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, value, 1.0F); } } else { if (value == null) { addKeyword(doc, metaInfo.getName(), ""); } else { Iterator it = ((List) value).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object singleValue =; addKeyword(doc, metaInfo.getName(), singleValue); if (metaInfo.getLuceneAddToAllContent() && addToAllContent) { addUnStored(doc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, value, 1.0F); } Iterator synonyms = metaInfo.getSynonyms().iterator(); while (synonyms.hasNext()) { String synonym = (String); addKeyword(doc, synonym, singleValue); } if (metaInfo.getLuceneAddToAllContent() && addToAllContent) { addUnStored(doc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, singleValue, 1.0F); } } } } } else if (metaInfo.getLuceneIndexType().equals(MetaInfo.LUCENE_INDEXTYPE_FULLTEXT)) { if (!metaInfo.isMultiple()) { addUnStored(doc, metaInfo.getName(), value, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(doc, metaInfo.getName(), value); Iterator synonyms = metaInfo.getSynonyms().iterator(); while (synonyms.hasNext()) { String synonym = (String); addUnStored(doc, synonym, value, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); addSortField(doc, synonym, value); } if (metaInfo.getLuceneAddToAllContent() && addToAllContent) { addUnStored(doc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, value, 1.0F); } } else { if (value != null) { Iterator it = ((List) value).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object singleValue =; addUnStored(doc, metaInfo.getName(), singleValue, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); Iterator synonyms = metaInfo.getSynonyms().iterator(); while (synonyms.hasNext()) { String synonym = (String); addUnStored(doc, synonym, singleValue, metaInfo.getLuceneBoost()); } if (metaInfo.getLuceneAddToAllContent() && addToAllContent) { addUnStored(doc, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, singleValue, 1.0F); } } } } } } private void addUnStored(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String name, Object value) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { addUnStored(doc, name, value, 1.0F); } private void addUnStored(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String name, Object value, float boost) throws WGIllegalArgumentException { if ((name != null) && (value != null)) { Field field; if (value instanceof String) { field = new Field(name, (String) value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED); } else { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value '" + value.getClass().getName() + "' for unstored field '" + name + "'."); } field.setBoost(boost); doc.add(field); } } /** * @param filename * @return configured filehandler for fileextension or null */ private FileHandler retrieveFileHandler(String filename) { int pos = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos != -1) { if (filename.length() > 1) { String extension = filename.substring(pos + 1); return _core.getFileHandlerForExtension(extension); } else { // only a '.' LOG.warn("Could not optain a filehandler for indexing content of file '" + filename + "'. Unable to parse file extension - there is only a '.'."); return null; } } else { LOG.warn("Could not optain a filehandler for indexing content of file '" + filename + "'. Unable to parse file extension - there is no '.'."); return null; } } private void addToFulltextIndex(WGContent content, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, String itemName, LuceneIndexItemRule rule) throws WGAPIException { LOG.debug("Adding item " + itemName + " to fulltextIndex."); Iterator itemElements = content.getItemValueList(itemName).iterator(); while (itemElements.hasNext()) { Object itemElement =; if (itemElement instanceof String) { String textToIndex = (String) itemElement; textToIndex = rule.parseItemValue(textToIndex); if (textToIndex != null) { addUnStored(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), textToIndex, rule.getBoost()); if (!TECHNICAL_ITEMS.contains(itemName.toLowerCase())) { addUnStored(document, INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT, textToIndex, 1); } } } } } private void addToKeywordIndex(WGContent content, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, String itemName, LuceneIndexItemRule rule) throws WGAPIException { LOG.debug("Adding item " + itemName + " to keywordIndex."); Iterator itemElements = content.getItemValueList(itemName).iterator(); while (itemElements.hasNext()) { Object itemElement =; if (itemElement instanceof String) { String textToIndex = (String) itemElement; if (textToIndex != null) { // if content type html/xml remove tags if (rule.getContentType().equals(LuceneIndexItemRule.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML_XML)) { try { textToIndex = WGUtils.toPlainText(textToIndex, "", false); } catch (IOException e) { // cannot parse, so use original text } } addKeyword(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), textToIndex, rule.getBoost()); } } else if (itemElement instanceof Date) { addKeyword(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (Date) itemElement, rule.getBoost()); } else if (itemElement instanceof Number) { addKeyword(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (Number) itemElement, rule.getBoost()); } else if (itemElement != null) { addKeyword(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), String.valueOf(itemElement), rule.getBoost()); } } } private void addForSorting(WGContent content, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, String itemName, LuceneIndexItemRule rule) throws WGAPIException { LOG.debug("Adding item " + itemName + " for sorting purposes."); Iterator itemElements = content.getItemValueList(itemName).iterator(); // not necessary since bugfix #00000249 /* if (!itemElements.hasNext()) { // Sortingfields must exist in index addSortField(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (String) null); }*/ while (itemElements.hasNext()) { Object itemElement =; if (itemElement instanceof String) { addSortField(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (String) itemElement); } else if (itemElement instanceof Date) { addSortField(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (Date) itemElement); } else if (itemElement instanceof Number) { addSortField(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), (Number) itemElement); } else if (itemElement != null) { addSortField(document, itemName.toLowerCase(), String.valueOf(itemElement)); } } } /** * @param db * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException * @throws WGAPIException */ private void updateDb(IndexingRequest request, WGDatabase db) throws IOException, ParseException, WGAPIException { if (request.isIndexRebuildNeeded()) { // rebuild the complete index for this db // --> lucene config has changed"Rebuilding index of db " + request.getDbkey()); initialUpdateDb(request.getDbkey(), db); } else { // Fetch the revision of last index update from config doc WGDatabaseRevision lastUpdated = _indexConfig.getLastUpdated(request.getDbkey()); // New indexing of all documents if (lastUpdated == null) {"Initial indexing of db " + request.getDbkey()); initialUpdateDb(request.getDbkey(), db); } else { // Test if the stored index revision is comparable to the current revision given by the database // If it is not we must rebuild the whole index again boolean comparable = false; try { db.getRevisionDate(lastUpdated); comparable = true; } catch (WGWrongRevisionException e) { } if (comparable) { // Indexing of updated and deleted documents incrementalUpdateDb(db, lastUpdated); } else { // Rebuild index because the revision type has changed and is no more comparable to the stored revision"Initial indexing of db " + request.getDbkey() + " because the type of database revision has changed"); initialUpdateDb(request.getDbkey(), db); } } } } /** * @param dbkey * @param db * @param lastUpdated * @throws WGAPIException */ private void incrementalUpdateDb(WGDatabase db, WGDatabaseRevision lastUpdated) throws WGAPIException { WGDatabaseRevision dbLastChanged = db.getRevisionObject(); if (lastUpdated.compareTo(dbLastChanged) > 0) { // nothing to do for incremental update return; }"Incremental index update of db " + db.getDbReference()); List logs = db.getUpdatedDocumentsSince(lastUpdated); /* if ( (logs == null) || (logs.size() == 0) ) { // try to reset serviceStatus to idle updateServiceStatus(dbkey); return; } */ Iterator logsIt = logs.iterator(); String contentPrefix = WGDocument.TYPENAME_CONTENT + "/"; while (logsIt.hasNext()) { Thread.yield(); WGUpdateLog log = (WGUpdateLog); // old notes-design does not support logs if ((log == null) || (log.getDocumentKey() == null)) { LOG.warn( "Cannot process incremental index update for 'null' log or 'null' log.getDocumentKey() - ensure you use WGAContentStoreDesign >= 3.1.2"); continue; } if (!log.getDocumentKey().startsWith(contentPrefix)) { continue; } if (log.getType() == WGUpdateLog.TYPE_DELETE) { addDeletionRequest(new IndexingRequest(db.getDbReference(), log.getDocumentKey())); } else if (log.getType() == WGUpdateLog.TYPE_UPDATE) { addDeletionRequest(new IndexingRequest(db.getDbReference(), log.getDocumentKey())); addAdditionRequest(new IndexingRequest(db.getDbReference(), log.getDocumentKey())); } } } /** * @param dbkey * @param db * @throws WGAPIException */ private void initialUpdateDb(String dbkey, WGDatabase db) throws WGAPIException { //delete all content for db addTruncateDBRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbkey, null)); // add dbkey to initalIndexDBs set //_initialIndexDBs.add(dbkey); //index all content long time = System.currentTimeMillis();"Fetching all contentkeys from db '" + dbkey + "'."); WGContentIterator docsIt = (WGContentIterator) db.getAllContent(true); if (docsIt != null) { Iterator contentKeys = docsIt.getContentKeys().iterator(); while (contentKeys.hasNext()) { Thread.yield(); WGContentKey key = (WGContentKey); addAdditionRequest( new IndexingRequest(dbkey, WGDocument.TYPENAME_CONTENT + "/" + key.toString())); } } else { LOG.error("Fetching all contenkeys from db '" + dbkey + "' returned 'null'. Database will not be indexed."); }"Fetching all contentkeys from db '" + dbkey + "' done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms."); } public long getLastFullIndexingRun() { return _lastFullIndexingRun; } } class IndexingRequest { private String _dbkey; private String _documentKey; private boolean _indexRebuildNeeded; private int _retryCount = 0; private static final int _retryTimeout = 10; public IndexingRequest(String dbkey, String documentKey) { _dbkey = dbkey; _documentKey = documentKey; _indexRebuildNeeded = false; } public IndexingRequest(String dbkey, String documentKey, boolean indexRebuildNeeded) { _dbkey = dbkey; _documentKey = documentKey; _indexRebuildNeeded = indexRebuildNeeded; } /** * @return Returns the contentKey. */ public String getDocumentKey() { return _documentKey; } /** * @return Returns the dbkey. */ public String getDbkey() { return _dbkey; } /** * @return Returns if indexRebuild is needed. --> lucene config has changed */ public boolean isIndexRebuildNeeded() { return _indexRebuildNeeded; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return getDbkey() + "/" + getDocumentKey(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof IndexingRequest) { IndexingRequest req = (IndexingRequest) obj; String checkDBKey1 = req.getDbkey(); if (checkDBKey1 == null) { checkDBKey1 = ""; } String checkDBKey2 = this.getDbkey(); if (checkDBKey2 == null) { checkDBKey2 = ""; } String checkDocumentKey1 = req.getDocumentKey(); if (checkDocumentKey1 == null) { checkDocumentKey1 = ""; } String checkDocumentKey2 = this.getDocumentKey(); if (checkDocumentKey2 == null) { checkDocumentKey2 = ""; } if ((checkDBKey1.equals(checkDBKey2)) && (checkDocumentKey1.equals(checkDocumentKey2))) { return true; } else { return false; } } return super.equals(obj); } public int getRetryCount() { return _retryCount; } public void raiseRetryCount() { _retryCount++; } public boolean isTimedOut() { return _retryCount >= IndexingRequest._retryTimeout; } } private Queue<IndexingRequest> _dropDBRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IndexingRequest>(); private Queue<IndexingRequest> _truncateDBRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IndexingRequest>(); private Queue<IndexingRequest> _dbUpdateRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LuceneManager.IndexingRequest>(); private Map<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>> _additionRequestsMap = new HashMap<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>>(); private Map<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>> _deletionRequestsMap = new HashMap<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>>(); private Similarity _customSimilarity = null; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEventListener#contentCreated(de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEvent) */ public void contentCreated(WGContentEvent contentEvent) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEventListener#contentSaved(de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEvent) */ public boolean contentSaved(WGContentEvent contentEvent) { return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEventListener#contentHasBeenDeleted(de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEvent) */ public void contentHasBeenDeleted(WGContentEvent event) { if (event.getDatabase().getSessionContext().isTransactionActive()) { return; } String dbkey = event.getDatabase().getDbReference(); addDeletionRequest(new IndexingRequest(dbkey, event.getDocumentKey())); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEventListener#contentHasBeenSaved(de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentEvent) */ public void contentHasBeenSaved(WGContentEvent event) { if (event.getDatabase().getSessionContext().isTransactionActive()) { return; } String dbkey = (String) event.getDatabase().getDbReference(); IndexingRequest indexingRequest = new IndexingRequest(dbkey, event.getDocumentKey()); addDeletionRequest(indexingRequest); addAdditionRequest(indexingRequest); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (_timer != null) { _timer.cancel(); _timer = null; } } public WGResultSet search(WGDatabase db, String phrase, Map parameters, WGA wga) throws WGQueryException { List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); return search(db, fields, phrase, parameters, wga); } public WGResultSet search(WGDatabase db, List<String> fields, String phrase, Map parameters, WGA wga) throws WGQueryException { if (wga == null) { wga = WGA.get(_core); } // set max clause count for boolean queries BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(_booleanQueryMaxClauseCount); if (this.isRebuildingIndex()) { throw new WGQueryException(phrase, "Lucene search temporary disabled. Rebuilding lucene index ..."); } // Registering problem in that case but not cancelling the query, as this is old, expected behaviour. The query will just return no results. if (!_core.getLuceneManager().indexIsEnabled(db.getDbReference())) { _core.getProblemRegistry().addProblem( Problem.create(new TMLContext.WebTMLOccasion(), new DatabaseScope(db.getDbReference()), "webtmlProblem.luceneIndexExpected", ProblemSeverity.LOW)); } if (phrase == null || phrase.trim().equals("")) { return null; } try { BooleanQuery wholeQuery = new BooleanQuery(); int max = WGACore.DEFAULT_QUERY_MAXRESULTS; Integer maxResults = (Integer) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_MAXRESULTS); if (maxResults != null) { if (maxResults == 0 || maxResults == -1) { max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { max = maxResults; } } // handle dboption EXCLUDEDOCUMENT WGContent excludeContent = (WGContent) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_EXCLUDEDOCUMENT); if (excludeContent != null) { String uniqueKey = buildUniqueIndexKey(excludeContent.getDatabase().getDbReference(), excludeContent.getDocumentKey()); wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_UNIQUEKEY, uniqueKey)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_PARENTKEY, uniqueKey)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); } // list of dbs to search in String searchScope = (String) parameters.get(LuceneManager.QUERYOPTION_SEARCHSCOPE); List searchDBKeys = new ArrayList(); if (searchScope.equals(LuceneManager.SEARCHSCOPE_DB)) { searchDBKeys.add(db.getDbReference()); } if (searchScope.equals(LuceneManager.SEARCHSCOPE_DOMAIN)) { Iterator<WGDatabase> dbs = _core .getDatabasesForDomain((String) db.getAttribute(WGACore.DBATTRIB_DOMAIN)).iterator(); while (dbs.hasNext()) { WGDatabase currentDB =; if (wga.openDatabase(currentDB)) { searchDBKeys.add(currentDB.getDbReference()); } } } if (searchScope.equals(LuceneManager.SEARCHSCOPE_WGA)) { Iterator dbs = _core.getContentdbs().values().iterator(); while (dbs.hasNext()) { WGDatabase currentDB = (WGDatabase); if (wga.openDatabase(currentDB)) { searchDBKeys.add(currentDB.getDbReference()); } } } if (searchScope.equals(LuceneManager.SEARCHSCOPE_DB_LIST)) { String dbListCSV = (String) parameters.get(QUERYOPTION_SEARCHDBKEYS); if (dbListCSV == null || dbListCSV.trim().equals("")) { throw new WGQueryException(phrase, "Search scope is 'dblist' but no db keys given."); } else { Iterator dbkeys = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(dbListCSV, ",").iterator(); while (dbkeys.hasNext()) { String dbkey = (String); WGDatabase currentDB = wga.db(dbkey); if (currentDB.isSessionOpen()) { searchDBKeys.add(dbkey.trim().toLowerCase()); } } } } // Handle language selection; List<WGLanguage> languagesPriorityList = null; boolean filterLanguages = false; if (parameters.containsKey(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_LANGUAGES)) { List<WGLanguage> langs = (List<WGLanguage>) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_LANGUAGES); if (langs.size() > 1) { BooleanQuery langQuery = new BooleanQuery(); for (WGLanguage lang : langs) { langQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_LANGUAGE, lang.getName())), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } wholeQuery.add(langQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); languagesPriorityList = langs; filterLanguages = true; } else if (langs.size() == 1) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_LANGUAGE, langs.get(0).getName())), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); languagesPriorityList = Collections.singletonList(langs.get(0)); } } else if (parameters.containsKey(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ONLYLANGUAGE)) { String language = (String) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ONLYLANGUAGE); wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_LANGUAGE, language)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); languagesPriorityList = Collections.singletonList(db.getLanguage(language)); } if (languagesPriorityList == null) { languagesPriorityList = getLanguagesForSearchDBKeys(searchDBKeys); ; } // Handle visibility selection if (!parameters.containsKey(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ENHANCE) || parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ENHANCE).equals(new Boolean(true))) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_VISIBLE, "true")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); String role = (String) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ROLE); if (role != null) { if (!role.equalsIgnoreCase(WGContent.DISPLAYTYPE_NONE)) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("HIDDENIN" + role.toUpperCase(), "false")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } } } if (parameters.containsKey(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_ONLYRELEASED)) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_STATUS, WGContent.STATUS_RELEASE)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } // build dbQuery (OR combination of all searchDbs indexed by lucene) BooleanQuery dbQuery = new BooleanQuery(); Iterator itSearchDBKeys = searchDBKeys.iterator(); while (itSearchDBKeys.hasNext()) { String currentDBKey = (String); if (_indexedDbs.containsKey(currentDBKey)) { dbQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DBKEY, currentDBKey)), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } wholeQuery.add(dbQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); // Add parsed search phrase. // Search in allcontent for each language using the configured analyzer // if no analyzer is configured for a language search at least with one // default analyzer boolean searchWithDefaultAnalyzer = false; //if no languages found search at least with DefaultAnalyzer if (languagesPriorityList.size() <= 0) { searchWithDefaultAnalyzer = true; } // parse native options Sort sort = null; String sortFieldName = ""; Operator defaultOperator = QueryParser.AND_OPERATOR; String nativeOptionsStr = (String) parameters.get(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_NATIVEOPTIONS); boolean includeVirtualContent = false; String doctype = DOCTYPE_CONTENT; if (nativeOptionsStr != null) { Iterator nativeOptions = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(nativeOptionsStr, ",", true).iterator(); while (nativeOptions.hasNext()) { String option = (String); if (option.startsWith("sort:")) { sortFieldName = option.substring(5).trim(); boolean reverse = false; if (sortFieldName.toLowerCase().endsWith("(asc)")) { sortFieldName = sortFieldName.substring(0, sortFieldName.length() - 5).trim(); } else if (sortFieldName.toLowerCase().endsWith("(desc)")) { sortFieldName = sortFieldName.substring(0, sortFieldName.length() - 6).trim(); reverse = true; } if (sortFieldName.length() > 0) { char first = sortFieldName.charAt(0); if (first >= 'A' && first <= 'Z') { // meta sort sortFieldName = sortFieldName.toUpperCase(); } else { // item sort sortFieldName = sortFieldName.toLowerCase(); } } // sort order currently only german sort = new Sort(new SortField(SORTITEM_PREFIX + sortFieldName, Locale.GERMANY, reverse)); } else if (option.equalsIgnoreCase(NATIVE_QUERYOPTION_INCLUDEVIRTUALCONTENT)) { includeVirtualContent = true; } else if (option.startsWith("doctype:")) { doctype = option.substring("doctype:".length()).trim(); } else if (option.startsWith("operator:")) { String op = option.substring("operator:".length()).trim(); if (op.equalsIgnoreCase("or")) defaultOperator = QueryParser.OR_OPERATOR; } } } if (!includeVirtualContent) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_ISVIRTUALCONTENT, String.valueOf(true))), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); } // handle doctype option // we cannot be sure that all documents in index already contains the field DOCTYPE (introduced with OpenWGA 7.1) therefore we have to perform some excludes if (doctype.equals(DOCTYPE_CONTENT)) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DOCTYPE, DOCTYPE_ATTACHMENT)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); } else if (!doctype.equals(DOCTYPE_ALL)) { wholeQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DOCTYPE, doctype)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } //build phrase query BooleanQuery phraseQuery = new BooleanQuery(); phraseQuery.setBoost(10); Iterator languageList = languagesPriorityList.iterator(); List<String> searchFields = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Float> searchBoosts = new HashMap<String, Float>(); for (String field : fields) { String[] parts = field.split("\\^"); searchFields.add(parts[0]); if (parts.length == 2) { searchBoosts.put(parts[0], Float.parseFloat(parts[1])); } } if (!searchFields.contains("allcontent")) searchFields.add("allcontent"); if (!searchFields.contains("TITLE")) searchFields.add("TITLE"); if (!searchFields.contains("DESCRIPTION")) searchFields.add("DESCRIPTION"); if (!searchFields.contains("KEYWORDS")) searchFields.add("KEYWORDS"); while (languageList.hasNext()) { WGLanguage languageItem = (WGLanguage); Analyzer analyzer = _core.getAnalyzerForLanguageCode(languageItem.getName().substring(0, 2)); if (analyzer != null) { QueryParser parser = new IndexingRuleBasedQueryParser(searchFields.toArray(new String[0]), analyzer, searchBoosts, _indexedDbs, searchDBKeys, _metaKeywordFields); parser.setDefaultOperator(defaultOperator); Query query = parser.parse(phrase); if (filterLanguages) { BooleanQuery testPhraseAndLangQuery = new BooleanQuery(); testPhraseAndLangQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); testPhraseAndLangQuery.add( new TermQuery(new Term(WGContent.META_LANGUAGE, languageItem.getName())), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); phraseQuery.add(testPhraseAndLangQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } else { phraseQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } else { searchWithDefaultAnalyzer = true; } } if (searchWithDefaultAnalyzer) { QueryParser parser = new IndexingRuleBasedQueryParser(searchFields.toArray(new String[0]), _core.getDefaultAnalyzer(), searchBoosts, _indexedDbs, searchDBKeys, _metaKeywordFields); parser.setDefaultOperator(defaultOperator); Query query = parser.parse(phrase); phraseQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } //; wholeQuery.add(phraseQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); TopDocs hits; //register executed query as output parameter parameters.put(WGDatabase.QUERYOPTION_RETURNQUERY, wholeQuery.toString()); // simplify query and register as taginfo parameters.put(TAGINFO_SIMPLIFIEDQUERY, rewrite(wholeQuery)); long timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (sort != null) { try { hits = search(wholeQuery, max, sort); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // lucene bug when sorting for non existing fields with Locale throw new WGQueryException(wholeQuery.toString(), "Sortfield '" + sortFieldName + "' not indexed."); } } else { try { hits = search(wholeQuery, max, null); } catch (BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses e) { parameters.put(TAGINFO_UNSPECIFICQUERY, new Boolean(true)); throw new WGQueryException(phrase, "Too many BooleanClauses in query. " + "Please use a more specific query or increase value of " + "'booleanQueryMaxClauseCount' via WGAManager. Current value is '" + this.getBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount() + "'."); } } long timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis(); long executionTime = timeAfter - timeBefore; LuceneResultSet resultSet; if (filterLanguages) { resultSet = new LuceneLanguageChoosingResultSet(hits, wga, parameters, wholeQuery, executionTime, languagesPriorityList); } else { resultSet = new LuceneMultiDBResultSet(hits, wga, parameters, wholeQuery, executionTime); } // put resultset in per thread list List rsList = (List) _resultsetList.get(); if (rsList == null) { rsList = new LinkedList(); _resultsetList.set(rsList); } rsList.add(resultSet); return resultSet; } catch (org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException e) { throw new WGQueryException("Unable to parse lucene query", e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error executing lucene search: " + e.getClass().getName() + " - " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new WGQueryException(phrase, e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * close opened resultsets for current thread */ public void closeOpenedResultSets() { // get opened resultsSets for current thread List rsList = (List) _resultsetList.get(); if (rsList != null) { Iterator it = rsList.iterator(); // close each resultset and remove from list while (it.hasNext()) { LuceneResultSet rs = (LuceneResultSet); rs.close(); it.remove(); } } } /** * @param searchDBKeys * @return list with all languages for searchDBKeys indexed by lucene * @throws WGAPIException */ private List<WGLanguage> getLanguagesForSearchDBKeys(List searchDBKeys) throws WGAPIException { LinkedList<WGLanguage> languages = new LinkedList<WGLanguage>(); Iterator it = searchDBKeys.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String dbKey = (String); WGDatabase db = (WGDatabase) _core.getContentdbs().get(dbKey); if (db != null) { if (_indexedDbs.containsKey(dbKey)) { languages.addAll(db.getLanguages().values()); } } } return languages; } public boolean isRebuildingIndex() { return _rebuildingIndex; } public boolean indexIsEnabled(String dbKey) { return _indexedDbs.containsKey(dbKey); } public int getBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount() { return _booleanQueryMaxClauseCount; } public void setBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount(int booleanQueryMaxClauseCount) { this._booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = booleanQueryMaxClauseCount; } /** * @param dbkey * @param content * @return */ private String buildUniqueIndexKey(String dbkey, String documentkey) { return dbkey + "/" + documentkey; } private String buildUniqueIndexKey(WGContent content) { return buildUniqueIndexKey(content.getDatabase().getDbReference(), content.getDocumentKey()); } private String buildUniqueIndexKey(WGContent content, String filename) { return buildUniqueIndexKey(content) + "/" + filename; } /** * @return Returns the indexerIsRunning. */ public boolean isIndexerRunning() { return _indexerIsRunning; } public void databaseConnected(WGDatabaseEvent event) { HashSet newConnectedDBKeys = new HashSet(); newConnectedDBKeys.add(event.getDatabase().getDbReference()); createOrUpdateDBIndex(event.getDatabase(), newConnectedDBKeys); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseConnectListener#databaseConnectionError(de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseEvent) */ public void databaseConnectionError(WGDatabaseEvent event) { } public int getMaxDocsPerDBSession() { return _maxDocsPerDBSession; } public void setMaxDocsPerDBSession(int maxDocsPerDBSession) { _maxDocsPerDBSession = maxDocsPerDBSession; } public Highlighter createHighlighter(String itemOrMeta, Query query, Formatter formatter) { if (itemOrMeta == null) { return null; } if (query == null) { return null; } // create scorer // use only terms for this item and terms for allcontent for scoring List terms = new ArrayList(); WeightedTerm[] termsForThisItem = QueryTermExtractor.getTerms(query, false, itemOrMeta); if (termsForThisItem != null) { for (int i = 0; i < termsForThisItem.length; i++) { terms.add(termsForThisItem[i]); } } WeightedTerm[] termsForAllContent = QueryTermExtractor.getTerms(query, false, LuceneManager.INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT); if (termsForAllContent != null) { for (int i = 0; i < termsForAllContent.length; i++) { terms.add(termsForAllContent[i]); } } WeightedTerm[] termsArray = new WeightedTerm[terms.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { WeightedTerm term = (WeightedTerm) terms.get(i); termsArray[i] = term; } QueryTermScorer scorer = new QueryTermScorer(termsArray); // create highlighter Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(formatter, scorer); return highlighter; } public TokenStream createTokenStream(String text, WGContent content) throws WGAPIException { return createTokenStream(new StringReader(text), content); } public TokenStream createTokenStream(Reader reader, WGContent content) throws WGAPIException { // retrieve analyzer Analyzer analyzer = retrieveAnalyzer(content); // @see org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer - null for fieldname should be supported // most analyzers do not use the parameter fieldname TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(null, reader); return tokenStream; } /** * * @param db * @throws IOException * @throws WGIllegalArgumentException * @throws InterruptedException * @deprecated pending feature - F00003426 */ public void performCustomDBIndexDeletions(WGDatabase db) throws IOException, WGIllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException { // check if db is not a full contentstore // this method is only supported for none fullcontentstores if (db.hasFeature(WGDatabase.FEATURE_FULLCONTENTFEATURES)) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException( "Method performCustomDBIndexDeletions() is unsupported for full featured contentstores."); } // check if db is already indexed if (!_indexedDbs.containsKey(db.getDbReference())) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Cannot perform deletions on database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'. Database is not yet indexed. Ensure performCustomDBIndexUpdates() has been called first."); } // collect currently indexed document keys for this db Set currentlyIndexedDocuments = new HashSet(); BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); query.add(new TermQuery(new Term(INDEXFIELD_DBKEY, db.getDbReference())), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); TopDocs indexedDocuments = search(query, 500, null); for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : indexedDocuments.scoreDocs) { org.apache.lucene.document.Document luceneDoc = getDocument(scoreDoc.doc); String documentKey = luceneDoc.get(LuceneManager.INDEXFIELD_DOCUMENTKEY); currentlyIndexedDocuments.add(documentKey); } } public File getIndexDirectory() { return _dir; } public void contentHasBeenMoved(WGContentEvent event) { if (event.getDatabase().getSessionContext().isTransactionActive()) { return; } String dbkey = (String) event.getDatabase().getDbReference(); IndexingRequest indexingRequest = new IndexingRequest(dbkey, event.getDocumentKey()); addDeletionRequest(indexingRequest); addAdditionRequest(indexingRequest); } private IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (_indexSearcher == null) { synchronized (this) { if (_indexSearcher == null) { _indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(, true)); if (_customSimilarity != null) { _indexSearcher.setSimilarity(_customSimilarity); } } } } synchronized (this) { if (!_indexSearcher.getIndexReader().isCurrent()) { // wait for current searches to finish and block further searches _indexSearcherSemaphore.acquire(MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES); try { _indexSearcher.getIndexReader().close(); _indexSearcher.close(); _indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(, true)); if (_customSimilarity != null) { _indexSearcher.setSimilarity(_customSimilarity); } } finally { _indexSearcherSemaphore.release(MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES); } } } return _indexSearcher; } private TopDocs search(Query query, int max, Sort sort) throws IOException, InterruptedException { IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); _indexSearcherSemaphore.acquire(); try { if (sort != null) { return, null, max, sort); } else { return, null, max); } } finally { _indexSearcherSemaphore.release(); } } private Query rewrite(Query query) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, InterruptedException { IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); _indexSearcherSemaphore.acquire(); try { return query.rewrite(searcher.getIndexReader()); } finally { _indexSearcherSemaphore.release(); } } public org.apache.lucene.document.Document getDocument(int i) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, InterruptedException { IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); _indexSearcherSemaphore.acquire(); try { return searcher.doc(i); } finally { _indexSearcherSemaphore.release(); } } public Explanation explain(Query query, int doc) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, InterruptedException { IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); _indexSearcherSemaphore.acquire(); try { return searcher.explain(query, doc); } finally { _indexSearcherSemaphore.release(); } } public void contentStatusChanged(WGContentEvent event) { } public Map<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>> getDeletionRequestsMap() { return _deletionRequestsMap; } public Map<String, Queue<IndexingRequest>> getAdditionRequestsMap() { return _additionRequestsMap; } public LuceneIndexFileRule retrieveFileRule(WGDatabase db, String filename) { LuceneConfiguration config = (LuceneConfiguration) _indexedDbs.get(db.getDbReference()); return config.getMatchingFileRule(filename); } public LuceneIndexItemRule retrieveItemRule(WGDatabase db, String itemName) { LuceneConfiguration config = (LuceneConfiguration) _indexedDbs.get(db.getDbReference()); if (config != null) { return config.getMatchingItemRule(itemName); } else { return null; } } public long getRemainingAdditionRequests() { int remaining = 0; for (Queue<IndexingRequest> req : _additionRequestsMap.values()) { remaining += req.size(); } return remaining; } public long getRemainingDeletionRequests() { int remaining = 0; for (Queue<IndexingRequest> req : _deletionRequestsMap.values()) { remaining += req.size(); } return remaining; } public long getRemainingDbUpdateRequests() { return _dbUpdateRequests.size(); } public Indexer getIndexer() { return _indexer; } public WGDatabaseRevision getDatabaseUpdateStatus(String dbKey) { return _indexConfig.getLastUpdated(dbKey); } public Directory getLuceneDirectory() { return _indexDirectory; } public class LuceneTerm { String _text; int _freq; public LuceneTerm(String t, int f) { _text = t; _freq = f; } public String text() { return _text; } public int freq() { return _freq; } public String toString() { return _text + ": " + _freq; } } public List<LuceneTerm> getTerms(String fieldname) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { IndexReader reader =; TermEnum terms = reader.terms(); List<LuceneTerm> uniqueTerms = new ArrayList<LuceneTerm>(); while ( { Term term = terms.term(); if (term.field().equals(fieldname)) { uniqueTerms.add(new LuceneTerm(term.text(), terms.docFreq())); } } reader.close(); return uniqueTerms; } public List<LuceneTerm> getTerms() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { return getTerms(INDEXFIELD_ALLCONTENT); } }