Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.webgate.api; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase.AccessLevel; /** * Represents the access control list of a database, that decides, which user has which rights. */ public class WGACL { /** * String containing all characters a role name may consist of */ public static final String VALID_ROLENAME_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$#[]_-"; private WGACLCore _core; private WGDatabase _db; protected WGACL(WGDatabase db, WGACLCore core) { super(); _core = core; _db = db; } /** * Returns all user/group entries of this ACL. * @throws WGAPIException */ public Map getUsers() throws WGAPIException { Map users = new HashMap(); Iterator entries = getAllEntries().iterator(); WGACLEntry entry; while (entries.hasNext()) { entry = (WGACLEntry); if (entry.getType() == WGACLEntry.TYPE_USER) { users.put(entry.getName(), normalize(entry)); } } return users; } /** * Returns all roles in this ACL. * @throws WGAPIException */ public Map getRoles() throws WGAPIException { Map users = new HashMap(); Iterator entries = getAllEntries().iterator(); WGACLEntry entry; while (entries.hasNext()) { entry = (WGACLEntry); if (entry.getType() == WGACLEntry.TYPE_ROLE) { users.put(entry.getName(), normalize(entry)); } } return users; } /** * Returns all ACL entries in this ACL. * @throws WGAPIException */ public List getAllEntries() throws WGAPIException { List entries = _core.getAllEntries(); Iterator entriesIt = entries.iterator(); while (entriesIt.hasNext()) { WGACLEntry entry = (WGACLEntry); normalize(entry); } return entries; } private WGACLEntry normalize(WGACLEntry entry) throws WGIllegalDataException { // Remove obsolete "designer" levels (#00001420) if (entry != null) { AccessLevel level = WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVELS.get(entry.getLevel()); if (level == null) { throw new WGIllegalDataException( "Illegal access level in ACL entry '" + entry.getName() + "': " + entry.getLevel()); } else if (level.getCode() != entry.getLevel()) { entry.setLevel(level.getCode()); } } return entry; } /** * Returns the entry for a given name * @param name Name of user or group * @return The ACL enty for this user or group, null if there is none of that name * @throws WGAPIException */ public WGACLEntry getEntry(String name) throws WGAPIException { return normalize(_core.getEntry(name)); } /** * Creates a new ACL entry, that defines the access right for a user, group or role. The new entry is immediately saved when it is returned. * @param name Name of the user, group or role. * @param type Type of entry. User constants WGACLEntry.TYPE_.... Not used yet since there are no roles till now. * @param accessLevel The Access level for the user. Use constants WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_.... * @return The newly created ACL entry * @throws WGCreationException If something went wrong in the background creation process. * @throws WGAuthorisationException If you are not authorized to create entries. * @throws WGAPIException */ public WGACLEntry createEntry(String name, int type, int accessLevel) throws WGAPIException, WGAuthorisationException, WGBackendException { // Test if this entry name exists WGACLEntry entry = getEntry(name); if (entry != null) { throw new WGDuplicateKeyException("An entry of name '" + name + "' already exists"); } if (_db.getSessionContext().getAccessLevel() != WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_MANAGER) { throw new WGAuthorisationException("You are no manager of this database", WGAuthorisationException.ERRORCODE_OP_NEEDS_MANAGER_LEVEL); } AccessLevel level = WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVELS.get(accessLevel); if (level == null) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Unknown access level: " + accessLevel); } if (!level.isUsageInACL()) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Illegal access level for ACL usage: " + accessLevel); } if (type == WGACLEntry.TYPE_ROLE && !isValidRoleName(name)) { throw new WGIllegalDataException("The name '" + name + "' is no valid role name. Valid character for role names are a-z,A-Z,0-9,$,#,[ and ]."); } return _core.createEntry(name, type, accessLevel); } /** * Creates a new role entry in the ACL * @param name Name of the role. See {@link #isValidRoleName} for valid role names * @return The newly created role entry * @throws WGAuthorisationException * @throws WGAPIException * @throws WGAPIException */ public WGACLEntry createRoleEntry(String name) throws WGAuthorisationException, WGBackendException, WGAPIException { return createEntry(name, WGACLEntry.TYPE_ROLE, 0); } /** * Creates a new ACL entry, that defines the access right for a user or group. * @param name Name of user or group * @param accessLevel The Access level for the user. Use constants WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_.... * @return The newly created ACL entry * @throws WGCreationException If something went wrong in the background creation process. * @throws WGAuthorisationException If you are not authorized to create entries. * @throws WGAPIException */ public WGACLEntry createUserEntry(String name, int accessLevel) throws WGAPIException { return createEntry(name, WGACLEntry.TYPE_USER, accessLevel); } /** * Removes the given ACL entry from the ACL. * @param entry The entry to remove * @throws WGAuthorisationException If you are not authorized to do this * @throws WGAPIException */ public void remove(WGACLEntry entry) throws WGAPIException { if (_db.getSessionContext().getAccessLevel() != WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_MANAGER) { throw new WGAuthorisationException("You are no manager of this database", WGAuthorisationException.ERRORCODE_OP_NEEDS_MANAGER_LEVEL); } // Test if a role is still assigned if (entry.getType() == WGACLEntry.TYPE_ROLE) { List owners = getOwnersOfRole(entry); if (owners.size() > 0) { throw new WGIllegalStateException( "The role is still owned by " + owners.size() + " users and therefor cannot be removed"); } } _core.remove(entry); } /** * Saves the given ACL entry. * @param entry The entry to save. * @throws WGAuthorisationException If you are not authorized to do this * @throws WGAPIException */ public void save(WGACLEntry entry) throws WGAPIException { if (_db.getSessionContext().getAccessLevel() != WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_MANAGER) { throw new WGAuthorisationException("You are no manager of this database", WGAuthorisationException.ERRORCODE_OP_NEEDS_MANAGER_LEVEL); }; } /** * Parses the given flags and returns a WGACLEntryFlags containing the parsed flag information * @param entry The entry whose flags are parsed * @throws WGIllegalDataException */ public WGACLEntryFlags parseFlags(WGACLEntry entry) throws WGIllegalDataException { // Retrieve level object AccessLevel level = WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVELS.get(entry.getLevel()); if (level == null) { throw new WGIllegalDataException("Invalid access level: " + entry.getLevel()); } else if (!level.isUsageInACL()) { throw new WGIllegalDataException("Access level " + entry.getLevel() + " may not be used in ACL"); } // Parse flags WGACLEntryFlags flags = new WGACLEntryFlags(level); flags.parse(entry.getFlags()); return flags; } /** * Determines if a name is a valid role name. * Valid role names contain only these characters: * a-z,A-Z,0-9,$,#,[,] * * @param name The role name candidate * @return true, if the role name is valid, false if not */ public static boolean isValidRoleName(String name) { return StringUtils.containsOnly(name, VALID_ROLENAME_CHARS); } /** * Gets all the acl entries that are members of a specific role. * @param roleEntry The entry of the role whose members are searched * @return WGACLEntry objects of members of the role * @throws WGAPIException */ public List getOwnersOfRole(WGACLEntry roleEntry) throws WGAPIException { List owners = new ArrayList(); Iterator entries = getAllEntries().iterator(); WGACLEntry entry; while (entries.hasNext()) { entry = (WGACLEntry); WGACLEntryFlags flags = parseFlags(entry); if (flags.getRoles().contains(roleEntry.getName())) { owners.add(entry); } } return owners; } }