Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import de.innovationgate.groq.Groq; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGClosedSessionException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGIllegalArgumentException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortlet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortletDefaultBean; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortletRegistry; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGSystemException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUserProfile; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.ImmutableObject; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.csconfig.v1.Version; public class PortletRegistryImplV4 extends WGPortletRegistry implements ImmutableObject { public static final DecimalFormat PORTLETINDEX_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("000"); public static final Pattern PATTERN_OLD_STYLE_PORTLETKEY = Pattern.compile("^p\\d+$"); public static String buildNamespacePrefix(String dbkey) { dbkey = dbkey.toLowerCase(); String prefix = StringUtils.left(dbkey, 1) + StringUtils.right(dbkey, 2); if (prefix.length() < 3) { prefix += StringUtils.repeat("x", 3 - prefix.length()); } // Escape non alphanumeric characters as x char[] chars = prefix.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(chars[i])) { chars[i] = 'x'; } } return new String(chars); } private WGDatabaseImpl _parent; private UserProfile _profile; private WGDocumentImpl _docImpl; public static final String PORTLETNAME_ITEM_PREFIX = "$pname_"; public PortletRegistryImplV4(WGDatabaseImpl parent, WGDocumentImpl docImpl) { _parent = parent; _docImpl = docImpl; _profile = (UserProfile) docImpl.getNativeObject(); } public synchronized void insertPortlet(WGPortlet portlet) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); if (portlet.isRoot()) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Cannot insert a root portlet"); } List portletKeys = getPortletIds(portlet.getApplicationDb()); if (portlet.getParentPortletKey() != null && !isRootPortletKey(portlet.getParentPortletKey()) && !portletKeys.contains(portlet.getParentPortletKey())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot register portlet for parent '" + portlet.getParentPortletKey() + "' because the parent portlet is not registered"); } synchronized (this) { // Generate portlet key String childPortletKey = generateNewPortletKey(portlet.getApplicationDb()); // Register portlet WGPortletDefaultBean portletBean = (WGPortletDefaultBean) portlet; insertPortletId(portletBean, childPortletKey); _profile.getPortletkeys().add(serializePortlet(portlet)); String parentPortletKey = portlet.getParentPortletKey(); if (parentPortletKey != null) { WGPortlet parentPortlet = getPortlet(portlet.getApplicationDb(), parentPortletKey); setItemValue(parentPortlet, PortletRegistryImplV4.PORTLETNAME_ITEM_PREFIX + portlet.getName(), childPortletKey); } } } private void startProfileEdit() throws WGAPIException { _docImpl.makeEditable(); if (_docImpl.getDocument() != null) { try { _docImpl.getDocument().markEdited(); } catch (WGClosedSessionException e) { } } } public WGPortlet getPortlet(String appDb, String key) throws WGAPIException { if (isRootPortletKey(key)) { return getOrCreateRootPortlet(appDb); } Iterator<String> regs = _profile.getPortletkeys().iterator(); while (regs.hasNext()) { String reg = (String); WGPortlet portlet = deserializePortlet(reg, appDb); // We do not need to check appDb here bc. in this portlet registry impl the appDb is implicitly contained in the portlet key if (portlet.getKey().equals(key)) { return portlet; } } return null; } private boolean isRootPortletKey(String key) { if (key.equals("")) { return true; } if (key.length() == 6) { try { String indexStr = key.substring(3); Number index = PORTLETINDEX_FORMAT.parse(indexStr); if (index.intValue() == 0) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } } return false; } public List<String> getPortletIds(String appDb) throws WGAPIException { Iterator<String> regs = _profile.getPortletkeys().iterator(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (regs.hasNext()) { String reg = (String); if (reg == null) { continue; } WGPortlet portlet = deserializePortlet(reg, appDb); if (doesPortletKeyMatchAppDb(appDb, portlet)) { keys.add(portlet.getKey()); } } return keys; } private boolean doesPortletKeyMatchAppDb(String appDb, WGPortlet portlet) { boolean matchesAppDb = false; String expectedKeyPrefix = buildNamespacePrefix(appDb); if (portlet.getKey().startsWith(expectedKeyPrefix)) { matchesAppDb = true; } // Check for old style portlet registrations - Here we cannot determine if the portletkey matches any application else if (PATTERN_OLD_STYLE_PORTLETKEY.matcher(portlet.getKey()).matches()) { matchesAppDb = true; } return matchesAppDb; } public void removePortlet(WGPortlet portlet) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); if (portlet.isRoot()) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove the root portlet"); } // First unregister child portlets Iterator<WGPortlet> children = getChildPortlets(portlet).iterator(); while (children.hasNext()) { WGPortlet child = (WGPortlet); removePortlet(child); } // Cleanup all items clearItems(portlet); // Remove registration Iterator<String> regs = _profile.getPortletkeys().iterator(); while (regs.hasNext()) { String reg = (String); WGPortlet p = deserializePortlet(reg, portlet.getApplicationDb()); // We do not need to check appDb here bc. in this portlet registry impl the appDb is implicitly contained in the portlet key if (p.getKey().equals(portlet.getKey())) { regs.remove(); } } // Remove portlet name item. Must traverse all parent portlet items for this. WGPortlet parentPortlet = getPortlet(portlet.getApplicationDb(), portlet.getParentPortletKey()); if (parentPortlet != null) { for (String itemName : getItemNames(parentPortlet)) { if (itemName.startsWith(PORTLETNAME_ITEM_PREFIX)) { String key = (String) getItemValue(parentPortlet, itemName); if (portlet.getKey().equals(key)) { removeItem(parentPortlet, itemName); } } } } } private synchronized String generateNewPortletKey(String appDb) throws WGAPIException { String charPart = buildNamespacePrefix(appDb); // Find the last portlet key with this prefix int portletIndex = 0; List portletKeys = getPortletIds(appDb); if (!portletKeys.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = portletKeys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String pkey = (String); if (pkey.startsWith(charPart)) { int tempValue = Integer.parseInt(pkey.substring(charPart.length())); if (portletIndex < tempValue) { portletIndex = tempValue; } } } } portletIndex++; return charPart + PORTLETINDEX_FORMAT.format(portletIndex); } private String serializePortlet(WGPortlet portlet) { List elements = new ArrayList(); elements.add(portlet.getKey()); elements.add(portlet.getParentPortletKey()); if (portlet.getDesignDb() != null) { elements.add(portlet.getDesignDb() + "/" + portlet.getDesign()); } else { elements.add(portlet.getDesign()); } elements.add(portlet.getName()); return WGUtils.serializeCollection(elements, "|", null, true); } private WGPortletDefaultBean deserializePortlet(String portletRegistration, String appDb) { // getting Indizes of delimiters List regElements = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(portletRegistration, "|"); if (regElements.size() < 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Portlet registration elements are " + regElements.size() + ", must be at least 4: " + portletRegistration); } // separate string into components String key = (String) regElements.get(0); String parentPortletId = (String) regElements.get(1); WGPortletDefaultBean portlet = createPortletDefaultBean(key, appDb, parentPortletId); String db = null; String design = (String) regElements.get(2); int slashPos = design.indexOf("/"); // Extract database if available if (slashPos != -1) { db = design.substring(0, slashPos); design = design.substring(slashPos + 1); } String title = (String) regElements.get(3); portlet.setDesignDb(db); portlet.setDesign(design); portlet.setName(title); return portlet; } @Override public void updatePortlet(WGPortlet portletToUpdate) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); if (portletToUpdate.isRoot()) { throw new WGIllegalArgumentException("Cannot update the root portlet"); } List regs = _profile.getPortletkeys(); for (int idx = 0; idx < regs.size(); idx++) { String reg = (String) regs.get(idx); WGPortlet portlet = deserializePortlet(reg, portletToUpdate.getApplicationDb()); // We do not need to check appDb here bc. in this portlet registry impl the appDb is implicitly contained in the portlet key if (portlet.getKey().equals(portletToUpdate.getKey())) { regs.set(idx, serializePortlet(portletToUpdate)); return; } } throw new WGIllegalArgumentException( "No portlet of id '" + portletToUpdate.getKey() + "' has yet been registered"); } @Override public List<WGPortlet> getChildPortlets(WGPortlet parent) throws WGAPIException { List<WGPortlet> children = new ArrayList<WGPortlet>(); List regs = _profile.getPortletkeys(); for (int idx = 0; idx < regs.size(); idx++) { String reg = (String) regs.get(idx); if (reg == null) { continue; } WGPortletDefaultBean portlet = deserializePortlet(reg, parent.getApplicationDb()); if (parent.getKey().equals(portlet.getParentPortletKey())) { children.add(portlet); } } return children; } @Override public WGPortlet getOrCreateRootPortlet(String appDb) throws WGAPIException { String rootNS = determineRootPortletNamespace(appDb); return createPortletDefaultBean(rootNS, appDb, null); } private String determineRootPortletNamespace(String dbKey) throws WGAPIException { UserProfileItem wgaCreationVersion = (UserProfileItem) _profile.getItems() .get(WGUserProfile.ITEM_WGACREATIONVERSION); if (wgaCreationVersion != null) { Version version = new Version(wgaCreationVersion.getText()); // From WGA Version 4.1 on the root portlet has a defined namespace, based on the dbkey of the main context, plus index number 000. if (version.isAtLeast(4, 1)) { String nsPrefix = buildNamespacePrefix(dbKey); return nsPrefix + "000"; } } // For earlier WGA versions the root portlet has an empty string namespace // (which is problematic when multiple portlet application dbs share the same perso db) return ""; } @Override public void prepareNewProfile(WGUserProfile profile) throws WGAPIException { } @Override public List<String> getItemNames(WGPortlet portlet) { String itemPrefix = getItemPrefix(portlet); List<String> list = Groq.selectFrom(_profile.getItems().keySet()).whereStartsWith(itemPrefix) .substring(itemPrefix.length()); return list; } @Override public Object getItemValue(WGPortlet portlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { return _docImpl.getItemValue(getItemPrefix(portlet) + name); } @Override public void removeItem(WGPortlet portlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); _docImpl.removeItem(getItemPrefix(portlet) + name); } @Override public void setItemValue(WGPortlet portlet, String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); _docImpl.setItemValue(getItemPrefix(portlet) + name, value); } private String getItemPrefix(WGPortlet portlet) { return portlet.getKey() + "_"; } @Override public boolean hasItem(WGPortlet portlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { return _docImpl.hasItem(getItemPrefix(portlet) + name); } @Override public WGPortlet createPortlet(String appDb, WGPortlet parent) { return createPortletDefaultBean(null, appDb, (parent != null ? parent.getKey() : null)); } @Override public WGPortlet getPortletByName(String appDb, WGPortlet parentPortlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { String key = (String) getItemValue(parentPortlet, PORTLETNAME_ITEM_PREFIX + name); if (key == null) { return null; } return getPortlet(appDb, key); } @Override public void preSaveProfile(WGUserProfile profile) throws WGAPIException { } @Override public boolean isTransient() throws WGAPIException { return false; } protected WGPortletDefaultBean createPortletDefaultBean(String id, String appDb, String parentId) { return new WGPortletDefaultBean(appDb, id, parentId); } protected void insertPortletId(WGPortletDefaultBean portlet, String id) { portlet.setKey(id); } @Override public String getApplicationId(WGDatabase appDb) { return appDb.getDbReference(); } }