Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Query; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.PortletItemStorageData; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGClosedSessionException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGPortletItemStorage; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGTransientPortlet; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUserProfile; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.ImmutableObject; /** * Item storage implementation using normal CS5 portlet registry tables */ public class PortletItemStorageImpl implements WGPortletItemStorage, ImmutableObject { private WGDatabaseImpl _parent; private WGDocumentImpl _docImpl; public PortletItemStorageImpl(WGDatabaseImpl parent, WGDocumentImpl wgDocumentImpl) { _parent = parent; _docImpl = wgDocumentImpl; } @Override public void prepareNewProfile(WGUserProfile profile) throws WGAPIException { } @Override public List<String> getItemNames(WGTransientPortlet wgPortlet) throws WGAPIException { UserProfilePortlet portlet = getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(wgPortlet); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(portlet.getItemNames()); Map<String, UserProfileItem> removedItems = _docImpl._removedPortletItems.get((UserProfilePortlet) portlet); if (removedItems != null) { names.removeAll(removedItems.keySet()); } return names; } @Override public boolean hasItem(WGTransientPortlet wgPortlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { String lcName = name.toLowerCase().trim(); UserProfilePortlet portlet = getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(wgPortlet); Map<String, UserProfileItem> removedItems = _docImpl._removedPortletItems.get(portlet); if (removedItems != null && removedItems.keySet().contains(lcName)) { return false; } return portlet.getItems().containsKey(lcName) || portlet.getItems().containsKey(name); } @Override public Object getItemValue(WGTransientPortlet wgPortlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { String lcName = name.toLowerCase().trim(); UserProfilePortlet portlet = getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(wgPortlet); Map<String, UserProfileItem> removedItems = _docImpl._removedPortletItems.get(portlet); if (removedItems != null && removedItems.keySet().contains(lcName)) { return null; } return ((UserProfilePortlet) portlet).getItemValue(name); } @Override public void setItemValue(WGTransientPortlet wgPortlet, String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); name = name.toLowerCase().trim(); UserProfilePortlet portlet = getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(wgPortlet); writeItem(portlet, name, value); } public void writeItem(UserProfilePortlet portlet, String name, Object value) throws WGAPIException { UserProfileItem item = ((UserProfilePortlet) portlet).getItems().get(name); if (item == null) { item = new UserProfileItem(); item.setParentprofile(getProfile()); item.setPortlet(portlet); item.setName(name); portlet.getItems().put(name, item); } WGDocumentImpl.writeItemValue(_parent, _docImpl, item, value); Map<String, UserProfileItem> removedItems = _docImpl._removedPortletItems.get(portlet); if (removedItems != null) { removedItems.remove(name); } } @Override public void removeItem(WGTransientPortlet wgPortlet, String name) throws WGAPIException { startProfileEdit(); UserProfilePortlet portlet = getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(wgPortlet); Hibernate.initialize(portlet.getItems()); Map<String, UserProfileItem> items = portlet.getItems(); String lcName = name.toLowerCase().trim(); UserProfileItem itemToRemove = null; String itemKey = null; if (items.containsKey(lcName)) { itemToRemove = portlet.getItems().get(lcName); itemKey = lcName; } else if (items.containsKey(name)) { itemToRemove = portlet.getItems().get(name); itemKey = name; } if (itemToRemove != null && itemKey != null) { Map<String, UserProfileItem> removedItems = _docImpl._removedPortletItems.get(portlet); if (removedItems == null) { removedItems = new HashMap<String, UserProfileItem>(); _docImpl._removedPortletItems.put(portlet, removedItems); } removedItems.put(itemKey, itemToRemove); } } protected UserProfile getProfile() { return (UserProfile) _docImpl.getNativeObject(); } @Override public void preSaveProfile(WGUserProfile profile) throws WGAPIException { if (_docImpl.getDocument().isEdited()) { Iterator<UserProfilePortlet> it = getProfile().getPortlets().values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { UserProfilePortlet p =; if (p.getItems().size() == 0) { it.remove(); } } } } private void startProfileEdit() throws WGAPIException { _docImpl.makeEditable(); if (_docImpl.getDocument() != null) { try { _docImpl.getDocument().markEdited(); } catch (WGClosedSessionException e) { } } } public UserProfilePortlet getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(WGTransientPortlet portlet) { return getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(portlet.getKey(), portlet.getApplicationDb(), portlet.getName()); } public UserProfilePortlet getOrCreatePersistentPortlet(String portletKey, String appDb, String name) { Map<String, UserProfilePortlet> portlets = getProfile().getPortlets(); UserProfilePortlet persistentPortlet = portlets.get(portletKey); if (persistentPortlet == null) { persistentPortlet = createPersistentPortlet(portletKey, appDb, name); portlets.put(portletKey, persistentPortlet); } return persistentPortlet; } private UserProfilePortlet createPersistentPortlet(String portletKey, String appDb, String name) { UserProfilePortlet portlet = new UserProfilePortlet(); portlet.setParentprofile(getProfile()); portlet.setKey(portletKey); portlet.setAppdb(appDb); portlet.setName(name); portlet.setItems(new HashMap<String, UserProfileItem>()); portlet.setExtensionData(new HashMap<String, ExtensionData>()); return portlet; } @Override public void pushData(WGPortletItemStorage targetStorage) throws WGAPIException { Query query = _parent.getSession().createQuery("select portlet from UserProfilePortlet as portlet"); Iterator<UserProfilePortlet> it = query.iterate(); while (it.hasNext()) { UserProfilePortlet p =; targetStorage.receiveData(p); } } @Override public void receiveData(PortletItemStorageData p) throws WGAPIException { UserProfilePortlet newP = createPersistentPortlet(p.getKey(), p.getApplicationDb(), p.getName()); for (String name : p.getItemNames()) { writeItem(newP, name, p.getItemValue(name)); } } }