Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.innovationgate.webgate.api.hsql; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect; import org.hibernate.jdbc.Work; import de.innovationgate.groq.Groq; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGACLEntry; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGNotSupportedException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase.ConnectAction; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFactory; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGInvalidDatabaseException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUserAccess; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.custom.JDBCConnectionException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.custom.JDBCConnectionProvider; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.mysql.MySqlDatabaseServer; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.utils.ContentStoreDumpManager; public class WGDatabaseImpl extends de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.WGDatabaseImpl { public class ImportPre5ConnectAction implements ConnectAction { private WGDatabase _importSource; public ImportPre5ConnectAction(WGDatabase importSource) { _importSource = importSource; } public void run(WGDatabase db) throws WGInvalidDatabaseException { WGFactory.getLogger() .info("Importing original WGA Content Store into new WGA Content Store of Version 5"); try { // All the content data and schema ContentStoreDumpManager importer = new ContentStoreDumpManager(_importSource, db); importer.importDump(); // The ACL WGFactory.getLogger().info("Importing original ACL"); Iterator aclEntries = _importSource.getACL().getAllEntries().iterator(); while (aclEntries.hasNext()) { WGACLEntry entry = (WGACLEntry); WGFactory.getLogger().info("Cloning aclentry '" + entry.getName() + "'"); try { WGACLEntry clone = db.getACL().createEntry(entry.getName(), entry.getType(), entry.getLevel()); clone.setFlags(entry.getFlags()); db.getACL().save(clone); } catch (WGAPIException e) { WGFactory.getLogger().info("Exception cloning aclentry", e); } } } catch (WGAPIException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Exception while importing HSQL content store to CS5 format", e); } finally { try { _importSource.close(); } catch (WGAPIException e) { WGFactory.getLogger().error( "Exception closing pre 5 backup for of database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'", e); } } } } public static final String DRIVER = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"; public static final String SYSPROPERTY_HSQL_ROOT = "de.innovationgate.wga.hsql.root"; public static final String SYSPROPERTY_HSQL_LOGSIZE = "de.innovationgate.wga.hsql.logsize"; public static final String COPTION_MOCKDATABASE = "MockDatabase"; public static final String COPTION_JDBCPORT = "JDBCPort"; public static final String COPTION_DAILY_CHECKPOINT = "DailyCheckpoint"; private HsqlJDBCServer _hsqlServer = null; private boolean _dailyCheckpoint; public WGUserAccess open(WGDatabase db, String path, String user, String pwd, boolean prepareOnly) throws WGAPIException { // Register drivers with driver manager Driver driver = null; try { driver = (Driver) Class.forName(DRIVER).newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Necessary JDBC driver not found: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Cannot instantiate neccessary JDBC driver", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Cannot instantiate neccessary JDBC driver", e); } Map creationOptions = db.getCreationOptions(); // General config options _dailyCheckpoint = WGUtils.getBooleanMapValue(creationOptions, COPTION_DAILY_CHECKPOINT, true); // Hibernate configuration WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.dialect", HSQLDialect.class.getName()); WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.connection.driver_class", DRIVER); String disableBatch = System.getProperty("de.innovationgate.wga.hsql.disable_batch"); if ("true".equals(disableBatch)) { WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.jdbc.batch_size", "0"); } WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.connection.hsqldb.default_table_type", "cached"); WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.connection.shutdown", "true"); WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.dbcp.maxConnLifetimeMillis", "-1"); // If there is no external access on the database we optimize the logfile regarding autocommit statements (#00002446) boolean disableAutocommitLogging = false; if (!db.getCreationOptions().containsKey(COPTION_JDBCPORT)) { disableAutocommitLogging = true; } WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.connection.hsqldb.disable_autocommit_logging", String.valueOf(disableAutocommitLogging)); String hsqlLogSize = System.getProperty(SYSPROPERTY_HSQL_LOGSIZE); if (hsqlLogSize == null) { hsqlLogSize = String.valueOf(1); } WGDatabase.putDefaultOption(creationOptions, "hibernate.connection.hsqldb.log_size", hsqlLogSize); if (user == null) { user = "sa"; } if (pwd == null) { pwd = ""; } // Build hsql path String hsqlPath = buildHsqlPath(db, path); String jdbcPath = "jdbc:hsqldb:" + hsqlPath; // Create a first connection to the database to do some tests JDBCConnectionProvider conProvider = null; boolean isInitialized = false; boolean migrateToCS5 = false; double csVersion = 0; try { conProvider = createConnectionProvider(db, DRIVER, jdbcPath, user, pwd); List<String> tables = conProvider.getDatabaseTables(); // Look if the database is empty and we must initialize it String contentTable = (String) Groq.selectFrom(tables).whereEqualsIgnoreCase("content").singleValue(); if (contentTable != null) { isInitialized = true; if (db.getCreationOptions().containsKey(WGDatabase.COPTION_CONTENT_STORE_VERSION)) { // Look if the desired target format is CS5 (or higher) double targetCsVersion = Double .valueOf((String) db.getCreationOptions().get(WGDatabase.COPTION_CONTENT_STORE_VERSION)) .doubleValue(); if (targetCsVersion >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { // Look if the actual format it is lower than CS5. If so we automatically migrate it to that format csVersion = determineCSVersion(conProvider); if (csVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { migrateToCS5 = true; isInitialized = false; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Unable to connect to database", e); } finally { if (conProvider != null) { try { conProvider.close(); } catch (JDBCConnectionException e) { } } } WGDatabase importSource = null; if (migrateToCS5) { try { importSource = prepareCSDump(db, getHsqlBaseFile(path), user, pwd, csVersion); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Exception while migrating HSQL content store to CS5 format", e); } } if (isInitialized == false) { WGFactory.getLogger() .info("Initializing empty database " + db.getDbReference() + " as a WGA Content Store"); initializeContentStore(jdbcPath, user, pwd, null, false); } WGUserAccess userAccess =, jdbcPath, user, pwd, prepareOnly); // In case of success if (userAccess.getAccessLevel() > WGDatabase.ACCESSLEVEL_NOACCESS) { // When the database gets connected we try to import the backed up pre5 database if (migrateToCS5) { db.onConnect(new ImportPre5ConnectAction(importSource)); } // start a HSQL server if a port is provided if (db.getCreationOptions().containsKey(COPTION_JDBCPORT)) { try { int port = Integer.parseInt((String) db.getCreationOptions().get(COPTION_JDBCPORT)); _hsqlServer = new HsqlJDBCServer(hsqlPath, port); WGFactory.getLogger().info("JDBC Server for HSQL database '" + db.getDbReference() + "' started on port " + _hsqlServer.getPort()); } catch (Exception e) { WGFactory.getLogger().error( "Exception creating JDBC server for HSQL database '" + db.getDbReference() + "'", e); } } } return userAccess; } private WGDatabase prepareCSDump(WGDatabase db, final File baseFile, String user, String pwd, double csVersion) throws IOException, WGAPIException, URISyntaxException { WGFactory.getLogger().info("Automatic migration of HSQL Content Store '" + db.getDbReference() + "' to WGA Content Store Version 5 format"); File dbDir = baseFile.getParentFile(); // Use a directoy "pre5backup" under the normal location and copy the original DB there File backupDir = new File(dbDir, "pre5backup"); if (!backupDir.exists()) { backupDir.mkdir(); } WGFactory.getLogger() .info("Backing up original WGA Content Store to location: " + backupDir.getAbsolutePath()); File[] dbFiles = dbDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith(baseFile.getName() + "."); } }); // First pass - copy all files for (File file : dbFiles) { WGUtils.copyFile(file, new File(backupDir, file.getName())); } // Second pass - delete orignal files so an empty database gets created in CS5 format for (File file : dbFiles) { file.delete(); } // Open a WGDatabase to it and keep it as source database for an import. Set CS version to prevent triggering auto-migration Map cOptions = new java.util.HashMap(); cOptions.put(WGDatabase.COPTION_CONTENT_STORE_VERSION, String.valueOf(csVersion)); return WGFactory.getInstance().openDatabase(null, db.getType(), (new File(backupDir, baseFile.getName())).getAbsolutePath(), user, pwd, cOptions); } protected static String buildHsqlPath(WGDatabase db, String path) throws WGInvalidDatabaseException { String hsqlPath; if (db != null && WGUtils.nullSafeEquals(db.getCreationOptions().get(COPTION_MOCKDATABASE), "true")) { hsqlPath = "mem:mock_" + path; } // Normal database else { // Build complete db path File dbfile = getHsqlBaseFile(path); if (dbfile.getParentFile() == null || !dbfile.getParentFile().exists()) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException( "The database path '" + dbfile.getParent() + "' does not exist"); } hsqlPath = "file:" + dbfile.getPath(); } return hsqlPath; } protected static File getHsqlBaseFile(String path) { File dbfile = new File(path); if (!dbfile.isAbsolute()) { String rootPath = System.getProperty(SYSPROPERTY_HSQL_ROOT); if (rootPath != null) { dbfile = new File(rootPath, path); } } return dbfile; } /* (Kein Javadoc) * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseCore#getTypeName() */ public String getTypeName() { return "jdbc/wgacontentstore/hsql"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.WGDatabaseImpl#close() */ public void close() throws WGAPIException { Session session = null; boolean sessionOpened = false; try { session = getSessionStatus().getSession(); if (session == null) { session = _sessionBuilder.openSession(); sessionOpened = true; } session.doWork(new Work() { public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try { connection.createStatement().execute("SHUTDOWN COMPACT"); } catch (SQLException e) { WGFactory.getLogger().error("Error shutting down HSQL database", e); } } }); } catch (HibernateException e) { WGFactory.getLogger().error("Error shutting down HSQL database", e); } finally { if (session != null && sessionOpened) { try { session.close(); } catch (HibernateException e) { WGFactory.getLogger().error("Error closing HSQL shutdown session", e); } } } if (_hsqlServer != null) { _hsqlServer.shutdown(); _hsqlServer = null; } super.close(); } public static void initializeContentStore(String path, String user, String pwd, String script, boolean warnWhenExisting) throws WGInvalidDatabaseException { // Retrieve driver Driver driver; try { driver = (Driver) Class.forName(DRIVER).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Cannot create database bc. of exception when retrieving driver", e); } // Build props Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("hsqldb.default_table_type", "cached"); props.put("shutdown", "true"); props.setProperty("user", user); boolean disableBatch = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("de.innovationgate.wga.hsql.disable_batch")); if (pwd != null) { props.setProperty("password", pwd); } // Connect to create Connection con = null; try { try { con = driver.connect(path, props); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Cannot create database bc. of exception on creation", e); } // If script is null retrieve default script try { if (script == null) { Reader read = new InputStreamReader(WGDatabaseImpl.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("de/innovationgate/webgate/api/hsql/wgacs5_hsqldb.ddl")); script = WGUtils.readString(read); read.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException( "Cannot create database bc. of exception when reading initialisation script", e); } // Execute script con.setAutoCommit(false); Iterator statements = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(script, ";", false, new Character('\'')).iterator(); Statement st = con.createStatement(); while (statements.hasNext()) { String code = ((String); if (!code.equals("")) { if (!disableBatch) { st.addBatch(code); } else { st.execute(code); } } } if (!disableBatch) { st.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException( "Cannot create database bc. of exception when executing initialisation script", e); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WGInvalidDatabaseException("Exception when closing connection", e); } } } @Override public boolean hasFeature(String feature) { if (WGDatabase.FEATURE_MILLISECOND_PRECISION.equals(feature)) { return true; } if (WGDatabase.FEATURE_TRANSACTIONS.equals(feature)) { return false; } return super.hasFeature(feature); } public boolean isBackendServiceSupported(String serviceName) { if (WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_USERPROFILES.equals(serviceName) || WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_CONTENT.equals(serviceName) || WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_CONTENT_AND_SCHEMA.equals(serviceName) || WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_DATABASE.equals(serviceName)) { return (_ddlVersion >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5); } else { return super.isBackendServiceSupported(serviceName); } } public Object callBackendService(String serviceName, final Object[] params) throws WGAPIException { if (WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_USERPROFILES.equals(serviceName)) { if (_ddlVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { throw new WGNotSupportedException( "Backend service only supported since content store version 5: " + serviceName); } getSession().clear(); getSession().doWork(new Work() { public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); truncateUserProfiles(stmt); stmt.executeBatch(); } }); commitHibernateTransaction(); return null; } else if (WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_CONTENT.equals(serviceName)) { if (_ddlVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { throw new WGNotSupportedException( "Backend service only supported since content store version 5: " + serviceName); } getSession().clear(); getSession().doWork(new Work() { public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); truncateContent(stmt); stmt.executeBatch(); } }); commitHibernateTransaction(); return null; } else if (WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_CONTENT_AND_SCHEMA.equals(serviceName)) { if (_ddlVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { throw new WGNotSupportedException( "Backend service only supported since content store version 5: " + serviceName); } getSession().clear(); getSession().doWork(new Work() { public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); truncateContent(stmt); truncateSchema(stmt); stmt.executeBatch(); } }); commitHibernateTransaction(); return null; } else if (WGDatabase.BACKENDSERVICE_CLEAR_DATABASE.equals(serviceName)) { if (_ddlVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { throw new WGNotSupportedException( "Backend service only supported since content store version 5: " + serviceName); } getSession().clear(); getSession().doWork(new Work() { public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> truncateParams = (params.length > 0 ? (Map<String, Object>) params[0] : Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); truncateUserProfiles(stmt); truncateContent(stmt); truncateDesign(stmt); truncateSchema(stmt); truncateSystemTables(stmt, (Boolean) WGUtils.getValueOrDefault(truncateParams.get("truncateAcl"), true)); //stmt.executeBatch(); } }); commitHibernateTransaction(); return null; } else { return super.callBackendService(serviceName, params); } } private void truncateUserProfiles(Statement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from userprofile_items)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from userprofile_items "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from userprofile_portlets)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from userprofile_portlets "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from userprofile_langs "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from userprofile)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from userprofile "); } private void truncateContent(Statement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_wfhistory "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content_relations)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_relations "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_readers "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_keywords "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content_items)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_items "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_ishiddenfrom "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_files_data "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content_files_meta)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_files_meta "); if (_csVersion.getPatchLevel() >= 4) { stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_filecontents_data"); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content_filecontents)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_filecontents"); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content_filederivates)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_filederivates"); } stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content_coauthors "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from content)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from content "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from structentry_readers "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from structentry_published "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from structentry_childeditors "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from structentry_pageeditors "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from structentry)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from structentry "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from webarea_readers "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from webarea_editors "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from webarea)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from webarea "); } private void truncateDesign(Statement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.executeUpdate("delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from tml)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from tml "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from filecontainer_files_data "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from filecontainer_files_meta)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from filecontainer_files_meta "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from filecontainer)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from filecontainer "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from scripts)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from scripts "); } private void truncateSchema(Statement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.executeUpdate("delete from lang_editors "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from lang)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from lang "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from contenttype_editors "); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from contenttype_positions "); stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata as extdata where extdata.entity_id in (select id from contenttype)"); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from contenttype "); } private void truncateSystemTables(Statement stmt, boolean truncateAcl) throws SQLException { List<String> protectedExtDataTerms = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String extDataName : WGDatabase.PROTECTED_DATABASE_EXTDATA) { protectedExtDataTerms.add("not name='" + extDataName + "'"); } stmt.executeUpdate( "delete from extensiondata where " + WGUtils.serializeCollection(protectedExtDataTerms, " and ")); stmt.executeUpdate("delete from historylog "); if (truncateAcl) { stmt.executeUpdate("delete from acl "); } stmt.executeUpdate("delete from cs_sequences "); } @Override protected long dailyMaintenance(Logger log) throws WGAPIException { long freedMemory = super.dailyMaintenance(log); if (_dailyCheckpoint) {"Maintenance on content store of app/plugin '" + getDb().getDbReference() + "': Clearing log and defragging data files"); getSession().doWork(new Work() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("CHECKPOINT DEFRAG;"); } }); } return freedMemory; } }