Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * Ingrid iPlug SNS * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by media style GmbH */ package de.ingrid.iplug.sns; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.external.FullClassifyService; import; import; import; import; import de.ingrid.utils.tool.SNSUtil; import de.ingrid.utils.tool.SpringUtil; /** * An interface to the SN Service. It is mainly used to get some data for indexing. */ public class SNSIndexingInterface { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SNSIndexingInterface.class); private List<Temporal> fTemporal = new ArrayList<Temporal>(); private List<Wgs84Box> fWgs84Box = new ArrayList<Wgs84Box>(); private List<String> fLocationNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private String fLanguage; private List<String> fTopicIds = new ArrayList<String>(); private String fGemeindeKennzifferPrefix = "ags:"; private final Class<FullClassifyService> _fullClassifyService = null; private FullClassifyService fFullClassifyService; private List<Term> fTerms = new ArrayList<Term>(); private List<Location> fLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); private List<Event> fEvents = new ArrayList<Event>(); /** * Interface for indexing service connection handling. * NOTICE: Now handled via abstract FullClassifyService API, so login parameters ARE IGNORED !!!! * (e.g. instead read from But you can set a default language ! * @param login IGNORED !!!! Username for the SN service. * @param password IGNORED !!!!Password for the SN service. * @param language The DEFAULT language the result should be e.g. "de" (used if no language is passed). * @throws Exception If we cannot connect to the sns server. */ public SNSIndexingInterface(final String login, final String password, final String language) throws Exception { this.fLanguage = language; SpringUtil springUtil = new SpringUtil("spring/external-services.xml"); this.fFullClassifyService = springUtil.getBean("fullClassifyService", _fullClassifyService); } /** * IGNORED ! Timeout of IndexingInterface now handled in abstract API ! (e.g. read from * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds. IGNORED !!!! */ public void setTimeout(final int timeout) { // this.fSNSClient.setTimeout(timeout); } /** * @param prefix */ public void setGemeindeKennzifferPrefix(String prefix) { this.fGemeindeKennzifferPrefix = prefix; } /** * All buzzwords to the given document. You must call this method first to get results from * <code>getReferencesToTime</code> and <code>getReferencesToSpace</code>. * * @param text * The document to analyze. * @param maxToAnalyzeWords * The first <code>maxToAnalyzeWords</code> words of the document that should be * analyzed. * @param ignoreCase * Set to true ignore case of the document. * @return A string array filled with all buzzwords. * @throws Exception * If we cannot connect to the sns server. */ public String[] getBuzzwords(final String text, final int maxToAnalyzeWords, boolean ignoreCase) throws Exception { return getBuzzwords(text, maxToAnalyzeWords, ignoreCase, this.fLanguage); } /** * All buzzwords to the given document. You must call this method first to get results from * <code>getReferencesToTime</code> and <code>getReferencesToSpace</code>. * * @param text The document to analyze. * @param maxToAnalyzeWords The first <code>maxToAnalyzeWords</code> words of the document that should be analyzed. * @param ignoreCase Set to true ignore case of the document. * @param language The language the text is encoded. * @return A string array filled with all buzzwords. * @throws Exception If we cannot connect to the sns server. */ public String[] getBuzzwords(final String text, final int maxToAnalyzeWords, boolean ignoreCase, String language) throws Exception { if (language == null) { language = this.fLanguage; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" !!!!!!!!!! calling API fullClassifyService.autoClassifyText filter=" + null + " " + language); } FullClassifyResult classifyResult = fFullClassifyService.autoClassifyText(text, maxToAnalyzeWords, ignoreCase, null, new Locale(language)); initializeFromFullClassifyResult(classifyResult); String[] result = getBasenames(); return result; } /** * All buzzwords to the given URL. You must call this method first to get results from * <code>getReferencesToTime</code> and <code>getReferencesToSpace</code>. * * @param urlStr The url to analyze. * @param maxToAnalyzeWords The first <code>maxToAnalyzeWords</code> words of the document that should be analyzed. * @param ignoreCase Set to true ignore case of the document. * @param language The language the text is encoded. * @return A string array filled with all buzzwords. * @throws Exception If we cannot connect to the sns server. */ public String[] getBuzzwordsToUrl(final String urlStr, final int maxToAnalyzeWords, boolean ignoreCase, String language) throws Exception { URL url = createURL(urlStr); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" !!!!!!!!!! calling API fullClassifyService.autoClassifyURL " + url + ", filter=" + null + ", " + language); } FullClassifyResult classifyResult; try { classifyResult = fFullClassifyService.autoClassifyURL(url, maxToAnalyzeWords, false, null, new Locale(language)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Problems autoClassifyURL " + urlStr, ex); throw ex; } initializeFromFullClassifyResult(classifyResult); String[] result = getBasenames(); return result; } /** Set up initial structures from classification result. * @param classifyResult */ private void initializeFromFullClassifyResult(FullClassifyResult classifyResult) { // we already filter stuff to be sure we get valid results ! We never know (SNS or GS Soil Services or ...) this.fTerms = new ArrayList<Term>(); for (Term term : classifyResult.getTerms()) { if (term == null || term.getName() == null || term.getName().trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } this.fTerms.add(term); } // GSSoil Gazetteer delivers null locations and names !? So we filter empty elements ! this.fLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); for (Location location : classifyResult.getLocations()) { if (location == null || location.getName() == null || location.getName().trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } this.fLocations.add(location); } this.fEvents = classifyResult.getEvents(); if (this.fEvents == null) { this.fEvents = new ArrayList<Event>(); } // we set these ones to NULL ! So we know not processed yet (set to empty list when processed !) this.fTopicIds = null; this.fTemporal = null; this.fWgs84Box = null; this.fLocationNames = null; } /** Return the BUZZWORDS ! NOTICE: terms, locations AND events ! */ private String[] getBasenames() { // we use set (ordered), so duplicates are removed !!! Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (Term term : fTerms) { result.add(term.getName()); } for (Location location : fLocations) { result.add(location.getName()); } for (Event event : fEvents) { // may not be set if NOT using SNS and event is just a time reference ! if (event.getTitle() == null || event.getTitle().trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } result.add(event.getTitle()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( " FULL RESULTS OF CLASSIFICATION (limited number may be written into index fields, see max* in"); String output = " buzzwords (Terms, Locations, Events in that order -> \"buzzword\" index field): "; for (String buzzword : result) { output = output + buzzword + ", "; } log.debug(output); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } private void getReferences() throws Exception, ParseException { // initialize Lists here ! So we can differ whether getReferences() already called ! fTopicIds = new ArrayList<String>(); fTemporal = new ArrayList<Temporal>(); fWgs84Box = new ArrayList<Wgs84Box>(); fLocationNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // NOTICE: the fTopicIds go into the "areaid" index field in the SE ! // so we first process locations and then the terms, see below. for (Location location : fLocations) { this.fTopicIds.add(location.getId()); this.fLocationNames.add(location.getName()); boolean wgs84BoxSet = false; final Wgs84Box wgs84Box = new Wgs84Box(location.getName(), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); float[] bbox = location.getBoundingBox(); if (bbox != null) { // we want keep exactly same precision ! wgs84Box.setX1(Double.parseDouble(Float.toString(bbox[0]))); wgs84Box.setY1(Double.parseDouble(Float.toString(bbox[1]))); wgs84Box.setX2(Double.parseDouble(Float.toString(bbox[2]))); wgs84Box.setY2(Double.parseDouble(Float.toString(bbox[3]))); wgs84BoxSet = true; } if (location.getNativeKey() != null) { String gemeindekennziffer = SNSUtil.transformSpacialReference(this.fGemeindeKennzifferPrefix, location.getNativeKey()); if (gemeindekennziffer.startsWith("lawa:")) { gemeindekennziffer = SNSUtil.transformSpacialReference("lawa:", location.getNativeKey()); } wgs84Box.setGemeindekennziffer(gemeindekennziffer); wgs84BoxSet = true; } if (wgs84BoxSet) { this.fWgs84Box.add(wgs84Box); } } // NOTICE: the fTopicIds go into the "areaid" index field in the SE ! // So why add the ids of the terms ? We move this one behind the locations // to guarantee locations first in index field (number of entries in index // field may be limited) for (Term term : fTerms) { this.fTopicIds.add(term.getId()); } for (Event event : fEvents) { // may be not set if NOT using SNS and event is just a time reference ! if (event.getId() != null && event.getId().length() > 0) { this.fTopicIds.add(event.getId()); } final Temporal temporal = new Temporal(); temporal.setAt(event.getTimeAt()); temporal.setFrom(event.getTimeRangeFrom()); temporal.setTo(event.getTimeRangeTo()); if (!temporal.isEmpty()) { this.fTemporal.add(temporal); } } } /** * All topic ids to the result. * * @return * @throws Exception * @throws ParseException */ public String[] getTopicIds() throws Exception, ParseException { if (this.fTopicIds == null) { getReferences(); } // we use set to remove duplicates Set<String> ret = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String topicId : fTopicIds) { ret.add(topicId); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String output = " topicIds (Locations, Terms, Events in that order -> \"areaid\" index field): "; for (String topicId : ret) { output = output + topicId + ", "; } log.debug(output); } return (String[]) ret.toArray(new String[ret.size()]); } /** * All time references to a document that is analyzed by <code>getBuzzwords</code>. * * @return Array of strings. It is empty if nothing is found. * @throws Exception * If we cannot connect to the sns server. * @throws ParseException * If the date cannot be parsed. */ public Temporal[] getReferencesToTime() throws Exception, ParseException { if (this.fTemporal == null) { getReferences(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String output = " time (-> \"t0\", \"t1\", \"t2\" index fields, date format 'yyyyMMdd'): "; for (Temporal temporal : this.fTemporal) { output = output + "at:" + temporal.getAt(); output = output + " from:" + temporal.getFrom(); output = output + " to:" + temporal.getTo() + ", "; } log.debug(output); } return (Temporal[]) this.fTemporal.toArray(new Temporal[this.fTemporal.size()]); } /** * All coordinate references to a document that is analyzed by <code>getBuzzwords</code>. * * @return Array of strings. It is empty if nothing is found. * @throws Exception * If we cannot connect to the sns server. */ public Wgs84Box[] getReferencesToSpace() throws Exception { if (this.fWgs84Box == null) { getReferences(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String output = " space (-> \"x1\", \"y1\", \"x2\", \"y2\", \"areaid\"(=Gemeindekennziffer) index fields, coordinates will be padded): "; for (Wgs84Box bbox : this.fWgs84Box) { output = output + "name:'" + bbox.getTopicName() + "'"; output = output + " x1:" + bbox.getX1(); output = output + " y1:" + bbox.getY1(); output = output + " x2:" + bbox.getX2(); output = output + " y2:" + bbox.getY2(); output = output + " communityCode:" + bbox.getGemeindekennziffer() + ", "; } log.debug(output); } return (Wgs84Box[]) this.fWgs84Box.toArray(new Wgs84Box[this.fWgs84Box.size()]); } /** * The method searches all topics of type <b>location</b> and provides the baseNames. The topics * came from the document that was analyzed by a previous * {@linkplain #getBuzzwords(String, int, boolean)} call. * * @return A set of locations. It is empty, if no location topics are available. */ public Set<String> getLocations() throws Exception { if (this.fLocationNames == null) { getReferences(); } // we use set to remove duplicates Set<String> ret = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String locationName : fLocationNames) { ret.add(locationName); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String output = " locations (-> \"location\" index field): "; for (String location : ret) { output = output + location + ", "; } log.debug(output); } return ret; } /** Create URL from url String. Returns null if problems !!! */ private URL createURL(String urlStr) throws MalformedURLException { URL url = null; try { url = new URL(urlStr); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.warn("Error building URL " + urlStr, ex); throw ex; } return url; } }