Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * Ingrid iPlug SNS * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by media style GmbH */ package de.ingrid.iplug.sns.gssoil; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.external.FullClassifyService; import de.ingrid.external.FullClassifyService.FilterType; import; import; import; import de.ingrid.iplug.sns.SNSIndexingInterface; import de.ingrid.iplug.sns.Temporal; import de.ingrid.iplug.sns.Wgs84Box; import de.ingrid.utils.tool.SpringUtil; /** * */ public class GsSoilIndexingInterfaceTestLocal extends TestCase { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GsSoilIndexingInterfaceTestLocal.class); private SNSIndexingInterface fSnsInterface; private boolean fToStdout; private String text = "Wasser Boden Fluss Baden-Wrttemberg berlin frankfurt Bavaria Rhineland-Palatinate Arzberg Thuringia Barmstedt Bremen Bernkastel-Kues Bitterfeld-Wolfen Delbrck Eisenhttenstadt Flha Frth"; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.fSnsInterface = new SNSIndexingInterface("ms", "m3d1asyl3", "de"); this.fSnsInterface.setTimeout(180000); this.fToStdout = true; } /** * @param iinterface * @throws Exception */ public void setSNSIndexingInterface(SNSIndexingInterface iinterface) throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface = iinterface; } public void testFullClassifyDirectly() throws Exception { SpringUtil springUtil = new SpringUtil("spring/external-services.xml"); final Class<FullClassifyService> _fullClassifyService = null; FullClassifyService fullClassify = springUtil.getBean("fullClassifyService", _fullClassifyService); // autoClassifyText // -------------------- FullClassifyResult res = fullClassify.autoClassifyText("lisbon soil", 10, true, FilterType.ONLY_TERMS, new Locale("en")); assertTrue(res.getTerms() != null); assertTrue(res.getTerms().size() > 0); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyText("lisbon soil", 10, true, FilterType.ONLY_LOCATIONS, new Locale("en")); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyText("lisbon soil", 10, true, null, new Locale("en")); assertTrue(res.getTerms() != null); assertTrue(res.getTerms().size() > 0); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0); // autoClassifyURL // -------------------- // String url = ""; String url = "";"START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ONLY_TERMS ignoreCase=true 'en' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, true, FilterType.ONLY_TERMS, new Locale("en"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getTerms() != null); assertTrue(res.getTerms().size() > 0);"res.getTerms().size() " + res.getTerms().size());"res.getTerms() " + getTermListOutput(res.getTerms())); System.out.println(); // ignore case"START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ONLY_LOCATIONS ignoreCase=true 'pt' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, true, FilterType.ONLY_LOCATIONS, new Locale("pt"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0);"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); // IGNORE CASE, results with "de""START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ONLY_LOCATIONS ignoreCase=true 'de' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, true, FilterType.ONLY_LOCATIONS, new Locale("de"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0);"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); // DO NOT IGNORE CASE, results with "de""START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ONLY_LOCATIONS ignoreCase=FALSE 'de' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, false, FilterType.ONLY_LOCATIONS, new Locale("de"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0);"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); // DO NOT IGNORE CASE, NO results with "en" (only uppercase "Berlin" on page !"START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ONLY_LOCATIONS ignoreCase=FALSE 'en' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, false, FilterType.ONLY_LOCATIONS, new Locale("en"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); // assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() == 0);"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); // get all in "en", IGNORE CASE"START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ALL ignoreCase=true 'en' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, true, null, new Locale("en"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getTerms() != null); assertTrue(res.getTerms().size() > 0); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0);"res.getTerms().size() " + res.getTerms().size());"res.getTerms() " + getTermListOutput(res.getTerms()));"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); // get all in "de""START -> autoClassifyURL 1000 ALL ignoreCase=true 'de' " + url); res = fullClassify.autoClassifyURL(new URL(url), 1000, true, null, new Locale("de"));"END -> autoClassifyURL " + url); assertTrue(res.getTerms() != null); assertTrue(res.getTerms().size() > 0); assertTrue(res.getLocations() != null); assertTrue(res.getLocations().size() > 0);"res.getTerms().size() " + res.getTerms().size());"res.getTerms() " + getTermListOutput(res.getTerms()));"res.getLocations().size() " + res.getLocations().size());"res.getLocations() " + getLocationListOutput(res.getLocations())); System.out.println(); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetReferencesToSpace() throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("Berlin", 1000, false); final Wgs84Box[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToSpace(); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { System.out.println(result[i].getTopicName()); System.out.println("x1:" + result[i].getX1()); System.out.println("y1:" + result[i].getY1()); System.out.println("x2:" + result[i].getX2()); System.out.println("y2:" + result[i].getY2()); System.out.println("Gemeindekennziffer: " + result[i].getGemeindekennziffer()); System.out.println(); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetReferencesToSpaceBundesland() throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("Bayern", 1000, false); final Wgs84Box[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToSpace(); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { System.out.println(result[i].getTopicName()); System.out.println(result[i].getX1()); System.out.println(result[i].getX2()); System.out.println(result[i].getY1()); System.out.println(result[i].getY2()); System.out.println("Gemeindekennziffer: " + result[i].getGemeindekennziffer()); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetLocations() throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("Berlin Deutschland", 1000, false); Set<String> locations = fSnsInterface.getLocations(); for (String location : locations) { System.out.println("location (de): " + location); } assertTrue(locations.size() > 0); this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("Lisbon Porto", 1000, false, "en"); locations = fSnsInterface.getLocations(); for (String location : locations) { System.out.println("location (en): " + location); } assertTrue(locations.size() > 0); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetReferencesToTime() throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("Tschernobyl Ohio", 1000, false); final Temporal[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToTime(); // NO REFERENCES TO EVENTS IN GS SOIL !!! assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.length); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetBuzzword() throws Exception { String[] result = null; final String words = "Waldsterben Wesertal Explosion. " + "In diesem Jahr knnen sich kleine und mittlere Unternehmen bis zum 15. " + "August 2006 bewerben. Eine aus Vertretern von Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und mittelstndischen " + "Anwenderunternehmen besetzte Jury wird bis zu drei Bewerber aus den Kategorien E-Business, Breitband und " + "Mobilitt auswhlen und mit Preisen in Hhe von je 25.000 Euro auszeichnen. Die Preisverleihung findet im " + "Rahmen des 2. Deutschen ITK-Mittelstandstages im November 2006 statt Fr die Verwendung der " + "Ein-Ausgabe-Klassen muss das Package importiert werden Wir haben bereits gelernt, wie die Ein- und " + "Ausgabe in Graphischen User-Interfaces programmiert wird. Nun wollen wir uns auch damit beschftigen, wie wir " + "Daten von Dateien einlesen und in Dateien speichern knnen. Wir haben bereits gelernt, wie die Ein- und " + "Ausgabe in Graphischen User-Interfaces programmiert wird."; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords(words, 1000, false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.fToStdout) { final String output = "Time for getting all buzzwords: " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " s"; System.out.println(output); } assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetBuzzwordToUrl() throws Exception { // VALID URL GERMAN String[] result = null; String url = ""; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl(url, 1000, false, "de"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.fToStdout) { final String output = "Time for getting all buzzwords: " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " s"; System.out.println(output); } assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); // VALID URL ENGLISH url = ""; try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl(url, 1000, false, "en"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); // NONEXISTENT URL, but correct URL syntax ! url = ""; result = null; try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl(url, 1000, false, "de"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // assertNull(result); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length == 0); // INVALID URL SYNTAX ! url = "htp://"; result = null; try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl(url, 1000, false, "de"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } assertNull(result); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetBuzzwordEnglish() throws Exception { String[] result = null; final String words = "In this year we are all happy. Tschernobyl Lisbon Soil"; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords(words, 1000, false, "en"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.fToStdout) { final String output = "Time for getting all english buzzwords: " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " s"; System.out.println(output); } assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { System.out.println(result[i]); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetBuzzwordNotExistent() throws Exception { final String[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("blabla", 1000, false); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.length); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetReferencesNotExistent() throws Exception { this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwords("blabla", 1000, false); final Temporal[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToTime(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.length); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetTopicIds() throws Exception { // this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl("", 1000, false, "de"); // JUST USE 10 ! 1000 takes "hours" ! this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl("", 10, false, "de"); final String[] result = this.fSnsInterface.getTopicIds(); assertNotNull(result); // sometimes fails ? assertTrue(result.length > 0); } public void testUrlAllResults() throws Exception { // VALID URL GERMAN String[] resultStrings = null; String url = ""; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { resultStrings = this.fSnsInterface.getBuzzwordsToUrl(url, 1000, false, "de"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Analyzed: " + url); if (this.fToStdout) { System.out.println("Needed Time: " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " s"); } System.out.println(); // Buzzwords assertNotNull(resultStrings); System.out.println(resultStrings.length + " Results BUZZWORDS (includes Terms, Locations, Events in that order ! Duplicates filtered !) -> indexed in SE as \"buzzword\" field:"); assertTrue(resultStrings.length > 0); for (String buzzword : resultStrings) { System.out.println("buzzword: " + buzzword); } System.out.println(); // Locations Set<String> locations = fSnsInterface.getLocations(); System.out.println(locations.size() + " Results LOCATIONS (! Duplicates filtered !) -> indexed in SE as \"location\" field:"); assertTrue(locations.size() > 0); for (String location : locations) { System.out.println("location: " + location); } System.out.println(); // BBoxes final Wgs84Box[] resultBBoxes = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToSpace(); assertNotNull(resultBBoxes); System.out.println(resultBBoxes.length + " Results Wgs84Box(es) -> indexed in SE as \"x1\",\"y1\",\"x2\",\"y2\",\"areaid\"(=Gemeindekennziffer) fields:"); assertTrue(resultBBoxes.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < resultBBoxes.length; i++) { System.out.println(resultBBoxes[i].getTopicName()); System.out.println(" x1:" + resultBBoxes[i].getX1()); System.out.println(" y1:" + resultBBoxes[i].getY1()); System.out.println(" x2:" + resultBBoxes[i].getX2()); System.out.println(" y2:" + resultBBoxes[i].getY2()); System.out.println(" Gemeindekennziffer: " + resultBBoxes[i].getGemeindekennziffer()); } System.out.println(); // Time final Temporal[] resultTime = this.fSnsInterface.getReferencesToTime(); // NO REFERENCES TO EVENTS IN GS SOIL !!! assertNotNull(resultTime); System.out .println(resultTime.length + " Results Temporal: -> indexed in SE as \"t0\",\"t1\",\"t2\" fields:"); assertEquals(0, resultTime.length); System.out.println(); // TopicIds resultStrings = this.fSnsInterface.getTopicIds(); assertNotNull(resultStrings); System.out.println(resultStrings.length + " Results TopicIds (includes Locations, Terms, Events in that order ! Duplicates filtered !) -> indexed in SE as \"areaid\" field:"); assertTrue(resultStrings.length > 0); assertTrue(resultStrings.length > 0); for (String topicId : resultStrings) { System.out.println("topicId: " + topicId); } System.out.println(); } private String getTermListOutput(List<Term> terms) { String result = ""; for (Term term : terms) { result += getTermOutput(term); result += ", "; } return result; } private String getTermOutput(Term term) { return term.getName(); } private String getLocationListOutput(List<Location> locations) { String result = ""; for (Location location : locations) { result += getLocationOutput(location); result += ", "; } return result; } private String getLocationOutput(Location location) { return location.getName(); } }